Difference between revisions of "ArchiveBot/Educational institutions/list"

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(Add links from GRID (https://www.grid.ac/) data marked with type "Education". I've made a few efforts to clean and deduplicate, but there are probably still issues. (Some sites had to be dropped because of the spam filter on this wiki.))
(21 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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== Bangladesh ==
BUET | label = Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
https://www.du.ac.bd/ | label = Dhaka University
https://www.bracu.ac.bd/ | label = Brac University
== Canada ==
http://about.yorku.ca/ | label = York University
http://accute.ca/contact-information/ | label = Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
== China ==
http://www.aau.edu.et/ | label = Taishan Medical University
https://www.aau.edu.jo/ | label = Liaoning Technical University
https://aau.edu.sd/ | label = Qing Normal University
https://www.aau.edu.sd/ | label = Liaoning University of International Business and Economics
== Pakistan ==
http://www.pu.edu.pk/ |Label = Punjab University
https://su.edu.pk/ | label = University of Sargodha (UOS)
https://pac.edu.pk/ | label = Professional Academy of Commerce (PAC)
=== University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ===
* http://across.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://action.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://adis.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://admission.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://admission.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://aero.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://alum.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://alumni1.ucas.edu.cn
* http://astro.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://bio-comp.ucas.ac.cn/llpsdb
* http://bkbm.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ca.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://calendar.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://card.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ccip.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://cec.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://cecastest.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ceit.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://chdjygy.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://cp.ucas.ac.cn/file/toDownLoadFile.do?attachId=33975
* http://crc.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://cre-en.ucas.edu.cn
* http://csintro.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ctmdb.ucas.ac.cn
* http://dao.ucas.ac.cn
* http://daxue.ucas.ac.cn
* http://degree.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://degreeold.ucas.ac.cn
* http://diaochatest.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://edu.ucas.ac.cn
* http://edutest.ucas.ac.cn
* http://english.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://english.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://epay.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://faculty.ucas.ac.cn
* http://fee.ucas.ac.cn
* http://foreign.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ftp.ucas.ac.cn
* http://gdlab.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://gdlab-lib.ucas.ac.cn
* http://gis.ucas.ac.cn
* http://glory.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://glory.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://gsns.ucas.ac.cn
* http://gsns.ucas.edu.cn
* http://hetong.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://hpcc.ucas.ac.cn
* http://hqfw.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://huanggroup.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://huanggroup-ch.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://iaea.ucas.ac.cn
* http://ic-course.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ic-en.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://ic-exam.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://igeon.ucas.ac.cn
* http://inc.ucas.ac.cn
* http://inc.ucas.edu.cn
* http://ir.ucas.ac.cn
* http://isbs.ucas.ac.cn
* http://jczc.ucas.ac.cn
* http://jdn.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://jes.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://jiangzhuts.ucas.ac.cn
* http://job.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://job.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://journal.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://jwjz.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://kms.ucas.ac.cn
* http://kxdl.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://kzkt.ucas.ac.cn
* http://lib.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://libp.ucas.ac.cn
* http://licenses.ucas.ac.cn
* http://lpmb.ucas.ac.cn
* http://m.ucas.ac.cn/welcome
* http://mail.ucas.ac.cn
* http://mirrors.ucas.ac.cn
* http://news.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://news.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://news1.ucas.edu.cn
* http://onestop.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://onestop.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://oss.ucas.ac.cn
* http://pargma.ucas.ac.cn
* http://pay.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://payment.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://pearl.ucas.ac.cn
* http://people.ucas.ac.cn
* http://people.ucas.edu.cn
* http://pm.ucas.ac.cn
* http://pview.ucas.ac.cn
* http://py.ucas.ac.cn
* http://pytest.ucas.ac.cn
* http://pytest2.ucas.ac.cn
* http://rdpx.ucas.ac.cn
* http://rdpx.ucas.edu.cn
* http://rserver.ucas.ac.cn
* http://scholarship.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://scholarship.ucas.edu.cn
* http://science100.ucas.ac.cn
* http://science100.ucas.edu.cn
* http://search.ucas.ac.cn
* http://searchweb.ucas.ac.cn
* http://seat.ucas.ac.cn
* http://sep.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://sep.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://service.ucas.ac.cn/dsh
* http://service.ucas.edu.cn/dsh
* http://sms.ucas.ac.cn
* http://tcb.ucas.ac.cn
* http://teacher.ucas.ac.cn
* http://teacherssl.ucas.ac.cn
* http://tuition.ucas.ac.cn
* http://ucp.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://v.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://vac.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://view.ucas.ac.cn
* http://vision.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://visual.ucas.ac.cn
* http://vplus.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wb.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wcm.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wdzy.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://webvpn.ucas.edu.cn
* http://webvpnnew.ucas.edu.cn
* http://wsi.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wsus.ucas.ac.cn
* http://www2.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wx.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wx.ucas.edu.cn
* http://wximg.ucas.ac.cn
* http://wximg.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://wximg.ucas.edu.cn
* http://xueji.ucas.ac.cn
* http://xueji-new.ucas.ac.cn
* http://xytl.ucas.ac.cn
* http://zbb.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://zbb.ucas.edu.cn
* http://zc.ucas.edu.cn/
* http://zhaopin.ucas.ac.cn
* http://zhaosheng.ucas.ac.cn
* http://zhaosheng.ucas.ac.cn/sign_up/BSBM/index.aspx
* http://zhaosheng.ucas.ac.cn/sign_up/TMS/views/index.aspx
* http://zhaosheng.ucas.ac.cn/zhaosheng/login/SSZS_Query.aspx
* http://zhuisi.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://zihuan.ucas.ac.cn
* http://zkyy.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://zxsq.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://40.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://ai.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://aipt.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://aipt.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://alumni.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://alumni.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://app.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://arch.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://bdk.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://bio.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://bkjy.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://bkjy.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://bkzs.whu.edu.cn/
* https://bkzs.whu.edu.cn/tzgl/xslqcx/xslqcx.zf
* https://bkzs.whu.edu.cn/web/xsLogin/login.zf
* https://chem.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://cmo.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://cmo.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://course.ucas.ac.cn/portal
* https://cre.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://cre.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://duzhi.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://earth.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://eece.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://eng.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://forum.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://ic.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://icc.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://jwb.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://jwxk.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://jwxk.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://kits.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://marxism.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://math.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://math.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://med.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://med.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://mem.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://mpa.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://mscas-en.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://news-en.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://phdchorus.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://physics.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://physics.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://renwen.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://renwen.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://scc.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://scce.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sdc.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sem.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sem.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://sft.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sie.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sme.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://sme.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://sppm.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://ssr.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://tc.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://tcmp2.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://tzb.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://welcome.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://welcome.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://www.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://www.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://yjsgl.ucas.ac.cn/
* https://yjsgl.ucas.edu.cn/
* https://youth.ucas.ac.cn/
* http://www.ucasef.cn/
=== University of Science and Technology of China ===
* https://www.ustc.edu.cn/
=== Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences ===
* http://www.wuhanass.org.cn/
=== Wuhan University ===
* http://19da.whu.edu.cn/
* http://2fuxiao.whu.edu.cn/
* http://39history.whu.edu.cn/
* http://3s.whu.edu.cn/
* http://9thasceewri.whu.edu.cn/
* http://acm.whu.edu.cn
* http://adminrecruit.whu.edu.cn
* http://admission.whu.edu.cn/
* http://adwu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://aff.whu.edu.cn/
* http://aiwenlei.whu.edu.cn
* http://analchem.whu.edu.cn/
* http://animal-evolution.whu.edu.cn/
* http://apps.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://aqks.whu.edu.cn/
* http://archive.whu.edu.cn/index
* http://arcst.whu.edu.cn
* http://art.whu.edu.cn/
* http://artcenter.whu.edu.cn/
* http://artportal.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ase.whu.edu.cn
* http://atc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bak.art.whu.edu.cn
* http://bbs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bdi.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bio.whu.edu.cn/
* http://biod.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bkjw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bkjwapp.whu.edu.cn
* http://bkzs.whu.edu.cn
* http://blackboard.whu.edu.cn
* http://blockchain.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bm.openday.whu.edu.cn
* http://bmp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://bootnet.whu.edu.cn
* http://bsh.whu.edu.cn
* http://bwb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cacenter.whu.edu.cn
* http://captain.whu.edu.cn
* http://cas.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cbkx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cbkx.whu.edu.cn/CN/column/column105.shtml
* http://cbkx.whu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/current.shtml
* http://cbkx.whu.edu.cn/jwk3/cbkx
* http://cbkx.whu.edu.cn/jwk3/cbkx/CN/abstract/abstract3467.shtml
* http://cce.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ccecontrol.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cctcc.whu.edu.cn
* http://ced.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cedr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cees.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cem.whu.edu.cn
* http://ceping.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ces.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cet.whu.edu.cn
* http://cgcc.whu.edu.cn/dlgq
* http://cgpes.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cgzb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ch.whu.edu.cn/
* http://chdr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://chemlab.whu.edu.cn
* http://chengwang.whu.edu.cn/
* http://chinese.whu.edu.cn/
* http://chlzhang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cictsmr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cidsp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cimfas.whu.edu.cn
* http://civ.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cjxs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cjxu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://clguo.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cn.leifu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://coil.whu.edu.cn/
* http://computer.whu.edu.cn
* http://contract.whu.edu.cn
* http://contract.whu.edu.cn/ht/userLoginInit.system
* http://contract.whu.edu.cn/hyzp/index
* http://control.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cores.whu.edu.cn
* http://counter.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://courseware-repo1.whu.edu.cn/
* http://courseware-repo2.whu.edu.cn/
* http://courseware-repo3.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cpree.whu.edu.cn/
* http://crimlaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cscy.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cse.whu.edu.cn/
* http://csgrid.whu.edu.cn
* http://csir.whu.edu.cn/
* http://csss.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cstar.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ctcis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cvrs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://cyb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://datasci.whu.edu.cn
* http://dentistry.whu.edu.cn/
* http://dh.whu.edu.cn/
* http://dik.whu.edu.cn/
* http://dik.whu.edu.cn/CN/column/column105.shtml
* http://dik.whu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml
* http://dik.whu.edu.cn/jwk3/tsqbzs
* http://dms.whu.edu.cn/
* http://dns.sgg.whu.edu.cn
* http://dns.whu.edu.cn
* http://dns2.whu.edu.cn
* http://dns58.whu.edu.cn
* http://dnslc.whu.edu.cn
* http://dqgcxy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://dx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://economiclaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://edf.whu.edu.cn/
* http://edp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://eea.whu.edu.cn/
* http://eelab.whu.edu.cn
* http://ehall.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ehwei.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://eis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://emba.whu.edu.cn/
* http://emlab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ems.whu.edu.cn/
* http://emsbks.whu.edu.cn/
* http://en.leifu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://en.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://en.pharmacy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://en.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://en.sph.whu.edu.cn/
* http://enlaigao.whu.edu.cn/
* http://etlab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://exam.whu.edu.cn/
* http://faculty.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fguo.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fhwang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://finance.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fls.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fses.whu.edu.cn
* http://fses-admin.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fsxx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fuxiao.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fuzhong.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fxl.pxgl.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fxu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fxy.whu.edu.cn
* http://fxybk.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fzghb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fzhu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://fzw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gbpx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gccl.jpkc.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gdyjy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gec.whu.edu.cn/
* http://geopw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gh.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ghta.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gjjlb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://globalhealth.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gnsscenter.whu.edu.cn/
* http://golaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gps.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gpscenter.whu.edu.cn/
* http://graphvision.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gsinfo.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gsunion.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://guoxue.whu.edu.cn/
* http://gzw.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://haolaoshi.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hbyg.whu.edu.cn
* http://hbzhang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hdeng.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hding.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://heritage.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hgzlyj.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hilaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hlhuang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hospital.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hpc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hqbzb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hqbzbold.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hqfwdt.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hts.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://hyxt.whu.edu.cn/
* http://i.mooc.mooc.whu.edu.cn
* http://i.mooc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://i.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ias.whu.edu.cn/
* http://icis.whu.edu.cn
* http://idcc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://idp.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://ie.whu.edu.cn
* http://iip.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ila.whu.edu.cn
* http://ilr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://innogst.whu.edu.cn/
* http://iopscience-iop-org-s.vpn.whu.edu.cn
* http://ipane.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ipl.whu.edu.cn
* http://iplr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ir.whu.edu.cn
* http://iras.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://iras-lib-whu-edu-cn-8080-p.vpn.whu.edu.cn
* http://irc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://irep.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ise.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://iss.whu.edu.cn/
* http://iurchina.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jcli.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jer.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jgdw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jgfw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jgzou.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jhzhao.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jingpin.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jirm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jirm.whu.edu.cn/CN/column/column106.shtml
* http://jirm.whu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/current_abs.shtml
* http://jirm.whu.edu.cn/jwk3/xxzyglxb
* http://jjjc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jjxu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jluo.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/CN/column/column79.shtml
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/home.shtml
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/EN/abstract/abstract8863.shtml
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/EN/column/column79.shtml
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/EN/volumn/home.shtml
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/EN/Y2019/V30/I3
* http://jmr.whu.edu.cn/EN/Y2019/V30/I3/193
* http://journal.whu.edu.cn
* http://jpkbio.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jpkc.whu.edu.cn
* http://jpkt.whu.edu.cn
* http://jsgzb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jshning.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jshuang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jszy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://jzhsang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn
* http://kczx.whu.edu.cn
* http://kfy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://kjyang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://klv.whu.edu.cn/
* http://komatsuweb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lab.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://law.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lawlab.whu.edu.cn
* http://leifu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://libguides.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lifelab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ligroup.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ling.whu.edu.cn
* http://lislab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://liugroup.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lmars.whu.edu.cn
* http://logeg.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://logg.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lpsi.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lxyz.whu.edu.cn/
* http://lyan.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://magen.whu.edu.cn
* http://mail.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mail.sud.whu.edu.cn
* http://mail.whu.edu.cn
* http://main.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://map.whu.edu.cn/
* http://marx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://maths.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mba.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mbia.whu.edu.cn/
* http://media.whu.edu.cn/
* http://medphysics.whu.edu.cn/
* http://metalib.lib.whu.edu.cn/V
* http://miniapp1.whu.edu.cn/
* http://miniapptest.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mla.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mooc1.mooc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mooc1-api.mooc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mpacc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mpm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mri.whu.edu.cn/
* http://msg.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://msk.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mua.whu.edu.cn
* http://multimedia.whu.edu.cn/
* http://museum.whu.edu.cn/
* http://mvp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://my.whu.edu.cn
* http://mydorm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nanochem.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nccc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://neurology.whu.edu.cn
* http://newspace.rsgis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://newspaper.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nic.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nids.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ning.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nisplab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://np.whu.edu.cn/
* http://nxluo.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://office.whu.edu.cn/
* http://oir.whu.edu.cn/
* http://oldkfy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://opac.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://openday.whu.edu.cn
* http://openir.whu.edu.cn/
* http://oskg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://oursim.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pactest.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://parliament.whu.edu.cn/
* http://passport2.mooc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pay.whu.edu.cn/
* http://persoweb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pharmacy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://philosophy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://physics.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pmc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pmcnew.whu.edu.cn/
* http://polar.whu.edu.cn/
* http://polar.whu.edu.cn/forum
* http://pole.whu.edu.cn/
* http://positron.whu.edu.cn
* http://postdoc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pps.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pride.whu.edu.cn
* http://proxy.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://proxy2.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://proxy2.lib.whu.edu.cn:8080/guji
* http://psun.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pt.whu.edu.cn
* http://pub.whu.edu.cn/
* http://pzhang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://qhzhou.whu.edu.cn/
* http://quanyuan.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rcc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rccse.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rccse.whu.edu.cn/web
* http://rdns.whu.edu.cn
* http://ric.whu.edu.cn/
* http://riel.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rocklab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rose.whu.edu.cn
* http://rsb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rsbservice.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rsbservice.whu.edu.cn/gcc
* http://rsgis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://rwb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://s87.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://scbms.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sdcc.whu.edu.cn
* http://se.hep.whu.edu.cn
* http://search.whu.edu.cn/
* http://seat2.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://see.whu.edu.cn/
* http://service.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sf280r.whu.edu.cn
* http://sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shealth.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shjding.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shxhuang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shxx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://shydw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sie.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sigma.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sim.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sim100.whu.edu.cn/
* http://simlab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://simlib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://simyjs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sjc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://skgjx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sklhr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sklse.whu.edu.cn/
* http://skybk.whu.edu.cn/
* http://society.whu.edu.cn
* http://software.whu.edu.cn
* http://sph.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sports.whu.edu.cn/
* http://srd.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sres.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sscd.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ssroff.whu.edu.cn/
* http://staff.whu.edu.cn
* http://stms.whu.edu.cn/
* http://structure.whu.edu.cn/
* http://student.whu.edu.cn/
* http://su.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sub.whu.edu.cn
* http://sud.whu.edu.cn/
* http://svpn.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://svpn2.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://swe.whu.edu.cn
* http://swrh.whu.edu.cn/
* http://swri.whu.edu.cn/
* http://swzy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sxzz.whu.edu.cn/
* http://sys2.lib.whu.edu.cn
* http://system.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://szk.whu.edu.cn/
* http://szlx.whu.edu.cn
* http://szri.whu.edu.cn/
* http://technology.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tele.whu.edu.cn/
* http://temp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tmcc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tmp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://topj.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://totemdb.whu.edu.cn
* http://train.whu.edu.cn
* http://translaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tsk.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tsp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tv.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tyb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://tyjin.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ugs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ugsen.whu.edu.cn/
* http://uis.whu.edu.cn
* http://uorflight.whu.edu.cn/
* http://urbancolab.whu.edu.cn
* http://users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://user-serv.whu.edu.cn
* http://usscad.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ut7.whu.edu.cn/
* http://vdns.whu.edu.cn
* http://verlaw.whu.edu.cn/
* http://vhost.whu.edu.cn/
* http://virus.whu.edu.cn/
* http://vision.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://vpn.whu.edu.cn
* http://vslab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://w3.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wangfuan.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wanglab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://waterjet.whu.edu.cn/
* http://waterlab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wbm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/bdxyjs/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/english
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/fyyxjbsys/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/medlab/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/myxx/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/rtjscxjys/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/shx/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/slxx
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/swyxgcx/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/swyy/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/wswxjys/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/ylxx/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/yxycxx/
* http://wbmsite.whu.edu.cn/zzptx/
* http://wbshen.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wdyey.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wedding.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wenboliu.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wenhua.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://whp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://whuca.whu.edu.cn
* http://whuetc.whu.edu.cn
* http://whuuna.whu.edu.cn
* http://wkliu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wlan.whu.edu.cn
* http://wlbx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wlgkk.whu.edu.cn
* http://wljy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wlsyzx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wpjiang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wqkong.whu.edu.cn/
* http://writing.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ws.whu.edu.cn
* http://wsm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wsm.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wsm70.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wto.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wuda.whu.edu.cn
* http://wuedc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wuesc.whu.edu.cn
* http://wuhee.whu.edu.cn
* http://wuhee2.whu.edu.cn
* http://wuj.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wujns.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wuns.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.analchem.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.bio.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.captain.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.chem.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.cibos.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.csss.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.dik.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.dsp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.fses.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.fsxx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.fuzhong.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.fxkxxb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.history.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.history112.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.huanglab.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.iis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.iqds.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.iss.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.journal.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.jpkc.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.lmars.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.ltx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.marx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.mooc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.mtcp.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.pharm.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.polyphys.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.pspa.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.psy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.pt.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.rcc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.riel.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.rna.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.sim.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.sklhr.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.sklse.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.tzb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.ut7.whu.edu.cn
* http://www.wdwx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.wujhss.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.xsjy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www.zhuang.whu.edu.cn/
* http://www1.mooc.whu.edu.cn/portal
* http://www1.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://wxiao.whu.edu.cn
* http://xcb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xczou.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xdef.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xdmao.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xfang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xfchen.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xg.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xgb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xhhua.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xhxu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xhzhang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xiajianbai.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xiangzhou.ceomoo.cn/
* http://xiaoqingliu.whu.edu.cn
* http://xiaoshen.whu.edu.cn
* http://xlcpyzx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xlzx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xmcheng.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xsg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xshhuo.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xsyd.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xueshu.whu.edu.cn
* http://xxli.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xxzx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xyc.whu.edu.cn/
* http://xzzhang.whu.edu.cn
* http://ybli.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ybli.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ybli.whu.edu.cn
* http://ybyao.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yey3.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ygb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ygxy.rsgis.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yhsun.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yjs.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ykt.whu.edu.cn
* http://yliu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ymlan.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ymqin.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yongcheng.whu.edu.cn
* http://ywu.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yx.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yxzy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://yzs.whu.edu.cn
* http://zb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zb1.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zhhli.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zhmwang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn
* http://zhqwang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ziqiang.whu.edu.cn
* http://zp.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zpsong.whu.edu.cn
* http://zqzhan.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://ztwang.users.sgg.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zy.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zzb.whu.edu.cn/
* http://zzgl.whu.edu.cn/
* https://alumni.whu.edu.cn/
* https://aoff.whu.edu.cn/
* https://aoff.whu.edu.cn/zszc.htm
* https://app1.whu.edu.cn/
* https://app2.whu.edu.cn/
* https://asset.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://ba.whu.edu.cn/
* https://csp.whu.edu.cn/
* https://email.whu.edu.cn/
* https://emailgw.whu.edu.cn/
* https://en.whu.edu.cn/
* https://ersp.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://gs.whu.edu.cn/
* https://info.whu.edu.cn/
* https://news.whu.edu.cn/
* https://ps.whu.edu.cn/
* https://rbpa.whu.edu.cn/
* https://run.whu.edu.cn/
* https://seaf.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://seat.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://sf.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://study.rsgis.whu.edu.cn/
* https://szyx.whu.edu.cn/
* https://topten.whu.edu.cn/
* https://uc.whu.edu.cn/
* https://webmail.lib.whu.edu.cn/
* https://webvpn.whu.edu.cn/
* https://whu.edu.cn/
* https://whu.edu.cn/
* https://www.gs.whu.edu.cn/
* https://www.powersim.whu.edu.cn/
* https://www.whu.edu.cn/
* https://zc.whu.edu.cn/
* https://zcfl.whu.edu.cn/
* https://cdioinstitute.org/
== Denmark ==
http://aarch.dk/ | label = Aarhus School of Architecture
== India == | label = Rajasthan University of Health Sciences
http://aaft.com/ | label = Asian Academy of Film and Television
== Kazakhstan ==
http://ablaikhan.kz/ | label = Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
== Mexico == | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla
== Nigeria ==
http://abu.edu.ng/ | label = Ahmadu Bello University
== Poland ==
http://a.umed.pl/eng/ | label = Medical University of Lodz
== Portugal ==
http://academiamilitar.pt/ | label = Portuguese Military Academy
== Puerto Rico ==
http://ac.suagm.edu/en | label = Ana G. Mendez University System
== Russia == | label = Ural Institute of Commerce and Law
http://academprava.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of State Management and Law
== Taiwan ==
http://web.asia.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = Asian University
https://www.au.edu.tw/ | label = Aletheia University
https://www.ccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Cheng University
http://ewww.ccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Cheng University
https://www.cgu.edu.tw/ | label = Chang Gung University
http://english.cgust.edu.tw/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=6 | label = Chang Gung University of Science and Technology
https://www.chu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Hua University
http://english.chu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chung Hua University
http://www.cjcu.edu.tw/english/ | label = Chang Jung Christian University
https://www.cku.edu.tw/ | label = Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health
http://www.cmc.edu.tw/ | label = China Medical College
http://english.cmu.edu.tw/ | label = China Medical University
http://www.cnu.edu.tw/ | label = Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science
http://www.cpu.edu.tw/ | label = Central Police University
http://epage-en.cpu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Central Police University
http://www.csmc.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Shan Medical College
http://english.csmu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chung Shan Medical University
http://www.csu.edu.tw/csueng/ | label = Cheng Shiu University
http://www.ctcn.edu.tw/ctcnEnglish/ctcnindexEN.htm | label = Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare and Management
http://enwww.ctu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chienkuo Technology University
http://wwwold.ctust.edu.tw/english2006/ | label = Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology
http://www.cust.edu.tw/www/en/ | label = China University of Science and Technology
http://www.cute.edu.tw/en/ | label = China University of Technology
http://www.cycu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Yuan Christian University
http://eng.cycu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Yuan Christian University
https://www.cyut.edu.tw/ | label = Chaoyang University of Technology
https://web.cyut.edu.tw/ | label = Chaoyang University of Technology
http://www.dila.edu.tw/en | label = Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
http://www.dlit.edu.tw/en/history.asp | label = De Lin Institute of Technology
https://www.dyu.edu.tw/ | label = Dayeh University
https://www.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University
http://www.en.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University
https://www.fcu.edu.tw/ | label = Feng Chia University
https://www.fju.edu.tw/ | label = Fu Jen Catholic University
https://cust.fotech.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Fortune Institute of Technology
https://www.fy.edu.tw/ | label = Fooyin University
http://english.fy.edu.tw/ | label = Fooyin University
https://www.hcu.edu.tw/ | label = Hsuan Chuang University
https://www.hfu.edu.tw/ | label = Huafan University
https://www.hk.edu.tw/ | label = Hungkuang University
https://www.web.hsc.edu.tw/ | label = Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management
https://www.hwai.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology
http://www.hwu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Hsing Wu University
https://www.isu.edu.tw/ | label = I-Shou University
http://www.kmc.edu.tw/ | label = Kaohsiung Medical College
https://www.kmu.edu.tw/ | label = Kaohsiung Medical University
http://english2.kmu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = Kaohsiung Medical University
http://www2.knjc.edu.tw/ | label = Kang-Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management
http://www.ksit.edu.tw/ | label = Kun Shan Institute of Technology
https://www.ksu.edu.tw/ | label = Kun Shan University
http://www.kuas.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
http://eng.kuas.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
https://www.lhu.edu.tw/ | label = Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
http://www.ltc.edu.tw/ | label = Ling Tung College
http://web.ltu.edu.tw/ | label = Ling Tung University
http://www.mcu.edu.tw/ | label = Ming Chuan University
https://web.mcu.edu.tw/ | label = Ming Chuan University
http://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=1 | label = Ming Chuan University
http://www.mcut.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = Ming Chi University of Technology
http://eng.mdu.edu.tw/ | label = MingDao University
http://dotweb.meiho.edu.tw/enmeiho/index.html | label = Meiho University
http://www.mhchcm.edu.tw/english/english.htm | label = Min-Hwei College of Health Care Management
http://www.mmc.edu.tw/ | label = Mackay Medical College
https://www.nccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chengchi University
https://www.nchu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Hsing University
http://www.nchulc.edu.tw/ | label = College of Law and Commerce, National Chung Hsing University
http://web.ncku.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Cheng Kung University
http://english.web.ncku.edu.tw/ | label = National Cheng Kung University
https://www.ncnu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chi Nan University
http://www.ncpes.edu.tw/ | label = National College of Physical Education and Sports
https://www.nctu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chiao Tung University
https://www.ncu.edu.tw/ | label = National Central University
https://www.ncue.edu.tw/ | label = National Changhua University of Education
http://oica.ncue.edu.tw/?locale=en | label = National Changhua University of Education
http://www.ncut.edu.tw/english | label = National Chin-Yi University of Technology
https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chiayi University
https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/ | label = National Dong Hwa University
https://www.ndu.edu.tw/ | label = National Defense University
http://eweb.ccit.ndu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Defense University
https://www.nfu.edu.tw/ | label = National Formosa University
http://www.nhctc.edu.tw/ | label = National Hsin-Chu Teachers College
http://international.web.nhcue.edu.tw/front/bin/notfound.phtml?Code=lock | label = National Hsinchu University of Education
http://www.nhltc.edu.tw/ | label = National Hualien Teachers College
http://www.nhu.edu.tw/ | label = Nanhua University
https://web.nhu.edu.tw/ | label = Nanhua University
http://www.nia.edu.tw/ | label = National Institute of the Arts
https://www.niu.edu.tw/ | label = National Ilan University
http://www.nkfu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
http://www.nkfust.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
http://www.nkmu.edu.tw/en/ | label = National Kaohsiung Marine University
https://www.nknu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung Normal University
https://w3.nknu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung Normal University
http://englishbk.nkut.edu.tw/main.php | label = Nan Kai University of Technology
https://www.nou.edu.tw/ | label = National Open University
http://www.npttc.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung Teachers College
http://web.npue.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Education
http://www.npust.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
https://wp.npust.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
https://www.nqu.edu.tw/ | label = National Quemoy University
https://www.nsysu.edu.tw/ | label = National Sun Yat-sen University
http://www.ntcn.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei College of Nursing
https://www.nthu.edu.tw/ | label = National Tsing Hua University
http://www2.ntin.edu.tw/English/ | label = National Tainan Institute of Nursing
https://www.ntnu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan Normal University
http://www.ntou.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan Ocean University
http://english.ntou.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taiwan Ocean University
http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University
https://new.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University
http://english.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University
http://www.ntsu.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = National Taiwan Sport University
https://www.nttu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taitung University
http://wwwen.nttu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taitung University
https://www.ntu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan University
http://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science
https://www.ntust.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
https://www.ntut.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University of Technology
http://www-en.ntut.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taipei University of Technology
https://www.nuk.edu.tw/ | label = National University of Kaohsiung
http://www.nutc.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taichung University of Science and Technology
https://www.nutn.edu.tw/ | label = National University of Tainan
https://www.nuu.edu.tw/ | label = National United University
https://epage.ocu.edu.tw/ | label = Overseas Chinese University
http://w3.oit.edu.tw/eng/ | label = Oriental Institute of Technology
https://www.ouk.edu.tw/ | label = Open University of Kaohsiung
https://www.pccu.edu.tw/ | label = Chinese Culture University
https://www.pu.edu.tw/ | label = Providence University
http://www.scc.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Chien College of Design and Management
https://www.shu.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Hsin University
http://www.sjsmit.edu.tw/ | label = St. John's and St. Mary's Institute of Technology
https://www.sju.edu.tw/ | label = St. John's University
http://www.stust.edu.tw/en | label = Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
http://www.stut.edu.tw/ | label = Southern Taiwan University of Technology
http://www.tajen.edu.tw/bin/index.php?Lang=en | label = Tajen University
http://en.tccn.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = Tzu Chi College of Technology
https://www.tcu.edu.tw/ | label = Tzu Chi University
http://eng.tcu.edu.tw/ | label = Tzu Chi University
http://www.tf.edu.tw/en | label = Tung Fang Design Institute
https://www.tku.edu.tw/ | label = Tamkang University
http://english.tku.edu.tw/ | label = Tamkang University
http://www.tmc.edu.tw/ | label = Taipei Medical College
http://www.tmtc.edu.tw/ | label = Taipei Municipal Teachers College
http://www.tmu.edu.tw/english/main.php | label = Taipei Medical University
http://eng.toko.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Toko University
https://www.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University
http://www.ukn.edu.tw/ukn/en/ | label = University of Kang Ning
https://www.usc.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Chien University
http://www2.usc.edu.tw/usc/tw/client/index.asp | label = Shih Chien University
http://www.ust.edu.tw/eng/# | label = University System of Taiwan
http://www.utaipei.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = University of Taipei
https://www.ym.edu.tw/ | label = National Yang Ming University
http://nymu-e.web.ym.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = National Yang Ming University
http://www.ypu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Yuanpei University
https://www.yuntech.edu.tw/ | label = National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
https://www.yzu.edu.tw/ | label = Yuan Ze University
== United Arab Emirates ==
http://aau.ac.ae/en/ | label = Al Ain University of Science and Technology
== United States ==
''Move ones listed here to [https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveBot/Educational_institutions/United_States/list this page] instead.''
=== Missouri ===
http://about.otc.edu/ | label = Ozarks Technical Community College
=== Pennsylvania ===
http://abington.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Abington
=== South Carolina ===
http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/musc/ | label = Medical University of South Carolina
https://napata.edu.sd = Napata College
== Sweden ==
https://ju.se/en.html | label = Jönköping University
https://ki.se/en/ | label = Karolinska Institutet
https://lnu.se/ | label = Linnaeus University
https://ths.kth.se/international/ | label = Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår
https://www.bth.se/ | label = Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
https://www.chalmers.se/ | label = Chalmers tekniska högskola
https://www.doch.se/in-english | label = University of Dance and Circus
https://www.du.se/ | label = Högskolan Dalarna
https://www.esh.se/in-english/ersta-skondal-hogskola---english.html | label = Ersta Sköndal University College
https://www.fhs.se/en/ | label = Swedish Defence University
https://www.filminstitutet.se/en/ | label = Swedish Film Institute
https://www.fysiografen.se/en/ | label = Royal Physiographic Society of Lund
https://www.gih.se/In-English/ | label = Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
https://www.gu.se/ | label = Göteborgs Universitet
https://www.hb.se/ | label = Högskolan i Borås
https://www.gu.se/hdk-valand | label = HDK-Valand
https://www.uu.se/campus/gotland/ | label = Uppsala Universitet - Campus Gotland
https://www.hh.se/ | label = Högskolan i Halmstad
https://www.hhs.se/ | label = Stockholm School of Economics
https://www.hig.se/ | label = Högskolan i Gävle
https://www.hik.se/ | label = Linnéuniversitetet
https://www.his.se/ | label = Högskolan i Skövde
https://www.hkr.se/ | label = Högskolan Kristianstad
https://www.hv.se/en/ | label = University West
https://www.irf.se/ | label = Swedish Institute of Space Physics
https://www.iva.se/en/ | label = Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
https://www.kau.se/ | label = Karlstads Universitet
https://www.kiropraktorhogskolan.se/ | label = Skandinaviska Kiropraktorhögskolan
https://www.kkh.se/ | label = Royal Institute of Art
https://www.konstfack.se/ | label = University of Arts, Crafts and Design
https://www.kth.se/ | label = KTH Royal Institute of Technology
https://www.liu.se/en/ | label = Linköping University
https://www.ltu.se/ | label = Luleå University of Technology
https://www.lu.se/ | label = Lunds Universitet
https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/ | label = Lund University
https://www.mau.se/en/ | label = Malmö University
https://www.mdu.se/en/malardalen-university/ | label = Mälardalen University
https://www.miun.se/en/ | label = Mid Sweden University
https://www.nhv.se/ | label = Nordiska Högskolan För Folkhälsovetenskap
https://www.oru.se/ | label = Örebro Universitet
https://www.rkh.se/ | label = Red Cross University College of Nursing
https://www.sada.se/ | label = Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts
https://www.samernas.se/ | label = Samernas Utbildningscentrum
https://www.sh.se/english/sodertorn-university/ | label = Södertörn University
https://www.slu.se/en/ | label = Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
https://www.smi.se/english/index.html | label = Stockholm University College of Music Education
https://www.sns.se/ | label = Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle
https://www.su.se/english/ | label = Stockholm University
https://www.sunderbyfolkhogskola.se/ | label = Sunderby Folkhögskola
http://www.swedishcollegium.se/ | label = Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
http://www.ths.se/english | label = Teologiska Högskolan Stockholm
https://ehs.se/en/ | label = University College Stockholm
https://www.umu.se/en/ | label = Umeå University
https://www.uniarts.se/english/ | label = Stockholm University of the Arts
https://www.uu.se/en/ | label = Uppsala Universitet
https://www.vxu.se/ | label = Växsjö Universitet
https://www.wmu.se/ | label = World Maritime University
https://www.invigos.se/ | label = Invigos
https://www.kmh.se/in-english.html | label = Royal College of Music in Stockholm
https://www.spsm.se/ | label = Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten
https://www.mchs.se/ | label = Marie Cederschiöld Högskola
https://www.shh.se/en/ | label = Sophia Hemmet University
== Unsorted ==
http://napata.edu.sd | label = Napata College | label = University College of Allameh Helli
http://acasdhubri.ajmalgroupofcolleges.org/ | label = Ajmal College of Arts and Science
http://achievementschooldistrict.org/ | label = Achievement School District
http://acpmjmf.com/dental/index.html | label = ACPM Dental College and Hospital
http://acpss.ahram.org.eg/ | label = Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
http://acrobatiq.com/ | label = Acrobatiq
http://acsir.res.in/ | label = Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research
http://acsmch.ac.in/?page_id=13 | label = ACS Medical College and Hospital
http://acupuncturist.edu/ | label = Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
http://adau.edu.az/ | label = Azerbaijan State Agricultural University
http://adelekeuniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Adeleke University
http://adiyaman.edu.tr/TR | label = Adıyaman University
http://admin.crc-sher.qc.ca/ | label = Champlain Regional College
http://adrian.edu/ | label = Adrian College
http://advancedacademy.edu.eg/ | label = Higher Institute of Advanced Studies
http://aeri.website/ | label = Archival Education and Research Institute
http://afmc.nic.in/ | label = Armed Forces Medical College
http://afrique.arte.tv/blog/ | label = National Institute of Arts
http://afta-bw.de/ | label = Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung
http://agrar.uz/en/ | label = Tashkent State Agrarian University
http://agsi.ru/ | label = Armavir Orthodox-Social Institute
http://ahgaff.edu/ahgaffold/index.asp | label = Al-Ahgaff University
http://aiimsbhopal.edu.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal
http://aiimsbhubaneswar.nic.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar
http://aiit.ac.jp/english/ | label = Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
http://aimc.edu/ | label = Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College
http://ajaums.ac.ir/ | label = Aja University of Medical Sciences
http://ajp.edu.pl/ | label = The Jacob of Paradies University
http://ajums.ac.ir/ | label = Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
http://akademie-der-polizei.hamburg.de/hochschule/ | label = Akademie der Polizei Hamburg
http://akcent.cz/en/ | label = Akcent International House Prague
http://aku.edu/ | label = Aga Khan University
http://al-yarmok.com/index.php | label = Al Yarmouk University College
http://alagappauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Alagappa University
http://alameda.peralta.edu/ | label = College of Alameda
http://alexander.ac.cy/en/ | label = Alexander College
http://alfarabi.edu.sa/en/ | label = Al-Farabi College
http://alfredadler.edu/ | label = Adler Graduate School
http://aliabadiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul
http://alkawther-english.com/ | label = Al Kawther Secondary Independent School for Girls
http://allegheny.edu/ | label = Allegheny College
http://alrasheedcol.edu.iq/ | label = Al Rasheed University College
http://alsalamuniversity.com/english_/index_en.html | label = Alsalam University College
http://alumni.wvu.edu/ | label = West Virginia University
http://alytauskolegija.lt/en/ | label = Alytus College
http://ambler.temple.edu/ | label = Temple University Ambler
http://americancareercollege.edu/ | label = American Career College
http://americancollege.edu.in/ | label = American College, Madurai
http://americantheatrewing.org/ | label = American Theatre Wing
http://amu.ac.in/principal.jsp?did=10146 | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital
http://amu.edu.pl/ | label = Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
http://amw.gdynia.pl/eng/ | label = Polish Naval Academy
http://angers.esba-talm.fr/ | label = École supérieure des beaux-arts Tours Angers Le Mans
http://anuc.edu.gh/home/index.html | label = All Nations University
http://aoma.edu/ | label = AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine
http://apfed.org/ | label = American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders
http://apoly.edu.gh/ | label = Accra Polytechnic
http://apsurewa.ac.in/ | label = Awadhesh Pratap Singh University
http://arab-board.org/en/ | label = Arab Board Of Health Specializations
http://arizonachristian.edu/ | label = Arizona Christian University
http://art.uok.edu.in/Main/Default.aspx | label = Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages
http://artsaucarre.be/ | label = Arts²
http://aru.ac.tz/ | label = Ardhi University
http://asburyseminary.edu/ | label = Asbury Theological Seminary
http://ashikaga.ac.jp/ | label = Ashikaga Junior College
http://ashland.kctcs.edu/ | label = Ashland Community and Technical College
http://asm.edu.sg/ | label = Aventis School of Management
http://asoiu.edu.az/en/ | label = Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
http://aspirepublicschools.org/ | label = Aspire Public Schools
http://asq.org/index.aspx | label = American Society for Quality
http://asrc.cuny.edu/ | label = CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
http://atami.iuhw.ac.jp/ | label = International University Of Health And Welfare Atami Hospital
http://atf.adventista.hu/ | label = Adventista Teológiai Fõiskola
http://auc.edu.au/ | label = Apple University Consortium
http://aucc.edu.gh/en/ | label = African University College of Communications
http://aufe.admissions.cn/ | label = Anhui University of Finance and Economics
http://augustana.de/english.html | label = Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau
http://auhs.edu/ | label = American University of Health Sciences
http://aul.edu.lb/ | label = Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon
http://aum.edu.mn/shine/ | label = American University of Mongolia
http://austingrad.edu/ | label = Austin Graduate School of Theology
http://aut.ac.ir/www/aut/main/?l=3 | label = Amirkabir University of Technology
http://autonoma.pt/pt/home.asp | label = Autonomous University of Lisbon
http://auts.ac.in/ | label = Akal University
http://averypoint.uconn.edu/ | label = University of Connecticut
http://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ | label = Avinashilingam University
http://ayjnihh.nic.in/index.asp | label = Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped
http://ayu.edu.kz/index.php/en | label = Ahmet Yesevi University
http://ayubmed.edu.pk/ | label = Ayub Medical College
http://azad.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch
http://babbletree.com/en | label = Babble Tree
http://baghdadcollege.edu.iq/english/Home_EN.aspx | label = Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University
http://bahri.edu.sd/ | label = University of Bahri
http://bandirma.edu.tr/ | label = Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University
http://bangaloreuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Bangalore University
http://baraboo.uwc.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin-Baraboo-Sauk County
http://barnard.edu/ | label = Barnard College
http://basetraining.gr/ | label = Base Training
http://bau.edu.ng/ | label = Beni American University
http://bausabour.ac.in.199-79-63-199.plesk-web24.webhostbox.net/ | label = Bihar Agricultural University
http://bayancollege.edu.om/ | label = Bayan College
http://bazx.baoan.edu.cn/ | label = Shenzhen Baoan High School Group
http://bbit.edu.in/ | label = Budge Budge Institute of Technology
http://bbt.ac/ | label = Business Breakthrough University
http://bbu.edu.az/en | label = Baku Business University
http://bcis.edu.lk/en | label = Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies
http://bdeb.qc.ca/ | label = Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne
http://beau.broadviewuniversity.edu/ | label = Broadview University
http://bedu.com/ | label = Better Education Inc
http://belmontabbeycollege.edu/ | label = Belmont Abbey College
http://benedictine.edu/ | label = Benedictine College
http://bergen.edu/ | label = Bergen Community College
http://berkeleycollege.edu/ | label = Berkeley College
http://bethmardutho.org/ | label = Beth Mardutho
http://bfcc.edu/ | label = Blackfeet Community College
http://bfuhs.ac.in/ | label = Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
http://bgsmath.cat/ | label = Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics
http://biaa.ac.uk/ | label = British Institute at Ankara
http://bilborough.ac.uk/ | label = Bilborough Sixth Form College
http://binus.ac.id/ | label = Binus University
http://birjand.ac.ir/en/ | label = University of Birjand
http://birthingway.edu/ | label = Birthingway College of Midwifery
http://bist.eu/ | label = Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology
http://bithome.bit.ac.kr/english_new/index/index.php | label = Busan Institute of Science and Technology
http://bntu.edu.ge/en/ | label = Batumi Navigation Teaching University
http://bodolanduniversity.ac.in/s24c/ | label = Bodoland University
http://bond.edu.au/ | label = Bond University
http://bono.edu.do/ | label = Pedro Francisco Bono Institute
http://boston.edu/ | label = Boston Baptist College
http://bostonpartners.org/ | label = Boston Partners in Education
http://bowiestate.edu/ | label = Bowie State University
http://bowvalleycollege.ca/ | label = Bow Valley College
http://brandywine.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Brandywine
http://brgu.ru/ | label = Bryansk State University
http://bristol.ac.uk/ | label = University of Bristol
http://britannia.ac/ | label = Britannia University
http://britishbiophysics.org.uk/ | label = British Biophysical Society
http://broadviewuniversity.edu/ | label = Broadview University
http://broyalu.net/ | label = British Royal University
http://bsmedicalcollege.org.in/ | label = Bankura Sammilani Medical College
http://bst.qld.edu.au/ | label = Brisbane School of Theology
http://bsw.edu.pl/ | label = University of Bydgoszcz
http://btc.co.za/ | label = Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa
http://buc.edu.om/en/default.aspx | label = Al-Buraimi University College
http://bucks.ac.uk/ | label = Buckinghamshire New University
http://buepl.ru/component/content/article/103-en/262-first.html | label = Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law
http://bugando.ac.tz/ | label = Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
http://buiniau.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University, Buin-Zahra
http://buntan-dousoukai.jp/buntan.html | label = Bunka Womens University Muroran Junior College
http://buwww.hkbu.edu.hk/eng/main/index.jsp | label = Hong Kong Baptist University
http://bvc.org.in/ | label = Bombay Veterinary College
http://bvu.edu.vn/ | label = Baria Vungtau University
http://byuh.edu/ | label = Brigham Young University–Hawaii
http://caje-miami.org/ | label = Central Agency for Jewish Education
http://calicutmedicalcollege.ac.in/ | label = Government Medical College
http://camosun.ca/ | label = Camosun College
http://campioncollege.ca/ | label = Campion College
http://canarias.universidadeuropea.es/ | label = Universidad Europea de Canarias
http://capechicago.org/ | label = Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
http://carey.ac.nz/ | label = Carey Baptist College
http://carolina.edu/ | label = Carolina Christian College
http://carrington.edu/ | label = Carrington College
http://casperlibero.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Cásper Líbero
http://catawba.edu/ | label = Catawba College
http://cavehill.uwi.edu/ | label = University of the West Indies
http://cbshouston.edu/ | label = College of Biblical Studies
http://cccb.edu/ | label = Central Christian College of the Bible
http://ccnb.ca/accueil.aspx | label = Collège communautaire du Nouveau Brunswick
http://ccu.mx/ | label = Centro Cultural Universitario de Ciudad Juarez
http://ccucm.admissions.cn/ | label = Changchun University of Chinese Medicine
http://ccuniversity.edu/ | label = Cincinnati Christian University
http://ccv.edu/ | label = Community College of Vermont
http://cdsp.edu/ | label = Church Divinity School of the Pacific
http://cea.bg/web/file.index.file/lang.2/ | label = University of Security and Economics
http://cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de Sherbrooke
http://cepsi-cipss.ca/en/ | label = Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security
http://cfcc.edu/ | label = Cape Fear Community College
http://cgkv.ac.in/ | label = Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya
http://cgma.su/ | label = Central State Medical Academy
http://cgsnet.org/ | label = Council of Graduate Schools
http://chat.edu.pl/ | label = Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw
http://chengdemedicaluniversity.com/ | label = Chengde Medical University
http://cher-kolledj.ru/ | label = Arctic College of the North
http://chethanaspecialschool.com/ | label = Chethana Special School
http://chiropractic.ac.nz/ | label = New Zealand College of Chiropractic
http://chspu.ru/ | label = Chechen State Pedagogical Institute
http://chu.edu/ | label = Colorado Heights University
http://cietcanada.com/ | label = Canadian Institute for Energy Training
http://ciid.dk/ | label = Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
http://ciit-isb.edu.pk/default2.aspx | label = COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
http://cilea.altervista.org/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Francesco Cilea
http://cimp.ac.in/ | label = Chandragupt Institute of Management
http://cit.ac.in/ | label = Central Institute of Technology
http://cit.edu.al/en/home/ | label = Canadian Institute of Technology
http://city.edu.my/ | label = City University College of Science and Technology
http://ciuhct.org/en | label = Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia
http://cjas-rcsa.ca/ | label = Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
http://cll.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep Levis Lauzon
http://cluther5.wix.com/nycli | label = New York Child Learning Institute
http://cmcludhiana.in/medical_college/ | label = Christian Medical College
http://cms.bsu.edu/ | label = Ball State University
http://cms.edu.city.kyoto.jp/weblog/index.php?id=111706 | label = Kyoto Municipal Uzumasa Elementary School
http://cms.indstate.edu/ | label = Indiana State University
http://cms.kanazawa-city.ed.jp/kenroku-e/ | label = Kanazawa Municipal Kenrokuen Elementary School
http://cms.kornu.ac.kr/user/eng/ | label = Korea Nazarene University
http://cms.saga-ed.jp/hp/imarinourinkoukou/ | label = Saga Prefectural Imari Agriculture and Forestry High School
http://cms.ual.es/UAL/en/ | label = University of Almería
http://cms.zknu.edu.cn/s/65/main.jspy | label = Zhoukou Normal University
http://cms1.chiba-c.ed.jp/ | label = Funabashi Keimei High School
http://cms1.chiba-c.ed.jp/matsudokokusai-h/ | label = Chiba prefectural Matsudo international high school
http://cms2.chiba-c.ed.jp/kimitsuaoba-h/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Kimitsu Aoba High School
http://cms2.chiba-c.ed.jp/sawara-h/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Sawara High School
http://cmsweb2.torikyo.ed.jp/tizuno-h/index.php/ | label = Tottori Prefectural Chizu Agriculture and Forestry High School
http://cnc.cc.ok.us/ | label = Comanche Nation College
http://cnicollege.edu/ | label = CNI College
http://cniimf.ru/ | label = Central Research and Design Institute
http://cnmckolkata.in/ | label = Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital
http://cnu.edu/ | label = Christopher Newport University
http://coalrafidain.edu.iq/site/ | label = Alrafidain University College
http://coastalbend.edu/ | label = Coastal Bend College
http://coastalstudies.org/ | label = Center for Coastal Studies
http://coil.seattleacademy.org/ | label = Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
http://colby-sawyer.edu/ | label = Colby–Sawyer College
http://college-taimyr.ru/ | label = Taimyr College
http://college.mirfield.org.uk/ | label = College of the Resurrection
http://college.nms.ac.jp/ | label = Nippon Medical School
http://collegeofmassage.com/toronto/ | label = Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy
http://collegeofphysicians.org/ | label = College of Physicians of Philadelphia
http://collegeofsanmateo.edu/ | label = College of San Mateo
http://coloradomtn.edu/ | label = Colorado Mountain College
http://connorsstate.edu/ | label = Connors State College
http://conservatorio.piacenza.it/ | label = Conservatorio Giuseppe Nicolini
http://consno.it/ | label = Conservatorio Guido Cantelli di Novara
http://corcoran.gwu.edu/ | label = Corcoran College of Art and Design
http://coronadousd.net/ | label = Coronado Unified School District
http://cotur.bg/en/ | label = College of Tourism
http://courtauld.ac.uk/ | label = Courtauld Institute of Art
http://covenantuniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Covenant University
http://coxcollege.edu/ | label = Cox College
http://cphs.wayne.edu/ | label = Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
http://cpoly.edu.gh/cctu.edu.gh/ | label = Cape Coast Technical University
http://cranbrookart.edu/ | label = Cranbrook Academy of Art
http://cravencc.edu/ | label = Craven Community College
http://crc.losrios.edu/ | label = Cosumnes River College
http://crutech.edu.ng/index.php/about-crutech/brief-history | label = Cross River University of Technology
http://cs.modern-academy.edu.eg/index.php/en/ | label = Modern Academy
http://cslg.cn/ | label = Changshu Institute of Technology
http://css.edu/ | label = College of St. Scholastica
http://csuk.edu.kh/ | label = Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear
http://csxy.dgut.edu.cn/ | label = City College of Dongguan University of Technology
http://cu.edu.eg/Home | label = Cairo University
http://cu.edu.kz/en/ | label = Caspian University
http://cucv.edu.gt/ | label = Centro Universitario Ciudad Vieja
http://cuefmorelos.wix.com/cuefmorelos | label = Centro Universitario de Educación Física
http://cuhimachal.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Himachal Pradesh
http://cuhp.org.uk/ | label = Cambridge University Health Partners
http://cujv.edu.mx/ | label = Centro Universitario José Vasconcelos
http://cukashmir.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Kashmir
http://cvif.awardspace.com/ | label = Central Visayan Institute Foundation
http://cwidaho.cc/ | label = College of Western Idaho
http://cybermed.edu.my/ | label = Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences
http://daigaku.shiraume.ac.jp/ | label = Shiraume Gakuen University
http://damasuniv.edu.sy/ | label = Damascus University
http://daoisttraditions.edu/ | label = Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts
http://darbhangamedicalcollege.in/ | label = Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital
http://darshandentalcollege.org/ | label = Darshan Dental College and Hospital
http://dartmouth.edu/ | label = Dartmouth College
http://davangereuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Davangere University
http://dbumn.edu/ | label = Duluth Business University
http://dcu.org.ua/en/index.html | label = Donetsk Christian University
http://deccancollegeofmedicalsciences.com/ | label = Deccan College of Medical Sciences
http://delvalle.tx.schoolwebpages.com/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1 | label = Del Valle Independent School District
http://denen-luther.com/ | label = Denenchofu Lutheran Kindergarten
http://dental.dpu.edu.in/ | label = Dr D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital
http://dental.sumandeepuniversity.co.in/ | label = KM Shah Dental College and Hospital
http://dhtv.edu.vn/ | label = Trung Vuong University
http://diat.ac.in/ | label = Defence Institute of Advanced Technology
http://didaskalos.edu.mx/index.html | label = Centro Universitario Didaskalos
http://dietl.edu.pl/en/ | label = Malopolska Higher Vocational School of J. Dietl in Kraków
http://diploma.de/ | label = Diploma Hochschule
http://discover.alpenacc.edu/ | label = Alpena Community College
http://district.compton.edu/ | label = Compton Community College District
http://dius.cz/ | label = Diagnostický Ustav pro Mládež
http://www.asp.poznan.pl/ | note = {{offline}}
http://djsce.ac.in/ | label = Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
http://dkj.or.id/ | label = Dewan Kesenian Jakarta
http://dl.uctm.edu/en/ | label = University Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy
http://dli.donetsk.ua/ | label = Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
http://dmc.edu.bd/ | label = Dhaka Medical College and Hospital
http://www.assamuniversity.nic.in/ | note = {{offline}}
http://dmmh.no/en | label = Queen Maud University College
http://dnmu.edu.ua/ | label = Donetsk National Medical University
http://dnsc.edu.ph/ | label = Davao del Norte State College
http://dogus.edu.tr/tr/ | label = Doğuş University
http://domhelder.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara
http://donntu.edu.ua/ | label = Donetsk National Technical University
http://doscst.edu.ph/ | label = Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
http://dpsru.edu.in/ | label = Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University
http://dsc.dm/dscdm/ | label = Dominica State College
http://dsu.edu/ | label = Dakota State University
http://dtu.ac.in/ | label = Delhi Technological University
http://du.ac.ir/ | label = Damghan University
http://du.lv/en | label = Daugavpils University
http://duth.gr/index.en.shtml | label = Democritus University of Thrace
http://dv-art.ru/eng/ | label = Far Eastern State Institute of Arts
http://e.gdqy.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Industry Technical College
http://e.gznu.edu.cn/ | label = Guizhou Normal University
http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/ | label = Sookmyung Women's University
http://ead.iptheologie.fr/en/ | label = Institut Protestant de Théologie
http://eau.edu.eg/ | label = El Asher University
http://ebaf.info/ | label = École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem
http://ecbo.nl/ | label = Expertise Center Vocational Education
http://ecolenationaledecirque.ca/en | label = National Circus School
http://ecube1.co.kr/ | label = Korea Corporate Education Center
http://eds.edu/ | label = Episcopal Divinity School
http://edu.iift.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
http://educationnorthwest.org/ | label = Education Northwest
http://eeip.ru/ | label = East European Institute of Psychoanalysis
http://eenu.edu.ua/en | label = Lesya Ukrainka East European National University
http://einsteinday.org/ | label = Albert Einstein Academy
http://einsteininstitute.in/aboutus | label = Einstein Institute of Science
http://eismv.org/ | label = École Inter-États des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires de Dakar
http://eiubp.ru/ | label = Essentuki Institute of Management Business and Law
http://elgin.edu/homepage.aspx | label = Elgin Community College
http://elizabethtown.kctcs.edu/ | label = Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
http://emc.edu.jm/ | label = Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts
http://en.ahut.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui University of Technology
http://en.almamater.si/?checkCo=true | label = Alma Mater Europaea
http://en.aucu.ru/ | label = Astrakhan Institute of Civil Engineering
http://en.ausmt.ac.ir/ | label = Amol University of Special Modern Technologies
http://en.avkf.hu/ | label = Apor Vilmos Catholic College
http://en.azaruniv.ac.ir/ | label = Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
http://en.bashgmu.ru/ | label = Bashkir State Medical University
http://en.beihua.edu.cn/ | label = Beihua University
http://en.bgiik.ru/ | label = Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
http://en.bua.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing University of Agriculture
http://en.caa.edu.cn/ | label = China Academy of Art
http://en.ccom.edu.cn/ | label = Central Conservatory of Music
http://en.cdu.ac.kr/ | label = Chodang University
http://en.ceibs.edu/ | label = China Europe International Business School
http://en.celap.cn/ | label = China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
http://en.cqyygz.com/ | label = Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College
http://en.cspu.ru/ | label = South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
http://en.dgut.edu.cn/ | label = Dongguan University of Technology
http://en.dlou.edu.cn/ | label = Dalian Ocean University
http://en.dqsy.net/ | label = Daqing Normal University
http://en.dthu.edu.vn/ | label = Dong Thap University
http://en.eduw.cn/ | label = Tourism College of Zhejiang
http://en.fh-wien.ac.at/ | label = Fachhochschule für Management & Kommunikation
http://en.fjjxu.edu.cn/ | label = Fujian Jiangxia University
http://en.gench.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Jian Qiao University
http://en.glut.edu.cn/ | label = Guilin University of Technology
http://en.gyctcm.edu.cn/ | label = Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
http://en.gyu.cn/ | label = Guiyang University
http://en.hbust.com.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Science and Technology
http://en.he-edu.com/ | label = He University
http://en.heuet.net/ | label = Hebei University of Economics and Business
http://en.hieu.edu.cn/ | label = Hunan International Economics University
http://en.hochschule-ruhr-west.de/ | label = Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences
http://en.hrbcu.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin University of Commerce
http://en.hs-furtwangen.de/ | label = Hochschule Furtwangen University
http://en.huat.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Automotive Technology
http://en.hut.ac.ir/ | label = Hamedan University of Technology
http://en.hycu.ac.kr/ | label = Hanyang Cyber University
http://en.iauksh.ac.ir/page.aspx?id=b2810c5a-ca2c-43a8-a3ce-c2727db90540 | label = Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah
http://en.iaups.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch
http://en.iausari.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Sari Branch
http://en.ieml.ru/ | label = Institute of Economics, Management and Law
http://en.ippi.ac.ir/ | label = Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute
http://en.ism.de/ | label = International School of Management
http://en.jxust.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
http://en.jxutcm.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
http://en.kimpo.ac.kr/ | label = Kimpo University
http://en.kmu.edu.cn/ | label = Kunming University
http://en.knutd.com.ua/ | label = Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
http://en.kul.kiev.ua/ | label = Kyiv University of Law
http://en.ldubgd.edu.ua/ | label = Lviv State University of Life Safety
http://en.lnutcm.edu.cn/home | label = Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
http://en.lsu.edu.cn/# | label = Lishui University
http://en.magtu.ru/ | label = Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
http://en.manipuruniv.ac.in/ | label = Manipur University
http://en.maybodiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Maybod
http://en.mgppu.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
http://en.mishpat.ac.il/ | label = Sha'arei Mishpat College
http://en.nanshan.edu.cn/ | label = Yantai Nanshan University
http://en.nedu.edu.cn/ | label = Northeast Dianli University
http://en.neu.kz/ | label = Turar Ryskulov New Economic University
http://en.neyshabur.ac.ir/en/ | label = University of Neyshabur
http://en.ngmu.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk State Medical University
http://en.njtech.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing University of Technology
http://en.nntu.ru/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University
http://en.nuph.edu.ua/ | label = National University of Pharmacy
http://en.ocu.ac.kr/ | label = Open Cyber University of Korea
http://en.okinawa-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology Okinawa College
http://en.penzgtu.ru/ | label = Penza State Technological University
http://en.plato.edu.tr/ | label = Plato College of Higher Education
http://en.pollub.pl/ | label = Lublin University of Technology
http://en.pwsz.glogow.pl/ | label = State Higher Vocational School in Głogów
http://en.qau.edu.cn/index.html | label = Qingdao Agricultural University
http://en.sanru.ac.ir/ | label = Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
http://en.sdpt.edu.cn/ | label = Shunde Polytechnic
http://en.semums.ac.ir/ | label = Semnan University of Medical Sciences
http://en.sgmtu.edu.cn/ | label = Qiannan Normal College For Nationalities
http://en.shxy.edu.cn/ | label = Suihua University
http://en.sibstrin.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
http://en.sifa.edu.tr/ | label = Şifa University
http://en.solazaravnatelje.si/ | label = National School of Leadership in Education
http://en.sta.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Theatre Academy
http://en.stu.cn.ua/ | label = Chernihiv National Technology University
http://en.sxpi.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute
http://en.syau.edu.cn/ | label = Shenyang Agricultural University
http://en.terazwsfiz.pl/ | label = Academy of Finance and Management in Białystok
http://en.thf-fulda.de/ | label = Fulda Faculty of Theology
http://en.u-bourgogne.fr/ | label = University of Burgundy
http://en.uch.edu.iq/ | label = Alkafeel University College
http://en.ug.edu.pl/ | label = University of Gdańsk
http://en.unecon.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
http://en.uoh.edu.cn/ | label = Honghe University
http://en.ur.krakow.pl/ | label = University of Agriculture in Krakow
http://en.usamv.ro/ | label = University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest
http://en.vass.gov.vn/ | label = Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
http://en.via.dk/ | label = VIA University College
http://en.viko.lt/ | label = Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
http://en.vizja.pl/ | label = University of Finance and Management In Warsaw
http://en.vnuf.edu.vn/home | label = Vietnam National University of Forestry
http://en.volgatech.net/ | label = Volga State University of Technology
http://en.wallenberg.ru/ | label = Wallenberg Institute of Special Education and Psychology
http://en.wmu.edu.cn/ | label = Wenzhou Medical University
http://en.wxc.edu.cn/ | label = West Anhui University
http://en.wxgyxy.edu.cn/ | label = Wuxi Institute of Arts & Technology
http://en.wxpoly.cn/ | label = Hangzhou Wanxiang Polytechnic
http://en.xpu.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an Polytechnic University
http://en.xust.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an University of Science and Technology
http://en.xynun.edu.cn/ | label = Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities
http://en.xzmc.edu.cn/ | label = Xuzhou Medical College
http://en.ynufe.edu.cn/ | label = Yunnan University of Finance And Economics
http://en.zjczxy.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Changzheng Vocational and Technical College
http://en.zjpc.net.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College
http://en.zust.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
http://en.zwu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Wanli University
http://en.zzgyxy.com/ | label = Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology
http://en2014.ctbu.edu.cn/ | label = Chongqing Technology and Business University
http://ena.tg/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration
http://eng.beun.edu.tr/ | label = Bülent Ecevit University
http://eng.bjfu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Forestry University
http://eng.bnue.ac.kr/ | label = Busan National University of Education
http://eng.bozok.edu.tr/eng.asp | label = Bozok Universitesi
http://eng.bspu.ru/ | label = M.Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
http://eng.cczu.edu.cn/ | label = Changzhou University
http://eng.ch.ac.kr/ | label = Choonhae College of Health Sciences
http://eng.changwon.ac.kr/eng/html/00_main/index.php | label = Changwon National University
http://eng.chongshin.ac.kr/ | label = Chongshin University
http://eng.chosun.ac.kr/ | label = Chosun University
http://eng.cuk.edu/ | label = Cyber University of Korea
http://eng.cup.ac.kr/main/main.asp | label = Catholic University of Pusan
http://eng.deu.ac.kr/main.do | label = Dong-Eui University
http://eng.fh-westkueste.de/1/home/ | label = West Coast University of Applied Sciences
http://eng.gangdong.ac.kr/ | label = Gangdong University
http://eng.gjue.ac.kr/ | label = Gongju National University of Education
http://eng.gm.edu/ | label = Grace Mission University
http://eng.gnu.ac.kr/main/ | label = Gyeongsang National University
http://eng.gnue.ac.kr/index.sko | label = Gwangju National University of Education
http://eng.gpsm.ru/ | label = Institute Giprostroymost
http://eng.gu.ac.kr/ | label = Gyeongju University
http://eng.hbvtc.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei Polytechnic Institute
http://eng.hhdu.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin Huade University
http://eng.hpu.edu.vn/home/index.php?language=2 | label = Haiphong Private University
http://eng.hubu.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University
http://eng.hynu.cn/ | label = Hengyang Normal University
http://eng.ipst.ac.th/ | label = Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology
http://eng.jeiu.ac.kr/ | label = JEI University
http://eng.jnue.kr/index.sko | label = Jeonju National University of Education
http://eng.jwu.ac.kr/site/siteView.jwu | label = Jungwon University
http://eng.kbtus.ac.kr/ | label = Korea Baptist Theological University and Seminary
http://eng.kbu.ac.kr/ | label = Kyungbok University
http://eng.kcu.ac.kr/eng/index.php | label = Korea Christian University
http://eng.kedi.re.kr/khome/eng/webhome/Home.do | label = Korean Educational Development Institute
http://eng.kiu.ac.kr/english/index.htm | label = Kyungil University
http://eng.kolegjifama.eu/ | label = Fama College
http://eng.kumoh.ac.kr/ | label = Kumoh National Institute of Technology
http://eng.kwu.ac.kr/index.sko | label = Kwangju Women's University
http://eng.llu.lv/ | label = Latvia University of Agriculture
http://eng.mati.ru/ | label = Moscow State Aviation Technological University
http://eng.mgogi.ru/ | label = Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities
http://eng.mgu.edu.ua/ | label = International Humanitarian University
http://eng.mokpo.ac.kr/index.9is | label = Mokpo National University
http://eng.mpgu.edu/ | label = Moscow State Pedagogical University
http://eng.ncfu.ru/ | label = North-Caucasus Federal University
http://eng.nsu.ac.kr/ | label = Namseoul University
http://eng.ok.ac.kr/group/english | label = Chung Cheong University
http://eng.pskgu.ru/ | label = Pskov State University
http://eng.rea.ru/ | label = Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
http://eng.skhu.ac.kr/main_cache.html | label = Sungkonghoe University
http://eng.skuniv.ac.kr/ | label = Seokyeong University
http://eng.spbftu.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University
http://eng.ssu.ac.kr/web/eng | label = Soongsil University
http://eng.suda.edu.cn/ | label = Soochow University
http://eng.sunchon.ac.kr/web/eng/home | label = Sunchon National University
http://eng.sunlin.ac.kr/ | label = Sunlin University
http://eng.sus.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai University of Sport
http://eng.szu.sk/ | label = Slovak Medical University
http://eng.uc.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.jsp | label = Ulsan College
http://eng.ugues.ru/ | label = Ufa State University of Economics and Service
http://eng.wu.ac.kr/ | label = WonKwang Health Science University
http://eng.ycxy.com/ | label = Shandong Yingcai University
http://eng.yonam.ac.kr/mbshome/mbs/eng/index.do | label = Cheonan Yonam College
http://eng.zjvtit.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Institute of Communications
http://eng.zqu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhaoqing University
http://engees.unistra.fr/en/ | label = National School for Water and Environmental Engineering
http://english.29mayis.edu.tr/ | label = Istanbul 29 Mayis University
http://english.afeka.ac.il/ | label = Afeka College of Engineering
http://english.aynu.edu.cn/# | label = Anyang Normal University
http://english.bdi.eu/ | label = Federation of German Industries
http://english.bdu.edu.vn/content.php?i=8 | label = Bình Dương University
http://www.bitmesraranchi.org/ | note = {{offline}}
http://www.broyalu.net/ | note = {{offline}}
http://www.narumi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Narumi High School
http://www.narumi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Narumi High School
http://www.nisshinnishi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Nisshin West High School
http://www.okazaki-sd.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Okazaki School for the Deaf
http://www.toyohashi-sd.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Toyohashi School for the Deaf
http://www.kakujogaoka-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Tsurugi hill high school
http://www.shinshirohigashi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Xincheng East High School
http://www.nasi.org.in/ | label = National Academy of Sciences India
http://www.kariya-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aicihi Prefectural Kariya High School
http://www.vaiu.ru/ | label = Air Force Academy named after Professor NE Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin
http://www.national-college.edu/ | label = National College
http://www.au.af.mil/ | label = Air University
http://www.national-univ.net/ | label = National University
https://atpflightschool.com/ | label = Airline Training Program Flight School
http://www.national.edu/ | label = National American University
https://www.aitchison.edu.pk | label = Aitchison College
http://www.univ-amu.fr/ | label = Aix-Marseille University
http://www.nationaltelfordinstitute.org.uk/index.asp | label = National Telford Institute
http://www.aizuhokurei.jp/ | label = Aizu Hokurei High School
http://www.natori-2h.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Natori High School
http://ajaums.ac.ir/homepage.aspx?lang=en-US&site=AjaPortal&tabid=1 | label = Aja University of Medical Sciences
http://acasdhubri.ajmalgroupofcolleges.org/ | label = Ajmal College of Arts and Science
http://www.motor.ac.kr/eng/CmsHome/MainDefault.aspx | label = Ajou Motor College
http://www.amdnet.de/ | label = Akademie Mode & Design
https://www.aros.ac.za/Web | label = Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies
http://www.navajotech.edu/ | label = Navajo Technical University
http://akademie-der-polizei.hamburg.de/hochschule/ | label = Akademie der Polizei Hamburg
http://www.afg-heidelberg.de/wir-ueber-uns/ | label = Akademie für Gesundheitsberufe
http://www.navodaya.edu.in/ | label = Navodaya Dental College and Hospital
http://afta-bw.de/ | label = Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung
http://auts.ac.in/ | label = Akal University
http://www.nawigraz.at/ | label = Nawi Graz
http://akcent.cz/en/ | label = Akcent International House Prague
http://www.nawroz.edu.krd/ | label = Nawroz University
http://www.akikusa.ac.jp/tandai/ | label = Akikusa Gakuen Junior College
http://www.akita-eiyo.ac.jp/eng/index.html | label = Akita Nutrition Junior College
http://www.akita-h.akita-c.ed.jp/ | label = Akita Prefectural Akita High School
http://www.nazarethacademy.com/s/157/home.aspx | label = Nazareth Academy
http://www.akita-pu.ac.jp/index.htm | label = Akita Prefectural University
http://www.nbc.edu/ | label = Nazarene Bible College
https://www.aksu.edu.ng/ | label = Akwa Ibom State University
http://www.nbcc.ca/ | label = New Brunswick Community College
http://aau.ac.ae/en/ | label = Al Ain University of Science and Technology
http://www.nbcc.cn/english | label = Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology
http://alkawther-english.com/ | label = Al Kawther Secondary Independent School for Girls
http://www.nbchs.net/ | label = Ningbo College of Health Sciences
https://kic.ac.ae/ | label = Al Khawarizmi International College
http://www.nbdhyu.edu.cn/e/ | label = Ningbo Dahongying University
http://www.act.edu.om/ | label = Al Musanna College of Technology
http://www.nbpt.edu.cn/ | label = Ningbo Polytechnic
http://alrasheedcol.edu.iq/ | label = Al Rasheed University College
http://www.nbs.edu.cn/en/ | label = New Huadu Business School
http://al-yarmok.com/index.php | label = Al Yarmouk University College
http://www.nbss.edu/ | label = North Bennet Street School
http://ahgaff.edu/ahgaffold/index.asp | label = Al-Ahgaff University
http://www.nbts.edu/ | label = New Brunswick Theological Seminary
http://acpss.ahram.org.eg/ | label = Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
http://www.alameenpharmacy.edu/ | label = Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy
http://www.nc-toyama.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Toyama college
http://www.nc.edu/ | label = Northwestern College
http://www.ncacadsci.org/ | label = North Carolina Academy of Science
http://www.nccommunitycolleges.edu/ | label = North Carolina Community College System
http://www.osteopathy-canada.com/ | label = Canadian College of Osteopathy
http://www.osteopathy-canada.com/ | label = Canadian College of Osteopathy
http://www.cfi-fasteners.org/ | label = Canadian Fasteners Institute
http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/221-eng.html | label = Canadian Forces College
http://cietcanada.com/ | label = Canadian Institute for Energy Training
http://cepsi-cipss.ca/en/ | label = Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security
http://cit.edu.al/en/home/ | label = Canadian Institute of Technology
http://www.osuokc.edu/home/ | label = Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City
http://cjas-rcsa.ca/ | label = Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
http://www.cmcc.ca/ | label = Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
http://www.oswaldocruz.br/unidades.asp?id_unidade=4 | label = Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz
http://www.cpci.ca/ | label = Canadian Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute
http://www.ota2-h.ibk.ed.jp/ | label = Ibaraki Prefectural Ota second high school
http://www.canadorecollege.ca/ | label = Canadore College
http://www.caztc.edu.cn/s | label = Cangzhou Normal University
http://www.basari.edu.tr/?&changelang=EN | label = Canik Başarı University
https://www.canningcollege.wa.edu.au/ | label = Canning College
http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/canterbury-college | label = Canterbury College
http://www.ccsdistrict.org/pages/CantonCitySD | label = Canton City School District
http://www.cbu.ca/ | label = Cape Breton University
http://cpoly.edu.gh/cctu.edu.gh/ | label = Cape Coast Technical University
http://www.oth-aw.de/english/ | label = Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg Weiden
http://cfcc.edu/ | label = Cape Fear Community College
http://www.otis.edu/ | label = Otis College of Art and Design
http://sfga.ru/ | label = Capital Academy of Finance and Humanities
https://www.capitalcc.edu/ | label = Capital Community College
http://www.ottawa.edu/ | label = Ottawa University
http://www.cupes.edu.cn/cenep/cupes/ | label = Capital Institute of Physical Education and Sports
http://www.ccmu.edu.cn/ | label = Capital Medical University
http://www.ou-link.ru/ | label = International Institute of Management LINK
http://www.capital.edu/ | label = Capital University
http://www.ou-mba.ac.in/ | label = University College of Commerce & Business Management
http://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Pages/home.aspx | label = Cardiff Metropolitan University
http://www.cardiffwestchs.cardiff.sch.uk/ | label = Cardiff West Community High School
http://www.cavc.ac.uk/en/ | label = Cardiff and Vale College
http://www.stritch.edu/ | label = Cardinal Stritch University
http://www.ctcn.edu.tw/ctcnEnglish/ctcnindexEN.htm | label = Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare and Management
http://www.careered.com/ | label = Career Education Corporation
http://www.ouat.ac.in/ | label = Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
http://www.careermedicaldental.com/ | label = Career Institute Of Medical & Dental Sciences and Hospital
http://carey.ac.nz/ | label = Carey Baptist College
http://www.ouc.bc.ca/ | label = Okanagan University College
http://www.carmabi.org/ | label = Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity Foundation
https://www.carilionclinic.org/hospitals/carilion-new-river-valley-medical-center | label = Carilion New River Valley Medical Center
http://www.ouchn.edu.cn/ | label = Open University of China
http://www.fh-kaernten.at/en | label = Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
http://www.oucwkoti.ac.in/ | label = University College for Women
http://www.cihe.edu.hk/chi/index.html | label = Caritas Institute of Higher Education
http://www.caritas.ac.jp/ | label = Caritas Junior College
https://carlalbert.edu/ | label = Carl Albert State College
http://www.ouhs.jp/e/ | label = Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences
http://www.hfmdd.de/english/welcome/ | label = Carl Maria von Weber College of Music
http://www.ouj.ac.jp/eng/ | label = The Open University of Japan
http://www.albizu.edu/ | label = Carlos Albizu University
http://www.chmsc.edu.ph/ | label = Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/ | label = Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
http://www.caroycuervo.gov.co/ | label = Caro and Cuervo Institute
http://www.umf.ro/ | label = Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
http://www.ous.edu/ | label = Oregon University System
http://carolina.edu/ | label = Carolina Christian College
https://carrickinstitute.com/ | label = Carrick Institute
http://www.ovgu.de/unimagdeburg/en/Otto+von+Guericke+University+Magdeburg.html | label = Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
http://carrington.edu/ | label = Carrington College
http://www.carthagecsd.org/ | label = Carthage Central School District
http://www.ovu.edu/ | label = Ohio Valley University
http://www.carver.edu/contents/ | label = Carver Bible College
http://www.owatc.edu/ | label = Ogden–Weber Applied Technology College
http://www.casacollege.com/ | label = Casa College
https://www.casadevelazquez.org/en/ | label = Casa de Velàzquez
http://www.owjc.ac.jp/ | label = Okinawa Womens Junior College
http://cu.edu.kz/en/ | label = Caspian University
http://www.esmuc.cat/ | label = Catalonia College of Music
http://catawba.edu/ | label = Catawba College
http://www.oxfordspiresacademy.org/ | label = Oxford Spires Academy
https://www.cdu.edu/ | label = Catholic Distance University
http://ices.fr/ | label = Catholic Institute of Higher Studies
http://ku-linz.at/ | label = Catholic Theological Private University Linz
http://www.oyama-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Oyama College
http://www.ctu.edu/ | label = Catholic Theological Union
http://www.oyg.ac.jp/js/ | label = Osaka Yuhigaoka Gakuen Junior College
http://www.khbo.be/ | label = Catholic University College of Bruges–Ostend
http://www.kphgraz.at/ | label = Catholic University College of Education Graz
http://www.cug.edu.gh/ | label = Catholic University College of Ghana
http://www.cuib-cameroon.org/home.php?s=27 | label = Catholic University Institute of Buea
https://www.kh-mz.de/en/home/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences
http://www.kh-freiburg.de/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg
http://www.katho-nrw.de/en/katho-nrw/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine – Westphalia
http://www.pa.edu.tr/ | label = Police Academy
http://www.khsb-berlin.de/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences
http://www.paaet.edu.kw/mysite/Default.aspx?tabid=4269&language=ar-KW | label = Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
http://www2.ucc.edu.ar/home/?m=1 | label = Catholic University of Cordoba
http://www.unicath.hr/eng | label = Catholic University of Croatia
http://www.cu.ac.kr/index.htm | label = Catholic University of Daegu
http://www.ku.de/en/ | label = Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
http://www.pacifica.edu/ | label = Pacifica Graduate Institute
http://www.catolica.edu.sv/ | label = Catholic University of El Salvador
http://www.pacificcollege.edu/ | label = Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
http://bugando.ac.tz/ | label = Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
http://www.pacificoaks.edu/Home | label = Pacific Oaks College
http://www.catholic.ac.kr/english/main/main.html | label = Catholic University of Korea
http://eng.cup.ac.kr/main/main.asp | label = Catholic University of Pusan
http://www.pacollege.edu/ | label = Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
http://www.ucsc.it/ | label = Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
http://www.cazenovia.edu/ | label = Cazenovia College
http://www.cedarcrest.edu/ca/index.shtm | label = Cedar Crest College
http://www.cegepmontpetit.ca/ | label = Cegep Edouard Montpetit
http://cll.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep Levis Lauzon
http://www.cegeplapocatiere.qc.ca/MyScriptorWeb/scripto.asp?resultat=533169 | label = Cegep de La Pocatiere
http://www.pahs.edu.np/ | label = Patan Academy of Health Sciences
http://www.cegep-matane.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Matane
http://www.cegepsth.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Saint Hyacinthe
http://www.paiercollegeofart.edu/ | label = Paier College of Art Inc
http://www.cegep-ste-foy.qc.ca/csf4/index.php | label = Cegep de Sainte Foy
http://www.paine.edu/ | label = Paine College
http://www.cegep-sept-iles.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Sept Iles
http://www.cegepth.qc.ca/accueil | label = Cegep de Thetford
http://www.cegeptr.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Trois-Rivieres
http://www.cegepvicto.ca/formation-collegiale/index.aspx | label = Cegep de Victoriaville
http://www.collanaud.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep regional de Lanaudiere
http://www.cbu.edu.tr/anasayfa/index.php | label = Celal Bayar University
http://www.escelje.si/index.php/component/content/article/14-sample-data-articles/76-organisation-and-activities-of-celje-school-of-economics | label = Celje School of Economics
http://www.palmer.edu/ | label = Palmer College of Chiropractic
http://www.centenarycollege.edu/ | label = Centenary College of New Jersey
http://www.paloaltou.edu/ | label = Palo Alto University
http://www.palucca.eu/en.html | label = Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden
http://www.pankey.org/ | label = Pankey Institute
http://www.paradisevalley.edu/ | label = Paradise Valley Community College
http://www.paralegal.edu/ | label = Center for Advanced Legal Studies
http://www.paralegal.edu/ | label = Center for Advanced Legal Studies
http://www.ceaprc.edu/ | label = Center for Advanced Studies on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
http://www.cemb.edu.pk/ | label = Center for Applied and Molecular Biology
http://www.paris-belleville.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville
https://zkm.de/en | label = Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
http://www.paris-iea.fr/en/ | label = Paris Institute for Advanced Study
http://www.cbbs.eu/en/ | label = Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences
http://www.paris-lavillette.archi.fr/ | label = École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-La Villette
http://www.cf-studies.ch/ | label = Center for Business Studies
http://www.paris-malaquais.archi.fr/index.php?module=home | label = École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais
http://coastalstudies.org/ | label = Center for Coastal Studies
http://www.paris-valdeseine.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Val de Seine
http://www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/ | label = Center for Creative Studies
http://www.cerge-ei.cz/ | label = Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute
http://www.cbs.ac.in/ | label = Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences
https://www.cee.org/ | label = Center for Excellence in Education
http://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/en/ | label = Paris School of Economics
http://www.zam.go.jp/index2.html | label = Center for National University Finance and Management
http://www.cetim.org/ | label = Center for Technology & Innovation Management
http://www.parkvaleacademy.org.uk/ | label = Park Vale Academy
http://www.telepsychology.net/Default.aspx | label = Center for Telepsychology
http://www.partium.ro/en | label = Partium Christian University
http://web.zhongxi.cn/en/ | label = Central Academy of Drama
http://caje-miami.org/ | label = Central Agency for Jewish Education
http://www.cau.ac.in/ | label = Central Agricultural University
http://www.cbc.edu/ | label = Central Baptist College
http://www.pascualbravo.edu.co/ | label = Pascual Bravo Institution University
http://english.ccnu.edu.cn/ | label = Central China Normal University
http://www.centralchristian.edu/ | label = Central Christian College of Kansas
http://www.passhe.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
http://cccb.edu/ | label = Central Christian College of the Bible
http://www.paterson.k12.nj.us/ | label = Paterson Public Schools
http://www.centralnottingham.ac.uk/ | label = Central College Nottingham
http://www.path-hta.ca/Home.aspx | label = Programs for Assessment of Technology in Health Research Institute
http://en.ccom.edu.cn/ | label = Central Conservatory of Music
http://www.patnauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Patna University
http://www2.ceit.at/ | label = Central European Institute of Technology
http://muni.ceitec.cz/en/ | label = Central European Institute of Technology – Masaryk University
http://www.cid.edu/ | label = Central Institute for the Deaf
http://www.ciil.org/ | label = Central Institute of Indian Languages
http://www.pau.edu.tr/ | label = Pamukkale University
http://cit.ac.in/ | label = Central Institute of Technology
http://www.ckschools.org/ | label = Central Kitsap School District
http://www.paulofreire.org/ | label = Instituto Paulo Freire
http://www.centralmethodist.edu/ | label = Central Methodist University
http://www.paulsmiths.edu/ | label = Paul Smith's College
http://www.cmc.edu.ph/ | label = Central Mindanao Colleges
http://www.ccps.gov.cn/ | label = Central Party School of the Communist Party of China
http://www.centralpenn.edu/ | label = Central Penn College
http://www.paz.ac.jp/college/ | label = Gumma Paz College
http://epage-en.cpu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Central Police University
http://cniimf.ru/ | label = Central Research and Design Institute
http://www.pb.edu.bn/ | label = Brunei Polytechnic
http://iecd.csu.edu.cn/en-US/ | label = Central South University
http://www.pba.edu/ | label = Palm Beach Atlantic University
http://cgma.su/ | label = Central State Medical Academy
http://www.centralstate.edu/index.php | label = Central State University
http://wwwold.ctust.edu.tw/english2006/ | label = Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology
http://www.pcj.edu/ | label = Pontifical College Josephinum
http://www.pcmd.ac.uk/ | label = Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
http://www.pcsedu.org/ | label = Perspectives Charter School
http://www.rmlnlu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University
http://www.rmlnlu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University
http://www.drsmcsimchk.org/ | label = Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College and Hospital
http://www.rmsel.org/ | label = Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning
http://www.dragonrises.edu/ | label = Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine
http://www.hfbk-dresden.de/en/ | label = Dresden Academy of Fine Arts
http://www.rmutk.ac.th/ | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep
http://www.di-uni.de/index.php?id=20 | label = Dresden International University
http://www.rmutl.ac.th/rmutl-en.html | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
https://www.driestar-educatief.nl/home | label = Driestar Christian University
https://www.dndi.org/ | label = Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
http://www.dbcollege.com/ | label = DuBois Business College
http://www.rncm.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Northern College of Music
http://www.dbs.ie/ | label = Dublin Business School
http://uni-dubna.ru/en/ | label = Dubna University
https://www.duchy.ac.uk/ | label = Duchy College
http://www.dudleycol.ac.uk/ | label = Dudley College
http://www.dpu.edu.krd | label = Duhok Polytechnic University
https://www.duke-nus.edu.sg/ | label = Duke NUS Graduate Medical School
https://www.dukemedicine.org/ | label = Duke University Health System
http://dbumn.edu/ | label = Duluth Business University
http://www.roberto-venn.com/ | label = Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery
https://www.dkit.ie/ | label = Dundalk Institute of Technology
https://dundeeandangus.ac.uk/ | label = Dundee and Angus College
http://www.dunwoody.edu/ | label = Dunwoody College of Technology
http://www.itdurango.mx/ | label = Durango Institute of Technology
http://www.dut.ac.za/ | label = Durban University of Technology
http://www.rockies.edu/ | label = University of the Rockies
http://www.durhamcollege.ca/ | label = Durham College
https://dutchartinstitute.eu/ | label = Dutch Art Institute
http://www.disc.tudelft.nl/ | label = Dutch Network of Systems and Control
http://www.niki-florence.org/en/ | label = Dutch University Institute for Art History
http://www.onderzoekschoolkunstgeschiedenis.nl/site/index.php?lngg=en | label = Dutch postgraduate School for Art History
http://www.duvalschools.org/ | label = Duval County Public Schools
http://djsce.ac.in/ | label = Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
http://www.ronzoni.it/en/index.html | label = Istituto di Ricerche Chimiche e Biochimiche G. Ronzoni
https://www.doepfer-regensburg.de/ | label = Döpfer Schulen Regensburg
http://www.rosalindfranklin.edu/ | label = Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
http://www.iadt.ie/en/ | label = "Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology"
http://www.ddmsberoun.cz/ | label = Dětský Domov a Mateřská Skola Speciální
http://www.eada.edu/ | label = EADA Business School
http://www.roseman.edu/ | label = Roseman University of Health Sciences
http://www.eae.es/ | label = EAE Business School
http://www.ebc-hochschule.de/en/ | label = EBC Hochschule
https://www.ebs.edu/en/ | label = EBS University of Business and Law
http://www.rotterdamuas.com/ | label = Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
http://www.ebz-business-school.de/ | label = EBZ Business School
http://www.rouen.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie
http://www.vinci.be/fr-be/Ecam/Pages/L%27institut.aspx | label = ECAM Institut Supérieur Industriel
http://www.ecam-rennes.fr/ | label = ECAM Rennes Louis de Broglie
http://www.royalcollege.ca/ | label = Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
http://www.ecam-epmi.fr/ | label = ECAM-EPMI
http://www.royalhospitalschool.org/ | label = Royal Hospital School
http://www.edhec-business-school.com/ | label = EDHEC Business School
http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/our-organisation/where-we-are/training-establishments/brnc-dartmouth | label = Britannia Royal Naval College
http://www-english.em-strasbourg.eu/ | label = EM Strasbourg Business School
http://www.enoes.com/ | label = ENOES
http://www.royce.ac.uk/ | label = Henry Royce Institute
http://www.ensa-dijon.fr/?lang=en | label = ENSA Dijon Art and Design
http://www.rp.edu.sg/ | label = Republic Polytechnic
https://www.escpeurope.eu/ | label = ESCP Europe
http://www.esta-groupe.fr | label = ESTA School of Business and Technology
http://www.rpgmc.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College
https://geneva.euruni.edu/ | label = EU Business School
https://eucnvs.dk/ | label = EUC Nordvestsjaelland
http://www.rrc.edu/ | label = Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
http://www.eurecom.fr/en/ | label = EURECOM
http://www.rrc.mb.ca/ | label = Red River College
http://www.eaglegatecollege.edu/ | label = Eagle Gate College
http://www.earth-learning.org/ | label = Earth Learning
http://www.rrdch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital
http://www.east.edu.sg/ | label = East Asia School of Theology
http://www.rrmch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital
http://www.ebrschools.org/ | label = East Baton Rouge Parish School System
http://www.rsh-duesseldorf.de/ | label = Robert Schumann University of Music and Media
http://www.eastberks.ac.uk/ | label = East Berkshire College
http://www.rshoyskolen.no/english-menu/ | label = Rudolf Steiner University College
http://www.ecit.edu.cn/english/about.htm | label = East China Institute of Technology
http://study.ecupl.edu.cn/ | label = East China University of Political Science and Law
http://eeip.ru/ | label = East European Institute of Psychoanalysis
http://www.pwsw.pl/history-of-the-east-european-state-higher-school-in-przemysl | label = East European State Higher School in Przemyśl
http://www.rstc.edu/ | label = Reid State Technical College
http://www.ega.edu/ | label = East Georgia State College
https://www.eastridingcollege.ac.uk/ | label = East Riding College
http://www.rsu.edu.ru/ | label = Ryazan State University
https://www.etbu.edu/ | label = East Texas Baptist University
http://www.dfxy.net/ | label = East University Of Heilongjiang
http://www.rsu.edu/ | label = Rogers State University
http://ewcollege.edu/ | label = East West College of Natural Medicine
http://www.rsu.lv/eng/ | label = Riga Stradiņš University
http://esi.irk.ru | label = East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
http://www.eit.ac.nz/ | label = Eastern Institute of Technology
http://kypride.org/ | label = Eastern Kentucky Pride
http://www.emccomilla.com/ | label = Eastern Medical College and Hospital
http://ww1.emu.edu.tr/en/ | label = Eastern Mediterranean University
http://www.rsw.edu.pl/ | label = Radom College
http://www.enc.edu/ | label = Eastern Nazarene College
http://www.rtc.edu.au/ | label = Reformed Theological College
http://eotb-cfeo.on.ca/ | label = Eastern Ontario Training Board
http://es.vccs.edu/ | label = Eastern Shore Community College
http://www.rtk.lv/?val=2 | label = Riga Technical College
http://www.eastern.edu/ | label = Eastern University
http://www.rtnj.org/ | label = Randolph Township Schools
http://www.evms.edu/ | label = Eastern Virginia Medical School
http://www.rto.nato.int/ | label = NATO Science and Technology Organization
http://www.easternwv.edu/Home.aspx | label = Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College
http://www.rtsk.org/ | label = Reformed Theological Institute
http://www.eastonotley.ac.uk/ | label = Easton & Otley College
http://www.eastwick.edu/ | label = Eastwick College and the HoHoKus Schools
http://www.eastwest.edu/ | label = East–West University
http://www.hnee.de/de/Startseite/HNE-Eberswalde-E1016.htm | label = Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
https://ecollege.edu/ | label = Ecclesia College
https://www.eckerd.edu/ | label = Eckerd College
https://www.eni-abt.ml/ | label = Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs – Abderhamane Baba Touré
https://www.eheb.ma/ | label = Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Biotechnologie et de Santé
http://www.mepi77.com/ | label = Economic and Law Institute in Moscow
http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ | label = Edge Hill University
http://emc.edu.jm/ | label = Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts
http://www.edouniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Edo University Iyamho
http://www.edojo.jp/english/ | label = Edogawa Girls' Junior & Senior High School
http://www.educationcoordinatingcouncil.org/ | label = Education Coordinating Council
http://www.rudn.ru/en/ | label = Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
https://arkon.tj/ | label = Education Group Akron
http://www.rudolfsteinercollege.edu/ | label = Rudolf Steiner College
http://educationnorthwest.org/ | label = Education Northwest
https://www.eduhk.hk/main/ | label = Education University of Hong Kong
http://www.ibe.edu.pl/en/ | label = Educational Research Institute
http://www.educons.edu.rs/en | label = Educons University
http://pwsz.suwalki.pl/web/english | label = Edward F. Szczepanik State School of Higher Professional Education in Suwalki
http://www.vcom.edu/ | label = Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
http://www.ewc.edu/ | label = Edward Waters College
http://www.ecccp.org/ | label = Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians
http://www.eelu.edu.eg/ | label = Egyptian e-Learning University
http://home.e-catv.ne.jp/ehime-noudai/ | label = Ehime Prefectural College of Agriculture
http://www.esnet.ed.jp/center/main/ | label = Ehime Prefectural Education Center
http://matsuyama-th.esnet.ed.jp/English/ | label = Ehime Prefectural Matsuyama Technical High School
http://iyo-ah.esnet.ed.jp/cms/ | label = Ehime Prefecture Iyo Agricultural High School
http://www.eidoseducation.org/ | label = Eidos Education
http://www.runtuchem.com/ | label = Zhejiang Runtu (China)
http://einsteininstitute.in/aboutus | label = Einstein Institute of Science
http://xn--80ajk9a.xn--80acgfbsl1azdqr.xn--p1ai/ | label = Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art
http://www.ruppin.ac.il/english.aspx | label = Ruppin Academic Center
http://www.egti.ru/ | label = Ekaterinburg State Theatre Institute
http://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/ | label = Gandhigram Rural Institute
http://www.ekonomska-ms.si/ | label = Ekonomska Šola Murska Sobota
http://www.esnm.si/ | label = Ekonomska Šola Novo Mesto
http://eau.edu.eg/ | label = El Asher University
http://www.rushu.rush.edu/sp/Pages/Home.aspx | label = Rush University
http://www.uelbosque.edu.co/en | label = El Bosque University
http://www.cmq.edu.mx/ | label = El Colegio Mexiquense
http://www.rustcollege.edu/ | label = Rust College
http://www.colson.edu.mx/Default.aspx | label = El Colegio de Sonora
http://www.sha.edu.eg/DefaultEnglish.aspx | label = El Shorouk Academy
http://www.rutlish.merton.sch.uk/ | label = Rutlish School
https://eisca.org/ | label = Elementary Institute of Science
http://www.rvc.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Veterinary College
http://elgin.edu/homepage.aspx | label = Elgin Community College
http://www.rvdentalcollege.org/ | label = D A Pandu Memorial RV Dental College and Hospital
http://www.eso.sankaranethralaya.org/ | label = Elite School of Optometry
http://www.rvinstitutions.com/ | label = Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust
http://elizabethtown.kctcs.edu/ | label = Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
http://www.rvu.edu/ | label = Rocky Vista University
http://www.ea.gr/ea/index.asp?lag=en | label = Ellinogermaniki Agogi
http://www.rvvdku-vi.ru/ | label = Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after. V. F. Margelov
https://ecc.iavalley.edu/ | label = Ellsworth Community College
http://www.rwcmd.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
http://www.elmira.edu/ | label = Elmira College
http://www.elms.edu/ | label = Elms College
http://www.emballasjeforeningen.no/?lang=en | label = Emballasjeforeningen
http://prescott.erau.edu/ | label = Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University
http://www.ryogoku-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Ryogoku High School
https://www.emeraldeducationsystems.com/ | label = Emerald Education Systems
http://www.pelastusopisto.fi/ | label = Emergency Services College
http://www.s-bunkyo.ac.jp/english/index.html | label = Shiga Bunkyo Junior College
http://www.emergencyuniversity.com/ | label = Emergency University
http://www.s-vfu.ru/en/ | label = North-Eastern Federal University
http://www.emersonschools.org/ | label = Emerson School District
http://www.sa-cu.net/ | label = Shatt Al-Arab University College
http://www.eac.edu.ph/ | label = Emilio Aguinaldo College
http://www.saa.edu/ | label = School of Advertising Art
https://www.ecuad.ca/ | label = Emily Carr University of Art and Design
http://www.emilygriffith.edu/ | label = Emily Griffith Technical College
http://www.saarland.de/fhsv.htm | label = Fachhochschule für Verwaltung des Saarlandes
http://www.ecae.ac.ae/ | label = Emirates College for Advanced Education
http://www.saas.ac.cn/saas/ | label = Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca/ | label = Emmanuel Bible College
http://www.ec.edu/ | label = Emmanuel College
http://www.emmaus.edu.au/ | label = Emmaus Bible College
http://www.emmaus.edu/ | label = Emmaus Bible College
http://www.ehc.edu/ | label = Emory and Henry College
http://www.emperors.edu/ | label = Emperors College
http://www.sabfs.edu.sd/ | label = Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences
http://www.empcol.edu/ | label = Empire College
http://www.esc.edu/ | label = Empire State College
http://www.endeavour.edu.au/ | label = Endeavour College of Natural Health
http://www.sacn.edu/ | label = Saint Anthony College of Nursing
http://www.endicott.edu/ | label = Endicott College
http://www.esumsnh.net/ | label = Engineering and Science University Magnet School
https://www.ensenada.tecnm.mx/ | label = Ensenada Institute of Technology
http://www.sacscoc.org/ | label = Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
http://www.ediindia.org/ | label = Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
http://mseuf.edu.ph/ | label = Enverga University
https://eohsi.rutgers.edu/ | label = Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
http://epic.edu/ | label = Epic Bible College
http://www.episcopalacademy.org/ | label = Episcopal Academy
http://eds.edu/ | label = Episcopal Divinity School
http://www.saga-ed.jp/ | label = Saga Prefectural Education Center
http://www.esdallas.org/ | label = Episcopal School of Dallas
http://www.erasmushogeschool.be/ | label = Erasmus University College Brussels
http://ettc.edu.bb/ | label = Erdiston Teachers' Training College
http://www.sagae-h.ed.jp/?page_id=17 | label = Yamagata Prefectural Sagae High School
http://www.eamv.dk/ | label = Erhvervsakademi MidtVest
http://www.erikson.edu/ | label = Erikson Institute
http://www.eah-jena.de/fhj/fhjena/de/Seiten/default.aspx | label = Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena
http://www.hfs-berlin.de/ | label = Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts
http://www.erskine.edu/ | label = Erskine College
http://www.saginomiya-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Saginomiya High School
http://www.esh.se/in-english/ersta-skondal-hogskola---english.html | label = Ersta Sköndal University College
http://www.sagmu.ru/ | label = Samara Academy of State and Municipal Management
http://escambiaschools.net/ | label = Escambia County School District
https://www.bahiana.edu.br/ | label = Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
http://srec.azores.gov.pt/dre/sd/115171020201/ | label = Escola Básica Integrada da Horta
http://www.sai-junshin.ac.jp/ | label = Saitama Junshin Junior College
https://www.ensp.unl.pt/ | label = Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
http://www.profitecla.pt/ | label = Escola Profissional Profitecla
http://www.saijo.ac.jp/ | label = Saitama Women's Junior College
http://www.esqm.pt/ | label = Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês
http://www.saimsonline.com/ | label = Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences
http://escolasecundarialoule.pt/pt | label = Escola Secundária de Loulé
http://www.sainathuniversity.com/index.asp | label = Sai Nath University
http://www.esab.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil
http://domhelder.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara
http://www.saintjohns.cl/ | label = Saint John's School
http://www.escs.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde
http://www.esenfc.pt/ | label = Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
http://www.esel.pt/esel/pt | label = Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa
http://www.saintmeinrad.edu/ | label = Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
http://www2.espm.br/ | label = Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
http://www.esscvp.eu/ | label = Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
http://www.saintpeters.edu/ | label = Saint Peter's University
http://www.estescoimbra.pt/en | label = Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
http://www.saintvincentseminary.edu/ | label = Saint Vincent Seminary
http://www.etefmc.com.br/ | label = Escola Técnica de eletrônic
http://www.escoladacidade.org/ | label = Escola da Cidade
http://www.eceme.ensino.eb.br/ | label = Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército
http://www.ena.pt/ | label = Escola de Negócios e Administração
https://www.ecak12.com/ | label = Escuela Campo Alegre
http://www.ensb.edu.pe/ | label = Escuela Nacional Superior de Ballet
http://www.esade.edu/web/eng | label = Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas
http://www.sakaijoshi.ac.jp/ | label = Sakai Women's Junior College
http://www.esay.edu.mx/wp/ | label = Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán
http://www.sakarya.edu.tr/en/ | label = Sakarya University
http://surescuela.com/ | label = Escuela de Profesiones Artísticas
https://www.eskisehir.edu.tr/en | label = Eskisehir Technical University
http://www.sakhiepi.ru/ | label = Southern Sakhalin Institute of Economics, Law and Computer Science
http://www.espamformationuc.org/ | label = Espam Formation University
http://www.sakhnin.ac.il/ | label = Sakhnin College
http://www.emo.fi/en | label = Espoo Music Institute
http://www.sakurai-h.tym.ed.jp/englishpage/english_page_top.html | label = Toyama Prefectural Sakurai High School
http://eiubp.ru/ | label = Essentuki Institute of Management Business and Law
https://www.ewsd.org/ | label = Essex Westford School District
http://www.salahfoundation.org/ | label = The Salah Foundation
http://www.estoncollege.ca/ | label = Eston College
https://ema.edu.ee/en/ | label = Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
http://www.salcc.edu.lc/ | label = Sir Arthur Lewis Community College
http://www.itcollege.ee/en/ | label = Estonian Information Technology College
http://www.salem.edu/ | label = Salem College
http://www.ksk.edu.ee/eng | label = Estonian National Defense College
http://www.salem.k12.va.us/ | label = Salem City Schools
https://www.estrellamountain.edu/ | label = Estrella Mountain Community College
https://uni-eszterhazy.hu/en | label = Eszterházy Károly College
http://www.vevey-eps.ch/ | label = Etablissement Primaire et Secondaire Vevey
http://www.salesio-sp.ac.jp/en/ | label = Salesian Polytechnic
http://www.eternaluniversity.edu.in/ | label = Eternal University
http://www.eiar.gov.et/ | label = Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
http://www.salfordcc.ac.uk/ | label = Salford City College
http://www.epuc.edu.et/index.php/en/component/content | label = Ethiopian Police University College
http://www.esainfo.ca/ | label = Etobicoke School of the Arts
http://www.etoncollege.com/ | label = Eton College
http://www.salpaus.fi/Sivut/default.aspx | label = Salpaus Further Education
http://cphs.wayne.edu/ | label = Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
http://www.salterschool.com/ | label = Salter School
https://www.eureka.edu/ | label = Eureka College
http://www.euba.edu.mk/ | label = Euro Balkan University
http://www.salus.edu/ | label = Salus University
http://www.ueuromed.org/pro/en/universite.php | label = Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes
http://www.eadtu.eu/ | label = European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
http://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/william-booth-college | label = William Booth College
http://www.ebs-paris.fr/ecole-management/ | label = European Business School Paris
http://www.salve.edu/ | label = Salve Regina University
http://www.ecbm-london.de/en/?no_cache=1 | label = European College of Business and Management
https://ehsem.bg/ | label = European College of Economics and Management
http://www.eden-online.org/ | label = European Distance and E-Learning Network
http://www.insead.edu | label = European Institute of Business Administration
http://international.epitech.eu/ | label = European Institute of Technology
https://www.eiuc.org/ | label = European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation
http://enstti.eu/wp/ | label = European Nuclear Safety Training & Tutoring Institute
http://www.sampson.k12.nc.us/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1 | label = Sampson County Schools
http://www.epu.bg/index.php/en/ | label = European Polytechnical University
http://www.euricse.eu/ | label = European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprise
https://www.esmt.org/ | label = European School of Management and Technology
http://www.samuelmerritt.edu/ | label = Samuel Merritt University
https://www.eso.ac.uk/ | label = European School of Osteopathy
http://www.san.edu.pl/ | label = Społeczna Akademia Nauk
http://www.espi.or.at/ | label = European Space Policy Institute
http://www.eui.eu/ | label = European University Institute
http://www.europa-uni.de/en/index.html | label = European University Viadrina
http://www.sancarlos.edu.py/ | label = Universidad San Carlos
http://eu.spb.ru/en/ | label = European University at Saint Petersburg
http://www.sandamaso.es/ | label = Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso
http://www.ueb.eu/versionAnglaiseV2/ | label = European University of Brittany
http://universidadeuropea.es/en/ | label = European University of Madrid
http://www.universitaeuropeadiroma.it/ | label = European University of Rome
http://www.uet.edu.al/index.php/en/ | label = European University of Tirana
http://www.euro-fh.de/ | label = Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg
http://www.sandipfoundation.org/ | label = Sandip Foundation
https://www.evangel.edu/ | label = Evangel University
http://www.sanedi.org.za/# | label = South African National Energy Development Institute
http://www.epuc.edu.gh/ | label = Evangelical Presbyterian University College
https://www.eh-berlin.de/startseite.html | label = Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
http://www.eh-ludwigsburg.de/homepage.html | label = Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
http://www.sangitan.ac.jp/ | label = College of Industrial Technology
http://www.ev-hochschule-hh.de/ | label = Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie
https://www.esv.de/ | label = Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein
http://www.evelynhone.edu.zm/ | label = Evelyn Hone College
http://www.evergladesuniversity.edu/ | label = Everglades University
http://www.saniku.ac.jp/ | label = Saniku Gakuin College
http://www.edukomplex.cz/ | label = Evropský Polytechnický Institut
http://www.sanjac.edu/ | label = San Jacinto College
http://www.expression.edu/ | label = Ex'pression College for Digital Arts
http://www.universe-cluster.de/?L=0 | label = Excellence Cluster Universe
http://excelsia.edu.au/ | label = Excelsia College
http://www.sanjuanoncology.com/ | label = San Juan Oncology Associates
http://www.excelsior.edu/ | label = Excelsior College
http://ecbo.nl/ | label = Expertise Center Vocational Education
http://www.sankt-georgen.de/default/english.html | label = Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology
http://www.expertisecentrumnederlands.nl/ | label = Expertisecentrum Nederlands
http://www.sanlian.net.cn/ | label = Anhui Sanlian University
http://exploringnewhorizons.org/ | label = Exploring New Horizons
http://externatodaluz.com/site/index.php | label = Externato da Luz
http://www.ejg.hu/ | label = Eötvös József Gimnázium
http://www.sannohe-h.asn.ed.jp/index.html | label = Aomori Prefectural Mito High School
http://www.fctcoezuba.edu.ng/ | label = FCT College of Education
http://www.sanpietroamajella.it/index.php | label = Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella
http://www.fikra.com.qa/ | label = FIKRA
http://www.fh-diakonie.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Diakonie
https://www.fhpolbb.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Polizei des Landes Brandenburg
http://www.santannapisa.it/en | label = Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
https://www.fhsv.sachsen.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Sächsischen Verwaltung Meißen
http://www.fh-mittelstand.de/ | label = Fachhochschule des Mittelstands
http://www.santoshuniversity.com/ | label = Santosh University
http://www.fhf-kw.brandenburg.de/cms/detail.php/bb1.c.174029.de | label = Fachhochschule für Finanzen Brandenburg
http://www.sanu.ac.sz/ | label = Southern Africa Nazarene University
http://www.fhf-nordkirchen.de/ | label = Fachhochschule für Finanzen Nordrhein Westfalen
http://en.fh-wien.ac.at/ | label = Fachhochschule für Management & Kommunikation
http://www.sanxiau.net/default.html | label = Chongqing Three Gorges University
http://www.fhr.nrw.de/ | label = Fachhochschule für Rechtspflege Nordrhein Westfalen
http://www.sanyo.ac.jp/ | label = Sanyo Women's College
http://www.saarland.de/fhsv.htm | label = Fachhochschule für Verwaltung des Saarlandes
http://www.saocamilo-es.br/centrouniversitario | label = Centro Universitário São Camilo
http://www.fhvd.de/fhvd_we/html/aktuell/index-aktuell.html | label = Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Dienstleistung
http://www.fhvr.bayern.de/de/startseite.html | label = Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege in Bayern
http://www.fh-guestrow.de/ | label = "Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Polizei und Rechtspflege"
http://www.teologialugano.ch/ | label = Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano
http://www.fcrs.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão
https://faceres.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Ceres
http://casperlibero.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Cásper Líbero
http://www.fepar.edu.br/hotsite_2016/ | label = Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
http://www.fafire.br/ | label = Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife
http://guairaca.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Guairacá
https://www.imed.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Meridional
http://www.unihorizontes.br/fnh/ | label = Faculdade Novos Horizontes
http://www.redentor.inf.br/portal/index.jsp | label = Faculdade Redentor
http://www.frb.br/ | label = Faculdade Ruy Barbosa
http://www.saolucas.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Sao Lucas
http://www.saolucas.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Sao Lucas
http://www.sumare.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Sumaré
http://www.slmandic.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic
http://www.unisuz.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Unida de Suzano
http://www.sapientia.hu/en/eng_greeting | label = Sapientia College of Theology of Religious Orders
http://www.fsg.br/ | label = Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha
http://www.facel.com.br/ | label = Faculdade de Administração Ciências Educação e Letras
http://www.sapporo-otani.ac.jp/ | label = Sapporo Otani Junior College
http://www.fcmsantacasasp.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo
http://www.cmmg.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais
http://www.sarasotauniversity.org/ | label = Sarasota University
https://www.fadergs.edu.br | label = Faculdade de Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul
http://www.sarfti.ru/ | label = Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology
http://www.faculdadedeitaituba.com.br/index.php?irpara=home | label = Faculdade de Itaituba
http://fmj.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí
http://www.sarum.ac.uk/ | label = Sarum College
http://www.famema.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Marília
http://www.fmpfase.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis
http://www.famerp.br/novoportal/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
http://www.sasebo.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College
http://www.fmabc.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
http://www.saskpolytech.ca/ | label = Saskatchewan Polytechnic
http://www.fafem.com.br/ | label = Faculdade de Mococa
http://www.fadep.br/ | label = Faculdade de Pato Branco
http://www.sathyabama.ac.in/ | label = Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
http://portal.ftc.br/ | label = Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências
http://www.unipacvaledoaco.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Única
http://www.satsukita.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Sapporo Kita High School
http://www.est.edu.br/english/ | label = Faculdades EST
http://www.fimca.com.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho
http://fatea.br/fatea/ | label = Faculdades Integradas Teresa D'Ávila
http://www.sau.edu.bd/ | label = Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
http://www.unescnet.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de Cacoal
http://portal.fisp.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de São Paulo
https://www2.faccat.br/portal/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de Taquara
http://www.univale.com.br/unisite/ | label = Faculdades Integradas do Vale do Ivaí
http://www.sau.int/ | label = South Asian University
http://www.mcampos.br/ | label = Faculdades Milton Campos
http://www.oswaldocruz.br/unidades.asp?id_unidade=4 | label = Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz
http://flacso.org.ar/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
http://www.saultcollege.ca/ | label = Sault College
http://www.flacso.or.cr/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
http://www.flacso.org.sv/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
http://www.flacsochile.org/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
https://www.flacso.edu.mx/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
http://www.savannahstate.edu/ | label = Savannah State University
https://www.flacso.org.do/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
http://www.fkpv.si/?lang=en | label = Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
http://www.saveetha.com/ | label = Saveetha University
http://www.fd.si/ | label = Faculty of Design
http://www.saxion.edu/ | label = Saxion University of Applied Sciences
https://ead.faesa.br | label = Faesa Centro Universitario
http://www.sbbcollege.edu/ | label = Santa Barbara Business College
http://www.k12northstar.org/ | label = Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
http://www.fairfield.edu/ | label = Fairfield University
http://www.fairviewschools.org/ | label = Fairview School District
http://www.sbccd.org/ | label = San Bernardino Community College District
http://www.faith.edu/ | label = Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary
http://www.sbdch.ac.in/ | label = Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital
http://faithseminary.edu/ | label = Faith Evangelical College & Seminary
http://www.fms-tivat.me/ | label = Fakultet za Mediteranske Poslovne Studije
http://www.fpm.me/ | label = Fakultet za Poslovni Menadžment u Baru
http://www.fm-hn.com/ | label = Fakultet za menadžment Herceg Novi
http://eng.kolegjifama.eu | label = Fama College
http://familyoffaithcollege.edu/ | label = Family of Faith College
https://www.fanshawec.ca/ | label = Fanshawe College
http://www.dvfu.ru/en/ | label = Far Eastern Federal University
https://dvui.mvd.ru/ | label = Far Eastern Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
http://xn--80ahnanie9ayb2dp.xn--p1ai/ | label = Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture
http://www.sc-celje.si/eng/Strani/default.aspx | label = School Centre Celje
http://dv-art.ru/eng/ | label = Far Eastern State Institute of Arts
http://www.sc-nm.si/en | label = School Center Novo mesto
http://www.fesmu.ru/ | label = Far Eastern State Medical University
http://www.sc-s.si/joomla/ | label = Šolski Center Šentjur
http://fwu.edu.np/ | label = Far-western University
http://www.sc-sg.si/ | label = Šolski center Slovenj Gradec
http://www.fareham.ac.uk/ | label = Fareham College
https://cfu.ac.ir/en | label = Farhangian University
http://www.farrinstitute.org/ | label = Farr Institute
http://www.scad.edu/ | label = Savannah College of Art and Design
http://www.faruksarac.edu.tr/site.php?lng=en | label = Faruk Sarac Vocational School of Design
http://www.fathermuller.com/homeopathiccollege/ | label = Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
http://fsm.edu.tr/index.php?ln=en | label = Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University
http://www.fatih.edu.tr/?&language=EN | label = Fatih University
http://www.scbu.edu/ | label = Smith Chapel Bible University
http://www.fjdc.edu.pk/ | label = Fatima Jinnah Dental College
http://www.fjmc.edu.pk/# | label = Fatima Jinnah Medical University
http://fatimamatanationalcollege.ac.in/inner.php?m=178&p=2&n=2 | label = Fatima Mata National College
http://www.sccb.ac.uk/ | label = South and City College Birmingham
https://www.faulkner.edu/ | label = Faulkner University
http://www.sccbellinzona.ch/ | label = Scuola Cantonale di Commercio Bellinzona
http://www.faurecia.de/ | label = Faurecia (Germany)
http://www.favaloro.edu.ar/site/ | label = Favaloro University
http://www.scccd.edu/index.aspx?page=155 | label = State Center Community College District
http://www.cefet-rj.br/ | label = Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca
http://www.cefetmg.br/# | label = Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais
http://www.sccky.edu/ | label = St. Catharine College
http://www.fcfmt.edu.ng/ | label = Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology
http://www.sccm.cn/english/index.asp | label = Sichuan Conservatory of Music
http://www.ifbaiano.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute Baiano
http://www.firo.ru/ | label = Federal Institute for Education Development
http://www.ifb.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Brasília
http://www2.ifal.edu.br/ | label = "Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Alagoas"
http://www.fiiro.org/ | label = Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi
http://www.ifmg.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Minas Gerais
http://www.ifpa.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Pará
http://www.scf.edu/ | label = State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota
http://portal.ifpe.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Pernambuco
http://www.scfai.edu.cn/english/ | label = Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
http://www.ifrs.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul
http://portal.ifro.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Rondônia
http://www.ifsc.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Santa Catarina
http://www.ifsp.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of São Paulo
http://www.fedpolyado.edu.ng/# | label = Federal Polytechnic
https://fstec.ru/en/ | label = Federal Service for Technical and Export Control
http://www.schnittke-mgim.ru/ | label = Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke
http://www.niipma.ru/ | label = Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation
http://www.school.city.kani.gifu.jp/sonan/ | label = Kani City Sunan Junior High School
http://www.fubk.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Birnin Kebbi
http://www.fukashere.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Kashere
http://www.schreiner.edu/ | label = Schreiner University
http://www.fulafia.edu.ng/new/ | label = Federal University Lafia
http://www.science.gov.tm/tm/organisations/cultural_institute/ | label = Turkmen State Institute of Culture
http://www.fulokoja.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Lokoja
http://www.science.org.ge/english.html | label = Georgian National Academy of Sciences
http://www.fuotuoke.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Otuoke
http://www.ufal.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Alagoas
http://www.sciencespobordeaux.fr/fr/index.html | label = Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux
http://www.unifal-mg.edu.br/portal/ | label = Federal University of Alfenas
http://www.scit.ac.jp/sitemap.html | label = Shinjuku College of Information Technology
http://www.ufam.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Amazonas
http://www.scjc.ac.kr/eng/index.jsp | label = Cheongam College
http://www.fhbund.de/EN/00__Home/homepage__node.html?__nnn=true | label = Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences
http://ufcg.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Campina Grande
http://www.sckr.si/tsc/english.html | label = Kranj School Centre
http://www.unifei.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Itajubá
http://portais.ufma.br/PortalUfma/index.jsf | label = Federal University of Maranhão
http://www.scng.si/en/ | label = School Centre Nova Gorica
http://www-nt.ufms.br/ | label = Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
http://www.scnrsa.com.cn/ | label = Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resource Sciences
http://www.portal.ufpa.br/ | label = Federal University of Para
http://www.sistemas.ufrn.br/portal/PT/ | label = Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
http://www.sco.edu/ | label = Southern College of Optometry
http://www.unifesp.br/ | label = Federal University of Sao Paulo
http://ufsb.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Southern Bahia
https://www.unifesspa.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará
http://www.utfpr.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Technology – Paraná
http://www.ufob.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Western Bahia
http://www.scpet.net/ | label = Šolski Center za Pošto, Ekonomijo in Telekomunikacije
http://www.ufopa.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Western Pará
http://www.scphc.ac.th/ | label = Sirindhorn College of Public Health
http://www.fobst.org/kor/index.php | label = Federation of Busan Science and Technology
http://www.scptuj.si/ | label = Šolski Center Ptuj
http://english.bdi.eu/ | label = Federation of German Industries
http://www.usm.cl/ | label = Federico Santa María Technical University
http://www.scrippscollege.edu/ | label = Scripps College
http://feiromarinelifecenter.org/ | label = Feiro Marine Life Center
http://www.scs.edu/ | label = Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
http://www.felician.edu/ | label = Felician College
http://kmf.uz.ua/en/ | label = Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute
http://www.scsk12.org/uf/webadmin/foundation/ | label = Shelby County Schools
http://www.fergusson.edu/ | label = Fergusson College
http://www.scsl.si/ | label = Šolski Center Škofja Loka
http://www.ferrum.edu/ | label = Ferrum College
http://www.scsu.edu/ | label = South Carolina State University
http://fettes.com/ | label = Fettes College
http://www.fhraiinstitute.com/ | label = Fhrai Institute of Hospitality Management
http://www.fife.ac.uk/Pages/default.aspx | label = Fife College
http://www.filamer.edu.ph/ | label = Filamer Christian University
http://www.sctechsystem.com/ | label = South Carolina Technical College System
http://www.filmovka.cz/en/home-page | label = Film Academy of Miroslav Ondříček
http://www.sctu.edu.cn/html/index.html | label = Sichuan Tourism University
http://www.filmuniversitaet.de/en/ | label = Film University Babelsberg
http://www.scu.ac.ir/homepage.aspx?site=DouranPortal&tabid=1&lang=fa-IR | label = Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
http://www.finuni.fi/ | label = Finland University
http://www.finlandia.edu/ | label = Finlandia University
http://www.scuhs.edu/ | label = Southern California University of Health Sciences
http://pmui.ru/ | label = First Moscow Law Institute
http://www.scups.net/ | label = Southern California University for Professional Studies
http://fnuniv.ca/ | label = First Nations University of Canada
http://www.1spbgmu.ru/en/ | label = First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg
http://www.scv.si/index.php/en/ | label = Šolski Center Velenje
http://firstlineschools.org/ | label = Firstline Schools
http://www.fisher.edu/ | label = Fisher College
http://www.sdams.cn/ | label = Shandong Academy of Medical Science
http://www.fitchburgstate.edu/ | label = Fitchburg State University
http://www.fivebranches.edu/ | label = Five Branches University
http://www.ftc.edu/ | label = Five Towns College
http://www.flagler.edu/ | label = Flagler College
http://www.sdccd.edu/ | label = San Diego Community College District
http://www.flame.edu.in/ | label = Flame University
http://flemingcollege.ca/ | label = Fleming College
http://www.sddky.com/ | label = Shandong Geological Sciences Institute
http://www.sde.dk/sde/site.aspx?p=23 | label = Syddansk Erhvervsskole
http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/ | label = Hillsborough County Public Schools
http://www.sdmcahhassan.org/ | label = Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda and Hospital
http://www.sdmcds.edu/ | label = Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Dental Sciences & Hospital
http://www.sdngy.edu.cn/en/ | label = Shangdong Agriculture and Engineering University
http://www.sdufe.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong University of Finance and Economics
http://www.sduu.ac.in/ | label = Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research
http://www.sdwu.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Shandong Women’s University
http://www.sdx.js.cn/ | label = Jiangsu Provincial Party School
http://www.sdxiehe.com/home/ | label = Shandong Xiehe University
http://www.se.edu/ | label = Southeastern Oklahoma State University
http://www.seacoastcareerschools.edu/Locations/Sanford-ME-Campus/80/ | label = Seacoast Career Schools
http://www.ump.ma/ | label = Mohamed I University
http://www.ump.ma/ | label = Mohamed I University
http://www.cust.edu.pk/ | label = Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
http://www.ump.mx/ | label = Universidad Motolinía del Pedregal
http://www.mbrsg.ae/ | label = Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government
http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/ | label = Mohawk College
http://eng.mokpo.ac.kr/index.9is | label = Mokpo National University
https://www.msu.ac.kr/en | label = Mokpo Science University
http://www.ums-edu.com/?lng=english | label = University of Modern Sciences
http://usm.md/?lang=en | label = Moldova State University
http://monash.it/ | label = Monash University Prato Centre
http://home.moneaguecollege.edu.jm/ | label = Moneague College
http://www.umsa.bo/ | label = Higher University of San Andrés
http://miu.edu.mn/?ckattempt=3 | label = Mongolia International University
http://www.mnums.edu.mn/index.php | label = Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
http://ou.monmouthcollege.edu/default.aspx | label = Monmouth College
http://www.umsa.poltava.ua/ | label = Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
http://www.monroe2boces.org/ | label = Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
https://www.monroecollege.edu/ | label = Monroe College
http://www.montanabiblecollege.edu/ | label = Montana Bible College
http://www.montanalearning.org/ | label = Montana Learning Center
http://www.montereylaw.edu/ | label = Monterey College of Law
http://www.miis.edu/ | label = Monterey Institute of International Studies
http://www.umst-edu.sd/ | label = University of Medical Sciences and Technology
http://www.mecr.edu/wp/ | label = Montessori Education Center of the Rockies
http://www.meipn.org/ | label = Montessori Education Institute of the Pacific Northwest
http://www.montessori6-12ami.org/ | label = Montessori Institute of Milwaukee
http://www.umsystem.edu/ | label = University of Missouri System
http://msihyd.org/site/ | label = Montfort Social Institute
http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/ | label = Montgomery County Public Schools
http://www.mtsd.k12.nj.us/domain/79 | label = Montgomery High School
http://www.montpellier-bs.com/ | label = Montpellier Business School
https://www.supagro.fr/ | label = Montpellier SupAgro
http://www.umtmandalay.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medical Technology Mandalay
http://www.montserrat.edu/ | label = Montserrat College of Art
http://www.umtweb.edu/ | label = University of Management and Technology
https://www.moody.edu/ | label = Moody Bible Institute
http://www.umty.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medical Technology Yangon
https://www.moore.edu.au/ | label = Moore College
http://moore.edu/ | label = Moore College of Art and Design
http://www.mvso.cz/ | label = Moravská Vysoká Skola Olomouc
http://www.mordgpi.ru/sveden/ | label = Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after ME Evseveva
http://www.umwestern.edu/ | label = University of Montana Western
http://www.morehouse.edu/ | label = Morehouse College
http://www.msm.edu/ | label = Morehouse School of Medicine
https://www.morinomiya-u.ac.jp/ | label = Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences
http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/mo1-h/ | label = Morioka First High School
http://www.morlingcollege.com/ | label = Morling College
https://www.morningside.edu/ | label = Morningside College
http://morrisbrown.edu/ | label = Morris Brown College
http://www.morris.edu/ | label = Morris College
https://www.morrisontech.edu/ | label = Morrison Tech
http://www.mbs.net/ | label = Morristown Beard School
http://www.morrisschooldistrict.org/ | label = Morristown High School
http://www.morrisville.edu/ | label = Morrisville State College
http://morthland.edu/ | label = Morthland College
http://www.marhi.ru/eng/ | label = Moscow Architectural Institute
http://www.mai.ru/ | label = Moscow Aviation Institute
http://www.mbinst.ru/ | label = Moscow Banking Institute
http://www.mccme.ru/index-e1.html | label = Moscow Center For Continuous Mathematical Education
https://eng.mephi.ru/ | label = Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
http://mfei.ru/ | label = Moscow Financial and Economic Institute
http://mgei.ru/ | label = Moscow Humanitarian Economic Institute
http://www.dashkova.ru/ | label = Moscow Humanitarian Institute of E. Dashkova
http://www.miepl.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Economics Politics and Law
http://mieen.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Energy and Energy Saving
http://www.mipp.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law
http://www.gaudeamus.ru/eng/main.htm | label = Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages
http://www.mmbi.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Modern Business
http://www.unam.edu.na/ | label = University of Namibia
http://www.unaq.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro
http://www.upb.ro/en/ | label = Polytechnic University of Bucharest
http://www.upb.ro/en/ | label = Polytechnic University of Bucharest
http://estudiaencartagena.upct.es/international/english/start/ | label = Polytechnic University of Cartagena
http://www.upt.ro/ | label = Polytechnic University of Timişoara
https://www.mev.hr/?lang=en | label = Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec
http://www.nust.na/ | label = Polytechnic of Namibia
http://www.veleri.hr/ | label = Polytechnic of Rijeka
http://www.vus.hr/ | label = Polytechnics of Šibenik
http://www.vup.hr/ | label = Polytecnic in Požega
https://www.pum.edu.pl/english/ | label = Pomeranian Medical University
http://www.upcomillas.es/en/ | label = Comillas Pontifical University
https://www.pomfret.org/ | label = Pomfret School
http://psm.edu/home.html | label = Ponce Health Sciences University
http://www.upd.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedagógica de Durango
http://www.pimsmmm.com/ | label = Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/ | label = Pondicherry University
http://portal.uepg.br/ | label = Ponta Grossa State University
http://upra.org/ | label = Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
http://www.uc.cl/ | label = Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
http://www.upeace.nl/index.php | label = University for Peace
http://www.pcj.edu/ | label = Pontifical College Josephinum
http://www.pims.ca/ | label = Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
https://www.johnpaulii.edu/ | label = Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
http://upjp2.edu.pl/eng/ | label = Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków
http://www.upem.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Privada del Estado de Morelos
http://www.anselmianum.com/ | label = Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo
http://www.upemor.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politecnica del Estado de Morelos
https://www.puc-campinas.edu.br/ | label = Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
http://www4.pucsp.br/paginainicial/ | label = Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
http://www.ppisr.res.in/ | label = Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research
http://www.upesh.edu.pk/ | label = University of Peshawar
http://www.psjs.edu/ | label = Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary
http://www.poquoson.k12.va.us/pages/Poquoson_City_Public_Schools/ | label = Poquoson City Public Schools
http://www.psu.edu.eg/en/ | label = Port Said University
https://pwpl.org/ | label = Port Washington Public Library
http://www.upf.br/english/ | label = Universidade de Passo Fundo
http://www.portagecollege.ca/ | label = Portage College
http://www.upf.com/ | label = University Press of Florida
https://www.pdx.edu/ | label = Portland State University
http://portobellohighschool.org.uk | label = Portobello High School
https://www.portsmouth-college.ac.uk/ | label = Portsmouth College
http://academiamilitar.pt/ | label = Portuguese Military Academy
http://www.isgb.pt/ | label = Portuguese School of Bank Management
http://www.upg.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedro de Gante
http://www.post.edu/ | label = Post University
http://www.uph.edu.pl/en/ | label = University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce
https://www.ppo-opleidingen.nl/ | label = Postmaster Psychologie Opleidingen
http://www.poynter.org/ | label = Poynter Institute for Media Studies
https://pums.ump.edu.pl/ | label = Poznan University of Medical Sciences
http://ue.poznan.pl/en/ | label = Poznań University of Economics and Business
http://www.put.edu.pl/ | label = Poznań University of Technology
http://www.prairie.edu/ | label = Prairie Bible Institute
http://www.upike.edu/ | label = University of Pikeville
http://prairiestate.edu/ | label = Prairie State College
http://www.pravara.com/ | label = Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
http://www.praxishochschule.de/en | label = Praxis Hochschule University of Applied Sciences
http://www.pu-hiroshima.ac.jp/soshiki/kokusai/01-en.html | label = Prefectural University of Hiroshima
https://pnsa.edu.kh/wp/ | label = Prek Leap National College of Agriculture
http://ptc.edu.au/ | label = Presbyterian Theological College
http://www.pcts.ac.kr/English/renew/ | label = Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
http://www.uplifteducation.org/ | label = Uplift Education
http://www.presentation.edu/ | label = Presentation College
http://www.upm.ac.id/website/ | label = Universitas Panca Marga
http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/ | label = Presidency University
http://www.preston.edu/ | label = Preston University
http://www.preston.ac.uk/ | label = Preston's College
http://www.welingkar.org/Home/home_flash.asp | label = Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research
http://pgs.k12.va.us/ | label = Prince George County Public Schools
http://www.upmetropolitana.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo
http://www.mbsc.edu.sa/ | label = Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship
https://www.psau.edu.sa/en/ | label = Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University
http://www.en.psu.ac.th/ | label = Prince of Songkla University
http://www.pnu.edu.sa/en | label = Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
http://psut.edu.jo/main/ | label = Princess Sumaya University for Technology
http://www.princetonk12.org/ | label = Princeton Public Schools
http://www.ptsem.edu/ | label = Princeton Theological Seminary
http://www.principiacollege.edu/ | label = Principia College
http://www.upnyk.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
http://www.svse.cz/ | label = Private College of Economic Studies Znojmo
http://www.svses.cz/international/engl/ | label = Private University College of Economic Studies
http://www.phdl.at/en/ | label = Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz
http://www.pwsos.pl/index.php?jezyk=2 | label = Private University of Environmental Sciences in Radom
http://www.uppervolga.ru/ | label = Upper Volga Institute
http://www.uppuebla.edu.mx/joomla1/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Puebla
http://www.uprh.edu/ | label = University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
http://www.uprit.edu.pe/web/ | label = Private University of Trujillo
http://www.uprit.edu.pe/web/ | label = Private University of Trujillo
http://test.probigua.org/ | label = Probigua
http://www.pjtsau.ac.in/ | label = Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University
http://www.uprp.edu/ | label = University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
http://www.path-hta.ca/Home.aspx | label = Programs for Assessment of Technology in Health Research Institute
https://projectartscentre.ie/ | label = Project Arts Centre
http://www.shigaku.go.jp/ | label = Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan
http://www.proteo.cj.edu.ro/en | label = Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj
https://www.pthu.nl/en/ | label = Protestant Theological University
https://www.eh-freiburg.de/university-of-applied-sciences | label = Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg
https://www.provadis-hochschule.de/top-menu/englisch/ | label = Provadis School of International Management and Technology
http://www.providencecc.edu/ | label = Providence Christian College
http://www.upsa.edu.gh/ | label = University of Professional Studies
http://www.providenceuc.ca/ | label = Providence University College and Theological Seminary
http://www.provocollege.edu/ | label = Provo College
http://www.proyecto-es.com/ | label = Proyecto Espanol
http://www.upsem.edu/ | label = Union Presbyterian Seminary
http://pstu.edu/en/ | label = Pryazovskyi State Technical University
http://www.pwsbia.edu.pl/ | label = "Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych, Komputerowych i Medycznych"
http://www.prep.ch/fr/ | label = Préparation aux Examens Préalables
http://www.upstate.edu/ | label = SUNY Upstate Medical University
http://www.psksu.ru/ | label = Pskov State Pedagogical Institute
http://eng.pskgu.ru/ | label = Pskov State University
http://www.volny.edu/ | label = Pskov Volny Institute
http://www.upt.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
http://www.ptjnmcraipur.in/ | label = Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College
http://www.paaet.edu.kw/mysite/Default.aspx?tabid=4269&language=ar-KW | label = Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
http://www.wsm.opole.pl/pl/ | label = Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole
http://www.upt.ro/ | label = Polytechnic University of Timişoara
http://www.peuni.cn/ | label = Puer University
http://www.gdcamritsar.com/ | label = Punjab Government Dental College and Hospital
http://www.pimsj.com/ | label = Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences
http://www.pmc.edu.pk/ | label = Punjab Medical College
http://punjabiuniversity.ac.in/pbiuniweb/index.html | label = Punjabi University
http://www.puexam.edu.np/ | label = Purbanchal University
http://www.purchase.edu/ | label = Purchase College
https://www.pfw.edu/ | label = Purdue University Fort Wayne
http://www.uqar.ca/ | label = Université du Québec à Rimouski
http://www.purpan.fr/en | label = Purpan Engineering School
http://english.pusan.ac.kr/uPNU_homepage/en/default.asp | label = Pusan National University
http://www.uqat.ca/ | label = Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
http://www.pushgu.ru/ | label = Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences
http://www.pushkin.institute/en/ | label = Pushkin State Russian language Institute
http://pushpagiri.in/ | label = Pushpagiri Medical College
http://www.puskas.hu/100/ | label = Puskás Tivadar Távközlési Technikum
http://www.uqtr.ca/ | label = Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
http://old.pglu.ru/en/ | label = Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
http://www.pgfa.ru/ | label = Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy
http://english.ptu.ac.kr/ | label = Pyeongtaek University
https://ppke.hu/en | label = Pázmány Péter Catholic University
http://www.ur.ac.rw/ | label = University of Rwanda
http://www.ph-burgenland.at/startseite/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland
http://www.ur.edu.pl/en | label = Rzeszów University
http://www.phgr.ch/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden
https://www.ph-noe.ac.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich
http://www.phsalzburg.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg
http://www.urawa-h.spec.ed.jp/?page_id=402 | label = Saitama Prefectural Urawa High School
http://www.phsh.ch/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen
http://www.urawaichijo-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Urawa first Girls' High School
http://www.ph-kaernten.ac.at/en/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Viktor Frankl Hochschule
http://phv.www4.vobs.at/index.php?id=2 | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg
http://www.phwien.ac.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
http://www.pphf.hu/ | label = Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola
http://www.pspbb.fr/en/ | label = Pôle Supérieur d'Enseignement Artistique of Paris Boulogne-Billancourt
http://www.ptf.hu/home | label = Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola
http://www.qaemiau.ac.ir/ | label = Qaemshahr Islamic Azad University
http://www.qfis.edu.qa/ | label = Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
http://www.urdu.uz/ | label = Urgench State University
https://www.qiau.ac.ir/en/ | label = Qazvin Islamic Azad University
http://en.sgmtu.edu.cn/ | label = Qiannan Normal College For Nationalities
http://www.urep.ru/ | label = Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law
http://www.qlnu.edu.cn/ | label = Qilu Normal University
http://www.urfji.ru/ | label = Ural Institute of Finance and Law | label = Qing Normal University
http://www.urgau.ru/ | label = Ural State Agrarian University
http://en.qau.edu.cn/index.html | label = Qingdao Agricultural University
http://www.huanghaicollege.com/ | label = Qingdao Huanghai University
http://www.qddx.gov.cn/n435777/index.html | label = Qingdao Party School of CPC
http://www.qtech.edu.cn/ | label = Qingdao Technological University
http://english.qdu.edu.cn/ | label = Qingdao University
http://www.qzhu.edu.cn/ | label = Qinzhou University
http://www.qttc.edu.cn/ | label = Qiongtai Teachers College
http://www.qqhrit.com/ | label = Qiqihar Institute of Engineering
http://english.qmu.edu.cn/ | label = Qiqihar Medical University
http://www.qqhru.edu.cn/index_en.htm | label = Qiqihar University
http://qom-iau.ac.ir/ | label = Qom Islamic Azad University
http://www.casqiem.ac.cn/ | label = Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institute
https://www.queenelizabeths-ac.org.uk/ | label = Queen Elizabeth’s Academy
http://www.qmu.ac.uk/ | label = Queen Margaret University
http://www.qmul.ac.uk/ | label = Queen Mary University of London
http://dmmh.no/en | label = Queen Maud University College
http://www.qc.cuny.edu/Pages/home.aspx | label = "Queens College, CUNY"
http://www.queens.edu/ | label = Queens University of Charlotte
http://www.qtc.edu.au/ | label = Queensland Theological College
http://www.qiup.edu.my/ | label = Quest International University Perak
http://quincycollege.edu/ | label = Quincy College
http://qvcc.edu/ | label = Quinebaug Valley Community College
http://qsu.edu.ph/ | label = Quirino State University
http://qcschools.com/ | label = Quitman County School District
http://www.qjnu.edu.cn/ | label = Qujing Normal University
http://www.qzct.net/ | label = Quzhou College of Technology
http://www.qzu.zj.cn/English/ | label = Quzhou University
http://rgkarmedicalcollege.org/ | label = R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital
https://reva.edu.in/ | label = REVA University
http://rku.ac.in/ | label = RK University
http://www.rkdf.ac.in/ | label = RKDF University
https://www.rmit.eu | label = RMIT Europe
http://ymht.org/index.cfm | label = Rabbi Jacob Joseph School
http://www.rabbinicalcollegeohryisroel.com/ | label = Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel
http://www.rca.edu/ | label = Rabbinical College of America
http://medicaleducation.rajasthan.gov.in/udaipur/index.asp | label = Rabindranath Tagore Medical College
http://www.radforduc.edu.gh/ | label = Radford University College
http://wsh.pl/en/ | label = Radom Academy of Economics
http://eust.pl/ | label = Radom Academy of Social and Technical Sciences
http://www.rsw.edu.pl/ | label = Radom College
http://www.raffles.edu.au/ | label = Raffles College of Design and Commerce
http://www.ri.edu.sg/ | label = Raffles Institution
http://www.rhu.edu.lb/home | label = Rafik Hariri University
http://raghebisf.ac.ir/ | label = Ragheb Esfahani Institute
http://www.raiganjcollege.ac.in/ | label = Raiganj University
http://www.raisoni.net/ | label = Raisoni Group of Institutions
http://www.eng.rmutt.ac.th/ | label = Rajamangala University of Technology
http://www.rmutk.ac.th/ | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep
http://www.rmutl.ac.th/rmutl-en.html | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
http://www.rrdch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital
http://www.rrmch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital
http://rcsmgmc.ac.in/ | label = Rajarshee Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Government Medical College and CPR Hospital Kolhapur
http://www.rdchjaipur.com/ | label = Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital | label = Rajasthan University of Health Sciences
http://rajuvas.org/ | label = Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
http://www.rgipt.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
https://www.rgnul.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law
https://www.rgpv.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi Technical University
http://www.rguhs.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
http://www.rgukt.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
http://ramadentalcollege.org/ | label = Rama Dental College Hospital & Research Centre
http://www.ramauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Rama University
http://rnsb.k12.nm.us/ | label = Ramah Navajo School Board
http://www.srkv.org/ | label = Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya
http://ramin.ac.ir/English/ | label = Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khouzestan
http://www.url.edu/en | label = Ramon Llull University
http://www.url.edu/en | label = Ramon Llull University
https://www.rsccd.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Rancho Santiago Community College District
http://www.randolphcollege.edu/ | label = Randolph College
http://www.rfisd.net/ | label = Randolph Field Independent School District
http://www.rtnj.org/ | label = Randolph Township Schools
http://www.rmckakinada.com/ | label = Rangaraya Medical College
http://ranken.edu/ | label = Ranken Technical College
http://www.ranneyschool.org/page | label = Ranney School
http://www.rlmc.edu.pk/ | label = Rashid Latif Medical College
http://www.ursuline.edu/ | label = Ursuline College
http://www.nagpuruniversity.org/ | label = Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
http://www.ursulinedallas.org/ | label = Ursuline Academy of Dallas
http://www.rvinstitutions.com/ | label = Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust
http://www.uru.ac.th/ | label = Uttaradit Rajabhat University
http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in/ | label = Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
http://www.rasmussen.edu/ | label = Rasmussen College
http://www.ravensbourne.ac.uk/ | label = Ravensbourne
http://www.urv.cat/en_index.html | label = Rovira i Virgili University
http://www.rayatbahrauniversity.edu.in/ | label = Rayat Bahra University
http://rieit.rayatbahra.com/ | label = Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology
http://www.rayatshikshan.edu/ | label = Rayat Shikshan Sanstha
http://redi.re.kr/?lang=en | label = Re-shaping Development Institute
http://www.rae.es/ | label = Real Academia Española
http://www.rcsmm.eu/ | label = Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid
http://www.reaseheath.ac.uk/ | label = Reaseheath College
http://erdogan.edu.tr/ | label = Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University
http://www.rrc.edu/ | label = Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
http://www.rkh.se/ | label = Red Cross University College of Nursing
http://www.redcrowcollege.com/ | label = Red Crow Community College
http://rdc.ab.ca/ | label = Red Deer College
http://www.rrc.mb.ca/ | label = Red River College
http://www.reuna.cl/ | label = Red Universitaria Nacional
http://www.cleveland.ac.uk/ | label = Redcar & Cleveland College
http://www.redcliffe.ac.uk/ | label = Redcliffe College
http://www.reseminary.edu/ | label = Reformed Episcopal Seminary
http://www.rgu.ac.kr/ | label = Reformed Graduate University
http://srta.hu/main | label = Reformed Theological Academy of Sárospatak
http://www.rtc.edu.au/ | label = Reformed Theological College
http://www.rtsk.org | label = Reformed Theological Institute
http://www.prta.hu/en/ | label = Reformed Theological Seminary of Papa
http://www.viaa.nl/english | label = Reformed University of Applied Sciences
https://www.oth-regensburg.de/en.html | label = Regensburg University of Applied Sciences
http://www.regents.ac.uk/ | label = Regent's University London
http://www.regents-tc.ac.uk/ | label = Regents Theological College
http://www.rectas.org/ | label = Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys
http://rosi-edu.ru/ | label = Regional Open Social Institute
http://rgomiddelharnis.nl/index.php?menu=163&pid=1 | label = Regionale scholengemeenschap Goeree-Overflakkee
http://www.regiscollege.edu/ | label = Regis College
http://www.registrecancers59.fr/ | label = Registre général des cancers de Lille et de sa région
http://www.rstc.edu/ | label = Reid State Technical College
https://www.reidman.co.il/ | label = Reidman College
http://www.reinhardt.edu/ | label = Reinhardt University
http://www.usbbog.edu.co/ | label = Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota
http://www.relay.edu/ | label = Relay Graduate School of Education
http://www.remingtoncollege.edu/ | label = Remington College
http://renci.org/ | label = Renaissance Computing Institute
https://www.esc-rennes.fr/index.php/en | label = Rennes School of Business
http://rtc.edu/ | label = Renton Technical College
http://www.rp.edu.sg/ | label = Republic Polytechnic
http://www.fimt.uni-bayreuth.de/en/ | label = Research Institute for Music Theater Studies
http://insch.ru/ | label = Research Institute of National Schools of the Republic of Sakha
http://medievistiek.nl/en/ | label = Research School for Medieval Studies
http://www.rcdsantacruz.org/ | label = Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County
http://resu.edu/ | label = Resurrection University
http://www.reutlingen-university.de/en/home/ | label = Reutlingen University
http://www.hs-rm.de/de/ | label = RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
http://www.uscb.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Beaufort
https://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/en | label = Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences
http://www.risd.edu/ | label = Rhode Island School of Design
http://www.usciences.edu/ | label = University of the Sciences
http://intraweb.stockton.edu/eyos/page.cfm?siteID=197&pageID=5&layout=hp | label = Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
http://www.uscny.edu/ | label = Utica School of Commerce
http://richlandcollege.edu/ | label = Richland College
https://www.richland2.org/Pages/default.aspx | label = Richland School District Two
http://www.uscs.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
http://richmondcc.edu/ | label = Richmond Community College
http://www.uscsumter.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Sumter
http://www.richmondschool.net/ | label = Richmond School and Sixth Form College
http://www.uscupstate.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Upstate
https://www.rutc.ac.uk/ | label = Richmond upon Thames College
http://richmont.edu/ | label = Richmont Graduate University
https://www.ridley.edu.au/ | label = Ridley College
http://www.usd207.org/ | label = Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207
http://riftvalleyuniversity.net/ | label = Rift Valley University
http://www.rck.lv/eng/index.php?sad=1&sub=4 | label = Riga Building College
http://www.koledza.lv/best/index.php/en/ | label = Riga College of Accounting and Finance
http://www.usf.edu.br/ | label = Universidade São Francisco
http://www.usfsp.edu/home/ | label = University of South Florida St. Petersburg
http://www.usg.edu/ | label = University System of Georgia
http://www.usherbrooke.ca/ | label = Université de Sherbrooke
http://www.usim.edu.my/ | label = Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
http://www.usiouxfalls.edu/ | label = University of Sioux Falls
http://www.usj.edu/ | label = University of Saint Joseph
http://xn--h1aoh9b.xn--p1ai/ | label = Tver Institute of Ecology and Law
http://xn--h1aoh9b.xn--p1ai/ | label = Tver Institute of Ecology and Law
http://www.tyndale.ca/ | label = Tyndale University College & Seminary
http://yabechu.yame.ed.jp/ | label = Yabe Junior High School
https://www.tyuiu.ru/?lang=en | label = Tyumen Industrial University
http://yenepoya.edu.in/ | label = Yenepoya University
https://tipk.mvd.ru/ | label = Tyumen Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
http://yeshivaofnitra.org/ | label = Yeshiva of Nitra Rabbinical College
http://www.tyumsmu.ru/eng/ | label = Tyumen State Medical University
http://yk.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State York
http://en.tccn.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = Tzu Chi College of Technology
http://ymht.org/index.cfm | label = Rabbi Jacob Joseph School
http://eng.tcu.edu.tw/ | label = Tzu Chi University
http://ymk-salehard.ru/ | label = Yamal Versatile College
http://www.teluq.ca/ | label = TÉLUQ University
http://yorkcountyschools.org/ | label = York County School Division
http://uil.unesco.org/ | label = UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
http://ysmu.net/ | label = Yerevan State Medical University
http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/ | label = UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
http://yu.edu.kz/ | label = Yessenov University
http://www.devrybrasil.edu.br/unifavip | label = UNIFAVIP
https://www.unilasalle.fr/ | label = UNiLaSalle
http://yuksekihtisasuniversitesi.edu.tr/ | label = Yüksek İhtisas Üniversitesi
http://www.ubuenglish.ubu.ac.th/ | label = Ubon Ratchathani University
http://zalingei.edu.sd/ | label = University of Zalingei
http://www.lomza.janski.edu.pl/ | label = Uczelnia Jańskiego w Łomży
http://zanzibarmusic.org/en/ | label = Dhow Countries Music Academy
http://www.uzzm.pl/ | label = Uczelnia Zawodowa Zagłębia Miedziowego w Lubinie
http://zaums.ac.ir/ | label = Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
http://www.udenscollege.nl/ | label = Udens College
http://zhaosheng.imau.edu.cn/ | label = Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
http://v4.udsu.ru/english/index | label = Udmurt State University
http://zhaosheng.zzuli.edu.cn/ | label = Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
http://udupishriamec.org/ | label = Udupi Shri Admar Mutt Education Council
http://zhgu.edu.kz/ | label = Zhetysu State University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov
http://www.uedawjc.ac.jp/index.php | label = Ueda Womens Junior College
http://zibat.dk/ | label = Zealand Institute of Business and Technology
http://uniim.rospotrebnadzor.ru/ | label = Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology
http://zsamszencziho.edupage.org/ | label = Szenczi Molnár Albert Alapiskola
http://www.ugatu.su/en.html | label = Ufa State Aviation Technical University
http://ufaart.ru/ | label = Ufa State Institute of Arts
http://zsb.zjtcm.net/ | label = Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
http://eng.ugues.ru/ | label = Ufa State University of Economics and Service
http://zua.edu.cn/main.html | label = Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics
http://www2.ufuk.edu.tr/ | label = Ufuk University
https://aab-edu.net/ | label = AAB College
http://www.uecon.org/ | label = Uganda Episcopal Conference
https://aabc.dk/ | label = Aarhus Business College
http://ubatc.edu/ | label = Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
http://utu.ac.in/ | label = Uka Tarsadia University
https://abc.edu/ | label = Appalachian Bible College
http://www.umsa.poltava.ua/ | label = Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
https://acaom.edu/ | label = American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
http://med-akademiya.com.ua/ | label = Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
https://access.edu.ph/ | label = Access Computer College
http://nltu.edu.ua/ | label = Ukrainian National Forestry University
https://acihl.org/ | label = Arab Center for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Education
http://www.kart.edu.ua/en/ | label = Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
https://adw-goe.de/ | label = Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
http://eng.uc.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.jsp | label = Ulsan College
https://ag.tennessee.edu/ | label = University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
http://ugsha.ru/ | label = Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after PA Stolypin
https://aho.no/en | label = Oslo School of Architecture and Design
http://www.english.ulsu.ru/1.html | label = Ulyanovsk State University
https://ajrca.edu/ | label = Academy for Jewish Religion California
https://uqu.edu.sa/english | label = Umm al-Qura University
https://aktu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
http://www.uninettunouniversity.net/ | label = UniNettuno University
https://alamo.edu/pac/ | label = Palo Alto College
http://www.unicorncollege.cz/en/ | label = Unicorn College
https://alazhar-iicpsr.org/ | label = International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research
http://www.unioncatholic.org/ | label = Union Catholic Regional High School
https://ambrose.edu/ | label = Ambrose University
http://www.ucc.edu.ph/# | label = Union Christian College
https://angstronmaterials.com/ | label = Angstron Materials (United States)
http://www.ucboe.us/ | label = Union City Public Schools
https://aof.org/ | label = American Osteopathic Foundation
http://www.unionky.edu/ | label = Union College
https://arkon.tj/ | label = Education Group Akron
https://www.ucollege.edu/ | label = Union College
http://graduate.clarkson.edu/ | label = Union Graduate College
https://asd.sch.qa/ | label = American School of Doha
http://myunion.edu/ | label = Union Institute & University
https://assetinc.org/ | label = Asset Stem Education
http://www.upsem.edu/ | label = Union Presbyterian Seminary
https://asumh.edu/ | label = Arkansas State University Mountain Home
https://www.ust.ac.uk/ | label = Union School of Theology
https://atenisi.edu.to/ | label = Atenisi Institute
http://www.union.ac.uk/Home.aspx | label = Union Theological College
https://atmiya.net/ | label = Atmiya University
https://utsnyc.edu/ | label = Union Theological Seminary
https://atpflightschool.com/ | label = Airline Training Program Flight School
http://www.unitec.ac.nz/ | label = Unitec Institute of Technology
https://aueg.org/ | label = Alliance Université-Entreprise de Grenoble
http://uic.edu.hk/en | label = United International College
https://auis.edu// | label = American University of Integrative Sciences
http://unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University
https://bacoll.ac.uk/ | label = Bishop Auckland College
https://bafe.edu.kg/?lang=en | label = Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics
https://beauxartsnantes.fr/ | label = École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Métropole
https://beckinstitute.org/ | label = Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy
https://belui.mvd.ru/ | label = Belgorod Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
https://bethanygu.edu/ | label = Bethany Global University
https://bethbc.edu/ | label = Bethlehem Bible College
https://bhssc.org/ | label = Black Hills Special Services Cooperative
https://binm.org/ | label = Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
https://bismarckstate.edu/ | label = Bismarck State College
https://blackburn.edu/ | label = Blackburn College
https://bui.mvd.ru/ | label = Barnaul Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
https://caep.org/ | label = Communicating for Agriculture Education Programs
https://cairn.edu/ | label = Cairn University
https://calarts.edu/ | label = California Institute of the Arts
https://carlalbert.edu/ | label = Carl Albert State College
https://carlsbad.nmsu.edu/ | label = New Mexico State University Carlsbad
https://carrickinstitute.com/ | label = Carrick Institute
https://cfu.ac.ir/en | label = Farhangian University
https://chichester.ac.uk/ | label = Chichester College
https://cims.edu/ | label = California Institute Of Medical Science
https://clintoncollege.edu/ | label = Clinton College
https://cmn.edu/ | label = College of the Muscogee Nation
https://cms1.ks.ac.kr/eng/Main.do | label = Kyungsung University
https://coker.edu/ | label = Coker College
https://college.ch/ | label = Robert Kennedy College
https://community.mitchell.edu/ | label = Mitchell College
https://concordia.ab.ca/ | label = Concordia University of Edmonton
https://copenhagenbusinesscollege.com/ | label = Niels Brock
https://cs.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society
https://cs.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society
http://gcm.unu.edu/ | label = "United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility"
http://www.merit.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology
https://csumb.edu/ | label = California State University, Monterey Bay
http://iigh.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health
https://cyso.org/ | label = Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
https://www.armywarcollege.edu/ | label = United States Army War College
https://db.ice.or.jp/nc/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Education Center
http://www.cga.edu/ | label = United States Coast Guard Academy
https://dsnlu.ac.in/ | label = Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University
https://www.usefpakistan.org/ | label = United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan
https://dundeeandangus.ac.uk/ | label = Dundee and Angus College
https://ussa.edu/ | label = United States Sports Academy
https://dutchartinstitute.eu/ | label = Dutch Art Institute
https://www.usuniversity.edu/ | label = United States University
https://dvui.mvd.ru/ | label = Far Eastern Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
http://united.edu/ | label = United Theological Seminary
https://ead.faesa.br/ | label = Faesa Centro Universitario
http://www.uttc.edu/ | label = United Tribes Technical College
https://ecc.iavalley.edu/ | label = Ellsworth Community College
https://www.uwcsea.edu.sg | label = United World College of South East Asia
https://ecole-design.com/ | label = École Supérieure de Design et des Arts Visuels
http://www.uwcad.it/ | label = United World College of the Adriatic
https://ecollege.edu/ | label = Ecclesia College
http://www.unitelmasapienza.it/ | label = Unitelma Sapienza University
https://ehsem.bg/ | label = European College of Economics and Management
http://universalbarbercollege.com/ | label = Universal Barber College
https://eisca.org/ | label = Elementary Institute of Science
http://www.ucp.edu.ph/ | label = Universal College
https://eisti.fr/en | label = École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information
http://www.ucha.edu/ | label = Universal College of Healing Arts
https://ema.edu.ee/en/ | label = Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
http://www.ucol.ac.nz/Pages/default.aspx | label = Universal College of Learning
https://en.colegioarula.com/ | label = Colegio Árula
http://universalcollege.net/ | label = Universal Engineering College
https://en.gznc.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Guizhou Education University
http://spatrainingacademy.edu/ | label = Universal Spa Training Academy
https://en.muthesius-kunsthochschule.de/ | label = Muthesius University in Kiel
http://www.uti.edu/ | label = Universal Technical Institute
https://en.tvu.edu.vn/ | label = Tra Vinh University
http://www.utmi.com/ | label = Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute
https://en.vsem.cz/ | label = University of Economics and Management
https://u.university/en/ | label = Universal University
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doha_Institute_for_Graduate_Studies | label = Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
http://www.uai.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad Abierta Interamericana
https://energiakademiet.dk/en/ | label = Samsø Energy Academy
https://www.unadmexico.mx/ | label = Universidad Abierta y a Distancia
https://eng.daegu.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu University
http://www.unaq.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro
https://eng.inha.ac.kr/ | label = Inha University
http://www.uniangelopolis.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Angelópolis
https://eng.kkot.ac.kr/ | label = Kkottongnae University
http://unamcr.com/ | label = Universidad Autónoma Monterrey
https://eng.mephi.ru/ | label = Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
http://www.uaeh.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
https://english.acts.ac.kr/ | label = Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission
http://www.ubam.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Bancaria de México
https://english.cbg-meb.nl/ | label = Medicines Evaluation Board
http://www.ubrauliocarrillo.com/ | label = Universidad Braulio Carrillo
https://english.jnu.edu.cn/ | label = Jinan University
http://www.isee.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Católica Lumen Gentium
https://english.koje.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.aspx | label = Koje College
http://www.universidadcatolica.edu.py/ | label = Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
https://english.mirea.ru/ | label = Moscow Technological University
http://international.ucam.edu/ | label = Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
https://enscbp.bordeaux-inp.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, de Biologie et de Physique
http://ucsp.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Católica San Pablo
https://eohsi.rutgers.edu/ | label = Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
http://www.uccuyosj.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad Católica de Cuyo
https://eucnvs.dk/ | label = EUC Nordvestsjaelland
http://estune.suagm.edu/ | label = Universidad Del Este
https://ext.vt.edu/ | label = Virginia Cooperative Extension
http://upacifico.edu.ec/web/ | label = Universidad Del Pacífico Ecuador
https://extension.umd.edu/ | label = University of Maryland Extension
http://www.udb.edu.sv/udb/index.php | label = Universidad Don Bosco
https://faceres.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Ceres
http://www.ujgh.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Dr. José Gregorio Hernández
https://fkcc.edu/ | label = Florida Keys Community College
http://www.sandamaso.es/ | label = Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso
http://www.cue.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Español
https://floridapolytechnic.org/ | label = Florida Polytechnic University
http://canarias.universidadeuropea.es/ | label = Universidad Europea de Canarias
https://forsvaret.no/hogskolene/en/nduc | label = Norwegian Defence University College
http://www.uhipocrates.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Hipócrates
https://fstec.ru/en/ | label = Federal Service for Technical and Export Control
http://www.utupakkatari.edu.bo/ | label = Universidad Indígena Boliviana Aymara Tupak Katari
https://future.edu/ | label = Future Generations Graduate School
http://www.universidad.uninter.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Internacional
https://gcelabschool.com/ | label = GCE Lab School
http://www.unir.net/ | label = Universidad Internacional De La Rioja
https://geneva.euruni.edu/ | label = EU Business School
https://www.uisek.edu.ec/es | label = Universidad Internacional SEK
http://unijv.edu.mx/index.php | label = Universidad José Vasconcelos
https://glamarchives.gov.uk/ | label = Glamorgan Archives
http://www.ujpii.ac.cr/ | label = Universidad Juan Pablo II
https://greatvalley.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Great Valley
http://www.uleones.com/ | label = Universidad Los Leones
https://gustavus.edu/ | label = Gustavus Adolphus College
http://www.mayor.cl/ | label = Universidad Mayor
https://habib.edu.pk/ | label = Habib University
http://www.lameso.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Mesoamericana Oaxaca
https://hallmarkuniversity.edu/ | label = Hallmark University
http://umoar.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero
https://hdzva.edu.ua/ | label = Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy
http://www.ump.mx/ | label = Universidad Motolinía del Pedregal
https://hec.ac.ma/ | label = École des Hautes Études Commerciales
http://unefm.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda
https://hendrix.edu/ | label = Hendrix College
http://www2.unesur.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago Jesús María Semprún
https://hfpv.hessen.de/irj/VFH_Internet?cid=5b3c58692438240a8473aed9581a3488 | label = Hessische Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung
http://www.unia.edu.pe/inicio/ | label = Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía
https://higheredutah.org/ | label = Utah System of Higher Education
http://www.untecs.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur
https://hjertesenter.no/ | label = Trondheim Hjertesenter
http://unpgma.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nororiental Privada Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho
http://www.uom.mx/ | label = Universidad Obrera de Mexico
https://homepage.sch.ac.kr/sch/index.jsp?epTicket=LOG | label = Soonchunhyang University
http://upi.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Particular de Iquitos
https://hrs.dk/copenhagen-hospitality-college/ | label = Copenhagen Hospitality College
http://www.upd.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedagógica de Durango
https://hsc.mercer.edu/ | label = Mercer University Health Sciences Center
http://www.pedagogica.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador
https://i3l.ac.id/ | label = Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
http://www.upg.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedro de Gante
https://icc.edu/ | label = Illinois Central College
http://www.upemor.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politecnica del Estado de Morelos
http://www.upmetropolitana.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo
http://www.uppuebla.edu.mx/joomla1/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Puebla
https://igdore.org/ | label = Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education
http://www.upt.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
https://iiitn.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur
https://upaep.mx/?lang=en | label = Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
https://iiserb.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal
http://www.upem.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Privada del Estado de Morelos
https://ikiam.edu.ec/ | label = Universidad Regional Amazónica IKIAM
https://ikiam.edu.ec/ | label = Universidad Regional Amazónica IKIAM
http://www.sancarlos.edu.py/ | label = Universidad San Carlos
https://iling.spb.ru/index.html | label = Institute of Linguistic Studies
http://www.usm.edu.ve/web/ | label = Universidad Santa María
https://ilrtindia.org/ | label = Institute of Livelihood Research and Training
http://www.utn.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl
https://ima.org.uk/ | label = Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
http://www.uts.edu.mx/Principal/index.php | label = Universidad Tecnológica del Sur de Sonora
https://incdmtm.ro/ | label = Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Mecatronică si Tehnica Masurării
http://utla.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Técnica Latinoamericana
https://inha.uz/en/ | label = Inha University in Tashkent
http://www.yachay.gob.ec/yachay-area-academica/ | label = Universidad Yachay Tech
https://insigneo.org/ | label = Insigneo
http://www.udima.es/ | label = Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
https://ist.ac.at/ | label = Institute of Science and Technology Austria
https://uaysen.cl/ | label = Universidad de Aysén
https://itu.edu/ | label = International Technological University
http://ucimed.com/ | label = Universidad de Ciencias Medicas
https://iugrad.edu.dm/ | label = International University for Graduate Studies
http://instituciones.sld.cu/ucmh/english/ | label = Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana
https://ivcampus.sdsu.edu/ | label = San Diego State University, Imperial Valley Campus
http://www.unibague.edu.co/ | label = Universidad de Ibagué
https://iyrs.edu/ | label = International Yacht Restoration School
http://www.utec.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología
https://jesuiten.at/innsbruck/ | label = Jesuiten
http://www.ult.edu.cu/ | label = Universidad de Las Tunas
https://johnwesley.edu/ | label = Laurel University
http://unidemat.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad de Matamoros
https://jpcatholic.edu/ | label = John Paul the Great Catholic University
http://www.usbbog.edu.co/ | label = "Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota"
https://kadk.dk/en/ | label = The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation
http://website.usonsonate.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad de Sonsonate
https://karlshochschule.de/en/ | label = Karlshochschule International University
http://uz.edu.ph/ | label = Universidad de Zamboanga
https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/ | label = National Quantum Information Centre in Gdansk
https://www.ucema.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina
https://kgma.info/ | label = Kazan State Medical Academy
http://www.udd.cl/ | label = Universidad del Desarrollo
https://kic.ac.ae/ | label = Al Khawarizmi International College
https://upach-eca.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Pacífico de Chiapas
https://kindering.org/ | label = Kindering
http://www.unpa.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Papaloapan
http://www.unisol.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Sol
https://kingston-college.ac.uk/ | label = Kingston College
http://www.universidaduvm.mx/ | label = Universidad del Valle de México
https://klif.univer.mvd.ru/ | label = Kaliningrad Law Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
http://www.uab.pt/web/guest/home | label = Universidade Aberta
https://knteu.kiev.ua/?en | label = Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
http://www.uatlantica.pt/index.php/en/ | label = Universidade Atlântica
https://kosygin-rgu.ru/ | label = Russian State University named after AN Kosygin
http://www.ucpel.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Católica de Pelotas
https://kristiania.no/kristiania-university-college | label = Campus Kristiania
http://www.unisantos.br/ | label = Universidade Católica de Santos
https://ksalpenquai.lu.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Alpenquai Luzern
http://www.unicid.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
https://ksmu.kharkov.ua/ | label = Kharkiv National Medical University
https://www.unochapeco.edu.br/# | label = Universidade Comunitária Regional de Chapecó
https://ktu.edu.in/ | label = A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University
http://www.cruzeirodosul.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
https://kui.mvd.ru/ | label = Kazan Law Institute
http://www.uemasul.edu.br/avaliacao.php | label = Universidade Estadual da Região Tocantina do Maranhão
https://kums.edu.af/en | label = Kabul Medical University
http://www.uncisal.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas
https://kunstakademiet.dk/en/ | label = Schools of Visual Arts, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
http://www.cgri.ueg.br/conteudo/3144_english | label = Universidade Estadual de Goiás
https://kyoiku-u.jp/index.html | label = Japan Graduate School of Education University
http://unimontes.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
https://lakeland.edu/ | label = Lakeland College
http://uerr.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Roraima
https://lamarcc.edu/ | label = Lamar Community College
http://www.ueap.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Amapá
https://landesfinanzschule-edenkoben.fin-rlp.de/home/index.html | label = Hochschule für Finanzen Rheinland Pfalz
http://www2.unicentro.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste
https://languagesystems.edu/ | label = Language Systems International College of English
https://uenp.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
https://laurentian.ca/ | label = Laurentian University
http://www.uergs.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul
https://laverne.edu/ | label = University of La Verne
https://www.europeia.pt/en | label = Universidade Europeia
https://law.tamu.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University School of Law
http://ufersa.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
https://lcu.edu/ | label = Lubbock Christian University
http://portal.ufgd.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
http://www.ufcspa.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
http://portal.ufpel.edu.br/# | label = Universidade Federal de Pelotas
http://site.ufsm.br/ | label = Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
http://www.ufca.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Federal do Cariri
http://portal.ufes.br/ | label = Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
http://www.unipampa.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Federal do Pampa
http://www.uftm.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
http://www.ufvjm.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
http://www.feevale.br/en/institutional | label = Universidade Feevale
http://www.ibirapuera.br/ | label = Universidade Ibirapuera
http://www.ukb.ed.ao/ | label = Universidade Katyavala Bwila
http://portal.ulangola.ed.ao/ | label = Universidade Lusíada de Angola
http://www.ulp.pt/en/ | label = Universidade Lusófona do Porto
http://www.uscs.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
http://www.unopar.br/ | label = Universidade Norte do Paraná
http://www.uninove.br/Paginas/Home.aspx | label = Universidade Nove de Julho
http://www.unipar.br/ | label = Universidade Paranaense
http://www3.unip.br/default.asp | label = Universidade Paulista
http://www.apolitecnica.ac.mz/ | label = Universidade Politecnica
http://www.up.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Positivo
http://up.mackenzie.br/upm/ | label = Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
http://www.furb.br/web/1835/institutional/the-furb | label = Universidade Regional de Blumenau
http://www.sociesc.org.br/ | label = Universidade Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina
http://www.usf.edu.br/ | label = Universidade São Francisco
http://www.unincor.br/ | label = Universidade Vale do Rio Verde
http://www.unifran.edu.br/ | label = Universidade de Franca
http://www.upf.br/english/ | label = Universidade de Passo Fundo
http://www.unesc.net/portal/ | label = Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense
http://www.univali.br/english/Paginas/default.aspx | label = Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
http://www.untag-sby.ac.id/ | label = Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
http://univ45sby.ac.id/web/ | label = Universitas 45 Surabaya
http://unhamzah.ac.id/web-lama/ | label = Universitas Amir Hamzah
http://www.dharmawangsa.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Dharmawangsa
http://www.ugptakengon.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Gajah Putih
http://universitasindonesiatimur.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Indonesia Timur
http://www.unisbablitar.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Islam Balitar
http://www.uin-malang.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
http://uinsu.ac.id/?mod=home | label = Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
http://ukwms.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
http://www1.uki.ac.id | label = Universitas Kristen Indonesia
http://umer.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Merdeka Surabaya
https://umsida.ac.id | label = Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
http://unwmataram.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram
http://www.upm.ac.id/website/ | label = Universitas Panca Marga
http://unikal.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Pekalongan
http://www.upnyk.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
https://www.unsut.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Sutomo
http://universitastabanan.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Tabanan
http://utn.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Teknologi Nusantara
http://unvicsorong.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Victory Sorong
http://uwp.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Wijaya Putra
http://www.uamsibiu.ro/ | label = Universitatea Alma Mater Sibiu
http://www.uai-cluj.ro/wp/ | label = Universitatea Avram Iancu
http://islavici.ro/ | label = Universitatea Ioan Slavici
http://www.umi.ac.ma/ | label = Universite Moulay Ismail De Meknes
http://www.usim.edu.my/ | label = Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
http://uniko.ac.at/ | label = Universities Austria
http://fh-joanneum.at/ | label = Universities of Applied Sciences Joanneum
http://www.ugmlc.de/ | label = Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center
http://www.uaruhr.de/ | label = University Alliance Ruhr
http://www.uniarp.edu.br/home/ | label = University Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe
http://www.uacs.edu.mk/ | label = University American College Skopje
http://www.ubdtce.org/ | label = University B.D.T College of Engineering
http://ubtec.org.in/ | label = University B.T. & Evening College
http://www.university-bank.com/ | label = University Bank
http://www.unis.no/ | label = University Centre in Svalbard
http://www.curml.ch/en/ | label = University Centre of Legal Medicine
http://www.uw.is/ | label = University Centre of the Westfjords
http://www.ucds.org/ | label = University Child Development School
https://ucc.dk/ | label = University College Capital
http://english.hogent.be/ | label = University College Ghent
http://www.ucl.edu.pk/ | label = University College Lahore
http://international.ucl.dk/ | label = University College Lillebaelt
https://www.odisee.be/en | label = University College Odisee
http://ucsj.dk/english/ | label = University College Sjælland
https://www.ucsyd.dk/ | label = University College South Denmark
https://learn.maine.edu/rockland/ | label = University College at Rockland
https://learn.maine.edu/rockland/ | label = University College at Rockland
http://www.agrarumweltpaedagogik.ac.at/en/index.html | label = University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy
https://leicestercollege.ac.uk/ | label = Leicester College
http://www.oucwkoti.ac.in/ | label = University College for Women
https://leu.lt/en/home_leu.html | label = Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
http://ucaes.edu.gh/ | label = University College of Agriculture and Environmental Studies
https://lfcc.edu/ | label = Lord Fairfax Community College | label = University College of Allameh Helli
https://lfs.org.uk/ | label = London Film School
http://www.ou-mba.ac.in/ | label = University College of Commerce & Business Management
https://limu.edu.ly/end-of-the-year-party/ | label = Libyan International Medical University
https://www.ucem.ac.uk/ | label = University College of Estate Management
https://machias.edu/ | label = University of Maine at Machias
http://kuim.edu.my/eng/ | label = University College of Islam Melaka
https://manhattan.edu/ | label = Manhattan College
http://www.uci.edu.pk/ | label = University College of Islamabad
https://manipal.edu/mu/about-us/world-wide-manipal/melaka-manipal-medical-college.html | label = Melaka Manipal Medical College
http://www.ucms.ac.in/ | label = University College of Medical Sciences
https://mansfield.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University at Mansfield
http://www.ucnorth.dk/Default.aspx | label = University College of Northern Denmark
https://mcc.iavalley.edu/ | label = Marshalltown Community College
https://www.usn.no/?lang=en_GB | label = University College of Southeast Norway
https://mensenrechten.nl/nl | label = College voor de Rechten van de Mens
http://www.kphvie.ac.at/en/ | label = University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems
https://miem.hse.ru// | label = Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
http://www.ucc.edu.jm/ | label = University College of The Caribbean
https://mipt.ru/en/ | label = Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
http://www.stara.wste.edu.pl/en | label = University College of Tourism and Ecology
https://mitchell.k12.sd.us/ | label = Mitchell School District
http://www.ucci.edu.ky/ | label = University College of the Cayman Islands
https://mlc-wels.edu/ | label = Martin Luther College
https://www.ucn.ca/defaulted.aspx | label = University College of the North
https://molochnoe.ru/en/ | label = Vologda State Milk Academy named after NV Vereshchagina
http://www.ucll.be/en/ | label = University Colleges Leuven-Limburg
http://www.ucpori.fi/en/ | label = University Consortium of Pori
https://moodle.gymnyon.vd.ch/ | label = Gymnase de Nyon
http://universityderm.com | label = University Dermatology
http://web.aeath.gr/jaeath/en/ | label = University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki
http://www.universitygi.com/ | label = University Gastroenterology
https://msu.edu/ | label = Michigan State University
http://www.unik.no/ | label = University Graduate Center
http://www.ugc.gov.bd/en | label = University Grants Commission of Bangladesh
https://myana.org/ | label = American Neurological Association
http://www.uheightscenter.org/ | label = University Heights Center
https://mylaspotech.edu.ng/ | label = Lagos State Polytechnic
http://uhs.tusd1.schooldesk.net/ | label = University High School
https://nds.edu/ | label = Notre Dame Seminary
http://www.uls-dc.org/ | label = University Legal Services
https://new.trinity.edu/ | label = Trinity University
http://www.unicusano.it/en/ | label = University Niccolò Cusano
https://nfts.co.uk/ | label = National Film and Television School
https://www.unin.hr/en/ | label = University North
https://nhsc.edu/ | label = Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College
http://dl.uctm.edu/en/ | label = University Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy
https://nileuniversity.ac.ug/ | label = Nile University
http://www.uofallujah.edu.iq/en/ | label = University Of Fallujah
https://nlu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
http://sroc.cfans.umn.edu/ | label = "University Of Minnesota, Waseca"
https://nmetau.edu.ua/en | label = National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
http://www.universityprep.org/ | label = University Prep
https://northgatech.edu/ | label = North Georgia Technical College
http://www.upf.com/ | label = University Press of Florida
https://northseattle.edu/ | label = North Seattle College
http://utrad.com/ | label = University Radiology
https://northweststate.edu/ | label = Northwest State Community College
http://urta.com/ | label = University Resident Theatre Association
https://norwalk.edu/ | label = Norwalk Community College
https://www.us.edu/page | label = University School
https://npua.am/ | label = National Polytechnic University of Armenia
http://www.usmk12.org/page | label = University School of Milwaukee
https://nu.edu.az/index.php?lang=az | label = Nakhchivan University
https://www.usn.org/page | label = University School of Nashville
https://osumarion.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University at Marion
http://www.usg.edu/ | label = University System of Georgia
https://pasadena.edu/ | label = Pasadena City College
http://www.usmd.edu/ | label = University System of Maryland
https://pbm.cfu.ac.ir/en | label = Shahid Beheshti Teacher Training College
http://www.usnh.edu/ | label = University System of New Hampshire
https://pentvars.edu.gh/homepage | label = Pentecost University College
http://www.ust.edu.tw/eng/# | label = University System of Taiwan
http://universityvascular.com/ | label = University Vascular Associates
https://phzh.ch/en/ | label = Zurich University of Teacher Education
http://www.hv.se/en | label = University West
https://platt.edu/ | label = Platt College
https://www.ubt-uni.net/sq/ballina/ | label = University for Business and Technology
https://pnsa.edu.kh/wp/ | label = Prek Leap National College of Agriculture
http://www.upeace.nl/index.php | label = University for Peace
https://point.edu/ | label = Point University
http://www.ucreative.ac.uk/ | label = University for the Creative Arts
https://polito.uz/index.php?lang=en | label = Turin Polytechnic University
https://www.udc.gal/ | label = University of A Coruña
https://portal.nu.edu.sa/en/web/guest | label = Najran University
http://www.uniabuja.edu.ng/ | label = University of Abuja
https://potomac.edu/ | label = University of the Potomac
http://www.aden-univ.net/ | label = University of Aden
https://ppke.hu/en | label = Pázmány Péter Catholic University
http://www.uia.no/en | label = University of Agder
https://projectartscentre.ie/ | label = Project Arts Centre
http://uard.bg/en | label = University of Agribusiness and Rural Development
https://pums.ump.edu.pl/ | label = Poznan University of Medical Sciences
http://www.uasraichur.edu.in/ | label = University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur
https://pwpl.org/ | label = Port Washington Public Library
http://www.uasbangalore.edu.in/ | label = "University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore"
https://qatar.sfs.georgetown.edu/ | label = Georgetown University
http://www.uasd.edu/ | label = "University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad"
https://reva.edu.in/ | label = REVA University
http://uam.edu.ng/ | label = University of Agriculture
https://rgup.ru/ | label = Russian State University of Justice
http://en.ur.krakow.pl/ | label = University of Agriculture in Krakow
https://rmuohp.edu/ | label = Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
http://en.usamv.ro/ | label = University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest
https://rui.mvd.ru/ | label = Rostov Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
http://www.abu.edu.iq/ | label = University of Ahl al-Bayt
https://sb-sciencemanagement.com/ | label = SB Science Management
http://english.unak.is/ | label = University of Akureyri
https://schiller.edu/london-campus | label = Schiller International University
http://uasystem.ua.edu/ | label = University of Alabama System
http://ualberta.ca/ | label = University of Alberta
https://sechenov.ru/eng/ | label = Sechenov University
http://www.alepuniv.com/ | label = University of Aleppo
https://secure.lipscomb.edu/ | label = Lipscomb University
http://vrp.univ-alger3.dz/L19/ | label = University of Algiers 3
https://sfcm.edu/ | label = San Francisco Conservatory of Music
https://sfseminary.edu/ | label = Sioux Falls Seminary
https://shanghai.nyu.edu/ | label = New York University Shanghai
https://simons-rock.edu/ | label = Bard College at Simon's Rock
https://sittingbull.edu/ | label = Sitting Bull College
https://skinscienceinstitute.com/ | label = Skin Science Institute
https://skk.lv/ | label = International Cosmetology College
https://smart.mit.edu/ | label = Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology
https://soavoshk.cz/ | label = Obchodní Akademie
https://softwarica.edu.np/ | label = Softwarica College
https://spalding.edu/ | label = Spalding University
https://sph.uth.edu/campuses/austin/ | label = The University of Texas Health Science Center
https://spokane.wsu.edu/ | label

Latest revision as of 08:06, 23 February 2024


https://www.buet.ac.bd BUET | label = Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology https://www.du.ac.bd/ | label = Dhaka University https://www.bracu.ac.bd/ | label = Brac University


http://about.yorku.ca/ | label = York University http://accute.ca/contact-information/ | label = Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English

China | label = Taishan Medical University | label = Liaoning Technical University | label = Qing Normal University | label = Liaoning University of International Business and Economics


http://www.pu.edu.pk/ |Label = Punjab University https://su.edu.pk/ | label = University of Sargodha (UOS) https://pac.edu.pk/ | label = Professional Academy of Commerce (PAC)

University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Science and Technology of China

Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences

Wuhan University


http://aarch.dk/ | label = Aarhus School of Architecture

India | label = Rajasthan University of Health Sciences http://aaft.com/ | label = Asian Academy of Film and Television


http://ablaikhan.kz/ | label = Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Mexico | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla


http://abu.edu.ng/ | label = Ahmadu Bello University


http://a.umed.pl/eng/ | label = Medical University of Lodz


http://academiamilitar.pt/ | label = Portuguese Military Academy

Puerto Rico

http://ac.suagm.edu/en | label = Ana G. Mendez University System

Russia | label = Ural Institute of Commerce and Law http://academprava.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of State Management and Law


http://web.asia.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = Asian University https://www.au.edu.tw/ | label = Aletheia University https://www.ccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Cheng University http://ewww.ccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Cheng University https://www.cgu.edu.tw/ | label = Chang Gung University http://english.cgust.edu.tw/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=6 | label = Chang Gung University of Science and Technology http://www.chna.edu.tw/ https://www.chu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Hua University http://english.chu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chung Hua University http://www.cjcu.edu.tw/english/ | label = Chang Jung Christian University http://www.cju.edu.tw/ https://www.cku.edu.tw/ | label = Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health http://www.cmc.edu.tw/ | label = China Medical College http://english.cmu.edu.tw/ | label = China Medical University http://www.cnu.edu.tw/ | label = Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science http://www.cpu.edu.tw/ | label = Central Police University http://epage-en.cpu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Central Police University http://www.csmc.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Shan Medical College http://english.csmu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chung Shan Medical University http://www.csu.edu.tw/csueng/ | label = Cheng Shiu University http://www.ctcn.edu.tw/ctcnEnglish/ctcnindexEN.htm | label = Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare and Management http://enwww.ctu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Chienkuo Technology University http://wwwold.ctust.edu.tw/english2006/ | label = Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology http://www.cust.edu.tw/www/en/ | label = China University of Science and Technology http://www.cute.edu.tw/en/ | label = China University of Technology http://www.cycu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Yuan Christian University http://eng.cycu.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Yuan Christian University https://www.cyut.edu.tw/ | label = Chaoyang University of Technology https://web.cyut.edu.tw/ | label = Chaoyang University of Technology http://www.dila.edu.tw/en | label = Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts http://www.dlit.edu.tw/en/history.asp | label = De Lin Institute of Technology https://www.dyu.edu.tw/ | label = Dayeh University https://www.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University http://www.en.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University https://www.fcu.edu.tw/ | label = Feng Chia University https://www.fju.edu.tw/ | label = Fu Jen Catholic University https://cust.fotech.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Fortune Institute of Technology https://www.fy.edu.tw/ | label = Fooyin University http://english.fy.edu.tw/ | label = Fooyin University https://www.hcu.edu.tw/ | label = Hsuan Chuang University https://www.hfu.edu.tw/ | label = Huafan University https://www.hk.edu.tw/ | label = Hungkuang University https://www.web.hsc.edu.tw/ | label = Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management https://www.hwai.edu.tw/ | label = Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology http://www.hwu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Hsing Wu University https://www.isu.edu.tw/ | label = I-Shou University http://www.kmc.edu.tw/ | label = Kaohsiung Medical College https://www.kmu.edu.tw/ | label = Kaohsiung Medical University http://english2.kmu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = Kaohsiung Medical University http://www2.knjc.edu.tw/ | label = Kang-Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management http://www.ksit.edu.tw/ | label = Kun Shan Institute of Technology https://www.ksu.edu.tw/ | label = Kun Shan University http://www.kuas.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences http://eng.kuas.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences https://www.lhu.edu.tw/ | label = Lunghwa University of Science and Technology http://www.ltc.edu.tw/ | label = Ling Tung College http://web.ltu.edu.tw/ | label = Ling Tung University http://www.mcu.edu.tw/ | label = Ming Chuan University https://web.mcu.edu.tw/ | label = Ming Chuan University http://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=1 | label = Ming Chuan University http://www.mcut.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = Ming Chi University of Technology http://eng.mdu.edu.tw/ | label = MingDao University http://dotweb.meiho.edu.tw/enmeiho/index.html | label = Meiho University http://www.mhchcm.edu.tw/english/english.htm | label = Min-Hwei College of Health Care Management http://www.mmc.edu.tw/ | label = Mackay Medical College https://www.nccu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chengchi University https://www.nchu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chung Hsing University http://www.nchulc.edu.tw/ | label = College of Law and Commerce, National Chung Hsing University http://web.ncku.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Cheng Kung University http://english.web.ncku.edu.tw/ | label = National Cheng Kung University https://www.ncnu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chi Nan University http://www.ncpes.edu.tw/ | label = National College of Physical Education and Sports https://www.nctu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chiao Tung University https://www.ncu.edu.tw/ | label = National Central University https://www.ncue.edu.tw/ | label = National Changhua University of Education http://oica.ncue.edu.tw/?locale=en | label = National Changhua University of Education http://www.ncut.edu.tw/english | label = National Chin-Yi University of Technology https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/ | label = National Chiayi University https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/ | label = National Dong Hwa University https://www.ndu.edu.tw/ | label = National Defense University http://eweb.ccit.ndu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Defense University https://www.nfu.edu.tw/ | label = National Formosa University http://www.nhctc.edu.tw/ | label = National Hsin-Chu Teachers College http://international.web.nhcue.edu.tw/front/bin/notfound.phtml?Code=lock | label = National Hsinchu University of Education http://www.nhltc.edu.tw/ | label = National Hualien Teachers College http://www.nhu.edu.tw/ | label = Nanhua University https://web.nhu.edu.tw/ | label = Nanhua University http://www.nia.edu.tw/ | label = National Institute of the Arts https://www.niu.edu.tw/ | label = National Ilan University http://www.nkfu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology http://www.nkfust.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology http://www.nkmu.edu.tw/en/ | label = National Kaohsiung Marine University https://www.nknu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung Normal University https://w3.nknu.edu.tw/ | label = National Kaohsiung Normal University http://englishbk.nkut.edu.tw/main.php | label = Nan Kai University of Technology https://www.nou.edu.tw/ | label = National Open University http://www.npttc.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung Teachers College http://web.npue.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Education http://www.npust.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Science and Technology https://wp.npust.edu.tw/ | label = National Pingtung University of Science and Technology https://www.nqu.edu.tw/ | label = National Quemoy University https://www.nsysu.edu.tw/ | label = National Sun Yat-sen University http://www.ntca.edu.tw/ http://www.ntcn.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei College of Nursing http://www.ntcpe.edu.tw/ http://www.ntctc.edu.tw/ https://www.nthu.edu.tw/ | label = National Tsing Hua University http://www2.ntin.edu.tw/English/ | label = National Tainan Institute of Nursing http://www.ntntc.edu.tw/ https://www.ntnu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan Normal University http://www.ntou.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan Ocean University http://english.ntou.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taiwan Ocean University http://www.ntptc.edu.tw/ http://www.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University https://new.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University http://english.ntpu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University http://www.ntsu.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = National Taiwan Sport University http://www.ntttc.edu.tw/ https://www.nttu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taitung University http://wwwen.nttu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taitung University https://www.ntu.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan University http://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en | label = National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science https://www.ntust.edu.tw/ | label = National Taiwan University of Science and Technology https://www.ntut.edu.tw/ | label = National Taipei University of Technology http://www-en.ntut.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taipei University of Technology https://www.nuk.edu.tw/ | label = National University of Kaohsiung http://www.nutc.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = National Taichung University of Science and Technology https://www.nutn.edu.tw/ | label = National University of Tainan https://www.nuu.edu.tw/ | label = National United University https://epage.ocu.edu.tw/ | label = Overseas Chinese University http://w3.oit.edu.tw/eng/ | label = Oriental Institute of Technology https://www.ouk.edu.tw/ | label = Open University of Kaohsiung https://www.pccu.edu.tw/ | label = Chinese Culture University https://www.pu.edu.tw/ | label = Providence University http://www.scc.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Chien College of Design and Management https://www.shu.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Hsin University http://www.sjsmit.edu.tw/ | label = St. John's and St. Mary's Institute of Technology https://www.sju.edu.tw/ | label = St. John's University http://www.stust.edu.tw/en | label = Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology http://www.stut.edu.tw/ | label = Southern Taiwan University of Technology http://www.tajen.edu.tw/bin/index.php?Lang=en | label = Tajen University http://en.tccn.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = Tzu Chi College of Technology https://www.tcu.edu.tw/ | label = Tzu Chi University http://eng.tcu.edu.tw/ | label = Tzu Chi University http://www.tf.edu.tw/en | label = Tung Fang Design Institute http://www.thmu.edu.tw/ http://www.thu.edu.tw/ https://www.tku.edu.tw/ | label = Tamkang University http://english.tku.edu.tw/ | label = Tamkang University http://www.tmc.edu.tw/ | label = Taipei Medical College http://www.tmtc.edu.tw/ | label = Taipei Municipal Teachers College http://www.tmu.edu.tw/english/main.php | label = Taipei Medical University http://www.tnca.edu.tw/ http://eng.toko.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Toko University http://www.tpec.edu.tw/ http://www.ttit.edu.tw/ https://www.ttu.edu.tw/ | label = Tatung University http://www.ukn.edu.tw/ukn/en/ | label = University of Kang Ning https://www.usc.edu.tw/ | label = Shih Chien University http://www2.usc.edu.tw/usc/tw/client/index.asp | label = Shih Chien University http://www.ust.edu.tw/eng/# | label = University System of Taiwan http://www.utaipei.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = University of Taipei https://www.ym.edu.tw/ | label = National Yang Ming University http://nymu-e.web.ym.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml | label = National Yang Ming University http://www.ypu.edu.tw/bin/home.php | label = Yuanpei University https://www.yuntech.edu.tw/ | label = National Yunlin University of Science and Technology https://www.yzu.edu.tw/ | label = Yuan Ze University

United Arab Emirates

http://aau.ac.ae/en/ | label = Al Ain University of Science and Technology

United States

Move ones listed here to this page instead.


http://about.otc.edu/ | label = Ozarks Technical Community College


http://abington.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Abington

South Carolina

http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/musc/ | label = Medical University of South Carolina

Sudan https://napata.edu.sd = Napata College


https://ju.se/en.html | label = Jönköping University https://ki.se/en/ | label = Karolinska Institutet https://lnu.se/ | label = Linnaeus University https://ths.kth.se/international/ | label = Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår https://www.bth.se/ | label = Blekinge Tekniska Högskola https://www.chalmers.se/ | label = Chalmers tekniska högskola https://www.doch.se/in-english | label = University of Dance and Circus https://www.du.se/ | label = Högskolan Dalarna https://www.esh.se/in-english/ersta-skondal-hogskola---english.html | label = Ersta Sköndal University College https://www.fhs.se/en/ | label = Swedish Defence University https://www.filminstitutet.se/en/ | label = Swedish Film Institute https://www.fysiografen.se/en/ | label = Royal Physiographic Society of Lund https://www.gih.se/In-English/ | label = Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences https://www.gu.se/ | label = Göteborgs Universitet https://www.hb.se/ | label = Högskolan i Borås https://www.gu.se/hdk-valand | label = HDK-Valand https://www.uu.se/campus/gotland/ | label = Uppsala Universitet - Campus Gotland https://www.hh.se/ | label = Högskolan i Halmstad https://www.hhs.se/ | label = Stockholm School of Economics https://www.hig.se/ | label = Högskolan i Gävle https://www.hik.se/ | label = Linnéuniversitetet https://www.his.se/ | label = Högskolan i Skövde https://www.hkr.se/ | label = Högskolan Kristianstad https://www.hv.se/en/ | label = University West https://www.irf.se/ | label = Swedish Institute of Space Physics https://www.iva.se/en/ | label = Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences https://www.kau.se/ | label = Karlstads Universitet https://www.kiropraktorhogskolan.se/ | label = Skandinaviska Kiropraktorhögskolan https://www.kkh.se/ | label = Royal Institute of Art https://www.konstfack.se/ | label = University of Arts, Crafts and Design https://www.kth.se/ | label = KTH Royal Institute of Technology https://www.liu.se/en/ | label = Linköping University https://www.ltu.se/ | label = Luleå University of Technology https://www.lu.se/ | label = Lunds Universitet https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/ | label = Lund University https://www.mau.se/en/ | label = Malmö University https://www.mdu.se/en/malardalen-university/ | label = Mälardalen University https://www.miun.se/en/ | label = Mid Sweden University https://www.nhv.se/ | label = Nordiska Högskolan För Folkhälsovetenskap https://www.oru.se/ | label = Örebro Universitet https://www.rkh.se/ | label = Red Cross University College of Nursing https://www.sada.se/ | label = Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts https://www.samernas.se/ | label = Samernas Utbildningscentrum https://www.sh.se/english/sodertorn-university/ | label = Södertörn University https://www.slu.se/en/ | label = Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences https://www.smi.se/english/index.html | label = Stockholm University College of Music Education https://www.sns.se/ | label = Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle https://www.su.se/english/ | label = Stockholm University https://www.sunderbyfolkhogskola.se/ | label = Sunderby Folkhögskola http://www.swedishcollegium.se/ | label = Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study http://www.ths.se/english | label = Teologiska Högskolan Stockholm https://ehs.se/en/ | label = University College Stockholm https://www.umu.se/en/ | label = Umeå University https://www.uniarts.se/english/ | label = Stockholm University of the Arts https://www.uu.se/en/ | label = Uppsala Universitet https://www.vxu.se/ | label = Växsjö Universitet https://www.wmu.se/ | label = World Maritime University https://www.invigos.se/ | label = Invigos https://www.kmh.se/in-english.html | label = Royal College of Music in Stockholm https://www.spsm.se/ | label = Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten https://www.mchs.se/ | label = Marie Cederschiöld Högskola https://www.shh.se/en/ | label = Sophia Hemmet University


http://napata.edu.sd | label = Napata College | label = University College of Allameh Helli http://academy.mia.by/ http://acasdhubri.ajmalgroupofcolleges.org/ | label = Ajmal College of Arts and Science http://achievementschooldistrict.org/ | label = Achievement School District http://acpmjmf.com/dental/index.html | label = ACPM Dental College and Hospital http://acpss.ahram.org.eg/ | label = Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies http://acrobatiq.com/ | label = Acrobatiq http://acsir.res.in/ | label = Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research http://acsmch.ac.in/?page_id=13 | label = ACS Medical College and Hospital http://acupuncturist.edu/ | label = Academy for Five Element Acupuncture http://adau.edu.az/ | label = Azerbaijan State Agricultural University http://adelekeuniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Adeleke University http://adiyaman.edu.tr/TR | label = Adıyaman University http://admin.crc-sher.qc.ca/ | label = Champlain Regional College http://adrian.edu/ | label = Adrian College http://advancedacademy.edu.eg/ | label = Higher Institute of Advanced Studies http://aeri.website/ | label = Archival Education and Research Institute http://afmc.nic.in/ | label = Armed Forces Medical College http://afrique.arte.tv/blog/ | label = National Institute of Arts http://afta-bw.de/ | label = Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung http://agma.astranet.ru/ http://agrar.uz/en/ | label = Tashkent State Agrarian University http://agro.roazhon.inra.fr/ http://agsi.ru/ | label = Armavir Orthodox-Social Institute http://ahgaff.edu/ahgaffold/index.asp | label = Al-Ahgaff University http://aiimsbhopal.edu.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal http://aiimsbhubaneswar.nic.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar http://aiit.ac.jp/english/ | label = Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology http://aimc.edu/ | label = Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College http://ajaums.ac.ir/ | label = Aja University of Medical Sciences http://ajp.edu.pl/ | label = The Jacob of Paradies University http://ajums.ac.ir/ | label = Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences http://akademie-der-polizei.hamburg.de/hochschule/ | label = Akademie der Polizei Hamburg http://akcent.cz/en/ | label = Akcent International House Prague http://aku.edu/ | label = Aga Khan University http://al-yarmok.com/index.php | label = Al Yarmouk University College http://alagappauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Alagappa University http://alameda.peralta.edu/ | label = College of Alameda http://alexander.ac.cy/en/ | label = Alexander College http://alfarabi.edu.sa/en/ | label = Al-Farabi College http://alfredadler.edu/ | label = Adler Graduate School http://aliabadiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul http://alkawther-english.com/ | label = Al Kawther Secondary Independent School for Girls http://allegheny.edu/ | label = Allegheny College http://alrasheedcol.edu.iq/ | label = Al Rasheed University College http://alsalamuniversity.com/english_/index_en.html | label = Alsalam University College http://alumni.wvu.edu/ | label = West Virginia University http://alytauskolegija.lt/en/ | label = Alytus College http://ambler.temple.edu/ | label = Temple University Ambler http://americancareercollege.edu/ | label = American Career College http://americancollege.edu.in/ | label = American College, Madurai http://americantheatrewing.org/ | label = American Theatre Wing http://amti.hit.bg/ http://amu.ac.in/principal.jsp?did=10146 | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital http://amu.edu.az/ http://amu.edu.pl/ | label = Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań http://amw.gdynia.pl/eng/ | label = Polish Naval Academy http://angers.esba-talm.fr/ | label = École supérieure des beaux-arts Tours Angers Le Mans http://anuc.edu.gh/home/index.html | label = All Nations University http://aoma.edu/ | label = AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine http://apfed.org/ | label = American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders http://apoly.edu.gh/ | label = Accra Polytechnic http://apsurewa.ac.in/ | label = Awadhesh Pratap Singh University http://arab-board.org/en/ | label = Arab Board Of Health Specializations http://arizonachristian.edu/ | label = Arizona Christian University http://art.uok.edu.in/Main/Default.aspx | label = Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages http://artacademy.spb.ru/ http://artsaucarre.be/ | label = Arts² http://aru.ac.tz/ | label = Ardhi University http://asburyseminary.edu/ | label = Asbury Theological Seminary http://ashikaga.ac.jp/ | label = Ashikaga Junior College http://ashland.kctcs.edu/ | label = Ashland Community and Technical College http://asm.edu.sg/ | label = Aventis School of Management http://asoiu.edu.az/en/ | label = Azerbaijan State Oil Academy http://aspirepublicschools.org/ | label = Aspire Public Schools http://asq.org/index.aspx | label = American Society for Quality http://asrc.cuny.edu/ | label = CUNY Advanced Science Research Center http://atami.iuhw.ac.jp/ | label = International University Of Health And Welfare Atami Hospital http://atf.adventista.hu/ | label = Adventista Teológiai Fõiskola http://auc.edu.au/ | label = Apple University Consortium http://aucc.edu.gh/en/ | label = African University College of Communications http://aufe.admissions.cn/ | label = Anhui University of Finance and Economics http://augustana.de/english.html | label = Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau http://auhs.edu/ | label = American University of Health Sciences http://aul.edu.lb/ | label = Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon http://aum.edu.mn/shine/ | label = American University of Mongolia http://austingrad.edu/ | label = Austin Graduate School of Theology http://aut.ac.ir/www/aut/main/?l=3 | label = Amirkabir University of Technology http://autonoma.pt/pt/home.asp | label = Autonomous University of Lisbon http://auts.ac.in/ | label = Akal University http://averypoint.uconn.edu/ | label = University of Connecticut http://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ | label = Avinashilingam University http://ayjnihh.nic.in/index.asp | label = Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped http://ayu.edu.kz/index.php/en | label = Ahmet Yesevi University http://ayubmed.edu.pk/ | label = Ayub Medical College http://azad.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch http://babbletree.com/en | label = Babble Tree http://baghdadcollege.edu.iq/english/Home_EN.aspx | label = Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University http://bahri.edu.sd/ | label = University of Bahri http://bajio.delasalle.edu.mx/ http://bandirma.edu.tr/ | label = Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University http://bangaloreuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Bangalore University http://baraboo.uwc.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin-Baraboo-Sauk County http://barnard.edu/ | label = Barnard College http://basetraining.gr/ | label = Base Training http://bau.edu.ng/ | label = Beni American University http://bausabour.ac.in.199-79-63-199.plesk-web24.webhostbox.net/ | label = Bihar Agricultural University http://bayancollege.edu.om/ | label = Bayan College http://bazx.baoan.edu.cn/ | label = Shenzhen Baoan High School Group http://bbit.edu.in/ | label = Budge Budge Institute of Technology http://bbt.ac/ | label = Business Breakthrough University http://bbu.edu.az/en | label = Baku Business University http://bcis.edu.lk/en | label = Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies http://bdeb.qc.ca/ | label = Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne http://beau.broadviewuniversity.edu/ | label = Broadview University http://bedu.com/ | label = Better Education Inc http://belmontabbeycollege.edu/ | label = Belmont Abbey College http://benedictine.edu/ | label = Benedictine College http://bengaluruuniversity.com/ http://bergen.edu/ | label = Bergen Community College http://berkeleycollege.edu/ | label = Berkeley College http://bethmardutho.org/ | label = Beth Mardutho http://bfcc.edu/ | label = Blackfeet Community College http://bfuhs.ac.in/ | label = Baba Farid University of Health Sciences http://bgsmath.cat/ | label = Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics http://bhub.ori.nic.in/ http://biaa.ac.uk/ | label = British Institute at Ankara http://bilborough.ac.uk/ | label = Bilborough Sixth Form College http://binus.ac.id/ | label = Binus University http://birjand.ac.ir/en/ | label = University of Birjand http://birthingway.edu/ | label = Birthingway College of Midwifery http://bist.eu/ | label = Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology http://bithome.bit.ac.kr/english_new/index/index.php | label = Busan Institute of Science and Technology http://bntu.edu.ge/en/ | label = Batumi Navigation Teaching University http://bodolanduniversity.ac.in/s24c/ | label = Bodoland University http://bond.edu.au/ | label = Bond University http://bono.edu.do/ | label = Pedro Francisco Bono Institute http://boston.edu/ | label = Boston Baptist College http://bostonpartners.org/ | label = Boston Partners in Education http://bowenuniversity-edu.org/ http://bowiestate.edu/ | label = Bowie State University http://bowvalleycollege.ca/ | label = Bow Valley College http://brandywine.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Brandywine http://brgu.ru/ | label = Bryansk State University http://bristol.ac.uk/ | label = University of Bristol http://bristolcc.edu/ http://britannia.ac/ | label = Britannia University http://britishbiophysics.org.uk/ | label = British Biophysical Society http://broadviewuniversity.edu/ | label = Broadview University http://broyalu.net/ | label = British Royal University http://bsmedicalcollege.org.in/ | label = Bankura Sammilani Medical College http://bst.qld.edu.au/ | label = Brisbane School of Theology http://bsu.edu.az/ http://bsw.edu.pl/ | label = University of Bydgoszcz http://btc.co.za/ | label = Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa http://buc.edu.om/en/default.aspx | label = Al-Buraimi University College http://bucks.ac.uk/ | label = Buckinghamshire New University http://buepl.ru/component/content/article/103-en/262-first.html | label = Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law http://bugando.ac.tz/ | label = Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences http://buiniau.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University, Buin-Zahra http://buntan-dousoukai.jp/buntan.html | label = Bunka Womens University Muroran Junior College http://buwww.hkbu.edu.hk/eng/main/index.jsp | label = Hong Kong Baptist University http://bvc.org.in/ | label = Bombay Veterinary College http://bvu.edu.vn/ | label = Baria Vungtau University http://byuh.edu/ | label = Brigham Young University–Hawaii http://caje-miami.org/ | label = Central Agency for Jewish Education http://calicutmedicalcollege.ac.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://camosun.ca/ | label = Camosun College http://campioncollege.ca/ | label = Campion College http://canadacollege.edu/ http://canarias.universidadeuropea.es/ | label = Universidad Europea de Canarias http://capechicago.org/ | label = Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education http://carey.ac.nz/ | label = Carey Baptist College http://carolina.edu/ | label = Carolina Christian College http://carrington.edu/ | label = Carrington College http://casperlibero.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Cásper Líbero http://catawba.edu/ | label = Catawba College http://cavehill.uwi.edu/ | label = University of the West Indies http://cbshouston.edu/ | label = College of Biblical Studies http://cccb.edu/ | label = Central Christian College of the Bible http://ccnb.ca/accueil.aspx | label = Collège communautaire du Nouveau Brunswick http://ccu.mx/ | label = Centro Cultural Universitario de Ciudad Juarez http://ccucm.admissions.cn/ | label = Changchun University of Chinese Medicine http://ccuniversity.edu/ | label = Cincinnati Christian University http://ccv.edu/ | label = Community College of Vermont http://cdkc.edu/ http://cdsp.edu/ | label = Church Divinity School of the Pacific http://cea.bg/web/file.index.file/lang.2/ | label = University of Security and Economics http://cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de Sherbrooke http://cepsi-cipss.ca/en/ | label = Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security http://cerrocoso.edu/ http://cfcc.edu/ | label = Cape Fear Community College http://cgkv.ac.in/ | label = Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya http://cgma.su/ | label = Central State Medical Academy http://cgsnet.org/ | label = Council of Graduate Schools http://chat.edu.pl/ | label = Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw http://chengdemedicaluniversity.com/ | label = Chengde Medical University http://cher-kolledj.ru/ | label = Arctic College of the North http://chethanaspecialschool.com/ | label = Chethana Special School http://chiangraicampus.rmutl.ac.th/ http://chiropractic.ac.nz/ | label = New Zealand College of Chiropractic http://chspu.ru/ | label = Chechen State Pedagogical Institute http://chu.edu/ | label = Colorado Heights University http://cic-cairo.com/ http://cietcanada.com/ | label = Canadian Institute for Energy Training http://ciid.dk/ | label = Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design http://ciit-isb.edu.pk/default2.aspx | label = COMSATS Institute of Information Technology http://cilea.altervista.org/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Francesco Cilea http://cimp.ac.in/ | label = Chandragupt Institute of Management http://cit.ac.in/ | label = Central Institute of Technology http://cit.drbit.com.ru/ http://cit.edu.al/en/home/ | label = Canadian Institute of Technology http://city.edu.my/ | label = City University College of Science and Technology http://ciuhct.org/en | label = Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia http://cjas-rcsa.ca/ | label = Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences http://cll.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep Levis Lauzon http://cluther5.wix.com/nycli | label = New York Child Learning Institute http://cmcludhiana.in/medical_college/ | label = Christian Medical College http://cms.bsu.edu/ | label = Ball State University http://cms.edu.city.kyoto.jp/weblog/index.php?id=111706 | label = Kyoto Municipal Uzumasa Elementary School http://cms.indstate.edu/ | label = Indiana State University http://cms.kanazawa-city.ed.jp/kenroku-e/ | label = Kanazawa Municipal Kenrokuen Elementary School http://cms.kornu.ac.kr/user/eng/ | label = Korea Nazarene University http://cms.saga-ed.jp/hp/imarinourinkoukou/ | label = Saga Prefectural Imari Agriculture and Forestry High School http://cms.ual.es/UAL/en/ | label = University of Almería http://cms.zknu.edu.cn/s/65/main.jspy | label = Zhoukou Normal University http://cms1.chiba-c.ed.jp/ | label = Funabashi Keimei High School http://cms1.chiba-c.ed.jp/matsudokokusai-h/ | label = Chiba prefectural Matsudo international high school http://cms2.chiba-c.ed.jp/kimitsuaoba-h/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Kimitsu Aoba High School http://cms2.chiba-c.ed.jp/sawara-h/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Sawara High School http://cmsweb2.torikyo.ed.jp/tizuno-h/index.php/ | label = Tottori Prefectural Chizu Agriculture and Forestry High School http://cnc.cc.ok.us/ | label = Comanche Nation College http://cnicollege.edu/ | label = CNI College http://cniimf.ru/ | label = Central Research and Design Institute http://cnmckolkata.in/ | label = Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital http://cnu.edu/ | label = Christopher Newport University http://coalrafidain.edu.iq/site/ | label = Alrafidain University College http://coastalbend.edu/ | label = Coastal Bend College http://coastalstudies.org/ | label = Center for Coastal Studies http://coil.seattleacademy.org/ | label = Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences http://colby-sawyer.edu/ | label = Colby–Sawyer College http://college-taimyr.ru/ | label = Taimyr College http://college.mirfield.org.uk/ | label = College of the Resurrection http://college.nms.ac.jp/ | label = Nippon Medical School http://collegeofmassage.com/toronto/ | label = Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy http://collegeofphysicians.org/ | label = College of Physicians of Philadelphia http://collegeofsanmateo.edu/ | label = College of San Mateo http://collegeofthedesert.edu/ http://coloradomtn.edu/ | label = Colorado Mountain College http://connorsstate.edu/ | label = Connors State College http://conservatorio.piacenza.it/ | label = Conservatorio Giuseppe Nicolini http://consno.it/ | label = Conservatorio Guido Cantelli di Novara http://corcoran.gwu.edu/ | label = Corcoran College of Art and Design http://coronadousd.net/ | label = Coronado Unified School District http://cotur.bg/en/ | label = College of Tourism http://courtauld.ac.uk/ | label = Courtauld Institute of Art http://covenantuniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Covenant University http://coxcollege.edu/ | label = Cox College http://cphs.wayne.edu/ | label = Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences http://cpoly.edu.gh/cctu.edu.gh/ | label = Cape Coast Technical University http://cranbrookart.edu/ | label = Cranbrook Academy of Art http://cravencc.edu/ | label = Craven Community College http://crc.losrios.edu/ | label = Cosumnes River College http://crutech.edu.ng/index.php/about-crutech/brief-history | label = Cross River University of Technology http://cs.modern-academy.edu.eg/index.php/en/ | label = Modern Academy http://cslg.cn/ | label = Changshu Institute of Technology http://cspi.urc.ac.ru/ http://css.edu/ | label = College of St. Scholastica http://csuk.edu.kh/ | label = Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear http://csxy.dgut.edu.cn/ | label = City College of Dongguan University of Technology http://cu.edu.eg/Home | label = Cairo University http://cu.edu.kz/en/ | label = Caspian University http://cucv.edu.gt/ | label = Centro Universitario Ciudad Vieja http://cuefmorelos.wix.com/cuefmorelos | label = Centro Universitario de Educación Física http://cueyatl.uam.mx/ http://cuhimachal.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Himachal Pradesh http://cuhp.org.uk/ | label = Cambridge University Health Partners http://cuhwww.upr.clu.edu/ http://cujv.edu.mx/ | label = Centro Universitario José Vasconcelos http://cukashmir.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Kashmir http://cust.univ-bpclermont.fr/ http://cv.unipiaget.org/ http://cvif.awardspace.com/ | label = Central Visayan Institute Foundation http://cwidaho.cc/ | label = College of Western Idaho http://cybermed.edu.my/ | label = Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences http://dabcc.nmsu.edu/ http://daigaku.shiraume.ac.jp/ | label = Shiraume Gakuen University http://damasuniv.edu.sy/ | label = Damascus University http://daoisttraditions.edu/ | label = Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts http://darbhangamedicalcollege.in/ | label = Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital http://darshandentalcollege.org/ | label = Darshan Dental College and Hospital http://dartmouth.edu/ | label = Dartmouth College http://davangereuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Davangere University http://dbs.tn.nic.in/ http://dbumn.edu/ | label = Duluth Business University http://dcu.org.ua/en/index.html | label = Donetsk Christian University http://deccancollegeofmedicalsciences.com/ | label = Deccan College of Medical Sciences http://delvalle.tx.schoolwebpages.com/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1 | label = Del Valle Independent School District http://denen-luther.com/ | label = Denenchofu Lutheran Kindergarten http://dental.dpu.edu.in/ | label = Dr D Y Patil Dental College & Hospital http://dental.sumandeepuniversity.co.in/ | label = KM Shah Dental College and Hospital http://dhtv.edu.vn/ | label = Trung Vuong University http://diat.ac.in/ | label = Defence Institute of Advanced Technology http://didaskalos.edu.mx/index.html | label = Centro Universitario Didaskalos http://dietl.edu.pl/en/ | label = Malopolska Higher Vocational School of J. Dietl in Kraków http://diploma.de/ | label = Diploma Hochschule http://discover.alpenacc.edu/ | label = Alpena Community College http://district.compton.edu/ | label = Compton Community College District http://dius.cz/ | label = Diagnostický Ustav pro Mládež http://djsce.ac.in/ | label = Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering http://dkj.or.id/ | label = Dewan Kesenian Jakarta http://dl.uctm.edu/en/ | label = University Of Chemical Technology And Metallurgy http://dli.donetsk.ua/ | label = Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine http://dmc.edu.bd/ | label = Dhaka Medical College and Hospital http://dmmh.no/en | label = Queen Maud University College http://dnmu.edu.ua/ | label = Donetsk National Medical University http://dnsc.edu.ph/ | label = Davao del Norte State College http://dogus.edu.tr/tr/ | label = Doğuş University http://domhelder.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara http://donntu.edu.ua/ | label = Donetsk National Technical University http://doscst.edu.ph/ | label = Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology http://dpsru.edu.in/ | label = Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University http://dsc.dm/dscdm/ | label = Dominica State College http://dsu.edu/ | label = Dakota State University http://dtu.ac.in/ | label = Delhi Technological University http://du.ac.ir/ | label = Damghan University http://du.lv/en | label = Daugavpils University http://dubai.rit.edu/ http://duth.gr/index.en.shtml | label = Democritus University of Thrace http://dv-art.ru/eng/ | label = Far Eastern State Institute of Arts http://e.gdqy.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Industry Technical College http://e.gznu.edu.cn/ | label = Guizhou Normal University http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/ | label = Sookmyung Women's University http://ead.iptheologie.fr/en/ | label = Institut Protestant de Théologie http://eau.edu.eg/ | label = El Asher University http://ebaf.info/ | label = École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem http://ecbo.nl/ | label = Expertise Center Vocational Education http://ecolenationaledecirque.ca/en | label = National Circus School http://ecube1.co.kr/ | label = Korea Corporate Education Center http://eds.edu/ | label = Episcopal Divinity School http://edu.edhec.com/ http://edu.iift.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Foreign Trade http://education.ivanovo.ru/ http://educationnorthwest.org/ | label = Education Northwest http://eeip.ru/ | label = East European Institute of Psychoanalysis http://eenu.edu.ua/en | label = Lesya Ukrainka East European National University http://einsteinday.org/ | label = Albert Einstein Academy http://einsteininstitute.in/aboutus | label = Einstein Institute of Science http://eismv.org/ | label = École Inter-États des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires de Dakar http://eiubp.ru/ | label = Essentuki Institute of Management Business and Law http://elgin.edu/homepage.aspx | label = Elgin Community College http://elizabethtown.kctcs.edu/ | label = Elizabethtown Community and Technical College http://emc.edu.jm/ | label = Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts http://en.ahut.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui University of Technology http://en.almamater.si/?checkCo=true | label = Alma Mater Europaea http://en.aucu.ru/ | label = Astrakhan Institute of Civil Engineering http://en.ausmt.ac.ir/ | label = Amol University of Special Modern Technologies http://en.avkf.hu/ | label = Apor Vilmos Catholic College http://en.azaruniv.ac.ir/ | label = Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University http://en.bashgmu.ru/ | label = Bashkir State Medical University http://en.beihua.edu.cn/ | label = Beihua University http://en.bgiik.ru/ | label = Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture http://en.bua.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing University of Agriculture http://en.caa.edu.cn/ | label = China Academy of Art http://en.ccom.edu.cn/ | label = Central Conservatory of Music http://en.cdu.ac.kr/ | label = Chodang University http://en.ceibs.edu/ | label = China Europe International Business School http://en.celap.cn/ | label = China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong http://en.cqyygz.com/ | label = Chongqing Medical and Pharmaceutical College http://en.cspu.ru/ | label = South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University http://en.dgut.edu.cn/ | label = Dongguan University of Technology http://en.dlou.edu.cn/ | label = Dalian Ocean University http://en.dqsy.net/ | label = Daqing Normal University http://en.dthu.edu.vn/ | label = Dong Thap University http://en.eduw.cn/ | label = Tourism College of Zhejiang http://en.eurasia.edu/ http://en.fh-wien.ac.at/ | label = Fachhochschule für Management & Kommunikation http://en.fjjxu.edu.cn/ | label = Fujian Jiangxia University http://en.gench.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Jian Qiao University http://en.glut.edu.cn/ | label = Guilin University of Technology http://en.gyctcm.edu.cn/ | label = Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://en.gyu.cn/ | label = Guiyang University http://en.hbust.com.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Science and Technology http://en.he-edu.com/ | label = He University http://en.heuet.net/ | label = Hebei University of Economics and Business http://en.hieu.edu.cn/ | label = Hunan International Economics University http://en.hochschule-ruhr-west.de/ | label = Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences http://en.hrbcu.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin University of Commerce http://en.hs-furtwangen.de/ | label = Hochschule Furtwangen University http://en.huat.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Automotive Technology http://en.hut.ac.ir/ | label = Hamedan University of Technology http://en.hycu.ac.kr/ | label = Hanyang Cyber University http://en.iauksh.ac.ir/page.aspx?id=b2810c5a-ca2c-43a8-a3ce-c2727db90540 | label = Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah http://en.iaups.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch http://en.iausari.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Sari Branch http://en.ieml.ru/ | label = Institute of Economics, Management and Law http://en.ippi.ac.ir/ | label = Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute http://en.ism.de/ | label = International School of Management http://en.jxust.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Science and Technology http://en.jxutcm.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://en.kimpo.ac.kr/ | label = Kimpo University http://en.kmu.edu.cn/ | label = Kunming University http://en.knutd.com.ua/ | label = Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design http://en.kul.kiev.ua/ | label = Kyiv University of Law http://en.ldubgd.edu.ua/ | label = Lviv State University of Life Safety http://en.lnutcm.edu.cn/home | label = Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://en.lsu.edu.cn/# | label = Lishui University http://en.magtu.ru/ | label = Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University http://en.manipuruniv.ac.in/ | label = Manipur University http://en.maybodiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Maybod http://en.mgppu.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Psychology & Education http://en.mishpat.ac.il/ | label = Sha'arei Mishpat College http://en.nanshan.edu.cn/ | label = Yantai Nanshan University http://en.nedu.edu.cn/ | label = Northeast Dianli University http://en.neu.kz/ | label = Turar Ryskulov New Economic University http://en.neyshabur.ac.ir/en/ | label = University of Neyshabur http://en.ngmu.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk State Medical University http://en.njtech.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing University of Technology http://en.nntu.ru/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University http://en.nuph.edu.ua/ | label = National University of Pharmacy http://en.ocu.ac.kr/ | label = Open Cyber University of Korea http://en.okinawa-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology Okinawa College http://en.penzgtu.ru/ | label = Penza State Technological University http://en.plato.edu.tr/ | label = Plato College of Higher Education http://en.pollub.pl/ | label = Lublin University of Technology http://en.pwsz.glogow.pl/ | label = State Higher Vocational School in Głogów http://en.qau.edu.cn/index.html | label = Qingdao Agricultural University http://en.sanru.ac.ir/ | label = Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University http://en.sdpt.edu.cn/ | label = Shunde Polytechnic http://en.semums.ac.ir/ | label = Semnan University of Medical Sciences http://en.sgmtu.edu.cn/ | label = Qiannan Normal College For Nationalities http://en.shxy.edu.cn/ | label = Suihua University http://en.sibstrin.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering http://en.sifa.edu.tr/ | label = Şifa University http://en.solazaravnatelje.si/ | label = National School of Leadership in Education http://en.sta.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Theatre Academy http://en.stu.cn.ua/ | label = Chernihiv National Technology University http://en.sxpi.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute http://en.syau.edu.cn/ | label = Shenyang Agricultural University http://en.terazwsfiz.pl/ | label = Academy of Finance and Management in Białystok http://en.thf-fulda.de/ | label = Fulda Faculty of Theology http://en.u-bourgogne.fr/ | label = University of Burgundy http://en.uch.edu.iq/ | label = Alkafeel University College http://en.ug.edu.pl/ | label = University of Gdańsk http://en.unecon.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State University of Economics http://en.uoh.edu.cn/ | label = Honghe University http://en.ur.krakow.pl/ | label = University of Agriculture in Krakow http://en.usamv.ro/ | label = University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest http://en.vass.gov.vn/ | label = Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences http://en.via.dk/ | label = VIA University College http://en.viko.lt/ | label = Vilnius University of Applied Sciences http://en.vizja.pl/ | label = University of Finance and Management In Warsaw http://en.vnuf.edu.vn/home | label = Vietnam National University of Forestry http://en.volgatech.net/ | label = Volga State University of Technology http://en.wallenberg.ru/ | label = Wallenberg Institute of Special Education and Psychology http://en.wmu.edu.cn/ | label = Wenzhou Medical University http://en.wxc.edu.cn/ | label = West Anhui University http://en.wxgyxy.edu.cn/ | label = Wuxi Institute of Arts & Technology http://en.wxpoly.cn/ | label = Hangzhou Wanxiang Polytechnic http://en.xpu.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an Polytechnic University http://en.xust.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an University of Science and Technology http://en.xynun.edu.cn/ | label = Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities http://en.xzmc.edu.cn/ | label = Xuzhou Medical College http://en.ynufe.edu.cn/ | label = Yunnan University of Finance And Economics http://en.zjczxy.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Changzheng Vocational and Technical College http://en.zjpc.net.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College http://en.zust.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang University of Science and Technology http://en.zwu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Wanli University http://en.zzgyxy.com/ | label = Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology http://en2014.ctbu.edu.cn/ | label = Chongqing Technology and Business University http://ena.tg/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration http://eng.beun.edu.tr/ | label = Bülent Ecevit University http://eng.bjfu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Forestry University http://eng.bnue.ac.kr/ | label = Busan National University of Education http://eng.bozok.edu.tr/eng.asp | label = Bozok Universitesi http://eng.bspu.ru/ | label = M.Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University http://eng.cczu.edu.cn/ | label = Changzhou University http://eng.ch.ac.kr/ | label = Choonhae College of Health Sciences http://eng.changwon.ac.kr/eng/html/00_main/index.php | label = Changwon National University http://eng.chongshin.ac.kr/ | label = Chongshin University http://eng.chosun.ac.kr/ | label = Chosun University http://eng.cuk.edu/ | label = Cyber University of Korea http://eng.cup.ac.kr/main/main.asp | label = Catholic University of Pusan http://eng.deu.ac.kr/main.do | label = Dong-Eui University http://eng.fh-westkueste.de/1/home/ | label = West Coast University of Applied Sciences http://eng.gangdong.ac.kr/ | label = Gangdong University http://eng.gjue.ac.kr/ | label = Gongju National University of Education http://eng.gm.edu/ | label = Grace Mission University http://eng.gnu.ac.kr/main/ | label = Gyeongsang National University http://eng.gnue.ac.kr/index.sko | label = Gwangju National University of Education http://eng.gpsm.ru/ | label = Institute Giprostroymost http://eng.gu.ac.kr/ | label = Gyeongju University http://eng.hbvtc.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei Polytechnic Institute http://eng.hhdu.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin Huade University http://eng.hpu.edu.vn/home/index.php?language=2 | label = Haiphong Private University http://eng.hubu.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University http://eng.hynu.cn/ | label = Hengyang Normal University http://eng.ipst.ac.th/ | label = Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology http://eng.jeiu.ac.kr/ | label = JEI University http://eng.jnue.kr/index.sko | label = Jeonju National University of Education http://eng.jwu.ac.kr/site/siteView.jwu | label = Jungwon University http://eng.kbtus.ac.kr/ | label = Korea Baptist Theological University and Seminary http://eng.kbu.ac.kr/ | label = Kyungbok University http://eng.kcu.ac.kr/eng/index.php | label = Korea Christian University http://eng.kedi.re.kr/khome/eng/webhome/Home.do | label = Korean Educational Development Institute http://eng.kiu.ac.kr/english/index.htm | label = Kyungil University http://eng.kolegjifama.eu/ | label = Fama College http://eng.kumoh.ac.kr/ | label = Kumoh National Institute of Technology http://eng.kwu.ac.kr/index.sko | label = Kwangju Women's University http://eng.llu.lv/ | label = Latvia University of Agriculture http://eng.mati.ru/ | label = Moscow State Aviation Technological University http://eng.mgogi.ru/ | label = Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities http://eng.mgu.edu.ua/ | label = International Humanitarian University http://eng.mokpo.ac.kr/index.9is | label = Mokpo National University http://eng.mpgu.edu/ | label = Moscow State Pedagogical University http://eng.ncfu.ru/ | label = North-Caucasus Federal University http://eng.nsu.ac.kr/ | label = Namseoul University http://eng.ok.ac.kr/group/english | label = Chung Cheong University http://eng.pskgu.ru/ | label = Pskov State University http://eng.rea.ru/ | label = Plekhanov Russian University of Economics http://eng.skhu.ac.kr/main_cache.html | label = Sungkonghoe University http://eng.skuniv.ac.kr/ | label = Seokyeong University http://eng.spbftu.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University http://eng.ssu.ac.kr/web/eng | label = Soongsil University http://eng.suda.edu.cn/ | label = Soochow University http://eng.sunchon.ac.kr/web/eng/home | label = Sunchon National University http://eng.sunlin.ac.kr/ | label = Sunlin University http://eng.sus.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai University of Sport http://eng.szu.sk/ | label = Slovak Medical University http://eng.uc.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.jsp | label = Ulsan College http://eng.ugues.ru/ | label = Ufa State University of Economics and Service http://eng.wu.ac.kr/ | label = WonKwang Health Science University http://eng.ycxy.com/ | label = Shandong Yingcai University http://eng.yonam.ac.kr/mbshome/mbs/eng/index.do | label = Cheonan Yonam College http://eng.zjvtit.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Institute of Communications http://eng.zqu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhaoqing University http://engees.unistra.fr/en/ | label = National School for Water and Environmental Engineering http://english.29mayis.edu.tr/ | label = Istanbul 29 Mayis University http://english.afeka.ac.il/ | label = Afeka College of Engineering http://english.aynu.edu.cn/# | label = Anyang Normal University http://english.bdi.eu/ | label = Federation of German Industries http://english.bdu.edu.vn/content.php?i=8 | label = Bình Dương University http://english.bit.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Institute of Technology http://english.bjut.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing University of Technology http://english.bnu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Normal University http://english.btbu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Technology and Business University http://english.bucea.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture http://english.buu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Union University http://english.cau.edu.cn/ | label = China Agricultural University http://english.ccnu.edu.cn/ | label = Central China Normal University http://english.cib.cas.cn/ | label = Chengdu Institute of Biology http://english.cime.cas.cn/ | label = Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology http://english.ckgsb.edu.cn/ | label = Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business http://english.cqut.edu.cn/ | label = Chongqing University of Technology http://english.cuit.edu.cn/ | label = Chengdu University of Information Technology http://english.czu.cn/ | label = Changzhou Institute of Technology http://english.ddu.ac.kr/ | label = Daeduk University http://english.dhu.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu Haany University http://english.dhu.edu.cn/ | label = Donghua University http://english.dnue.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu National University of Education http://english.fafu.edu.cn/ | label = Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University http://english.fhstp.ac.at/index | label = St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences http://english.gdufs.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong University of Foreign Studies http://english.gdut.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong University of Technology http://english.ghsj.ac.jp/ | label = Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Jikei Institute http://english.gmc.edu.cn/ | label = Guiyang Medical University http://english.gmu.cn:8080/ | label = Gannan Medical University http://english.gxnu.edu.cn/ | label = Guangxi Normal University http://english.gzhu.edu.cn/ | label = Guangzhou University http://english.hallym.ac.kr/ | label = Hallym University http://english.haust.edu.cn/ | label = Henan University of Science and Technology http://english.hbue.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University Of Economics http://english.hi.is/ | label = University of Iceland http://english.hifa.edu.cn/content/473.htm | label = Hubei Institute of Fine Arts http://english.hnust.cn/ | label = Hunan University of Science and Technology http://english.hogent.be/ | label = University College Ghent http://english.hrbeu.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin Engineering University http://english.hunnu.edu.cn/ | label = Hunan Normal University http://english.hust.edu.cn/ | label = Huazhong University of Science and Technology http://english.hzvtc.net.cn/ | label = Huzhou Vocational and Technical College http://english.igse.ac.kr/en/ | label = International Graduate School of English http://english.imust.cn/ | label = Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology http://english.jce.ac.il/ | label = Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem http://english.jmu.edu.cn/ | label = Jimei University http://english.jxufe.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics http://english.karatekin.edu.tr/ | label = Çankırı Karatekin University http://english.ke.hu/ | label = University of Kapsovar http://english.kmou.ac.kr/english/2013/kmou/kmou_01.jsp | label = Korea Maritime and Ocean University http://english.kmust.edu.cn/ | label = Kunming University of Science and Technology http://english.kobe-du.ac.jp/ | label = Kobe Design University http://english.kongju.ac.kr:8090/ | label = Kongju National University http://english.konyang.ac.kr/ | label = Konyang University http://english.kookmin.ac.kr/ | label = Kookmin University http://english.lcu.edu.cn/ | label = Liaocheng University http://english.ldu.edu.cn/ | label = Ludong University http://english.lyu.edu.cn/ | label = Linyi University http://english.marnixacademie.nl/ | label = Marnix Academie http://english.medilam.ac.ir/ | label = Medical University of Ilam http://english.mgimo.ru/ | label = Moscow State Institute of International Relations http://english.nankai.edu.cn/ | label = Nankai University http://english.ncepu.edu.cn/ | label = North China Electric Power University http://english.neu.edu.cn/ | label = Northeastern University http://english.nfls.com.cn/ | label = Nanjing Foreign Language School http://english.nies.net.cn/ | label = National Institute of Education Sciences http://english.njau.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing Agricultural University http://english.njucm.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine http://english.njue.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing University of Finance and Economics http://english.nnu.cn/ | label = Nanjing Normal University http://english.ntu.edu.cn/ | label = Nantong University http://english.nwsuaf.edu.cn/ | label = North West Agriculture and Forestry University http://english.nwu.edu.cn/ | label = Northwest University http://english.pku.edu.cn/ | label = Peking University http://english.ptu.ac.kr/ | label = Pyeongtaek University http://english.pusan.ac.kr/uPNU_homepage/en/default.asp | label = Pusan National University http://english.qdu.edu.cn/ | label = Qingdao University http://english.qmu.edu.cn/ | label = Qiqihar Medical University http://english.rikkyo.ac.jp/ | label = Rikkyo University http://english.sanko.edu.tr/ | label = Sanko University http://english.scau.edu.cn/scauen/index.asp | label = South China Agricultural University http://english.scuec.edu.cn/ | label = South Central University for Nationalities http://english.sdas.org/ | label = Shandong Academy of Sciences http://english.sdjtu.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong Jiaotong University http://english.sdju.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Dianji University http://english.sdupsl.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong University of Political Science and Law http://english.semnan.ac.ir/ | label = Semnan University http://english.sgmart.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute http://english.shingu.ac.kr/ | label = Shingu College http://english.sit.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Institute of Technology http://english.snnu.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi Normal University http://english.stu.edu.cn/info/ | label = Shantou University http://english.swun.edu.cn/ | label = Southwest University for Nationalities http://english.swupl.edu.cn/# | label = Southwest University of Political Science & Law http://english.sxu.edu.cn/ | label = Shanxi University http://english.szpt.edu.cn/ | label = Shenzhen Polytechnic http://english.tau.ac.il/ | label = Tel Aviv University http://english.tf.hu/ | label = University of Physical Education http://english.tjarts.edu.cn/ | label = Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts http://english.tu.ac.kr/default/new/main.jsp | label = Tongmyong University http://english.tw.ac.kr/main/main.php | label = Tongwon University http://english.unak.is/ | label = University of Akureyri http://english.uos.ac.kr/ | label = University of Seoul http://english.upc.edu.cn/ | label = China University of Petroleum http://english.usc.edu.cn/ | label = University of South China http://english.usx.edu.cn/ | label = Shaoxing University http://english.whcm.edu.cn/ | label = Wuhan Conservatory of Music http://english.whut.edu.cn/ | label = Wuhan University of Technology http://english.wsu.ac.kr/ | label = Woosong University http://english.wsu.edu.cn/ | label = Wenshan University http://english.www.sust.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi University of Science and Technology http://english.xawl.org/ | label = Xi’an University http://english.xingwei.edu.cn/ | label = Xing Wei College http://english.xmut.edu.cn/ | label = Xiamen University of Technology http://english.xupt.edu.cn/ | label = Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications http://english.ysc.ac.kr/ | label = Yong-in Songdam College http://english.ysu.edu.cn/ | label = Yanshan University http://english.yulinu.edu.cn/x | label = Yulin University http://english.yzu.edu.cn/ | label = Yangzhou University http://english.zjtie.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics http://english.zmc.edu.cn/ | label = Zunyi Medical University http://english.zufe.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics http://englishweb.uni-pannon.hu/ | label = University of Pannonia http://ens-paris-saclay.fr/ | label = École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay http://ensccf.univ-bpclermont.fr/ http://enstti.eu/wp/ | label = European Nuclear Safety Training & Tutoring Institute http://eotb-cfeo.on.ca/ | label = Eastern Ontario Training Board http://epic.edu/ | label = Epic Bible College http://erbilcihan.edu.krd/en/ | label = Cihan University http://erdogan.edu.tr/ | label = Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University http://es.vccs.edu/ | label = Eastern Shore Community College http://esac.be/fr/ | label = Superior School of Circus Arts http://esad-reims.fr/en/ | label = École Supérieure d'Art et de Design de Reims http://escambiaschools.net/ | label = Escambia County School District http://escolasecundarialoule.pt/pt | label = Escola Secundária de Loulé http://esfarayen.ac.ir/ | label = Higher Education Complex Engineering Esfarāyen http://esgmaroc.com/ | label = École Supérieure de Gestion http://esi.irk.ru/ | label = East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation http://esim.imt-mrs.fr/ http://esmac.com.br/ http://esprit.tn/ | label = École Supérieure Privée d'Ingénierie et de Technologies http://estem.ma/ | label = École Supérieure des Télécommunications http://estudiaencartagena.upct.es/international/english/start/ | label = Polytechnic University of Cartagena http://estune.suagm.edu/ | label = Universidad Del Este http://ettc.edu.bb/ | label = Erdiston Teachers' Training College http://eu.spb.ru/en/ | label = European University at Saint Petersburg http://eust.pl/ | label = Radom Academy of Social and Technical Sciences http://ev.buaa.edu.cn/ | label = Beihang University http://ev.tsguas.edu.cn/ | label = TianjinSino-German University of Applied Sciences http://evergreen.edu/ | label = The Evergreen State College http://ewc.wy.edu/ http://ewcollege.edu/ | label = East West College of Natural Medicine http://eweb.hebut.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei University of Technology http://eweb.ouc.edu.cn/ | label = Ocean University of China http://ewww.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kumamoto University http://excelsia.edu.au/ | label = Excelsia College http://exploringnewhorizons.org/ | label = Exploring New Horizons http://externatodaluz.com/site/index.php | label = Externato da Luz http://faa.edu.br/ | label = Fundação Educacional D. André Arcoverde http://facha.edu.br/ | label = Hélio Alonso University http://faithseminary.edu/ | label = Faith Evangelical College & Seminary http://familyoffaithcollege.edu/ | label = Family of Faith College http://fatea.br/fatea/ | label = Faculdades Integradas Teresa D'Ávila http://fatimamatanationalcollege.ac.in/inner.php?m=178&p=2&n=2 | label = Fatima Mata National College http://fayette.psu.edu/default.htm?cn2 | label = Penn State Fayette http://fbcusl.8k.com/ http://fcghs-oh.org/ | label = Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society http://fdltcc.edu/ | label = Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College http://federation.edu.au/ http://fedtrust.co.uk/ | label = The Federal Trust http://feiromarinelifecenter.org/ | label = Feiro Marine Life Center http://fermat.entmip.fr/ | label = Lycée Pierre-de-Fermat http://ferpi.dem.ru/ http://fettes.com/ | label = Fettes College http://fh-joanneum.at/ | label = Universities of Applied Sciences Joanneum http://firstlineschools.org/ | label = Firstline Schools http://flacso.org.ar/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales http://flemingcollege.ca/ | label = Fleming College http://fmcc.edu/ http://fmj.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí http://fnuniv.ca/ | label = First Nations University of Canada http://fontys.edu/ | label = Fontys University of Applied Sciences http://former.scnu.edu.cn/eweb/ | label = South China Normal University http://fortscott.edu/ | label = Fort Scott Community College http://fortworthtexas.gov/library/ | label = Fort Worth Library http://fountainheadcollege.edu/ http://francis.edu/ | label = Saint Francis University http://freeuni.edu.ge/ http://fri.icfre.gov.in/ http://fsm.edu.tr/index.php?ln=en | label = Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University http://fths.fku.ed.jp/html/ | label = Fukuoka Technical High School http://fui.edu.pk/FUMC/index.htm | label = Foundation University Medical College http://fwu.edu.np/ | label = Far-western University http://gacnanded.com/ | label = Government Ayurved College, Nanded http://gamedesk.org/ | label = GameDesk http://gardacollegelms.ie/ | label = Garda Síochána College http://gardner-webb.edu/ | label = Gardner–Webb University http://gasbb.edupage.org/ | label = Gymnázium Andreja Sládkoviča http://gazi.edu.tr/ | label = Gazi University http://gcm.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility http://gcst.edu.sd/arabic/ | label = University of Garden City http://gcuf.edu.pk/ | label = Government College University, Faisalabad http://gdf.hu/english/welcome | label = Dennis Gabor College http://gdu.edu.az/ http://gea-college.si/en/ | label = GEA College http://gendejesus.edu.ph/ | label = General de Jesus College http://genglish.ut.ac.kr/ | label = Korea National University of Transportation http://ggpi.org/news.php | label = Glazov State Pedagogical Institute Named after VG Korolenko http://ggsmch.org/ | label = Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital http://ghc.jhc.cn/ | label = Jinhua Polytechnic http://gi.org/ | label = American College of Gastroenterology http://gjc.ahu.edu.cn/en/ | label = Anhui University http://gjc.gnnu.cn/gnnuenglish/about.asp?id=25 | label = Gannan Normal University http://gjc.guat.edu.cn/english.htm | label = Guilin University of Aerospace Technology http://gjjl.jxau.edu.cn/s/31/t/411/p/1/c/2763/list.htm | label = Jiangxi Agricultural University http://gjzx.jmi.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangsu Maritime Institute http://gjzx.sxtcm.com/ | label = Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://gkv.ac.in/ | label = Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya http://glierinstitute.org/ukr/index.html | label = Kyiv Institute of Music. R. Glier http://global.chuo-u.ac.jp/english/ | label = Chuo University http://global.iuk.ac.kr/english/main/index.php | label = International University of Korea http://global.jnu.ac.kr/jnumain.aspx | label = Chonnam National University http://global.kwansei.ac.jp/index.html | label = Kwansei Gakuin University http://global.shibaura-it.ac.jp/en/ | label = Shibaura Institute of Technology http://gmchassam.nic.in/ | label = Gauhati Medical College and Hospital http://gmcjammu.nic.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://gmcmiraj.co.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://gmcnagpur.gov.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://gniindia.org/ | label = Guru Nanak Institiutions http://go.okstate.edu/ | label = Oklahoma State University http://goforward.harpercollege.edu/ | label = Harper College http://gonan.jp/ | label = Shizuoka Prefectural Gotemba Minami High School http://governmentmedicalcollege.org/ | label = Government Medical College http://gprdch.com/ | label = G Pulla Reddy Dental College & Hospital http://gqinnovationcenter.com/index.aspx | label = McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre http://graduate.clarkson.edu/ | label = Union Graduate College http://graduate.sit.edu/ | label = SIT Graduate Institute http://graduateinstitute.ch/home.html | label = Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies http://grants.nmsu.edu/ | label = New Mexico State University Grants http://green.howon.ac.kr/english/main.php | label = Howon University http://greenleaf.edu/ | label = Greenleaf University http://gsa.edu.gy/ | label = Guyana School of Agriculture http://gsbc.edu/ | label = Golden State Baptist College http://gsia.sums.ac.ir/en | label = Shiraz University of Medical Sciences http://gsia.tums.ac.ir/en | label = Tehran University of Medical Sciences http://gsmcchennai.ac.in/ | label = Goverment Siddha Medical College http://gsmu.by/ | label = Gomel State Medical University http://gsshs.school.gyo6.net/index/index.do | label = Gyeongsan Science High School http://gstou.ru/ | label = Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician MD Millionshtchikov http://gsu.edu.tr/ | label = Galatasaray University http://gsw.edu/ http://gtu.ge/Eng/ | label = Georgian Technical University http://gu-ural.ru/?lng=en&gid=8 | label = Liberal Arts University http://guairaca.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Guairacá http://gujaratvidyapith.org/ | label = Gujarat Vidyapith http://gumrf.ru/en/ | label = Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping http://gunturmedicalcollege.edu.in/ | label = Guntur Medical College http://guptoncollege.edu/ | label = John A Gupton College http://gwerupoly.ac.zw/ | label = Gweru Polytechnic Institute http://gwinnettcollege.edu/ | label = Gwinnett College http://gxue.gxu.edu.cn/ | label = Guangxi University http://gxut.admissions.cn/ | label = Guangxi University of Science and Technology http://gy.ac.kr/ | label = Gwangyang Health College http://gzkjxy.net/csite/english/Default.aspx | label = Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology http://harrisburg.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Harrisburg http://hau.ernet.in/ http://hawaii.hawaii.edu/ http://hazard.kctcs.edu/ | label = Hazard Community and Technical College http://hdafk.kharkov.ua/ | label = Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture http://hdu.edu.cn/ | label = Hangzhou Dianzi University http://heartlandbaptist.edu/# | label = Heartland Baptist Bible College http://hebroncollege.co.za/ | label = Hebron Theological College http://hec.dz/new.hec/ | label = École des Hautes Études Commerciales http://heidelberg.schiller.edu/ | label = Schiller International University http://hello.gutenberg.edu/ | label = Gutenberg College http://hem.ac.ma/en | label = Institut des Hautes Etudes de Management http://henderson.kctcs.edu/ | label = Henderson Community College http://hers.be/index.php | label = Haute École Robert Schuman http://hfenglish.jamu.cz/ | label = Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts http://hgs-hire.de/ | label = Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research http://hi-techmedical.org/index.php | label = Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital http://higashiooto.sakura.ne.jp/ | label = Katori City Higashiodo Elementary School http://higasi-h.myswan.ne.jp/wordpress/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Higashi High School http://highlandcc.edu/ | label = Highland Community College http://hillagric.ernet.in/ http://hillsong.com/ | label = Hillsong International Leadership College http://hilo.hawaii.edu/ http://himeji.koutoku.ac.jp/ | label = Himeji University http://hispano.edu.mx/ http://hithaldia.in/main/ | label = Haldia Institute of Technology http://hiwassee.edu/ | label = Hiwassee College http://hm.seoil.ac.kr/ | label = Seoil University http://hmgma.ru/ | label = Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy http://hms.harvard.edu/ | label = Harvard Medical School http://hmu.edu.krd/ | label = Hawler Medical University http://hnbgu.ac.in/ | label = Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University http://hocvientuphap.edu.vn/Pages/home.aspx# | label = Học viện Tư pháp http://home.anyang.ac.kr/eng/index.htm | label = Anyang University http://home.byu.edu/home/ | label = Brigham Young University http://home.chungwoon.ac.kr/ | label = Chungwoon University http://home.e-catv.ne.jp/ehime-noudai/ | label = Ehime Prefectural College of Agriculture http://home.fredonia.edu/ | label = SUNY Fredonia http://home.gtcc.edu/ | label = Guilford Technical Community College http://home.moneaguecollege.edu.jm/ | label = Moneague College http://home.sjcu.ac.kr/Main | label = Sejong Cyber University http://home.sorabol.ac.kr/ | label = Sorabol College http://home.upei.ca/ | label = University of Prince Edward Island http://honlap.karolyrobert.hu/h_en/ | label = Károly Róbert University College http://hopeafricauniversity.org/ http://hopkinsville.kctcs.edu/ http://hopoly.edu.gh/ | label = Ho Polytechnic http://hospitalfield.org.uk/ | label = Hospitalfield http://hotelschool.nl/en | label = Hotelschool The Hague http://hpmu.edu.vn/hpmu/ | label = Hai phong University Of Medicine and Pharmacy http://hpu2.edu.vn/ | label = Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 http://hpuniv.nic.in/ http://hqu.edu.cn/ | label = Huaqiao University http://hsbc.edu/ | label = Hobe Sound Bible College http://hst.mit.edu/ | label = Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology http://htdc.edu.bd/ | label = Hajera Taju University College http://htu.edu/ | label = Huston–Tillotson University http://huaja.org/?lang=en | label = Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy http://huc.edu/ | label = Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion http://huertas.edu/hc/ | label = Huertas College http://hueuni.edu.vn/portal/en/ | label = Hue University http://hufi.edu.vn/ | label = Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry http://huntsvillebiblecollege.org/ | label = Huntsville Bible College http://hus.vnu.edu.vn/en | label = VNU University of Science http://hust.edu.vn/ http://hyogo-nourinsuisangc.jp/chuo/nodai/ | label = Hyogo Prefectural Hyogo Agricultural University http://i-m-b.ru/ | label = Institute of Management and Business http://i-u.de/ | label = International University in Germany http://iafs.ie/ | label = Irish Archaeology Field School http://iain-manado.ac.id/ | label = Sejarah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado http://iasst.gov.in/ | label = Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology http://iau-boukan.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Boukan http://iau-tnb.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch http://iau.edu.lc/ | label = International American University http://iauamol.ac.ir/en | label = Islamic Azad University of Ayatollah Amoli http://iauctb.ac.ir/en | label = Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch http://iaufala.ac.ir/index.aspx?tempname=enfala&lang=2&sub=0 | label = Islamic Azad University of Falavarjan http://iaufasa.ac.ir/homepage.aspx?site=DouranPortal&tabid=1&lang=fa-IR | label = Islamic Azad University Fasa Branch http://iaufb.ac.ir/en | label = Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh http://iauk.ac.ir/en/ | label = Islamic Azad University Kerman http://iaumajlesi.ac.ir/fa/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Majlesi http://iaumalard.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Malard http://iaumis.ac.ir/fa | label = Islamic Azad University, Masjed Soleyman http://iauyasooj.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Yasuj http://ibl.bas.bg/en/ | label = Institute for Bulgarian Language http://ibpu.ru/ | label = Institute of Business, Psychology and Management http://ibri.cas.edu.om/ | label = College of Applied Sciences- Ibri http://ibw21.org/ | label = Institute of the Black World http://icahn.mssm.edu/ http://icaremedicalcollege.in/final/ | label = ICARE Institute of Medical Sciences and Research & Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy Hospital http://icec.yxnu.net/ | label = Yuxi Normal University http://ices.fr/ | label = Catholic Institute of Higher Studies http://ichinomiyanishi.sakura.ne.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Ichinomiya Nishi High School http://icnhealthfoods.com/ | label = International College of Nutrition http://icpla.edu/ | label = Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis http://ics-graduateschool.nl/ | label = Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology http://ict.concrete.org.uk/ | label = The Institute of Concrete Technology http://idehu.org/ | label = Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni http://iec.tjutcm.edu.cn/english.htm | label = Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://iecd.csu.edu.cn/en-US/ | label = Central South University http://ieec.cust.edu.cn/ http://ieimedia.com/ | label = Institute for Education in International Media http://ies.ed.gov/ | label = Institute of Education Sciences http://iest.edu.mx/ | label = Tamaulipas Institute of Higher Education http://ifcen.sysu.edu.cn/ | label = Institut Franco-Chinois de l'Energie Nucléaire http://iflorestal.sp.gov.br/ | label = Instituto Florestal http://ifmer.org/ | label = Institut Français de la Mer http://ifmr.ac.in/ | label = IFMR Graduate School of Business http://ifmt.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso http://ifra-nairobi.net/ | label = French Institute for Research in Africa http://iga.ru/ | label = Institute of State Administration http://ihjj.hr/en | label = Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics http://ihportugal.com/ | label = International House http://ihr.sas.ac.uk/ http://iifm.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Forest Management http://iigh.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health http://iihs.co.in/ | label = Indian Institute for Human Settlements http://iiitkota.ac.in/ http://iiitmanipur.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapati, Manipur http://iiitvadodara.ac.in/ http://iiphg.edu.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar http://iipsindia.org/ | label = International Institute for Population Sciences http://iisuniv.ac.in/ | label = Inspiration Innovation Synergy University http://iitdh.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad http://iitj.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur http://iitjammu.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Jammu http://iitram.ac.in/ | label = Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management http://iittp.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati http://ijthr.or.kr/ | label = Korea Tourism Research Association http://ikado.ac.id/ | label = Institut Informatika Indonesia http://iliauni.edu.ge/en/ | label = Ilia State University http://illinois.edu/ | label = University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign http://illinoisstate.edu/ | label = Illinois State University http://imca.org.co/ | label = Instituto Mayor Campesino http://imsit.ru/eng/index.html | label = Institute of Marketing and Social Information Technology http://imsu.edu.ng/site/ | label = Imo State University http://imt-lille-douai.fr/en/ | label = IMT Lille Douai http://in.bgu.ac.il/en | label = Ben-Gurion University of the Negev http://inatt.netcreations-tn.com/fr | label = Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie http://inderm.go.th/inderm_sai/inderm_eng/eng_history.html | label = Institute of Dermatology http://info.kma.lt/ http://info.leet.or.kr/ | label = Korean Association of Law Schools http://insas.be/ | label = Institut National Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle et des Techniques de Diffusion http://insch.ru/ | label = Research Institute of National Schools of the Republic of Sakha http://instituciones.sld.cu/elam/ | label = Latin American School of Medicine http://instituciones.sld.cu/inhem/ | label = Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología http://instituciones.sld.cu/ucmh/english/ | label = Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana http://int.hebcm.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei University of Chinese Medicine http://int.shupl.edu.cn/english/main.psp | label = Shanghai University of Political Science and Law http://int.yongin.ac.kr/eng/about/yiu03_philosophy.htm | label = Yong In University http://int.zsmu.edu.ua/ | label = Zaporizhia State Medical University http://inter.edu/i/ | label = InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico http://inter.istu.ru/ | label = Izhevsk State Technical University http://inter.tsu.ru/en/ | label = Tomsk State University http://internacional.ipvc.pt/en/node/20 | label = Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo http://international-students.accadis.com/ | label = Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg http://international.alberta-koledza.lv/ | label = Alberta College http://international.cqnu.edu.cn/default-en.asp | label = Chongqing Normal University http://international.cqu.edu.cn/ | label = Chongqing University http://international.cyu.edu.cn/ | label = China Youth University for Political Sciences http://international.epitech.eu/ | label = European Institute of Technology http://international.heuu.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei United University http://international.mitso.by/ | label = International University MITSO http://international.pnzgu.ru/ | label = Penza State University http://international.ucam.edu/ | label = Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia http://international.ucl.dk/ | label = University College Lillebaelt http://international.unina2.it/index.php/en | label = Second University of Naples http://international.zuyd.nl/ | label = Zuyd University of Applied Sciences http://internationalrelations.ipc.pt/EN/index.html | label = Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra http://intl.aks.ac.kr/english/portal.php | label = Academy of Korean Studies http://intranet.cvut.cz/en?set_language=en | label = Czech Technical University in Prague http://intraweb.stockton.edu/eyos/page.cfm?siteID=197&pageID=5&layout=hp | label = Richard Stockton College of New Jersey http://io.hbut.edu.cn/en/index.asp | label = Hubei University of Technology http://ipametodista.edu.br/ | label = Centro Universitário Metodista IPA http://ipb.ac.id/ | label = Bogor Agricultural University http://ipc.psico.net/ | label = Instituto de Psicologia Comportamental de São Carlos http://ipek.edu.tr/en/ | label = Ipek University http://iph.kz/en/ | label = Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies http://ipsacademy.org/ | label = IPS Academy http://ipsciences.edu/ | label = Institute for the Psychological Sciences http://irespip.ru/ | label = Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law http://irim.md/ | label = Institute of International Relations of Moldova http://irm.gdas.gd.cn/zh-hans/ | label = Guangdong Institute of Rare Metals http://iroipk.ykt.ru/ | label = Institute for Educational Development and Training http://isbm.org.in/ http://iscd.com/ | label = Israel Sports Center for the Disabled http://ise.md/ | label = Institute of Educational Sciences http://ishiko.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Ishinomaki Technical High School http://isi-vuz.ru/ | label = Institute of Contemporary Art http://isis-sozialforschung.de/en/ | label = Institut Fur Soziale Infrastruktur http://islavici.ro/ | label = Universitatea Ioan Slavici http://isma.indi.ru/ http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/ | label = University of Łódź http://iso.zjnu.edu.cn/Admissions | label = Zhejiang Normal University http://istud.conservatory.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov http://isu.ru/en/ | label = Irkutsk State University http://it-acapulco.edu.mx/ | label = Acapulco Institute of Technology http://itcelaya.edu.mx/ | label = Technological Institute of Celaya http://itchetumal.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Chetumal http://itculiacan.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán http://itmuniversity.ac.in/ | label = ITM University http://its.mx/2014/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo http://itsligo.ie/ | label = Institute of Technology Sligo http://itt-tech.info/ http://itvillahermosa.edu.mx/ | label = Villahermosa Institute of Technology http://iuca.kg/ | label = International University of Central Asia http://iucpq.qc.ca/en | label = Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Quebec http://iucs.uncoma.edu.ar/ http://iuf.amue.fr/ | label = Institut Universitaire de France http://iugm.es/who-we-are/?L=2 | label = Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado http://ium.mccme.ru/english/ | label = Independent University of Moscow http://iupg.net.ve/web/ | label = Instituto Universitario de Profesiones Gerenciales http://iust.edu.sy/ | label = International University for Science and Technology http://iustlive.com/ | label = Islamic University of Science and Technology http://iut.ac.ir/en/ | label = Isfahan University of Technology http://ivaii.irk.ru/ | label = Military Institute http://ivanovo.ac.ru/en | label = Ivanovo State University http://iwmspb.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg Social and Economic Institute http://iyo-ah.esnet.ed.jp/cms/ | label = Ehime Prefecture Iyo Agricultural High School http://jagannathuniversityncr.ac.in/ | label = Jagannath University http://jahrom.ac.ir/ | label = Jahrom University http://jamiahamdard.edu/ | label = Jamia Hamdard http://janahiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Janah http://jbcc.harvard.edu/ | label = Judge Baker Children's Center http://jc.hachinohe-u.ac.jp/ | label = Hachinohe Gakuin Junior College http://jc.rikkyojogakuin.ac.jp/ | label = St. Margaret's Junior College http://jijinhui.xust.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an University of Science and Education Foundation http://jipmer.edu.in/ | label = Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research http://jmi.ac.in/ | label = Jamia Millia Islamia http://jmi.nic.in/ http://jntua.ac.in/ | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur http://jnujaipur.ac.in/ | label = Jaipur National University http://jpv.bih.nic.in/ http://jssmedicalcollege.in/ | label = JSS Medical College and Hospital http://jssuni.edu.in/dental/home | label = JSS Dental College and Hospital http://ju.ac.ae/ | label = Jumeira University http://ju.edu.af/ | label = Jozjan university http://ju.edu.jo/home.aspx | label = University of Jordan http://jwc.sru.jx.cn/ | label = Shangrao Normal University http://kalingauniversity.ac.in/Default.aspx | label = Kalinga University http://kam-institut.ru/ | label = Kamsky Institute http://kambe.ed.jp/ | label = Mie Prefectural Kobe High School http://kandydaci.wsiz.rzeszow.pl/en/lang.html | label = University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow http://kanti.sh.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Schaffhausen http://kapiolani.hawaii.edu/ http://karstwaters.org/ | label = Karst Waters Institute http://kashmiruniversity.net/ http://kassalauni.edu.sd/en/ | label = Kassala University http://kau.ac.ir/en/tabid/81/Default.aspx | label = Islamic Azad University Kazeron http://kauai.hawaii.edu/ http://kazatu.kz/en/ | label = Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University http://kaznmu.kz/eng/ | label = Kazakh National Medical University http://kc.edu/ | label = Kettering College http://kccr.or.kr/ | label = Korea Children's Rights Society http://kcs.kana.k12.wv.us/ | label = Kanawha County Schools http://kct.gotevot.edu.sa/ http://kemu.edu.pk/ | label = King Edward Medical University http://kenrick.edu/ | label = Kenrick–Glennon Seminary http://kgii.ru/ | label = Dmitri Hvorostovsky Siberian State Institute of Arts http://kgii.ru/ | label = Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Art http://kgmu.org/ | label = King George's Medical University http://kgti.ru/ | label = Kislovodsk Humanitarian and Technical Institute http://kgut.ac.ir/ | label = Graduate University of Advanced Technology http://khatam.ac.ir/en | label = Khatam University http://khcu.ac.kr/en/main.jsp | label = Kyung Hee Cyber University http://khu.ac.ir/portal/faces/public/portal | label = Kharazmi University http://kibu.ac.ke/ | label = Kibabii University http://kidu-darululum.blogspot.com/ http://kimi.kohinoor.ac.in/ http://kimsuniversity.in/ | label = Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University http://kiss.caltech.edu/ | label = Keck Institute for Space Studies http://kiu.ac.ug/ | label = Kampala International University http://kiui.jp/pc/ | label = Kibi International University http://klec.kr/ | label = Korea Lifelong Education Center http://klmuc.edu.my/ | label = Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College http://km.isfpnu.ac.ir/ http://kmbs.ua/en/ | label = Kyiv Mohyla Business School http://kmdc.edu.pk/ | label = Karachi Medical and Dental College http://kmf.uz.ua/en/ | label = Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute http://kmsu.ac.ir/ | label = Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology http://kntu.net.ua/index.php/eng/ | label = Kherson National Technical University http://knuw.ac.kr/ | label = Korea National University of Welfare http://koc.alaska.edu/ http://kokura.fku.ed.jp/Default1.aspx | label = Fukuoka Prefectural Kokura High School http://kokusai.kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/kucip/ | label = Kagoshima University http://koran.ac.jp/ | label = Koran Women's Junior College http://koryo.nucba.ac.jp/en/ | label = Koryo International College http://kottayammedicalcollege.org/ | label = Government Medical College http://kou.oita-ed.jp/oitakougyou/ | label = Oita Prefectural Oita Technical High School http://kpfu.ru/eng | label = Kazan Federal University http://kpi.fsb.ru/ | label = Kaliningrad Frontier Institute of the Federal Security Service of Russia http://kpi.ua/en | label = National Technical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute http://kpoly.edu.gh/ | label = Kumasi Polytechnic http://kpsw.pl/ | label = Kaszubsko-Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa http://krasgmu.ru/ | label = Krasnoyarsk State Medical University http://krcama.org/ | label = The K.R. Cama Oriental Institute http://krmu.kz/en/ | label = Kazakh-Russian International University http://ksapcs.kg/ | label = Kyrgyzskaya State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports http://ksccm.org/eng/ | label = Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine http://kspu-archive.petrsu.ru/ | label = Karelian State Pedagogical Academy http://kspu.kaluga.ru/ http://kspu.ptz.ru/ http://kstu.kg/priemnaya-komissiya/ | label = Kyrgyz State Technical University http://kstu.kstu.ru/knrtu/news.jsp | label = Kazan State Technological University http://ksu.edu.ru/ | label = Kostroma State University named after N A Nekrasov http://ksu.edu.sa/en/ | label = King Saud University http://ksum.or.kr/ | label = Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound http://ksvuniversity.org.in/ | label = Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya http://ksw.wloclawek.pl/en/ | label = Cuiavian University http://ktu.edu/en | label = Kaunas University of Technology http://ku-linz.at/ | label = Catholic Theological Private University Linz http://kuaf.kharkov.ua/ | label = Kharkiv University of Air Force http://kub.ac.ir/ | label = Kosar University of Bojnord http://kuban-istek.ru/site_ap/ | label = Institute of Modern Technologies and Economy http://kubertschool.edu/ | label = The Kubert School http://kudqi.net.my/ http://kuhs.ac.in/ | label = Kerala University of Health Sciences http://kuim.edu.my/eng/ | label = University College of Islam Melaka http://kukiit.ru/ | label = Crimea University of Culture Art and Tourism http://kunstakademie-duesseldorf.com/ | label = Kunstakademie Düsseldorf http://kurumikko.ed.jp/sakura/ | label = Sakura Walnut Kindergarten http://kusunoki.nishi.or.jp/school/takagie/ | label = Nishinomiya Municipal Takagi Elementary School http://kvvu.mil.ru/ | label = Krasnodar Higher Military School named after General of the Army S. Shtemenko http://kwc.edu/ | label = Kentucky Wesleyan College http://kyouiku.higo.ed.jp/ | label = Kumamoto Prefectural Board of Education http://kypride.org/ | label = Eastern Kentucky Pride http://kysu.edu/ | label = Kentucky State University http://lacada.com/ | label = Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse http://lafayette.medicine.iu.edu/ | label = Indiana University School of Medicine - Lafayette http://langara.ca/ | label = Langara College http://lasierra.edu/ | label = La Sierra University http://latinacademy.org/ | label = Boston Latin Academy http://lawacademy.ru/ | label = International Law Institute http://lbs.ac.at/ | label = Lauder Business School http://ldxh.edu.vn/ | label = University of Labor and Social Affairs http://leapnyc.org/ | label = Learning Through an Expanded Arts Program http://learnof.me/ | label = Institute of Professional Evaluation http://lecfl.com/ | label = Lubavitch Educational Center http://lecom.edu/ | label = Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine http://lengu.ru/ | label = Leningrad State University named after AS Pushkin http://leotolstoyinstitute.ru/ | label = Institute for Languages ​​and Cultures Leo Tolstoy http://lgroys-college.com/lg.php?id=en | label = Theatre College Luben Groys http://lhmc-hosp.gov.in/ | label = Lady Hardinge Medical College http://lifepacific.edu/ | label = Life Pacific College http://lima.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University at Lima http://lims.ac.uk/ | label = London Institute for Mathematical Sciences http://lincolncollege.edu/ | label = Lincoln College http://llrmmedicalcollege.nic.in/ | label = Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College http://lnipe.nic.in/ | label = Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education http://lnjzxy.com/web/guest/home | label = Liaoning Jianzhu Vocational University http://lnmu.bih.nic.in/ http://lnu.edu.ua/ | label = Lviv University http://lnu.evis.net.ph/ http://londonsocialscience.org.uk/main/index.php | label = London Social Science http://longy.edu/ | label = Longy School of Music of Bard College http://lorraine.gatech.edu/ | label = Georgia Tech Lorraine http://losalamos.unm.edu/ | label = University of New Mexico http://losrios.edu/ http://louisville.edu/ | label = University of Louisville http://lovsnk.ru/? | label = Northern National College http://lowercolumbia.edu/ http://lsmuni.lt/en/ | label = Lithuanian University of Health Sciences http://lspa.lanet.lv/ http://lspu-lipetsk.ru/ | label = Lipetsk State Pedagogical University http://lspu.edu.ph/ | label = Laguna State Polytechnic University http://lsue.edu/site.php | label = Louisiana State University at Eunice http://ltu.ac.kr/ | label = Luther University http://luguniv.edu.ua/?lang=en | label = University of Luhansk http://lums.edu.pk/index.php | label = Lahore University of Management Sciences http://lvduvs.edu.ua/ | label = Lviv State University of Internal Affairs http://lyndonstate.edu/ | label = Lyndon State College http://lyon-university.org/ | label = University of Lyon System http://m2se.org/ | label = Minorities in Mathematics, Science & Engineering http://maakhiruniversity.net/ http://madisoncollege.edu/ http://madrid.schiller.edu/ | label = Schiller International University http://magosmanimedical.com/ | label = Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College http://maharaja.in/MEC/ | label = Maharaja Engineering College http://maheruniversity.org/ | label = Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research http://mahindraecolecentrale.edu.in/ | label = Mahindra École Centrale http://maids.ac.in/home.html | label = Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences http://maimonid.ru/ | label = State Classical Academy named after Maimonides http://mainelaw.maine.edu/ | label = University of Maine School of Law http://mainemaritime.edu/ | label = Maine Maritime Academy http://mak.ac.ug/ | label = Makerere University http://manchester.unh.edu/ | label = University of New Hampshire at Manchester http://manila.lpu.edu.ph/beta6.0/ | label = Lyceum of the Philippines University http://manipal.edu/kmc-manipal.html | label = Kasturba Medical College http://manipal.edu/mu.html | label = Manipal University http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ http://maragheh.ac.ir/ | label = University of Maragheh http://margu.mari.ru/ http://mari.kiev.ua/ | label = Modern Art Research Institute http://marshfield.uwc.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin–Marshfield Wood County http://maruoka-h.sakura.ne.jp/ | label = Fukui Prefectural Maruoka High School http://maryhillschooloftheology.com/ | label = Maryhill School of Theology http://masan.ac.kr/eng/Main.do | label = Masan University http://matc.edu/ http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/ | label = Camille Jordan Institute http://matsu.alaska.edu/ http://matsuyama-th.esnet.ed.jp/English/ | label = Ehime Prefectural Matsuyama Technical High School http://mau.ac.ir/Index.aspx?tempname=engmau&lang=2&sub=0 | label = Islamic Azad University Mobarakeh http://maua.br/en | label = Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia http://maui.hawaii.edu/ | label = University of Hawaii Maui College http://mautech.edu.ng/root/ | label = Modibbo Adama University of Technology http://maysville.kctcs.edu/ http://mba-en.jigyo.ac.jp/en/ | label = Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies http://mca.edu/ | label = Memphis College of Art http://mcad.edu/ | label = Minneapolis College of Art and Design http://mcbs.edu.om/en/ | label = Modern College of Business and Science http://mccormick.edu/ | label = McCormick Theological Seminary http://mcdowell.k12.nc.us/ | label = McDowell County Schools http://mebik.ru/en/ | label = Kursk Institute of Management, Economics and Busines http://med-akademiya.com.ua/ | label = Ukrainian Military Medical Academy http://med.edu.ua./ | label = Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education http://med.marandiau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Marand http://med.unr.edu/ | label = University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine http://med.wmich.edu/ | label = Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine http://medeniyet.edu.tr/homepage.html | label = Istanbul Medeniyet University http://medicaleducation.rajasthan.gov.in/ajmer/index.asp | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College http://medicaleducation.rajasthan.gov.in/bikaner/index.asp | label = Sardar Patel Medical College http://medicaleducation.rajasthan.gov.in/udaipur/index.asp | label = Rabindranath Tagore Medical College http://medicine.cnsu.edu/ | label = California Northstate University http://medievistiek.nl/en/ | label = Research School for Medieval Studies http://medschool.ucla.edu/ | label = David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA http://mefizmir.ekspressweb.com/ | label = MEF International School http://memphisseminary.edu/ | label = Memphis Theological Seminary http://mendelu.cz/en/ | label = Mendel University Brno http://mercyhurst.edu/ http://merrelluniversity.edu/ | label = Merrell University of Beauty Arts and Science http://mesgarwarecollege.org/ | label = Abasaheb Garware College http://metubudapest.hu/ | label = University of Applied Science Budapest http://mfei.ru/ | label = Moscow Financial and Economic Institute http://mgei.ru/ | label = Moscow Humanitarian Economic Institute http://mghpu.ru/ | label = Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after SG Stroganov http://mgik.org/ | label = Moscow State Institute of Culture http://mgmcri.ac.in/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute http://mgmmcha.org/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College and Hospital http://mgnp.ru/ | label = MoszhilNIIproekt http://mgri-rggru.ru/en/ | label = Russian State Geological prospecting University http://mgs.org/ | label = Manchester Grammar School http://mgsu.norna.ru/ http://mgutm.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy http://mgutm.ru/about/international_reletiouship.php | label = K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management http://miamioh.edu/ | label = Miami University http://miamioh.edu/regionals/ | label = Miami University Hamilton http://mibonet.ru/page/english | label = International Institute of Business Education http://michener.ca/ | label = Michener Institute http://midnaporemmc.ac.in/ | label = Midnapore Medical College and Hospital http://mieen.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Energy and Energy Saving http://miepvuz.ru/english/ | label = International Institute of Economics and Law http://miit.unikl.edu.my/ http://milenium.edu.pl/ | label = Gnieźnieńska Szkoła Wyższa Milenium http://milescc.edu/ http://milltown-institute.ie/ | label = Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy http://mims.edu.in/ | label = Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences http://mimsr.ac.in/ | label = Maharashtra Institute of Medical Science and Research http://minami-h.el.tym.ed.jp/ | label = Toyama Prefectural Toyama Minami High School http://miom.org/ http://mispp.edu/ | label = Michigan School of Professional Psychology http://missendencentre.co.uk/index.html | label = Missenden Centre http://missouri.edu/ | label = University of Missouri http://miu.edu.mn/?ckattempt=3 | label = Mongolia International University http://miyagi-mogakko.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefectural visual support school http://miyagi-seishin.ac.jp/05test.html | label = Miyagi Seishin Junior College http://miyagisuisan.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefectural Fisheries High School http://miyaro-s.myswan.ne.jp/miyaro.html | label = Miyagi Prefectural Hearing Support School http://mjc.edu/ http://mkuniversity.org/direct/ | label = Madurai Kamaraj University http://mkv2.mah.nic.in/ http://mlnmc.org/ | label = Motilal Nehru Medical College http://mnui.ru/ | label = Moscow New Law Institute http://monash.it/ | label = Monash University Prato Centre http://moodle.yds.edu.vn/yds2/?Content=thongtinDV&idTin=14115&menu=448 | label = Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University http://moore.edu/ | label = Moore College of Art and Design http://morrisbrown.edu/ | label = Morris Brown College http://morthland.edu/ | label = Morthland College http://mospolytech.ru/?eng | label = Moscow Polytechnic University http://mpdentalcollege.edu.in/ | label = Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital http://mpei.ru/lang/en | label = Moscow Power Engineering Institute http://mpkv.ac.in/ | label = Mahatma Phule Agricultural University http://mpkv.mah.nic.in/ http://mq.edu.au/ | label = Macquarie University http://msbbcs.edu/ | label = Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary http://msbte.com/msbte/ | label = Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education http://mseuf.edu.ph/ | label = Enverga University http://msihyd.org/site/ | label = Montfort Social Institute http://msmary.edu/ | label = Mount St. Mary's University http://msstate.edu/ | label = Mississippi State University http://msu.mogilev.by/ http://mta.ro/en/ | label = Military Technical Academy http://mti-edu.com/ | label = Moscow Technological Institute http://mtsierra.edu/ | label = Mt. Sierra College http://mug.edu.pl/ | label = Gdańsk Medical University http://muni.ceitec.cz/en/ | label = Central European Institute of Technology – Masaryk University http://murshidabadmedicalcollege.in/ | label = Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital http://mus.edu/ | label = University of Montana System http://musicacademy.edu.az/ | label = Baku Academy of Music http://must.edu.pk/ | label = Mirpur University of Science and Technology http://mvaa.mil.ru/ | label = Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy http://mveu.ru/ | label = International East-European University http://mwcc.edu/ http://myunion.edu/ | label = Union Institute & University http://nadiadayurveda.org/ | label = J. S. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and P.D. Patel Ayurveda Hospital http://nahda.edu.sd/en/ | label = Nahda College http://nahrainuniv.edu.iq/ | label = Nahrain University http://nam.kiev.ua/en/ | label = National Academy of Management http://nams.org.np/ | label = National Academy of Medical Sciences http://narfu.ru/ | label = Northern (Arctic) Federal University http://nast.gov.np/new/ | label = Nepal Academy of Science and Technology http://nativeamericanbiblecollege.org/ | label = Native American Bible College http://natronaschools.org/ | label = Natrona County School District http://nau.edu.ua/en/ | label = National Aviation University http://nayanova.edu/ | label = Nayanova University http://ncshta.mozello.ru/ | label = North Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy http://ncta.unl.edu/ http://ncwc.edu/ | label = North Carolina Wesleyan College http://ndri.nic.in/ http://ndu.edu.kh/en | label = National Defense University http://nebraska.edu/ | label = University of Nebraska System http://nebraskaacademyofsciences.wildapricot.org/ | label = Nebraska Academy of Sciences http://nechristian.edu/ | label = Nebraska Christian College http://necmusic.edu/ | label = New England Conservatory of Music http://necsi.edu/ | label = New England Complex Systems Institute http://neelain.edu.sd/ | label = Al-Neelain University http://new.ecole-air.fr/ | label = École de l'air http://new.hanbat.ac.kr/html/en/ | label = Hanbat National University http://new.huji.ac.il/en | label = Hebrew University of Jerusalem http://new.tdpu.uz/uz | label = Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami http://new.tu-varna.bg/en/index.php/bg/ | label = Technical University of Varna http://new.univ-orel.ru/ | label = Orlov State University http://newamericancolleges.org/ | label = New American Colleges and Universities http://newark.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University Newark http://newcovenantinternational.squarespace.com/ | label = New Covenant International http://neweng.cau.ac.kr/ | label = Chung-Ang University http://newmanu.edu/ | label = Newman University http://newparkmusic.ie/ | label = Newpark Music Centre http://news2.ssla.ru/ | label = Saratov State Academy of Law http://newschool.one./ | label = NewSchool http://newschoolarch.edu/ | label = NewSchool of Architecture and Design http://newtonschools.sch.qa/ | label = Newton International School http://newworld.ac/ | label = New World University http://ngi-nsk.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk Humanitarian Institute http://ngiei.ru/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics http://ngs.edu/ | label = National Graduate School of Quality Management http://ni-u.edu/wp/ | label = National Intelligence University http://nias.ku.dk/ | label = Nordic Institute of Asian Studies http://nicollegeofdentalscience.com/ | label = Noorul Islam College of Dental Science http://nims.ap.nic.in/ http://nimsuniversity.org/ | label = NIMS University http://nipawin.org/ | label = Nipawin Bible College http://niperguwahati.ac.in/ | label = National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research http://niperhajipur.ac.in/ | label = National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research http://niperraebareli.edu.in/ | label = National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research http://nitmeghalaya.in/nitm/index.html | label = National Institute of Technology Meghalaya http://nitte.edu.in/ | label = Nitte University http://nitte.edu.in/kshema/ | label = K S Hegde Medical Academy http://nitttrbpl.ac.in/index.php | label = National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research http://niud.ru/ | label = Nevsky Institute of Management and Design http://njala.edu.sl/ | label = Njala University http://nksa.ch/ | label = Neue Kantonsschule Aarau http://nku.nankai.edu.cn/ http://nkums.ac.ir/ | label = North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences http://nky.ningbo.gov.cn/ | label = Ningbo Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://nltu.edu.ua/ | label = Ukrainian National Forestry University http://nlumumbai.edu.in/ | label = Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai http://nm-aist.ac.tz/ | label = Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology http://nmchpatna.org/ | label = Nalanda Medical College and Hospital http://nmsua.edu/ http://nnmc.edu/ | label = Northern New Mexico College http://nnovcons.ru/?file=iPage1.php | label = Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka http://nobelpeaceprize.org/ | label = Norwegian Nobel Institute http://northpoint.edu/ | label = Northpoint Bible College http://nouvelle-caledonie.ird.fr/ | label = Institut de Recherche pour le Développement http://nova.edu/ | label = Nova Southeastern University http://npmcn.edu.ng/ | label = National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria http://npu.edu.ua/ua/ | label = National Pedagogical Dragomanov University http://ns2.rchokkaido-cn.ac.jp/index.php | label = Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido College of Nursing http://ns2.uni-ak.ac.at/ http://nsc.edu/ | label = Nevada State College http://nscad.ca/en/home/default.aspx | label = NSCAD University http://nsfjs.org/ | label = New School for Jewish Studies http://nsuada.ru/en | label = Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts http://ntc.edu.au/ | label = Nazarene Theological College http://ntcc.edu/ | label = Northeast Texas Community College http://ntruhs.ap.nic.in/ | label = Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences http://ntt.edu.vn/ntt_trangchu/ | label = Trường ĐH Nguyễn Tất Thành http://nubsk.edu.mk/en/ | label = National and University Library St. Kliment of Ohrid http://nuc.edu.iq/en/ | label = Al-Nisour University College http://nuczu.edu.ua/eng/ | label = National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine http://nuke.conservatoriopiccinni.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica N. Piccinni http://numed.ncl.ac.uk/ http://nunm.edu/ | label = National University of Natural Medicine http://nure.ua/en/ | label = Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics http://nutaneducation.in/tsmu.html | label = Tajik State Medical University http://nuu.uz/ | label = National University of Uzbekistan http://nwc.edu/ | label = Northwest College http://nwktc.edu/ | label = Northwest Kansas Technical College http://nwsa.mdc.edu/ | label = New World School of the Arts http://nyit.edu/vancouver | label = New York Institute of Technology http://nyuad.nyu.edu/ http://nyupress.org/ | label = New York University Press http://o6u.edu.eg/ | label = October 6 University http://occ.edu/ | label = Ozark Christian College http://ogiik.orel.ru/en.html | label = Orel State Institute of Arts and Culture http://ohiobusinesscollege.edu/ | label = Ohio Business College http://ohiocommunitycolleges.org/ | label = Ohio Association of Community Colleges http://ointunialtmed.net/ | label = Open International University for Alternative Medicines http://oji.ru/ | label = Open Institute of Law http://old.belmapo.by/en/ | label = Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education http://old.gsu.by/en/ | label = Francisk Skorina Gomel State University http://old.pglu.ru/en/ | label = Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University http://old.vsmiep.cz/about-vsmie | label = College of Information Management Business Administration and Law http://old.xaut.edu.cn/english/ | label = Xi'an University of Technology http://olympiccoast.noaa.gov/ | label = Olympic Coast Discovery Center http://omgtu.ru/english/ | label = Omsk State Technical University http://omu.edu.tr/en | label = Ondokuz Mayıs University http://onu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University http://onua.edu.ua/index.php?lang=en | label = National University Odesa Law Academy http://open.uwi.edu/bahamas | label = University of the West Indies http://opu.ua/ | label = Odessa National Polytechnic University http://oregonstate.edu/ | label = Oregon State University http://oreluniver.ru/en | label = Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev http://osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/en/ | label = Osaka Kyoiku University http://osaka-nougei.ed.jp/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Agricultural High School http://osucascades.edu/ | label = Oregon State University Cascades http://ou.monmouthcollege.edu/default.aspx | label = Monmouth College http://ow.umz.ac.ir/en/ | label = University of Mazandaran http://owensboro.kctcs.edu/ | label = Owensboro Community and Technical College http://pacificdentalcollege.com/ | label = Pacific Dental College and Hospital http://pafkiet.edu.pk/main/ | label = Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology http://paluniv.edu.ps/ | label = Palestine Ahliya University http://panambioinfo.org/ | label = PanAmerican Bioinformatics Institute http://panko.lt/english/ | label = Panevėžys College http://paris.schiller.edu/ | label = Schiller International University http://paristech.fr/ | label = ParisTech http://parker.edu/ | label = Parker University http://pasteur-bangui.org/ | label = Institut Pasteur de Bangui http://patten.edu/ | label = Patten University http://paueducation.com/en | label = PAU Education http://pb.edu.pl/en | label = Bialystok University of Technology http://pcad.edu/ | label = Pennsylvania College of Art and Design http://peoplesuniversity.edu.in/peoples-home/index.php | label = People’s University http://perbanas.id/ http://perpetualdalta.edu.ph/ | label = University of Perpetual Help System DALTA http://pes.edu/ | label = PES University http://pg.edu.pl/en/ | label = Gdańsk University of Technology http://pgimsrohtak.nic.in/ | label = Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences http://pgs.k12.va.us/ | label = Prince George County Public Schools http://pgusa.ru/ru/ | label = Sholem Aleichem Amur State University http://ph-tirol.ac.at/ | label = Pedagocial University Tyrol http://phsc.edu/ | label = Pasco–Hernando State College http://phst.at/internationales/international/?L=1 | label = University of Teacher Education Styria http://phv.www4.vobs.at/index.php?id=2 | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg http://piau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Parand http://pib-samara.ru/ | label = Volga Business Institute http://pihma.edu/ | label = Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture http://pillar.edu/ | label = Pillar College http://pit.edu.ph/ | label = Palompon Institute of Technology http://planetavuz.ru/ | label = Surgut 'Planet' Institute of World Economics and Business http://planwel.edu/ | label = Planwel http://pmui.ru/ | label = First Moscow Law Institute http://poippo.pl.ua/ | label = Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education http://portail.umons.ac.be/en2/Pages/default.aspx | label = University of Mons http://portail.univ-st-etienne.fr/ | label = Jean Monnet University http://portais.ufma.br/PortalUfma/index.jsf | label = Federal University of Maranhão http://portal-en.tbzmed.ac.ir/ | label = Tabriz University of Medical Sciences http://portal.anhembi.br/ | label = Anhembi Morumbi University http://portal.fei.edu.br/en-us/Pages/home.aspx | label = Centro Universitário da FEI http://portal.fgv.br/en | label = Fundação Getulio Vargas http://portal.fisp.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de São Paulo http://portal.ftc.br/ | label = Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências http://portal.ifac.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Acre http://portal.ifma.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Maranhão http://portal.ifpe.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Pernambuco http://portal.ifrn.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte http://portal.ifro.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Rondônia http://portal.ipg.pt/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp | label = Instituto Politécnico da Guarda http://portal.metodista.br/ | label = Methodist University of São Paulo http://portal.ovo-zaanstad.nl/sites/brc/default.aspx | label = Bertrand Russell College http://portal.prz.edu.pl/en/ | label = Rzeszów University of Technology http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/TU_Graz | label = Graz University of Technology http://portal.uepg.br/ | label = Ponta Grossa State University http://portal.ufes.br/ | label = Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo http://portal.ufgd.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados http://portal.ufpel.edu.br/# | label = Universidade Federal de Pelotas http://portal.ulangola.ed.ao/ | label = Universidade Lusíada de Angola http://portal.uned.es/ | label = National University of Distance Education http://portal.uni-corvinus.hu/?id=44509 | label = Corvinus University of Budapest http://portal3.ipb.pt/index.php/en/ipben/home | label = Polytechnic Institute of Bragança http://portale.unibas.it/site/home.html | label = University of Basilicata http://portale.unipa.it/ | label = University of Palermo http://portobellohighschool.org.uk/ | label = Portobello High School http://ppup.ac.in/ | label = Patliputra University http://prairiestate.edu/ | label = Prairie State College http://prescott.erau.edu/ | label = Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University http://priem-univer.ru/ | label = National Mineral Resources University http://prist.ac.in/ | label = PRIST University http://prtl.uhcl.edu/portal/page/portal/HOMEPAGE | label = University of Houston–Clear Lake http://psbehrend.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Behrend http://psm.edu/home.html | label = Ponce Health Sciences University http://pstu.edu/en/ | label = Pryazovskyi State Technical University http://pstu.ru/en/ | label = Perm National Research Polytechnic University http://psuca.edu/ | label = Pacific States University http://psut.edu.jo/main/ | label = Princess Sumaya University for Technology http://psychol.ru/drupal/index.php?q= | label = Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis http://ptc.edu.au/ | label = Presbyterian Theological College http://ptc10.jrscomware.com/nisigaoka/ | label = Nishigaoka Elementary School http://pte.hu/english | label = University of Pecs http://ptstulsa.edu/ | label = Phillips Theological Seminary http://pu.edu.np/university/ | label = Pokhara University http://public.assiniboine.net/ | label = Assiniboine Community College http://puchd.ac.in/ | label = Panjab University http://pulf.org/index/index.php?top=1 | label = Phillips University http://punjabiuniversity.ac.in/pbiuniweb/index.html | label = Punjabi University http://puonline.bih.nic.in/ http://pushpagiri.in/ | label = Pushpagiri Medical College http://pwsc.alaska.edu/ http://pwsz.chelm.pl/index_en.php?id=18 | label = State School of Higher Education in Chełm http://pwsz.suwalki.pl/web/english | label = Edward F. Szczepanik State School of Higher Professional Education in Suwalki http://pwszzamosc.pl/english.htm | label = State Higher School of Vocational Education in Zamość http://pyu.edu.vn/ | label = Phu Yen University http://qatar-weill.cornell.edu/ | label = Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar http://qcschools.com/ | label = Quitman County School District http://qom-iau.ac.ir/ | label = Qom Islamic Azad University http://qsu.edu.ph/ | label = Quirino State University http://quincycollege.edu/ | label = Quincy College http://qvcc.edu/ | label = Quinebaug Valley Community College http://r.umn.edu/ | label = University of Minnesota Rochester http://raasn.ru/ | label = Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences http://raghebisf.ac.ir/ | label = Ragheb Esfahani Institute http://rajuvas.org/ | label = Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences http://ramadentalcollege.org/ | label = Rama Dental College Hospital & Research Centre http://ramin.ac.ir/English/ | label = Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khouzestan http://ranken.edu/ | label = Ranken Technical College http://raubikaner.org/ | label = Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University http://rbni.technion.ac.il/ http://rcsmgmc.ac.in/ | label = Rajarshee Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Government Medical College and CPR Hospital Kolhapur http://rdc.ab.ca/ | label = Red Deer College http://redi.re.kr/?lang=en | label = Re-shaping Development Institute http://renci.org/ | label = Renaissance Computing Institute http://resu.edu/ | label = Resurrection University http://rgkarmedicalcollege.org/ | label = R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital http://rgomiddelharnis.nl/index.php?menu=163&pid=1 | label = Regionale scholengemeenschap Goeree-Overflakkee http://rhga.ru/ | label = Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy http://rhtu.edu.lv/ | label = Riga High Tech University http://riau.ac.ir/en | label = Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch http://richlandcollege.edu/ | label = Richland College http://richmondcc.edu/ | label = Richmond Community College http://richmont.edu/ | label = Richmont Graduate University http://rieit.rayatbahra.com/ | label = Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology http://riftvalleyuniversity.net/ | label = Rift Valley University http://riogrande.edu/en | label = Rio Grande Bible Institute http://rku.ac.in/ | label = RK University http://rnda.armf.bg/ | label = G. S. Rakovski National Defence College http://rnsb.k12.nm.us/ | label = Ramah Navajo School Board http://romeinternationalschool.it/ | label = Rome International School http://rosi-edu.ru/ | label = Regional Open Social Institute http://rostgmu.ru/en/ | label = Rostov State Medical University http://royaldrawingschool.org/ | label = Royal Drawing School http://rrcrst.ru/index.php | label = Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies http://rsmu.ru/home_en.html | label = Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University http://rsreu.ru/en/ | label = Ryazan State Radio Engineering University http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in/ | label = Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha http://rtc.edu/ | label = Renton Technical College http://rusacademedu.ru/ | label = Russian Academy of Education http://sacbbk.hpage.com/ | label = St Anthonys Senior Secondary School http://sacramento.mticollege.edu/ http://sait.ac.in/index.php | label = Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology http://sakai-t.ed.jp/ | label = Sakai Technology High School http://sakura1.higo.ed.jp/sh/araosh/ | label = Kumamoto Prefectural Arao High School http://sakura1.higo.ed.jp/sh/minamataths/ | label = Kumamoto Prefectural Minamata Technical High School http://salemu.edu/ | label = Salem International University http://sam.org.in/ | label = Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music http://samas.no/ | label = Sámi University College http://samgtu.com/ | label = Samara State Technical University http://sanskritcollegeanduniversity.org.in/ | label = The Sanskrit College and University http://santafeuniversity.edu/ | label = Santa Fe University of Art and Design http://santarosa.edu/ | label = Santa Rosa Junior College http://sarahcannonresearch.co.uk/ | label = Sarah Cannon Research Institute http://sarcons.ru/ | label = Saratov State Conservatory named after Sobinov http://saxion.edu/ http://sbc.edu/ | label = Sweet Briar College http://sbcollege.ca/ | label = Steinbach Bible College http://sbvu.ac.in/ | label = Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University http://sc.kgef.ac.jp/ | label = Kokusai Gakuin Saitama Junior College http://scbmch.nic.in/ | label = Sriram Chandra Bhanja Medical College Hospital http://sccnc.edu/ | label = Southeastern Community College http://scco.ac/ | label = Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy http://scd.edu.au/ | label = Sydney College of Divinity http://school.gifu-net.ed.jp/gifu-ths/zennichi/0_common/05_english.htm | label = Gifu Prefectural Gifu Technical High School http://school.gifu-net.ed.jp/syoyo-hs/edu/26_president_english.html | label = Motosu Shoyo High School http://school.gifu-net.ed.jp/toki-chs/index-english.html | label = Gifu Prefectural Toki Commercial High School http://school.gifu-net.ed.jp/yaotsu-hs/ | label = Gifu Prefectural Yaotsu High School http://school.skolkovo.ru/en/ | label = Skolkovo Moscow School of Management http://science.gov.tm/en/organisations/sport_tourism_instit/ | label = National Institute of Sports and Tourism of Turkmenistan http://science.gov.tm/en/turena/ | label = Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management http://sciencesdelaterre.ens-lyon.fr/ | label = Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre http://scmsgroup.org/ | label = SCMS Group of Educational Institutions http://sctd.edu/ | label = Sullivan College of Technology and Design http://sctimst.ker.nic.in/ http://scuegypt.edu.eg/ar/ | label = Suez Canal University http://scuref.org/ | label = South Carolina Universities Research and Education Foundation http://sdcc.edu/ | label = San Diego Christian College http://seattlecentral.edu/ http://secmeinc.wix.com/secme/ | label = Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering http://sedes.org.br/site/ | label = Instituto Sedes Sapientiae http://seizan.ac.jp/ | label = Kyoto Seizan College http://sekiyou.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefectural Ishinomaki Support School http://selby.ac.uk/ | label = Selby College http://selkirk.ca/ | label = Selkirk College http://selmauniversity.edu/ | label = Selma University http://semgu.kz/?lang=en | label = Shakarim State University Of Semey http://semmelweis.hu/english/the-university/ | label = Semmelweis University http://sevntu.com.ua/ http://sevsu.ru/ | label = Sevastopol National Technical University http://sfbc.edu/ | label = South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary http://sfedu.ru/international/ | label = Southern Federal University http://sfeisk.ru/ | label = Stavropol Finance and Economics Institute http://sfga.ru/ | label = Capital Academy of Finance and Humanities http://sh.higo.ed.jp/matsubasesh/ | label = Kumamoto Prefectural Matsubase High School http://shahabdanesh.ac.ir/en/ | label = Shahab Danesh University http://shakhtniui.ru/ | label = Shakhty Scientific Research and Design Coal Institute http://shakujii-h.sakura.ne.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Shakujii High School http://shalem.ac.il/en | label = Shalem College http://shanghai_edu.customs.gov.cn/ http://shanmuganathanengg.in/ | label = Shanmuganathan Engineering College http://shgpi.edu.ru/en/ | label = Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute http://shien.oita-ed.jp/hiji/ | label = Oita Prefectural Hiji support school http://shien.oita-ed.jp/mou/ | label = Oita Prefectural School for the Blind http://shien.oita-ed.jp/shinsei/schoolguide/post-5.html | label = Oita Prefectural Nascent Support School http://shien.oita-ed.jp/yufu/ | label = Oita Prefectural Yufu Support School http://shinstitute.org/ | label = Sustainable Horizons Institute http://shirazu.ac.ir/en/index.php/ | label = Shiraz University http://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/eng | label = Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University http://shmu.ac.ir/ | label = Shahroud University of Medical Sciences http://shoryoshuv.org/ | label = Sh'or Yoshuv Institute http://shsu.am/en/ | label = Shirak State University http://shu.smolensk.su/ http://sibano.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Shibata Agriculture and Forestry High School http://sibnia.com/ | label = Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute Named After S.A. Chaplygin http://sibsiu.kemerovo.su/ http://sigarra.up.pt/up/en/WEB_BASE.GERA_PAGINA?p_pagina=home | label = University of Porto http://simac.dk/ | label = Svendborg International Maritime Academy http://simpson.edu/ | label = Simpson College http://simpsonu.edu/ | label = Simpson University http://siom.edu/ | label = Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine http://sirnak.edu.tr/yeni/index.php | label = Şırnak University http://site.pakaims.edu.pk/ | label = Institute of Management Sciences Lahore http://site.ufsm.br/ | label = Universidade Federal de Santa Maria http://site.ypu.edu.sy/ | label = Yarmouk Private University http://sites.jcu.edu/ | label = John Carroll University http://sjrstate.edu/ | label = St Johns River State College http://ska.khio.no/ http://skbu.ac.in/ | label = Sidho Kanho Birsa University http://skc.edu/ | label = Salish Kootenai College http://skibiit.ru/eng/info/main.html | label = Armavir Institute of Economics and Finance http://skimsmc.edu.in/ | label = Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences http://skuniv.ap.nic.in/ http://skylinecollege.edu/ http://slavinst.ru/ | label = International Slavic Institute http://sliet.ac.in/ | label = Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology http://sma.org.au/ | label = Sports Medicine Australia http://smcvja.in/ | label = Siddhartha Medical College http://smolgmu.ru/ | label = Smolensk State Medical University http://smshospital.rajasthan.gov.in/ | label = Sawai ManSingh Medical College and Hospital http://smu.edu.in/smu.html | label = Sikkim Manipal University http://smun.spb.ru/ | label = Smolny University http://snu.edu.ua/ | label = Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University http://snu.edu/ | label = Southern Nazarene University http://soauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Institute of Medical Sciences and Sum Hospital http://soauniversity.ac.in/home/soa | label = Siksha O Anusandhan University http://sogma.ru/ | label = North Ossetian State Medical Academy http://solacc.edu/ | label = South Louisiana Community College http://southcentral.kctcs.edu/ | label = Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College http://southcoastcollege.edu/ | label = South Coast College http://southeast.kctcs.edu/ | label = Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College http://southernregional.edu/ | label = Southern Regional Technical College http://southside.edu/ | label = Southside Virginia Community College http://spatrainingacademy.edu/ | label = Universal Spa Training Academy http://spb-niilh.ru/ | label = St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Forestry http://spbau.ru/main_eng/info_main_eng | label = Saint Petersburg Academic University http://spblawschool.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg Institute of Law named after Prince P. Oldenburg http://spbu.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State University http://spcpa.ru/ | label = Saint - Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy http://spm2.spamast.com.ph/ | label = Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology http://sportsacademy.edu.rs/ | label = Sportska Akademija Beograd http://springfield.edu/ | label = Springfield College http://spu.edu/ | label = Seattle Pacific University http://sr.edu.sa/site/en/ | label = Sulaiman Al Rajhi Colleges http://srec.azores.gov.pt/dre/sd/115171020201/ | label = Escola Básica Integrada da Horta http://srfti.ac.in/ | label = Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute http://sri.cityu.edu.hk/sri/ | label = City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Research Institute http://srishti.ac.in/ | label = Srishti Institute of Art Design and Technology http://srmdentalcollege.ac.in/ | label = SRM Dental College http://srmu.ac.in/ | label = Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University http://sroc.cfans.umn.edu/ | label = University Of Minnesota, Waseca http://srph.ru/ | label = St. Petersburg School of Religion and Philosophy http://srta.hu/main | label = Reformed Theological Academy of Sárospatak http://srtrmca.org/ | label = Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Medical College http://ssc.edu.ph/ssc/ | label = St. Scholastica's College http://ssceducation.weebly.com/ | label = Sorsogon State College http://sscm.ac.uk/new-life/ | label = Scottish School of Christian Mission http://sse.army.gr/ | label = Hellenic Military Academy http://ssfe.itorizaba.edu.mx/ntec13/ | label = Instituto Tecnologico de Orizaba http://sssihl.edu.in/ | label = Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning http://ssst.edu.ba/ | label = Sarajevo School of Science and Technology http://ssu.ac.ir/cms/index.php?id=47 | label = Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services http://ssvv.up.nic.in/ http://sta.uwi.edu/ | label = University of the West Indies http://stari.bak.hr/English/ | label = Baltazar Zaprešić University of Applied Sciences http://staryweb.uniba.sk/index.php?id=921 | label = Comenius University http://statenisland.pastperfect-online.com/ | label = Staten Island Historical Society http://stavmed.com/ | label = Stavropol State Medical University http://std.xmu.edu.cn/std_en/ | label = Xiamen University http://stieglitz.academy/ | label = Saint Petersburg Art and Industry Academy http://stikesprimanusantara.ac.id/ | label = STIKes Prima Nusantara http://stjohnsem.edu/ | label = St. John's Seminary http://stmary.edu/ | label = University of Saint Mary http://stonewalllearningcenter.com/ | label = Stonewall Learning Center http://sttvu.net/ | label = Shantou Broadcasting and Television University http://studioinaschool.org/ | label = Studio in a School http://studix.com/ | label = Studix http://study.ecupl.edu.cn/ | label = East China University of Political Science and Law http://stvs-edu.org/ | label = IGAD Sheikh Technical Veterinary School and Reference Centre http://su.digitaluniversity.ac/ http://su.shorter.edu/ | label = Shorter University http://suanet.ac.tz/ | label = Sokoine University of Agriculture http://sub.ginue.ac.kr/english/index.html?menuno=1653 | label = Gyeongin National University of Education http://subharti.org/web/ | label = Swami Vivekanand Subharti University http://sumdu.edu.ua/int/en.html | label = Sumy State University http://sumino-e.esnet.ed.jp/cms/ | label = Niihama City Sumino Elementary School http://sunderlandcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Sunderland College http://suny.buffalostate.edu/ http://suny.oneonta.edu/ | label = SUNY Oneonta http://sunysccc.edu/ | label = Schenectady County Community College http://sunysullivan.edu/ | label = SUNY Sullivan http://surescuela.com/ | label = Escuela de Profesiones Artísticas http://surry.edu/ | label = Surry Community College http://sussex.edu/ | label = Sussex County Community College http://sutd.ru/ | label = Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design http://suu.ac.ug/ | label = Stafford University http://suza.ac.tz/ | label = State University of Zanzibar http://sve-mo.ba/ | label = University of Mostar http://sverd.ru/en/ | label = SverdNIIhimmash http://svimstpt.ap.nic.in/ http://svirvmo.ru/ | label = Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great http://svitani.cz/ | label = Základní škola a Praktická škola Svítání http://svu.edu/ | label = Southern Virginia University http://svuni.ap.nic.in/ http://svvu.edu.in/ | label = Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University http://svyasa.edu.in/ | label = Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana http://sw.edu/ | label = Southwest Virginia Community College http://swa.city-osaka.ed.jp/swas/index.php?id=j512005 | label = Osaka Municipal Toyosaki Junior High School http://swbts.edu/ | label = Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary http://swcu.edu/ | label = Southwestern Christian University http://syktsu.ru/en/ | label = Syktyvkar State University http://synergy.university/ | label = Synergy University http://system.nevada.edu/Nshe/ | label = Nevada System of Higher Education http://szfe.hu/en/ | label = University of Theatre and Film Arts http://szgmu.ru/eng/ | label = North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov http://sziu.hu/ | label = Szent István University http://tabor.edu.au/ | label = Tabor College http://tabor.edu/ | label = Tabor College http://tabrizu.ac.ir/en | label = University of Tabriz http://taii.ru/ | label = Tula Artillery Engineering Institute http://talladega.brinkster.net/joomla25/index.php | label = Talladega College http://talmudicu.edu/ | label = Talmudic University http://tandai.koen.ac.jp/ | label = Koen Gakuen Women's Junior College http://taos.unm.edu/index.html | label = University of New Mexico - Taos http://tara.ca/ | label = The Audio Recording Academy http://tarkioalumni.org/ | label = Tarkio College http://tatngpi.ru/ | label = Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical Institute http://tbs.edu/ | label = Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College http://tbump.edu.vn/index.php/vi.html | label = Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy http://tcnj.pages.tcnj.edu/ | label = College of New Jersey http://tdu.edu.in/ | label = Institute of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology http://technolog.edu.ru/en/ | label = St. Petersburg State Technological Institute http://tecnologicocomfenalco.edu.co/ | label = Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco Cartagena http://tectijuana.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana http://tei.sfu-kras.ru/ | label = Krasnoyarsk State Trade and Economic Institute http://templejc.edu/ | label = Temple College http://tennessee.edu/ | label = University of Tennessee System http://teoloogia.ee/wb/pages/en/home.php?lang=EN | label = Tartu Academy of Theology http://test.probigua.org/ | label = Probigua http://testcmt.moultrietech.edu/ | label = Moultrie Technical College http://teui.ru/ | label = Tomsk Institute of Economics and Law http://tggpu.ru/ | label = Tatar State University of Humanities and Education http://tgnu.tarena.tj/ http://thanhtay.edu.vn/ | label = Thanhtay University http://the-bac.edu/ | label = Boston Architectural College http://thereedinstitute.com/ | label = The Reed Institute http://theseattleschool.edu/ | label = Seattle School of Theology and Psychology http://theseri.com/ | label = Scientific Education and Research Institute http://thpt-lehongphong-nd.edu.vn/ | label = Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted http://tiau.ac.ir/ | label = Takestan Islamic Azad University http://tiffinprague.cz/ | label = Tiffin University Prague http://tlc.edu.qa/ | label = Awsaj Academy http://tmc.nic.in/ | label = Tripura Medical College & Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital http://tncc.edu/ | label = Thomas Nelson Community College http://tntu.edu.ua/?p=en/main | label = Ternopil Ivan Pului National Technical University http://tnuni.sk/aktuality/ | label = Trencianska Univerzita Alexandra Dubceka V Trencine http://toin.ac.jp/univ/ | label = Toin University of Yokohama http://toko.hosho.ac.jp/tokowp/ | label = Tokyo College of Transport Studies http://toledoprudente.edu.br/ | label = Toledo Prudente Centro Universitário http://toniau.ac.ir/main/ | label = Islamic Azad University Tonekabon http://tpu.ru/ | label = Tomsk Polytechnic University http://tracecrossingselem.al.hce.schoolinsites.com/ | label = Trace Crossings Elementary School http://trainnorth.ca/ | label = Northlands College http://tribhuvan-university.edu.np/ | label = Tribhuvan University http://truett.edu/#to-the-very-last-tribe | label = Truett-McConnell College http://tsmu.edu/tsmu12/tsmu/index_eng.php | label = Tbilisi State Medical University http://tsput.ru/english/ | label = Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N.Tolstoy http://tsu.tula.ru/ | label = Tula State University http://ttu.tj/en/main-en/ | label = Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi http://tu-dresden.de/en | label = TU Dresden http://tu-freiberg.de/index.en.html | label = Freiberg University Of Mining And Technology http://tuaf.edu.vn/en-Us | label = Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry http://tukyaingtong.moe-st.gov.mm/?page_id=962 | label = Technological University Kyaing Tong http://tulane.edu/ | label = Tulane University http://tulip.sunmoon.ac.kr/english/main.do | label = Sun Moon University http://tun.touro.edu/ | label = Touro University Nevada http://tupln.moe-st.gov.mm/?p=1088 | label = Technological University Panglong http://tuvsu.ru/ http://tvmc.ac.in/ | label = Tirunelveli Medical College http://twin-cities.umn.edu/ http://twsp.pl/ | label = Toruńska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości http://twu.ca/ | label = Trinity Western University http://u-bamako.ml.refer.org/ | label = University of Bamako http://u7nc.uvt.rnu.tn/ http://uacg.bg/?l=2 | label = University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy http://uafs.edu/ | label = University of Arkansas – Fort Smith http://uahb.sn/ | label = Université Amadou Hampaté Ba http://ualberta.ca/ | label = University of Alberta http://ualr.edu/ | label = University of Arkansas at Little Rock http://uam.edu.ng/ | label = University of Agriculture http://uam.refer.ne/ http://uard.bg/en | label = University of Agribusiness and Rural Development http://uasbng.kar.nic.in/ http://uasystem.ua.edu/ | label = University of Alabama System http://ubatc.edu/ | label = Uintah Basin Applied Technology College http://ubb.edu.kh/ | label = University of Battambang http://ubt.edu.al/en | label = Agricultural University of Tirana http://ubtec.org.in/ | label = University B.T. & Evening College http://ubuea.cm/ | label = University of Buea http://ucaes.edu.gh/ | label = University College of Agriculture and Environmental Studies http://ucanr.edu/ | label = University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources http://ucat.edu/ | label = Utah College of Applied Technology http://ucdavis.edu/ | label = University of California, Davis http://uci.edu/ | label = University of California, Irvine http://ucimed.com/ | label = Universidad de Ciencias Medicas http://uconn.edu/ | label = University of Connecticut http://ucsd.edu/ | label = University of California, San Diego http://ucsj.dk/english/ | label = University College Sjælland http://ucsp.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Católica San Pablo http://ucv.edu.ph/ | label = University of Cagayan Valley http://udmyangon-edu.com/ | label = University of Dental Medicine http://udupishriamec.org/ | label = Udupi Shri Admar Mutt Education Council http://ue.poznan.pl/en/ | label = Poznań University of Economics and Business http://uem.edu.in/ | label = University of Engineering & Management http://uerr.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Roraima http://ufaart.ru/ | label = Ufa State Institute of Arts http://ufcg.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Campina Grande http://ufersa.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido http://ufrsdhs.sharpschool.net/ | label = Allentown High School http://ufsb.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Southern Bahia http://uft-plovdiv.bg/ | label = University of Food Technologies http://ugsha.ru/ | label = Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after PA Stolypin http://uhd.edu.iq/en/ | label = University of Human Development http://uhd.edu.vn/ | label = University of Hai Duong http://uhs.tusd1.schooldesk.net/ | label = University High School http://uhu.es/english/ | label = University of Huelva http://ui.ac.ir/Index.aspx?tempname=engmain&lang=2&sub=0 | label = University of Isfahan http://ui.edu.ng/ | label = University of Ibadan http://ui.eelk.ee/index.php/en/ | label = Institute of Theology of Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church http://uib.kz/en/ | label = University of International Business http://uic.edu.hk/en | label = United International College http://uic.globe.com.ph/ http://uii.sever.ru/ http://uil.unesco.org/ | label = UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning http://uinsu.ac.id/?mod=home | label = Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara http://uit.no/startsida | label = The Arctic University of Norway http://ujpm-hinche.org/ | label = Université Jean Price Mars http://ujs.sk/hu | label = Selye János University http://uktech.ac.in/ | label = Uttarakhand Technical University http://ukwms.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya http://ul-memphis.iamempowered.com/ | label = Memphis Urban League http://ularkin.org/ | label = Larkin University http://uls.edu.sv/sitioweb/ | label = Salvadoran Lutheran University http://ulsystem.edu/ | label = University of Louisiana System http://um-rdc.org/ http://um6ss.ma/ | label = Université Mohammed VI des Sciences de la Santé http://umaine.edu/ | label = University of Maine http://umanitoba.ca/ | label = University of Manitoba http://umdearborn.edu/ | label = University of Michigan–Dearborn http://umer.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Merdeka Surabaya http://umi.edu.mx/v3/ | label = Mexico International University http://umoar.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero http://umobile.edu/ | label = University of Mobile http://unal.edu.co/ | label = National University of Colombia http://unamcr.com/ | label = Universidad Autónoma Monterrey http://uncw.edu/ | label = University of North Carolina Wilmington http://und.edu/ | label = University of North Dakota http://unec.edu.az/ http://unefm.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda http://ung.edu/ | label = University of North Georgia http://unhamzah.ac.id/web-lama/ | label = Universitas Amir Hamzah http://uni-dubna.ru/en/ | label = Dubna University http://uni.dongseo.ac.kr/eng/ | label = Dongseo University http://uni.sze.hu/en_GB/home | label = Széchenyi István University http://unibl.org/ | label = University of Banja Luka http://unic.edu.ru/ | label = Institute Unic http://unical.ac.in/ http://unice.fr/ | label = Nice Sophia Antipolis University http://unidemat.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad de Matamoros http://uniim.rospotrebnadzor.ru/ | label = Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology http://unijv.edu.mx/index.php | label = Universidad José Vasconcelos http://unikal.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Pekalongan http://uniko.ac.at/ | label = Universities Austria http://unilak.ac.id/ http://unimediteran.net/index.php/mne/ | label = Mediterranean University http://unimontes.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros http://unionnikolatesla.edu.rs/ | label = Univerzitet Union Nikola Tesla http://unite.edu.mk/en/ | label = State University of Tetova http://unitech-mo.ru/eng/ | label = University of Technology http://united.edu/ | label = United Theological Seminary http://univ-cotedazur.fr/english | label = Université Côte d'Azur http://univ-fhb.edu.ci/fr/index.php | label = Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny http://univ45sby.ac.id/web/ | label = Universitas 45 Surabaya http://univd.edu.ua/?lan=eng | label = Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs http://universalbarbercollege.com/ | label = Universal Barber College http://universalcollege.net/ | label = Universal Engineering College http://universidadeuropea.es/en/ | label = European University of Madrid http://universitasindonesiatimur.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Indonesia Timur http://universitastabanan.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Tabanan http://universitelibreducongo.org/ | label = Université Libre du Congo http://universitiesofnigeria.com/hassan-usman-katsina-polytechnic/ | label = Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic http://university.innopolis.ru/ | label = Innopolis University http://university.taylors.edu.my/ | label = Taylor's University http://university.tversu.ru/ http://universityderm.com/ | label = University Dermatology http://universitynaturalmedicine.org/ | label = University of Natural Medicine http://universityvascular.com/ | label = University Vascular Associates http://univerzitetps.com/index.php/en | label = Univerzitet Za Poslovne Studije http://univsul.edu.iq/en/ | label = University of Sulaymaniyah http://unpgma.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nororiental Privada Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho http://unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University http://unvi.edu.ba/en/ | label = Univerzitet Vitez http://unvicsorong.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Victory Sorong http://unwmataram.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram http://uod.edu.krd/site/ | label = University of Duhok http://uofg.edu.sd/en/ | label = University of Gezira http://uos.edu.pk/ | label = University of Sargodha http://uosamarra.edu.iq/ | label = University of Samarra http://uoswabi.edu.pk/ | label = University of Swabi http://uot.edu.ly/ | label = University of Tripoli http://up.mackenzie.br/upm/ | label = Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie http://upacifico.edu.ec/web/ | label = Universidad Del Pacífico Ecuador http://upcebu.edu.ph/ | label = University of the Philippines Cebu College http://updateinstitute.com/ | label = Update Institute of Professional Studies http://upi.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Particular de Iquitos http://upjp2.edu.pl/eng/ | label = Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków http://upla.edu.pe/ | label = Los Andes Peruvian University http://upm.ac.ma/ | label = École Supérieure d'Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion http://upm.moldnet.md/ http://upr-ponce.upr.edu/ http://upra.org/ | label = Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum http://upsej.org/ | label = Université Publique du Sud'Est http://uqo.ca/ | label = Université du Québec en Outaouais http://urfu.ru/en/ | label = Ural Federal University http://urgi.ural.ru/ | label = Ural Institute for the Humanities http://urib.info/ | label = Ural Institute of Business http://urta.com/ | label = University Resident Theatre Association http://usao.edu/ http://usat.edu/ | label = University of Science, Art and Technology http://usc.edu.ph/ | label = University of San Carlos http://usclancaster.sc.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Lancaster http://uscsalkehatchie.sc.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Salkehatchie http://uscunion.sc.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Union http://usfsm.edu/ | label = University of South Florida Sarasota–Manatee http://ushs.u-strasbg.fr/ http://usm.maine.edu/ | label = University of Southern Maine http://usm.md/?lang=en | label = Moldova State University http://usm.trompo.com/ http://usmf.md/en/ | label = Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy http://ussowendo.com/ | label = Université des Sciences de la Santé http://ustboniface.ca/page.aspx?pid=4881 | label = Université de Saint-Boniface http://ustpaul.ca/ | label = Saint Paul University http://usu.ac.id/id/ | label = University of North Sumatra http://utcb.ro/utcb/index_en.html | label = Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest http://utla.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Técnica Latinoamericana http://utn.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Teknologi Nusantara http://utrad.com/ | label = University Radiology http://utu.ac.in/ | label = Uka Tarsadia University http://utulsa.edu/ http://uvei.edu/about-uvei | label = Upper Valley Educators Institute http://uwajimasuisan-h.esnet.ed.jp/ | label = Uwajima Fisheries High school http://uwcmahindracollege.org/ | label = Mahindra United World College India http://uwf.edu/ | label = University of West Florida http://uwfox.uwc.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin–Fox Valley http://uwla.edu/ | label = University of West Los Angeles http://uwp.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Wijaya Putra http://uz.edu.ph/ | label = Universidad de Zamboanga http://uzhistory.uz/eng | label = The Institute of History of The Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Uzbekistan http://v4.udsu.ru/english/index | label = Udmurt State University http://valenciacollege.edu/ | label = Valencia College http://varhbz.mil.ru/ | label = Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection http://vas.mil.ru/ | label = Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union SM Budennogo http://vatm.edu.vn/ | label = Viet Nam University Of Traditional Medicine http://vavkotver.ru/ | label = Military Academy of Air-Space Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union GK Zhukov http://vbspu.ac.in/ http://vbu.ac.in/ | label = Vinoba Bhave University http://vcfa.edu/ | label = Vermont College of Fine Arts http://vcu.vcu.edu/ http://vdpacollegesangli.org/ | label = Vasantdada Patil Ayurvedic Medical College & Institute Of Yoga http://vei.ru/index.php?lang=ru | label = All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I.Lenin http://vemny.org/ | label = Vision Education and Media http://venta.lv/en/ | label = Ventspils University College http://vggu.ru/ | label = Vyatka State University of Humanities http://vgltu.ru/en/ | label = Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies http://viasm.edu.vn/en/ | label = Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics http://vicu.utoronto.ca/ http://vidyapratishthan.com/vpc/ | label = Vidya Prathishthan http://vipe.fsin.su/ | label = Vologda Institute of Law and Economics http://virginiawestern.edu/ http://visible.edu/ | label = Visible Music College http://visualtheatre.co.il/en/home | label = The School of Visual Theatre http://vivt.ru/ | label = Voronezh Institute of High Technologies http://vizja.net/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Technologii Informatycznych w Warszawie http://vjim.edu.in/ | label = Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management http://vka.mil.ru/ | label = Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaisky http://vma.mil.ru/ | label = Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union NG Kuznetsov http://vmeda.mil.ru/ | label = Kirov Military Medical Academy http://vmmckkl.com/ | label = Vinayaka Missions Medical College and Hospitals http://vmmu.edu.vn/Portal/Home.html | label = Vietnam Military Medical University http://vmu.edu.vn/ | label = Vinh Medical University http://vn.hosan.ac.kr/front/ | label = Hosan University http://vrp.univ-alger3.dz/L19/ | label = University of Algiers 3 http://vsmvv.cz/en/ | label = College of International and Public Relations http://vstvs.palestra.cz/en/ | label = College of Physical Education and Sport Palestra http://vsup.vs-nm.si/en/ | label = School of Business and Management Novo Mesto http://vti.ru/en/ | label = All-Russia Thermal Engineering Institute http://vtu.ac.in/ | label = Visvesvaraya Technological University http://vu.edu.bd/ | label = Varendra University http://vumo.mil.ru/ | label = Military University http://w3-n.hm.edu/en/index.en.html | label = Munich University of Applied Sciences http://w3.oli.katolikus.hu//cimlap | label = Országos Lelkipásztori Intézet http://w3.sdu.edu.tr/ | label = Süleyman Demirel University http://w5.xs.edu.ph/ | label = Xavier School http://warnborough.ac.uk/ | label = Warnborough College http://warner.edu/ | label = Warner University http://watc.edu/ | label = Wichita Area Technical College http://waukesha.uwc.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin–Waukesha http://waveacademies.org/ | label = West Africa Vocational Education http://waynesburg.edu/ http://wb.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Wilkes-Barre http://wbs.edu/ | label = Wesley Biblical Seminary http://wbsc-h.eu/ | label = Wekerle Business School http://wccs.edu/ | label = Wallace Community College Selma http://web.aeath.gr/jaeath/en/ | label = University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki http://web.aust.edu.pk/ | label = Abbottabad University of Science and Technology http://web.csulb.edu/alumni/ | label = California State University, Long Beach http://web.dendai.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Denki University http://web.iit.edu/ | label = Illinois Institute of Technology http://web.joongbu.ac.kr/eng.do | label = Joongbu University http://web.kg.ac.kr/ | label = Korea Golf University http://web.kit.ac.kr/english/index.php | label = Kyungnam College of Information and Technology http://web.med.kitasato-u.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kitasato University http://web.sapmed.ac.jp/e/ | label = Sapporo Medical University http://web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/ | label = Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University http://web.uas.edu.mx/web/ | label = Autonomous University of Sinaloa http://web.unican.es/ | label = University of Cantabria http://web.unicz.it/it/ | label = Magna Graecia University http://web.uniroma2.it/home.php?newlang=italian | label = University of Rome Tor Vergata http://web.usca.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Aiken http://web.wuiel.ru/ | label = West Ural Institute of Economics and Law http://web.zhongxi.cn/en/ | label = Central Academy of Drama http://webber.edu/ | label = Webber International University http://webs.purduecal.edu/ http://website.aub.edu.lb/nyo/Pages/index.aspx | label = American University of Beirut New York Office http://website.musikhochschule-muenchen.de/de/index.php | label = Hochschule für Musik und Theater München http://website.usonsonate.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad de Sonsonate http://webster.ac.at/ | label = Webster Vienna Private University http://welcome.isea.ru/ | label = Baikal State University of Economics and Law http://wesley.edu/ | label = Wesley College http://west.edu/ | label = Western International University http://westcoastuniversity.edu/ | label = West Coast University http://westkentucky.kctcs.edu/ | label = West Kentucky Community and Technical College http://westking.ac.uk/ | label = Westminster Kingsway College http://westliberty.edu/ | label = West Liberty University http://westvalley.edu/ | label = West Valley College http://wfp.asp.krakow.pl/ http://whatcom.edu/ | label = Whatcom Community College http://wheat.henau.edu.cn/ | label = National Engineering Research Center for Wheat http://wheatoncollege.edu/ | label = Wheaton College http://williamsoncc.edu/ | label = Williamson College http://windsor.edu/ | label = Windsor University School of Medicine http://windward.hawaii.edu/ http://wiz.daewon.ac.kr/user/english/index.action | label = Daewon University College http://wma.edu/ | label = Wentworth Military Academy and College http://wmc.ac.uk/ | label = Wirral Metropolitan College http://wmich.edu/ | label = Western Michigan University http://wnmu.edu/ | label = Western New Mexico University http://wolford.edu/ | label = Wolford College http://wollouniversity.education/ | label = Wollo University http://womencollegeanantnag.nic.in/ | label = Government College for Women Anantnag http://woodtobecoburn.edu/ | label = Wood Tobé-Coburn School http://worcesterschools.org/ | label = Worcester Public Schools http://wp.missouristate.edu/ | label = Missouri State University–West Plains http://wp.stolaf.edu/ | label = St. Olaf College http://ws.edu/home/ | label = Walters State Community College http://wsap.edu.pl/ | label = Białystok School of Public Administration http://wsb.toi.tarnow.pl/ http://wscs.eu/ | label = Warsaw School of Computer Science http://wsh.pl/en/ | label = Radom Academy of Economics http://wshch.lnmu.edu.cn/en/ | label = Liaoning Medical University http://wshp.eu/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Przyrodnicza w Sandomierzu http://wshtwp.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej http://wskmkonin.edu.pl/index.php/strona-gwna-menu-69 | label = Wyższej Szkoły Kadr Menedżerskich w Koninie http://wsm.warszawa.pl/warsaw-management-academy | label = Warsaw Management University http://wsm.whu.edu.cn/ http://wsmed.edu.pl/ | label = Białystok Institute of Cosmetology and Healthcare http://wspp.edu/ | label = Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology http://wstih.pl/en/news | label = Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management in Gdansk http://wstkt.pl/en/ | label = University of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications http://wszedukacja.pl/ | label = College of Management “Edukacja” http://wszuie.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Zdrowia Urody i Edukacji http://wurzelforschung.at/ | label = Pflanzensoziologische Institut http://wustl.edu/ | label = Washington University in St. Louis http://wvnet.edu/ | label = West Virginia Network http://ww1.emu.edu.tr/en/ | label = Eastern Mediterranean University http://ww2.mcm.edu/ | label = McMurry University http://ww2.patnamedicalcollege.com/ | label = Patna Medical College and Hospital http://ww2.uri.edu/# | label = University of Rhode Island http://ww3.gedik.edu.tr/eng/ | label = Gedik University http://www-azc.uam.mx/ http://www-e.openu.ac.il/ | label = Open University of Israel http://www-ecpm.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www-en.hnu.edu.cn/ | label = Hunan University http://www-en.htw-berlin.de/ | label = HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences http://www-en.trakya.edu.tr/ | label = Trakya University http://www-eng.kw.ac.kr/ | label = Kwangwoon University http://www-engees.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www-english.em-strasbourg.eu/ | label = EM Strasbourg Business School http://www-ensais.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/ http://www-enspg.inpg.fr/ http://www-ensps.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www-nt.ufms.br/ | label = Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul http://www-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www-urs.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www.1spbgmu.ru/en/ | label = First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg http://www.29mayis.edu.tr/ http://www.2ie-edu.org/en/ | label = International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering http://www.424hs.jp/ | label = Mie Prefectural Yokkaichi Nishi High School http://www.4cd.edu/ http://www.a-star.edu.sg/About-A-STAR/A-STAR-Graduate-Academy.aspx | label = A*STAR Graduate Academy http://www.aaaom.edu/ | label = American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine http://www.aaart.edu/ | label = American Academy of Art http://www.aabfs.org/ http://www.aacc.nche.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = American Association of Community Colleges http://www.aacd.com/ | label = American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry http://www.aael.altai.ru/ | label = Altai Economics and Law Institute http://www.aagbi.org/ | label = Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland http://www.aalto.fi/en/ | label = Aalto University http://www.aaopt.org/ | label = American Academy of Optometry http://www.aap.gov.md/en | label = Academy of Public Administration http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/ | label = Architectural Association School of Architecture http://www.aastu.edu.et/ | label = Addis Ababa Science and Technology University http://www.aau.ac.in/ http://www.aau.edu.et/ http://www.aau.in/ | label = Anand Agricultural University http://www.aaua.edu.ng/ http://www.ababo.it/ABA/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna http://www.abac.edu/ | label = Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College http://www.abacatanzaro.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Catanzaro http://www.abafg.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Foggia http://www.abamc.it/it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata http://www.abasyn.edu.pk/ http://www.abc.edu.cn/english/ | label = Anhui Business College http://www.abcnash.edu/ | label = American Baptist College http://www.abdn.ac.uk/ http://www.aber.ac.mu/ | label = Aberystwyth University http://www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk/ | label = Abingdon and Witney College http://www.abiogen.it/en/ | label = Abiogen Pharma (Italy) http://www.abk-stuttgart.de/ | label = Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart http://www.ablaikhan.kz/ http://www.abm.ac.bw/ | label = ABM University College http://www.abmmc.edu.qa/wp/?lang=en | label = Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College http://www.abnoba.de/en/ | label = Abnoba (Germany) http://www.abru.ac.ir/ | label = University of Ayatollah Ozma Borujerdi http://www.abtc.edu.cn/ | label = Aba Teachers University http://www.abu.ac.jp/ http://www.abu.edu.iq/ | label = University of Ahl al-Bayt http://www.abu.edu.ng/ http://www.abuad.edu.ng/ http://www.abutua.com/ | label = Abutua Tecnologia http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/admin/spip/index.php | label = Académie de Grenoble http://www.ac-montpellier.fr/ | label = Académie de Montpellier http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/ | label = Académie de Nancy-Metz http://www.ac-versailles.fr/ | label = Académie de Versailles http://www.ac.ac.cy/ http://www.acad.ca/ | label = Alberta College of Art + Design http://www.academia.cl/ http://www.academiaga.ru/ http://www.academie-medecine.fr/ | label = National Academy of Medicine http://www.academy.sumy.ua/ http://www.academyofathens.gr/echome.asp?lang=2 | label = Academy of Athens http://www.acadiau.ca/ http://www.acap.edu.au/ | label = Australian College of Applied Psychology http://www.acc.org/#sort=%40foriginalz32xpostedz32xdate86069%20descending | label = American College of Cardiology http://www.accademia.firenze.it/en/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze http://www.accademiabellearti.fr.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone http://www.accademiabellearti.laquila.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti dell'Aquila http://www.accademiabelleartiba.it/ | label = Academy of Fine Arts of Bari http://www.accademiabelleartirc.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Reggio Calabria http://www.accademiabelleartiroma.it/intro.aspx | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma http://www.accademiacarrara.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara http://www.accademiadibrera.milano.it/ | label = Brera Academy http://www.accademiadicatania.com/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania http://www.accademiadinapoli.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli http://www.accademiadipalermo.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo http://www.accademiadiurbino.it/aabb/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino http://www.accademialbertina.torino.it/ | label = Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti http://www.accademialecce.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce http://www.accademianazionaledanza.it/ | label = National Academy of Dance http://www.accademiasilviodamico.it/ | label = Silvio d'Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts http://www.accademiasironi.it/#&panel1-7 | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari http://www.accademiavenezia.it/ | label = Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia http://www.acchs.edu/ | label = Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences http://www.accimt.ac.lk/ http://www.accrapolytechnic.edu.gh/ http://www.accross.ac.uk/ | label = Accrington and Rossendale College http://www.acd.ac.ae/ http://www.acd.ae/ | label = American College of Dubai http://www.acedu.org/ | label = Ballsbridge University http://www.aceondo-ng.com/ http://www.acg.gr/ http://www.achievers.edu.ng/ http://www.acibadem.edu.tr/ http://www.aciencias.org.bo/ | label = Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia http://www.acighana.org/ http://www.ack.edu.kw/en/ | label = Australian College of Kuwait http://www.ackerman.org/ | label = Ackerman Institute for the Family http://www.ackonline.com/ http://www.acms.edu.my/ http://www.acmt.ac.ir/ http://www.acn.edu.au/ | label = Australian College of Nursing http://www.acns.nwu.edu/ http://www.acoe.org/acoe/ | label = Alameda County Office of Education http://www.acofi.edu/ http://www.acomedu.org/ | label = Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine http://www.acp.edu/ | label = Appalachian College of Pharmacy http://www.acphs.edu/ | label = Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences http://www.acpm.org/ | label = American College of Preventive Medicine http://www.acrrm.org.au/ | label = Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine http://www.acs.appstate.edu/ http://www.acs.edu.au/ http://www.acs.oakland.edu/ http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/ http://www.acs350.org/ http://www.act.edu.om/ | label = Al Musanna College of Technology http://www.act.edu/ http://www.act.gotevot.edu.sa/ http://www.acta.nl/en/ | label = Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam http://www.actc-mn.org/ | label = Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities http://www.actheology.edu.au/ | label = Australian College of Theology http://www.actournai.be/en/ | label = Académie des Beaux-Arts de Tournai http://www.acts.ac.kr/ http://www.actx.edu/ http://www.acu.edu.au/ http://www.acu.edu.ng/ http://www.acu.edu/ http://www.acupuncture.edu/ | label = Midwest College of Oriental Medicine http://www.acupuncturecollege.edu/ | label = Southwest Acupuncture College http://www.acusd.edu/ http://www.acvo.org/ | label = American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists http://www.ada.edu.az/ http://www.adamasuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Adamas University http://www.adamsmith.edu/ | label = Adam Smith University http://www.adamson.edu.ph/ http://www.adanabtu.edu.tr/eng/ | label = Adana Science and Technology University http://www.adau.edu.az/ http://www.adbk-nuernberg.de/ | label = Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg http://www.adbk.de/de/ | label = Academy of Fine Arts Munich http://www.adda.edu.az/ http://www.addu.edu.ph/ http://www.adelekeuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.aden-univ.net/ | label = University of Aden http://www.adenuniversity.edu.ye/ http://www.adeshuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Adesh University http://www.adfa.oz.au/ http://www.adge.cn/ch/index.aspx | label = Academic Degrees & Graduate Education http://www.adiban.ac.ir/ http://www.adiyaman.edu.tr/ http://www.adler.edu/ | label = Adler School of Professional Psychology http://www.admashmc.com/ | label = Admas University http://www.admasuniversity.edu.et/ | label = Admas University http://www.admissions.cn/kmmu/ | label = Kunming Medical University http://www.admiu.edu.az/ http://www.admu.edu.ph/ http://www.adnu.edu.ph/ http://www.adpu.edu.az/ http://www.adsu.edu.ng/ http://www.adu.ac.ae/ http://www.adu.edu.az/ http://www.adu.edu.et/ http://www.adu.edu.tr/ http://www.adu.edu/ | label = Adventist University of Health Sciences http://www.adwmainz.de/ | label = Academy of Sciences and Literature http://www.adygnet.ru/ http://www.adzu.edu.ph/ http://www.ae.katowice.pl/ http://www.ae.krakow.pl/ http://www.ae.poznan.pl/ http://www.ae.wroc.pl/ http://www.aea.asso.fr/ http://www.aeaa.gr/ | label = Higher Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens http://www.aecc.ac.uk/ | label = Anglo-European College of Chiropractic http://www.aecsgroup.in/ | label = Amrith Educational and Cultural Society http://www.aefs.edu.al/ http://www.aegean.gr/ http://www.ael.ru/ http://www.aen.edu.gr/ | label = Merchant Marine Academy http://www.aenacb.pt/ | label = Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno Álvares http://www.aes.edu.sd/ | label = Academy of Engineering Sciences http://www.aeu.edu.kh/ http://www.aeu.edu.my/ http://www.aevizela.edu.pt/ | label = Agrupamento de Escolas de Caldas de Vizela http://www.afa.ac.kr/ http://www.afahc.ro/index_en.html | label = Henri Coanda Air Force Academy http://www.afaps.ac.th/index_eng.php | label = Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School http://www.afeka.ac.il/ http://www.afg-heidelberg.de/wir-ueber-uns/ | label = Akademie für Gesundheitsberufe http://www.afghanuniversity.edu.af/ http://www.afi-ue.sn/ http://www.afit.af.mil/ http://www.afit.edu/ http://www.afmcbd.com/ | label = Armed Forces Medical College http://www.africanleadershipacademy.org/ | label = African Leadership Institute http://www.africau.edu/ http://www.afs.edu.gr/ | label = American Farm School http://www.aftrs.edu.au/ | label = Australian Film, Television and Radio School http://www.afu.edu.np/ http://www.agh.aoyama.ed.jp/english/index.html | label = Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School http://www.agh.edu.pl/ http://www.agilemind.com/ | label = Agile Mind http://www.agnesscott.edu/ http://www.agni-rt.ru/lang_eng/ | label = Almetyevsk State Oil Institute http://www.agr.unideb.hu/ http://www.agrar.uz/ http://www.agrarumweltpaedagogik.ac.at/en/index.html | label = University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy http://www.agri.edu.tr/ http://www.agriun.almaty.kz/ http://www.agro-bordeaux.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques de Bordeaux-Aquitaine http://www.agrocampus-ouest.fr/ | label = Agrocampus Ouest http://www.agroparistech.fr/ http://www.agrosupdijon.fr/ http://www.agruni.edu.ge/en | label = Agricultural University of Georgia http://www.ags.edu/ http://www.agsm.gr/ http://www.agtu.ru/ http://www.agu.ae/ http://www.agu.edu.bh/ http://www.agu.edu.tr/ http://www.ah.dk/ http://www.ahap.edu.tr/ http://www.ahau.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui Agricultural University http://www.ahdr.info/home.php | label = Association for Historical Dialogue and Research http://www.ahduni.edu.in/ http://www.ahe.edu.pl/ http://www.ahe.lodz.pl/en | label = University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz http://www.ahfad.edu.sd/ http://www.ahgaff.edu/ http://www.ahievran.edu.tr/ http://www.ahk.nl/en/amsterdam-university-of-the-arts/ | label = Amsterdam University of the Arts http://www.ahliauniversity.org/ http://www.ahlulbaitonline.com/ http://www.ahmu.edu.cn/ http://www.ahnu.edu.cn/ http://www.aho.no/ http://www.ahpu.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui Polytechnic University http://www.ahpumec.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui Institute of Information Technology http://www.ahsdxy.ah.edu.cn/ http://www.ahtcm.edu.cn/ http://www.ahu.edu.cn/ http://www.ahu.edu.jo/ http://www.ai-bunkyo.ac.jp/ | label = Aichi Bunkyo Women's College http://www.ai.edu/ | label = Aquinas Institute of Theology http://www.aib.edu.au/ | label = Australian Institute of Business http://www.aib.edu/ | label = AIB College of Business http://www.aibs.net/ | label = American Institute of Bangladesh Studies http://www.aic.ca/ | label = Agricultural Institute of Canada http://www.aic.edu/ http://www.aicag.edu/ | label = American Indian College http://www.aichi-edu.ac.jp/ http://www.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.aichi-kiwami.ac.jp/ | label = Aichi Kiwami College of Nursing http://www.aichi-med-u.ac.jp.e.gy.hp.transer.com/ | label = Aichi Medical University http://www.aichi-med-u.ac.jp/ http://www.aichi-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.aichi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.aii.edu/ http://www.aiias.edu/en/ | label = Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies http://www.aiims.ac.in/ http://www.aiims.edu/en.html | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur http://www.aiimsraipur.edu.in/ | label = All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur http://www.aikoku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.aim.edu/ | label = Asian Institute of Management http://www.aimc.edu.pk/ | label = Allama Iqbal Medical College http://www.aims.edu/ http://www.aimst.edu.my/ http://www.aimu.us/ | label = American International Medical University http://www.aiou.edu.pk/ http://www.aipet.kz/ | label = Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications http://www.aiph.ac.in/ | label = Asian Institute of Public Health http://www.aisectuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.aistedaab.ro/ http://www.ait.ac.jp/e/ | label = Aichi Institute of Technology http://www.ait.ac.th/ http://www.ait.ie/ http://www.aitan.ac.jp/ | label = International Pacific University Women's College http://www.aitech.ac.jp/ http://www.aiu.ac.ke/ http://www.aiu.edu.gm/ http://www.aiu.edu.my/ http://www.aiu.edu.pk/TestAIU/ | label = Alhamd Islamic University http://www.aiu.edu.sy/ http://www.aiu.edu/ | label = Atlantic International University http://www.aiub.edu/ http://www.aiuniv.edu/ http://www.aizu-th.fks.ed.jp/htdocs/ | label = Fukushima Prefectural Aizu Technical High School http://www.aizuhokurei.jp/ | label = Aizu Hokurei High School http://www.ajku.edu.pk/ http://www.ajman.ac.ae/ http://www.ajou.ac.kr/ http://www.aju.edu/ | label = American Jewish University http://www.ajums.ac.ir/ http://www.akad.de/ http://www.akademia.mil.pl/en/ | label = War Studies Academy http://www.akademiaearteve.edu.al/ http://www.akademiapz.sk/ http://www.akademiasztuki.eu/ | label = Szczecin Academy of Arts http://www.akatsuki.ed.jp/ | label = Yokkaichi University Junior College http://www.akbible.edu/ | label = Alaska Bible College http://www.akbild.ac.at/ http://www.akdeniz.edu.tr/ http://www.akeihou-u.ac.jp/ http://www.akhbaracademy.edu.eg/ http://www.akikusa.ac.jp/tandai/ | label = Akikusa Gakuen Junior College http://www.akita-eiyo.ac.jp/eng/index.html | label = Akita Nutrition Junior College http://www.akita-h.akita-c.ed.jp/ | label = Akita Prefectural Akita High School http://www.akita-pu.ac.jp/index.htm | label = Akita Prefectural University http://www.akita-u.ac.jp/ http://www.akprind.ac.id/ http://www.aksaray.edu.tr/ http://www.aktsu.kz/ http://www.aku.edu.cn/english/index_en.jsp?wbtreeid=1154 | label = Ankang University http://www.aku.edu.et/ http://www.aku.edu.tr/ http://www.aku.edu/ http://www.aku.sk/ http://www.akutech.edu.ng/ http://www.al-edu.com/ http://www.alacademia.edu.ly/Default_EN.aspx | label = Libyan Academy http://www.alagappauniversity.ac.in/ http://www.alainuniversity.ac.ae/ http://www.alamancecc.edu/ http://www.alameenpharmacy.edu/ | label = Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy http://www.alameenpuc.org/ | label = Al-Ameen Pre University College http://www.alamo.edu/ http://www.alanyaaku.edu.tr/ http://www.alaqsa.edu.ps/ http://www.alaska.edu/ http://www.alaskapacific.edu/ http://www.alazhar.edu.ps/ http://www.alba.edu.gr/ http://www.albaath-univ.edu.sy/ http://www.albanylaw.edu/Pages/home.aspx | label = Albany Law School http://www.albanytech.edu/ http://www.albemarle.edu/ http://www.albertus.edu/ | label = Albertus Magnus College http://www.albion.edu/ http://www.albizu.edu/ | label = Carlos Albizu University http://www.albright.edu/ | label = Albright College http://www.alc.edu.au/ http://www.alc.edu/ | label = Alice Lloyd College http://www.aldirasat.edu.pk/ http://www.alepuniv.com/ | label = University of Aleppo http://www.alepuniv.edu.sy/ http://www.alex.edu.eg/ http://www.alextech.edu/ http://www.alexu.edu.eg/index.php/en/ | label = Alexandria University http://www.alfa-college.nl/paginas/default.aspx | label = Alfa College http://www.alfaisal.edu/ http://www.alfred.edu/ http://www.alfredstate.edu/ | label = Alfred State College http://www.alfredtech.edu/ http://www.algomau.ca/ | label = Algoma University http://www.algonquincollege.com/ http://www.alhikmah.edu.ng/ http://www.alhosnu.ae/ http://www.aliabadiau.ac.ir/ http://www.alkhair.edu.pk/ http://www.allduniv.ac.in/ | label = University of Allahabad http://www.alldunivpio.org/ http://www.alleg.edu/ http://www.allegany.edu/ http://www.allencc.edu/ http://www.allencol.edu/ http://www.allencollege.edu/ | label = Allen College http://www.allenuniversity.edu/ | label = Allen University http://www.allhallows.ie/ | label = All Hallows College http://www.alliancecollege.com.au/ | label = Alliance College of Australia http://www.allied.edu/ | label = Allied American University http://www.alma.edu/ http://www.almaarifah.com/ http://www.almamonuc.org/ http://www.almunecarinternationalschool.org/ | label = Almunecar International School http://www.almustafaou.ir/ http://www.alparslan.edu.tr/ http://www.alpenacc.edu/ http://www.alquaraouiyine.com/index.php/forward-president-of-al-quaraouyine-university | label = University of al-Qarawiyyin http://www.alquds.edu/ http://www.alrasheed-uc.com/ http://www.alsadrain.org/ http://www.altmeduniversity.com/ http://www.altmedworld.net/ http://www.altoona.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Altoona http://www.alunoestrangeiro.unb.br/en/ | label = University of Brasília http://www.alvernia.edu/ | label = Alvernia University http://www.alverno.edu/ http://www.alvincollege.edu/ http://www.alyamamah.edu.sa/ http://www.alzahra.ac.ir/English/ | label = Alzahra University http://www.alzaytoonah.edu.jo/ http://www.am.katowice.pl/ http://www.am.lodz.pl/ http://www.am.lublin.pl/ http://www.am.wroc.pl/ http://www.amaiu.edu.bh/ http://www.amalaims.org/ | label = Amala Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.amanda.com/ | label = Aaron Marcus and Associates http://www.amasya.edu.tr/ http://www.amb.bydgoszcz.pl/ http://www.amb.edu.pl/ http://www.ambassador.edu/ http://www.amberton.edu/ | label = Amberton University http://www.ambou.edu.et/ http://www.ambs.edu/ | label = Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary http://www.amc.edu.au/ http://www.amcd.ie/ | label = The American College http://www.amcollege.edu/ | label = Acupuncture And Massage College http://www.amda.dk/ | label = Danish National Academy of Music http://www.amdnet.de/ | label = Akademie Mode & Design http://www.ame.ru/ http://www.amercoastuniv.edu/ http://www.american-college.com/ http://www.american.edu/ http://www.americansentinel.edu/ | label = American Sentinel University http://www.amg.gda.pl/ http://www.amgd.eu/ http://www.amherst.edu/ http://www.ami.edu.pk/ http://www.amikom.ac.id/ http://www.amitie.it/en/ | label = Amitie http://www.amity.edu/ http://www.aml.lv/ http://www.amman.edu/ http://www.ammanu.edu.jo/ http://www.amouduniversity.org/ http://www.amridgeuniversity.edu/ | label = Amridge University http://www.amrita.edu/ http://www.ams.ac.ir/ | label = Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences http://www.ams.edu.sg/ | label = Academy of Medicine http://www.amsamoa.edu/ | label = American Samoa Community College http://www.amsea.org/ | label = Alaska Marine Safety Education Association http://www.amtuni.com/ http://www.amu.ac.in/ http://www.amu.cz/en | label = Academy of Performing Arts in Prague http://www.amu.edu.et/ http://www.amu.edu.pl/ http://www.amu.kz/en/ | label = Astana Medical University http://www.amursu.ru/ http://www.amuz.bydgoszcz.pl/ http://www.amuz.gda.pl/ http://www.amuz.krakow.pl/ http://www.amuz.lodz.pl/ http://www.amuz.poznan.pl/ http://www.amuz.wroc.pl/ http://www.amwaw.edu.pl/ http://www.anadolu.edu.tr/ http://www.anahuac.mx/ http://www.anatolia.edu.gr/ | label = Anatolia College http://www.anc.edu/ http://www.ancilla.edu/ http://www.ancollege.edu/ http://www.anderson.edu/ | label = Anderson University http://www.andersonuniversity.edu/ | label = Anderson University http://www.andhrauniversity.edu.in/ | label = Andhra University http://www.andhrauniversity.info/ http://www.andong.ac.kr/ http://www.andover.ac.uk/ | label = Andover College http://www.andrassyuni.hu/ http://www.andrew.ac.jp/ http://www.andrewcollege.edu/ http://www.anefs-edu.ro/ http://www.angelicum.org/ http://www.angelina.edu/ http://www.angelo.edu/ http://www.angkor.edu.kh/ http://www.anglia.ac.uk/ http://www.anglisshotelschool.edu.au/ | label = Angliss International Hotel School http://www.angrau.ac.in/ | label = Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University http://www.angrau.net/ http://www.anhanguera.com/home/ | label = Centro Universitário Anhanguera http://www.anjo.ed.jp/~chubu/ | label = Anjo Chubu Elementary School http://www.ankara.edu.tr/ http://www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.annamaria.edu/ | label = Anna Maria College http://www.annauniv.edu.in/ http://www.annauniv.edu/ http://www.anokaramsey.edu/ http://www.anokatech.edu/ http://www.anrt.tj/index.php/en/ | label = Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan http://www.ansaluniversity.edu.in/ | label = Ansal University http://www.anselm.edu/ http://www.anselmianum.com/ | label = Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo http://www.ansgarskolen.no/ | label = Ansgar Bibelskole http://www.ansu.edu.ng/ http://www.antalya.edu.tr/ http://www.antioch.edu/ http://www.antiochcollege.edu/ | label = Antioch College http://www.antiochla.edu/ http://www.antiochne.edu/ http://www.antonellicollege.edu/ | label = Antonelli College http://www.antonianum.ofm.org/ http://www.ants.edu/ | label = Andover Newton Theological School http://www.anu.ac.ke/ http://www.anu.edu.au/ http://www.anuc.edu.gh/ http://www.anzca.edu.au/ | label = Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists http://www.anzics.com.au/ | label = Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society http://www.aomori-akenohoshi.ac.jp/ | label = Aomori Akenohoshi Junior College http://www.aomori-h.asn.ed.jp/English_index.html | label = Aomori High School http://www.aomori-u.ac.jp/ http://www.aomoricgu.ac.jp/ http://www.aomrc.org.uk/ | label = Academy of Medical Royal Colleges http://www.aon.edu.pl/en/ | label = National Defence University of Warsaw http://www.aos.sk/ http://www.aou.edu.eg/ http://www.aou.edu.jo/ http://www.aou.edu.kw/ http://www.aou.edu.lb/index.html | label = Arab Open University http://www.aou.edu.om/ http://www.aou.org.bh/ http://www.aoyama-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Aoyama High School http://www.aoyama.ac.jp/ http://www.ap.edu.pl/ http://www.ap.siedlce.pl/ http://www.apap.kg/ | label = Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic http://www.apec.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Education Center http://www.apexsot.edu/ | label = Apex School of Theology http://www.apiit.edu.my/ http://www.apolitecnica.ac.mz/ | label = Universidade Politecnica http://www.applbio.or.jp/ | label = Institute of Applied Biochemistry http://www.appstate.edu/ http://www.aps.edu/ | label = Albuquerque Public Schools http://www.apsu.edu/ http://www.apsurewa.nic.in/ http://www.apu.ac.jp/ http://www.apu.edu/ http://www.apus.edu/ http://www.aqtc.edu.cn/ | label = Anqing Normal University http://www.aqua.sci-nnov.ru/ http://www.aquinas-university.edu/ http://www.aquinas.ac.uk/ | label = Aquinas College http://www.aquinas.edu/ http://www.aquinascollege.edu/ | label = Aquinas College http://www.ar.krakow.pl/ http://www.ar.lublin.pl/ http://www.ar.szczecin.pl/ http://www.ar.wroc.pl/ http://www.ara.ac.nz/ | label = Ara Institute of Canterbury http://www.arabou-lb.edu.lb/ http://www.arabou.org.sa/ http://www.arakmu.ac.ir/ http://www.araku.ac.ir/ http://www.arakut.ac.ir/ http://www.araneta.dlsu.edu.ph/ http://www.arapahoe.edu/ http://www.arba-esa.be/fr/home.php | label = Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts http://www.arbor.edu/ http://www.arc.losrios.edu/ http://www.arcadia.edu/ http://www.archi.ac.ma/ http://www.archip.eu// | label = Architectural Institute in Prague http://www.archivesdusenegal.gouv.sn/biblio.html | label = National Archives of Senegal http://www.archivschule.de/EN/ | label = Archives School Marburg http://www.ardahan.edu.tr/ http://www.arel.edu.tr/ http://www.arellano.edu.ph/ http://www.aria.edu.af/ http://www.ariake.ac.jp/ | label = Ariake College of Education and the Arts http://www.ariel.ac.il/ http://www.arizona.edu/ http://www.arizonaacademyofscience.org/ | label = Arizona Academy of Science http://www.arkansasbaptist.edu/ | label = Arkansas Baptist College http://www.armmed.am/ http://www.armstrong.edu/ http://www.armyacademy.ro/english/ | label = Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy http://www.arnastofnun.is/ | label = Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies http://www.arosmu.org/ http://www.arquitecturaucv.cl/ http://www.art.ac.ir/ http://www.art.edu.ge/ | label = Tbilisi State Academy of Arts http://www.art.olsztyn.pl/ http://www.artacademy.edu/ | label = Art Academy of Cincinnati http://www.artcenter.edu/ | label = Art Center College of Design http://www.arteiasi.ro/ http://www.arts.ac.uk/ | label = University of the Arts London http://www.arts.bg.ac.rs/ http://www.arts7.hu/ http://www.artsacademy.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin http://www.artuklu.edu.tr/ http://www.artun.ee/ http://www.artvin.edu.tr/ http://www.aru.ac.th/ http://www.arums.ac.ir/ http://www.arwauniversity.org/ http://www.aryainstitutejpr.com/ http://www.asa-nh.ysn21.jp/kyouiku/ | label = Yamaguchi Prefectural Asa High School http://www.asa.edu/ http://www.asahi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.asahi.okayama-c.ed.jp/asahi.htm | label = Okayama Prefectural Okayama Asahi High School http://www.asahide.ac.jp/ | label = Asahide Gakuen http://www.asahikawa-med.ac.jp/ http://www.asahikawa-nct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College http://www.asahikawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.asahikawanishi-h.ed.jp/index.html | label = Asahikawa, Hokkaido Nishi High School http://www.asaka-h.fks.ed.jp/ | label = Fukushima Prefectural Asaka High School http://www.asaom.edu/ | label = Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine http://www.asas.ro/en/ | label = Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences http://www.asau.am/ http://www.asaub.edu.bd/ http://www.asb.edu.my/ | label = Asia School of Business http://www.asbu.edu.tr/ http://www.asc.ac.kr/asc/index.do | label = Andong Science University http://www.asc.edu.ag/ | label = Antigua State College http://www.ascc.edu/ http://www.ascca.gov.az/ http://www.asci.org.in/ | label = Administrative Staff College of India http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/ | label = American School of Classical Studies at Athens http://www.asd-1817.org/ | label = American School for the Deaf http://www.ase.md/ http://www.ase.ro/ http://www.asfa.gr/ http://www.asfa.k12.al.us/ | label = Alabama School of Fine Arts http://www.asfh-berlin.de/ http://www.ash-college.ac.il/ http://www.ashesi.edu.gh/ http://www.ashitech.ac.jp/ http://www.ashiya-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ashland.edu/ http://www.ashland.kctcs.edu/ http://www.ashtoncollege.com/ http://www.asia-u.ac.jp/ http://www.asianust.ac.th/ http://www.asiapacific.edu/ | label = Asia Pacific Institute of Management http://www.asinet-online.org/ | label = Asian Social Institute http://www.ask.edu.kw/ | label = American School of Kuwait http://www.askham-bryan.ac.uk/ | label = Askham Bryan College http://www.asl.edu/ | label = Appalachian School of Law http://www.asm.org/ | label = American Society for Microbiology http://www.asmarya.edu.ly/ http://www.asmi.edu.kg/ http://www.asmu.ru/ http://www.asnc.edu.cn/ | label = Anshan Normal University http://www.asnuntuck.edu/ http://www.aso-ksui.ru/ | label = Academy of Social Education http://www.asoiu.edu.az/ http://www.asp.gda.pl/ http://www.asp.krakow.pl/ | label = Jan Matejko Academy Of Fine Arts http://www.asp.lodz.pl/ http://www.asp.poznan.pl/ | note = Offline http://www.asp.waw.pl/ http://www.asp.wroc.pl/ http://www.aspete.gr/index.php/en/ | label = School of Pedagogical and Technological Education http://www.aspkat.edu.pl/ http://www.aspu.ru/ http://www.assa.edu.au/ | label = Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia http://www.assammedicalcollege.in/ | label = Assam Medical College http://www.assamuniversity.nic.in/ | note = Offline http://www.assist.ac.kr/English/ | label = Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies http://www.assumption.edu.ph/ | label = Assumption College San Lorenzo http://www.assumptionu.ca/ http://www.astate.edu/ http://www.astu.edu.et/ http://www.astu.org/ http://www.astu.secna.ru/ http://www.astynomia.gr/newsite.php?&lang= | label = Police Academy http://www.asu.ac.jp/ http://www.asu.lt/pradzia/en/ | label = Aleksandras Stulginskis University http://www.asu.ru/ http://www.asub.edu/ http://www.asue.am/ http://www.asumh.edu/ http://www.asun.edu/ http://www.asurams.edu/ http://www.asusystem.edu/ | label = Arkansas State University System http://www.asv.gov.ua/?q=en | label = Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy http://www.aswara.edu.my/webportal/en/front/ | label = National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage http://www.aswarsaw.org/ | label = American School of Warsaw http://www.aswu.edu.eg/English/Pages/default.aspx | label = Aswan University http://www.at.edu.pl/ http://www.at0086.com/GSAU/ | label = Gansu Agricultural University http://www.at0086.com/TNACTA/ | label = National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts http://www.at0086.com/gufae/ | label = Guangxi University of Finance and Economics http://www.atanaz.hu/?q=content/english | label = Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola http://www.atauni.edu.tr/ http://www.atbu.edu.ng/ http://www.atc.edu/ http://www.atc2u.com/ http://www.ateneo.edu/ | label = Ateneo de Manila University http://www.ateneum.edu.pl/en/ | label = Ateneum University http://www.atghome.com/ | label = Access Technologies Group http://www.atgu.kz/ http://www.athabascau.ca/ http://www.athens.edu/ http://www.athenstech.edu/ http://www.ati.osu.edu/ http://www.atishdipankaruniversity.edu.bd/ http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/ | label = Atlanta Public Schools http://www.atlantatech.edu/ http://www.atlantic.edu/ http://www.atlanticu.edu/ | label = Atlantic University College http://www.atlanticuniv.edu/ | label = Atlantic University http://www.atlantida.edu.ar/ http://www.atlm.edu/ | label = Atlanta Metropolitan State College http://www.atmajaya.ac.id/ http://www.atom.edu/ | label = Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine http://www.atomi.ac.jp/ http://www.ats.dk/ http://www.ats.edu/ | label = Association of Theological Schools http://www.atsu.edu.ge/ http://www.atsu.edu/ | label = A.T. Still University http://www.atsugi-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/English1.html | label = Kanagawa prefectural Atsugi high school http://www.atsugiseinan-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Atsugi Kiyoshiminami High School http://www.atu.ac.ir/ http://www.atu.edu/ http://www.au-plovdiv.bg/ http://www.au.af.mil/ | label = Air University http://www.au.dk/ http://www.au.edu.af/ http://www.au.edu.az/ http://www.au.edu.pk/ http://www.au.edu/ http://www.au.poznan.pl/ http://www.aua.ac.ke/ http://www.aua.am/ http://www.aua.gr/ http://www.auaf.edu.af/ http://www.auamed.org/ http://www.aub-bd.org/ http://www.aub.edu.lb/ http://www.aubg.bg/ http://www.aubih.ba/ http://www.auburn.wednet.edu/site/default.aspx?PageID=1 | label = Auburn School District http://www.auc-edu.org/ http://www.auc.dk/ http://www.auc.edu/ http://www.auc.nl/ | label = Amsterdam University College http://www.auca.ac.rw/ http://www.auca.kg/ http://www.aucconsortium.org/ | label = Atlanta University Center http://www.aucegypt.edu/ http://www.auchaiti.org/ http://www.auchipoly.edu.ng/ http://www.auckland.ac.nz/ http://www.aucmed.edu/ http://www.aud.edu/ http://www.audencia.com/ | label = Audencia Business School http://www.aue-okinawa.ac.jp/ http://www.aue.ae/ http://www.aueb.gr/ http://www.auf.edu.ph/ http://www.aufe.edu.cn/ http://www.augie.edu/ http://www.augsburg.edu/ http://www.augusta.edu/ http://www.augustana.ab.ca/ http://www.augustana.de/ http://www.augustana.edu/ http://www.augustatech.edu/ http://www.auh.edu/ | label = American University for Humanities http://www.auhw.ac.jp/ http://www.aui.ma/ http://www.auip.org/es/ | label = Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado http://www.auis.edu.iq/ http://www.auk.edu.kw/ http://www.auk.edu.ng/ | label = Al-Qalam University Katsina http://www.aukonline.org/ http://www.aul.edu.lb/ http://www.aul.edu/ http://www.aum.edu.kw/ http://www.aum.edu/ http://www.aums.ac.ir/ http://www.aun.edu.eg/ http://www.aun.edu.ng/ http://www.auox.org.uk/ | label = Azad University in Oxford http://www.aup.edu.ph/ http://www.aup.edu.pk/ http://www.aup.fr/ http://www.aupen.edu.ph/ http://www.aupr.edu/ | label = American University of Puerto Rico http://www.aurora.edu/ http://www.auroracollege.nt.ca/ | label = Aurora College http://www.aus.ac.in/ | label = Assam University http://www.aus.edu/ http://www.aust-abuja.org/ http://www.aust.edu.cn/ | label = Anhui University of Science and Technology http://www.aust.edu.lb/ http://www.aust.edu.ng/ | label = African Institute of Science and Technology http://www.aust.edu/ http://www.austinc.edu/ http://www.austincc.edu/ http://www.austincollege.edu/ http://www.austinseminary.edu/ | label = Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary http://www.austral.edu.ar/ http://www.aut.ac.ir/ http://www.aut.ac.nz/ http://www.aut.edu/ http://www.auth.gr/ http://www.autonoma.edu.co/ http://www.auye.ac/ | label = Amran University http://www.avans.nl/international | label = Avans University of Applied Sciences http://www.avaopera.org/ | label = Academy of Vocal Arts http://www.avc.edu/ http://www.avemarialaw.edu/ | label = Ave Maria School of Law http://www.aventis.edu.sg/ http://www.averett.edu/ http://www.averyschools.net/ | label = Avery County Schools http://www.avicenna.hu/ http://www.avila.edu/ http://www.avm.lt/ | label = V. A. Graičiūno Aukštoji Vadybos Mokykla http://www.avmcpondy.com/ | label = Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital http://www.avondale.edu.au/ http://www.avrasya.edu.tr/ http://www.avu.org/ http://www.awf.edu.pl/ http://www.awf.gda.pl/ http://www.awf.katowice.pl/ http://www.awf.krakow.pl/ http://www.awf.poznan.pl/ http://www.awf.wroc.pl/ http://www.awkum.edu.pk/ | label = Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan http://www.awuedu.org/ | label = American World University http://www.axhu.cn/en/ | label = Anhui Xinhua University http://www.ayase-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Ayase High School http://www.aydin.edu.tr/ http://www.ayit.edu.cn/ | label = Anyang Institute of Technology http://www.aysnky.org.cn/ | label = Anyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.ayurveduniversity.com/ http://www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in/ | label = Gujarat Ayurved University http://www.az-npu.org/ http://www.azabu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.azad.ac.ir/ http://www.azhar.edu.eg/ http://www.azmiu.edu.az/ http://www.aztu.edu.az/ http://www.azwestern.edu/ http://www.azzahra.ac.ir/ http://www.b-tu.de/ | label = Brandenburg University of Technology http://www.b-u.ac.in/ | label = Bharathiar University http://www.ba.edu.af/ http://www.ba.lv/ http://www.baa.by/ http://www.baaa.dk/ | label = Business Academy Aarhus http://www.babcockuni.edu.ng/ http://www.babson.edu/ http://www.bac.ac.bw/ http://www.bac.edu.cn/ http://www.bac.edu.my/ http://www.bac.gov.cn/en/ | label = Beijing Administration Institute http://www.bacone.edu/ | label = Bacone College http://www.badakhshan.edu.af/ http://www.baets.org.uk/ | label = British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons http://www.baf.or.kr/ | label = The Korean Society of British and American Fiction http://www.bafsd.edu.bd/ | label = Bangladesh Air Force Shaheen College http://www.baghdadcollege.edu.iq/ http://www.baghlan.edu.af/ http://www.bagsurb.ru/ | label = Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan http://www.bahcesehir.edu.tr/ http://www.bahria.edu.pk/ http://www.baika.ac.jp/ http://www.baiko.ac.jp/ http://www.bainbridge.edu/ http://www.baiyunu.edu.cn/html/home/ | label = Guangdong Baiyun University http://www.baker.edu/ http://www.bakersfieldcollege.edu/ http://www.bakeru.edu/ http://www.bakhtalruda.edu.sd/ http://www.bakhtar.edu.af/ http://www.bakomi.sk/ | label = Bakomi http://www.bakrie.ac.id/ http://www.balamand.edu.lb/ http://www.baldwinw.edu/ http://www.balikesir.edu.tr/ http://www.bambey.univ.sn/ http://www.bamdirma.edu.tr/ http://www.bamendauniversity.com/ http://www.bamu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University http://www.bamu.net/ http://www.bamu.nic.in/ http://www.banasthali.org/ http://www.banffcentre.ca/ | label = Banff Centre http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ http://www.bankurauniv.ac.in/ | label = Bankura University http://www.bankurauniv.com/ http://www.bapujidental.edu/ | label = Bapuji Dental College and Hospital http://www.baqai.edu.pk/Home.aspx | label = Baqai Medical University http://www.baraodemaua.br/ http://www.barcelonagse.eu/ http://www.barclaycollege.edu/ | label = Barclay College http://www.bard.edu/ http://www.barkingdagenhamcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Barking and Dagenham College http://www.barnard.edu/ http://www.barnfield.ac.uk/ | label = Barnfield College http://www.barnsley.ac.uk/ | label = Barnsley College http://www.barry.edu/ http://www.barstow.edu/ http://www.bartin.edu.tr/ http://www.barton-peveril.ac.uk/ | label = Barton Peveril College http://www.bartonccc.edu/ http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/ | label = Baruch College http://www.bas.org.bd/ | label = Bangladesh Academy of Sciences http://www.bas.org/en/ | label = Bergen School of Architecture http://www.basari.edu.tr/?&changelang=EN | label = Canik Başarı University http://www.basc.edu.ph/ | label = Bulacan Agricultural State College http://www.bashedu.ru/ http://www.basicstrial.com/Main.html | label = BASilar artery International Cooperation Study http://www.baskent.edu.tr/ http://www.bass.gov.cn/ | label = Beijing Academy of Social Sciences http://www.bastyr.edu/ http://www.basu.ac.ir/ http://www.basug.edu.ng/ http://www.bates.ctc.edu/ http://www.bates.edu/ http://www.bath.ac.uk/ http://www.batman.edu.tr/ http://www.battlecreekpublicschools.org/ | label = Battle Creek Public Schools http://www.batu.edu.by/ http://www.bau.edu.bd/ http://www.bau.edu.jo/ http://www.bau.edu.lb/ http://www.bau.nic.in/ http://www.bayantech.edu.sd/en/index.php | label = Bayan College for Science & Technology http://www.bayantech.edu/ http://www.bayar.edu.tr/ http://www.bayburt.edu.tr/ http://www.baycollege.edu/ http://www.bayern-france.org/ | label = Centre de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Bavarois http://www.baylor.edu/ http://www.baypath.edu/ | label = Bay Path University http://www.baystate.edu/ | label = Bay State College http://www.bazeuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.bb.si/ | label = B & B http://www.bbauindia.org/ http://www.bbaw.de/en/ | label = Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities http://www.bbc.edu/ http://www.bbk.ac.uk/ http://www.bbns.org/ | label = Buckingham Browne & Nichols http://www.bbu.ac.lk/ http://www.bbu.edu.az/ http://www.bbu.edu.kh/ http://www.bbw-hochschule.de/Start_English.html | label = BBW University of Applied Sciences http://www.bbw.ch/ | label = Berufbildungsschule Winterthur http://www.bc-naklo.si/index.php?id=864 | label = Biotehniški Center Naklo http://www.bc.edu/ http://www.bc.inter.edu/ http://www.bc3.edu/ http://www.bca.ac.uk/ | label = Berkshire College of Agriculture http://www.bca.bw/ http://www.bcamath.org/en/ | label = Basque Center for Applied Mathematics http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/ http://www.bcc.edu.bb/ | label = Barbados Community College http://www.bcc.edu/ http://www.bccc.edu/ http://www.bchs.edu/ | label = Baptist College of Health Sciences http://www.bcit.ca/ http://www.bckv.edu.in/ http://www.bcm.edu/ http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/ http://www.bcnc.ac.th/main.php | label = Boromarajonani College of Nursing http://www.bcoew.edu.pk/ | label = Bilquis Postgraduate College For Women http://www.bcom.ac.uk/ http://www.bcou.ca/ http://www.bcps.org/ | label = Baltimore County Public Schools http://www.bcpsbd.org/ | label = Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons http://www.bcs.edu/ | label = Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius http://www.bcu.ac.uk/ http://www.bcu.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing City University http://www.bculinary.com/es/home | label = Basque Culinary Center http://www.bda.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Dance Academy http://www.bdtf.hu/ http://www.bdu.ac.in/ | label = Bharathidasan University http://www.bdu.ac.kr/eng/ | label = Busan Digital University http://www.bdu.edu.cn/default.html | label = Baoding University http://www.bdu.edu.et/ http://www.bdu.edu.vn/ http://www.bdu.ernet.in/ http://www.beaconcollege.edu/ | label = Beacon College http://www.beaconhill.thurrock.sch.uk/s | label = Beacon Hill Academy http://www.bealcollege.edu/ | label = Beal College http://www.beaufortccc.edu/ http://www.beauxartsparis.com/en/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts http://www.beaver.edu/ http://www.becker.edu/ | label = Becker College http://www.becs.ac.in/ http://www.beder.edu.al/ http://www.bedford.ac.uk/ | label = Bedford College http://www.beds.ac.uk/ http://www.belfastmet.ac.uk/ | label = Belfast Metropolitan College http://www.belhaven.edu/ | label = Belhaven University http://www.bellahoustonacademy.glasgow.sch.uk/ | label = Bellahouston Academy http://www.bellarmine.edu/ | label = Bellarmine University http://www.bellasartes.edu.co/ http://www.bellevue.edu/ http://www.bellevuecollege.edu/ | label = Bellevue College http://www.bellincollege.edu/ | label = Bellin College http://www.bellsuniversity.org/ http://www.belmont.edu/ http://www.belmontcollege.edu/ http://www.beloit.edu/ http://www.belrea.edu/ | label = Bel-Rea Institute http://www.belsut.gomel.by/ http://www.bemidjistate.edu/ http://www.ben.edu/ | label = Benedictine University http://www.benadiruniversity.net/ http://www.benedict.edu/ | label = Benedict College http://www.benedictine.edu/ http://www.benilde.edu.ph/ | label = De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde http://www.bennett.edu/ | label = Bennett College http://www.bennington.edu/ http://www.bentley.edu/ http://www.beppu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.bercol.bm/ http://www.berea.edu/ http://www.bergen.edu/ http://www.berjaya.edu.my/ | label = Berjaya University College of Hospitality http://www.berkeley.edu/ http://www.berkeleycitycollege.edu/ http://www.berkshirecc.edu/ http://www.berktradeschool.com/ | label = Berk Trade and Business School http://www.berlin.bard.edu/ | label = Bard College Berlin http://www.berry.edu/ | label = Berry College http://www.besti.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute http://www.betanien.no/hogskolen/Pages/english.aspx | label = Betanien University College http://www.bethany.edu/ http://www.bethanywv.edu/ http://www.bethel.edu/ http://www.bethelcollege.edu/ | label = Bethel College http://www.bethelks.edu/ http://www.bethelu.edu/ | label = Bethel University http://www.bethlehem.edu/ http://www.beu.edu.tr/ http://www.beulah.org/ | label = Beulah Heights University http://www.beun.edu.tr/ http://www.beuth-hochschule.de/en/3001/ | label = Beuth University of Applied Sciences http://www.bexley.ac.uk/ | label = Bexley College http://www.bexleyseabury.edu/ | label = Bexley Hall http://www.beykent.edu.tr/ http://www.beykoz.edu.tr/en/ | label = Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics http://www.bezalel.ac.il/ http://www.bezmialem.edu.tr/ http://www.bfa.edu.cn/eng/EIndex.htm | label = Beijing Film Academy http://www.bffbern.ch/de/ | label = BFF Bern http://www.bfh.ch/ http://www.bfit.edu/ | label = Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology http://www.bfsu.edu.cn/ http://www.bfu.bg/ http://www.bfz-essen.de/ | label = Berufsförderungszentrum Essen http://www.bg.ac.rs/ http://www.bgam.edu.by/ http://www.bgsha.com/ | label = Bryansk State Agrarian University http://www.bgsp.edu/ http://www.bgsu.edu/ http://www.bgu.ac.il/ http://www.bgu.edu/ | label = Bakke Graduate University http://www.bhagwantuniversity.com/ http://www.bham.ac.uk/ http://www.bharathi.ernet.in/ http://www.bharathuniv.ac.in/ | label = Bharath University http://www.bharathuniv.com/ http://www.bharatividyapeeth.edu/ http://www.bhavans.info/ | label = Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan http://www.bhavuni.edu/ http://www.bhc.edu/ http://www.bhcc.mass.edu/ http://www.bhef.com/ | label = Business-Higher Education Forum http://www.bhms.ch/ http://www.bhos.edu.az/az/index | label = Baku Higher Oil School http://www.bhsu.edu/ http://www.bhtafe.edu.au/ http://www.bhu.ac.in/ http://www.bhu.edu.cn/ http://www.bhu.edu.et/ | label = Bule Hora University http://www.bhu.kg/ http://www.bi.edu/ | label = BI Norwegian Business School http://www.bi.no/ http://www.biam.ac.cn/ | label = Bejing Institute of Aeronautical Materials http://www.bible.ac.kr/ http://www.bible.edu/ http://www.biblecollege.sa.edu.au/ | label = Bible College of South Australia http://www.bibs.cz/en/ | label = Brno International Business School http://www.bic-lj.si/en/ | label = Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana http://www.bicol-u.edu.ph/ http://www.bicton.ac.uk/ | label = Bicton College http://www.bief.ru/ | label = Baltic Institute of Economics and Finance http://www.bifrost.is/ http://www.bift.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology http://www.bigbend.edu/ http://www.bigc.edu.cn/web/english/ | label = Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication http://www.bigpi.biysk.ru/ http://www.bigsandy.kctcs.edu/ http://www.bihe.org/ http://www.biit.edu.pk/ http://www.bildungskompass.akad.de/ | label = AKAD University http://www.bilecik.edu.tr/ http://www.bilgi.edu.tr/ http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/ http://www.bims.edu.pk/ http://www.binary.edu.my/ http://www.binghamton.edu/ http://www.binghamuni.edu.ng/ http://www.bingol.edu.tr/ http://www.binus.ac.id/ http://www.biobras.org.br/portal/ | label = Bio-Bras http://www.biochim.ro/IB.php | label = Institute of Biochemistry http://www.bioethicsinstitute.org/ | label = Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics http://www.biofoodcro.co.kr/index.asp | label = BiofoodCRO (South Korea) http://www.biola.edu/ http://www.biosportal.com/ | label = Instituto Universitario BIOS http://www.bip.lon.ac.uk/ http://www.bipt.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology http://www.bircham.edu/ http://www.birjand.ac.ir/ http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/index.aspx | label = University of Birmingham http://www.birtbpl.ac.in/ | label = Bansal Institute Of Research Technology & Science http://www.biruni.edu.tr/ http://www.birzeit.edu/ http://www.bishop.edu/ http://www.bishopg.ac.uk/Pages/default.aspx | label = Bishop Grosseteste University http://www.bishopwalkercenterdc.org/ | label = Bishop John T. Walker National Learning Center http://www.bisla.sk/ http://www.bisu.edu.cn/ http://www.bit.edu.cn/ http://www.bite.ac.uk/ | label = British Institute of Technology and E-commerce http://www.biti.edu.cn/ http://www.biti.org.ru/ | label = Balakovo Engineering and Technology Institute http://www.bitmesraranchi.org/ | note = Offline http://www.bits-hochschule.de/de/ | label = Business and Information Technology School http://www.bits-iserlohn.de/ http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/ http://www.biu.ac.il/ http://www.biu.edu.ng/ http://www.biust.ac.bw/ http://www.bjaeu.edu.cn/ http://www.bjfu.edu.cn/ http://www.bjmcpune.org/ | label = B. J. Medical College & Sassoon Hospital http://www.bjmu.edu.cn/ http://www.bjou.edu.cn/enbtvu/index.html | label = Beijing Open University http://www.bjpeu.edu.cn/ http://www.bjpu.edu.cn/ http://www.bju.edu/ http://www.bjucmp.edu.cn/ http://www.bjwlxy.edu.cn/English/index.html | label = Baoji University of Arts and Sciences http://www.bjwszyxy.com:81/www/index.jsp | label = Beijing Health Vocational College http://www.bk-amwasserturm.de/ | label = Berufskolleg Am Wasserturm http://www.bk.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Berks http://www.bke.hu/ http://www.bkuc.edu.pk/ | label = Bacha Khan University http://www.blackburn.ac.uk/ | label = Blackburn College http://www.blackhawk.edu/ http://www.blackpool.ac.uk/ | label = Blackpool and The Fylde College http://www.blackrivertech.edu/ http://www.blackrivertech.org/ | label = Black River Technical College http://www.bladencc.edu/ http://www.blcu.edu.cn/ http://www.bldeuniversity.ac.in/ | label = BLDE University http://www.bldeuniversity.ac.in/medcol/ | label = Shri BM Patil Medical College http://www.blinn.edu/ http://www.bloomfield.edu/ | label = Bloomfield College http://www.bloomu.edu/ http://www.bluecc.edu/ http://www.bluefield.edu/ | label = Bluefield College http://www.bluegrass.kctcs.edu/ http://www.bluemountains.edu.au/ | label = Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School http://www.bluequills.ca/ | label = Blue Quills First Nations College http://www.blueridge.edu/ http://www.blueridgectc.edu/ http://www.bluffton.edu/ http://www.bmc.edu.sa/ http://www.bmc.edu/ | label = Blue Mountain College http://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/ http://www.bmcc.edu/ http://www.bmcmedcollege.com/ http://www.bmcri.org/ | label = Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute http://www.bme.hu/ http://www.bmetc.ac.uk/ | label = Birmingham Metropolitan College http://www.bmi.edu.my/ http://www.bmncollege.com/ | label = Dr. BMN College of Home Science http://www.bmrg.hu/ | label = Baár-Madas Református Gimnázium http://www.bms.bc.ca/ | label = Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre http://www.bmstu.ru/ http://www.bmsu.ac.ir/ http://www.bnmu.in/ http://www.bntu.by/ http://www.bnu.edu.cn/ http://www.bnu.edu.sd/ http://www.bnue.ac.kr/ http://www.boardingschools.com/home.aspx | label = The Association of Boarding Schools http://www.boisebible.edu/ | label = Boise Bible College http://www.boisekidney.com/ | label = Boise Kidney & Hypertension Institute http://www.boisestate.edu/ http://www.bojnourdiau.ac.ir/ http://www.boku.ac.at/ http://www.bolton-sfc.ac.uk/ | label = Bolton Sixth Form College http://www.bolton.ac.uk/ http://www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/ | label = Bolton College http://www.bonaventuracollege.nl/ | label = Bonaventuracollege http://www.bond.edu.au/ http://www.boontonschools.org/pages/Boonton_School_District | label = Boonton Public Schools http://www.boothcollege.ca/ http://www.bordeaux.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux http://www.borderscollege.ac.uk/ | label = Borders College http://www.borealc.on.ca/ http://www.boricuacollege.edu/ | label = Boricua College http://www.bos.rs/en/ | label = Belgrade Open School http://www.bosasocollege.com/ http://www.bosqueschool.org/ | label = Bosque School http://www.bossierschools.org/ | label = Bossier Parish School Board http://www.bost.edu.af/ http://www.bostonconservatory.edu/ | label = Boston Conservatory http://www.bothocollege.ac.bw/ http://www.bothouniversity.com/ | label = Botho University http://www.bou.ac.bw/ | label = Botswana Open University http://www.bou.edu.bd/ http://www.boun.edu.tr/ http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ http://www.bournville.ac.uk/ | label = Bournville College http://www.bowdoin.edu/ http://www.bowiestate.edu/ http://www.bowlinggreen.kctcs.edu/ http://www.bowvalleycollege.ca/ http://www.boxhill.edu.au/ http://www.bozok.edu.tr/ http://www.bpc-portal.com/ | label = Buraydah Colleges http://www.bpc.edu.iq/ http://www.bpc.edu.sa/ http://www.bpc.edu/ | label = Brewton-Parker College http://www.bpcc.edu/ http://www.bpkihs.edu/ http://www.bpp.com/bpp-university/home | label = BPP University http://www.bpswomenuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya http://www.bpu.ac.kr/ http://www.bpu.ac.lk/ http://www.bpums.ac.ir/ http://www.bput.ac.in/ | label = Biju Patnaik University of Technology http://www.bput.org/ http://www.br.psu.edu/default.htm?cn7115 | label = Penn State Beaver http://www.brabu.net/ http://www.bracknell.ac.uk/ | label = Bracknell and Wokingham College http://www.bracu.ac.bd/ | label = BRAC University http://www.bracuniversity.net/ http://www.brad.ac.uk/ http://www.bradford.ac.uk/external/ | label = University of Bradford http://www.bradfordpittsburgh.edu/ | label = Bradford School http://www.bradfordschoolcolumbus.edu/ | label = Bradford School http://www.bradley.edu/ http://www.bramsonort.edu/ | label = Bramson ORT College http://www.brandonu.ca/ http://www.braou.ac.in/ http://www.brauagra.com/ http://www.brazcubas.br/ http://www.brazosport.edu/Pages/index.aspx# | label = Brazosport College http://www.brcc.edu/ http://www.brcn.edu/ | label = Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing http://www.brdmc.org/ | label = Baba Raghav Das Medical College http://www.brebeuf.qc.ca/ | label = Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf http://www.brenau.edu/ http://www.brexgata.eu/ http://www.briar-cliff.edu/ http://www.bridgemont.edu/ http://www.bridgeport.edu/ http://www.bridgevalley.edu/ | label = BridgeValley Community and Technical College http://www.bridgew.edu/ | label = Bridgewater State University http://www.bridgewater.edu/ http://www.bridgwater.ac.uk/ | label = Bridgwater College http://www.brighton.ac.uk/ | label = University of Brighton http://www.bris.ac.uk/ http://www.bristolcc.edu/ | label = Bristol Community College http://www.brockport.edu/ http://www.brocku.ca/ http://www.broekhin.nl/ | label = BC Broekhin Roermond http://www.bromley.ac.uk/ | label = Bromley College of Further and Higher Education http://www.brookdale.edu.ec/ http://www.brookdalecc.edu/ http://www.brookes.ac.uk/ http://www.brookhavencollege.edu/ http://www.brooklands.ac.uk/ | label = Brooklands College http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/home.php | label = Brooklyn College http://www.brooks.edu/ | label = Brooks Institute http://www.broward.edu/ http://www.brownspath.com/ | label = Brown-Spath & Associates http://www.broyalu.net/ | note = Offline http://www.brsnc.org/ | label = Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College http://www.brstu.ru/ http://www.brsu.brest.by/ http://www.bru.mogilev.by/ http://www.brunel.ac.uk/ http://www.brunswickcc.edu/ http://www.brur.ac.bd/ http://www.brusov.am/ | label = Yerevan State Linguistic University http://www.bryan.edu/ | label = Bryan College http://www.bryanhealthcollege.edu/bcohs/ | label = Bryan College of Health Sciences http://www.bryant.edu/ http://www.bryantstratton.edu/ | label = Bryant & Stratton College http://www.brynathyn.edu/ | label = Bryn Athyn College http://www.brynmawr.edu/ http://www.bsa.ac.uk/ | label = British School at Athens http://www.bsa.edu.lv/ http://www.bsaa.ru/ http://www.bsatu.by/en | label = Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University http://www.bsauniv.ac.in/ http://www.bsc.edu/ http://www.bscc.cc.al.us/ | label = Bishop State Community College http://www.bscc.edu/ http://www.bseu.by/ http://www.bsfc.ac.uk/ | label = Birkenhead Sixth Form College http://www.bsl-lausanne.ch/ http://www.bsma.edu.ge/index.html?lang=en | label = Batumi State Maritime Academy http://www.bsmmu.edu.bd/ http://www.bsmrau.edu.bd/ http://www.bsms.ac.uk/ | label = Brighton and Sussex Medical School http://www.bsmu.by/ http://www.bsnc.cn/ | label = Baoshan College http://www.bso.ac.uk/ | label = British School of Osteopathy http://www.bspa.unibel.by/ http://www.bspu.ru/ http://www.bspu.unibel.by/ http://www.bsr.ac.uk/ | label = British School at Rome http://www.bsrf.co.uk/ | label = British Scoliosis Research Foundation http://www.bstu.by/ http://www.bstu.ru/ http://www.bstu.unibel.by/ http://www.bsu-edu.org/ http://www.bsu.burnet.ru/ http://www.bsu.by/ http://www.bsu.edu.cn/ http://www.bsu.edu.eg/ http://www.bsu.edu.ph/ http://www.bsu.edu.ru/ http://www.bsu.edu/ http://www.bsuir.by/ http://www.bsum.edu.ng/ http://www.bta.hu/ | label = Baptist Theological Academy http://www.btaa.org/ | label = Committee on Institutional Cooperation http://www.btboces.org/ | label = Broome-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services http://www.btc.ctc.edu/ http://www.btc.edu/ | label = Bellingham Technical College http://www.btk-fh.de/en/ | label = BTK University of Arts & Design http://www.bton.ac.uk/ http://www.btsau.kiev.ua/ http://www.btu.bg/ http://www.btu.edu.tr/ http://www.bu.ac.kr/ http://www.bu.edu.af/ http://www.bu.edu.bd/ http://www.bu.edu.eg/ http://www.bu.edu.sa/ http://www.bu.edu/ http://www.bua.edu/en/home/ | label = Baptist University of the Américas http://www.buaa.edu.cn/ http://www.buap.mx/ http://www.bubhopal.nic.in/ http://www.bubt.edu.bd/ http://www.buc.edu.om/ http://www.buc.edu/web2/ | label = Bethesda University http://www.buccotherm.com/ | label = Laboratoire Odost (France) http://www.buck.ac.uk/ http://www.buckingham.ac.uk/ | label = University of Buckingham http://www.bucknell.edu/ http://www.bucks.ac.uk/ http://www.bucks.edu/ http://www.bucm.edu.cn/ | label = Beijing University of Chinese Medicine http://www.buct.edu.cn/ http://www.budo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.bue.edu.eg/ | label = British University in Egypt http://www.buet.ac.bd/ http://www.buetk.edu.pk/ http://www.buffalo.edu/ http://www.buflic.org/component/content/article?id=140 | label = Baltic Institute of Foreign Languages and International Intercultural Cooperation http://www.bufs.ac.kr/ http://www.bugemauniv.ac.ug/ http://www.buh.edu.vn/ http://www.buhs-edu.org/ | label = Bangladesh University of Health Sciences http://www.buid.ac.ae/ http://www.buitms.edu.pk/ http://www.buk.by/ http://www.buk.edu.ng/ http://www.bukep.ru/2446 | label = Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law http://www.bukkyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.bulehorauniversity.com/ http://www.bulsu.edu.ph/ http://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm/ | label = Boston University School of Medicine http://www.bums.ac.ir/ http://www.bunda.luanar.mw/luanar/ | label = Lilongwe university of Agriculture and Natural Resources http://www.bundelkhanduniversity.org/ http://www.bunghatta.ac.id/ http://www.bunka-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.bunkyo-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Bunkyo High School http://www.bunkyo.ac.jp/ http://www.bunri-u.ac.jp/ http://www.buodisha.edu.in/ | label = Berhampur University http://www.bup.edu.bd/ http://www.bupt.edu.cn/ http://www.buraouniversity.com/ http://www.burdwanuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.burg-halle.de/ | label = Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle http://www.burnley.ac.uk/ | label = Burnley College http://www.burrellcenter.com/ | label = Burrell Behavioral Health http://www.buruniv.ac.in/ | label = University of Burdwan http://www.burycollege.ac.uk/ | label = Bury College http://www.buse.ac.zw/ http://www.businessschool-berlin.de/ | label = BSP Business School Berlin http://www.busitema.ac.ug/ http://www.busogauniversity.ac.ug/ http://www.butex.edu.bd/ http://www.butler.edu/ http://www.butlercc.edu/ http://www.butsuryo.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Butsuryo University http://www.butte.edu/ http://www.buu.ac.th/ http://www.buv.edu.vn/en/ | label = British University Vietnam http://www.bvk.lv/ | label = College of Business Administration http://www.bvnmedicol.org/ | label = Government Medical College Bhavnagar http://www.bvu.edu/ http://www.bxscience.edu/ | label = Bronx High School of Science http://www.byplanlab.dk/node/68 | label = The Danish Town Planning Institute http://www.byu.edu/ http://www.byuh.edu/ http://www.byui.edu/ http://www.bzjsxy.cn/ | label = Binzhou Technician College http://www.bztc.edu.cn/ | label = Binzhou University http://www.bzu.edu.pk/ http://www.cabarruscollege.edu/ | label = Cabarrus College of Health Sciences http://www.cabrillo.edu/ http://www.cacaponinstitute.org/ | label = Cacapon Institute http://www.cacc.edu/ http://www.cacheps.org/ | label = Cache Public Schools http://www.cacms.ac.cn/ | label = China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences http://www.caece.edu.ar/ http://www.cafa.edu.cn/ http://www.cafce.ca/ | label = Canadian Association for Co-operative Education http://www.cafre.ac.uk/ | label = College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise http://www.cafuc.edu.cn/ | label = Civil Aviation Flight University of China http://www.cag.edu.tr/ http://www.cahsu.edu/ http://www.cahvilentum.eu/ | label = Vilentum University of applied sciences http://www.caiag.kg/en/ | label = Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences http://www.cal.devry.ca/ http://www.calbaptist.edu/ http://www.calchristiancollege.edu/ | label = California Christian College http://www.calcoast.edu/ http://www.calcoastuniv.edu/ http://www.calderdale.ac.uk/ | label = Calderdale College http://www.caldwell.edu/ | label = Caldwell University http://www.calebuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.calhoun.edu/ http://www.californiafarmlink.org/ | label = California FarmLink http://www.callutheran.edu/ http://www.calmu.edu/ | label = California Miramar University http://www.calpoly.edu/ http://www.calsouthern.edu/ http://www.calstate.edu/ http://www.calstatela.edu/ http://www.calu.edu/ | label = California University of Pennsylvania http://www.calumet.purdue.edu/ http://www.caluniv.ac.in/ http://www.calvary.edu/ | label = Calvary Bible College http://www.calvin.edu/ http://www.calvinseminary.edu/ | label = Calvin Theological Seminary http://www.cam.ac.uk/ http://www.camb.linst.ac.uk/ http://www.cambria.ac.uk/ | label = Coleg Cambria http://www.cambriancollege.ca/Pages/Home.aspx | label = Cambrian College http://www.cambridge.pt/ | label = Cambridge School http://www.cambridgemuslimcollege.org/ | label = Cambridge Muslim College http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/ http://www.camdencc.edu/ http://www.cameron.edu/ http://www.camic.cn/ | label = Civil Aviation Management Institute of China http://www.camosun.bc.ca/ http://www.campbell.edu/ http://www.campbellcenter.org/ | label = Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies http://www.campbellcollege.co.uk/ | label = Campbell College http://www.campbellsvil.edu/ http://www.campbellsville.edu/ http://www.campusleon.ugto.mx/ http://www.camre.ac.uk/ | label = Cambridge Regional College http://www.canadorecollege.ca/ | label = Canadore College http://www.canberra.edu.au/ http://www.candi.ac.uk/ | label = City and Islington College http://www.candidomendes.br/ http://www.canisius.edu/ http://www.cankaya.edu.tr/ http://www.canri.org/ | label = Food Research and Development Institute http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/ http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/ http://www.canton.edu/ | label = SUNY Canton http://www.canyons.edu/ http://www.cap.org/ | label = College of American Pathologists http://www.capcollege.bc.ca/ http://www.capecod.edu/ http://www.capellauniversity.edu/ http://www.capital.edu/ | label = Capital University http://www.captechu.edu/ http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/ http://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/Pages/home.aspx | label = Cardiff Metropolitan University http://www.cardiffwestchs.cardiff.sch.uk/ | label = Cardiff West Community High School http://www.careered.com/ | label = Career Education Corporation http://www.careermedicaldental.com/ | label = Career Institute Of Medical & Dental Sciences and Hospital http://www.caribbean.edu/ http://www.cariboo.bc.ca/ http://www.caritas.ac.jp/ | label = Caritas Junior College http://www.caritasuni.edu.ng/ http://www.carlalbert.edu/ http://www.carleton.ca/ http://www.carleton.edu/ http://www.carloalberto.org/ | label = Collegio Carlo Alberto http://www.carlow.edu/ http://www.carmabi.org/ | label = Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity Foundation http://www.carolinascollege.edu/ http://www.carolus-magnus-university.eu/ http://www.caroycuervo.gov.co/ | label = Caro and Cuervo Institute http://www.carrington.edu/ http://www.carroll.edu/ http://www.carrollcc.edu/ http://www.carrollu.edu/ http://www.carteret.edu/ http://www.carthage.edu/ http://www.carthagecsd.org/ | label = Carthage Central School District http://www.carver.edu/contents/ | label = Carver Bible College http://www.casa.unimo.it/ http://www.casacollege.com/ | label = Casa College http://www.casagrande.edu.ec/ http://www.cascadia.edu/ http://www.case.edu/ http://www.caspercollege.edu/ http://www.casqiem.ac.cn/ | label = Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institute http://www.castelobranco.br/ http://www.castleton.edu/ http://www.castmc.org/en/ | label = Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology http://www.cataegu.ac.kr/ http://www.catholic.ac.kr/english/main/main.html | label = Catholic University of Korea http://www.catie.ac.cr/en/ | label = Centro Agronomico Tropical De Investigacion Y Ensenanza Catie http://www.catolica.edu.sv/ | label = Catholic University of El Salvador http://www.cau.ac.in/ | label = Central Agricultural University http://www.cau.ac.kr/ http://www.cau.edu.cn/ http://www.cau.edu/ | label = Clark Atlanta University http://www.cau.org.in/ http://www.cauc.edu.cn/en/ | label = Civil Aviation University of China http://www.cauc.edu/ http://www.cavc.ac.uk/en/ | label = Cardiff and Vale College http://www.cavendishza.org/ http://www.cavern.nmsu.edu/ http://www.cayey.upr.edu/ http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/ http://www.cazenovia.edu/ | label = Cazenovia College http://www.caztc.edu.cn/s | label = Cangzhou Normal University http://www.cb.szczecin.pl/ | label = Szczecińska Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum http://www.cba.edu.sa/ http://www.cbbs.eu/en/ | label = Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences http://www.cbc.edu/ | label = Central Baptist College http://www.cbit.ac.in/ | label = Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology http://www.cbnu.ac.kr/site/english/main.do | label = Chungbuk National University http://www.cbnu.edu/main/main.php | label = Chonbuk National University http://www.cbs.ac.in/ | label = Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences http://www.cbs.de/ http://www.cbt.edu/ | label = College of Business and Technology http://www.cbu.ca/ | label = Cape Breton University http://www.cbu.edu.tr/anasayfa/index.php | label = Celal Bayar University http://www.cbu.edu.zm/ http://www.cbu.edu/ http://www.cbu2000.com/ http://www.cc-sd.edu/ | label = California College San Diego http://www.cc.colorado.edu/ http://www.cc.emory.edu/ http://www.ccaa.edu/ http://www.ccac.edu/ http://www.ccal.edu/ | label = Concordia College Alabama http://www.ccaurora.edu/ http://www.ccb.ac.uk/ | label = City College Brighton and Hove http://www.ccbbc.edu/ | label = Clear Creek Baptist Bible College http://www.ccbc.ca/ http://www.ccbc.edu/ http://www.ccbcmd.edu/ http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/ http://www.ccc.edu/ http://www.cccc.edu/ http://www.cccco.edu/ | label = California Community Colleges System http://www.cccd.edu/ http://www.cccneb.edu/ http://www.cccnj.edu/ http://www.cccs.edu/ http://www.cccti.edu/ http://www.cccua.edu/ http://www.ccd.edu/ http://www.ccdrdag.com/ | label = Cooperative Clinical Drug Research and Development http://www.cce.edu.om/ | label = Caledonian College of Engineering http://www.ccec.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong Institute of Business and Technology http://www.ccga.edu/ | label = College of Coastal Georgia http://www.cchic.ca/ | label = Cégep de Chicoutimi http://www.ccis.edu/ http://www.ccisd.com/ | label = Copperas Cove Independent School District http://www.ccit.edu.cn/ | label = Changchun Institute of Technology http://www.ccm.edu/ http://www.ccmu.edu.cn/ | label = Capital Medical University http://www.ccmusic.edu.cn/ccmusic/mainweb/ | label = China Conservatory http://www.ccnh.edu/ | label = Clayton College of Natural Health http://www.ccnn.edu/ http://www.ccnu.edu.cn/ http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/ | label = City College of New York http://www.ccon.edu/ | label = Columbia College of Nursing http://www.cconursing.com/ | label = Choithram College of Nursing http://www.ccoom.org/ | label = Chicago College of Oriental Medicine http://www.ccp.edu/ http://www.ccps.gov.cn/ | label = Central Party School of the Communist Party of China http://www.ccri.edu/ http://www.ccs.edu.sd/ http://www.ccs.spokane.edu/ | label = Community Colleges of Spokane http://www.ccsdistrict.org/pages/CantonCitySD | label = Canton City School District http://www.ccsf.edu/ http://www.ccsn.edu/ http://www.ccsu.ctstateu.edu/ http://www.ccsu.edu/ http://www.ccsuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.ccsuniversity.org/ http://www.cctech.edu/ http://www.ccu.edu/ http://www.ccut.edu.cn/ http://www.ccv.edu/ http://www.cdacollege.ac.cy/ | label = CDA College http://www.cdb.edu.sv/ http://www.cdcbys.com/gb/index.htm?id=654075 | label = Chengdu Pump Application Technology Research Institute http://www.cdcri.org/ | label = Chhattisgarh Dental College & Research Institute http://www.cdkc.edu/ | label = Chief Dull Knife College http://www.cdnu.edu.cn/english/ | label = Chengdu Normal University http://www.cdrewu.edu/ | label = Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science http://www.cds.edu/ | label = Centre For Development Studies http://www.cds.uofs.edu/ http://www.cdshk.org/bkg/index.htm | label = College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong http://www.cdsndu.org/html_ch/to_index_.html | label = College of Defence Studies http://www.cdu.edu.au/ http://www.cdu.edu.cn/ http://www.cdu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy http://www.cdut.edu.cn/ http://www.cdutcm.edu.cn/ http://www.ceaprc.edu/ | label = Center for Advanced Studies on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean http://www.ceaprc.org/ http://www.cecil.edu/ http://www.cecilia-wjc.ac.jp/ | label = St. Cecilia Women's Junior College http://www.cecos.edu.pk/ http://www.cedarcrest.edu/ca/index.shtm | label = Cedar Crest College http://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/ http://www.cedarville.edu/ http://www.cefet-rj.br/ | label = Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca http://www.cefetmg.br/# | label = Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais http://www.cegep-baie-comeau.qc.ca/accueil | label = Cégep de Baie-Comeau http://www.cegep-heritage.qc.ca/ | label = Heritage College http://www.cegep-matane.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Matane http://www.cegep-rimouski.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de Rimouski http://www.cegep-sept-iles.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Sept Iles http://www.cegep-ste-foy.qc.ca/csf4/index.php | label = Cegep de Sainte Foy http://www.cegepat.qc.ca/accueil | label = Cégep de l'Abitibi Témiscamingue http://www.cegepgarneau.ca/ | label = Cégep Garneau http://www.cegepgim.ca/english-section | label = Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles http://www.cegepjonquiere.ca/ | label = Cégep de Jonquière http://www.cegeplapocatiere.qc.ca/MyScriptorWeb/scripto.asp?resultat=533169 | label = Cegep de La Pocatiere http://www.cegepmontpetit.ca/ | label = Cegep Edouard Montpetit http://www.cegepoutaouais.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de l'Outaouais http://www.cegeprdl.ca/ | label = Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup http://www.cegepsl.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de Saint-Laurent http://www.cegepst.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep de Sorel-Tracy http://www.cegepsth.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Saint Hyacinthe http://www.cegepth.qc.ca/accueil | label = Cegep de Thetford http://www.cegeptr.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep de Trois-Rivieres http://www.cegepvicto.ca/formation-collegiale/index.aspx | label = Cegep de Victoriaville http://www.celiahelena.com.br/pt/home | label = Célia Helena Centro de Artes e Educação http://www.cema.edu.ar/ http://www.cemb.edu.pk/ | label = Center for Applied and Molecular Biology http://www.cemfi.es/ | label = Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros http://www.centenary.edu/ http://www.centenarycollege.edu/ | label = Centenary College of New Jersey http://www.centennialcollege.ca/ http://www.center.fks.ed.jp/ | label = Fukushima Prefectural Education Center http://www.center.ibk.ed.jp/ | label = Ibaraki Prefecture Education Training Center http://www.central.edu.gh/ http://www.central.edu/ http://www.central.ucv.ro/ http://www.centralaz.edu/ http://www.centralchristian.edu/ | label = Central Christian College of Kansas http://www.centralgatech.edu/ http://www.centralia.edu/ | label = Centralia College http://www.centralmethodist.edu/ | label = Central Methodist University http://www.centralnottingham.ac.uk/ | label = Central College Nottingham http://www.centralpenn.edu/ | label = Central Penn College http://www.centralstate.edu/index.php | label = Central State University http://www.centre.edu/ http://www.centrocienciaspenales.edu.py/ | label = Centro de Ciencias Penales y Política Criminal http://www.centropaulasouza.sp.gov.br/ | label = São Paulo State Technological College http://www.century.edu/ http://www.centuryuniversity.edu/ | label = Century University http://www.ceram.edu/ http://www.cerge-ei.cz/ | label = Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute http://www.cergroupe.be/fr/ | label = Centre d’Economie rurale http://www.ceria.be/ | label = Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherches des Industries Alimentaires et Chimiques http://www.cerritos.edu/ http://www.ces.edu.co/ http://www.cesa.edu.co/ http://www.cesbm.ac.in/ http://www.cesi.fr/ http://www.cesjf.br/ | label = Centro de Ensino Superior de Juiz de Fora http://www.cesmac.edu.br/ | label = Centro Universitário Cesmac http://www.cesupa.br/ http://www.ceti.mx/ http://www.cetim.org/ | label = Center for Technology & Innovation Management http://www.cetys.mx/ http://www.ceu.edu.mx/ http://www.ceu.edu.ph/ http://www.ceu.edu/ http://www.ceu.es/ http://www.ceu.hu/ http://www.ceuma.br/portal/ | label = Centro Universitário do Maranhão http://www.ceunix.com.mx/ http://www.ceux.mx/ http://www.cevroinstitut.cz/en/ | label = CEVRO Institute http://www.cf-studies.ch/ | label = Center for Business Studies http://www.cf.edu/ | label = College of Central Florida http://www.cfau.edu.cn/ http://www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/221-eng.html | label = Canadian Forces College http://www.cfcc.edu/ http://www.cfi-fasteners.org/ | label = Canadian Fasteners Institute http://www.cfpa-online.com/ | label = École des Avocats Nord-Ouest http://www.cfpj.com/ http://www.cfsc.org.hk/en | label = Christian Family Service Centre http://www.cga.edu/ | label = United States Coast Guard Academy http://www.cgc.maricopa.edu/ http://www.cgcc.cc.or.us/ http://www.cgcc.edu/ | label = Columbia Gorge Community College http://www.cghealthuniv.com/ | label = Ayush & Health Sciences University Chhattisgarh http://www.cgri.ueg.br/conteudo/3144_english | label = Universidade Estadual de Goiás http://www.cgs.edu/ http://www.cgu.ac.jp/ http://www.cgu.nl/ | label = Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht http://www.cgu.unicamp.br/ | label = Coordenadoria Geral da Universidade http://www.cha.ac.kr/ http://www.chabotcollege.edu/ http://www.chadwick.edu/ | label = Chadwick University http://www.chaffey.edu/ http://www.chamberlain.edu/ | label = Chamberlain College of Nursing http://www.chaminade-stl.org/ | label = Chaminade College Preparatory School http://www.chaminade.edu/ | label = Chaminade University of Honolulu http://www.champagnat.edu.mx/ http://www.champagnat.edu.pe/ http://www.champlain.edu/ http://www.changwon.ac.kr/ http://www.chapingo.mx/ http://www.chapman.edu/ http://www.charismauniversity.org/ http://www.charlestonlaw.edu/homepage.aspx | label = Charleston School of Law http://www.charlottechristian.edu/ | label = Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary http://www.charlottelaw.edu/ | label = Charlotte School of Law http://www.charteroak.edu/ | label = Charter Oak State College http://www.chatfield.edu/ http://www.chatham.edu/ http://www.chattahoocheetech.edu/ http://www.chattanoogastate.edu/ http://www.chc.be/Cliniques/Clinique-de-l-Esperance-Montegnee.aspx | label = Clinic of Hope http://www.chc.edu.au/ | label = Christian Heritage College http://www.chd.edu.cn/ | label = Chang'an University http://www.che.nl/en | label = Christian University of Applied Sciences http://www.ched.gov.ph/ | label = Commission on Higher Education http://www.chefs.edu/ http://www.cheju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.cheju.ac.kr/ http://www.chelsea.linst.ac.uk/ http://www.chelsea.school.nz/ | label = Chelsea Primary School http://www.chelsma.ru/eng/academy/ | label = Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy http://www.chelurid.ru/ | label = Chelyabinsk Law institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia http://www.chemeketa.edu/ http://www.chesapeake.edu/ http://www.chester.ac.uk/ http://www.chethams.com/ | label = Chetham's School of Music http://www.cheyney.edu/ http://www.chi.ac.uk/ | label = University of Chichester http://www.chi.edu.eg/ | label = Cairo Higher Institute http://www.chiangmai.ac.th/ http://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/ http://www.chibakeiai.ac.jp/ | label = Chiba Keiai Junior College http://www.chicagointl.org/ | label = Chicago International Charter School http://www.chifk.ru/ | label = Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture http://www.chikushi.ac.jp/ http://www.childrensuniversity.co.uk/home/work-with-us/local-cus/sheffield-childrens-university/home/ | label = Sheffield Children's University http://www.chinaacademyofart.com/ http://www.chinaeducenter.com/nbut/en/ | label = Ningbo University of Technology http://www.chinaedunet.com/xawjgcxy/index/gaikuang.htm | label = Chinese People's Armed Police Force Engineering University http://www.chinasafety.ac.cn/ | label = China Academy of Safety Sciences and Technology http://www.chinju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.chinju.ac.kr/ http://www.chipola.edu/ | label = Chipola College http://www.chiryuhigashi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Chiryu East Koto School http://www.chitkara.edu.in/ | label = Chitkara University http://www.chitose.ac.jp/english/ | label = Chitose Institute of Science and Technology http://www.chiyoda.ac.jp/college/index.html | label = Osaka Chiyoda Junior College http://www.chmsc.edu.ph/ | label = Carlos Hilado Memorial State College http://www.chnu.cv.ua/ http://www.chnu.edu.ua/index.php?page=ua | label = Chernivtsi National University http://www.choctaw.k12.ms.us/ | label = Choctaw County School District http://www.chodang.ac.kr/ http://www.chonbuk.ac.kr/ http://www.chongju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.chongju.ac.kr/ http://www.chongshin.ac.kr/ http://www.chonju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.chonnam.ac.kr/ http://www.chopin.edu.pl/ http://www.chosun.ac.kr/ http://www.chowan.edu/ | label = Chowan University http://www.christendom.edu/ | label = Christendom College http://www.christian.kyschools.us/ | label = Christian County Public Schools http://www.christuniversity.in/ http://www.chubu-gu.ac.jp/ http://www.chubu.ac.jp/ http://www.chugye.ac.kr/ http://www.chuhai.edu.hk/ http://www.chujo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.chuka.ac.ke/ http://www.chukyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.chukyogakuin-u.ac.jp/ http://www.chula.ac.th/ http://www.chungbuk.ac.kr/ http://www.chungju.ac.kr/ http://www.chungnam.ac.kr/ http://www.chungwoon.ac.kr/ http://www.chuo-sd.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo School for the Deaf http://www.chuo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.chutan.ac.jp/ | label = Aomori Chuo Junior College http://www.chuv.ch/ http://www.chuvsu.ru/ http://www.cia.edu/ | label = Cleveland Institute of Art http://www.ciachef.edu/ | label = The Culinary Institute of America http://www.ciaq.com/ | label = Artificial Insemination Center of Quebec http://www.cicm.org.au/ | label = College of Intensive Care Medicine http://www.cicp.org.kh/ | label = Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace http://www.cid.edu/ | label = Central Institute for the Deaf http://www.ciefl.org/ http://www.ciep.fr/ | label = CIEP http://www.cies.ch/en/cies/home/ | label = International Centre for Sports Studies http://www.cife.edu.in/ http://www.cihanuniversity.edu.iq/ http://www.cihe.edu.hk/chi/index.html | label = Caritas Institute of Higher Education http://www.cihs.edu/ | label = California Institute for Human Science http://www.cihts.ac.in/ http://www.ciil.org/ | label = Central Institute of Indian Languages http://www.ciim.ac.cy/ http://www.ciimu.org/ | label = Institut d’Infància i Món Urbà http://www.ciir.edu.cn/en/ | label = China Institute of Industrial Relations http://www.ciis.edu/ | label = California Institute of Integral Studies http://www.ciit-atd.edu.pk/ http://www.ciit-attock.edu.pk/ http://www.ciit-wah.edu.pk/ http://www.ciit.edu.pk/ http://www.ciitlahore.edu.pk/ http://www.cik.co.kr/index.asp | label = Culinary Institute of Korea http://www.cim.edu/ | label = Cleveland Institute of Music http://www.cims.nyu.edu/ | label = Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences http://www.cincinnatistate.edu/ http://www.cirencester.ac.uk/ | label = Cirencester College http://www.cis.ac.jp/en/index.html | label = Chiba Institute of Science http://www.cisco.edu/ http://www.cisisu.edu.cn/ http://www.cit.ie/ http://www.citadel.edu/ http://www.citruscollege.edu/ http://www.city-okayama.ed.jp/~ishiis/ | label = Okayama City Ishii Elementary School http://www.city.ac.uk/ http://www.city.edu.my/ http://www.city.hamamatsu-szo.ed.jp/ichiritsu-h/ | label = Hamamatsu City High School http://www.city.hamamatsu-szo.ed.jp/miyakoda-e/ | label = Miyakoda Elementary School http://www.city.sanjo.niigata.jp/tukioka/ | label = Sanjo Municipal Tsukioka Elementary School http://www.citycollege.edu/ | label = City College http://www.citylit.ac.uk/ | label = City Literary Institute http://www.cityofbristol.ac.uk/ | label = City of Bristol College http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/ | label = New York City College of Technology http://www.cityu.bg/ http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ http://www.cityu.edu/ http://www.cityu.gr/ http://www.cityuniversity.edu.bd/ http://www.cityvision.edu/ | label = City Vision University http://www.ciu.edu.tr/ http://www.ciu.edu/ | label = Columbia International University http://www.civitas.edu.pl/ | label = Collegium Civitas http://www.cj-antich.com/ | label = Antich & Sons (United Kingdom) http://www.cjc.edu.cn/ | label = Changji University http://www.cje.ac.kr/ http://www.cju.ac.kr/ http://www.ck.ac.kr/en/ | label = Chungkang College of Cultural Industries http://www.cks.edu/ | label = Christ the King Seminary http://www.ckschools.org/ | label = Central Kitsap School District http://www.cku.ac.jp/ http://www.cku.ac.kr/ http://www.clackamas.edu/ http://www.claeh.edu.uy/ http://www.clafleche.qc.ca/ | label = Collège Laflèche http://www.claflin.edu/ | label = Claflin University http://www.clarendoncollege.edu/ http://www.claretiano.edu.br/ http://www.clarion.edu/ http://www.clark.edu/ http://www.clarke.edu/ http://www.clarkeschools.org/ | label = Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech http://www.clarkson.edu/ http://www.clarksoncollege.edu/ | label = Clarkson College http://www.clarkstate.edu/ http://www.clarku.edu/ http://www.clatsopcc.edu/ http://www.claurendeau.qc.ca/accueil | label = Cégep André Laurendeau http://www.clayton.edu/ http://www.clb.ac.il/ http://www.clcillinois.edu/ http://www.clcmn.edu/ http://www.clearwater.edu/ | label = Clearwater Christian College http://www.cleary.edu/ | label = Cleary University http://www.clemson.edu/ http://www.clermont-fd.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand http://www.cleveland.ac.uk/ | label = Redcar & Cleveland College http://www.cleveland.edu/ | label = Cleveland University http://www.clevelandcc.edu/ http://www.clevelandstatecc.edu/ http://www.clg.qc.ca/ | label = Collège Lionel Groulx http://www.clinch.edu/ http://www.clinton.edu/ http://www.cloud.edu/ http://www.cloverpark.k12.wa.us/ | label = Clover Park School District http://www.clovis.edu/ http://www.clpccd.edu/ http://www.cls.edu.cn/english/News/index580.shtml | label = Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences http://www.cm.umk.pl/en/ | label = Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz http://www.cmaisonneuve.qc.ca/ | label = Collège de Maisonneuve http://www.cmb.ac.lk/ http://www.cmc.edu.ph/ | label = Central Mindanao Colleges http://www.cmc.edu.pk/ | label = Chandka Medical College http://www.cmc.edu/ http://www.cmcc.ca/ | label = Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College http://www.cmcc.edu/ http://www.cmccd.edu/ http://www.cmch-vellore.edu/ | label = Christian Medical College & Hospital http://www.cmgbr.com.cn/ | label = China Metallurgical Geology Bureau http://www.cmi.ac.in/ | label = Chennai Mathematical Institute http://www.cmich.edu/ http://www.cmjuniversity.edu.in/ http://www.cmkp.edu.pl/ | label = Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego http://www.cmmccollege.edu/ http://www.cmmg.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais http://www.cmontmorency.qc.ca/ | label = Collège Montmorency http://www.cmoshbd.org/ | label = Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College http://www.cmq.edu.mx/ | label = El Colegio Mexiquense http://www.cmr.edu.in/ | label = CMR University http://www.cmrsj-rmcsj.forces.gc.ca/index-eng.asp | label = Royal Military College Saint-Jean http://www.cmru.ac.th/ http://www.cms.edu/home.html | label = College of Metaphysical Studies http://www.cmu.ac.ir/ | label = Chabahar Maritime University http://www.cmu.ac.th/ | label = Chiang Mai University http://www.cmu.ca/ http://www.cmu.edu.cn/ http://www.cmu.edu.ph/ http://www.cmungo.org/ | label = Community of Mediterranean Universities http://www.cmvc.ac.th/ http://www.cn.edu/ http://www.cna.nl.ca/ | label = College of the North Atlantic http://www.cnam.fr/ http://www.cnc.bc.ca/ http://www.cncc.edu/ http://www.cncnc.edu.cn/ http://www.cndf.qc.ca/ | label = Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy http://www.cnearc.fr/ http://www.cnlu.ac.in/index.php/en/ | label = Chanakya National Law University http://www.cnm.edu/ http://www.cnr.edu/ http://www.cnsaes.org/homepage/ | label = Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences http://www.cnsmd-lyon.fr/en-2/ | label = Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon http://www.cnu.ac.kr/ | label = Chungnam National University http://www.cnu.edu.cn/ http://www.cnu.edu/ http://www.cnuas.edu/ http://www.cnue-e.ac.kr/ http://www.cnue.ac.kr/ http://www.cnwl.ac.uk/ | label = College of North West London http://www.coa.edu/ http://www.coahomacc.edu/ http://www.coalrafidain.edu.iq/ http://www.coastal.edu/ http://www.coastalalabama.edu/ http://www.coastalbend.edu/ http://www.coastalcarolina.edu/ http://www.coastalpines.edu/ http://www.coastline.edu/ http://www.cob.edu.bs/ http://www.cobleskill.edu/ http://www.cocc.edu/ http://www.cochise.edu/ http://www.cocite.pt/ http://www.cod.edu/ http://www.codarts.nl/ | label = Codarts Rotterdam http://www.coe.edu/ http://www.coeikere.edu.ng/ http://www.coeoju.com/ http://www.cofc.edu/ http://www.coffeyville.edu/ http://www.cofo.edu/ | label = College of the Ozarks http://www.cogswell.edu/ | label = Cogswell Polytechnical College http://www.coker.edu/ http://www.colby.edu/ http://www.colbycc.edu/ http://www.colchester.ac.uk/ | label = Colchester Institute http://www.colegcymraeg.ac.uk/ | label = Welsh National College http://www.colegiomedico.cl/ | label = Colegio Médico de Chile http://www.colegionacional.org.mx/sacscms/xstatic/colegionacional/espanol/home.html | label = National College http://www.colegioteresianobraga.com/index.php/en/# | label = Colégio Teresiano de Braga http://www.coleman.edu/ | label = Coleman University http://www.coleurope.eu/ http://www.colgate.edu/ http://www.colin.edu/ http://www.collanaud.qc.ca/ | label = Cegep regional de Lanaudiere http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/college/index.htm | label = Collège de France http://www.collegeahuntsic.qc.ca/ | label = College Ahuntsic http://www.collegealma.ca/ | label = Collège d'Alma http://www.collegeamerica.edu/ | label = CollegeAmerica http://www.collegeart.org/ | label = College Art Association http://www.collegeboreal.ca/ | label = Collège Boréal http://www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/ | label = Center for Creative Studies http://www.collegelacite.ca/ | label = La Cité Collégiale http://www.collegemedsa.ac.za/ | label = Colleges of Medicine of South Africa http://www.collegeofidaho.edu/ | label = College of Idaho http://www.collegeofsanmateo.edu/ http://www.collegeofthedesert.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = College of the Desert http://www.collegeshawinigan.ca/ | label = Collège Shawinigan http://www.collegespark.org/ | label = College Spark Washington http://www.collegium.edu.pl/ http://www.collin.edu/ http://www.collingswood.k12.nj.us/# | label = Collingswood Public Schools http://www.collinscollege.edu/Home | label = Collins College http://www.colman.ac.il/ http://www.colmex.mx/ http://www.coloradocollege.edu/ http://www.coloradomesa.edu/ http://www.coloradotech.edu/ http://www.colostate.edu/ http://www.colpos.mx/wb/ | label = Colegio de Postgraduados http://www.colson.edu.mx/Default.aspx | label = El Colegio de Sonora http://www.colsouth.edu/ http://www.colum.edu/ http://www.columbia.edu.py/ http://www.columbiabasin.edu/ http://www.columbiacollege.ca/ http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/ | label = Columbia Southern University http://www.columbiastate.edu/ http://www.columbus.edu/ http://www.columbus.iupui.edu/ http://www.columbusstate.edu/ http://www.columbustech.edu/ http://www.com.edu/ http://www.communitycarecollege.edu/ | label = Community Care College http://www.compton.edu/ http://www.comsa.com/web/comsawp/home | label = COMSA (Spain) http://www.comsup.ma/ | label = École Supérieure de Communication et de Publicité http://www.comu.edu.tr/ http://www.conception.edu/ | label = Conception Seminary College http://www.concord.edu/ | label = Concord University http://www.concordia-ny.edu/ | label = Concordia College http://www.concordia.ab.ca/ http://www.concordia.ca/ http://www.concordia.edu/ | label = Concordia University Texas http://www.condorcet.be/ | label = Haute École provinciale de Hainaut Condorcet http://www.conestogac.on.ca/ http://www.confederationc.on.ca/ | label = Confederation College http://www.conncoll.edu/ http://www.connorsstate.edu/ http://www.consalerno.com/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica G. Martucci http://www.consbo.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/1 | label = Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini http://www.conservatoire.gouv.qc.ca/ | label = Conservatoire de Musique et d’art Dramatique du Québec http://www.conservatoire.ru/ http://www.conservatoiredeparis.fr/ | label = Paris Conservatory http://www.conservatorio-frosinone.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Licinio Refice http://www.conservatorio.pr.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito http://www.conservatorio.sassari.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Canepa http://www.conservatorio.tn.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica FA Bonporti Trento http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Tartini http://www.conservatorio.udine.it/en/ | label = Conservatorio Statale di Musica Jacopo Tomadini Udine http://www.conservatoriobellini.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Vincenzo Bellini di Palermo http://www.conservatoriobuzzolla.it/ | label = Conservatorio Statale di Musica A. Buzzolla http://www.conservatoriocagliari.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Pierluigi da Palestrina http://www.conservatoriocimarosa.org/ | label = Conservatorio Statale di Musica Domenico Cimarosa di Avellino http://www.conservatoriocomo.it/eng/index.html | label = Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi http://www.conservatoriocuneo.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica G.F. Ghedini http://www.conservatoriodemusicadoporto.pt/ | label = Conservatório de Música do Porto http://www.conservatoriodimonopoli.org/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Nino Rota http://www.conservatorioferrara.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Girolamo Frescobaldi http://www.conservatoriofoggia.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Umberto Giordano http://www.conservatoriomaderna-cesena.it/index.php?lg=en | label = Conservatorio di Musica Bruno Maderna http://www.conservatoriomantova.com/en/?jjj=1459937953544 | label = Music Conservatory of Mantova http://www.conservatoriomatera.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Egidio R. Duni http://www.conservatoriomcoimbra.pt/ | label = Conservatório de Música de Coimbra http://www.conservatoriopaganini.org/index.php?app=cpag&&cpagID=09hbr9oos80gmg2itaveeoe7v2 | label = Conservatorio di Musica Niccolò Paganini http://www.conservatorioperugia.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica di Perugia http://www.conservatoriopescara.gov.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Luisa D'Annunzio http://www.conservatoriopollini.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Cesare Pollini http://www.conservatoriopotenza.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa Potenza http://www.conservatoriorossini.it/ | label = Conservatorio Statale di Musica Gioachino Rossini http://www.conservatoriorovigo.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica 'Francesco Venezze' di Rovigo http://www.conservatorioscontrino.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Antonio Scontrino Trapani http://www.conservatoriosuperiormalaga.com/ | label = Conservatorio Superior de Música de Málaga http://www.conservatorioteresaberganza.com/ | label = Conservatorio de Música Teresa Berganza http://www.conservatoriotorino.gov.it/ | label = Conservatorio State Di Musica Giuseppe Verdi http://www.conservatoriovenezia.net/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia http://www.conservatorioverona.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Verona Evaristo Felice Dall Abaco http://www.conservatoriovibovalentia.it/ | label = Conservatorio Torrefranca Vibo Valentia http://www.conservatoriovivaldi.it/en/ | label = Conservatorio Antonio Vivaldi http://www.conservatory.az/ http://www.conservatory.ru/ http://www.conslatina.it/ | label = Conservatorio di Musica Ottorino Respighi http://www.consvi.it/ | label = Conservatory of Vicenza http://www.contracosta.edu/ http://www.converse.edu/ | label = Converse College http://www.cookman.edu/ | label = Bethune-Cookman University http://www.cooley.edu/ | label = Western Michigan University Cooley Law School http://www.cooper.edu/ http://www.coppin.edu/ http://www.coquitlamcollege.com/ | label = Coquitlam College http://www.cord.edu/ http://www.cordonbleu.edu/usa/home/en | label = Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts http://www.coretexts.org/ | label = Association for Core Texts and Courses http://www.cornell-iowa.edu/ http://www.cornell.edu/ http://www.cornellcollege.edu/ | label = Cornell College http://www.corning-cc.edu/ http://www.cornish.edu/ | label = Cornish College of the Arts http://www.cortland.edu/ http://www.cos.edu/ http://www.cosmiq.edu.pk/ http://www.cotc.edu/ http://www.coto.edu/ http://www.cotr.bc.ca/ http://www.cotting.org/site/PageServer?pagename=home | label = Cotting School http://www.cou.ac.bd/ http://www.cou.fi/ http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/ http://www.covcollege.ac.uk/ | label = City College Coventry http://www.covenant.edu/ | label = Covenant College http://www.covenantseminary.edu/ | label = Covenant Theological Seminary http://www.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.coventry.ac.uk/ http://www.cowley.edu/ http://www.cp2.g12.br/ | label = Colégio Pedro II http://www.cpcc.edu/ http://www.cpci.ca/ | label = Canadian Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute http://www.cpclpolytechnic.com/ | label = CPCL Polytechnic College http://www.cpe.fr/ http://www.cphi2.org/ | label = Collège de Physique et de Philosophie http://www.cpit.ac.nz/ http://www.cpoly.edu.gh/ http://www.cpp.edu/ http://www.cppsu.edu.cn/ http://www.cpschools.com/index.php | label = Chesapeake Public Schools http://www.cpso.on.ca/docsearch/ | label = College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario http://www.cpsp.edu.pk/ | label = College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan http://www.cptc.edu/ http://www.cptipetropolis.net.br/ | label = Centro de Educação Profissional em Tecnologia da Informação de Petrópolis http://www.cpu.ac.kr/eng/sub.do?menukey=484 | label = Chungbuk Provincial College http://www.cpu.ac.th/ http://www.cpu.edu.cn/ http://www.cpu.edu/ | label = California Pacific University http://www.cpuic.edu/ http://www.cpums.edu.cn/ http://www.cput.ac.za/ http://www.cqec.net.cn/ http://www.cqevi.net.cn/ | label = Chongqing Electromechanical Vocational Institute http://www.cqgyzy.com/ http://www.cqmu.edu.cn/ http://www.cqnu.edu.cn/ http://www.cqtcedu.com/ http://www.cqu.edu.au/ http://www.cqu.edu.cn/ http://www.cquc.edu.cn/ http://www.cque.edu.cn/english/ | label = Chongqing University of Education http://www.cqupt.edu.cn/ http://www.cqust.cn/ http://www.cqut.edu.cn/ http://www.cqvie.edu.cn/english/ | label = Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering http://www.cqwu.net/ http://www.craftonhills.edu/ http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/ http://www.craven.k12.nc.us/ | label = Craven County Schools http://www.cravencc.edu/ http://www.crawforduniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.crc.losrios.edu/ http://www.crcds.edu/ | label = Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School http://www.creighton.edu/ http://www.cres.edu.vn/en | label = VNU Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies http://www.crescent-university.edu.ng/ http://www.creupi.br/ http://www.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.crimea.edu/eng/index.html | label = Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University http://www.criswell.edu/ | label = Criswell College http://www.crk.umn.edu/ http://www.croatia.rit.edu// | label = Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia http://www.crosemont.qc.ca/accueil | label = Collège de Rosemont http://www.cross.or.jp/ | label = Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society http://www.crossroads.edu/ | label = Crossroads Bible College http://www.crossroadscollege.edu/ | label = Crossroads College http://www.crowder.edu/ http://www.croydon.ac.uk/ | label = Croydon College http://www.crsmu.com/ http://www.crsu.ac.in/ | label = Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University http://www.crts.gov.ma/ | label = Royal Centre for Remote Sensing http://www.crtvu.edu.cn/ http://www.crutech.edu.ng/ http://www.cruzeirodosul.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul http://www.cs.ac.kr/ http://www.cs.cofc.edu/ http://www.cs.lpu.lv/ http://www.csaa.ru/en/ | label = Chelyabinsk State Agroengineering Academy http://www.csauk.ac.in/ http://www.csbsju.edu/ http://www.csc.ac.kr/ | label = Changshin University http://www.csc.edu/ http://www.csc.peachnet.edu/ http://www.csc.vsc.edu/ http://www.cscc.edu/ http://www.csd.scarolina.edu/ http://www.csdhr.qc.ca/ | label = Commission Scolaire des Hautes Rivières http://www.cse.edu/ | label = College of Saint Elizabeth http://www.csfu.edu.cn/ http://www.cshl.edu/ http://www.csi.cuny.edu/ | label = College of Staten Island http://www.csi.edu/ http://www.csiic.com/ | label = Shaanxi Institute of International Trade & Commerce http://www.csj.edu/ | label = College of St. Joseph http://www.cski.cz/ | label = Czech Society for Oriental Studies http://www.csl.edu/ | label = Concordia Seminary http://www.csld.edu/ | label = Conway School of Landscape Design http://www.csm.edu/ | label = College of Saint Mary http://www.csm.linst.ac.uk/ http://www.csmd.edu/ http://www.csmfr.ch/www/Bienvenue-au-College-St-Michel | label = Collège St-Michel http://www.csmu.edu.cn/eng/ | label = Changsha Medical University http://www.csopp.edu/ http://www.csp.edu/ http://www.csru.edu.cn/ http://www.css.edu/ http://www.cssd.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Central School of Speech and Drama http://www.cssttc.gov.cn/ | label = Hunan Vocational College of Safety Technology http://www.cstcm.edu/ | label = Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.cstjean.qc.ca/accueil | label = College of General and Professional Education http://www.csu.ac.ru/ http://www.csu.edu.au/ http://www.csu.edu.cn/ http://www.csu.edu.ph/ http://www.csu.edu/ | label = Chicago State University http://www.csu.ru/en | label = Chelyabinsk State University http://www.csub.edu/ http://www.csubak.edu/ http://www.csuc.cat/ | label = Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya http://www.csuc.edu.gh/csuc/ | label = Christian Service University College http://www.csuca.org/ | label = Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano http://www.csuchico.edu/ http://www.csudh.edu/ http://www.csuep.edu.cn/ http://www.csufresno.edu/ http://www.csuglobal.edu/ http://www.csuhayward.edu/ http://www.csulb.edu/ http://www.csum.edu/ http://www.csuniv.edu/ | label = Charleston Southern University http://www.csuohio.edu/ http://www.csupomona.edu/ http://www.csupueblo.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Colorado State University Pueblo http://www.csus.edu/ http://www.csusb.edu/ http://www.csusm.edu/ http://www.csust.edu.cn/pub/wwwz/index.htm | label = Changsha University of Science and Technology http://www.csustan.edu/ http://www.csusystem.edu/ | label = Colorado State University System http://www.csvs.cz/_en/ | label = Centre for Higher Education Studies http://www.csvtu.ac.in/prev/ | label = Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University http://www.cswalcheren.nl/ | label = Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Walcheren http://www.cswef.org/index.html | label = China Social Welfare Foundation http://www.ct.edu/ http://www.ctbu.edu.cn/ http://www.ctcd.edu/ http://www.ctgroup.in/ | label = CT Group Of Institutions http://www.ctgu.edu.cn/ http://www.cti.edu.sa/ http://www.ctksfc.ac.uk/ | label = Christ the King Sixth Form College http://www.ctleuro.ac.cy/ http://www.cts.edu/ http://www.ctsem.edu/ http://www.ctsfw.edu/ | label = Concordia Theological Seminary http://www.ctsnet.edu/ | label = Columbia Theological Seminary http://www.ctu.edu.vn/ http://www.ctu.edu/ | label = Catholic Theological Union http://www.ctuonline.edu/ http://www.cu-academy.de/ | label = Control Union Academy http://www.cu-cdo.edu.ph/ http://www.cu-portland.edu/ | label = Concordia University http://www.cu.ac.bd/ http://www.cu.ac.kr/index.htm | label = Catholic University of Daegu http://www.cu.edu.eg/ http://www.cu.edu.ge/ http://www.cu.edu.tr/ http://www.cu.edu/ | label = University of Colorado System http://www.cua.ac.ir/ http://www.cua.edu/ http://www.cuao.edu.co/ http://www.cuauhtemoc.edu.mx/ http://www.cubidor.com/ http://www.cubrc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=53 | label = Calspan-University of Buffalo Research Center http://www.cubu.edu/ http://www.cuc.ac.jp/ http://www.cuc.edu.cn/ http://www.cuc.edu.co/ http://www.cuc.edu/ http://www.cuca.ae/ | label = City University College of Ajman http://www.cucv.edu.gt/ http://www.cud.upct.es/ | label = Centro Universitario de la Defensa http://www.cudenver.edu/ http://www.cue-lillenorddefrance.fr/ | label = University of Lille Nord de France http://www.cue.ac.kr/index-real.jsp | label = Chinju National University of Education http://www.cue.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Español http://www.cuea.edu/ http://www.cuesta.edu/ http://www.cuet.ac.bd/ http://www.cufe.edu.cn/ http://www.cug.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Gujarat http://www.cug.edu.cn/ http://www.cug.edu.gh/ | label = Catholic University College of Ghana http://www.cugb.edu.cn/ http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/english/index.html | label = Chinese University of Hong Kong http://www.cuhk.hk/ http://www.cui.edu.co/ http://www.cui.edu/en-us/ | label = Concordia University Irvine http://www.cuib-cameroon.org/home.php?s=27 | label = Catholic University Institute of Buea http://www.cuis.edu/ http://www.cujae.edu.cu/ http://www.cuk.ac.kr/ http://www.culver.edu/ | label = Culver Stockton College http://www.cumberland.edu/ | label = Cumberland University http://www.cumbria.ac.uk/Home.aspx | label = University of Cumbria http://www.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ http://www.cumt.edu.cn/ http://www.cumtb.edu.cn/ http://www.cun.edu.cn/ http://www.cune.edu/ | label = Concordia University http://www.cuni.cz/ http://www.cunima.net/ http://www.cunisanjuan.edu/ | label = Colegio Universitario de San Juan http://www.cunoc.edu.gt/ http://www.cuny.edu/ http://www.cup.ac.kr/ http://www.cup.edu.cn/internationaloffice/en/ | label = China University of Petroleum, Beijing http://www.cup.edu.kh/ http://www.cup.edu/ http://www.cupes.edu.cn/cenep/cupes/ | label = Capital Institute of Physical Education and Sports http://www.cupiw.com/ | label = Guangdong Province Welding Technology Institute http://www.cupl.edu.cn/ http://www.curaj.ac.in/ | label = Central University of Rajasthan http://www.curml.ch/en/ | label = University Centre of Legal Medicine http://www.curry.edu/ http://www.curtin.edu.au/ http://www.curtin.edu.my/ http://www.curtis.edu/ | label = Curtis Institute of Music http://www.cus.ac.in/ | label = Sikkim University http://www.cus.ca/ http://www.cus.edu.kh/ http://www.cusat.ac.in/ http://www.cushahuniversity.ac.in/ | label = C. U. Shah University http://www.cuslm.ca/ http://www.cust.edu.cn/ http://www.cust.edu.pk/ | label = Mohammad Ali Jinnah University http://www.cut.ac.cy/ http://www.cut.ac.za/ http://www.cut.ac.zw/ http://www.cut.edu.lb/ http://www.cutb.edu.co/ http://www.cutm.ac.in/ | label = Centurion University of Technology and Management http://www.cuts.ac.in/GuestSection/default.aspx | label = Central University of Tibetan Studies http://www.cuyamaca.edu/ http://www.cuz.ac.zw/ http://www.cv.edu/ http://www.cvcc.edu/ http://www.cvcc.vccs.edu/ http://www.cvjm-hochschule.de/index.php?id=1107 | label = International YMCA University of Applied Sciences http://www.cvm.qc.ca/Pages/index.aspx | label = Cégep du Vieux Montréal http://www.cvru.ac.in/ http://www.cvtc.edu/ http://www.cw.edu/ | label = College of Westchester http://www.cwc.ac.uk/ | label = City of Westminster College http://www.cwc.edu/ http://www.cwcboe.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1 | label = Caldwell West Caldwell Public Schools http://www.cwnu.edu.cn/ | label = China West Normal University http://www.cwru.edu/ http://www.cwu.edu/ http://www.cxtc.edu.cn/ | label = Chuxiong Normal University http://www.cybermed.edu.my/ http://www.cyc.edu.cn/ http://www.cycollege.ac.cy/ http://www.cygnus.ac.jp/ | label = Tottori College http://www.cypresscollege.edu/ http://www.cyryxcollege.edu.mv/ http://www.czc.edu.cn/ | label = Changzhi University http://www.czmec.cn/ | label = Changzhou Institute of Mechatronic Technology http://www.czu.cz/ http://www.czu.edu.cn/ | label = Chizhou University http://www.d-b.ne.jp/h-tandai/college/index.htm | label = Oita Junior College http://www.d.umn.edu/ http://www.d11.org/Pages/default.aspx | label = Colorado Springs School District 11 http://www.da-iict.org/ http://www.da.mod.uk/ | label = Defence Academy of the United Kingdom http://www.dacc.edu/ http://www.dacra.dk/ | label = Danish Cardiovascular Research Academy http://www.dadabhoy.edu.pk/ http://www.dadarathornaninstitute.org/ | label = Dadar Athornan Institute http://www.daebul.ac.kr/ http://www.daegu.ac.kr/ http://www.daejeon.ac.kr/ http://www.daejin.ac.kr/ http://www.daelim.ac.kr/ | label = Daelim University College http://www.daemen.edu/ http://www.daeshin.ac.kr/ http://www.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/ http://www.daido-it.ac.jp/ http://www.daiichi-cps.ac.jp/ http://www.daiichi-koudai.ac.jp/ http://www.daiichi-ue.ac.jp/ http://www.daiict.ac.in/daiict/index.html | label = Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology http://www.daion.ac.jp/ http://www.daishodai.ac.jp/ http://www.daito-h.ed.jp/ | label = Shimane Prefectural Daito High School http://www.daito.ac.jp/ http://www.dakotacollege.edu/ http://www.dal.ca/ http://www.dal.devry.edu/ http://www.dalanjuniversity.edu.sd/ http://www.dallas.edu/ | label = Dallas Christian College http://www.damanhour.edu.eg/ http://www.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/ http://www.dana.edu/ http://www.dankook.ac.kr/ http://www.danube-private-university.at/ | label = Danube Private University http://www.daralhekma.edu.sa/ http://www.daralkalima.edu.ps/en | label = Dar Al-Kalima University College of Arts and Culture http://www.darlington.ac.uk/ | label = Darlington College http://www.darton.edu/ http://www.darulhuda.com/ http://www.darwin.edu.ar/ | label = Instituto de Botanica Darwinion http://www.dashkova.ru/ | label = Moscow Humanitarian Institute of E. Dashkova http://www.dasmaninstitute.org/ | label = Dasman Diabetes Institute http://www.datalink.edu.gh/ | label = DataLink Institute http://www.datc.edu/ | label = Davis Applied Technology College http://www.dau.edu.sa/ http://www.dau.lv/ http://www.dau.mil/default.aspx | label = Defense Acquisition University http://www.dauniv.ac.in/ | label = Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya http://www.dauphine.fr/ http://www.davaodoctors.edu.ph/ http://www.davdentalynr.com/ | label = D.A.V Centenary Dental College http://www.davenport.edu/ http://www.davidson.edu/ http://www.davidsonccc.edu/ http://www.daviesskyschools.org/ | label = Daviess County Public Schools http://www.davietjal.org/ http://www.daviscollege.edu/ http://www.davisny.edu/ | label = Davis College http://www.davitaclinicalresearch.com/ | label = DaVita Clinical Research (United States) http://www.davuniversity.org/ http://www.davv.ac.in/ http://www.dawat.edu.af/ http://www.dawson.edu/ http://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/ | label = Dawson College http://www.dawsonesc.com/ | label = Dawson Education Cooperative http://www.daystar.ac.ke/ http://www.daytonastate.edu/ http://www.db.dk/ http://www.dbatechuni.org/ http://www.dbcollege.com/ | label = DuBois Business College http://www.dbhpscentral.org/ | label = Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha http://www.dbq.edu/ http://www.dbrau.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University http://www.dbs.ie/ | label = Dublin Business School http://www.dbskkv.org/ http://www.dbu.edu.et/ http://www.dbu.edu/ http://www.dc.edu/ | label = Dominican College of Blauvelt http://www.dc3.edu/ http://www.dcad.edu/ http://www.dcatholic.ac.kr/ http://www.dcc.edu.sa/ http://www.dcc.edu/ http://www.dcc.vccs.edu/ http://www.dccc.edu/ http://www.dcccd.edu/ http://www.dceonline.net/ http://www.dcet.edu.pk/ http://www.dct.ch/ http://www.dct.gotevot.edu.sa/ http://www.dct.udn.vn/ http://www.dctc.edu/ http://www.dcu.ie/ http://www.ddea.dk/ http://www.ddmsberoun.cz/ | label = Dětský Domov a Mateřská Skola Speciální http://www.ddu.ac.in/ http://www.ddu.edu.et/ http://www.ddu.nl/ http://www.ddugu.edu.in/ http://www.deakin.edu.au/ http://www.dean.edu/ | label = Dean College http://www.deanza.edu/ http://www.debesmscat.edu.ph/ | label = Dr Emilio B Espinosa Sr Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology http://www.deccancollegepune.ac.in/ http://www.deepsprings.edu/ | label = Deep Springs College http://www.defence.gov.au/adc/ | label = Australian Defence College http://www.defiance.edu/ | label = Defiance College http://www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl/ http://www.dehaghan.ac.ir/ http://www.dehogeberg.nl/ | label = Openbare Scholengemeenschap De Hogeberg http://www.dei.ac.in/ http://www.dei.edu.gr/ http://www.delhi.edu/ | label = State University of New York at Delhi http://www.delijanpnu.ac.ir/ http://www.delmar.edu/ http://www.delta-university.org/ | label = Delta International University http://www.delta.edu/ http://www.deltacollege.edu/ http://www.deltastate.edu/ http://www.delval.edu/ | label = Delaware Valley College http://www.dendai.ac.jp/ http://www.denison.edu/ http://www.denisoneverywhere.com/s/1336/start.aspx | label = Denison University http://www.denmarktech.edu/ http://www.dentaliau.ac.ir/en/ | label = Islamic Azad University Dental Branch of Tehran http://www.denverseminary.edu/ | label = Denver Seminary http://www.depaul.edu/ http://www.depauw.edu/ http://www.derby.ac.uk/ http://www.desales.edu/ | label = DeSales University http://www.deshbhagatuniversity.in/ | label = Desh Bhagat University http://www.desu.edu/ | label = Delaware State University http://www.deu.ac.kr/ http://www.deu.edu.tr/ http://www.deusto.es/ http://www.devinci.fr/ http://www.devry-phx.edu/ http://www.devrybrasil.edu.br/unifavip | label = UNIFAVIP http://www.devrycols.edu/ http://www.deylaman.ac.ir/ http://www.dfh.dk/ http://www.dfi.dk/ | label = Danish Film Institute http://www.dfu.ac.jp/ | label = Fukuoka Social Medical Welfare University http://www.dfxy.net/ | label = East University Of Heilongjiang http://www.dgau.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu Arts University http://www.dgist.ac.kr/ http://www.dgit.gob.mx/ http://www.dgsd.k12.ak.us/pages/Delta_Greely_School_District | label = Delta Greely School District http://www.dgu.ru/ http://www.dgunh.ru/ | label = Dagestan State Institute of National Economy http://www.dharmawangsa.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Dharmawangsa http://www.dhbw-mannheim.de/ http://www.dhbw.de/ http://www.dhc.ac.kr/eng | label = Daegu Health College http://www.dhfpg.de/ | label = Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement http://www.dho.edu.tr/ http://www.dhpol.de/en/index.php | label = German Police University http://www.dhs.edu/ | label = Dominican House of Studies http://www.dhsgsu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Hari Singh Gour University http://www.dhsphue.edu.vn:88/dhspen/view/index.php?opt=showmenu&idmenu=1093 | label = Hue University's College of Education http://www.dhu.ac.kr/ http://www.dhu.edu.cn/ http://www.dhv-speyer.de/ http://www.dhxd.edu.vn/ http://www.di-uni.de/index.php?id=20 | label = Dresden International University http://www.dia.edu.az/ http://www.dia.or.jp/ | label = Foundation Diamond Aging Society Research Foundation http://www.diak.fi/ http://www.dias.ie/ http://www.dibru.ac.in/ | label = Dibrugarh University http://www.dibru.ernet.in/ http://www.dickinson.edu/ http://www.dickinsonstate.edu/ http://www.dicle.edu.tr/ http://www.dieangewandte.at/jart/prj3/angewandte-2016/main.jart?rel=en&content-id=1436195997896&reserve-mode=active | label = University of Applied Arts Vienna http://www.dieese.org.br/ | label = Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos http://www.diit.edu.ua/ http://www.dillard.edu/ http://www.dillauniversity.edu.et/ http://www.dinecollege.edu/ | label = Diné College http://www.dinfos.dma.mil/ | label = Defense Information School http://www.dinus.ac.id/ http://www.diploma.de/ http://www.disc.tudelft.nl/ | label = Dutch Network of Systems and Control http://www.discoveryprogramme.ie/ | label = Discovery Programme http://www.disd.edu/ | label = Design Institute of San Diego http://www.disfm.rnu.tn/ http://www.dist.ac.kr/main.do | label = Donggwon Science and Technology University http://www.dit.ac.tz/ http://www.dit.ac.za/ http://www.dit.ie/ http://www.diu.ac.bd/ http://www.diu.net.bd/ http://www.dixie.edu/ | label = Dixie State University http://www.dizainokolegija.lt/en/ | label = Vilnius College of Design http://www.djtu.edu.cn/en | label = Dalian Jiaotong University http://www.dju.ac.kr/ http://www.dkdm.dk/ http://www.dknvs.no/english/ | label = Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters http://www.dksta.ru/ | label = Kovrov State Technological Academy named after V A Degtyarev http://www.dktes.com/ | label = DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute http://www.dkut.ac.ke/ http://www.dky.bjedu.cn/ | label = Beijing Polytechnic http://www.dlh.dk/ http://www.dliflc.edu/ http://www.dlmedu.edu.cn/ http://www.dlmu.edu.cn/ http://www.dlnu.edu.cn/english/ | label = Dalian Nationalities University http://www.dlsl.edu.ph/ | label = De La Salle Lipa http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/ http://www.dlsud.edu.ph/ | label = De La Salle University – Dasmariñas http://www.dlu.edu.cn/ http://www.dlu.edu.vn/ http://www.dlufl.edu.cn/ http://www.dlut.edu.cn/ http://www.dmac.edu/ | label = Digital Media Arts College http://www.dmacc.edu/ http://www.dmc.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu Future College http://www.dmcg.edu/ http://www.dmch.edu/ | label = Dayanand Medical College & Hospital http://www.dmimsu.edu.in/ | label = Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.dmjx.dk/om-os | label = Danish School of Media and Journalism http://www.dmmmsu.edu.ph/ http://www.dmmmsu.org/ | label = Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University http://www.dmsf.edu.ph/ | label = Davao Medical School Foundation http://www.dmu.ac.uk/ http://www.dmu.edu.et/ http://www.dnc.ac.jp/ | label = National Center for University Entrance Examinations http://www.dne.wvnet.edu/ http://www.dnu.dp.ua/ http://www.dnue.ac.kr/ http://www.dnva.no/ | label = Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters http://www.do-johodai.ac.jp/ http://www.doane.edu/ | label = Doane University http://www.doe.as/ths/ | label = Tafuna High School http://www.dogus.edu.tr/ http://www.doho.ac.jp/ http://www.dohto.ac.jp/ http://www.doken.hokkaido-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Education Research Institute http://www.dokkyo.ac.jp/ http://www.dokkyomed.ac.jp/ http://www.dolphininstitute.in/ | label = Dolphin (PG) Institute of Bio Medical and Natural Science http://www.dom.edu/ | label = Dominican University http://www.dominican.edu/ http://www.dominicanu.ca/ | label = Dominican University College http://www.domusacademy.com/en/ | label = Domus Academy http://www.don.ac.uk/ | label = Doncaster College http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/ http://www.donga.ac.kr/ http://www.dongau.ru/ http://www.dongbang.ac.kr/eng/html/index/ | label = Dongbang Culture University http://www.dongduk.ac.kr/ http://www.dongeui.ac.kr/ http://www.dongguk.ac.kr/ http://www.dongguk.edu/mbs/en/ | label = Dongguk University http://www.dongnam.ac.kr/cms/templete/eng/main/ | label = Dongnam Health University http://www.dongseo.ac.kr/ http://www.dongshinu.ac.kr/ http://www.donmeduni.com/ http://www.donnelly.edu/index.cfm | label = Donnelly College http://www.donntu.edu.ua/ http://www.donnu.edu.ua/ http://www.doowon.ac.kr/html/_en/main/main.html | label = Doowon Technical University College http://www.dordt.edu/ http://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ http://www.dote.hu/ http://www.dou.us/ | label = Dhammakaya Open University http://www.douglas.bc.ca/ http://www.douglascollege.ca/ | label = Douglas College http://www.dowling.edu/ http://www.dpc.edu/ http://www.dpu.ac.th/ http://www.dpu.dk/ http://www.dpu.edu.in/ | label = Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune http://www.dpu.edu.krd/ | label = Duhok Polytechnic University http://www.dpu.edu.tr/ http://www.dragonrises.edu/ | label = Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine http://www.drake.edu/ http://www.drakestate.edu/ http://www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.drew.edu/ http://www.drexel.edu/ http://www.drk.hu/ http://www.drmgrdu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute http://www.drsmcsimchk.org/ | label = Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College and Hospital http://www.drury.edu/ http://www.ds.psu.edu/default.htm?cn711 | label = Penn State DuBois http://www.dsam.dk/ | label = Danish College of General Practitioners http://www.dsc.dm/ http://www.dsc.edu/ http://www.dscc.edu/ http://www.dshs-koeln.de/ http://www.dslcc.edu/ http://www.dsmsindia.org/ | label = DSMS Group of Institutions http://www.dspgportal.edu.ng/ | label = Delta State Polytechnic http://www.dsstpublicschools.org/ | label = DSST Public Schools http://www.dst.ac.kr/eng | label = Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology http://www.dstu.dp.ua/ http://www.dstu.edu.ru/ http://www.dsu.ac.kr/cms/ | label = Dongshin University http://www.dsu.edu/ http://www.dsu.nodak.edu/ http://www.dsvv.ac.in/ | label = Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya http://www.dswe.wroc.pl/ http://www.dti.sk/ http://www.dtmu.ge/ | label = David Tvildiani Medical University http://www.du.ac.bd/ http://www.du.ac.in/ http://www.du.edu.eg/ http://www.du.edu.et/ | label = Dilla University http://www.du.edu.om/ http://www.du.edu/ http://www.dubs.ac.ir/ http://www.duc.edu.iq/ http://www.dudleycol.ac.uk/ | label = Dudley College http://www.duep.edu/ http://www.duet.ac.bd/ http://www.duf.hu/ http://www.dufe.edu.cn/ http://www.dufs.ac.kr/ http://www.duhs.edu.pk/ http://www.dui.ru/ | label = Don Law Institute http://www.duke.edu/ http://www.duksung.ac.kr/ http://www.dula.edu/ | label = Dongguk University Los Angeles http://www.dumlupinar.edu.tr/ http://www.dundee.ac.uk/ http://www.dunwoodie.edu/ | label = St. Joseph’s Seminary and College http://www.dunwoody.edu/ | label = Dunwoody College of Technology http://www.dunya.edu.af/ http://www.dupage.edu/ http://www.duq.edu/ http://www.dur.ac.uk/ http://www.durhamc.on.ca/ http://www.durhamcollege.ca/ | label = Durham College http://www.durhamtech.edu/ http://www.dusit.ac.th/ http://www.dut.ac.za/ | label = Durban University of Technology http://www.duth.gr/ http://www.duvalschools.org/ | label = Duval County Public Schools http://www.duzce.edu.tr/ http://www.dvc.edu/ http://www.dvfu.ru/en/ | label = Far Eastern Federal University http://www.dvgu.ru/ http://www.dvgups.ru/ http://www.dwc-legazpi.edu/ http://www.dwc.doshisha.ac.jp/ http://www.dwc.edu/ http://www.dwspit.pl/ | label = Dolnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Techniki w Polkowicach http://www.dwu.ac.pg/ http://www.dwu.edu/ http://www.dwz.gwsh.pl/ | label = Katowice School of Economics http://www.dyc.edu/ | label = D'Youville College http://www.dypatil.edu/ | label = D.Y. Patil University http://www.dypatilunikop.org/ | label = D. Y. Patil University http://www.dypatiluniversity.org/ http://www.dytc.ac.kr/ http://www.dyu.ac.kr/ http://www.dzu.edu.cn/ | label = Dezhou University http://www.e-net.nara.jp/%7C label = Nara Prefectural Unebi Junior High School http://www.e3i.univ-tours.fr/ http://www.ea.gr/ea/index.asp?lag=en | label = Ellinogermaniki Agogi http://www.eac.edu.ph/ | label = Emilio Aguinaldo College http://www.eac.edu/ http://www.eacc.edu/ http://www.eada.edu/ | label = EADA Business School http://www.eadania.dk/en/ | label = Dania Academy of Higher Education http://www.eadtu.eu/ | label = European Association of Distance Teaching Universities http://www.eae.es/ | label = EAE Business School http://www.eafit.edu.co/ http://www.eaglegatecollege.edu/ | label = Eagle Gate College http://www.eah-jena.de/fhj/fhjena/de/Seiten/default.aspx | label = Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena http://www.eamau.org/ | label = École Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme http://www.eamv.dk/ | label = Erhvervsakademi MidtVest http://www.ean.edu.co/ http://www.eap.edu/ | label = School of Plastic Arts of Puerto Rico http://www.eap.fr/ http://www.eap.gr/ http://www.eap.net/ http://www.earlham.edu/ http://www.earth-learning.org/ | label = Earth Learning http://www.eas.edu.pl/ http://www.easp.es/ | label = Andalusian School of Public Health http://www.east.edu.sg/ | label = East Asia School of Theology http://www.eastafricauniversity.net/ http://www.eastberks.ac.uk/ | label = East Berkshire College http://www.eastcentral.edu/ http://www.eastdelta.edu.bd/ http://www.eastern.edu/ | label = Eastern University http://www.eastern.usu.edu/ | label = Utah State University Eastern http://www.eastern.wvnet.edu/ http://www.easternct.edu/ http://www.easternflorida.edu/ http://www.easternuni.edu.bd/ http://www.easternwv.edu/Home.aspx | label = Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College http://www.eastfieldcollege.edu/ http://www.eastms.edu/ http://www.eastonotley.ac.uk/ | label = Easton & Otley College http://www.eastsomaliauniversity.com/ http://www.eastwest.edu/ | label = East–West University http://www.eastwick.edu/ | label = Eastwick College and the HoHoKus Schools http://www.eau.ac.th/ http://www.eba-muenchen.de/ http://www.ebabx.fr/ | label = École d'Enseignement Supérieur d'Art de Bordeaux http://www.ebc-hochschule.de/en/ | label = EBC Hochschule http://www.ebc.mx/ http://www.ebi-edu.com/en/ | label = École de Biologie Industrielle http://www.ebrooke.org/ | label = Brooke Charter Schools http://www.ebrschools.org/ | label = East Baton Rouge Parish School System http://www.ebs-paris.com/ http://www.ebs-paris.fr/ecole-management/ | label = European Business School Paris http://www.ebs.de/ http://www.ebs.ee/ http://www.ebsu-edu.net/ http://www.ebz-business-school.de/ | label = EBZ Business School http://www.ec-lille.fr/ http://www.ec-lyon.fr/ http://www.ec-nantes.fr/ http://www.ec.edu/ | label = Emmanuel College http://www.ecae.ac.ae/ | label = Emirates College for Advanced Education http://www.ecam-epmi.fr/ | label = ECAM-EPMI http://www.ecam-rennes.fr/ | label = ECAM Rennes Louis de Broglie http://www.ecam.be/ http://www.ecam.fr/ http://www.ecbm-london.de/en/?no_cache=1 | label = European College of Business and Management http://www.ecc.edu/ http://www.eccc.edu/ http://www.ecccp.org/ | label = Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians http://www.ecci.edu.co/ http://www.ece.ac.ae/ http://www.ece.fr/ http://www.eceme.ensino.eb.br/ | label = Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército http://www.eciad.bc.ca/ http://www.ecit.edu.cn/english/about.htm | label = East China Institute of Technology http://www.ecjtu.jx.cn/ http://www.ecla.de/ http://www.ecn.bgu.edu/ http://www.ecnu.edu.cn/ http://www.ecok.edu/ http://www.ecole-eme.fr/en/ | label = École des Métiers de l’Environnement http://www.ecole-navale.fr/ | label = École Navale http://www.ecolearchicasa.com/ | label = École d'Architecture de Casablanca http://www.ecoledubois.com/ | label = École Supérieure du Bois http://www.ecoledulouvre.fr/en | label = École du Louvre http://www.ecoleheec.ma/ | label = École des Hautes Études Économiques et Commerciales http://www.ecoles-idrac.com/ http://www.ecology.edu/ | label = Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment http://www.econom.zp.ua:81/en/main | label = Zaporozhye Institute of Economics and Information Technologies http://www.ecp.fr/ | label = École Centrale Paris http://www.ecr.edu.co/ http://www.ecsc.edu.et/ http://www.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/ http://www.ecsu.edu/ http://www.ecu.edu.au/ http://www.ecu.edu/ http://www.ecust.edu.cn/ http://www.ed.ac.uk/ http://www.edago.fr/ | label = École des Avocats du Grand Ouest http://www.edara.fr/ | label = École des Avocats Rhône-Alpes http://www.edcc.edu/ http://www.eden-online.org/ | label = European Distance and E-Learning Network http://www.edgecombe.edu/ http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ | label = Edge Hill University http://www.edgewood.edu/ http://www.edhec-business-school.com/ | label = EDHEC Business School http://www.edhec.ac.ma/ http://www.ediindia.org/ | label = Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India http://www.edinboro.edu/ http://www.edisonohio.edu/ http://www.edogawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.edojo.jp/english/ | label = Edogawa Girls' Junior & Senior High School http://www.edouniversity.edu.ng/ | label = Edo University Iyamho http://www.edu-c.open.ed.jp/ | label = Okinawa Prefectural Education Center http://www.edu-ctr.pref.kanagawa.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefecture Education Center http://www.edu-ctr.pref.nagano.jp/ | label = Nagano Prefectural Comprehensive Education Center http://www.edu-ctr.pref.okayama.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefecture Education Center http://www.edu.city.kyoto.jp/hp/fushimi/ | label = Kyoto Municipal Fushimi Technical High School http://www.edu.city.kyoto.jp/hp/saikyo/ | label = Kyoto Municipal Saikyokotogakko-Junior High School http://www.edu.pref.ibaraki.jp/board/foreign_language/en/index.html | label = Ibaraki Prefectural Board of Education http://www.edu.pref.shizuoka.jp/kakegawanishi-h/home.nsf/IndexFormView?OpenView | label = Shizuoka Prefectural Kakegawanishi High School http://www.edu.pref.shizuoka.jp/numazu-th/home.nsf/IndexFormView?OpenView | label = Shizuoka Prefectural Numazu Technical High School http://www.educ.pref.fukuoka.jp/Default2.aspx | label = Fukuoka Prefecture Education Center http://www.educacionbogota.edu.co/en/ | label = Secretaría de Educación del Distrito Capital http://www.educationcoordinatingcouncil.org/ | label = Education Coordinating Council http://www.educons.edu.rs/en | label = Educons University http://www.edufr.ch/ http://www.edukomplex.cz/ | label = Evropský Polytechnický Institut http://www.ee.pdx.edu/ http://www.eelouniversity.org/ http://www.eelu.edu.eg/ | label = Egyptian e-Learning University http://www.eerie.fr/ http://www.eesab.fr/en | label = École Européenne Supérieure d'Art de Bretagne http://www.eesi.eu/site/index.php | label = École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image http://www.efau.org/ http://www.efb.fr/ | label = École de Formation Professionnelle des Barreaux de la Cour d'Appel de Paris http://www.efe.hu/ http://www.efeo.fr/index.php?l=EN | label = École Française d'Extrême-Orient http://www.effatcollege.edu.sa/ http://www.efh-bochum.de/ http://www.efh-freiburg.de/ http://www.efh-hannover.de/ http://www.efh-reutlingen-ludwigsburg.de/ http://www.efhlu.de/ http://www.eformative.no/ | label = Network Learning Lab http://www.efpg.inpg.fr/ http://www.efrei.fr/ http://www.ega.edu/ | label = East Georgia State College http://www.egasmoniz.com.pt/pt-pt.aspx | label = Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz http://www.egcc.edu/ http://www.ege.edu.tr/ http://www.egerton.ac.ke/ http://www.egicosup.ma/ | label = École Supérieure de Gestion et des Sciences de l'Informatique http://www.egs.edu/ http://www.egti.ru/ | label = Ekaterinburg State Theatre Institute http://www.eh-ludwigsburg.de/homepage.html | label = Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg http://www.ehb-schweiz.ch/en/ | label = Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training http://www.ehb.be/ http://www.ehc.edu/ | label = Emory and Henry College http://www.ehect.net/ | label = École des Hautes Études Commerciales Techniques et Informatiques http://www.ehesp.fr/ | label = École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique http://www.ehf.hu/ http://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ehl.ch/ http://www.ehs-dresden.de/ http://www.ehsal.be/ http://www.ehu.es/ http://www.ehu.eus/en/en-home | label = University of the Basque Country http://www.eia.edu.co/ http://www.eiar.gov.et/ | label = Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research http://www.eicc.edu/ http://www.eichi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.eidoseducation.org/ | label = Eidos Education http://www.eieonline.com/ http://www.eigsi.fr/ | label = La Rochelle Engineering School http://www.eiilmuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.eimei.ed.jp/ | label = Kawagoe Technical High School http://www.einstein.yu.edu/ | label = Albert Einstein College of Medicine http://www.eit.ac.nz/ | label = Eastern Institute of Technology http://www.eit.edu.er/ http://www.eitc.edu/ http://www.eiu.am/ http://www.eiu.edu/ http://www.eivp-paris.fr/ http://www.eiyo.ac.jp/ http://www.ejg.hu/ | label = Eötvös József Gimnázium http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/broadstairs-college | label = Broadstairs College http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/canterbury-college | label = Canterbury College http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/dover-college | label = Dover Technical College http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/folkestone-college | label = Folkestone College http://www.ekcgroup.ac.uk/colleges/sheppey-college | label = Sheppey College http://www.ekonomska-ms.si/ | label = Ekonomska Šola Murska Sobota http://www.eksu.edu.ng/ http://www.ektu.kz/ http://www.eku.edu/ http://www.elac.edu/ http://www.elcamino.edu/ http://www.elcentrocollege.edu/ http://www.elgin.edu/ http://www.elizabethkollel.org/ | label = Yeshiva and Kollel Be'er Yitzchok of Elizabeth http://www.elizabethtown.kctcs.edu/ http://www.elmahdi.edu.sd/ http://www.elmergib.edu.ly/ http://www.elmhurst.edu/ http://www.elmira.edu/ | label = Elmira College http://www.elms.edu/ | label = Elms College http://www.elon.edu/ http://www.elrazicollege.net/ http://www.elshoroukacademy.edu.eg/ http://www.elsu.ru/ http://www.elte.hu/ http://www.eltech.ru/ http://www.em-lyon.com/ http://www.em.mpg.de/ | label = Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity http://www.ema.edu.ee/ http://www.eman-univ.edu.ye/ http://www.emanuel.ro/ http://www.emballasjeforeningen.no/?lang=en | label = Emballasjeforeningen http://www.emc-campus.com/ http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/ http://www.emcc.cn/ | label = Hebei University of Environmental Engineering http://www.emcc.edu/ http://www.emccomilla.com/ | label = Eastern Medical College and Hospital http://www.emergencyuniversity.com/ | label = Emergency University http://www.emerson.edu/ http://www.emersonschools.org/ | label = Emerson School District http://www.emescam.br/ http://www.emi.ac.ma/ http://www.emi.edu.bo/ http://www.emich.edu/ http://www.emilygriffith.edu/ | label = Emily Griffith Technical College http://www.eminescubucuresti.ro/ | label = Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu http://www.emiratesacademy.edu/ http://www.emkts.ee/index.php/en/ | label = Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary http://www.emmanuel.edu/ http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca/ | label = Emmanuel Bible College http://www.emmaus.edu.au/ | label = Emmaus Bible College http://www.emmaus.edu/ | label = Emmaus Bible College http://www.emo.fi/en | label = Espoo Music Institute http://www.emory.edu/ http://www.empcol.edu/ | label = Empire College http://www.emperors.edu/ | label = Emperors College http://www.emporia.edu/ http://www.ems-mainz.de/ http://www.emse.fr/ http://www.emsfj.com/ http://www.emu.edu.tr/ http://www.emu.edu/ http://www.emu.ee/ http://www.en.aau.dk/ | label = Aalborg University http://www.en.ajd.czest.pl/ | label = Jan Długosz University http://www.en.altstu.ru/ | label = Altai State Technical University http://www.en.art-gzhel.ru/ | label = Gzhel State University http://www.en.awf.gda.pl/ | label = Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport http://www.en.psu.ac.th/ | label = Prince of Songkla University http://www.en.u-pec.fr/ | label = Paris 12 Val de Marne University http://www.en.uni-bayreuth.de/home/index.html | label = University of Bayreuth http://www.en.uni-muenchen.de/index.html | label = Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich http://www.en.unistra.fr/index.php?id=21707 | label = University of Strasbourg http://www.en.uobaghdad.edu.iq/ | label = University of Baghdad http://www.en.uoc.gr/ | label = University of Crete http://www.en.w-hs.de/ | label = Westfälische Hochschule http://www.en.wst.com.pl/ | label = Katowice School of Technology http://www.en.zync.edu.cn/index.html | label = Zunyi Normal College http://www.ena.dz/index.php/en/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration http://www.ena.fr/ http://www.ena.pt/ | label = Escola de Negócios e Administração http://www.enac.fr/ http://www.enameknes.ac.ma/ http://www.enap.ca/enap/en/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration Publique http://www.enap.justice.fr/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration Pénitentiaire http://www.enap.uquebec.ca/ http://www.enautica.pt/ http://www.enc-sorbonne.fr/en | label = École nationale des chartes http://www.enc.edu/ | label = Eastern Nazarene College http://www.endeavour.edu.au/ | label = Endeavour College of Natural Health http://www.endicott.edu/ | label = Endicott College http://www.energies-renouvelables.org/ | label = Observatoire des énergies renouvelables http://www.enes.unam.mx/ http://www.eng.ath.bielsko.pl/ | label = University of Bielsko-Biała http://www.eng.cfuv.ru/ | label = V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University http://www.eng.fsu.edu/ | label = Florida A&M University - Florida State University College of Engineering http://www.eng.justice.fr/index.php | label = École Nationale des Greffes http://www.eng.miet.ru/ | label = National Research University of Electronic Technology http://www.eng.rmutt.ac.th/ | label = Rajamangala University of Technology http://www.eng.timacad.ru/ | label = Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin http://www.eng.unicas.it/ | label = University of Cassino and Southern Lazio http://www.engec.ru/ http://www.english.hs-mannheim.de/home.html | label = Mannheim University of Applied Sciences http://www.english.hu.nl/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Utrecht http://www.english.lut.cn/ | label = Lanzhou University of Technology http://www.english.swust.edu.cn/s/198/t/623/main.htm | label = Southwest University of Science and Technology http://www.english.ulpgc.es/ | label = University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria http://www.english.ulsu.ru/1.html | label = Ulyanovsk State University http://www.english.usz.edu.pl/ | label = University of Szczecin http://www.englishmodernschool.net/ | label = The English Modern School http://www.enib.fr/ | label = Brest National Engineering School http://www.enic.fr/ http://www.enig.rnu.tn/ | label = École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Gabès http://www.enim.fr/ http://www.enis.rnu.tn/ | label = National Engineering School of Sfax http://www.enise.fr/ http://www.enit.fr/ http://www.enit.rnu.tn/fr/diverses/news.php | label = National Engineering School of Tunis http://www.enitab.fr/ http://www.enitac.fr/ http://www.enitiaa-nantes.fr/ http://www.enm.justice.fr/ | label = French National School for the Judiciary http://www.enm.meteo.fr/ http://www.enmas.dz/ | label = École Nationale de Management et de l'Administration de la Santé http://www.enmu.edu/ http://www.enoes.com/ | label = ENOES http://www.enp-oran.dz/ | label = École Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran http://www.enp.edu.dz/ | label = Polytechnic School of Algiers http://www.enpc.fr/ http://www.ens-cachan.fr/ http://www.ens-fcl.fr/ http://www.ens-kouba.dz/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de Kouba http://www.ens-lyon.eu/ecole-normale-superieure-de-lyon-accueil-77247.kjsp | label = École Normale Supérieure de Lyon http://www.ens-lyon.fr/ http://www.ens-marrakech.ac.ma/ | label = École Normale Supérieure - Marrakech http://www.ens.fr/ http://www.ens.univcasa.ma/ | label = École Normale Supérieure Casablanca http://www.ens2m.fr/ http://www.ensa-bourges.fr/index.php/fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Art http://www.ensa-dijon.fr/?lang=en | label = ENSA Dijon Art and Design http://www.ensa-nancy.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d' Art de Nancy http://www.ensa.sn/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d´Agriculture http://www.ensaadmin.ma/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure de l'Administration http://www.ensabidjan.ci/ | label = École Normale Supérieure d´Abidjan http://www.ensad.fr/en | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs http://www.ensae.fr/ http://www.ensai.fr/ http://www.ensaia.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.ensait.fr/ http://www.ensam.eu/en/ | label = Arts et Métiers ParisTech http://www.ensam.inra.fr/ http://www.ensat.fr/ http://www.ensb.dz/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de Bouzareah Alger http://www.ensb.edu.pe/ | label = Escuela Nacional Superior de Ballet http://www.ensc-lille.fr/ http://www.ensc-rennes.fr/ http://www.ensc.dz/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de Constantine http://www.ensci.com/en/ | label = French National School for Advanced Studies in Design http://www.ensci.fr/en/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure De Céramique Industrielle http://www.enscm.fr/ http://www.enscmu.univ-mulhouse.fr/ http://www.enscp.jussieu.fr/ http://www.enscpb.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.ensea.fr/ http://www.enseeiht.fr/ http://www.ensem.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.enserb.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.enserg.fr/ http://www.ensg.eu/ | label = National School of Geographical Sciences http://www.ensg.ign.fr/ http://www.ensg.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.ensh.dz/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Hydraulique http://www.ensiacet.fr/fr | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques http://www.ensic.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.ensica.fr/ http://www.ensicaen.fr/61401893/0/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=ACCUEIL_FR | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'ingénieurs De Caen http://www.ensieg.inpg.fr/ http://www.ensieta.fr/ http://www.ensiie.fr/?lang=en | label = École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique pour l’Industrie et l’Entreprise http://www.ensitm.fr/ http://www.ensm-douai.fr/ http://www.ensma.fr/ http://www.ensmp.fr/ http://www.enspm.u-3mrs.fr/ http://www.enssib.fr/ | label = National Superior School of Information Science and Libraries http://www.enssmal.dz/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral http://www.enst-bretagne.fr/ http://www.enst.dz/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure de Technologie http://www.enst.fr/ http://www.ensta-bretagne.eu/ | label = National Institute of Advanced Technologies of Brittany http://www.ensta.fr/ http://www.enstp.cm/ | label = National Advanced School of Public Works http://www.entp.edu.dz/ | label = National School of Built and Ground Works Engineering http://www.entpe.fr/ http://www.enu.kz/ http://www.envt.fr/ http://www.eoidegranada.org/ | label = Official School of Languages http://www.eosc.edu/ http://www.eosc.osshe.edu/ http://www.eou.edu/ http://www.epau-alger.edu.dz/# | label = École Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme http://www.epcc.edu/ http://www.epf.fr/ http://www.epfl.ch/ http://www.epfl.edu/ http://www.epgc.net/ | label = PLA Rocket Force University of Engineering http://www.ephe.fr/ | label = École Pratique des Hautes Études http://www.ephec.be/ | label = École Pratique des Hautes Études Commerciales http://www.episcopalacademy.org/ | label = Episcopal Academy http://www.epita.fr/ http://www.epitech.al/ http://www.epitech.eu/ http://www.epm.br/ http://www.epn.edu.ec/ http://www.epoka.edu.al/ http://www.epsiel.net/ | label = Groupe École Polyvalente Supérieure d'Informatique & Électronique http://www.epsiel.net/ | label = École Polyvalente Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Électronique http://www.ept.rnu.tn/# | label = Tunisia Polytechnic School http://www.epu.bg/index.php/en/ | label = European Polytechnical University http://www.epuc.edu.et/index.php/en/component/content | label = Ethiopian Police University College http://www.epuc.edu.gh/ | label = Evangelical Presbyterian University College http://www.erasmushogeschool.be/ | label = Erasmus University College Brussels http://www.erau.edu/ http://www.erciyes.edu.tr/ http://www.erdogan.edu.tr/ http://www.erg.be/ | label = École de Recherche Graphique http://www.eriicta.am/ http://www.erikson.edu/ | label = Erikson Institute http://www.erskine.edu/ | label = Erskine College http://www.erzincan.edu.tr/ http://www.erzurum.edu.tr/ http://www.es.unisg.ch/en/ | label = University of St. Gallen http://www.es.vccs.edu/ http://www.esa-n.info/ | label = École Supérieure d'Art du Nord-Pas-de-Calais http://www.esa-purpan.fr/ http://www.esab.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil http://www.esad-orleans.fr/ | label = École Supérieure d'Art et de Design d'Orléans http://www.esad.pt/ http://www.esade.edu/web/eng | label = Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas http://www.esadse.fr/fr/home/ | label = École Supérieure d'Art et Design de Saint-Etienne http://www.esail.fr/en/ | label = École Supérieure d'Architecture d'Intérieur http://www.esainfo.ca/ | label = Etobicoke School of the Arts http://www.esaip.org/ | label = École Supérieure Angevine d'Informatique et de Productique http://www.esam-c2.fr/-INTERNATIONAL-ACTIVITIES- | label = École supérieure d'arts et médias http://www.esamateur.agrinet.tn/ | label = Mateur Higher School of Agriculture http://www.esap.edu.co/ http://www.esapyrenees.fr/ | label = École Supérieure d'Art des Pyrénées http://www.esavl.be/ | label = Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Liège http://www.esay.edu.mx/wp/ | label = Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán http://www.esb.edu.dz/ | label = École Supérieure de Banque http://www.esc-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.esc-brest.fr/ http://www.esc-clermont.fr/ http://www.esc-grenoble.fr/ http://www.esc-larochelle.fr/eng | label = La Rochelle Business School http://www.esc-lille.fr/ http://www.esc-marseille.fr/ http://www.esc-normandie.fr/ http://www.esc-pau.fr/ http://www.esc-reims.edu/ http://www.esc-rouen.fr/ http://www.esc-toulouse.fr/ http://www.esc.edu/ | label = Empire State College http://www.esca.ac.ma/ http://www.esca.ma/ | label = École Supérieure du Commerce et des Affaires http://www.escc.edu/ http://www.escdijon.com/ http://www.escelje.si/index.php/component/content/article/14-sample-data-articles/76-organisation-and-activities-of-celje-school-of-economics | label = Celje School of Economics http://www.escem.fr/ http://www.escna.fr/ http://www.escoladacidade.org/ | label = Escola da Cidade http://www.escolademar.pt/ | label = School of Sea http://www.escom.fr/ http://www.escp.fr/ http://www.escs.edu.br/ | label = Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde http://www.escueladepolicia.edu.co/ http://www.escuelaing.edu.co/ http://www.esd101.net/ | label = NorthEast Washington Educational Service District http://www.esdallas.org/ | label = Episcopal School of Dallas http://www.eseac.ens.tn/ | label = École Supérieure des Études Administratives et Commerciales http://www.esel.pt/esel/pt | label = Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa http://www.eselondon.ac.uk/ http://www.esenfc.pt/ | label = Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra http://www.esenyurt.edu.tr/ http://www.eseo.fr/ http://www.esf.edu/ http://www.eshte.pt/ http://www.esiae.fr/ http://www.esiat.agrinet.tn/english/presentation/presentation.htm | label = Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunis http://www.esic.es/ http://www.esiea.fr/ http://www.esiee-amiens.fr/#1 | label = École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électrotechnique et Électronique http://www.esiee.fr/ http://www.esier.agrinet.tn/indefr.php | label = École Supérieure des Ingénieurs de l'Équipement Rural http://www.esigelec.fr/ http://www.esigmaroc.com/ | label = École Supérieure Internationale de Gestion http://www.esilv.fr/ | label = Leonardo da Vinci Engineering School http://www.esima-egc.com/ | label = École Supérieure d'Informatique et de Management des Affaires http://www.esitc-cachan.fr/ | label = École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Cachan http://www.esitc-caen.fr/ | label = École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction http://www.esitc-metz.com/ | label = École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Metz http://www.esitpa.org/ http://www.esm-tbilisi.ge/ http://www.esm.dz/ | label = École Supérieure de la Magistrature http://www.esm.ma/pages/intro.html | label = École Supérieure de Management http://www.esma.ac.ma/ | label = École Supérieure de Management Appliqué http://www.esme.fr/ http://www.esmt.sn/ | label = École Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications http://www.esmuc.cat/ | label = Catalonia College of Music http://www.esn.ac.lk/ http://www.esnet.ed.jp/center/main/ | label = Ehime Prefectural Education Center http://www.esnm.si/ | label = Ekonomska Šola Novo Mesto http://www.eso.sankaranethralaya.org/ | label = Elite School of Optometry http://www.espam-formationuc.org/ http://www.espamformationuc.org/ | label = Espam Formation University http://www.espci.fr/ http://www.espe.edu.ec/ http://www.espi.or.at/ | label = European Space Policy Institute http://www.espoch.edu/ http://www.espol.edu.ec/ http://www.esqm.pt/ | label = Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês http://www.essca.asso.fr/ http://www.essca.fr/en/ | label = École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers http://www.esscvp.eu/ | label = Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa http://www.essec.fr/ http://www.essex.ac.uk/ http://www.essex.edu/ http://www.essic.ma/essic/index.html | label = École Supérieure des Sciences de l'Ingénierie Commerciale http://www.esstin.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.esstu.ru/ http://www.est.edu.br/english/ | label = Faculdades EST http://www.esta-groupe.fr/ | label = ESTA School of Business and Technology http://www.esta.ac.ma/ http://www.estacio.br/ http://www.estescoimbra.pt/en | label = Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra http://www.estia.fr/ | label = École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées http://www.estoncollege.ca/ | label = Eston College http://www.estp.fr/ http://www.esu.edu/ http://www.esumsnh.net/ | label = Engineering and Science University Magnet School http://www.esut.edu.ng/ http://www.etefmc.com.br/ | label = Escola Técnica de eletrônic http://www.eternaluniversity.edu.in/ | label = Eternal University http://www.etf.edu/ http://www.eth.edu/ http://www.ethz.ch/ http://www.etins.edu.pl/ | label = Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa w Kielcach http://www.etna.io/ http://www.etoncollege.com/ | label = Eton College http://www.etown.edu/ http://www.etsmtl.ca/ http://www.etsu-tn.edu/ http://www.etsu.edu/ http://www.etu.edu.tr/ http://www.eu.ac.rs/ http://www.eu.spb.ru/ http://www.euba.edu.mk/ | label = Euro Balkan University http://www.euba.sk/ http://www.euc.ac.cy/ http://www.euclid.int/ http://www.eudil.fr/ http://www.eufh.de/ http://www.eui.eu/ | label = European University Institute http://www.eulji.ac.kr/ http://www.eum.ac.jp/ http://www.eur.nl/ http://www.eurazir.kz/ http://www.eurecom.fr/en/ | label = EURECOM http://www.euricse.eu/ | label = European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprise http://www.euro-fh.de/ | label = Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg http://www.europa-uni.de/en/index.html | label = European University Viadrina http://www.europeaniu.org/ http://www.europeanopenuniversity.com/ http://www.europeanuniversity.pt/ http://www.euruni.edu/ http://www.eustatiusmed.edu/ http://www.euv-frankfurt-o.de/ http://www.ev-hochschule-hh.de/ | label = Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie http://www.evansville.edu/ http://www.evc.edu/ http://www.evelynhone.edu.zm/ | label = Evelyn Hone College http://www.everest.edu/ http://www.everettcc.edu/ http://www.evergladesuniversity.edu/ | label = Everglades University http://www.evergreen.edu/ http://www.evfh-berlin.de/ http://www.evfh-nuernberg.de/ http://www.evms.edu/ | label = Eastern Virginia Medical School http://www.evtek.fi/ http://www.ewc.edu/ | label = Edward Waters College http://www.ewha.ac.kr/ http://www.ewu.edu/ http://www.ewubd.edu/ http://www.ex.ac.uk/ http://www.excelsior.edu/ | label = Excelsior College http://www.exeter.ac.uk/ | label = University of Exeter http://www.exeter.edu/ | label = Phillips Exeter Academy http://www.expertisecentrumnederlands.nl/ | label = Expertisecentrum Nederlands http://www.expression.edu/ | label = Ex'pression College for Digital Arts http://www.fa.ru/ http://www.faap.br/ http://www.facel.com.br/ | label = Faculdade de Administração Ciências Educação e Letras http://www.faculdadedeitaituba.com.br/index.php?irpara=home | label = Faculdade de Itaituba http://www.faculdadejesuita.edu.br/ | label = Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology http://www.faculdadescuritiba.br/ http://www.fadep.br/ | label = Faculdade de Pato Branco http://www.fae.edu/ http://www.faetec.rj.gov.br/ | label = Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica http://www.fafem.com.br/ | label = Faculdade de Mococa http://www.fafire.br/ | label = Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife http://www.fag.edu.br/ | label = Centro Universitário Fundação Assis Gurgacz http://www.fairfield.edu/ | label = Fairfield University http://www.fairmont.wvnet.edu/ http://www.fairmontstate.edu/ http://www.fairviewschools.org/ | label = Fairview School District http://www.faith.edu/ | label = Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary http://www.fak.dk/en/Pages/RDDC.aspx | label = Royal Danish Defence College http://www.falavarjan.ac.ir/ http://www.falmouth.ac.uk/ http://www.famema.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Marília http://www.famerp.br/novoportal/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto http://www.famu.cz/ http://www.famu.edu/ http://www.fandm.edu/ http://www.fareham.ac.uk/ | label = Fareham College http://www.farmingdale.edu/ http://www.farmington.edu/ | label = University of Maine at Farmington http://www.farrinstitute.org/ | label = Farr Institute http://www.faruksarac.edu.tr/site.php?lng=en | label = Faruk Sarac Vocational School of Design http://www.faryab.edu.af/ http://www.fashir.edu.sd/ http://www.fathermuller.com/homeopathiccollege/ | label = Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College http://www.fatih.edu.tr/?&language=EN | label = Fatih University http://www.fatihsultan.edu.tr/ http://www.fatima.edu.ph/ http://www.fatimacollege.net/ http://www.fau.edu/ http://www.faulknerstate.edu/ http://www.faurecia.de/ | label = Faurecia (Germany) http://www.favaloro.edu.ar/site/ | label = Favaloro University http://www.fayoum.edu.eg/ http://www.faytechcc.edu/ http://www.fbsc.edu.sa/ http://www.fc.edu/ http://www.fcetakoka-edu.net/ http://www.fcfmt.edu.ng/ | label = Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology http://www.fcmsantacasasp.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo http://www.fcrs.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão http://www.fctcoezuba.edu.ng/ | label = FCT College of Education http://www.fcu.ac.jp/en/index.html | label = Fukuyama City University http://www.fd.si/ | label = Faculty of Design http://www.fdcnet.ac.jp/ http://www.fdltcc.edu/ http://www.fdtc.edu/ http://www.fdu.edu/ http://www.fdyson.cz/ | label = Vysoká Škola Realitní Institut Franka Dysona http://www.featiu.edu.ph/ http://www.fedpoffa.edu.ng/ http://www.fedpolyado.edu.ng/# | label = Federal Polytechnic http://www.feevale.br/en/institutional | label = Universidade Feevale http://www.feituverava.com.br/ http://www.felician.edu/ | label = Felician College http://www.fepar.edu.br/hotsite_2016/ | label = Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná http://www.fergusson.edu/ | label = Fergusson College http://www.fern-fh.de/ http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ http://www.ferris.ac.jp/ http://www.ferris.edu/ http://www.ferrum.edu/ | label = Ferrum College http://www.fesmu.ru/ | label = Far Eastern State Medical University http://www.festu.ru/ http://www.feu.edu.ph/ http://www.ffhs.ch/ http://www.fgcu.edu/ http://www.fh-aachen.de/ http://www.fh-aargau.ch/ http://www.fh-aschaffenburg.de/ http://www.fh-augsburg.de/ http://www.fh-bad-honnef.de/ http://www.fh-biberach.de/ http://www.fh-bielefeld.de/ http://www.fh-bingen.de/ http://www.fh-bochum.de/ http://www.fh-brandenburg.de/ http://www.fh-burgenland.at/ http://www.fh-diakonie.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Diakonie http://www.fh-dortmund.de/ http://www.fh-eberswalde.de/ http://www.fh-erfurt.de/ http://www.fh-flensburg.de/ http://www.fh-frankfurt.de/ http://www.fh-fresenius.de/ http://www.fh-furtwangen.de/ http://www.fh-gelsenkirchen.de/ http://www.fh-gesundheitsberufe.at/en | label = University of Applied Sciences the health professions Upper Austria http://www.fh-giessen.de/ http://www.fh-guestrow.de/ | label = Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Polizei und Rechtspflege http://www.fh-hagenberg.at/ http://www.fh-hamburg.de/ http://www.fh-hannover.de/ http://www.fh-heidelberg.de/ http://www.fh-heilbronn.de/ http://www.fh-hildesheim.de/ http://www.fh-hof.de/ http://www.fh-htachur.ch/ http://www.fh-htwchur.ch/ http://www.fh-hwz.ch/ http://www.fh-ingolstadt.de/ http://www.fh-isny.de/ http://www.fh-jena.de/ http://www.fh-joanneum.at/ http://www.fh-kaernten.ac.at/ http://www.fh-kaernten.at/en | label = Carinthia University of Applied Sciences http://www.fh-karlsruhe.de/ http://www.fh-kempten.de/ http://www.fh-kiel.de/ http://www.fh-kl.de/ http://www.fh-koblenz.de/ http://www.fh-koeln.de/ http://www.fh-konstanz.de/ http://www.fh-krems.ac.at/ http://www.fh-kufstein.ac.at/ http://www.fh-landshut.de/ http://www.fh-lausitz.de/ http://www.fh-lippe.de/ http://www.fh-ludwigshafen.de/ http://www.fh-luebeck.de/ http://www.fh-mainz.de/ http://www.fh-mannheim.de/ http://www.fh-merseburg.de/ http://www.fh-mittelstand.de/ | label = Fachhochschule des Mittelstands http://www.fh-muenchen.de/ http://www.fh-muenster.de/ http://www.fh-nb.de/ http://www.fh-niederrhein.de/ http://www.fh-nordhausen.de/ http://www.fh-nuernberg.de/ http://www.fh-nuertingen.de/ http://www.fh-offenburg.de/ http://www.fh-oow.de/ http://www.fh-osnabrueck.de/ http://www.fh-ottersberg.de/ http://www.fh-pforzheim.de/ http://www.fh-polizei.sachsen-anhalt.de/startseite-fachhochschule/ | label = University of Applied Police Sciences Saxony Anhalt http://www.fh-potsdam.de/ http://www.fh-regensburg.de/ http://www.fh-reutlingen.de/ http://www.fh-riedlingen.de/ http://www.fh-rosenheim.de/ http://www.fh-rottenburg.de/ http://www.fh-salzburg.ac.at/en/ | label = Salzburg University of Applied Sciences http://www.fh-sbg.ac.at/ http://www.fh-schmalkalden.de/ http://www.fh-schwaebischhall.de/ http://www.fh-schwetzingen.de/ | label = Schwetzingen Technical Institute & Graduate Court Registrars' College http://www.fh-steyr.at/ http://www.fh-stpoelten.ac.at/ http://www.fh-stralsund.de/ http://www.fh-telekom-leipzig.de/ http://www.fh-trier.de/ http://www.fh-vie.ac.at/ http://www.fh-wedel.de/ http://www.fh-weihenstephan.de/ http://www.fh-weingarten.de/ http://www.fh-wels.at/ http://www.fh-westkueste.de/ http://www.fh-wiesbaden.de/ http://www.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/ http://www.fh-worms.de/ http://www.fh-wuerzburg.de/ http://www.fh-zwickau.de/ http://www.fham.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Management http://www.fhbb.ch/ http://www.fhbund.de/EN/00__Home/homepage__node.html?__nnn=true | label = Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences http://www.fhda.edu/ | label = Foothill-De Anza Community College District http://www.fhdw.bib.de/ http://www.fhdw.de/ http://www.fhf-kw.brandenburg.de/cms/detail.php/bb1.c.174029.de | label = Fachhochschule für Finanzen Brandenburg http://www.fhf-nordkirchen.de/ | label = Fachhochschule für Finanzen Nordrhein Westfalen http://www.fhkt.de/ http://www.fhm-mittelstand.de/ http://www.fhn.gov.az/index.php?eng | label = Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan http://www.fhnon.de/ http://www.fhnw.ch/ http://www.fho.ch/ | label = University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland http://www.fhoebb.de/ http://www.fhr-nord.niedersachsen.de/ | label = Norddeutsche Hochschule für Rechtspflege http://www.fhr.nrw.de/ | label = Fachhochschule für Rechtspflege Nordrhein Westfalen http://www.fhraiinstitute.com/ | label = Fhrai Institute of Hospitality Management http://www.fhs-mannheim.de/ http://www.fhs-moritzburg.de/ http://www.fhsg.ch/ http://www.fhso.ch/ http://www.fhsu.edu/ http://www.fht-stuttgart.de/ http://www.fhtc.edu/ http://www.fhtw-berlin.de/ http://www.fhv.at/ http://www.fhvd.de/fhvd_we/html/aktuell/index-aktuell.html | label = Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Dienstleistung http://www.fhvr.bayern.de/de/startseite.html | label = Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege in Bayern http://www.fhvr.berlin.de/ http://www.fhw-berlin.de/ http://www.fhw.at/ http://www.fhwn.ac.at/ http://www.fhwt.de/ http://www.fic.br/ http://www.fielding.edu/ http://www.fife.ac.uk/Pages/default.aspx | label = Fife College http://www.fiiro.org/ | label = Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi http://www.fikra.com.qa/ | label = FIKRA http://www.filamer.edu.ph/ | label = Filamer Christian University http://www.filmacademy.hu/ http://www.filmovka.cz/en/home-page | label = Film Academy of Miroslav Ondříček http://www.filmowka.lodz.pl/ http://www.filmuniversitaet.de/en/ | label = Film University Babelsberg http://www.fimca.com.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho http://www.fimmu.com/english/ | label = Southern Medical University http://www.fimmu.edu.cn/ http://www.fimt.uni-bayreuth.de/en/ | label = Research Institute for Music Theater Studies http://www.finlandia.edu/ | label = Finlandia University http://www.finuni.fi/ | label = Finland University http://www.firat.edu.tr/ http://www.firo.ru/ | label = Federal Institute for Education Development http://www.firstnationsuniversity.ca/ http://www.fish-u.ac.jp/ http://www.fisher.edu/ | label = Fisher College http://www.fisk.edu/ http://www.fit.ac.jp/ http://www.fit.edu/ http://www.fitchburgstate.edu/ | label = Fitchburg State University http://www.fitfd.edu.pk/ http://www.fivebranches.edu/ | label = Five Branches University http://www.fixedprosthodontics.org/ | label = American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics http://www.fjau.edu.cn/ http://www.fjdc.edu.pk/ | label = Fatima Jinnah Dental College http://www.fje.edu/ca/la-fundacio-jesuites-educacio | label = Jesuïtes Educació http://www.fjmc.edu.pk/# | label = Fatima Jinnah Medical University http://www.fjmu.edu.cn/ http://www.fjnu.edu.cn/ http://www.fjsyky.com/ | label = Fujian Academy of Medical Sciences http://www.fjtcm.edu.cn/ http://www.fjzs.edu.cn/Engversion/ke/ENG2/Eindex.htm | label = Zhangzhou Normal University http://www.fjzzy.org/ | label = Zhangzhou Vocational and Technical College http://www.fkcc.edu/ http://www.fke-do.de/ | label = Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung http://www.fkpv.si/?lang=en | label = Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences http://www.flacso.or.cr/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales http://www.flacso.org.sv/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales http://www.flacsochile.org/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales http://www.flagler.edu/ | label = Flagler College http://www.flame.edu.in/ | label = Flame University http://www.flbog.edu/ | label = State University System of Florida http://www.flc.losrios.edu/ http://www.flcc.edu/ http://www.fletcher.edu/ http://www.fliedner-fachhochschule.de/ | label = Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf http://www.flinders.edu.au/ http://www.floret.edu.pa/ http://www.floridacollege.edu/ | label = Florida College http://www.flsouthern.edu/ | label = Florida Southern College http://www.fm-hn.com/ | label = Fakultet za menadžment Herceg Novi http://www.fmabc.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina do ABC http://www.fmarion.edu/ | label = Francis Marion University http://www.fmcc.edu/ | label = Fulton–Montgomery Community College http://www.fmmu.edu.cn/ http://www.fmpfase.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis http://www.fms-tivat.me/ | label = Fakultet za Mediteranske Poslovne Studije http://www.fmu.ac.jp/ http://www.fmuniv.edu/ | label = Florida Memorial University http://www.fni.no/ | label = Fridtjof Nansen Institute http://www.fnu.ac.fj/ http://www.fobst.org/kor/index.php | label = Federation of Busan Science and Technology http://www.foe.com/ | label = Fraternal Order of Eagles http://www.folkwang-uni.de/en | label = Folkwang University of the Arts http://www.fom.de/ http://www.fomicgroup.cm/ http://www.fon.edu.mk/ http://www.fonsvitae.nl/ | label = Fons Vitae Lyceum http://www.fontbonne.edu/ http://www.fontys.edu/ http://www.ford.com/ | label = Ford Motor Company (France) http://www.forest.lviv.ua/ http://www.forestpolice.net/web/ | label = Nanjing Forest Police College http://www.forlan.org.ua/ | label = Donbass State Pedagogical University http://www.formation-continue-unil-epfl.ch/en/ | label = Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL http://www.formedia.pt/ | label = Formedia http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/ | label = Forsyth County Schools http://www.forsythtech.edu/ http://www.fortlewis.edu/ http://www.fortscott.edu/ http://www.fosbirds.org/ | label = Florida Ornithological Society http://www.fosu.edu.cn/ http://www.foundationu.com/ http://www.foundationuniversity.com/ http://www.fountainuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.foxcollege.edu/ http://www.fpcc.edu/ http://www.fpctx.edu/ http://www.fplc.edu/ http://www.fpm.me/ | label = Fakultet za Poslovni Menadžment u Baru http://www.fpms.ac.be/ http://www.fpt.edu.vn/ http://www.fpu.ac.jp/ http://www.framingham.edu/ | label = Framingham State University http://www.france-bs.com/index_en.html | label = France Business School http://www.france.fi/ | label = Institut Français de Finlande http://www.frankfurt-school.de/content/de | label = Frankfurt School of Finance & Management http://www.franklin.edu/ http://www.franklincollege.edu/ | label = Franklin College http://www.franklinpierce.edu/ | label = Franklin Pierce University http://www.franklloydwright.org/ | label = Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture http://www.franko.lviv.ua/ http://www.frayluca.edu.mx/ http://www.frb.br/ | label = Faculdade Ruy Barbosa http://www.frc.edu/ http://www.frederick.ac.cy/ http://www.frederick.edu/ http://www.freimei-h.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Furukawa dawn High School http://www.fresno.edu/ http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/ http://www.fresnostate.edu/ http://www.frhsd.com/ | label = Freehold Regional High School District http://www.friends.edu/ http://www.friendsbalt.org/ | label = Friends School of Baltimore http://www.frieslandcollege.nl/mbo/english.html | label = Friesland College http://www.frontier.edu/ | label = Frontier Nursing University http://www.frontrange.edu/ http://www.frostburg.edu/ http://www.fsagx.ac.be/ http://www.fsc.edu/ http://www.fsg.br/ | label = Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha http://www.fsm.ac.fj/ http://www.fsm.ac.in/ | label = Fore School of Management http://www.fspu.edu.cn/ http://www.fsriau.ac.ir/ http://www.fsu.edu/ http://www.fsufay.edu/ http://www.ftacademy.ru/ http://www.ftc.edu/ | label = Five Towns College http://www.ftccollege.edu/ | label = Florida Technical College http://www.fthgiessen.de/fth/english.html | label = Giessen School of Theology http://www.ftmsglobal.com/ http://www.ftu.be/ | label = Fondation Travail-Université http://www.ftu.edu.vn/ http://www.fu-berlin.de/ http://www.fua.br/ http://www.fuac.edu.co/ http://www.fubk.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Birnin Kebbi http://www.fucam.ac.be/ http://www.fucape.br/ | label = Fucape Business School http://www.fuchu-h.metro.tokyo.jp/Fuchu_HP/index.htm | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu High School http://www.fudan.edu.cn/ http://www.fueib.org/ | label = Fundació Universitat-Empresa de les Illes Balears http://www.fuem.es/en | label = Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia http://www.fujb.ufrj.br/ | label = Fundacao Universitaria Jose Bonifacio http://www.fujijoshi.ac.jp/ http://www.fujisawakoka-th.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Fujisawa Institute of Technology High School http://www.fujishima-h.ed.jp/ | label = Fukui Prefectural Fujishima High School http://www.fujita-hu.ac.jp/ http://www.fukashere.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Kashere http://www.fuknodai.jp/ | label = Fukuoka College of Agriculture http://www.fuksi-kagk-u.ac.jp/ | label = Kansai University of Welfare Sciences http://www.fukui-med.ac.jp/ http://www.fukui-nct.ac.jp/ | label = Fukui National College of Technology http://www.fukui-u.ac.jp/ http://www.fukui-ut.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuisec.jp/ | label = Fukui Prefecture Special Education Center http://www.fukujo.ac.jp/ns/ | label = Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Nursing College http://www.fukuoka-edu.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuoka-int-u.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuoka-kodomo.ac.jp/ | label = Fukuoka Junior College for Kindergarten Teachers http://www.fukuoka-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuoka-wjc.ac.jp/ | label = Fukuoka Women's Junior College http://www.fukushima-college.ac.jp/ | label = Fukushima College http://www.fukushima-nct.ac.jp/ | label = Fukushima National College of Technology http://www.fukushima-u.ac.jp/ http://www.fukuyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ful.ac.be/ http://www.fulafia.edu.ng/new/ | label = Federal University Lafia http://www.fullcoll.edu/ http://www.fuller.edu/ http://www.fullerton.edu/ http://www.fullsail.edu/ http://www.fulokoja.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Lokoja http://www.fums.ac.ir/ http://www.funandi.edu.co/ http://www.fundepos.ac.cr/ http://www.fundp.ac.be/ http://www.funlam.edu.co/ http://www.fuotuoke.edu.ng/ | label = Federal University Otuoke http://www.fupl.asso.fr/ http://www.fupre.edu.ng/ http://www.furb.br/web/1835/institutional/the-furb | label = Universidade Regional de Blumenau http://www.furb.rct-sc.br/ http://www.furg.br/ http://www.furman.edu/ http://www.furness.ac.uk/ | label = Furness College http://www.furukk-h.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Furukawa Technical High School http://www.fusionacademy.com/ | label = Fusion Academy http://www.fusl.ac.be/ http://www.futa.edu.ng/ http://www.futminna.edu.ng/ http://www.futo.edu.ng/ http://www.futureuniversity.edu.eg/ http://www.futurus.org/ | label = Collegium Varsoviense http://www.futy.edu.ng/ http://www.fuuast.edu.pk/ http://www.fvcc.edu/ http://www.fvtc.edu/ http://www.fwu.ac.jp/ http://www.fwu.edu.pk/ http://www.fync.edu.cn/ch2009/school/xxjj_eng.php | label = Fuyang Teachers College http://www.fzu.edu.cn/ http://www.ga.psu.edu/default.htm?cn71 | label = Penn State Greater Allegheny http://www.ga.unc.edu/ http://www.gac.edu/ http://www.gac.peachnet.edu/ http://www.gachon.ac.kr/ http://www.gadsdenstate.edu/ http://www.gaduniv.edu.sd/ http://www.gadvasu.in/ | label = Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University http://www.gakusen.ac.jp/ http://www.gakushuin.ac.jp/ http://www.galencollege.edu/ http://www.galilcol.ac.il/ http://www.galilee.be/ | label = Haute École Galilée http://www.galileo.edu/ http://www.gallaudet.edu/ http://www.gallup.unm.edu/ | label = University of New Mexico Gallup http://www.gallus.pl/ http://www.gandhara.edu.pk/ http://www.gannon.edu/ http://www.gantep.edu.tr/ http://www.gardenstreetacademy.org/ | label = Garden Street Academy http://www.garrettcollege.edu/ http://www.gasou.edu/ http://www.gaston.edu/ http://www.gastonday.org/ | label = Gaston Day School http://www.gasu.ru/ http://www.gata.edu.tr/ http://www.gatech.edu/ http://www.gateshead.ac.uk/ | label = Gateshead College http://www.gateway.kctcs.edu/ http://www.gatewaycc.edu/ http://www.gatewayct.edu/ | label = Gateway Community College http://www.gau.ac.ir/ http://www.gau.edu.tr/ http://www.gaudeamus.ru/eng/main.htm | label = Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages http://www.gauhati.ac.in/ | label = Gauhati University http://www.gavilan.edu/ http://www.gazi.edu.tr/ http://www.gbc.edu/ http://www.gbcnv.edu/ | label = Great Basin College http://www.gbcol.edu/ | label = Grace Bible College http://www.gbpuat.ac.in/ http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/ http://www.gbs-ge.ch/ http://www.gc.ac.kr/index/index.asp | label = Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Home | label = The Graduate Center, CUNY http://www.gc.edu/ http://www.gcal.ac.uk/ http://www.gcc.edu/ | label = Grove City College http://www.gcc.mass.edu/ http://www.gccaz.edu/ http://www.gcccd.edu/ | label = Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District http://www.gcccks.edu/ http://www.gccnj.edu/ http://www.gcd.ie/ http://www.gcs.ac.uk/ | label = Gower College Swansea http://www.gcslahore.edu.pk/ | label = Government College of Science http://www.gcsmc.org/ | label = Gujarat Cancer Society http://www.gcsu.edu/ http://www.gcu.ac.uk/ | label = Glasgow Caledonian University http://www.gcu.edu.pk/ http://www.gcu.edu/ http://www.gcuc.edu.gh/ | label = Garden City University College http://www.gcuf.edu.pk/ http://www.gcuniv.edu/ | label = Georgia Christian University http://www.gdaes.gov.cn/index.htm | label = Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environmental Science http://www.gdcamritsar.com/ | label = Punjab Government Dental College and Hospital http://www.gdch.goa.gov.in/ | label = Goa Dental College and Hospital http://www.gdchahmd.org/ | label = Government Dental College and Hospital http://www.gdchnagpur.com/ | label = Govt. Dental College & Hospital http://www.gdei.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Institute of Education http://www.gdfruit.cn/ | label = Fruit Research Institute http://www.gdgoenkauniversity.com/ | label = GD Goenka University http://www.gdin.edu.cn/ http://www.gdit.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology http://www.gdmu.edu.cn/english.htm | label = Guangdong Medical College http://www.gdou.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Ocean University http://www.gdpau.com/ | label = GDP Ayurvedic University http://www.gdppla.edu.cn/default.html | label = Guangdong Police College http://www.gdpu.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong Pharmaceutical University http://www.gdrtvu.edu.cn/ http://www.gduf.edu.cn/ | label = Guangdong University of Finance http://www.gdufs.edu.cn/ http://www.gdupt.edu.cn/eng/ | label = Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology http://www.gdut.edu.cn/ http://www.gdyzy.edu.cn/Pages/default.aspx | label = Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College http://www.gedik.edu.tr/ http://www.geidai.ac.jp/ http://www.gelisim.edu.tr/ http://www.gembloux.ulg.ac.be/ | label = Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech http://www.gemsvilleuniversity.com/ http://www.genesee.edu/ http://www.geneseo.edu/ http://www.geneva.edu/ http://www.georgebrown.ca/ | label = George Brown College http://www.georgefox.edu/ | label = George Fox University http://www.georgetown.edu/ http://www.georgetowncollege.edu/ | label = Georgetown College http://www.georgian.edu/ http://www.georgiancollege.ca/ | label = Georgian College http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/ http://www.germanna.edu/ http://www.germantownacademy.net/ | label = Germantown Academy http://www.gettysburg.edu/ http://www.geziracollege.edu.sd/ http://www.gfc.edu/ http://www.gfcmsu.edu/ http://www.gfsu.edu.in/ | label = Gujarat Forensic Sciences University http://www.ggc.edu/ | label = Georgia Gwinnett College http://www.ggs.de/en/ | label = German Graduate School of Management and Law http://www.ggu.ac.in/ http://www.ggu.ac.kr/ http://www.ggu.edu/ http://www.ghanacu.org/ http://www.ghc.edu/ http://www.ghislieri.it/new/ | label = Collegio Ghislieri http://www.ghu.ac.kr/ | label = Gwangju Health University http://www.gial.edu/ | label = Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics http://www.giansagar.org/medicalcollege.php | label = Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital http://www.giat.ac.cn/ | label = Guangzhou Institute of Advanced Technology http://www.gidatarim.edu.tr/ http://www.gift.edu.pk/ http://www.gifu-cwc.ac.jp/ | label = Gifu City Women's College http://www.gifu-keizai.ac.jp/ http://www.gifu-kyoiku.ac.jp/ http://www.gifu-nct.ac.jp/eng/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Gifu College http://www.gifu-net.ed.jp/gec/ | label = Gifu Prefecture General Education Center http://www.gifu-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.gijodai.ac.jp/ http://www.giki.edu.pk/ http://www.gimcheon.ac.kr/ http://www.gimpa.edu.gh/ http://www.ginue.ac.kr/ http://www.gipe.ac.in/ | label = Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics http://www.gipe.ernet.in/ http://www.giresun.edu.tr/ | label = Giresun University http://www.gisma.com/ | label = GISMA Business School http://www.gist.ac.kr/ http://www.gist.edu.pk/ http://www.git.edu.cn/ | label = Guizhou Institute of Technology http://www.gitam.edu/ http://www.gitc.or.kr/ | label = Gyeongbuk IT Convergence Industrial Technology Institute http://www.gitis.net/ http://www.giuedu.bz/ http://www.gjcatholic.ac.kr/ http://www.gjp1.cz/new/index2.php?l=60 | label = Jan Palach Private High School http://www.gju.edu.jo/ http://www.gju.ernet.in/ http://www.gjue.ac.kr/ http://www.gjust.ac.in/ | label = Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology http://www.gkcp.org/ | label = Gokula Krishna College of Pharmacy http://www.gkmc.in/ | label = Government Kilpauk Medical College http://www.gkvharidwar.org/ http://www.glam.ac.uk/ http://www.glasgowclyde.ac.uk/ | label = Glasgow Clyde College http://www.glasgowkelvin.ac.uk/ | label = Glasgow Kelvin College http://www.glcc.edu/ | label = Great Lakes Christian College http://www.glendale.edu/ http://www.glenoaks.cc.mi.us/ http://www.glenville.edu/ | label = Glenville State College http://www.gliet.edu.cn/ | label = Guilin University of Electronic Technology http://www.glion.edu/ http://www.glmc.edu.cn/ | label = Guilin Medical University http://www.global-business-school.org/ http://www.global.edu.pk/ http://www.globalcollege.ac.cy/index_en.html | label = Global College http://www.globeuniversity.edu/ | label = Globe University http://www.glory-shoei.ac.jp/ | label = Shoei Junior College http://www.glos.ac.uk/ http://www.glsuniversity.ac.in/ | label = GLS University http://www.gluk.ac.ke/ http://www.glyndwr.ac.uk/ | label = Glyndwr University http://www.gma.ru/ http://www.gmc.cc.ga.us/ http://www.gmc.edu.in/ | label = Government Medical College, Amritsar http://www.gmc.edu/ | label = Georgia Military College http://www.gmc.goa.gov.in/index.php/en/ | label = Goa Medical College http://www.gmcaurangabad.com/home.html | label = Government Medical College http://www.gmchld.org/ | label = Government Medical College http://www.gmcjjh.org/ | label = Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals http://www.gmcpatiala.com/ | label = Government Medical College http://www.gmcsrinagar.net/ | label = Government Medical College http://www.gmi.edu/ http://www.gmit.ie/ http://www.gmkmc.ac.in/gmkmc/ | label = Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College http://www.gmu.ac.ae/ http://www.gmu.ac.ir/ http://www.gmu.edu/ http://www.gmuonline.org/ | label = Marconi University http://www.gndu.ac.in/ | label = Guru Nanak Dev University http://www.gnduonline.org/ http://www.gnesin-academy.ru/ http://www.gnlu.ac.in/ | label = Gujarat National Law University http://www.gntc.edu/ http://www.gntech.ac.kr/ http://www.gnue.ac.kr/ http://www.gnun.edu.cn/ | label = Gansu Normal University for Nationalities http://www.go-bs.de/ | label = German open Business School http://www.go-uni-enugu.net/ http://www.gobbc.edu/ | label = Baptist Bible College http://www.gocolumbia.edu/ http://www.goethe-university-frankfurt.de/en? | label = Goethe University Frankfurt http://www.gogebic.edu/ http://www.gold.ac.uk/ http://www.goldenwestcollege.edu/ http://www.goldratt.com/ | label = Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute http://www.gollisuniversity.com/ http://www.gonbad.ac.ir/en/ | label = Gonbad Kavous University http://www.gonzaga.edu/ http://www.goodenough.ac.uk/ | label = Goodenough College http://www.goodwin.edu/ | label = Goodwin College http://www.gop.edu.tr/ http://www.gordon.edu/ | label = Gordon College http://www.gordonconwell.edu/index.cfm | label = Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary http://www.gordonstate.edu/ | label = Gordon State College http://www.gorganiau.ir/ http://www.gorny-ins.ru/ http://www.goshen.edu/ http://www.gotoltc.edu/ http://www.gotomvnu.com/ | label = Mount Vernon Nazarene University http://www.goucher.edu/ http://www.goums.ac.ir/ http://www.gouni.edu.ng/ http://www.government.ind.in/ http://www.govst.edu/ http://www.gpc.edu/ http://www.gpi.ac.jp/en/index.html | label = Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries http://www.gpma.ru/ http://www.gpmu.org/eng/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University http://www.gptc.edu/ http://www.gpwu.ac.jp/ http://www.gqi.org.cn/ | label = Guangdong Testing Institute for Product Quality Supervision http://www.grace.edu/ http://www.gradschool.physics.uni-bonn.de/ | label = Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy http://www.graduateschool.edu/ | label = Graduate School USA http://www.gram.edu/ | label = Grambling State University http://www.grandview.edu/ | label = Grand View University http://www.granite.edu/ | label = Granite State College http://www.grantham.ac.uk/ | label = Grantham College http://www.gratz.edu/ | label = Gratz College http://www.grayson.edu/ http://www.grcc.edu/ http://www.gre.ac.uk/ http://www.greatbay.edu/ http://www.greatlakes.edu.in/ | label = Great Lakes Institute of Management http://www.greatplainscollege.ca/ | label = Great Plains College http://www.green.edu.bd/ http://www.greenheartmed.org/ http://www.greenleaf.edu/ http://www.greenmtn.edu/ | label = Green Mountain College http://www.greenriver.edu/ http://www.greenville.edu/ | label = Greenville College http://www.greenwichuniversity.edu.pk/ | label = Greenwich University http://www.grenoble-em.com/ http://www.grenoble-inp.fr/welcome/ | label = Grenoble Institute of Technology http://www.grenoble.archi.fr/en/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble http://www.gretsauniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.griffith.edu.au/ | label = Griffith University http://www.grimsby.ac.uk/ | label = Grimsby Institute http://www.grin.edu/ http://www.grinnell.edu/ http://www.grips.ac.jp/en/ | label = National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies http://www.grossmont.edu/ http://www.groupe-cebtp.com/en/home/ | label = Centre Expérimental de Recherches et d'Etudes du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics http://www.groupe-esa.com/ http://www.groupeiscae.ma/ http://www.grs-sim.de/ | label = German Research School for Simulation Sciences http://www.grsmu.by/ http://www.grsu.by/ http://www.gru.edu/ http://www.gruni.edu.ge/ http://www.grupoibmec.com.br/ | label = Grupo Ibmec Educacional http://www.gsa.ac.uk/ http://www.gsau.edu.cn/ http://www.gsau.edu.ge/ http://www.gsba.ch/ http://www.gsc.ac.nz/ | label = Good Shepherd College http://www.gsck.ac.in/ | label = G.S. Science, Arts And Commerce College http://www.gscwu.edu.pk/ | label = Government Sadiq College Women University http://www.gsli.edu.cn/ | label = Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law http://www.gslmc.com/aboutus.html | label = GSL Medical College & General Hospital http://www.gsmd.ac.uk/ | label = Guildhall School of Music and Drama http://www.gsnu.ac.kr/ http://www.gsot.edu/ | label = Grace School of Theology http://www.gspcc.com/ | label = Gansu Province Computing Center http://www.gssi.infn.it/ | label = Gran Sasso Science Institute http://www.gstu.gomel.by/ http://www.gsu.edu.ng/ http://www.gsu.edu.tr/ http://www.gsu.edu/ http://www.gsu.unibel.by/ http://www.gsut.edu.cn/ http://www.gsvmmedicalcollege.com/ | label = Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College http://www.gszy.edu.cn/ | label = Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.gtc.edu/ http://www.gtcc.edu/ http://www.gtec.ac.kr/ | label = Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology http://www.gtech.university/ | label = Gemsville Technical University http://www.gti.spb.ru/ http://www.gtu.ac.in/ http://www.gtu.edu.ge/ http://www.gtu.edu.tr/ http://www.gtuc.edu.gh/ http://www.gturp.spb.ru/ http://www.gtxy.cn/ | label = Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic http://www.gu.ac.ug/ http://www.gu.edu.af/ http://www.gu.edu.au/ http://www.gu.edu.lb/ http://www.gu.edu.pk/ http://www.gu.nic.in/ http://www.guamcc.edu/ | label = Guam Community College http://www.guangztc.edu.cn/ http://www.gubkin.ru/ http://www.guc.co.bw/ http://www.guc.edu.eg/ http://www.gugak.go.kr/site/main/index002 | label = National Gugak Center http://www.guic.edu.pk/ http://www.guilan.ac.ir/ http://www.guildford.ac.uk/ | label = Guildford College http://www.guilford.edu/ http://www.gujaratuniversity.org.in/ http://www.gukit.ru/ http://www.gulbargauniversity.kar.nic.in/ http://www.gulfcoast.edu/ | label = Gulf Coast State College http://www.gulfuniversity.net/ http://www.gumi.ac.kr/english/ | label = Gumi University http://www.gums.ac.ir/ http://www.gumushane.edu.tr/ http://www.gunadarma.ac.id/ http://www.gunma-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Gunma College http://www.gunma-iaf.ac.jp/ | label = Gunma Prefectural Institute of Agriculture and Forestry http://www.gunma-u.ac.jp/ http://www.gunmanikken.com/ | label = Gunma Nikken Polytechnic College http://www.gup.ru/ | label = St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences http://www.guptoncollege.edu/ http://www.gurukuluniversity.org/ http://www.gust.edu.kw/ http://www.guu.ru/ http://www.gvishamt.org/ | label = Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities http://www.gvltec.edu/ http://www.gvmc.in/ | label = Government Vellore Medical College http://www.gvsu.edu/ http://www.gw.ac.kr/ | label = Gangwon State University http://www.gwangju.ac.kr/ http://www.gwcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.gwinnetttech.edu/ http://www.gwnu.ac.kr/ http://www.gwsa.pl/artykul/english | label = Gdansk School of Higher Education http://www.gwsh.pl/ http://www.gwsp.eu/ | label = Gliwicka Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości http://www.gwu.edu/ http://www.gxaas.net/ | label = Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Science http://www.gxec.net.cn/ | label = Guangxi Teacher Education University http://www.gxmu.edu.cn/ http://www.gxnu.edu.cn/ http://www.gxnun.net/ | label = Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities http://www.gxtcm.com/ | label = Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University http://www.gxtcmu.edu.cn/ http://www.gxu.edu.cn/ http://www.gxun.edu.cn/ http://www.gxuwz.edu.cn/ | label = Wuzhou University http://www.gyanvihar.org/ | label = Gyan Vihar University http://www.gyc.ac.uk/ | label = Great Yarmouth College http://www.gymnasecite.ch/ | label = Gymnase de La Cité Lausanne http://www.gymnaziumtrencin.sk/home-page.html?page_id=83 | label = Gymnázium Ľudovíta Štúra http://www.gyte.edu.tr/ http://www.gzaas.org.cn/ | label = Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.gzarts.edu.cn/ http://www.gzdi.com/ | label = Guangzhou Design Institute http://www.gzhmc.edu.cn/gyEnglish/index.html | label = Guangzhou Medical University http://www.gzhmt.edu.cn/ | label = Guangzhou Maritime College http://www.gzhtcm.edu.cn/ http://www.gzhtcm3.com/ | label = The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.gzhu.edu.cn/ http://www.gznu.edu.cn/ http://www.gzpib.org.cn/ | label = Guizhou Institute of Biology http://www.gzpyp.edu.cn/ | label = Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic http://www.gzsums.edu.cn/ http://www.gztrc.edu.cn/s.php/english/ | label = Tongren University http://www.gzu.ac.zw/ http://www.gzu.edu.cn/ http://www.h-bunkyo.ac.jp/ http://www.ha.be/ http://www.haas.cn/ | label = Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.hacc.edu/ http://www.hacettepe.edu.tr/ http://www.hachinohe-ct.ac.jp/~english/ | label = Hachinohe National College of Technology http://www.hachinohe-th.asn.ed.jp/ | label = Hachinohe Technical High School http://www.hachinohe-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hackney.ac.uk/ | label = Hackney Community College http://www.hacu.net/hacu/default.asp | label = Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities http://www.hadaf.ac.ir/En/Index | label = Hadaf Institute of Higher Education http://www.hadassah.ac.il/en | label = Hadassah Academic College http://www.hagerstowncc.edu/ http://www.haie.edu.cn/english/ | label = Henan Institute of Education http://www.haifa.ac.il/ http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/ http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/en/ | label = Hainan Medical University http://www.hainnu.edu.cn/ http://www.hainu.edu.cn/ http://www.hait.edu.cn/ | label = Henan Institute of Technology http://www.hajvery.edu.pk/ http://www.hakkari.edu.tr/ http://www.hakodate-ct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College http://www.hakodate-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Hakodate Junior College http://www.hakodate-otani.ac.jp/ | label = Hakodate Otani College http://www.hakodate-shirayuri.ed.jp/ | label = Hakodate Shirayuri Gakuen http://www.hakodate-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hakuho.ac.jp/ | label = Hakuho Women's College http://www.hakuoh.ac.jp/ http://www.halesowen.ac.uk/ | label = Halesowen College http://www.halic.edu.tr/ http://www.halifaxcc.edu/ http://www.halifaxuni.ac/ http://www.halla.ac.kr/ http://www.hallmarkuniversity.edu/ http://www.hallym.ac.kr/ http://www.hama-med.ac.jp/ http://www.hamamatsu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hamburger-fh.de/ | label = Hamburger Fern-Hochschule http://www.hamdard.edu.pk/ http://www.hamilton.edu/ http://www.hamiltontechcollege.edu/ | label = Hamilton Technical College http://www.hamline.edu/ http://www.hampshire.edu/ http://www.hamptonu.edu/ http://www.han.nl/international/english/ | label = HAN University of Applied Sciences http://www.hanazono.ac.jp/ http://www.hanbat.ac.kr/ http://www.hanbuk.ac.kr/ | label = Hanbuk University http://www.hancockcollege.edu/ http://www.handong.edu/ http://www.hangkong.ac.kr/ http://www.hanil.ac.kr/ http://www.hankyong.ac.kr/web/eng/home | label = Hankyong National University http://www.hanlyo.ac.kr/ http://www.hannam.ac.kr/ http://www.hannan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hanover.edu/ http://www.hansei.ac.kr/ http://www.hanseo.ac.kr/ http://www.hanseuni.de/ http://www.hanshin.ac.kr/ http://www.hansung.ac.kr/ http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/ http://www.hanze.nl/ http://www.hanzhong.ac.kr/ http://www.haramaya.edu.et/ http://www.harding.edu/ http://www.harford.edu/ http://www.hargeisauniversity.net/ http://www.hariricanadian.edu.lb/ http://www.harlingen.tstc.edu/ http://www.harneyesd.k12.or.us/ | label = Harney Education Service District http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/ | label = Harper Adams University http://www.harpercollege.edu/ http://www.harran.edu.tr/ http://www.harrington.edu/ | label = Harrington College of Design http://www.harrisburgu.net/ | label = Harrisburg University of Science and Technology http://www.hartford.edu/ http://www.hartlepoolfe.ac.uk/ | label = Hartlepool College of Further Education http://www.hartnell.edu/ http://www.hartsem.edu/ | label = Hartford Seminary http://www.hartwick.edu/ http://www.haskell.edu/ http://www.hastings.edu/ http://www.hau.edu.ph/ http://www.hau.edu.vn/ http://www.hau.ernet.in/ http://www.haverford.edu/ http://www.haw-hamburg.de/english.html | label = Hamburg University of Applied Sciences http://www.hawaii.edu/ http://www.hawaiitokai.edu/ | label = Hawaii Tokai International College http://www.hawk-hhg.de/ | label = University of Applied Sciences and Arts http://www.hawkeyecollege.edu/ http://www.hawlermu.org/ http://www.haybusak.org/ http://www.haywood.edu/ http://www.hazard.kctcs.edu/ http://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/ | label = Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies http://www.hbafa.com/ http://www.hbc.ac.za/ | label = Helderberg College http://www.hbcollege.com.cn/ | label = Changsha Environmental Protection College http://www.hbg.ac.jp/jouhoukoukai/en_index_top.html | label = Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen University http://www.hbionline.org/# | label = Hindustan Bible Institute & College http://www.hbk-bs.de/ | label = Braunschweig University of Art http://www.hbksaar.de/ | label = Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar http://www.hbku.edu.qa/en | label = Hamad bin Khalifa University http://www.hbmeu.ac.ae/ http://www.hbmu.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Medicine http://www.hbni.ac.in/ | label = Homi Bhabha National Institute http://www.hbnu.edu.cn/en/ | label = Hubei Normal University http://www.hbpu.edu.cn/aboutus.asp?title=%D3%A2%CE%C4%BC%F2%BD%E9 | label = Hubei Polytechnic University http://www.hbtcm.edu.cn/2014xinban/ | label = Hubei University of Chinese Medicine http://www.hbu.edu.cn/ http://www.hbu.edu/Home.aspx | label = Houston Baptist University http://www.hbuas.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei University of Arts and Science http://www.hbucvc.edu.cn/ | label = Hubei Urban Construction Vocational and Technological College http://www.hc.edu/ | label = Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College http://www.hcc-nd.edu/ | label = Holy Cross College http://www.hcc.ac.jp/ | label = Higashi Chikushi Junior College http://www.hcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.hcc.edu/ http://www.hccc.edu/ http://www.hccfl.edu/ http://www.hccs.edu/ http://www.hcde.org/ | label = Hamilton County Department of Education http://www.hchc.edu/ | label = Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology http://www.hcmiu.edu.vn/language/en-US/Dai-hoc-Quoc-te-International-University | label = Ho Chi Minh City International University http://www.hcmuaf.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmuarc.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmulaw.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmuns.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmupeda.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmus.edu.vn/en/index.php | label = Ho Chi Minh City University of Science http://www.hcmussh.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmut.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmute.edu.vn/ http://www.hcmutrans.edu.vn/ http://www.hcnu.edu.cn/ | label = Hechi University http://www.hcpsonepat.org/ | label = Hindu College of Pharmacy http://www.hct.ac.ae/ http://www.hcu-hamburg.de/ http://www.hcu.ac.jp/ | label = Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University http://www.hcu.ac.th/ http://www.hcu.edu/ | label = Heritage Christian University http://www.hcuge.ch/ http://www.hdba.de/ | label = University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency http://www.hdc.edu.cn/ | label = Handan College http://www.hdkorea.asia/ | label = Korean-German Vocational College http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/ http://www.hdpu.edu.cn/ http://www.hdwm.de/en | label = University of Applied Management Studies http://www.he-ferrer.eu/ | label = Haute École Francisco Ferrer http://www.healtharchitects.org/Pages/default.aspx | label = American College of Healthcare Architects http://www.healthcare-m.ac.jp/ | label = College of Healthcare Management http://www.hear.fr/ | label = Haute École des Arts du Rhin http://www.heartland.edu/ http://www.heb-as.com/ | label = Hebei Academy of Sciences http://www.heb.be/ | label = Haute École de Bruxelles http://www.hebau.edu.cn/ http://www.hebcpc.cn/template/mainpage01.asp | label = Hebei Chemical and Pharmaceutical College http://www.hebeinu.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei North University http://www.hebeiuniteduniversity.com/ http://www.hebeu.edu.cn/en/index.html | label = Hebei University of Engineering http://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ http://www.hebnu.edu.cn/ http://www.hebrewcollege.edu/ | label = Hebrew College http://www.hebron.edu/ http://www.hebtu.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei Normal University http://www.hebust.edu.cn/ http://www.hebut.edu.cn/ http://www.hec.ac.ma/ http://www.hec.ca/ http://www.hec.fr/ http://www.hech.be/fr | label = Haute École Charlemagne http://www.hecm-afrique.net/ | label = Haute École de Commerce et de Management http://www.hei.fr/ http://www.heidelberg.edu/ http://www.heisei-iryou.ac.jp/hcohs/index.html | label = Heisei College of Health Sciences http://www.heisei-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hekinan-th.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hekinan Technical High School http://www.hel.be/ | label = Haute École de la Ville de Liège http://www.heldb.be/en/ | label = Higher Education Institution Lucia de Brouckere http://www.helha.be/#1 | label = Haute École Louvain en Hainaut http://www.help.edu.my/ http://www.helpmannacademy.com.au/ | label = Helpmann Academy http://www.helsinki.fi/ http://www.helwan.edu.eg/ http://www.hem.ac.ma/ http://www.hemu.ch/index.php?id=4&L=1 | label = University of Music Lausanne http://www.henallux.be/ | label = Haute École de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg http://www.henannu.edu.cn/ http://www.henantcm.com/english/ | label = Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.henau.edu.cn/ http://www.hencc.kctcs.edu/ http://www.hendrix.edu/ http://www.henleycol.ac.uk/ | label = Henley College http://www.hennepintech.edu/ http://www.henrycogswell.edu/ | label = Henry Cogswell College http://www.henryviscardischool.org/ | label = Henry Viscardi School http://www.henu.edu.cn/ http://www.hep-bejune.ch/ http://www.hepec.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei Institute of Physical Education http://www.hepl.ch/ http://www.hepn.be/ | label = Haute École de la Province de Namur http://www.hepvs.ch/ http://www.heritage.edu/ | label = Heritage University http://www.heritagebiblecollege.edu/ | label = Heritage Bible College http://www.heritagecambridge.com/ | label = Heritage College and Seminary http://www.herkimer.edu/ http://www.hertie-school.org/ http://www.herts.ac.uk/ http://www.herzen.spb.ru/ http://www.herzog.ac.il/ | label = Herzog College http://www.hes-so.ch/ http://www.hesam.paris/ | label = heSam Université http://www.hesav.ch/ | label = Haute École de Santé Vaud http://www.hesston.edu/ http://www.hetaodaxue.com/ | label = Hetao College http://www.heti.edu.au/ | label = Health Education and Training Institute http://www.heuet.edu.cn/ http://www.hevttc.edu.cn/ | label = Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology http://www.heythrop.ac.uk/ http://www.hezkuntza.ejgv.euskadi.eus/r43-2722/en | label = Department of Education http://www.hfb.de/ http://www.hfbk-dresden.de/en/ | label = Dresden Academy of Fine Arts http://www.hfbk-hamburg.de/en/ | label = Hochschule für bildende Künste http://www.hfcc.edu/ http://www.hfg-gmuend.de/ http://www.hfg-offenbach.de/en#feature_and_news | label = University of Art and Design Offenbach http://www.hfh.ch/ http://www.hfjs.eu/ | label = Hochschule für Jüdische Studien http://www.hfk-bremen.de/en | label = University of the Arts Bremen http://www.hfm-berlin.de/en/ | label = Hanns Eisler College or Academy of Music http://www.hfm-detmold.de/en/ | label = University of Music Detmold http://www.hfm-nuernberg.de/studium-und-lehre/nuremberg-university-of-music/ | label = Nuremberg University of Music http://www.hfm-wuerzburg.de/en/ | label = University of Music Würzburg http://www.hfm.saarland.de/ | label = Hochschule für Musik Saar http://www.hfmdd.de/english/welcome/ | label = Carl Maria von Weber College of Music http://www.hfmt-hamburg.de/en/startseiten/englisch/ | label = University of Music and Theatre Hamburg http://www.hfnu.edu.cn/ | label = Hefei Normal University http://www.hfoev.bremen.de/sixcms/detail.php?gsid=bremen02.c.730.de | label = Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen http://www.hfp.mhn.de/ http://www.hfph.mwn.de/ http://www.hfpol-bw.de/index.php | label = Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg http://www.hfs-berlin.de/ | label = Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts http://www.hft-stuttgart.de/ | label = Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences http://www.hfut.edu.cn/ http://www.hfuu.edu.cn/ | label = Hefei University http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/index.php?a=aktuell&js=2 | label = Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig http://www.hgiik.ru/ | label = Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture http://www.hgkz.ch/ http://www.hgst.edu/ | label = Houston Graduate School of Theology http://www.hgtc.edu/ http://www.hha.dk/ http://www.hhhxy.cn/Enlish.htm | label = Heihe University http://www.hhit.edu.cn/ http://www.hhl.de/ http://www.hho.edu.tr/ http://www.hhrtu.com/ http://www.hhs.dk/ http://www.hhstu.edu.cn/ http://www.hhtc.edu.cn/ | label = Huaihua University http://www.hhu.edu.cn/ http://www.hhuc.edu.cn/ http://www.hi-tech.ac.jp/ http://www.hi.is/ http://www.hia.no/ http://www.hiast.edu.sy/en | label = Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology http://www.hib.no/ http://www.hiba.edu.sy/ http://www.hibbing.edu/ http://www.hibfs.edu.sd/ http://www.hibo.no/ http://www.hickeycollege.edu/ | label = Hickey College http://www.hicmis.org/site/ | label = High Institute For Computers and Management Information Systems http://www.hiete.hu/ http://www.hif.ch/index.html?__locale=en | label = Hochalpines Institut Ftan http://www.hifm.no/ http://www.higashi-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan East High School http://www.higashiura-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Higashiura High School http://www.highland.edu/ http://www.highlandcc.edu/ http://www.highlands.edu/ http://www.highline.edu/ http://www.highpoint.edu/ http://www.hightech.edu/ http://www.higo.ed.jp/center/ | label = Kumamoto Prefectural Educaiton Center http://www.hiiraanuniversity.info/ http://www.hijiyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hikmah.edu.my/ http://www.hil.no/ http://www.hilbert.edu/ | label = Hilbert College http://www.hillagric.ac.in/ | label = Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya http://www.hillcollege.edu/ http://www.hillsdale.edu/ http://www.himeji-du.ac.jp/ http://www.himeji-hc.ac.jp/ | label = Himeji Hinomoto College http://www.himeji-hyg.ed.jp/ | label = Himeji High School http://www.himeji-tech.ac.jp/ http://www.himgirizeeuniversity.edu.in/ | label = Himgiri Zee University http://www.himh.de/ http://www.himolde.no/ http://www.hindivishwa.org/Default.aspx | label = Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya http://www.hindscc.edu/ http://www.hioa.no/eng/ | label = OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University http://www.hip.edu.cn/ | label = Harbin Institute of Petroleum http://www.hirakatagakuen.ac.jp/ | label = Meiwa Gakuen Junior College http://www.hiram.edu/ http://www.hirogaku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hirojo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hirokoku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hiroo-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo High School http://www.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hiroshima-cmt.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College http://www.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp/ http://www.hiroshima-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hisai-h.jp/ | label = Mie Prefectural Hisai High School http://www.hislopcollege.ac.in/ | label = Hislop College http://www.hist.edu.cn/ | label = Henan Institute of Science and Technology http://www.history.sav.sk/indexenglish.html | label = Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences http://www.hisw.edu.eg/ | label = Higher Institute of Social Service http://www.hit-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hit.ac.il/en | label = Holon Institute of Technology http://www.hit.ac.jp/ http://www.hit.ac.kr/foreign/english/ | label = Daejeon Health Institute of Technology http://www.hit.ac.zw/ http://www.hit.edu.cn/ http://www.hitecuni.edu.pk/ http://www.hitit.edu.tr/ http://www.hitsz.edu.cn/en/ | label = Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School http://www.hiu.ac.jp/ http://www.hiu.edu/ | label = Hope International University http://www.hivolda.no/index.php?lang=eng | label = Volda University College http://www.hj.ac.kr/ | label = Hyejeon College http://www.hjgcdx.cn/ | label = Naval University of Engineering http://www.hjs.uni-heidelberg.de/ http://www.hju.ac.jp/ http://www.hkam.org.hk/HKAMWEB/ | label = Hong Kong Academy of Medicine http://www.hkapa.edu/ http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/ http://www.hkct.edu.hk/ | label = Hong Kong College of Technology http://www.hkg.ac.jp/ http://www.hkkk.fi/ http://www.hkmu.ac.tz/ http://www.hknu.ac.kr/ http://www.hks-ottersberg.de/EN/ | label = Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen http://www.hksyc.edu/ http://www.hkt-nuertingen.de/ | label = Hochschule für Kunsttherapie Nürtingen http://www.hku.edu.tr/ http://www.hku.hk/ http://www.hku.nl/ http://www.hlaflru.edu.cn/ http://www.hlb.no/ | label = Norwegian University College for Agriculture and Rural Development http://www.hldledu.com/ | label = Heilongjiang Electric Power Workers University http://www.hljcu.edu.cn/ http://www.hljit.edu.cn/Category_910/Index.aspx | label = Heilongjiang Institute of Technology http://www.hljswdx.org.cn/ | label = CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee Party School http://www.hlju.edu.cn/ http://www.hljucm.edu.cn/ | label = Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine http://www.hljyzy.org.cn/ | label = Heilongjiang Vocational College of Art http://www.hm.edu/ http://www.hmc.edu/ http://www.hmg.inpg.fr/ http://www.hmi.dk/ | label = Hou Maritime Idrætsefterskole http://www.hmkw.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences for Media Communication and Business http://www.hmt-leipzig.de/en/ | label = University of Music and Theatre Leipzig http://www.hmtm-hannover.de/en/home/ | label = Hanover University of Music Drama and Media http://www.hmu.edu.vn/ http://www.hn.psu.edu/default.htm?cn7111 | label = Penn State Hazleton http://www.hna.gr/en/ | label = Hellenic Naval Academy http://www.hnaubenin.org/ http://www.hnbgu.ac.in/ http://www.hnctcm.edu.cn/English_Version.htm | label = Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.hncu.net/ | label = Hunan City University http://www.hnee.de/de/Startseite/HNE-Eberswalde-E1016.htm | label = Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development http://www.hneu.edu.ua/ http://www.hnfjc.cn/ | label = Henan Forestry Vocational College http://www.hnfjxy.cn/ http://www.hnie.edu.cn/web/guest/home | label = Hunan Institute of Engineering http://www.hnist.cn/ | label = Hunan Institute of Science and Technology http://www.hnit.edu.cn/english/ | label = Hunan Institute of Technology http://www.hnluraipur.com/ http://www.hnnd.com.cn/index.html | label = Hunan Women'S University http://www.hnnu.edu.cn/ | label = Huainan Normal University http://www.hnrtu.edu.cn/redwind/ | label = Hunan Radio and Television University http://www.hnsacm.com/ | label = Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.hnsoftedu.com/ | label = Hunan Software Vocational Institute http://www.hnsyu.net/ | label = Shaoyang University http://www.hochschule-bochum.de/ | label = Bochum University of Applied Sciences http://www.hochschule-bochum.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences http://www.hochschule-bonn-rhein-sieg.de/ http://www.hochschule-calw.de/de/ | label = SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien Calw http://www.hochschule-kempten.de/home.html?L=1 | label = Kempten University of Applied Sciences http://www.hochschule-trier.de/index.php?id=1&L=1 | label = Trier University of Applied Sciences http://www.hocking.edu/ http://www.hoduniv.net.ye/ http://www.hoev-rlp.de/ | label = Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung http://www.hokkai-k-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hokkai-s-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hokkaidodentaltec.ac.jp/index.html | label = Hokkaido Dental Technical College http://www.hokkyodai.ac.jp/ http://www.hoku-iryo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/ http://www.hokuriku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hokurikugakuin.ac.jp/univ/ | label = Hokuriku Gakuin University http://www.hokusei.ac.jp/ http://www.hokuyakudai.ac.jp/ http://www.holar.is/ http://www.holbein-gymnasium.de/ueber-uk.htm | label = Holbein-Gymnasium Augsburg http://www.hollandcollege.com/ | label = Holland College http://www.hollins.edu/ http://www.hollywood.ac.jp/mba/english/index.html | label = Hollywood Graduate School Of Beauty Business http://www.holmes.edu.au/ http://www.holmescc.edu/ http://www.holyapostles.edu/ | label = Holy Apostles College and Seminary http://www.holycross.ac.uk/ | label = Holy Cross College http://www.holycross.edu/ http://www.holyfamily.edu/ | label = Holy Family University http://www.holyspirit.edu.ph/ http://www.holyspirithighschool.com/ | label = Holy Spirit High School http://www.honam.ac.kr/ http://www.honan.ac.jp/ | label = Shinshu Honan Junior College http://www.hongik.ac.kr/ http://www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/ http://www.hood.edu/ http://www.hope.ac.uk/ http://www.hope.edu/ http://www.hopkinsville.kctcs.edu/ | label = Hopkinsville Community College http://www.hopoly.edu.gh/ http://www.horizon.edu/ | label = Horizon College and Seminary http://www.horizonuniversity.edu/ | label = Horizon University http://www.hormozgan.ac.ir/ http://www.horticulture.ac.jp/index.html | label = Gifu International Academy of Horticulture http://www.hosei.ac.jp/ http://www.hosen.ac.jp/ | label = Hosen College of Childhood Education http://www.hoseo.ac.kr/ http://www.hoshi.ac.jp/ http://www.hostindia.com/ http://www.hostos.cuny.edu/ http://www.hotelschool.com.au/ http://www.hotelschool.nl/ http://www.hotskolabrno.cz/?stranka=126&nix=college-of-business-and-hotel-management#obsah | label = College of Business and Hotel Management http://www.hou.edu.vn/ http://www.housatonic.edu/ | label = Housatonic Community College http://www.howard.edu/ http://www.howardcc.edu/ http://www.howardcollege.edu/ http://www.howest.be/ http://www.howon.ac.kr/ http://www.hpu.edu/ http://www.hpuniv.nic.in/ | label = Himachal Pradesh University http://www.hputx.edu/ | label = Howard Payne University http://www.hqgc.net/ http://www.hqu.edu.cn/ http://www.hrbeu.edu.cn/ http://www.hrbi.hr/index.php/en/ | label = Brodarski Institute http://www.hrbmu.edu.cn/ http://www.hrbnu.edu.cn/ http://www.hrbucea.edu.cn/ http://www.hrbust.edu.cn/ http://www.hri.res.in/ | label = Harish-Chandra Research Institute http://www.hro.nl/ http://www.hs-albsig.de/ http://www.hs-anhalt.de/ http://www.hs-augsburg.de/en/ | label = Augsburg University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-bremen.de/ http://www.hs-bremerhaven.de/ http://www.hs-coburg.de/ http://www.hs-duesseldorf.de/ http://www.hs-emden-leer.de/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Emden Leer http://www.hs-esslingen.de/ http://www.hs-fresenius.de/en/ | label = Fresenius University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-fulda.de/ http://www.hs-geisenheim.de/startseite.html | label = Hochschule Geisenheim University http://www.hs-harz.de/ http://www.hs-ipabo.edu/ | label = Hogeschool iPabo http://www.hs-karlsruhe.de/en/home.html | label = Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-kehl.de/home/ | label = Kehl University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-magdeburg.de/ http://www.hs-mittweida.de/ | label = Hochschule Mittweida http://www.hs-neu-ulm.de/ http://www.hs-niederrhein.de/home-en/ | label = Hochschule Niederrhein http://www.hs-offenburg.de/en/ | label = Offenburg University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-osnabrueck.de/en-international.html | label = Hochschule Osnabrück http://www.hs-rm.de/de/ | label = RheinMain University of Applied Sciences http://www.hs-ulm.de/ http://www.hs-wismar.de/ http://www.hs-zigr.de/ http://www.hs.ac.kr/eng/main.php | label = Hanshin University http://www.hs21.de/startseite/ | label = Hochschule 21 http://www.hsba.de/en/home/ | label = Hamburg School of Business Administration http://www.hsc.ac.kr/site/hsc/main.do | label = Hallym Polytechnic University http://www.hsc.colorado.edu/ http://www.hsc.edu/ http://www.hsc.unt.edu/ http://www.hse.ru/ http://www.hsgerlenbach.de/ | label = Hermann Staudinger Gymnasium http://www.hshl.de/en/ | label = Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences http://www.hsjy.pte.sh.cn/ | label = Shanghai Jinyuan Senior High School http://www.hsleiden.nl/ http://www.hslu.ch/ http://www.hsmc.edu.hk/ | label = Hang Seng Management College http://www.hsph.edu.vn/ | label = Hanoi School Of Public Health http://www.hsr.ch/ http://www.hssu.edu/ | label = Harris–Stowe State University http://www.hstc.edu.cn/2013/ | label = Hanshan Normal University http://www.hstu.ac.bd/ http://www.hsu.ac.ir/ | label = Hakim Sabzevari University http://www.hsu.edu/ | label = Henderson State University http://www.hsum-ac.mn/ http://www.hsvest.is/ http://www.hsw-hameln.de/ | label = Hochschule Weserbergland http://www.hswt.de/en.html | label = Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences http://www.hszg.de/en.html | label = Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences http://www.htc.edu/ | label = Hebrew Theological College http://www.hti.edu.eg/ http://www.htu.cn/english/ | label = Henan Normal University http://www.htus.ac.kr/ http://www.htw-dresden.de/ http://www.htw-saarland.de/ http://www.htwchur.ch/ | label = University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur http://www.htwg-konstanz.de/English.20.0.html | label = Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences http://www.htwk-leipzig.de/ http://www.htwm.de/ http://www.htwsaar.de/en | label = Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes http://www.hu-berlin.de/ http://www.hu.ac.th/ http://www.hu.edu.af/ http://www.hu.edu.eg/ | label = Heliopolis University http://www.hu.edu.et/ http://www.hu.edu.jo/ http://www.hu.edu.lb/ http://www.hu.edu.pk/ http://www.hu.nl/ http://www.hua.edu.vn/ http://www.huaf.edu.vn/ http://www.huanghaicollege.com/ | label = Qingdao Huanghai University http://www.huanghuai.edu.cn/ | label = Huanghuai University http://www.hubu.edu.cn/ http://www.hud.ac.uk/ http://www.hue.ac.jp/ http://www.huel.edu.cn/ | label = Henan University of Economic and Law http://www.hueuni.edu.vn/ http://www.huflit.edu.vn/home/index.php | label = Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages-Informatics Technology http://www.huflit.vnn.vn/ http://www.hufs.ac.kr/ http://www.hughbaird.ac.uk/ | label = Hugh Baird College http://www.hugs.ac.kr:18080/site/foreign/main_en.do | label = Hallym University of Graduate Studies http://www.huhs.ac.jp/english/gaiyo.html | label = Hyogo University of Health Sciences http://www.huji.ac.il/ http://www.hull-college.ac.uk/ | label = Hull College http://www.hull.ac.uk/ http://www.hult.edu/ | label = Hult International Business School http://www.humanities.mn/ http://www.humber.ca/ http://www.humboldt.edu/ http://www.humg.edu.vn/ http://www.humphreys.edu/ | label = Humphreys College http://www.hums.ac.ir/ http://www.hun.edu.tr/ http://www.hunaas.cn/ | label = Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.hunau.net/ http://www.hunimed.eu/ | label = Humanitas University http://www.hunnu.edu.cn/ http://www.hunschool.org/ | label = Hun School of Princeton http://www.hunt-institute.org/ | label = Hunt Institute http://www.huntcol.edu/ http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/ http://www.huntingdon.edu/ http://www.huntington.edu/ http://www.huntingtonjuniorcollege.edu/ http://www.huntingtonu.ca/ | label = Huntington University http://www.hunu.edu.cn/ http://www.hupe.hu/ http://www.huron.ac.uk/ http://www.huronuc.on.ca/ http://www.hus.ac.jp/eng/ | label = Hokkaido University of Science http://www.hus.edu.vn/ http://www.huse.edu.cn/# | label = Hunan University of Science and Engineering http://www.husson.edu/ | label = Husson University http://www.hust.edu.cn/ http://www.hust.edu.ye/ http://www.hut.edu.cn/ | label = Hunan University of Technology http://www.hut.edu.vn/ http://www.hut.fi/ http://www.hutc.zj.cn/ | label = Huzhou University http://www.hutchcc.edu/ http://www.hva.nl/ http://www.hvanneyri.is/ http://www.hvcc.edu/ http://www.hvorfordet.no/ | label = Hvorfor det http://www.hvtc.edu.vn/ http://www.hw.ac.uk/ http://www.hwls.edu.tt/ | label = Hugh Wooding Law School http://www.hwp-hamburg.de/ http://www.hwr-berlin.de/ | label = Berlin School of Economics and Law http://www.hwru.edu.vn/ http://www.hws.edu/ http://www.hxu.edu.cn/ | label = Hexi University http://www.hyms.ac.uk/ | label = Hull York Medical School http://www.hyo-med.ac.jp/ http://www.hyo.ac.kr/main | label = Sungsan Hyodo Graduate School http://www.hyogo-dai.ac.jp/ http://www.hyogo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.hypatia-institute.net/ | label = Hypatia of Alexandria Institute for Reflexion and Studies http://www.hyrcania.ac.ir/ http://www.hytu.ac.kr/ http://www.hyupsung.ac.kr/ http://www.hzau.edu.cn/ http://www.hzmc.edu.cn/ | label = Heze Medical College http://www.hznu.edu.cn/ | label = Hangzhou Normal University http://www.hzs.be/ http://www.hzu.edu.cn/ http://www.hzu.gx.cn/ | label = Hezhou University http://www.hzvtc.edu.cn/ | label = Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College http://www.i-med.ac.at/ http://www.i-u.de/ http://www.i.edu.mx/ http://www.i4p.edu.my/ http://www.iaa.ac.tz/ http://www.iaau.edu.kg/ http://www.iacademy.ph/ http://www.iacs.res.in/ | label = Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science http://www.iact.edu.my/ http://www.iad-arts.be/ | label = Institut des Arts de Diffusion http://www.iade.pt/ http://www.iadt.edu/ | label = International Academy of Design & Technology http://www.iadt.ie/en/ | label = Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology http://www.iaf.inrs.ca/ http://www.iahv.org/in-en/ | label = International Association for Human Values http://www.iaia.edu/ | label = Institute of American Indian Arts http://www.iaim.ro/ http://www.iam.si/ | label = Institute and Academy of Multimedia http://www.iamas.ac.jp/en/ | label = Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences http://www.iamm.ciheam.org/ | label = Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier http://www.iap.li/ http://www.iari.ernet.in/ http://www.iasa.gr/# | label = Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications http://www.iasbs.ac.ir/ http://www.iaseduniv.org/ http://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/ | label = Institute of Advanced Studies in Education http://www.iastate.edu/ http://www.iate.obninsk.ru/ http://www.iati.ee/index.php | label = Informaatika ja Arvutustehnika Instituut http://www.iau-ahar.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-arak.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-boukan.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-farahan.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Farahan http://www.iau-garmsar.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-lahijan.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-mahabad.ac.ir/home.html | label = Islamic Azad University of Mahabad http://www.iau-saveh.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-shahrood.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-shirvan.ac.ir/ http://www.iau-tnb.ac.ir/ http://www.iau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Tehran http://www.iauardabil.ac.ir/ http://www.iaub.ac.ir/English/Default.aspx | label = Islamic Azad University http://www.iauba.ac.ir/ http://www.iaubos.ac.ir/ http://www.iauctb.ac.ir/ http://www.iaud.ac.ir/index.aspx?lang=2&sub=0 | label = Islamic Azad University, Dezful Branch http://www.iauh.ac.ir/ http://www.iauk.ac.ir/ http://www.iaukashan.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Kashan http://www.iaukb.ir/ http://www.iaukhsh.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Khomeynishahr http://www.iaul.ac.ir/en/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Langarud Branch http://www.iaumajlesi.ac.ir/ http://www.iaumehriz.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Mehriz http://www.iaumehriz.com/ http://www.iaun.ac.ir/ http://www.iauq.ac.ir/ http://www.iaurmia.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University Of Urmia http://www.iauro.ac.ir/ http://www.iausdj.ac.ir/ http://www.iaush.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Shahreza http://www.iaushab.ac.ir/ http://www.iaushiraz.ac.ir/ http://www.iaushk.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Shahrekord http://www.iausr.ac.ir/ http://www.iaut.ac.ir/ http://www.iautb.ac.ir/ http://www.iautmu.ac.ir/ http://www.iauvaramin.ac.ir/ http://www.iauyazd.ac.ir/ http://www.iav.ac.ma/ | label = Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II http://www.iavalley.edu/ http://www.ib-hochschule.de/ | label = IB Hochschule http://www.ib.edu.ar/index.php/english-version.html | label = Balseiro Institute http://www.iba-darmstadt.com/ | label = International University of Cooperative Education http://www.iba-suk.edu.pk/ http://www.iba.dk/international | label = International Business Academy http://www.iba.edu.pk/ http://www.ibaisuniv.edu.bd/ http://www.ibaraki-ct.ac.jp/?page_id=942 | label = Ibaraki National College of Technology http://www.ibaraki.ac.jp/ http://www.ibbu.edu.ng/ http://www.ibc.ac.th/ http://www.ibc.edu/ http://www.ibcfortwayne.edu/ | label = International Business College http://www.ibcs.edu/ | label = International Baptist College and Seminary http://www.ibe.edu.pl/en/ | label = Educational Research Institute http://www.ibei.org/ | label = Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals http://www.ibeku-tbilisi.edu.ge/ | label = IB Euro-Caucasus University http://www.ibero.mx/index.php | label = Ibero American University http://www.iberoamericana.edu.co/ http://www.iberopuebla.mx/empresasComunidad/default.asp | label = Ibero-American University Puebla http://www.ibfd.org/ | label = International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation http://www.ibi.spb.ru/ http://www.ibirapuera.br/ | label = Universidade Ibirapuera http://www.ibispb.ru/en/ | label = International Banking Institute http://www.ibl.ru/ | label = Institute of Law and Business http://www.ibmec.br/ | label = Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais http://www.ibnesina.edu.af/ http://www.ibnsina.edu.sa/ http://www.ibnuchaldun.ac.id/ http://www.ibo-osteopatia.com.br/ | label = Instituto Brasileiro de Osteopatia http://www.ibos.dk/english | label = Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted http://www.ibp-moscow.ru/ http://www.ibpm.su/ | label = Institute of Business and Law http://www.ibs-b.hu/ | label = International Business School http://www.ibs.uz/ http://www.ibsedu.com/ | label = International Business School http://www.ibsindia.org/ | label = ICFAI Business School http://www.ibss.eu/ http://www.ibsu.edu.ge/ http://www.ibu.edu.ba/ http://www.ibu.edu.tr/ http://www.ibub.edu.cn/ http://www.ic.ac.uk/ http://www.ic.edu/RelId/33637/ISvars/default/Home.htm | label = Illinois College http://www.icac.cat/# | label = Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica http://www.icakusa.com/ | label = International College of Applied Kinesiology-USA http://www.icam.fr/ http://www.icb.edu.mn/ http://www.icbcluj.ro/ | label = Institutul de Cercetari Biologice Cluj-Napoca http://www.icc.ac.jp/ http://www.icc.edu/ http://www.icci.edu.ky/ http://www.iccms.edu/ http://www.iccu.ac.kr/ http://www.icda.edu.do/ http://www.ice.edu.br/TNX/ | label = Instituto Cuiabano de Educação http://www.ice.edu.pt/ | label = Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas http://www.iceit.edu.co/ http://www.icesi.edu.co/ http://www.icfai.org/ http://www.ichec.be/ http://www.ichigaku.ac.jp/ | label = Ichikawa Junior and Senior High School http://www.ichinoseki.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Ichinoseki College http://www.ichthuscollege.nl/ | label = Ichthus College http://www.ici-luzern.com/ http://www.ici.edu/ http://www.icmacentre.ac.uk/ | label = ICMA Centre http://www.icmn.cnrs-orleans.fr/?lang=fr | label = Interfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures http://www.icn-nancy.com/ http://www.ico.edu/ | label = Illinois College of Optometry http://www.icp-mb.si/ | label = Izobraževalni Center Piramida Maribor http://www.icp.edu.pk/ | label = Islamia College University http://www.icp.fr/ http://www.icprjc.edu/ | label = ICPR Junior College http://www.icr.ac.uk/ | label = Institute of Cancer Research http://www.icscanada.edu/ | label = Institute for Christian Studies http://www.icsw.edu/ | label = Institute for Clinical Social Work http://www.ict-toulouse.asso.fr/ http://www.ict.edu.om/ http://www.icthm.edu.au/ http://www.ictmumbai.edu.in/ | label = Institute of Chemical Technology http://www.ictp.trieste.it/ http://www.icu-edu.org/ http://www.icu.ac.jp/ http://www.icu.ac.kr/ http://www.idacadsci.org/ | label = Idaho Academy of Science http://www.idahobe.org/ | label = Idaho Business for Education http://www.idbsu.edu/ http://www.idc.ac.il/ http://www.ideausa.net/ | label = Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy http://www.idi.hr/en/ | label = Institute for Social Research http://www.idnk.ru/ | label = Institute of Friendship of the People of Caucasus http://www.idsva.edu/ | label = Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts http://www.ie.edu/ http://www.ieac.ru/ | label = Institute of Economics and Culture http://www.iec.cat/activitats/entrada.asp | label = Institut d'Estudis Catalans http://www.iecc.edu/page.php?page=WVCH | label = Wabash Valley College http://www.ied.edu.hk/ http://www.ieeu.udm.ru/ http://www.iels.eu/ | label = International and European Law School http://www.iemf.no/home/ | label = Institutt for Eksperimentell Medisinsk Forskning http://www.iep.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.ieqt.org/ | label = Institut Européen De La Qualité Totale http://www.iesa.edu.ve/english | label = Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration http://www.iesam.com.br/ | label = Instituto de Ensinos Superiores da Amazônia http://www.iese.edu.ar/ http://www.ieseg.fr/en/ | label = IESEG School of Management http://www.iesfafe.pt/ | label = Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe LDA http://www.iesvns.com/ | label = Indian Education Society's V. N. Sule Guruji English Medium School http://www.iet.ru/ http://www.ietpharmacy.com/ | label = Alwar Pharmacy College http://www.ieu.edu.tr/ http://www.ifap.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Amapá http://www.ifb.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Brasília http://www.ifbaiano.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute Baiano http://www.ifbm.fr/en | label = Institut Français de la Brasserie et de la Malterie http://www.ifdtung.if.ua/ http://www.ifeg.de/en/ | label = Institute of Empirical Health Economics http://www.iff.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal Fluminense http://www.iffarroupilha.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal Farroupilha http://www.ifg.com.pl/ http://www.ifg.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal de Goiás http://www.ifheindia.org/ | label = ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education http://www.ifl.ru/ | label = Institute of Foreign Languages http://www.ifm.ac.tz/ http://www.ifmg.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Minas Gerais http://www.ifmo.ru/ http://www.ifnm.net/ | label = Institut für Nachhaltiges Management http://www.ifnmg.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Norte de Minas Gerais http://www.ifp.bayern.de/english | label = Institute of Early Childhood Research http://www.ifp.fr/ http://www.ifpa.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Pará http://www.ifpb.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba http://www.ifpi.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Piauí http://www.ifpr.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná http://www.ifrs.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul http://www.ifsc.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Santa Catarina http://www.ifsertao-pe.edu.br/index.php | label = Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano http://www.ifslearning.ac.uk/ http://www.ifsp.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of São Paulo http://www.ifsudestemg.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais http://www.ifsul.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense http://www.ifsuldeminas.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas http://www.ift.org.uk/ | label = Institute of Family Therapy http://www.iftm.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineir http://www.iftmuniversity.ac.in/iftmu/pages/index/index.php | label = IFTM University http://www.ifto.edu.br/portal/layout.php | label = Instituto Federal do Tocantins http://www.iga-rabat.ma/index.php | label = Institut Supérieur du Génie Appliqué http://www.igau.edu.in/ http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/ | label = Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência http://www.igdir.edu.tr/ http://www.igepn.edu.ec/ | label = Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional http://www.iggmc.org/ | label = Indira Gandhi Government Medical College & Hospital http://www.igidr.ac.in/ http://www.igims.org/ http://www.igitsarang.ac.in/ | label = Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology http://www.igm.no/ | label = Institutt for Grafiske Medier http://www.igmcri.com/ | label = Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute http://www.igmcshimla.org/ | label = Indira Gandhi Medical College http://www.ignou.ac.in/ http://www.igpran.ru/en/ | label = Institute of State and Law http://www.igsha.ru/en/ | label = Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky http://www.igsl.asia/ | label = International Graduate School of Leadership http://www.igu.edu/ | label = IGlobal University http://www.igumo.ru/en/ | label = Institute for the Humanities and Information Technologies http://www.iha.dk/ http://www.ihet.ens.tn/ | label = Institut des Hautes Etudes de Tunis http://www.ihgb.org.br/ | label = Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro http://www.ihi-zittau.de/ http://www.ihk.dk/ http://www.ihr.sas.ac.uk/ http://www.ihu.ac.ir/ | label = Imam Hossein University http://www.ihu.edu.gr/ http://www.iiar.res.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Advanced Research http://www.iic.edu.my/ http://www.iics.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Sociais http://www.iict.ru/en/ | label = International Institute of Computer Technologies http://www.iidawjc.ac.jp/ | label = Iida Womens Junior College http://www.iiee.edu.pk/ http://www.iiests.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur http://www.iihem.ac.ma/ http://www.iiit-bh.ac.in/ http://www.iiita.com/ http://www.iiitb.ac.in/ http://www.iiitd.ac.in/ http://www.iiitdm.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram http://www.iiitdmj.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur http://www.iiitm.ac.in/ http://www.iiitmk.ac.in/ http://www.iiitp.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune http://www.iiitu.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology Una http://www.iiitvadodara.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara http://www.iile.ru/ | label = Institute of International Law and Economics named after AS Griboedova http://www.iilm.edu/ | label = IILM Institute for Higher Education http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad http://www.iimb.ernet.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Bangalore http://www.iimc.nic.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Mass Communication http://www.iimidr.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Indore http://www.iimkashipur.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Kashipur http://www.iiml.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Lucknow http://www.iimrohtak.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Rohtak http://www.iimshillong.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Shillong http://www.iimtrichy.ac.in/ http://www.iipmb.edu.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Plantation Management http://www.iipsindia.org/ http://www.iirp.edu/ | label = International Institute for Restorative Practices http://www.iis.ac.uk/ | label = Institute of Ismaili Studies http://www.iisc.ernet.in/ http://www.iisec.ac.jp/english/ | label = Institute of Information Security http://www.iiserbpr.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur http://www.iiserkol.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata http://www.iisermohali.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune http://www.iisertirupati.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati http://www.iiswbm.edu/ | label = Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management http://www.iit.com.na/ http://www.iit.edu/ http://www.iitb.ac.in/ http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar http://www.iitbhu.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology BHU http://www.iitbmonash.org/ | label = IITB-Monash Research Academy http://www.iitd.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Delhi http://www.iitd.ernet.in/ http://www.iite.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Teacher Education http://www.iitg.ac.in/ http://www.iitg.ernet.in/ http://www.iitgn.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar http://www.iith.ac.in/ http://www.iiti.ac.in/ http://www.iitj.ac.in/ http://www.iitk.ac.in/ http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/ http://www.iitm.ac.in/ http://www.iitmandi.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Mandi http://www.iitp.ac.in/ http://www.iitr.ac.in/ http://www.iitrpr.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Ropar http://www.iiu-edu.eu/ | label = Isles International University http://www.iiu.edu.my/ http://www.iiu.edu.pk/ http://www.iiuac.ir/ | label = University of Iranians http://www.iiuc.ac.bd/ http://www.iiuedu.ie/ http://www.iium.edu.my/ | label = International Islamic University Malaysia http://www.ikas.dk/forside/ | label = Danish Institute for Quality and Accreditation in Healthcare http://www.ikc.edu.tr/ http://www.ikenobo-c.ac.jp/ | label = Ikenobo Junior College http://www.ikf.ch/ | label = Institute for Communication and Leadership http://www.ikiu.ac.ir/ http://www.ikmyo.edu.tr/ | label = İstanbul Kavram Meslek Yüksekokulu http://www.iko.no/om-iko/2013/6/facts-on-iko | label = Kirkelig Pedagogisk Senter http://www.iksvv.com/ http://www.iku.edu.tr/ http://www.ikw.ac.kr/ http://www.ilam.ac.ir/ http://www.ilc.edu/ | label = Immanuel Lutheran College http://www.ileps.org/ | label = Institut Libre d'Education Physique Supérieur http://www.ili.ac.in/ | label = Indian Law Institute http://www.iliauni.edu.ge/ http://www.ilidelhi.org/ http://www.iliff.edu/ | label = Iliff School of Theology http://www.ilisagvik.edu/ http://www.ilisimatusarfik.gl/ http://www.ilk.lt/en | label = St. Ignatius Loyola College http://www.illinois.edu/ http://www.illinoisstate.edu/ http://www.ilsacollege.edu.na/ http://www.ilstu.edu/ http://www.imamreza.ac.ir/ http://www.imamu.edu.sa/ http://www.imati.cnr.it/ | label = Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche http://www.imau.edu.cn/ http://www.imbo.ru/ | label = Institute of International Business Education http://www.imbt.ma/ http://www.imc-i.ru/ | label = Institute of World Civilizations http://www.imc-krems.ac.at/ http://www.imd.edu.gr/ http://www.imd.org/ | label = International Institute for Management Development http://www.imdea.org/ | label = Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies http://www.ime-school.com/ | label = High Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship http://www.ime.eb.br/ | label = Military Institute of Engineering http://www.ime.ru/ http://www.imemoryschool.com/ | label = Institute of Mind Control & Brain Development http://www.imese.gr/ http://www.imetroangola.com/ | label = Instituto Superior Politécnico Metropolitano de Angola http://www.imi-luzern.com/ http://www.imi-samara.ru/ | label = International Market Institute http://www.imi.edu/ | label = International Management Institute http://www.imi.ie/ | label = Irish Management Institute http://www.imisp.ru/ | label = International Management Institute Saint Petersburg http://www.immaculata.edu/ | label = Immaculata University http://www.immf.ru/ | label = Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance http://www.imnu.edu.cn/ http://www.impa.br/ http://www.imperial.edu/ http://www.imperialcollege.org/ | label = Imperial College of Toronto http://www.impu.edu.cn/ http://www.ims-ural.ru/ | label = Institute of International Relations http://www.imsb.edu.pk/ | label = Institute of Molecular Sciences and Bioinformatics http://www.imsbhu.ac.in/ | label = Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.imsciences.edu.pk/ http://www.imsu.edu.ng/ http://www.imt.edu/ | label = Institute of Management Technology http://www.imtlucca.it/ http://www.imtp.ru/ | label = Institute of International Trade and Law http://www.imtu.edu/ http://www.imu.edu.cn/ http://www.imu.edu.my/ http://www.imultimedia.pt/ | label = Instituto Multimedia http://www.imun.edu.cn/ | label = Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities http://www.imut.edu.cn/ywb/ | label = Inner Mongolia University of Technology http://www.ina.pt/ | label = National Institute for Public Administration http://www.inagakuen.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Inagakuen Public High School http://www.inalco.fr/ | label = Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales http://www.inatek.ac.rw/ http://www.incae.edu/ | label = Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas http://www.incaweb.org/ | label = Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale La Chimica Per L'Ambiente http://www.incdecoind.ro/en/ | label = National Institute for Research and Development for Industrial Ecology http://www.inceif.org/ | label = International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance http://www.inchon-e.ac.kr/ http://www.inchon.ac.kr/ http://www.indianatech.edu/ http://www.indianhills.edu/ http://www.indire.it/its/ | label = Istruzione Tecnica Superiore http://www.indoamerica.edu.ec/ http://www.indonusa.ac.id/ http://www.indstate.edu/ http://www.indtech.edu/ http://www.indus.edu.pk/ http://www.indusuni.ac.in/ http://www.indwes.edu/ http://www.indycc.edu/ http://www.ine.edu.kh/ http://www.inefc.cat/inefc/AppPHP/index.php?id_pagina=1 | label = National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia http://www.ineu.ru/ | label = Institute of Economics and Management http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/ | label = Information and Library Network http://www.infnet.edu.br/infnet/ | label = Instituto Infnet http://www.infonetcollege.edu.et/ | label = Infonet College http://www.ingesup.com/ | label = Ingésup http://www.inha.ac.kr/ http://www.inhatc.ac.kr/_2016/201601261241/ | label = Inha Technical College http://www.inholland.nl/ http://www.inhp.ci/ | label = Institut National d’Hygiène Publique http://www.inifta.unlp.edu.ar/ | label = Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas http://www.inisbgd.co.rs/ | label = Institute for Recent History of Serbia http://www.inje.ac.kr/ http://www.inl.nl/our-work-and-working-methods | label = Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie http://www.inonu.edu.tr/ http://www.inop.poznan.pl/en/ | label = Metal Forming Institute http://www.inp-fc.fr/ http://www.inp-toulouse.fr/fr/index.html | label = National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse http://www.inp.pt/ http://www.inpg.fr/ http://www.inphb.edu.ci/ | label = Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny http://www.inpl-nancy.fr/ http://www.inprofin.ru/ | label = Institute of Professional Innovations http://www.inpt.ac.ma/ http://www.inrat.agrinet.tn/index.htm | label = Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie http://www.inrs.ca/english/homepage | label = Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique http://www.inrs.uquebec.ca/ http://www.ins.es/ | label = Instituto Nacional de Silicosis http://www.insa-centrevaldeloire.fr/en/ | label = Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Centre Val de Loire http://www.insa-lyon.fr/ http://www.insa-rennes.fr/ http://www.insa-rouen.fr/ http://www.insa-strasbourg.fr/ | label = Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg http://www.insa-tlse.fr/ http://www.insa-toulouse.fr/en/index.html | label = Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse http://www.inse.ru/ | label = Institute of Natural Sciences and Ecology http://www.insea.ma/ | label = Institut National de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée http://www.insead.edu/ | label = European Institute of Business Administration http://www.inseec.fr/ http://www.insel.ch/ http://www.insper.edu.br/ | label = Institute of Education and Research http://www.instec.cu/index.php/en/ | label = Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences http://www.instedt.edu.my/ http://www.institutoriobranco.mre.gov.br/pt-br/ | label = Rio Branco Institute http://www.institutoteima.ac.pa/ http://www.institutpaulbocuse.com/ | label = Institut Paul Bocuse http://www.instm.it/en/instm.aspx | label = National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology http://www.int-evry.fr/ http://www.inta.edu.br/SouINTA/ | label = Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada http://www.intec.edu.do/ http://www.integraluniversity.ac.in/ http://www.inter.edu/ http://www.inter.msu.ac.th/ | label = Mahasarakham University http://www.intercollege.ac.cy/ http://www.internacional.edu.ec/ http://www.international.ens-rennes.fr/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de Rennes http://www.international.fh-aalen.de/ http://www.internationalschoolofeurope.it/ | label = International School of Europe http://www.internationaluniversity-schoolofmedicine.org/ http://www.interpragueuniver.cz/ | label = International Prague University http://www.intnl.doshisha.ac.jp/ | label = Doshisha International Junior and Senior High School http://www.intstudy.mai.ru/ http://www.inu.ac.kr/mbshome/mbs/inueng/index.do | label = Incheon National University http://www.inu.edu.jo/ http://www.inuaf-studia.pt/ http://www.inun.edu.ar/ http://www.inverhills.edu/ http://www.ioe.ac.uk/ http://www.iona.edu/ http://www.iot.ac.jp/cgi-bin/index.cgi | label = Institute of Technologists http://www.iota.edu.au/ http://www.iota.u-psud.fr/ http://www.iowacentral.edu/ http://www.iowalakes.edu/ http://www.ip.kyusan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ipa.edu.sa/ http://www.ipag.fr/en/ | label = IPAG Business School http://www.ipam.pt/ | label = Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing http://www.ipb.ac.id/ http://www.ipb.edu.my/ http://www.ipb.pt/ http://www.ipbeja.pt/ http://www.ipbl.edu.my/ http://www.ipbmm.edu.my/ http://www.ipc.akita-nct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology Akita College http://www.ipc.dk/ http://www.ipc.pt/ http://www.ipca.pt/ http://www.ipcb.pt/ http://www.ipda.edu.my/ http://www.ipdbuu.com.cn/ http://www.ipeim.rnu.tn/fra/ | label = Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Monastir http://www.ipeindia.org/ | label = Institute of Public Enterprise http://www.ipep.com.br/novo/ | label = Instituto Paulista de Ensino e Pesquisa http://www.ipfw.edu/ http://www.ipfw.indiana.edu/ http://www.ipg.pt/ http://www.ipgkkb.edu.my/ http://www.ipgkrajang.edu.my/ http://www.ipgkti.edu.my/ http://www.ipgmer.gov.in/ | label = Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education And Research http://www.ipgmkdri.edu.my/ http://www.ipgmksm.edu.my/ http://www.ipgmtawau.edu.my/ http://www.ipgperlis.edu.my/ http://www.ipi.si/sl/ | label = Intellectual Property Institute http://www.ipiaget.org/ http://www.ipik.edu.my/ http://www.ipip.edu.my/ http://www.ipislam.edu.my/ http://www.ipkent.edu.my/ http://www.ipks.edu.my/ http://www.ipl.pt/ http://www.ipm.edu.mo/ http://www.ipmit.si/index.php/en | label = Institute for Project Management and Information Technology http://www.ipn.edu.mx/ http://www.ipn.mx/english/Paginas/Inicio.aspx | label = Instituto Politécnico Nacional http://www.ipos-msk.ru/eng/ | label = Institute of Practical Oriental Studies http://www.ipp.pt/ http://www.ippm.edu.my/ http://www.ippolitovka.ru/ | label = State Musical Pedagogical Institute named M.M.Ippolitova-Ivanov http://www.ipportalegre.pt/ http://www.ipr-ifra.org/article.php3?id_article=23 | label = Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée http://www.iprm.edu.my/ http://www.ips.pt/ http://www.ipsa.fr/ http://www.ipsa.org/ | label = International Political Science Association http://www.ipsah.edu.my/ http://www.ipsantarem.pt/ http://www.ipsl-edu.com/home | label = Institut Polytechnique Saint-Louis http://www.ipsmiri.edu.my/ http://www.ipt.pt/ http://www.iptaa.edu.my/ http://www.iptb.edu.my/ http://www.ipteknik.edu.my/ http://www.iptho.edu.my/ http://www.iptips.edu.my/ http://www.ipu-berlin.de/en | label = International Psychoanalytic University Berlin http://www.ipu.ac.in/ http://www.ipu.ac.jp/ http://www.ipu.ac.nz/ | label = Institute of the Pacific United http://www.ipu.edu.sy/ http://www.ipv.pt/guide/ | label = Polytechnic Institute of Viseu http://www.ipvc.pt/ http://www.iqra.edu.pk/ http://www.iqs.edu/es/ | label = Institut Químic de Sarrià http://www.ir-rs.si/en/ | label = Univerzitetni Rehabilitacijski Inštitut http://www.ir.miami.edu/ http://www.iraqiuniversity.net/ | label = Iraq University College http://www.iraquniversity.net/ http://www.ircam.fr/ | label = Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique Musique http://www.ircsd.org/ | label = Indian River Central School District http://www.irdes.fr/ | label = Institut de recherche et de documentation en économie de la sant http://www.ires.it/ | label = Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali http://www.ireste.fr/ http://www.iri-lj.si/ | label = Skupina IRI Ljubljana http://www.irishbaptistcollege.net/ | label = Irish Baptist College http://www.irlt.or.jp/modules/bulletin/ | label = Institute for Research in Language Teaching http://www.irsc.edu/ http://www.irssv.si/ | label = Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia http://www.irvine.edu/ | label = Irvine University http://www.isa-lille.com/ | label = Groupe Institut supérieur d'agriculture de Lille http://www.isa.fupl.asso.fr/ http://www.isaacnewtoncr.com/ http://www.isab.fr/ http://www.isae.ac.rw/ http://www.isae.fr/en | label = National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space http://www.isai.pt/ http://www.isara.fr/ http://www.isave.edu.pt/ http://www.isb.edu/ | label = Indian School of Business http://www.isba-besancon.fr/ | label = Superior Institute of Fine Arts http://www.isbb.pt/ http://www.isbe.net/ | label = Illinois State Board of Education http://www.isbm-school.com/ http://www.isbs.rnu.tn/ | label = Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Sfax http://www.iscac.pt/ | label = Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra http://www.iscap.ipp.pt/ | label = Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administracao do Porto http://www.iscet.pt/ http://www.isch.edu.cu/ | label = Agricultural University of Havana http://www.iscisa.ac.mz/db2/ | label = Instituto Superior de Ciencias de Saude http://www.iscte-iul.pt/ http://www.isctem.ac.mz/ http://www.isdat.fr/ | label = Institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse http://www.isea.irk.ru/ http://www.isea.ru/ http://www.isec.universitas.pt/index.php/en/ | label = Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências http://www.isee.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Católica Lumen Gentium http://www.iselinge.nl/ | label = Iselinge Hogeschool http://www.isen.fr/ http://www.isenshu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.isep.es/ | label = Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos http://www.isep.fr/ http://www.iserj.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro http://www.isetcom.tn/ | label = Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques en Communications de Tunis http://www.isetgf.rnu.tn/ | label = Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Gafsa http://www.isetn.rnu.tn/ | label = Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Nabeul http://www.isetr.rnu.tn/ http://www.iseu.by/ http://www.isfcp.org/ | label = Indo Soviet Friendship College of Pharmacy http://www.isfort.ac.ma/ http://www.isg.fr/ | label = ISG Business School http://www.isg.ma/isg/ | label = Institut Supérieur de Gestion http://www.isg.pt/ http://www.isg.rnu.tn/ http://www.isgb.pt/ | label = Portuguese School of Bank Management http://www.isgz.ru/ | label = Institute of Social and Humanities http://www.ishikawa-c.ed.jp/ | label = Ishikawa Prefectural Institute for Educational Research and In-Service Training http://www.ishikawa-c.ed.jp/~kenkoh/ | label = Ishikawa Prefectural Technical High School http://www.isiadesign.fi.it/ | label = Higher Institute for Artistic Industries Firenze http://www.isiafaenza.it/?lang=en | label = Higher Institute for Artistic Industries Faenza http://www.isiaroma.it/ | label = Higher Institute for Artistic Industries Roma http://www.isiaurbino.net/home/ | label = Higher Institute for Artistic Industries Urbino http://www.isical.ac.in/ http://www.isikun.edu.tr/ http://www.isil-aca.org/ | label = Indian Society of International Law http://www.isim.univ-montp2.fr/ http://www.isima.fr/accueil-english/ | label = Institut Supérieur d’Informatique, de Modélisation et de leurs Applications http://www.isla.pt/ http://www.islahonline.org/ http://www.islaleiria.pt/ | label = Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração http://www.islamic-college.ae/ | label = College of Islamic and Arabic Studies http://www.islamiccolleges.com/ http://www.islb.eu/ | label = International School of Law and Business http://www.ism-dortmund.de/ http://www.ism.edu/ | label = International School of Management http://www.ism.lt/ http://www.isma.lv/en/ | label = ISMA University http://www.ismcm-cesti.fr/ http://www.ismdhanbad.ac.in/ http://www.ismm.edu.cu/ http://www.ismpo.sk/ http://www.ismra.fr/ http://www.isnm.de/ http://www.isogo-th.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Isogo Technical High School http://www.isothermal.edu/ http://www.ispa.asso.fr/en/ | label = Institut Supérieur de Plasturgie d'Alençon http://www.ispa.pt/ http://www.ispab.pt/ http://www.ispcmw.rimed.cu/ http://www.ispgaya.pt/ http://www.ispinstitute.com/ | label = International Spine and Pain Institute http://www.ispp-edu.com/ | label = Institut Supérieur Privé Polytechnique http://www.isppan.waw.pl/eng/index.html | label = Institute of Political Studies http://www.ispu.ac.mz/ http://www.ispu.ru/ http://www.isquareit.ac.in/ http://www.isquareit.edu.in/ | label = International Institute of Information Technology http://www.isra.edu.jo/ http://www.isra.edu.pk/ http://www.isri.ac.mz/ http://www.iss.ac.cd/ | label = Institut Supérieur de Statistiques de Kinshasa http://www.iss.nl/ http://www.issepsf.rnu.tn/ | label = Institut Supérieur du Sport et de l’Education Physique de Sfax http://www.ist.ac.at/ http://www.ist.edu.pk/ http://www.ista.ac.id/ http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/ http://www.istanbulbilim.edu.tr/eng/?sc=d&W=1366 | label = Istanbul Bilim University http://www.istc.edu/ | label = J F Ingram State Technical College http://www.iste.edu.tr/ http://www.istec.pt/ http://www.istn.ac.id/ | label = National Institute of Science and Technology http://www.istorija.lt/en/ | label = Lithuanian Institute of History http://www.istp.pt/ http://www.istrieste.org/ | label = International School of Trieste http://www.istu.irk.ru/ http://www.istu.ru/ http://www.isu.ac.ir/ http://www.isu.edu.ph/ http://www.isu.edu/ http://www.isu.ru/ http://www.isuct.ru/ http://www.isunet.edu/ | label = International Space University http://www.isuni.ru/ | label = Siberian Independent Institute http://www.isvouga.com/ http://www.isz.minsk.by/ | label = Institute of Modern Knowledge named after A.M. Shirokova http://www.iszu.edu.tr/ http://www.it-chiba.ac.jp/ http://www.it-hiroshima.ac.jp/ http://www.ita.br/ http://www.ita.mx/ http://www.ita.qc.ca/fr/Pages/Accueil.aspx | label = Institut de Technologie Agroalimentaire http://www.itae.edu.ec/ | label = Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Artes del Ecuador http://www.ital.sp.gov.br/# | label = Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos http://www.italianculturalsociety.org/ | label = Italian Cultural Society of Washington D.C http://www.italo.br/ http://www.itam.mx/ http://www.itap-net.org/ | label = Instituto Técnico Artístico e Profissional de Coimbra http://www.itap.es/ | label = Instituto Tecnico Agronómico Provincial http://www.itapizaco.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco http://www.itascacc.edu/ http://www.itats.ac.id/ http://www.itb.ac.id/ http://www.itb.edu.bn/ http://www.itba.edu.ar/ http://www.itbmu.org.mm/ http://www.itbu.ac.id/ | label = Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo http://www.itc.edu.kh/en/ | label = Institute of Technology of Cambodia http://www.itc.mx/ http://www.itc.nl/ http://www.itcancun.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Cancún http://www.itcarlow.ie/ http://www.itcerroazul.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul http://www.itcj.edu.mx/ | label = Technological Institute of Ciudad Juárez http://www.itcm.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero http://www.itcollege.ee/en/ | label = Estonian Information Technology College http://www.itcr.ac.cr/ http://www.itdurango.edu.mx/ http://www.itdurango.mx/ | label = Durango Institute of Technology http://www.itea.edu/ | label = Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture http://www.itech.fr/ http://www.itep.ru/eng/ | label = Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics http://www.itescia.fr/ | label = ITESCIA http://www.itesi.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Irapuato http://www.itesm.mx/ http://www.iteso.mx/ http://www.ith.mx/# | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo http://www.ithaca.edu/ http://www.iti.is/ http://www.itib.ru/ | label = Institute of Technology and Business http://www.iticu.edu.tr/ http://www.itismalta.com/ http://www.itjiquilpan.edu.mx/ | label = Technological Institute of Jiquilpan http://www.itlalaguna.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnólogico de La Laguna http://www.itleon.edu.mx/ http://www.itm.edu.co/ http://www.itmatamoros.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Matamoros http://www.itmerida.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida http://www.itmexicali.edu.mx/ | label = Mexicali Institute of Technology http://www.itmina.edu.mx/ http://www.itmindia.edu/ http://www.itmo.by/en/ | label = A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute http://www.itmorelia.edu.mx/ http://www.itnogales.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales http://www.itoaxaca.edu.mx/web/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca http://www.itq.edu.mx/ http://www.its.ac.id/ http://www.itsa.edu.co/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Soledad Atlántico http://www.itslp.edu.mx/ http://www.itson.mx/ http://www.itsx.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa http://www.ittepic.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic http://www.ittihad.ac.ae/ http://www.ittoluca.edu.mx/ | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca http://www.ittralee.ie/ http://www.ittu.edu.tm/ http://www.ittux.edu.mx/?q=en | label = Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtepec http://www.ittuxtlagutierrez.edu.mx/ | label = Tuxtla Gutierrez Institute of Technology http://www.itu.dk/ http://www.itu.edu.pk/ | label = Information Technology University http://www.itu.edu.tr/ http://www.itver.edu.mx/index.php/es/ | label = Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz http://www.iu-travnik.com/ http://www.iu.ac.bd/ http://www.iu.ac.ke/ http://www.iu.edu.iq/ http://www.iu.edu.jo/index.php/en/ | label = Isra University http://www.iu.edu.kh/ http://www.iu.edu.sa/ http://www.iua.edu.ar/ http://www.iua.edu.sd/ http://www.iuav.it/homepage/ | label = Università Iuav di Venezia http://www.iuav.unive.it/ http://www.iub.edu.bd/ http://www.iub.edu.pk/ http://www.iub.edu/ http://www.iubat.edu/ http://www.iubh.de/en/ | label = International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef http://www.iubnt.yar.ru/ http://www.iubs.co.uk/ http://www.iucea.org/ | label = Inter-University Council for East Africa http://www.iucn.edu.my/ http://www.iuctorino.it/ | label = International University College of Turin http://www.iuctt.edu.my/ http://www.iue.edu.co/ http://www.iue.edu/ | label = Indiana University East http://www.iue.it/ http://www.iufs.edu/ http://www.iug.edu.gh/ http://www.iugaza.edu.ps/ http://www.iugb.edu.ci/ | label = International University of Grand Bassam http://www.iugrad.edu.kn/ http://www.iuhw.ac.jp/ http://www.iuil.lu/ http://www.iuim.ac.ir/ | label = Iran University of Industries and Mines http://www.iuiu.ac.ug/ http://www.iuj.ac.jp/ http://www.iuk.ac.jp/ http://www.iuk.ac.kr/ http://www.iuk.edu/ | label = Indiana University Kokomo http://www.iuk.kg/ http://www.iulm.it/ http://www.ium.edu.na/ http://www.iums.ac.ir/ http://www.iun.ch/ http://www.iun.edu/ | label = Indiana University Northwest http://www.iuna.edu.ar/ http://www.iuo.it/ http://www.iuoart.org/ http://www.iuokada.edu.ng/ http://www.iup.edu/ http://www.iups.edu/ | label = International University of Professional Studies http://www.iupuc.edu/ http://www.iupui.edu/ http://www.iur.ac.in/ http://www.iurc.montp.inserm.fr/ | label = Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique http://www.ius.edu.ba/ http://www.ius.edu/ http://www.ius.indiana.edu/ http://www.iusb.edu/ http://www.iuse.edu.es/ http://www.iusspavia.it/ http://www.iust.ac.ir/ http://www.iust.edu.sy/ http://www.iut.ac.ir/ http://www.iutoic-dhaka.edu/ http://www.iuu.ac/ | label = IMS Unison University http://www.ivalongbeach.org/ | label = Intellectual Virtues Academy http://www.ivanofnmu.com.ua/ | label = Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University http://www.ivanovo.ac.ru/ http://www.ivc.edu/ http://www.ivcc.edu/ http://www.ive.edu.hk/i | label = Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education http://www.ivesep.spb.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law http://www.ivgpu.com/ | label = Ivanovo State Polytechnic University http://www.ivgsha.ru/ | label = Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D.K. Belyaev http://www.ivri.nic.in/ http://www.ivt.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou Industrial Park Vocational Technical College http://www.ivytech.edu/ http://www.iwaki-ah.fks.ed.jp/ | label = Fukushima Iwaki Agricultural High School http://www.iwakimu.ac.jp/ http://www.iwakuni.ac.jp/ | label = Iwakuni Junior College http://www.iwate-med.ac.jp/ http://www.iwate-nurse.ac.jp/ | label = Iwate College of Nursing http://www.iwate-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.iwate-u.ac.jp/ http://www.iwcc.edu/ http://www.iwctx.edu/ http://www.iwkoeln.de/en/ | label = Cologne Institute for Economic Research http://www.iwm.at/ | label = Institute of Human Sciences http://www.iwp.edu/ http://www.iyte.edu.tr/ http://www.izmirekonomi.edu.tr/ http://www.iztapalapa.uam.mx/ http://www.izumi-c.ac.jp/ | label = Izumi Junior College http://www.jabu.edu.ng/ http://www.jacksonville-college.edu/ http://www.jacobs-university.de/ http://www.jadara.edu.jo/ http://www.jadavpur.edu/ http://www.jaduniv.edu.in/ | label = Jadavpur University http://www.jainuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Jain University http://www.jainuniversity.org/ http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ http://www.jak.lv/en | label = ​​​Jekabpils Agrobusiness College http://www.jalc.edu/ http://www.jam.edu.jo/ http://www.jamessprunt.edu/ http://www.jamestownbusinesscollege.edu/ | label = Jamestown Business College http://www.jami.ac.ir/ http://www.jamiahamdard.edu/ http://www.jammuuniversity.in/ | label = University of Jammu http://www.jammuvarsity.org/ http://www.janabadra.ac.id/ http://www.janahiau.ac.ir/ http://www.janus.academy/home | label = Janus University http://www.jardinbotanicodecordoba.com/ | label = Instituto Municipal de Gestión Medioambiental http://www.jarvis.edu/ | label = Jarvis Christian College http://www.javeriana.edu.co/ http://www.jayabaya.ac.id/ http://www.jayadevacardiology.com/ | label = Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research http://www.jazanu.edu.sa/ http://www.jbc.edu/ http://www.jblfmu.edu.ph/ | label = John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University http://www.jbu.edu/ http://www.jc.fit.ac.jp/ | label = Fukuoka Institute of Technology Junior College http://www.jc.nagoya-su.ac.jp/ | label = Nagoya Management Junior College http://www.jc.shukutoku.ac.jp/ | label = Shukutoku Junior College http://www.jccc.edu/ http://www.jccmi.edu/ http://www.jchs.edu/ | label = Jefferson College of Health Sciences http://www.jci.edu.cn/ http://www.jcjc.edu/ http://www.jcsu.edu/ http://www.jct.ac.il/ http://www.jct.edu.sa/ http://www.jcu.cz/ http://www.jcu.edu.au/ http://www.jcut.edu.cn/ | label = Jingchu University of Technology http://www.jdcc.edu/ http://www.jdv.edu.in/ | label = Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth http://www.jdzu.jx.cn/english/ | label = Jingdezhen University http://www.jeffco.edu/ http://www.jefferson.edu/ | label = Thomas Jefferson University http://www.jefferson.kctcs.edu/ http://www.jeffersonstate.edu/ | label = Jefferson State Community College http://www.jeffstateonline.com/ http://www.jeju.ac.kr/ http://www.jejunu.ac.kr/ http://www.jeonju.ac.kr/ http://www.jerashun.edu.jo/ http://www.jessamine.k12.ky.us.schools.bz/ | label = Jessamine County Schools http://www.jessup.edu/ | label = William Jessup University http://www.jesus.ac.kr/ http://www.jewell.edu/ http://www.jezuietenhuis.be/ | label = St John Berchmans University College http://www.jfku.edu/ http://www.jfn.ac.lk/ http://www.jgsee.kmutt.ac.th/v2/index2.php | label = Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment http://www.jgu.edu.ly/ http://www.jhsu.ac.jp/ | label = Japan University of Health Sciences http://www.jhu.edu/ http://www.jhuapl.edu/ http://www.jhubc.it/ http://www.jhun.edu.cn/english/ | label = Jianghan University http://www.jiangnan.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangnan University http://www.jic.edu.sa/ http://www.jichi.ac.jp/ http://www.jiit.ac.in/ http://www.jikei.ac.jp/ http://www.jin-ai.ac.jp/ | label = Jin-ai Women's College http://www.jinan.edu.lb/ http://www.jinnah.edu.pk/ http://www.jinnah.edu/ http://www.jishukan-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/en/top/index.html | label = Aichi Prefectural Jishukan Senior High School http://www.jissen.ac.jp/ http://www.jit.edu.cn/english_page.aspx | label = Jinling Institute of Technology http://www.jiu.ac.jp/ http://www.jiu.edu/ | label = Jones International University http://www.jiwaji.edu/ http://www.jiyu.jp/index.html | label = Jiyu Gakuen Girls School http://www.jj.ac.kr/eng/ | label = Jeonju University http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/ | label = John Jay College of Criminal Justice http://www.jjc.edu/ http://www.jju.edu.et/ http://www.jjvu.jx.cn/ | label = Jiujiang Vocational University http://www.jjxy.cn/zszp/ | label = Academy of Military Transportation http://www.jk.lv/en/index_en | label = College of Law http://www.jkajyo.ac.jp/ | label = Kagoshima Women's Junior College http://www.jkkniu.edu.bd/ http://www.jklu.edu.in/ | label = JK Lakshmipat University http://www.jkuat.ac.ke/ http://www.jlau.edu.cn/ http://www.jledu.gov.cn/jyt/english/ | label = Department of Education of Jilin Province http://www.jlhtcm.com/ | label = Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.jlu.edu.cn/ http://www.jmls.edu/ | label = John Marshall Law School http://www.jmpolygwanda.com/# | label = Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic http://www.jmpt.cn/ | label = Jiangmen Polytechnic http://www.jmsu.org/english/index.html | label = Jiamusi University http://www.jmu.edu.cn/ http://www.jmu.edu/ http://www.jncasr.ac.in/ http://www.jnkvv.nic.in/ http://www.jnmc.edu.cn/ | label = Jining Medical University http://www.jntc.nm.cn/ | label = Jining Normal University http://www.jntu.ac.in/ http://www.jntuh.ac.in/ | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad http://www.jntuk.edu.in/ | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada http://www.jnu.ac.bd/ http://www.jnu.ac.in/ http://www.jnu.edu.cn/ http://www.jnue.ac.kr/ http://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/ http://www.jnvu.edu.in/ | label = Jai Narain Vyas University http://www.jnxy.edu.cn/ | label = Jining University http://www.jobu.ac.jp/ http://www.jodhpurnationaluniversity.com/ http://www.joensuu.fi/ http://www.johnabbott.qc.ca/ | label = John Abbott College http://www.johncabot.edu/ http://www.johnmarshall.edu/ | label = Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School http://www.johnsonu.edu/Home.aspx | label = Johnson University http://www.johnstoncc.edu/ http://www.jonan.jp/tandai/ | label = Osaka Jonan Womens Junior College http://www.jones.edu/ http://www.joongbu.ac.kr/ http://www.jooust.ac.ke/ http://www.josai.ac.jp/ http://www.josephinum.at/en | label = Josephinum Research http://www.joshibi.ac.jp/ http://www.joso.ed.jp/sugahara-e/ | label = Ibaraki Prefecture Joso City Sugawara Elementary School http://www.jpte.hu/ http://www.jrchcn.ac.jp/ | label = Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing http://www.jre.edu.in/ | label = JRE Group of Institutions http://www.jrnrvu.org/ http://www.jsahvc.edu.cn/s/41/t/261/p/1/c/783/list.htm | label = Jiangsu Agri-animal Husbandry Vocational College http://www.jscc.edu/ http://www.jsfs.co.il/english/ | label = Jerusalem Film and Television School http://www.jsjzi.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology http://www.jsmu.edu.pk/ | label = Jinnah Sindh Medical University http://www.jspi.cn/ | label = Jiangsu Police Officer College http://www.jssuni.edu.in/ | label = JSS University http://www.jssvc.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou Vocational University http://www.jsu.edu.cn/ http://www.jsu.edu/ http://www.jsums.edu/ http://www.jsust.edu.cn/ http://www.jsut.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangsu University of Technology http://www.jsycmc.com/ | label = Jiangsu Vocational College of Medicine http://www.jtcc.edu/ http://www.jtsa.edu/ http://www.jtu.ac.kr/ | label = Jeju Tourism University http://www.ju.ac.ae/ http://www.ju.edu.af/ http://www.ju.edu.et/ http://www.ju.edu.jo/ http://www.ju.edu.sa/ http://www.ju.edu/ http://www.jub.eu/ | label = Tehnološko raziskovalni center JUB http://www.juba.edu.sd/ http://www.jubileemissionmedicalcollege.org/ | label = Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute http://www.juc.edu/ http://www.judson.edu/ http://www.judsonu.edu/ | label = Judson University http://www.juen.ac.jp/ http://www.juilliard.edu/ | label = Juilliard School http://www.jum.ru/ http://www.jumonji-u.ac.jp/ | label = Jumonji University http://www.jums.ac.ir/ http://www.jun.alaska.edu/ http://www.jungtao.edu/ | label = Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine http://www.juniata.edu/ http://www.juniv.edu/ http://www.junshin-c.ac.jp/ | label = Junshin Junior College http://www.junshin-u.ac.jp/ | label = Junshin Gakuen University http://www.juntan.k-junshin.ac.jp/ http://www.juntendo.ac.jp/ http://www.jussieu.fr/ http://www.just.edu.jo/ http://www.jut.edu.cn/ http://www.jutcm.com/ http://www.juw.edu.pk/ http://www.jvbi.ac.in/ http://www.jvcit.edu.cn/ | label = Jilin Vocational College of Industry and Technology http://www.jwcc.edu/ http://www.jwu.ac.jp/ http://www.jwu.ac.kr/ http://www.jwu.edu/ http://www.jxaas.com/ | label = Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.jxau.edu.cn/ http://www.jxie.edu.cn/ | label = Nanchang Normal University http://www.jxlky.cn/ | label = Jiangxi Academy of Forestry http://www.jxnu.edu.cn/ http://www.jxstnu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University http://www.jxufe.edu.cn/ http://www.jxvtc.net/default.html | label = Jiaxing Vocational Technical College http://www.jxyyxy.com/ | label = Jiangxi College of Applied Technology http://www.jxzs.net.cn/ | label = Ordnance Engineering College http://www.jyu.edu.cn/ http://www.jyu.fi/ http://www.jzxy.edu.cn/ | label = Jinzhong University http://www.k-kentan.ac.jp/ | label = Kagoshima Prefectural College http://www.k-ryukoku.ac.jp/ | label = Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College http://www.k-state.edu/ | label = Kansas State University http://www.k12northstar.org/ | label = Fairbanks North Star Borough School District http://www.kabarak.ac.ke/ http://www.kabianga.ac.ke/ http://www.kabk.nl/ | label = Royal Academy of Art http://www.kaboora.edu.af/ http://www.kabuli.edu.af/ http://www.kacho-college.ac.jp/ | label = Kacho College http://www.kaetsu.ac.jp/english/ | label = Kaetsu University http://www.kafkas.edu.tr/ http://www.kafna.ac.kr/ http://www.kafu.kz/en/ | label = Kazakh-American Free University http://www.kagawa-edu.jp/mogaku01/ | label = Kagawa Prefectural School for the Blind http://www.kagawa-edu.jp/takah01/ | label = Takamatsu High School http://www.kagawa-nct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Kagawa College http://www.kagawa-puhs.ac.jp/ | label = Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences http://www.kagawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kagoshima-ct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College http://www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kai.ru/ http://www.kaichi.ac.jp/ | label = Kaichi International University http://www.kaisei-h.sapporo-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Sapporo Kaisei High School http://www.kaist.ac.kr/ http://www.kaist.edu/html/en/index.html | label = Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology http://www.kait.jp/english/ | label = Kanagawa Institute of Technology http://www.kaiyodai.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology http://www.kakatiya.ac.in/ | label = Kakatiya University http://www.kake.ac.jp/ | label = Kake Educational Institution http://www.kakujogaoka-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Tsurugi hill high school http://www.kalamandalam.org/ | label = Kerala Kalamandalam http://www.kalingauniversity.com/ http://www.kalmsu.ru/ http://www.kamakura-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kamalolmolk.ac.ir/ http://www.kameda.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kameda College of Health Sciences http://www.kamgifk.ru/ | label = Kamskij State Institute of Physical Culture http://www.kamgu.ru/ http://www.kamonorin-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Kamo Agriculture and Forestry High School http://www.kan.edu.af/ http://www.kanagawa-it.ac.jp/ http://www.kanagawa-th.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa prefectural Kanagawa Technical High School http://www.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kanagawasogosangyo-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Kanagawa Comprehensive Industry High School http://www.kanazawa-bidai.ac.jp/ http://www.kanazawa-eco.ac.jp/ http://www.kanazawa-gu.ac.jp/ http://www.kanazawa-it.ac.jp/ http://www.kanazawa-med.ac.jp/ http://www.kanazawa-tc.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kanazawa Technical College http://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kanchiuniv.ac.in/ http://www.kangnam.ac.kr/ http://www.kangnung.ac.kr/ http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/ http://www.kanker.be/ | label = Stichting tegen Kanker http://www.kankyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kannadauniversity.org/ http://www.kannuruniversity.ac.in/ http://www.kanpuruniversity.org/ http://www.kansai-gaidai-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kansai Gaidai University http://www.kansasps.com/ | label = Kansas Public Schools http://www.kanti-baden.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Baden http://www.kantiana.ru/ http://www.kantisargans.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Sargans http://www.kanto-gakuen.ac.jp/ http://www.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.kanzei.ac.jp/ | label = Kansai High School http://www.kapadokya.edu.tr/ | label = Kapadokya Meslek Yüksekokulu http://www.kaplan.edu/ http://www.karabuk.edu.tr/ http://www.karaelmas.edu.tr/ http://www.karatay.edu.tr/ http://www.karatekin.edu.tr/ http://www.karatinauniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.karch.dk/ http://www.kardan.edu.af/ http://www.karelia.ru/ http://www.kariya-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aicihi Prefectural Kariya High School http://www.karlshochschule.de/ http://www.karnataka.gov.in/gdcrib/pages/home.aspx | label = Government Dental College & Research Institute http://www.karnatakastateopenuniversity.in/ http://www.karpagamuniv.com/ http://www.karpagamuniversity.edu.in/ | label = Karpagam University http://www.karsu.uz/index.php/en/ | label = Karakalpak State University http://www.kart.edu.ua/en/ | label = Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport http://www.karuniversity.com/ http://www.karunya.edu/ http://www.karwan.edu.af/ http://www.kasbit.edu.pk/ http://www.kasd.ac.jp/ | label = Kyoto Architecture University http://www.kasei-gakuin.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University http://www.kashanu.ac.ir/ http://www.kashiwazakik-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Kashiwazaki Technical High School http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/ | label = University of Kashmir http://www.kaskaskia.edu/ http://www.kassalauni.edu.sd/ http://www.kast.or.kr/kr/index.php | label = Korean Academy of Science and Technology http://www.kastamonu.edu.tr/ http://www.kasuportal.net/ http://www.kateb.edu.af/ http://www.kath-fh-nord.de/ http://www.kathak.org/ | label = Chhandam School of Kathak http://www.katho-nrw.de/en/katho-nrw/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine – Westphalia http://www.katumada.okayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefectural Katsumata High School http://www.kau.ac.ir/ http://www.kau.ac.kr/ http://www.kau.edu.sa/ http://www.kau.edu/ http://www.kau.in/ | label = Kerala Agricultural University http://www.kau.kz/ http://www.kaums.ac.ir/ http://www.kaunokolegija.lt/en/ | label = Kaunas University of Applied Sciences http://www.kaust.edu.sa/ http://www.kawaguchi.ac.jp/ | label = Kawaguchi Junior College http://www.kawasaki-m.ac.jp/ http://www.kawasaki-nursing-c.ac.jp/home/hp/index.htm | label = Kawasaki City College of Nursing http://www.kaya.ac.kr/ http://www.kaywon.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.aspx | label = Kaywon University of Art & Design http://www.kazanconservatoire.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&Itemid=286 | label = Kazan State Conservatoire named after N. Zhiganov http://www.kazanconservatory.ru/ http://www.kazeu.kz/ http://www.kaznau.kz/en.html | label = Kazakh National Agrarian University http://www.kaznpu.kz/ http://www.kazntu.kz/ http://www.kaznu.kz/ http://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/ http://www.kbocc.org/ http://www.kbsu.ru/ http://www.kbtu.kz/ http://www.kbtus.ac.kr/ http://www.kbu.ac.jp/ http://www.kbu.ac.th/ http://www.kbu.edu.my/ http://www.kca.ac.ke/ http://www.kcai.edu/ | label = Kansas City Art Institute http://www.kcb.be/ | label = Royal Conservatory of Brussels http://www.kcc.edu/ http://www.kccs.org/ | label = King Center Charter School http://www.kcdsh.org/ | label = Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital http://www.kcg.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kyoto Computer Gakuin http://www.kcgu.ac.kr/english/portal.php | label = Korea Counseling Graduate University http://www.kckcc.edu/ http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ http://www.kcm.edu.np/ | label = Kathmandu College of Management http://www.kcmc.ac.tz/ http://www.kct.ac.in/ http://www.kct.ac.jp/ | label = Kitakyushu National College of Technology http://www.kctcs.edu/ http://www.kcu.ac.kr/ http://www.kcua.ac.jp/ http://www.kcumb.edu/ | label = Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences http://www.kdcnet.ac.jp/ http://www.kdg.be/ http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/ http://www.kdpu.edu.ua/ http://www.kdu.ac.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Dental University http://www.kdu.ac.kr/ http://www.kdu.ac.lk/ http://www.kdu.edu.my/ http://www.kdu.md/ http://www.kduniv.ac.kr/ http://www.kea.dk/en/ | label = Copenhagen School of Design and Technology http://www.kean.edu/ http://www.kedgebs.com/en | label = Kedge Business School http://www.kee.hu/ http://www.keele.ac.uk/ http://www.keene.edu/ http://www.kei.re.kr/bEng/main.kei | label = Korea Environment Institute http://www.keiho-u.ac.jp/ http://www.keimyung.ac.kr/ http://www.keins.city.kawasaki.jp/2/ke205301/ | label = Kawasaki Univ Yato Elementary School http://www.keio.ac.jp/ http://www.keisen.ac.jp/ http://www.keiseruniversity.edu.ni/ | label = Keiser University Latin American Campus http://www.keiseruniversity.edu/ http://www.keiwa-c.ac.jp/ http://www.kellogg.edu/ http://www.kem.edu/ | label = King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth G.S. Medical College http://www.kemerburgaz.edu.tr/ http://www.kempel.nl/Paginas/home.aspx | label = Hogeschool de Kempel http://www.kemsu.ru/ http://www.kemu.ac.ke/ http://www.ken.edu.af/ http://www.kenko-fukushi.ac.jp/web/ | label = Osaka College of Social Health and Welfare http://www.kennedy.edu.ar/ http://www.kennesaw.edu/ http://www.kensingtoncoll.ac.uk/ | label = Kensington College of Business http://www.kent.ac.uk/ | label = University of Kent http://www.kent.edu/ http://www.kentalis.nl/Royal-Dutch-Kentalis | label = Royal Dutch Kentalis http://www.kentschools.net/rhs/ | label = Theodore Roosevelt High School http://www.kentuckyvalley.org/ | label = Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative http://www.kenyon.edu/ http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/ http://www.kerryetb.ie/ | label = Kerry Education and Training Board http://www.kes.ac.cy/ | label = KES College http://www.ketchum.edu/ | label = Marshall B. Ketchum University http://www.kettering.edu/ http://www.keu.edu.af/ http://www.keyano.ca/ | label = Keyano College http://www.keystone.edu/ | label = Keystone College http://www.kfb-berlin.de/ http://www.kfh-freiburg.de/ http://www.kfh-mainz.de/ http://www.kfhnw.de/ http://www.kfr.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Freudenberg http://www.kfs.edu.eg/ http://www.kfsc.edu.sa/ http://www.kfu.edu.cn/ | label = Kaifeng University http://www.kfu.edu.sa/ http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/ http://www.kg.ac.rs/ http://www.kgaa.nu/index_en.html | label = Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy http://www.kgau.ru/ | label = Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University http://www.kgi.edu/ | label = Keck Graduate Institute http://www.kgmu.com/ | label = Kursk State Medical University http://www.kgmu.kcn.ru/ http://www.kgmu.kz/en | label = Karaganda State Medical University http://www.kgpu.ru/ http://www.kgrc.ac.kr/index.jsp?pid=C | label = Koguryeo College http://www.kgre.hu/ http://www.kgsu.ru/ | label = Kurgan State University http://www.kgtu.runnet.ru/ http://www.kgut.ac.ir/ http://www.kgwu.ac.jp/ http://www.kgzs.si/gv/eu-in-svet/english.aspx | label = Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia http://www.kh-berlin.de/ http://www.kh-freiburg.de/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg http://www.khadi.kharkov.ua/ http://www.khai.edu/ http://www.khakib.ru/ | label = Khakass Institute of Business http://www.khas.edu.tr/ http://www.khawarizmi.com/ http://www.khazar.org/ http://www.khbo.be/ | label = Catholic University College of Bruges–Ostend http://www.khi.ac.rw/ http://www.khi.is/ http://www.khio.no/ http://www.khk.be/ http://www.khleuven.be/ http://www.khlim.be/ http://www.khm.de/ | label = Academy of Media Arts Cologne http://www.kho.edu.tr/ | label = Turkish Military Academy http://www.khs-linz.ac.at/ http://www.khsa.de/ http://www.khsb-berlin.de/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences http://www.khspu.ru/ http://www.khstu.ru/ http://www.khsu.ru/ | label = Khakassian State University named after N.F. Katanov http://www.khu.ac.kr/ http://www.khuisf.ac.ir/ http://www.kias.edu.my/ http://www.kiau.ac.ir/english/ | label = Islamic Azad University , Karaj http://www.kicl.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language http://www.kidsdentalcollege.org/ | label = Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences http://www.kie.ac.rw/ http://www.kiel.ru/ | label = Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law http://www.kigit.ru/ | label = Kamsky Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies http://www.kii.gov.by/ http://www.kiis.ac.jp/ | label = Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences http://www.kiit.ac.in/ | label = KIIT University http://www.kiit.edu.pk/ http://www.kilaw.edu.kw/ http://www.kilgore.edu/ http://www.kilian.edu/ http://www.kilis.edu.tr/ http://www.kimep.kz/ http://www.kimpim-krasnodar.ru/ | label = Kuban Institute of International Business and Management http://www.kindai.ac.jp/ http://www.kinder.aoyama.ed.jp/ | label = Aoyama Gakuin Kindergarten http://www.king.edu/ | label = King University http://www.kings.edu/ http://www.kingsborough.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Kingsborough Community College http://www.kingston-edu.org/ | label = Kingston University http://www.kingston.ac.uk/ http://www.kingston.edu/ http://www.kingsu.ab.ca/ http://www.kingsu.ca/ | label = King's University College http://www.kinjo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kinwu.ac.jp/ | label = Kobe University of Welfare http://www.kiperak.edu.my/ http://www.kippbayarea.org/ | label = KIPP Bay Area Schools http://www.kippchicago.org/ | label = KIPP Chicago Schools http://www.kipsas.edu.my/ http://www.kirklareli.edu.tr/ http://www.kirkwood.edu/ http://www.kirtland.edu/ http://www.kisarazu.ac.jp/en/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Kisarazu College http://www.kish.ac.ir/ http://www.kishwaukeecollege.edu/ http://www.kisiiuniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.kist.ac.rw/ http://www.kist.edu.my/ http://www.kistmcth.edu.np/ | label = KIST Medical College http://www.kit.ac.jp/ http://www.kit.edu/ http://www.kita9.ed.jp/yahata-s/ | label = Kitakyushu Yahata Special Needs Schools http://www.kitab.edu.my/ http://www.kitakyu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kitami-it.ac.jp/ http://www.kitamihokuto.hokkaido-c.ed.jp/index3.htm | label = Hokkaido Kitami Hokuto High School http://www.kitasato-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kiu.ac.jp/ http://www.kiu.ac.tz/# | label = Kampala International University http://www.kiu.ac.ug/ http://www.kiu.edu.pk/ http://www.kiu.ru/ http://www.kiui.ac.jp/ http://www.kiwu.ac.kr/eng/htm/main/main.jsp | label = Kyung-in Women's University http://www.kiyota-h.sapporo-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Sapporo Kiyota High School http://www.kjc.ac.jp/ | label = Kagawa Junior College http://www.kkmc.ac.in/kkmc/ | label = Kanyakumari Government Medical College http://www.kkot.ac.kr/ http://www.kku.ac.th/ http://www.kku.edu.sa/ http://www.kku.edu.tr/ http://www.kl.ac.at/en/ | label = Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences http://www.klc.ac.kr/klc/main/Main.php | label = Korea Lift College http://www.kleuniversity.edu.in/ | label = KLE University http://www.klgtu.ru/ http://www.klinikum.uni-muenchen.de/de/index.html | label = Klinikum der Universität München http://www.kliuc.edu.my/ http://www.klmu.edu.my/ http://www.kln.ac.lk/ http://www.klu.edu.tr/dil/en | label = Kırklareli University http://www.kluniversity.in/ | label = Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation http://www.klvtk.lt/ | label = Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences http://www.klyuniv.ac.in/ http://www.kma.ac.kr/ http://www.kma.mk.ua/ http://www.kmaik.lt/ | label = Kauno Mišku ir Aplinkos Inžinerijos Kolegija http://www.kmaritime.ac.kr/ http://www.kmbc.edu/ | label = Kentucky Mountain Bible College http://www.kmbs.edu.kw/ http://www.kmc.ac.uk/ | label = Kingston Maurward College http://www.kmckurnool.com/ | label = Kurnool Medical College http://www.kmct.edu.in/ | label = KMCT Group of Educational Institutions http://www.kmcu.ac.kr/english/main/ | label = Keimyung College University http://www.kmdc.edu.pk/ http://www.kmitl.ac.th/ http://www.kmmivso.com/ | label = Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education http://www.kmou.ac.kr/ http://www.kms.ac.jp/ http://www.kmtc.ac.ke/ http://www.kmu.ac.ir/ http://www.kmu.ac.jp/ http://www.kmu.ac.kr/main.jsp | label = Keimyung University http://www.kmu.edu.af/ http://www.kmu.edu.et/ | label = Kotebe Metropolitan University http://www.kmu.edu.pk/ | label = Khyber Medical University http://www.kmu.edu.tr/ http://www.kmust.edu.cn/ http://www.kmutnb.ac.th/ http://www.kmutt.ac.th/ http://www.kmyz.edu.cn/ | label = Kunming Metallurgy College http://www.knastu.ru/ http://www.knau.kg/ http://www.knct.ac.jp/ http://www.kneu.kiev.ua/ http://www.knightsbridgeuniversity.com/ http://www.knmu-edu.com.ua/ | label = Kyiv Medical University of UAFM http://www.knou.ac.kr/ http://www.knox.edu/ http://www.knoxschools.org/ | label = Knox County Schools http://www.knoxvillecollege.edu/ | label = Knoxville College http://www.knpvc.in/# | label = Krantisinh Nana Patil College of Veterinary Science http://www.knruhs.in/public_org/ | label = Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences http://www.knsu.ac.kr/ http://www.kntu.ac.ir/ http://www.knu.ac.in/ | label = Kazi Nazrul University http://www.knu.ac.kr/wbbs/ | label = Kyungpook National University http://www.knua.ac.kr/ http://www.knuba.edu.ua/ http://www.knue.ac.kr/ http://www.knupe.ac.kr/ http://www.knust.edu.gh/ http://www.kobe-c.ac.jp/ http://www.kobe-cufs.ac.jp/ http://www.kobe-du.ac.jp/ http://www.kobe-kiu.ac.jp/ http://www.kobe-kosen.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kobe City College of Technology http://www.kobe-shinwa.ac.jp/ http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kobegakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.kobepharma-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kocaeli.edu.tr/ | label = University of Kocaeli http://www.kochi-gc.ac.jp/ | label = Kochi Gakuen College http://www.kochi-ms.ac.jp/ http://www.kochi-reha.ac.jp/ | label = Kochi Rehabilitation Institute http://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/ http://www.kochi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kochi-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.kochinet.ed.jp/kochikogyo-h/ | label = Kochi Technical High School http://www.kodama-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Kodama High School http://www.kodolanyi.hu/ http://www.koforiduapoly.edu.gh/ http://www.kogakkan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kogakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.koganei.ed.jp/~kogan1es/ | label = Koganei Daiichi Elementary School http://www.koganeikogyo-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/tei/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Koganei Industrial High School http://www.kohshichuto.city-niigata.ed.jp/index.html | label = Niigata City Kohshi Secondary School http://www.koishikawachuto-e.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa Secondary Education School http://www.koka.ac.jp/ http://www.kokugakuin-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Kokugakuin Junior College http://www.kokugakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.kokushikan.ac.jp.e.qd.hp.transer.com/ | label = Kokushikan University http://www.kokushikan.ac.jp/ http://www.kokutan.net/ | label = Kokusai Junior College http://www.koledza.lv/best/index.php/en/ | label = Riga College of Accounting and Finance http://www.kolegija.lt/en/frontpage.php | label = Vilnius Business College http://www.kolegjidardania.com/en | label = Kolegji Dardania http://www.kolejshahputra.edu.my/ http://www.kolejypc.edu.my/ http://www.kolieh.com/ http://www.kolomna-kgpi.ru/ | label = Moscow State Regional Socio-Humanitarian Institute http://www.kolpingokolegija.lt/ | label = Kolping University of Applied Sciences http://www.komaba-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Komaba High School http://www.komaki-th.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Komaki Technical High School http://www.komar.edu.iq/ http://www.komatsu-c.ac.jp/ | label = Komatsu College http://www.konan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.konan-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.konan.ac.jp/ | label = Aichi Konan College http://www.kongju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.konkuk.ac.kr/ http://www.konya.edu.tr/ http://www.konyang.ac.kr/ http://www.kookmin.ac.kr/ http://www.kopo.ac.kr/bio/index.do | label = Korea Bio Polytechnic College http://www.kordofan.edu.sd/ http://www.korea-u.ac.jp/ http://www.korea.ac.kr/ http://www.koreatech.ac.kr/ http://www.kori.doshisha.ac.jp/english | label = Doshisha Kaori Junior and Senior High School http://www.koriyama-kgc.ac.jp/ http://www.kornu.ac.kr/ http://www.kosen-k.go.jp/english/info-idx.html | label = National Institute Of Technology http://www.koshien-c.ac.jp/ | label = Koshien Junior College http://www.koshien.ac.jp/ http://www.kosin.ac.kr/ http://www.kosin.edu/ | label = Kosin University http://www.kothiwaldentalcollege.com/ | label = Kothiwal Dental College and Research Centre http://www.kou.edu.tr/ http://www.koyasan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.koyauniversity.org/ http://www.koyo-hs.gsn.ed.jp/ | label = Gunma Prefectural Isesaki Koyokotogakko http://www.koyogakuen.ed.jp/ | label = Koyo Schools http://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/ | label = Kozminski University http://www.kpc.alaska.edu/ http://www.kpcmedicalcollege.org/ | label = KPC Medical College and Hospital http://www.kph-es.at/ | label = Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein http://www.kphgraz.at/ | label = Catholic University College of Education Graz http://www.kphvie.ac.at/en/ | label = University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems http://www.kpi.kharkov.ua/ http://www.kpi.ua/ http://www.kpoly.edu.gh/ http://www.kppcs.org/ | label = Kona Pacific Public Charter School http://www.kpswjg.pl/en/ | label = Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra http://www.kptm.edu.my/ http://www.kpu-m.ac.jp/ http://www.kpu.ac.jp/ http://www.kpu.ac.kr/ http://www.kpu.ca/ | label = Kwantlen Polytechnic University http://www.kpz.nl/international-office/ | label = Katholieke Pabo Zwolle http://www.kre.hu/english/ | label = Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary http://www.krestanskaakademie.cz/ | label = Czech Christian Academy http://www.krippo.ru/ | label = Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Decisive Pedagogical Education http://www.krirk.ac.th/ http://www.krishnauniversity.ac.in/ http://www.krok.edu.ua/ http://www.krsu.edu.kg/ http://www.ksa.edu.pk/ http://www.ksaba.ru/ http://www.ksai.ru/engl/ | label = Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute http://www.ksau-hs.edu.sa/ http://www.ksau.kherson.ua/en/ | label = Kherson State Agricultural University http://www.ksbe.edu/ | label = Kamehameha Schools http://www.ksbl.edu.pk/ | label = Karachi School for Business and Leadership http://www.ksdsu.edu.in/ http://www.kse.org.ua/ http://www.ksfei.ru/ http://www.ksfh.de/ http://www.ksg-apeldoorn.nl/ | label = Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap http://www.kshosen.ac.jp/ http://www.ksi.edu/ | label = Knowledge Systems Institute http://www.ksk.edu.ee/eng | label = Estonian National Defense College http://www.ksla.kg/en/ | label = Kyrgyz State Law Academy http://www.kslu.ac.in/ http://www.ksma.ru/ | label = Kuban State Medical University http://www.ksmu.kharkov.ua/ http://www.ksmu.kursknet.ru/ http://www.ksom.res.in/ | label = Kerala School of Mathematics http://www.ksph.kz/?lang=en | label = Kazakhstan Medical University http://www.ksrychenberg.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Rychenberg http://www.ksstadelhofen.ch/dnn/ | label = Kantonsschule Stadelhofen http://www.kst-h.ed.jp/ | label = Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Science High School http://www.kstu.edu.ru/ http://www.kstu.kg/ http://www.kstu.kursk.ru/ http://www.kstu.kz/ http://www.kstuca.kharkov.ua/ http://www.ksu.ac.jp/ http://www.ksu.edu.sa/ http://www.ksu.edu.tr/ http://www.ksu.edu.ua/ http://www.ksu.edu/ http://www.ksu.kst.kz/ http://www.ksu.kz/ http://www.ksu.ru/ http://www.ksucta.kg/ http://www.ksuportal.edu.ng/ http://www.ksusta.edu.ng/ http://www.ksw.edu.pl/ http://www.ktc.ac.kr/ | label = Korea Tourism College http://www.ktd.edu.my/ http://www.kth-linz.ac.at/ http://www.ktk.lt/ | label = Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences http://www.ktkt-haiduong.edu.vn/ http://www.ktokai-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ktu.edu.tr/ http://www.ktu.lt/ http://www.kture.kharkov.ua/ http://www.ku-eichstaett.de/ http://www.ku.ac.ae/ http://www.ku.ac.bd/ http://www.ku.ac.ke/ http://www.ku.ac.th/ http://www.ku.ac.ug/ http://www.ku.de/en/ | label = Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt http://www.ku.dk/ http://www.ku.edu.af/ http://www.ku.edu.bh/ http://www.ku.edu.np/ http://www.ku.edu.sa/ http://www.ku.edu.tr/ http://www.ku.edu/ http://www.ku.lt/ http://www.ku.sk/ http://www.kubagro.ru/ http://www.kubrussel.ac.be/ http://www.kubstu.ru/ http://www.kubsu.ru/ http://www.kud.ac.in/ http://www.kuet.ac.bd/ http://www.kufos.ac.in/ http://www.kufs.ac.jp/ http://www.kug.ac.at/ http://www.kuhs.ac.jp/ | label = Kanagawa University of Human Services http://www.kuim.edu.my/ http://www.kuin.edu.my/ http://www.kuins.ac.jp/ http://www.kuis.ac.jp/ http://www.kuis.ac.kr/ | label = Korea University of International Studies http://www.kuis.edu.my/ http://www.kuk.ac.in/ | label = Kurukshetra University http://www.kuk.edu.ng/ http://www.kukinfo.com/ http://www.kul.lublin.pl/ http://www.kul.pl/ | label = John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin http://www.kulak.ac.be/ http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/ http://www.kuleuven.be/english | label = KU Leuven http://www.kumagaku.ac.jp/ http://www.kumajo-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Girls High School http://www.kumamoto-hsu.ac.jp/ | label = Kumamoto Health Science University http://www.kumamoto-kmm.ed.jp/index.html | label = Kumamoto Educational Center http://www.kumamoto-nct.ac.jp/english-home.html | label = National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College http://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kumaununiversity.org/ http://www.kumc.edu/ http://www.kumoh.ac.kr/ http://www.kums.ac.ir/ http://www.kumsa.net/ http://www.kunainital.ac.in/ | label = Kumaun University http://www.kunitachi.ac.jp/ http://www.kuniv.edu.kw/ http://www.kuniv.edu/ku | label = Kuwait University http://www.kunsan.ac.kr/ http://www.kunstakademie-duesseldorf.de/ http://www.kunstakademie-karlsruhe.de/ | label = Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe http://www.kunstakademie-muenster.de/aktuell/?no_cache=1 | label = Academy of Fine Arts Münster http://www.kunstakademiet.dk/ http://www.kunstmuseumbern.ch/ | label = Museum of Fine Arts Bern http://www.kurachuo.okayama-c.ed.jp/index.html | label = Okayama Prefectural Kurashiki Chuo High School http://www.kurako.okayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefectural Kurashiki Technical High School http://www.kuramaekogyo-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Kuramae Technical High School http://www.kurashiki-cu.ac.jp/kcc/english | label = Kurashiki City College http://www.kure-nct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Kure College http://www.kure-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kursk-uni.ru/ http://www.kurume-it.ac.jp/ http://www.kurume-nct.ac.jp/e | label = National Institute of Technology, Kurume College http://www.kurume-shinai.ac.jp/ | label = Kurume Shin-Ai Women's College http://www.kurume-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kus.tartu.ee/index.php/home | label = Tartu Theological Seminary http://www.kusa.ac.jp/ http://www.kushiro-ct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Kushiro College http://www.kushiro-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.kust.edu.pk/ http://www.kustar.ac.ae/ http://www.kustwudil.edu.ng/ http://www.kusw.ac.jp/ http://www.kut.ac.ir/en/ | label = Kermanshah University of Technology http://www.kutztown.edu/ http://www.kuva.fi/ http://www.kuvempu.ac.in/ http://www.kuwarangal.com/ http://www.kuzstu.ac.ru/ http://www.kvafsu.kar.nic.in/ | label = Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University http://www.kvam.lt/ | label = Klaipėdos Verslo Aukštoji Mokykla http://www.kvasu.ac.in/ | label = Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University http://www.kvcc.edu/ http://www.kvcc.me.edu/ http://www.kvctc.edu/ http://www.kvenskinstitutt.no/ | label = Kainun Institutti http://www.kvgdentalcollege.com/ | label = KVG Dental College & Hospital http://www.kvl.dk/ http://www.kwandong.ac.kr/ http://www.kwangju-e.ac.kr/ http://www.kwangju.ac.kr/ http://www.kwangshin.ac.kr/ http://www.kwangwoon.ac.kr/ http://www.kwansei.ac.jp/ http://www.kwantlen.bc.ca/ http://www.kwarapoly.edu.ng/ http://www.kwararafauniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.kwassui.ac.jp/ http://www.kwc-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kwc.ac.jp/ | label = Kansai Women's College http://www.kwspz.pl/ | label = Cracow School of Health Promotion http://www.kwu.ac.kr/ http://www.kwu.edu/ http://www.kwuc.ac.jp/ http://www.kwust.ac.ke/ http://www.kxy.com.cn/# | label = Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences http://www.kyoiku-kensyu.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan School Personnel in Service Training Center http://www.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyonggi.ac.kr/ http://www.kyongju.ac.kr/ http://www.kyorin-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoritsu-ph.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoritsu-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-art.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-be.ne.jp/ed-center/index_main.html | label = Kyoto Prefectural Education Center http://www.kyoto-be.ne.jp/rakuhoku-hs/ | label = Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School http://www.kyoto-be.ne.jp/sagano-hs/ | label = Kyoto Prefectural Sagano High School http://www.kyoto-be.ne.jp/tanabe-hs/mt/ | label = Kyoto Prefectural Tanabe High School http://www.kyoto-msc.jp/index.php | label = Kyoto College of Medical Science http://www.kyoto-phu.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-su.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyoto-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.kyotogakuen-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyotokacho-u.ac.jp/ | label = Kyoto Kacho University http://www.kyotokango.ac.jp/ | label = Kyoto Municipal Junior College of Nursing http://www.kyu-dent.ac.jp/ http://www.kyu.ac.ug/ http://www.kyukyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyunghee.ac.kr/ http://www.kyunghee.edu/ | label = Kyung Hee University http://www.kyungil.ac.kr/ http://www.kyungmin.ac.kr/site/english/main.do | label = Kyungmin University http://www.kyungnam.ac.kr/ http://www.kyungpook.ac.kr/ http://www.kyungsung.ac.kr/ http://www.kyungwon.ac.kr/ http://www.kyusan-u.ac.jp/index.html | label = Kyushu Sangyo University http://www.kyushu-id.ac.jp/ http://www.kyushu-ns.ac.jp/ http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.kyushuotani.ac.jp/ | label = Kyushu Otani Junior College http://www.kyutech.ac.jp/ http://www.kzoo.edu/ http://www.laamericanuniversity.edu.ni/ | label = La American University http://www.labette.edu/ http://www.laboure.edu/ | label = Labouré College http://www.lacambre.be/index.php?nodeid=250 | label = La Cambre http://www.laccd.edu/ http://www.lacitycollege.edu/ http://www.lackawanna.edu/ http://www.lacklandisd.net/ | label = Lackland Independent School District http://www.lacollege.edu/ http://www.ladelta.edu/ http://www.ladiescollege.lk/ | label = Ladies College http://www.lafayette.edu/ http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/ http://www.lagh-univ.dz/ http://www.lagrange.edu/ http://www.laguardia.edu/home/ | label = LaGuardia Community College http://www.lahc.edu/ http://www.laidlaw.ac.nz/ | label = Laidlaw College http://www.laikipia.ac.ke/ http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/ | label = Lake County Schools http://www.lakeareatech.edu/ http://www.lakeforestmba.edu/ | label = Lake Forest Graduate School of Management http://www.lakeheadu.ca/ http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/ http://www.lakelandcc.edu/ http://www.lakelandcollege.ca/ | label = Lake Land College http://www.lakelandcollege.ca/ | label = Lakeland College http://www.lakemichigancollege.edu/ http://www.lama.lv/ http://www.lamar.edu/ http://www.lamarcc.edu/ http://www.lamarpa.edu/ http://www.lambethcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Lambeth College http://www.lamda.org.uk/ | label = Lambda http://www.lameso.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Mesoamericana Oaxaca http://www.lamission.edu/ http://www.lamk.fi/ http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/ http://www.lamp.ac.uk/ http://www.lampangvc.ac.th/ http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/ | label = Lancaster University http://www.lancaster.edu.gh/ | label = Lancaster University Ghana http://www.lancs.ac.uk/ http://www.lander.edu/ http://www.lanecc.edu/ http://www.laney.edu/ http://www.langara.bc.ca/ http://www.langston.edu/ http://www.laniertech.edu/ http://www.lansbridge.com/ http://www.laredo.edu/ http://www.larnacacollege.ac.cy/ | label = Larnaca College http://www.lasalle.ed.jp/ | label = Japanese La Salle Academy http://www.lasalle.edu.co/ http://www.lasalle.edu/ http://www.lasalleuniversities.net/ http://www.lasc.edu/ http://www.lasell.edu/ http://www.lasierra.edu/ http://www.laspositascollege.edu/ http://www.laspotech.net/ http://www.lassencollege.edu/ http://www.lasunigeria.org/ http://www.lasvegasacademy.net/ | label = Las Vegas Academy of the Arts http://www.latech.edu/ http://www.latinschool.org/ | label = Latin School of Chicago http://www.latrobe.edu.au/ http://www.lattc.edu/ http://www.lau.edu.lb/ http://www.laureate.net/ | label = Laureate International Universities http://www.laurentian.ca/ http://www.lauruscollege.edu/ http://www.lautech.edu.ng/ http://www.lavasanpnu.ac.ir/ http://www.lavc.edu/ http://www.laverne.edu.gr/ http://www.laverne.edu/ http://www.law-school.de/ | label = Bucerius Law School http://www.law.ac.uk/ | label = The University of Law http://www.law.cuny.edu/index.html | label = CUNY School of Law http://www.lawrence.edu/ http://www.lawschool.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/lawhome | label = Truman Bodden Law School http://www.lawsonstate.edu/ | label = Lawson State Community College http://www.lawtonps.org/ | label = Lawton Public Schools http://www.lazarski.pl/ http://www.lbc.ac.uk/ | label = Leo Baeck College http://www.lbc.edu/ | label = Lancaster Bible College http://www.lbcc.edu/ http://www.lbhc.edu/ http://www.lbhi.is/en/english | label = Agricultural University of Iceland http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ http://www.lbs.lon.ac.uk/ http://www.lbu.edu.np/ http://www.lbu.edu/ | label = Louisiana Baptist University http://www.lbwcc.edu/ http://www.lc.edu/ http://www.lcad.edu/ | label = Laguna College of Art and Design http://www.lcat.ac.th/ http://www.lcc.edu/ http://www.lcc.lt/ http://www.lccc.edu/ http://www.lccc.wy.edu/ http://www.lcct.ac.th/ http://www.lcjvs.com/ | label = Lorain County Joint Vocational School http://www.lclark.edu/ http://www.lcm.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds College of Music http://www.lco.edu/ http://www.lcsc.edu/ http://www.lcst.ac/ http://www.lctu.edu.cn/ http://www.lcu.edu.ng/ http://www.lcuck.ac.uk/ | label = The London College http://www.lcwc.ac.uk/ | label = Lakes College http://www.lcwu.edu.pk/ http://www.ldceahd.org/ http://www.ldcu.edu.ph/ http://www.ldh.no/ | label = Lovisenberg Diakonale Høgskole http://www.ldsbc.edu/ http://www.ldxy.edu.cn/ | label = Longdong University http://www.le.ac.uk/ http://www.lee.edu/ http://www.leeds-art.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds College of Art http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds Beckett University http://www.leedscitycollege.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds City College http://www.leedstrinity.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds Trinity University http://www.leeuniversity.edu/ | label = Lee University http://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/ http://www.lef.upn.mx/ http://www.lefke.edu.tr/ http://www.lefresnoy.net/en | label = Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains http://www.legi.lipetsk.ru/faq.htm | label = Lipeck Ecology-Humanitarian Institute http://www.lehman.edu/ | label = Lehman College http://www.leibniz-fh.de/1/home/ | label = Leibniz University of Applied Sciences http://www.leiden.edu/ | label = Leiden University http://www.leidenuniv.nl/ http://www.lemoyne.edu/ http://www.lenoircc.edu/ http://www.leon.uia.mx/ http://www.leseptantecinq.be/ | label = École Supérieure des Arts de l'Image Le 75 http://www.lesley.edu/ http://www.lesroches.edu/ http://www.lethbridgecollege.ca/ | label = Lethbridge College http://www.letran.edu/ http://www.letu.edu/ http://www.levininstitute.org/ | label = Levin Institute http://www.lewisu.edu/ http://www.lexnyc.org/ | label = Lexington School for the Deaf http://www.lfc.edu/ http://www.lfcc.edu/ http://www.lfs-tulln.ac.at/ | label = Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Tulln http://www.lfze.hu/ http://www.lgc.peachnet.edu/ http://www.lgpu.lg.ua/ http://www.lgsd.k12.ca.us/ | label = Lemon Grove School District http://www.lgu.ac.uk/ http://www.lhi.is/ http://www.lhmc.edu.cn/ | label = Luohe Medical College http://www.lhup.edu/ http://www.liau.ac.ir/en/ | label = Islamic Azad University of Lahijan http://www.lib.klte.hu/ http://www.liberato.com.br/ | label = Fundação Liberato http://www.liberty.edu/ http://www.libopenuniv-edu.org/ http://www.liccsalsl.org/ http://www.liceojubilar.edu.uy/ | label = Liceo Jubilar Juan Pablo II http://www.liceolilla.it/ | label = Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore V. Lilla Francavilla Fontana - Oria http://www.liceolocarno.ch/Liceo_di_Locarno/index.htm | label = Liceo Cantonale http://www.lidapoly.com/ http://www.liebegg.ch/ | label = Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg http://www.lifesciencezurich.ch/index.php?id=11&L=1 | label = Life Science Zurich http://www.lille.archi.fr/index.php?ID=1025534 | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Lille http://www.limcollege.edu/ | label = LIM College http://www.limestone.edu/ | label = Limestone College http://www.limkokwing.edu.my/ http://www.limt.co.uk/ http://www.limu.edu.ly/ http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/ http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/ http://www.lincoln.edu/ http://www.lincolncollegene.edu/ | label = Lincoln College of New England http://www.lincolnu.edu/ | label = Lincoln University http://www.lincolnuca.edu/ | label = Lincoln University http://www.lindenwood.edu/ http://www.lindsay.k12.ca.us/ | label = Lindsay Unified School District http://www.lindsey.edu/ | label = Lindsey Wilson College http://www.linfield.edu/ http://www.lingnan.edu.cn/ | label = Lingnan Normal University http://www.linnbenton.edu/ http://www.linnstate.edu/ http://www.linton.edu.my/ http://www.lipa.ac.uk/ | label = The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts http://www.lis.ulusiada.pt/en-gb/home.aspx | label = Lusíada University of Lisbon http://www.list.lu/ | label = Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology http://www.lister-institute.org.uk/ | label = Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine http://www.lit.edu.cn/english/ | label = Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology http://www.lit.edu/ http://www.lit.ie/default.aspx | label = Limerick Institute of Technology http://www.littleangelsecc.com/ | label = Little Angels Early Childhood Center http://www.littlehoop.edu/ http://www.littlepriest.edu/ http://www.liu.edu.lb/ http://www.liu.edu/ http://www.liuc.it/ http://www.liunet.edu/ http://www.liv-coll.ac.uk/ | label = City of Liverpool College http://www.liv.ac.uk/ http://www.liverpoolcollege.org.uk/ | label = Liverpool College http://www.livingstone.edu/ | label = Livingstone College http://www.lixin.edu.cn/ http://www.lka.edu.lv/ http://www.lka.lt/ http://www.lkka.lt/ http://www.lkouniv.ac.in/ | label = University of Lucknow http://www.llcc.edu/ http://www.llhc.edu.cn/ | label = Luliang University http://www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com/ | label = Lloyd's Maritime Academy http://www.lltc.edu/ http://www.llu.edu/ http://www.llu.lv/ http://www.lma.lv/ http://www.lmc.ac.uk/ | label = Lancaster and Morecambe College http://www.lmc.edu/ | label = Lees McRae College http://www.lmc.lt/ | label = Lithuanian Maritime Academy http://www.lmta.lt/ http://www.lmu.ac.uk/ http://www.lmu.de/ http://www.lmu.edu.cn/ | label = Liming Vocational University http://www.lmu.edu.ng/ http://www.lmu.edu/ http://www.lmunet.edu/ | label = Lincoln Memorial University http://www.lmuza.lv/ http://www.ln.edu.hk/ http://www.lnipe.edu/ http://www.lnmiit.ac.in/ | label = LNM Institute of Information Technology http://www.lnnu.edu.cn/ http://www.lnpu.edu.cn/english/index.htm | label = Liaoning Shihua University http://www.lntu.edu.cn/ http://www.lnu.edu.cn/ http://www.loc.edu/ | label = LeMoyne–Owen College http://www.logan.edu/ | label = Logan University http://www.lomza.janski.edu.pl/ | label = Uczelnia Jańskiego w Łomży http://www.lon.ac.uk/ http://www.london.ac.uk/ | label = University of London http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/ http://www.londonstudiocentre.org/ | label = London Studio Centre http://www.lonestar.edu/ http://www.longleypark.ac.uk/ | label = Longley Park Sixth Form College http://www.longwood.edu/ http://www.lorainccc.edu/ http://www.loras.edu/ http://www.losmedanos.edu/ http://www.losrios.edu/ | label = Los Rios Community College District http://www.lotschool.nl/ | label = Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics http://www.louisburg.edu/ http://www.louisiana.edu/ http://www.louislegrand.org/ | label = Lycée Louis-le-Grand http://www.louisville.edu/ http://www.lourdes.edu/ | label = Lourdes University http://www.lowercolumbia.edu/ | label = Lower Columbia College http://www.lowryinstitutions.org.in/ | label = Lowry Memorial College & Group of Institutions http://www.loyalistcollege.com/ | label = Loyalist College http://www.loyno.edu/ | label = Loyola University New Orleans http://www.loyola.edu/ http://www.lp.edu.ua/ http://www.lpmde.ac.uk/ | label = London Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education http://www.lpru.ac.th/ http://www.lpsd.k12.la.us/ | label = Lafourche Parish School District http://www.lpssy.edu.cn/ | label = Liupanshui Normal University http://www.lpts.edu/ | label = Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary http://www.lpu.edu.ph/ http://www.lpu.in/ http://www.lqdtu.edu.vn/ | label = Le Quy Don Technical University http://www.lrc.edu/ http://www.lrcc.edu/ http://www.lrguas.ch/ http://www.lrhsd.org/ | label = Lenape Regional High School District http://www.lrsc.edu/ http://www.lrsd.org/ | label = Little Rock School District http://www.lsb.ie/ http://www.lsbf.org.uk/ http://www.lsbm.ac.uk/ | label = London School of Business and Management http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/ | label = London South Bank University http://www.lsc.edu/ http://www.lsc.vsc.edu/ http://www.lsclondon.co.uk/ | label = London School of Commerce http://www.lsco.edu/ http://www.lsd.pt/ | label = Lisbon School of Design http://www.lse.ac.uk/ http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/ http://www.lsmu.com/ http://www.lsmu.net/ | label = Lugansk State Medical University http://www.lssc.edu/ | label = Lake–Sumter State College http://www.lssu.edu/ http://www.lstc.edu.cn/ | label = Leshan Normal University http://www.lstc.edu/ | label = Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago http://www.lsu-visca.edu.ph/ http://www.lsu.ac.zw/ http://www.lsu.edu.az/ http://www.lsu.edu/ http://www.lsu.lt/en | label = Lithuanian Sports University http://www.lsua.edu/ http://www.lsuagcenter.com/ | label = Louisiana State University Agricultural Center http://www.lsue.edu/ http://www.lsus.edu/ | label = Louisiana State University in Shreveport http://www.lsusystem.edu/ | label = Louisiana State University System http://www.lszjy.com/ | label = Lishui Vocational and Technical College http://www.ltcc.edu/ http://www.ltu.bg/ http://www.ltu.edu/ http://www.ltvk.lt/en/ | label = Lithuania Business University of Applied Science http://www.lu.ac.ir/ http://www.lu.lv/ http://www.luc.edu/ http://www.luca-arts.be/en | label = LUCA School of Arts http://www.luce.aoyama.ac.jp/english/ | label = Aoyama Gakuin Women's Junior College http://www.lucknowuniv.org/ http://www.luiss.edu/ | label = Guido Carli Free International University for Social Studies http://www.luiss.it/ http://www.lumei.edu.cn/ http://www.lumhs.edu.pk/ http://www.lums.ac.ir/ http://www.lums.edu.pk/ http://www.lumsa.it/ http://www.luna.edu/ http://www.lunet.edu/ http://www.lunn.sci-nnov.ru/ http://www.lus.ac.bd/ http://www.lut.fi/ http://www.luthersem.edu/ http://www.luxsb.lu/ | label = Luxembourg School of Business http://www.luz.edu.ve/ | label = University of Zulia http://www.luz.ve/ http://www.luzerne.edu/ http://www.lva.lt/ http://www.lvc.edu/ http://www.lviglobal.com/ | label = Las Vegas Institute http://www.lvrkk.ee/?lang=en | label = Lääne-Viru College http://www.lwc.edu/ http://www.lwtech.edu/ | label = Lake Washington Institute of Technology http://www.lxgzy.chemchina.com/gzhcen/index.htm | label = Guangzhou Research Institute of Synthetic Materials http://www.lyceum.co.za/ | label = Lyceum College http://www.lycoming.edu/ http://www.lyit.ie/ | label = Letterkenny Institute of Technology http://www.lynchburg.edu/ http://www.lyndonstate.edu/ http://www.lynn.edu/ http://www.lyon.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon http://www.lyon.edu/ http://www.lzcu.edu.cn/ | label = Lanzhou City College http://www.lzjtu.edu.cn/english/english.htm | label = Lanzhou Jiaotong University http://www.lzmc.edu.cn/ http://www.lzpcc.com.cn/ | label = Lanzhou Petrochemical Polytechnic http://www.lzu.edu.cn/ http://www.lzua.lt/ http://www.ma.cfuv.ru/page/show/docid/5047 | label = Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky http://www.ma.odessa.ua/ http://www.ma.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Mont Alto http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/ | label = Maastricht University http://www.mabts.edu/ | label = Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary http://www.macalester.edu/ http://www.macalstr.edu/ http://www.macc.edu/ http://www.macclesfield.ac.uk/ | label = Macclesfield College http://www.maccormac.edu/ http://www.macewan.ca/ http://www.macfast.org/ http://www.machakosschool.sc.ke/ | label = Machakos School http://www.machung.ac.id/ http://www.mackenzie.br/ http://www.macomb.edu/ http://www.macu.edu/ | label = Mid-America Christian University http://www.macuniversity.edu/ | label = Mid-Atlantic Christian University http://www.madc.edu.in/ | label = Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital http://www.madenatalelem.com/ http://www.madi.ru/ http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/ | label = Madison City Schools http://www.madisonville.kctcs.edu/ http://www.madonna.edu/ | label = Madonna University http://www.madonnauniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?pagename=HospitalNinoJesus/Page/HNIJ_home | label = Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús http://www.maebashi-it.ac.jp/english.html | label = Maebashi Institute of Technology http://www.maem.ru/ | label = Murmansk Academy of Economics and Management http://www.maere.no/ | label = Mære Landbruksskole http://www.magadhuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Magadh University http://www.magadhuniversity.org/ http://www.magkmusic.com/en | label = Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M I Glinka http://www.mahendradatta.org/ http://www.mahidol.ac.th/ http://www.mahindra.com/investors/mahindra-and-mahindra | label = Mahindra and Mahindra Limited (India) http://www.mahsa.edu.my/ http://www.mahshahriau.ac.ir/ http://www.mai.ru/ | label = Moscow Aviation Institute http://www.maich.gr/ | label = Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania http://www.maimonides.edu.ar/ http://www.maine.edu/ http://www.maizuru-ct.ac.jp/eng/index.html | label = National Institute of Technology, Maizuru College http://www.majancollege.edu.om/ http://www.mak.ac.ug/ http://www.makumira.ac.tz/ | label = Tumaini University http://www.mala.bc.ca/ http://www.malayeru.ac.ir/ http://www.maldamedicalcollege.com/ | label = Malda Medical College and Hospital http://www.maldenps.org/ | label = Malden Public Schools http://www.malekanpnu.ac.ir/ http://www.malnava.lv/index.php?lang=en | label = Malnavas koledža http://www.malone.edu/ http://www.maltepe.edu.tr/ http://www.mamasaniiau.ac.ir/ http://www.mamc.ac.in/ | label = Maulana Azad Medical College http://www.mamchlatur.com/ | label = Manjara Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital http://www.mamurogawa-h.ed.jp/ | label = Yamagata Prefectural Mamurogawa High School http://www.man.radom.pl/ http://www.manarat.ac.bd/ http://www.manas.kg/ http://www.manc.edu/ http://www.manchester.ac.uk/ http://www.manchester.edu/ | label = Manchester University http://www.mancol.edu/ http://www.mandela.ac.za/ | label = Nelson Mandela University http://www.mandhu.com/ http://www.mandhucollege.edu.mv/ http://www.maneb.ru/ | label = International Academy of Ecology, Human and Nature Safety http://www.mangalamresearch.org/ | label = Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages http://www.mangaloreuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.manhattan.edu/ http://www.manhattantech.edu/ http://www.manipal.edu/ http://www.manit.ac.in/ http://www.mankato.msus.edu/ http://www.manor.edu/ http://www.mans.edu.eg/ http://www.mansfield.edu/ http://www.manu.edu.mk/ | label = Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts http://www.manuu.ac.in/ http://www.maranatha.edu/ http://www.marcusoldham.vic.edu.au/ http://www.marecollege.nl/ | label = Marecollege http://www.marhi.ru/eng/ | label = Moscow Architectural Institute http://www.mariacollege.edu/ | label = Maria College http://www.marian.edu/ | label = Marian University http://www.marianas.edu/ | label = Northern Marianas College http://www.marianna-u.ac.jp/ http://www.marianuniversity.edu/ | label = Marian University http://www.maricopa.edu/ http://www.marietta.edu/ http://www.marin.edu/ http://www.marionmilitary.edu/ http://www.marist.edu/ http://www.maritime.edu/ | label = Massachusetts Maritime Academy http://www.marko.lt/en/# | label = Marijampole College http://www.marlboro.edu/ http://www.marmara.edu.tr/ http://www.marnelavallee.archi.fr/ | label = École d'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne-la-Vallée http://www.marquette.edu/ http://www.marshall.edu/ http://www.marshall.tstc.edu/ http://www.marstu.mari.ru/ http://www.martin.edu.au/ | label = Martin College http://www.martincc.edu/ http://www.martinmethodist.edu/ | label = Martin Methodist College http://www.maryam.edu.af/ http://www.marylhurst.edu/ | label = Marylhurst University http://www.marymount.edu/ http://www.marymountcalifornia.edu/ | label = Marymount California University http://www.marymt.edu/ http://www.maryville.edu/ http://www.marywood.edu/ http://www.maschinenbauschule.de/ | label = Maschinenbauschule Ansbach http://www.masdar.ac.ae/ http://www.maseno.ac.ke/ http://www.masfak.ni.ac.rs/sitegenius/index.php?done | label = Masinski Fakultet - Univerziteta U Nisu http://www.mashhadmtv.ac.ir/ | label = Mashhad University of Medical Sciences http://www.massacademy.org/ | label = Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science http://www.massachusetts.edu/ | label = University of Massachusetts System http://www.massart.edu/#!JessicaEaton | label = Massachusetts College of Art and Design http://www.massasoit.edu/ | label = Massasoit Community College http://www.massasoit.mass.edu/ http://www.massbay.edu/ http://www.massey.ac.nz/ http://www.masters.edu/ | label = Master's College http://www.masterycharter.org/ | label = Mastery Charter Schools http://www.masu.ru/ http://www.matc.edu/ | label = Milwaukee Area Technical College http://www.matci.ac.ma/ http://www.materdeiprep.org/page | label = Mater Dei High School http://www.materialsfinishing.org/index.htm | label = Institute of Materials Finishing http://www.matnu.edu.lb/ http://www.matsue-ct.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Matsue College http://www.matsue-th.ed.jp/ | label = Shimane Prefectural Matsue Technical High School http://www.matsutan.jp/ | label = Matsumoto Junior College http://www.matsuyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.mau.ac.ir/ http://www.maua.br/ http://www.may.ie/ http://www.maybod.ac.ir/ http://www.mayland.edu/ http://www.mayor.cl/ | label = Universidad Mayor http://www.mayvillestate.edu/ | label = Mayville State University http://www.mazovia.edu.pl/ | label = Collegium Mazovia Innowacyjna Szkoła Wyższa http://www.mazums.ac.ir/ http://www.mba.zh.ch/internet/bildungsdirektion/mba/de/home.html | label = Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt http://www.mbc.edu/ http://www.mbinst.ru/ | label = Moscow Banking Institute http://www.mbl.edu/ http://www.mbro.ac.uk/home/index.aspx | label = Middlesbrough College http://www.mbrsg.ae/ | label = Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government http://www.mbs.net/ | label = Morristown Beard School http://www.mbsc.edu.sa/ | label = Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship http://www.mbstu.ac.bd/ http://www.mbts.edu/ | label = Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary http://www.mbu.ac.th/ http://www.mbu.edu/ | label = Maranatha Baptist University http://www.mc.edu.ph/ | label = Miriam College http://www.mc.edu/ http://www.mc3.edu/ http://www.mcacademy.com/ | label = Millennium Charter Academy http://www.mcad.edu/ http://www.mcampos.br/ | label = Faculdades Milton Campos http://www.mcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.mcc.edu/ http://www.mccc.edu/ http://www.mccd.edu/ http://www.mcckc.edu/ http://www.mccks.edu/ | label = Manhattan Christian College http://www.mccme.ru/index-e1.html | label = Moscow Center For Continuous Mathematical Education http://www.mccn.edu/ | label = Mount Carmel College of Nursing http://www.mccneb.edu/ http://www.mccnh.edu/ http://www.mcdaniel.edu/ http://www.mcdowelltech.edu/ http://www.mcg.edu/ http://www.mcgill-toolen.org/ | label = McGill-Toolen Catholic High School http://www.mch.mii.lt/ http://www.mchenry.edu/ http://www.mchhatrasaluniversity.com/mch/index.php | label = Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University http://www.mci-school.org/ | label = Maine Central Institute http://www.mci.edu/ http://www.mckenna.edu/ http://www.mcl.edu.ph/ | label = Malayan Colleges Laguna http://www.mcla.edu/ | label = Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts http://www.mclennan.edu/ http://www.mcm.acu.edu/ http://www.mcmaster.ca/ http://www.mcnallysmith.edu/ | label = McNally Smith College of Music http://www.mcneese.edu/ http://www.mcny.edu/ | label = Metropolitan College of New York http://www.mcpherson.edu/ | label = McPherson College http://www.mcst.edu.sa/ http://www.mctc.edu/ http://www.mctcr.edu.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://www.mcu.ac.in/ http://www.mcu.ac.th/ http://www.mcu.edu.ph/ http://www.mcw.ac.jp/ | label = Matsuyama Gakuen Matsuyama welfare College http://www.mdc.edu/main/ | label = Miami Dade College http://www.mdi.ac.in/ | label = Management Development Institute http://www.mdis.uz/ http://www.mdjmu.cn/eng/index.htm | label = Mudanjiang Medical University http://www.mdmc.ac.in/ | label = Madurai Medical College http://www.mdp.edu.ar/ http://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/ http://www.mdu.ac.jp/ http://www.mdu.edu.az/ http://www.mdurohtak.ac.in/ | label = Maharshi Dayanand University http://www.mdurohtak.com/ http://www.mdw.ac.at/ http://www.mdx.ac.uk/ http://www.meadville.edu/ | label = Meadville Lombard Theological School http://www.mec.cuny.edu/ | label = Medgar Evers College http://www.mec.edu.om/ | label = Middle East College http://www.meca.edu/ | label = Maine College of Art http://www.mecc.edu/ http://www.mechnik.spb.ru/ http://www.mecr.edu/wp/ | label = Montessori Education Center of the Rockies http://www.med.ic.ac.uk/ http://www.med.nyu.edu/ | label = New York University School of Medicine http://www.med.sgu.ru/ http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/eng/ | label = Shantou University Medical College http://www.medaille.edu/ | label = Medaille College http://www.medeniyet.edu.tr/ http://www.mediadesign.de/ | label = Mediadesign Hochschule http://www.medicalcollegebaroda.edu.in/ | label = Sir Sayajirao General Hospital Medical College http://www.medicalcollegekolkata.org/ | label = Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata http://www.medicalschool-berlin.de/ | label = Medical School Berlin http://www.medicalschool-hamburg.de/ | label = Medical School Hamburg http://www.medilam.hbi.ir/ http://www.medin.nsc.ru/ http://www.medipol.edu.tr/ http://www.mediu.edu.my/ http://www.medkol.lv/ENG/index.htm | label = Daugavpils Medical College http://www.medsab.ac.ir/ http://www.meduni-graz.at/ http://www.medunigraz.at/en/ | label = Medical University of Graz http://www.meduniv.lviv.ua/ http://www.meduniver.gomel.by/ http://www.meduniversity-plovdiv.bg/ http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/homepage/1/homepage/ | label = Medical University of Vienna http://www.meduniwien.at/ http://www.medyk.edu.pl/?language=en | label = Academy of Business and Health Sciences in Lodz http://www.mef.edu.tr/ http://www.megatrend-edu.net/ http://www.mehmetakif.edu.tr/ http://www.meiji-u.ac.jp/ http://www.meiji.ac.jp/ http://www.meijo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.meijo.ac.jp/about/education.html | label = Osaka Meijo Women's College http://www.meikai.ac.jp/ http://www.meio-u.ac.jp/ http://www.meipn.org/ | label = Montessori Education Institute of the Pacific Northwest http://www.meirin-c.ac.jp/index.html | label = Meirin College http://www.meisei-u.ac.jp/ http://www.meitan.ac.jp/ | label = Imabari Meitoku Junior College http://www.meiwa-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Meiwa High School http://www.mejiro.ac.jp/ http://www.mekong.edu.kh/ http://www.meliksah.edu.tr/?&language=EN# | label = Meliksah University http://www.memphis.edu/ http://www.men-tsee-khang.org/index2.htm | label = Men-Tsee-Khang http://www.mendelu.cz/ http://www.mendocino.edu/ http://www.menlo.edu/ | label = Menlo College http://www.menofia.edu.eg/ http://www.menominee.edu/ | label = College of Menominee Nation http://www.mepi77.com/ | label = Economic and Law Institute in Moscow http://www.mercer.edu/ http://www.mercer.peachnet.edu/ http://www.mercubuana.ac.id/ http://www.mercy.edu/ http://www.mercyhurst.edu/ | label = Mercyhurst University http://www.meredith.edu/ http://www.meridiancc.edu/ http://www.merit.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology http://www.merkur-fh.org/ http://www.merrimack.edu/ | label = Merrimack College http://www.merritt.edu/ http://www.mersin.edu.tr/ http://www.merz-akademie.de/ http://www.mesabirange.edu/ http://www.mesacc.edu/ http://www.mesalands.edu/ http://www.mesi.ru/ http://www.messengercollege.edu/ | label = Messenger College http://www.messiah.edu/ http://www.methodist.edu/ | label = Methodist University http://www.methodistcollege.edu/ | label = Nebraska Methodist College http://www.metro-hs.ac.jp/ http://www.metro-u.ac.jp/ http://www.metro.edu.ph/ | label = Metropolitan Hospital College of Nursing http://www.metro.msus.edu/ http://www.metropolia.fi/en/ | label = Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences http://www.metropolitan.edu.gr/en/ | label = Metropolitan College http://www.metropolitan.edu.rs/ http://www.metrostate.edu/ http://www.metrouni.edu.bd/ http://www.metu.edu.tr/ http://www.meu.edu.jo/ http://www.mevlana.edu.tr/ | label = Mevlana University http://www.mfantsiman.org/ | label = Mfantsiman Girls Secondary School http://www.mfh-iserlohn.de/ http://www.mfu.ac.th/ http://www.mga.edu/ http://www.mgavm.ru/ http://www.mgc.peachnet.edu/ http://www.mgcgvchitrakoot.com/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya http://www.mgimo.ru/ http://www.mgkvp.ac.in/ http://www.mgmmcindore.org/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College http://www.mgmuhs.com/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences http://www.mgpu.gomel.by/ http://www.mgri-rggru.ru/ http://www.mgsu.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Civil Engineering http://www.mgsubikaner.ac.in/ http://www.mgu.ac.in/ http://www.mgu.ac.jp/ http://www.mgu.bg/ http://www.mgul.ac.ru/ http://www.mgup.by/ | label = Mogilev State University of Food Technologies http://www.mh-freiburg.de/en/home/ | label = Freiburg Conservatory of Music http://www.mh-hannover.de/ http://www.mh-luebeck.de/en/home/ | label = Lübeck Academy of Music http://www.mh-stuttgart.de/ | label = State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart http://www.mh-trossingen.de/ http://www.mhb-fontane.de/ | label = Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Theodor Fontane http://www.mhcc.edu/ http://www.mhmk-international.org/ | label = Macromedia University of Applied Sciences http://www.mhriau.ac.ir/Homepage.aspx?lang=en-Us&site=MahshahrUniversity&tabid=1 | label = Islamic Azad University Mahshahr http://www.mhu.edu/ | label = Mars Hill University http://www.miad.edu/ | label = Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design http://www.miami.edu/ http://www.miamiadschool.com/ | label = Miami Ad School http://www.miamioh.edu/ http://www.miau.ac.ir/ | label = Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht http://www.midchesh.ac.uk/ | label = Mid Cheshire College http://www.midcontinent.edu/ | label = Mid-Continent University http://www.middlebury.edu/ http://www.middlesex.mass.edu/ http://www.middlesex.mu/ | label = Middlesex University http://www.middlesexcc.edu/ http://www.midkent.ac.uk/ | label = MidKent College http://www.midland.edu/ | label = Midland College http://www.midlandstech.edu/ http://www.midlandu.edu/ | label = Midland University http://www.midmich.edu/ http://www.midorigaoka.ac.jp/kushirojc/ | label = Kushiro Junior College http://www.midpac.edu/ | label = Mid-Pacific Institute http://www.midsouthcc.edu/ http://www.midstate.edu/ | label = Midstate College http://www.midway.edu/ | label = Midway College http://www.midwesternbaptistcollege.net/ | label = Midwestern Baptist College http://www.mie-c.ed.jp/ctu/ | label = Mie Prefecture TatsuTsu Commercial High School http://www.mie-c.ed.jp/sbmie/ | label = Mie Prefectural School for the Blind http://www.mie-c.ed.jp/tmatus/ | label = Mie prefectural Matsusaka Technical High School http://www.mie-c.ed.jp/tyokka/ | label = Mie Prefectural Yokkaichi Technical High School http://www.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.mie-u.ac.jp/ http://www.miepl.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Economics Politics and Law http://www.miet.ru/ http://www.mif.hu/ http://www.migmt.ru/ | label = International Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism http://www.miigaik.ru/ http://www.miis.edu/ | label = Monterey Institute of International Studies http://www.miit.ru/ http://www.mikdashmelech.com/ | label = Yeshivat Mikdash Melech http://www.mikovini.sk/ | label = Stredna Priemyselna Skola Samuela Mikoviniho http://www.mil.lv/ http://www.millarcollege.ca/ | label = Millar College of the Bible http://www.millersville.edu/ http://www.milligan.edu/ http://www.millikin.edu/ http://www.millsaps.edu/ http://www.mimasaka.ac.jp/ http://www.mimsmandya.org/ | label = Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.minabe-h.wakayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Minabe Senior High School http://www.minami-h.hiroshima-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hiroshima Minami High School http://www.mineralarea.edu/ http://www.mines-albi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux http://www.mines-nancy.univ-lorraine.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy http://www.mines-paristech.eu/ | label = Mines ParisTech http://www.mines-stetienne.fr/ | label = Mines Saint-Etienne http://www.mines.edu/ http://www.mines.u-nancy.fr/ http://www.minia.edu.eg/ http://www.minneapolis.edu/ http://www.minnesota.edu/ http://www.minotstateu.edu/ http://www.mipp.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law http://www.mipt.ru/ http://www.miracosta.edu/ http://www.mirbis.ru/ http://www.mirea.ru/ http://www.miryang.ac.kr/ http://www.misericordia.edu/ | label = Misericordia University http://www.mishima.ac.jp/univ/index.html | label = Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka University http://www.misis.ru/ http://www.missioncollege.edu/ http://www.mississippi.edu/ | label = Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning http://www.missouri.edu/ http://www.missouricollege.edu/ | label = Missouri College http://www.missouristate.edu/ http://www.mist.ac.bd/ http://www.mit.edu.mk/ | label = MIT University http://www.mit.edu.mm/ | label = Myanmar Institute of Theology http://www.mitchellcc.edu/ http://www.mitchelltech.edu/ http://www.mitethiopia.edu.et/ http://www.mitht.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies http://www.mito-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Mitsu High School http://www.mito1-h.ibk.ed.jp// | label = Ibaraki Prefectural Mito First High School http://www.mitsukaido1-h.ed.jp/ | label = Ibaraki Prefectural Mitsukaido First High School http://www.mitu.cn/ | label = Fujian Polytechnic of Information Technology http://www.mituniversity.edu.in/ | label = Maharashtra Institute of Technology - Art, Design and Technology University http://www.miu.ac.ir/ http://www.miu.by/ http://www.miu.edu.pk/ http://www.miu.ru/ http://www.miuarh.ru/eng/ | label = International Institute of Management Arkhangelsk http://www.miuegypt.edu.eg/ http://www.miurarinkai-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/English/index.html | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Miura Seaside High School http://www.mivu.org/ | label = Michigan Virtual University http://www.miyakonojo-nct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Miyakonojo College http://www.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.miyasankei-u.ac.jp/ http://www.miyashi.or.jp/eisei/index.shtml | label = Miyagi Advanced Dental Hygienist College http://www.miyashiro-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Miyashiro High School http://www.miyazaki-med.ac.jp/ http://www.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/ http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ http://www.mizobe.ac.jp/ | label = Beppu Mizobe Gakuen College http://www.mizuko.okayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefectural Mizushima Technical High School http://www.mjc.edu/ | label = Modesto Junior College http://www.mji.edu/ | label = Michigan Jewish Institute http://www.mjpru.ac.in/ http://www.mju.ac.kr/mbs/mjuen/index.jsp | label = Myongji University http://www.mju.ac.th/ http://www.mkbhavuni.edu.in/ | label = Bhavnagar University http://www.mkcgmch.org/ | label = Maharaja Krishna Chandra Gajapati Medical College and Hospital http://www.mkjc.ac.jp/english/index.html | label = Minami Kyushu Junior College http://www.mksu.ac.ke/ | label = Machakos University http://www.mku.ac.ke/ http://www.mku.edu.tr/ http://www.mkuhyd.com/ http://www.mlbmcj.in/ | label = Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College http://www.mlqu.edu.ph/ http://www.mlschools.org/ | label = Mountain Lakes High School http://www.mlsd.org/ | label = Medical Lake School District http://www.mlsu.ac.in/ http://www.mma.ru/ http://www.mmarau.ac.ke/ http://www.mmbi.ru/ | label = Moscow Institute of Modern Business http://www.mmc.edu/ | label = Meharry Medical College http://www.mmc.tn.gov.in/ | label = Madras Medical College http://www.mmchri.res.in/ | label = Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute http://www.mmdch.in/index.html | label = Mithila Minority Dental College And Hospital http://www.mmm.edu/ http://www.mmmc.edu.my/ | label = Melaka Manipal Medical College http://www.mmmut.ac.in/Index.aspx | label = Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology http://www.mmsu.edu.ph/ http://www.mmu.ac.ke/ http://www.mmu.ac.kr/ http://www.mmu.ac.tz/ http://www.mmu.ac.ug/ http://www.mmu.ac.uk/ http://www.mmu.edu.my/ http://www.mmumullana.org/ | label = Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana http://www.mmust.ac.ke/ http://www.mnepu.ru/ | label = MNEPU Academy http://www.mnit.ac.in/ http://www.mnma.ac.tz/ http://www.mnnit.ac.in/ http://www.mnrindia.org/Medical_MBBS.php | label = MNR Medical College and Hospital http://www.mnsfld.edu/ http://www.mnstate.edu/ http://www.mnsu.edu/ http://www.mnsuet.edu.pk/ | label = Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering & Technology http://www.mnu.cn/ | label = Mianyang Normal University http://www.mnu.edu.mv/ http://www.mnu.edu/ | label = MidAmerica Nazarene University http://www.mnums.edu.mn/index.php | label = Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences http://www.mnust.cn/ | label = Minnan University of Science and Technology http://www.mnwest.edu/ http://www.mod.go.jp/nda/ | label = National Defense Academy of Japan http://www.modares.ac.ir/ http://www.modelclinicalresearch.com/ | label = Model Clinical Research http://www.modern-academy.edu.eg/ http://www.modoccoe.k12.ca.us/ | label = Modoc County Office of Education http://www.modyuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Mody University of Science and Technology http://www.moestopo.ac.id/ http://www.mofidu.ac.ir/ http://www.mogadishuuniversity.com/ http://www.mohave.edu/ http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/ | label = Mohawk College http://www.moiro.by/index.php | label = Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development http://www.moiup.ru/ | label = Moscow Regional Institute of Management and Law http://www.mokpo.ac.kr/ http://www.mokwon.ac.kr/ http://www.mona.uwi.edu/ | label = University of the West Indies http://www.monash.edu.au/ http://www.monash.edu.my/ http://www.monash.edu/ http://www.mondragon.edu/eu | label = University of Mondragón http://www.monmouth.edu/ http://www.monmouthcollege.edu/ http://www.monroe2boces.org/ | label = Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES http://www.monroecc.edu/ http://www.monroeccc.edu/ http://www.montaigne.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.montana.edu/ http://www.montanabiblecollege.edu/ | label = Montana Bible College http://www.montanalearning.org/ | label = Montana Learning Center http://www.montcalm.edu/ http://www.montclair.edu/ http://www.monterey.edu/ http://www.montereylaw.edu/ | label = Monterey College of Law http://www.montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr/ http://www.montessori6-12ami.org/ | label = Montessori Institute of Milwaukee http://www.montevallo.edu/ | label = University of Montevallo http://www.montgomery.edu/ http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/ | label = Montgomery County Public Schools http://www.montpellier-bs.com/ | label = Montpellier Business School http://www.montpellier.archi.fr/ | label = National Superior School of Architecture of Montpellie http://www.montreat.edu/ http://www.montserrat.edu/ | label = Montserrat College of Art http://www.moorelanduniversity.com/ http://www.moorhead.msus.edu/ http://www.moorparkcollege.edu/ http://www.morainepark.edu/ http://www.morainevalley.edu/ http://www.moravian.edu/ http://www.mordgpi.ru/sveden/ | label = Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after ME Evseveva http://www.moreheadstate.edu/ http://www.morehouse.edu/ | label = Morehouse College http://www.morgan.edu/ http://www.morgancc.edu/ http://www.morioka-u.ac.jp/ http://www.morlingcollege.com/ | label = Morling College http://www.morris.edu/ | label = Morris College http://www.morris.umn.edu/ | label = University of Minnesota Morris http://www.morrisschooldistrict.org/ | label = Morristown High School http://www.morrisville.edu/ | label = Morrisville State College http://www.morton.edu/ http://www.moscmm.org/ | label = Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Medical College Hospital http://www.mosconsv.ru/ http://www.mosipe.ru/ | label = Institute of Legal Economics http://www.most.gov.mm/ http://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/ | label = Mother Teresa Women's University http://www.motolinia.com.mx/ http://www.motor.ac.kr/eng/CmsHome/MainDefault.aspx | label = Ajou Motor College http://www.mouau.edu.ng/ http://www.moulton.ac.uk/ | label = Moulton College http://www.moultrietech.edu/ http://www.mountcrestuniversity.com/ | label = Mountcrest University College http://www.mountida.edu/ | label = Mount Ida College http://www.moval.edu/ | label = Missouri Valley College http://www.moz.ac.at/ http://www.mpbou.org/ http://www.mpc.edu/ http://www.mpcc.edu/ http://www.mpec.jp/ | label = Mie Prefectural Education Center http://www.mpei.ac.ru/ http://www.mppcvv.org/ | label = Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University http://www.mpsaz.org/ | label = Mesa Public Schools http://www.mpu-prague.cz/ http://www.mpu.ac.jp/ http://www.mpuat.ac.in/ | label = Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology http://www.mq.edu.au/ http://www.mqup.ca/ | label = McGill-Queen's University Press http://www.mradc.ac.in/ | label = Mathrusri Ramabai Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital http://www.mrs.umn.edu/ http://www.mrsei.ru/ | label = Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute http://www.mrsptu.ac.in/ | label = Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University http://www.mrsu.ru/ http://www.mrt.ac.lk/ http://www.mru.ac.ug/ http://www.msa.ac.uk/ | label = Manchester School of Architecture http://www.msa.ac.za/ http://www.msa.eun.eg/ http://www.msaab.ru/ http://www.msbcollege.edu/ http://www.mscc.edu/ http://www.mscd.edu/ http://www.mscfs.edu/ http://www.mscok.edu/ http://www.msdelta.edu/ http://www.mseuf.edu.ph/ http://www.msgsu.edu.tr/ http://www.mshdiau.ac.ir/ http://www.msiu.ru/ http://www.msj.edu/ http://www.msjc.edu/ http://www.msjnet.edu/ http://www.mslaw.edu/ | label = Massachusetts School of Law http://www.mslu.by/ http://www.msm.edu/ | label = Morehouse School of Medicine http://www.msmary.edu/ http://www.msmc.edu/ http://www.msmnyc.edu/ | label = Manhattan School of Music http://www.msmsu.ru/ | label = Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry http://www.msnasmetance.cz/index.html | label = MŠ Na Smetance http://www.msoe.edu/ http://www.msp.ac.uk/ | label = Medway School of Pharmacy http://www.msrmc.ac.in/ | label = M.S. Ramaiah Medical College http://www.msruas.ac.in/ | label = M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences http://www.msruas.ac.in/academics/dental_science | label = M. S. Ramaiah Dental College and Hospital http://www.mssc.edu/ http://www.msses.ru/en/ | label = Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences http://www.mssm.org/ | label = Maine School of Science and Mathematics http://www.mssokolovska.cz/ | label = Mateřská školka Sokolovská http://www.msstate.edu/ http://www.mssu.edu/ | label = Missouri Southern State University http://www.mst.edu.au/ | label = Melbourne School of Theology http://www.mst.edu/ http://www.msta.ac.ru/ http://www.mstc.edu/ http://www.mstp.us/mstc/ | label = Mahayana Sutra & Tantra Center http://www.mstu.edu.ru/ http://www.mstuca.ru/ http://www.msu.ac.th/ http://www.msu.ac.zw/ http://www.msu.edu.my/ http://www.msu.edu.tr/ http://www.msu.edu/ http://www.msu.ru/ http://www.msua.edu.mn/ http://www.msuac.edu.mn/ http://www.msubaroda.ac.in/ http://www.msubillings.edu/ http://www.msuc.edu.ru/ http://www.msudenver.edu/ http://www.msue.edu.mn/ http://www.msuee.ru/ http://www.msuie.ru/ http://www.msuiit.edu.ph/ http://www.msumain.edu.ph/ http://www.msun.edu/ http://www.msun.ru/en/ | label = Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University http://www.msuniv.ac.in/ | label = Manonmaniam Sundaranar University http://www.msvu.ca/ http://www.mta.ca/ http://www.mta.ro/ http://www.mtaloy.edu/ | label = Mount Aloysius College http://www.mtc.edu.eg/ http://www.mtc.edu/ http://www.mtech.edu/ http://www.mtf.hu/mtf_eng/ | label = Hungarian Dance Academy http://www.mti.edu.eg/ http://www.mtkspb.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg Medical Technical Institute http://www.mtmc.edu/ | label = Mount Marty College http://www.mtnhomesd.org/ | label = Mountain Home School District http://www.mtroyal.ab.ca/ http://www.mtroyal.ca/ | label = Mount Royal University http://www.mtsac.edu/ http://www.mtsd.k12.nj.us/domain/79 | label = Montgomery High School http://www.mtsu.edu/ http://www.mtu.ac.kr/ http://www.mtu.edu.et/ http://www.mtu.edu/ http://www.mtuci.ru/ http://www.mu-luebeck.de/ http://www.mu-pleven.bg/ http://www.mu-sofia.bg/ http://www.mu-varna.bg/ http://www.mu.ac.in/ http://www.mu.ac.ke/ http://www.mu.ac.zm/ http://www.mu.edu.et/ http://www.mu.edu.sa/ http://www.mu.edu.tr/ http://www.mu.edu/ http://www.mu.fapenet.org/ http://www.mubabol.ac.ir/ http://www.mubint.ru/admitting_commission/new/useful/ | label = International University of Business and New Technologies http://www.muc.edu.cn/ | label = Minzu University of China http://www.muc.edu.iq/ http://www.muc.edu/ http://www.muccobs.ac.tz/ http://www.muchs.ac.tz/ http://www.muctr.edu.ru/ http://www.muctr.ru/en/ | label = D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia http://www.mude.edu.mm/ | label = Mandalay University of Distance Education http://www.muet.edu.pk/ http://www.mufo.ru/ | label = International University of Fundamental Studies http://www.muh.ru/ http://www.muhas.ac.tz/ | label = Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences http://www.muhlenberg.edu/ | label = Muhlenberg College http://www.muho-mannheim.de/frame.php?path=/studienfuehrer/info_eng.htm | label = Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts http://www.muhs.ac.in/ | label = Maharashtra University of Health Sciences http://www.mui.ac.ir/ http://www.muic.mahidol.ac.th/ http://www.muih.edu/ | label = Maryland University of Integrative Health http://www.muk.ac.at/ | label = Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna http://www.muk.ac.ir/ http://www.mukogawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.mul.edu.pk/ http://www.multnomah.edu/ | label = Multnomah University http://www.mum.edu/ http://www.mums.ac.ir/ http://www.mumt.com/index.jsp | label = Maharishi University of Management and Technology http://www.mun.ca/ | label = Memorial University of Newfoundland http://www.muni.cz/ http://www.muni.es/ http://www.munich-business-school.de/de/startseite.html | label = Munich Business School http://www.muohio.edu/ http://www.mup.cz/en/ | label = Metropolitan University Prague http://www.muq.ac.ir/ http://www.murdoch.edu.au/ http://www.murni.edu.my/ http://www.muroran-it.ac.jp/ http://www.murraystate.edu/ | label = Murray State University http://www.mursuky.edu/ http://www.musabi.ac.jp/ http://www.musashi-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Musashi High School http://www.musashi-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Musashi Women's Junior College http://www.musashi-tech.ac.jp/ http://www.musashi.ac.jp/ http://www.musashi.ed.jp/ | label = Musashi Junior and Senior High School http://www.musashigaoka-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Musashigaoka High School http://www.musashigaoka.ac.jp/ | label = Musashigaoka College http://www.musashino-music.ac.jp/ http://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/english/ | label = Musashino University http://www.musashino-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.muscatcollege.edu.om/ http://www.museums.pref.okinawa.jp/index.jsp | label = Okinawa Prefectural Museum http://www.musicacademy.edu.az/ http://www.musik-akademie.ch/de/home.html | label = Musik Akademie Basel http://www.musik-kons.dk/ http://www.muskegoncc.edu/ http://www.muskingum.edu/ http://www.must.ac.ke/ http://www.must.ac.mw/ | label = Malawi University of Science and Technology http://www.must.ac.ug/ http://www.must.edu.eg/ http://www.must.edu.mn/ http://www.must.edu.mo/ | label = Macau University of Science and Technology http://www.must.edu.my/ http://www.must.edu.sy/ http://www.mut.ac.th/ http://www.mut.edu.lb/ http://www.mutah.edu.jo/ http://www.muthesius.de/ http://www.muw.edu/ http://www.mvc.edu.ph/ http://www.mvc.edu/ http://www.mvcc.edu/ http://www.mvgrce.com/ | label = Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering http://www.mville.edu/ | label = Manhattanville College http://www.mvso.cz/ | label = Moravská Vysoká Skola Olomouc http://www.mvsu.edu/index.php | label = Mississippi Valley State University http://www.mwc.edu/ http://www.mwjc.ac.jp/ | label = Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College http://www.mwsc.edu/ http://www.mwsu.edu/ http://www.mwu.edu.et/ http://www.mxcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.my-campus-berlin.com/de/ | label = Hochschule für Gesundheit & Sport, Technik & Kunst http://www.my-pharm.ac.jp/ http://www.mybrcc.edu/ http://www.myerscough.ac.uk/ | label = Myerscough College http://www.mylcp.net/ http://www.myongji.ac.kr/ http://www.mysoremedicalcollege.com/ | label = Mysore Medical College http://www.myu.ac.jp/ http://www.mzu.edu.in/ | label = Mizoram University http://www.mzumbe.ac.tz/ http://www.mzuni.ac.mw/ http://www.n-fukushi.ac.jp/ http://www.n-nov.mednet.com/ http://www.na.edu/ http://www.naa.edu.az/ http://www.naabi.org/html/home.html | label = National Allergy Asthma Bronchitis Institute http://www.naba.it/ http://www.nabari-mie.ed.jp/ | label = Tsutsujigaoka Elementary School http://www.nacc.edu/ http://www.naesc.k12.ar.us/ | label = Northcentral Arkansas Education Cooperative http://www.nagahama-i-bio.ac.jp/legacy/english/ | label = Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology http://www.nagaland.net.in/ | label = Global Open University http://www.nagano-c.ed.jp/choko/ | label = Nagano Technical High School http://www.nagano-c.ed.jp/inayou/ | label = Nagano Prefecture Inariyama Nursing School http://www.nagano-c.ed.jp/naganohs/ | label = Nagano Prefecural Nagano Senior High School http://www.nagano-c.ed.jp/toyoko/ | label = Toyoshina High School http://www.nagano-c.ed.jp/ueda-hs/ | label = Nagano Prefectural Ueda Senior High School http://www.nagano-kentan.ac.jp/ | label = Nagano Prefectural College http://www.nagano-nct.ac.jp/english/ | label = Nagano National College of Technology http://www.nagano-nurs.ac.jp/ | label = Nagano College of Nursing http://www.nagano.ac.jp/ http://www.nagaoka-ct.ac.jp/kousen_e/index.html | label = Nagaoka National College of Technology http://www.nagaoka-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Nagaoka High School http://www.nagaoka-id.ac.jp/e/ | label = Nagaoka Institute of Design http://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/ http://www.nagarjunauniversity.ac.in/ http://www.nagasaki-joshi.ac.jp/ | label = Nagasaki Women's Junior College http://www.nagasaki-th.ed.jp/ | label = Nagasaki Prefectural Nagasaki Technical High School http://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nagasakipu.ac.jp/ http://www.nagauniv.org.in/ http://www.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/ http://www.nagoya-ku.ac.jp/ http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nagoya-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.nagoyacollege.ac.jp/ | label = Nagoya College http://www.nagpur-university.com/ http://www.nagpuruniversity.org/ | label = Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University http://www.nahdauniversity.org/ | label = Nahda University http://www.nahrainuniv.edu.iq/ http://www.naist.jp/en/ | label = Nara Institute of Science and Technology http://www.nait.ca/ http://www.najafabad-uast.ac.ir/ http://www.najah.edu/ http://www.nakamura-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nakanihon.ac.jp/ | label = Nakanihon Automotive College http://www.nalandaopenuniversity.info/ http://www.nambu.ac.kr/ http://www.namerikawa-h.tym.ed.jp/ | label = Toyama Prefectural Namerikawa High School http://www.namhae.ac.kr/ | label = Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College http://www.nan.rmutl.ac.th/ http://www.nancy.archi.fr/ http://www.nankyudai.ac.jp/ http://www.nantes.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ http://www.naoetsu-ss.nein.ed.jp/html/english-guide.html | label = Niigata Prefectural Naoetsu Secondary School http://www.naotex.ru/ | label = Nenets Agro-Economic College http://www.napavalley.edu/ http://www.napier.ac.uk/ http://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/ http://www.nara-su.ac.jp/ http://www.nara-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nara-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.naragakuen-u.jp/ | label = Naragakuen University http://www.naramed-u.ac.jp/ http://www.narasaho-c.ac.jp/english/english.html | label = Nara Saho College http://www.narauc.ac.jp/ http://www.narayanamedicalcollege.com/ | label = Narayan Medical College and Hospital http://www.narotama.ac.id/ http://www.narumi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Narumi High School http://www.naruto-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nasc.mass.edu/ http://www.nashcc.edu/ http://www.nashuacc.edu/ http://www.nasi.org.in/ | label = National Academy of Sciences India http://www.natfiz.bg/ http://www.national-college.edu/ | label = National College http://www.national-univ.net/ | label = National University http://www.national.edu/ | label = National American University http://www.nationalmuseumindia.org/ http://www.nationaltelfordinstitute.org.uk/index.asp | label = National Telford Institute http://www.natori-2h.myswan.ne.jp/ | label = Miyagi Prefecture Natori High School http://www.nau.edu.ua/ http://www.nau.edu/ http://www.nauss.edu.sa/ http://www.nauu.kiev.ua/ http://www.navajotech.edu/ | label = Navajo Technical University http://www.navarrocollege.edu/ http://www.navodaya.edu.in/ | label = Navodaya Dental College and Hospital http://www.navy.ac.kr/ http://www.nawigraz.at/ | label = Nawi Graz http://www.nawroz.edu.krd/ | label = Nawroz University http://www.nawrozuniversity.com/ http://www.nayanova.edu/ http://www.nazarethacademy.com/s/157/home.aspx | label = Nazareth Academy http://www.nbc.edu/ | label = Nazarene Bible College http://www.nbcc.ca/ | label = New Brunswick Community College http://www.nbcc.cn/english | label = Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology http://www.nbchs.net/ | label = Ningbo College of Health Sciences http://www.nbdhyu.edu.cn/e/ | label = Ningbo Dahongying University http://www.nbpt.edu.cn/ | label = Ningbo Polytechnic http://www.nbs.edu.cn/en/ | label = New Huadu Business School http://www.nbss.edu/ | label = North Bennet Street School http://www.nbts.edu/ | label = New Brunswick Theological Seminary http://www.nbu.ac.in/ http://www.nbu.ac.jp/ http://www.nbu.bg/ http://www.nbu.edu.cn/ http://www.nbu.edu.sa/ http://www.nbut.edu.cn/ http://www.nc-toyama.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Toyama college http://www.nc.edu.sd/ http://www.nc.edu/ | label = Northwestern College http://www.nca.edu.pk/ http://www.ncacadsci.org/ | label = North Carolina Academy of Science http://www.ncat.edu/ http://www.ncbc.edu/ http://www.ncc.commnet.edu/ http://www.ncc.edu/ http://www.nccc.edu/ http://www.nccommunitycolleges.edu/ | label = North Carolina Community College System http://www.nccu.edu/ http://www.ncem.co.uk/ | label = The National Centre for Early Music http://www.ncepubj.edu.cn/ http://www.ncesd.org/ | label = North Central Educational Service District http://www.ncf.edu/ http://www.ncgxy.com/index.html | label = Nanchang Institute of Science & Technology http://www.nchu.edu.cn/ | label = Nanchang Hangkong University http://www.nciae.edu.cn/default.html | label = North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering http://www.ncipd.org/en/ | label = National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases http://www.ncirl.ie/ http://www.ncist.edu.cn/ | label = North China Institute of Science and Technology http://www.ncktc.edu/ http://www.ncl-coll.ac.uk/ | label = Newcastle College http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ http://www.nclanarkshire.ac.uk/ | label = New College Lanarkshire http://www.ncmich.edu/ http://www.ncmissouri.edu/ http://www.ncn.ac.uk/ | label = New College Nottingham http://www.ncstatecollege.edu/ http://www.ncstu.ru/ http://www.nctc.edu/ http://www.ncu.edu.cn/ http://www.ncu.edu.jm/ http://www.ncuindia.edu/ http://www.ncut.edu.cn/ http://www.ncwc.edu/ http://www.nd.edu.au/ http://www.nd.edu/ http://www.nda.edu.ng/ http://www.nda.nic.in/ | label = National Defence Academy http://www.ndc.go.ke/ | label = National Defence College Kenya http://www.ndejjeuniversity.ac.ug/ http://www.ndm.edu/ | label = Notre Dame of Maryland University http://www.ndmc.ac.jp/ http://www.ndmu.edu.ph/ http://www.ndnj.org/page | label = Notre Dame High School http://www.ndnu.edu/ | label = Notre Dame de Namur University http://www.ndpi.uz/ http://www.ndscs.edu/ http://www.ndsu.ac.jp/ http://www.ndsu.edu/ http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ http://www.ndu.ac.jp/ http://www.ndu.edu.az/ http://www.ndu.edu.lb/ http://www.ndu.edu.ng/ http://www.ndu.edu/ http://www.ndu.fapenet.org/ http://www.nduat.nic.in/ http://www.ndun.edu.vn/home.html/en | label = Nam Dinh University of Nursing http://www.ndus.edu/ http://www.neau.edu.cn/ http://www.nebc.edu/ | label = New England Bible College http://www.nebrija.com/programas-internacionales/study-abroad-madrid-spain/index.php | label = Nebrija University http://www.nebrwesleyan.edu/ | label = Nebraska Wesleyan University http://www.nebuta.ac.jp/ http://www.nec.edu/ | label = New England College http://www.nec.ro/ | label = New Europe College http://www.necc.mass.edu/ http://www.neco.edu/ | label = New England College of Optometry http://www.nedo.go.jp/english/ | label = New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization http://www.neduet.edu.pk/ http://www.neelain.edu.sd/ http://www.nefrovisie.nl/ | label = Nefrovisie http://www.nefu.edu.cn/ http://www.nehu.ac.in/ http://www.neic.nsk.su/ http://www.neighborhoodplayhouse.org/ | label = Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre http://www.neigrihms.gov.in/ | label = North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences http://www.neijtc.edu.cn/ http://www.neit.edu/ http://www.neiu.edu/ | label = Northeastern Illinois University http://www.nemcc.edu/ http://www.nenu.edu.cn/ http://www.neo.edu/ http://www.neoma-bs.com/en/ | label = NEOMA Business School http://www.neomed.edu/ | label = Northeast Ohio Medical University http://www.neosho.edu/ http://www.nerima-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Nerima High School http://www.nes.ru/ http://www.nescot.ac.uk/ | label = North East Surrey College of Technology http://www.nesl.edu/ | label = New England Law http://www.nesop.edu/ | label = New England School of Photography http://www.netc.edu/ http://www.neu.edu.cn/ http://www.neu.edu.ph/ http://www.neu.edu.tr/ http://www.neu.edu.vn/ http://www.neub.edu.bd/ http://www.neumann.edu/ | label = Neumann University http://www.neumont.edu/ | label = Neumont University http://www.neuq.edu.cn/ http://www.nevsehir.edu.tr/ http://www.new.edu/ | label = New Charter University http://www.newark.rutgers.edu/ http://www.newasia.bj.edu.cn/ http://www.newberry.edu/ http://www.newcastle.edu.au/ http://www.newcollege.ac.uk/ | label = New College http://www.newcollege.edu/ http://www.newcollegedurham.ac.uk/ | label = New College Durham http://www.newera.edu.my/index.php | label = New Era College http://www.neweracollege.ac.bw/ http://www.newham.ac.uk/ | label = Newham College http://www.newhaven.edu/ http://www.newhope.edu/ | label = New Hope Christian College http://www.newman.ac.uk/ | label = Newman University http://www.newman.edu/ | label = Newman Theological College http://www.newpaltz.edu/ http://www.newport.ac.uk/ http://www.newports.edu.pk/ http://www.newriver.edu/ http://www.newschool.edu/ | label = New School http://www.newton.ac.jp/bgu/ | label = Biwako Gakuin University http://www.newton.k12.ma.us/ | label = Newton Public Schools http://www.newtonpaiva.br/ http://www.newtowninstitute.org/ | label = International New Town Institute http://www.newworld.ac/ http://www.nfcc.edu/ http://www.nfi.no/english/ | label = Norwegian Film Institute http://www.ngasu.sci-nnov.ru/ http://www.ngbu.edu.in/newsite/index.php | label = Nehru Gram Bharti University http://www.ngha.med.sa/ http://www.ngiuv.ru/ | label = Novokuznetsk State Institute of Advanced Medical Education http://www.ngu.ac.in/ http://www.ngu.ac.jp/ http://www.ngu.edu/ | label = North Greenville University http://www.nguc.edu.et/ | label = New Generation University College http://www.nha-bg.org/ http://www.nhc.ac.uk/ | label = North Hertfordshire College http://www.nhc.edu/ http://www.nhcc.edu/ http://www.nhh.no/ http://www.nhps.net/ | label = New Haven Public Schools http://www.nhti.edu/ http://www.nhtv.nl/ http://www.nhu.edu/ | label = National Hispanic University http://www.ni.ac.rs/ http://www.ni.edu/ | label = Northland International University http://www.nia.nic.in/ | label = National Institute of Ayurveda http://www.niab.org.pk/ http://www.niacc.edu/ http://www.niagara.edu/ http://www.niagaracc.suny.edu/ http://www.niagaracollege.ca/content/ | label = Niagara College http://www.nias.ac.jp/ http://www.nias.res.in/ | label = National Institute of Advanced Studies http://www.nibb.ac.jp/en/ | label = National Institute for Basic Biology http://www.nibge.org/ | label = National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering http://www.nibmoscow.ru/ | label = National Institute of Business http://www.nibs.ac.ke/ http://www.nic.bc.ca/ http://www.nic.edu/ http://www.nicc.edu/ http://www.nichibun.ac.jp/en/ | label = International Research Center for Japanese Studies http://www.nicholls.edu/ http://www.nicoletcollege.edu/ http://www.nid.edu/ | label = National Institute of Design http://www.nida.ac.th/ http://www.nie.re.kr/contents/siteMain.do?mu_lang=ENG | label = National Institute of Ecology http://www.nieft.no/ | label = Norwegian Institute of Emotion-focused Therapy http://www.nifbe.de/ | label = Niedersächsisches Institut für frühkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung http://www.nifs-k.ac.jp/ http://www.nift.ac.in/ | label = National Institute of Fashion Technology http://www.niftem.ac.in/site/niftem_home.aspx | label = National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management http://www.nigde.edu.tr/index.php?ln=en | label = Niğde University http://www.nih.no/ http://www.nihon-u.ac.jp/ http://www.niigata-coll-mt.ac.jp/ | label = Niigata Medical Technology Specialist School http://www.niigata-ct.ac.jp/ | label = Niigata College of Technology http://www.niigata-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Niigata High School http://www.niigata-pharm.ac.jp/ http://www.niigata-u.ac.jp/ http://www.niigatachuo-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Niigata Central High School http://www.niigatachuoh-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Niigata Chuoh Junior College http://www.niigatami-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Niigata Minami High School http://www.niigatasuikou-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Niigata MidoriKo High School http://www.niigataum.ac.jp/ http://www.niihama-nct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Niihama College http://www.niimi-c.ac.jp/ | label = Niimi College http://www.niipma.ru/ | label = Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation http://www.niit.ac.jp/english/ | label = Niigata Institute of Technology http://www.niki-florence.org/en/ | label = Dutch University Institute for Art History http://www.nilai.edu.my/ http://www.nilc.spb.ru/ http://www.nileu.edu.eg/ http://www.nilevalley.edu.sd/ http://www.nimbnn.ru/en | label = Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business http://www.nimhans.kar.nic.in/ http://www.nims.ac.jp/e/ | label = Nihon Institute of Medical Science http://www.nims.edu.in/ | label = Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.nims.net.in/ http://www.nimt.cn/ | label = Nanjing Institute of Mechatronic Technology http://www.ningxiamedical.com/home.htm | label = Ningxia Medical University http://www.niok.eu/ | label = Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research http://www.nios.ac.in/ | label = National Institute of Open Schooling http://www.nip.com.na/ | label = Namibia Institute of Pathology http://www.nipec.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Education Center http://www.niperhyd.ac.in/ | label = National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research http://www.nipes.cn/ | label = Nanjing Sport Institute http://www.nipissingu.ca/ http://www.nirmauni.ac.in/ http://www.nisantasi.edu.tr/ http://www.nise.go.jp/ | label = National Institute of Special Education http://www.niser.ac.in/drupal_new/ | label = National Institute of Science Education and Research http://www.nishitech.ac.jp/ http://www.nishogakusha-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nisikyu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.nisshinnishi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Nisshin West High School http://www.nit.ac.ir/ http://www.nit.ac.jp/ http://www.nit.ac.tz/ | label = National Institute of Transport http://www.nit.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Nanchang Institute of Technology http://www.nita.ac.in/ http://www.nitandhra.ac.in/ http://www.nitap.in/ http://www.nitc.ac.in/ http://www.nitdelhi.ac.in/ http://www.nitdgp.ac.in/ http://www.nitech.ac.jp/ http://www.nitgoa.ac.in/ http://www.nith.ac.in/ http://www.nith.no/ http://www.nitie.edu/ http://www.nitj.ac.in/ http://www.nitjsr.ac.in/ http://www.nitk.ac.in/ http://www.nitkkr.ac.in/pagesUI/homePage.xhtml?page=home&pageEvent=null&language=2 | label = National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra http://www.nitkkr.net/ http://www.nitm.ac.in/ http://www.nitmanipur.ac.in/ http://www.nitmz.ac.in/ http://www.nitnagaland.ac.in/ http://www.nitobebunka.jp/ | label = Nitobe Bunka College http://www.nitp.ac.in/ http://www.nitpy.ac.in/ http://www.nitrkl.ac.in/ http://www.nitrr.ac.in/ http://www.nits.ac.in/ http://www.nitsikkim.ac.in/ http://www.nitsri.net/ http://www.nitt.edu/ http://www.nittai.ac.jp/ http://www.nitttrchd.ac.in/sitenew1/index11.php | label = National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research http://www.nituk.ac.in/ http://www.nitw.ac.in/nitw/ | label = National Institute of Technology Warangal http://www.nitw.ernet.in/ http://www.niu.edu/ http://www.niu.org.uk/ http://www.niuniv.com/ | label = Noorul Islam University http://www.nivadhana.ac.th/ http://www.niyak.spb.ru/ | label = Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture http://www.niye.go.jp/english/ | label = National Institution For Youth Education http://www.nizhgma.ru/eng/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy http://www.njau.edu.cn/ http://www.njc.ac.jp/ | label = Nagasaki Junior College http://www.njc.edu/ http://www.njcu.edu/ http://www.njfu.edu.cn/ http://www.njim.edu.cn/ http://www.njit.edu.cn/ | label = Nanjing Institute of Technology http://www.njit.edu/ http://www.njmu.edu.cn/ http://www.njnu.edu.cn/ http://www.njpi.edu.cn/english/28/list.htm | label = Nanjing Polytechnic Institute http://www.njrts.edu.cn:8999/ | label = Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology http://www.njtc.edu.cn/ | label = Neijiang Normal University http://www.njtu.edu.cn/ http://www.nju.edu.cn/ http://www.njuct.edu.cn/ http://www.njue.edu.cn/ http://www.njupt.edu.cn/ http://www.njust.edu.cn/ http://www.njutcm.edu.cn/ http://www.njuts.cn/ http://www.nk.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State New Kensington http://www.nkc.city.narashino.chiba.jp/narako/ | label = Narashino Municipal Narashino High School http://www.nki.ru/ | label = Novosibirsk Institute of Economy, Psychology and Law http://www.nkjc.jp/ | label = Nakakyusyu Junior College http://www.nkrriwf.pl/ http://www.nku.edu.tr/ http://www.nku.edu/ http://www.nkumbauniversity.ac.ug/ http://www.nkzu.kz/ http://www.nl.edu/ http://www.nla.no/ http://www.nlc.bc.ca/ http://www.nlh.no/ http://www.nliu.ac.in/ | label = National Law Institute University http://www.nls.ac.in/ http://www.nlu.edu/ http://www.nluassam.ac.in/ | label = National Law University and Judicial Academy http://www.nludelhi.ac.in/ | label = National Law University, Delhi http://www.nlujodhpur.ac.in/index-main.php | label = National Law University Jodhpur http://www.nluo.ac.in/ | label = National Law University Odisha http://www.nma.bg/ http://www.nmaa.edu.af/ http://www.nmapo.edu.ua/index.php/en/ | label = Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education http://www.nmbu.no/en | label = Norwegian University of Life Sciences http://www.nmcc.edu/ http://www.nmcth.edu/ | label = Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital http://www.nmetau.edu.ua/ http://www.nmh.no/ http://www.nmhu.edu/ http://www.nmims.edu/ http://www.nmjc.edu/ http://www.nmmi.edu/ http://www.nmmu.ac.za/ http://www.nms.ac.jp/ http://www.nmsbern.ch/ | label = NMS Berne http://www.nmsgc.org/ | label = Naryan-Mar Socio-Humanitarian College http://www.nmsu.edu/ http://www.nmt.edu/ http://www.nmu.ac.in/ http://www.nmu.ac.th/th/ | label = Navamindradhiraj University http://www.nmu.edu.ua/ http://www.nmu.edu/ http://www.nmu.org.ua/ http://www.nnaapc.org/ | label = National Native American AIDS Prevention Center http://www.nnc.edu/ http://www.nngasu.ru/about/Structure/facultets/cppoig_eng.php | label = Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering http://www.nnki.ru/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute http://www.nntu.sci-nnov.ru/ http://www.nnu.edu/ | label = Northwest Nazarene University http://www.nny.edu.tr/ http://www.nobel.edu.np/ | label = Nobel Academy http://www.noblenetwork.org/ | label = Noble Network of Charter Schools http://www.nobts.edu/ | label = New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary http://www.noc.edu/ http://www.nodai.ac.jp/ http://www.nogyo-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Nogyo High School http://www.nommensen.org/ http://www.nooruse.ee/ http://www.norcocollege.edu/ | label = Norco College http://www.nord.no/ | label = Nord University http://www.nordakademie.de/ http://www.norfolkacademy.org/page | label = Norfolk Academy http://www.norfolkpublicschools.org/ | label = Norfolk Public Schools http://www.norinh.kai.ed.jp/ | label = Norin High School http://www.normandale.edu/ http://www.normandie-univ.fr/ | label = Normandie Université http://www.northampton.ac.uk/ http://www.northampton.edu/ http://www.northamptoncollege.ac.uk/ | label = Northampton College http://www.northark.edu/ http://www.northeast.edu/ http://www.northeastcatholic.edu/ | label = Northeast Catholic College http://www.northeastern.edu/ http://www.northeaststate.edu/ http://www.northern.ac.uk/ | label = Northern College http://www.northern.edu/ http://www.northernc.on.ca/ | label = Northern College http://www.northgatech.edu/ http://www.northkent.ac.uk/ | label = North Kent College http://www.northlakecollege.edu/ http://www.northland.edu/ http://www.northlandcollege.edu/ http://www.northlondoncollege.co.uk/index.php/en/ | label = North London College http://www.northropuniv.org/ | label = Northrop University http://www.northshore.edu/ http://www.northsouth.edu/ http://www.northwestcollege.edu/ http://www.northwestern.edu/ http://www.northwesterncollege.edu/ http://www.northwestms.edu/ http://www.northwestschool.org/ | label = The Northwest School http://www.northweststate.edu/ http://www.northwood.edu/ | label = Northwood University http://www.norton.edu.kh/ http://www.norvuz.ru/en/ | label = Norilsk State Industrial Institute http://www.norwich.edu/ http://www.nosu.ru/ http://www.notredame.ac.jp/ http://www.notredamecollege.edu/ | label = Notre Dame College http://www.nottingham.edu.cn/ http://www.nottingham.edu.my/ http://www.nou.edu.ng/ http://www.nouikip.ru/ | label = Institute of Commerce and Law http://www.nouimei.ru/ | label = Institute of World Economy and Information http://www.nousip.ru/ | label = North Enterprise Institute http://www.nova.edu/ http://www.novenauniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.novsu.ac.ru/ http://www.novsu.ru/english/ | label = Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University http://www.np.ac.rs/ http://www.np.edu.sg/ | label = Ngee Ann Polytechnic http://www.np.edu/ http://www.npc.edu/ http://www.npcc.edu/ http://www.npcts.edu/ http://www.npi-tu.ru/ | label = South Russian State Technical University http://www.nps.ed.jp/horyuji-hs/index.htm | label = Horyuji Kokusai High School http://www.nps.ed.jp/nara-c/ | label = Nara Prefectural Institute for Educational Research http://www.nps.ed.jp/nara-hs/ | label = Nara Prefectural Nara High School http://www.nps.ed.jp/takada-hs/ | label = Nara Prefectural Takada Senior High School http://www.nps.edu/ http://www.npu.edu.ua/ http://www.npu.edu/ | label = Northwestern Polytechnic University http://www.nr.edu/ http://www.nrao.edu/ http://www.nrc.ac.uk/ | label = Northern Regional College http://www.nrsmch.org/ | label = Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital http://www.nsa.bg/ http://www.nsa.edu/ | label = New Saint Andrews College http://www.nsac.ns.ca/ http://www.nsau.edu.ru/ http://www.nsbm.lk/ http://www.nsc.ac.uk/ | label = North Shropshire College http://www.nscad.ns.ca/ http://www.nscc.ca/ | label = Nova Scotia Community College http://www.nscc.edu/ http://www.nsi-ins.ca/ | label = The North South Institute http://www.nsit.ac.in/ http://www.nsl.ac.in/ | label = National School of Leadership http://www.nsmc.edu.cn/ http://www.nsmu.ru/ http://www.nsob.nl/ | label = Netherlands School of Public Administration http://www.nsph.gr/?page=home&lang=EN | label = National School of Public Health http://www.nstda.or.th/tgist/ | label = Thailand Graduate Institute of Science and Technology http://www.nstu.edu.bd/ http://www.nstu.ru/ http://www.nsu.ac.jp/ http://www.nsu.ac.kr/ http://www.nsu.edu.np/ http://www.nsu.edu/ http://www.nsu.gcom.ru/ | label = New Siberian Institute http://www.nsu.ru/ http://www.nsuk.edu.ng/ http://www.nsula.edu/ http://www.nsuok.edu/ http://www.nswiop.nsw.edu.au/ | label = New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry http://www.nta-isny.de/home.html | label = Natural Science and Technical Academy Isny http://www.ntb.ch/ http://www.ntc.edu/ http://www.ntcc.edu/ http://www.ntcho.edu.gh/ | label = Nurses' Training College, Ho http://www.ntcmn.edu/ http://www.nti.nl/ | label = NTI University http://www.ntnu.edu.ng/ http://www.ntnu.edu/ | label = Norwegian University of Science and Technology http://www.ntti.ac.ke/ http://www.ntu.ac.jp/ http://www.ntu.ac.uk/ http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ http://www.ntu.edu/ http://www.ntu.kar.net/ http://www.ntua.gr/ http://www.ntva.no/2013/12/12/english/ | label = Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences http://www.nu-online.com/ http://www.nu.ac.th/ http://www.nu.edu.af/ http://www.nu.edu.bd/ http://www.nu.edu.ph/ http://www.nu.edu.pk/ http://www.nu.edu.sa/ http://www.nu.edu/ http://www.nua.ac.jp/ http://www.nua.ac.uk/ | label = Norwich University of the Arts http://www.nuaa.edu.cn/ http://www.nub.ac.bd/ http://www.nuc.edu/ | label = National University College http://www.nucba.ac.jp/ http://www.nuch.ac.kr/ http://www.nudt.edu.cn/ http://www.nuepa.org/New/ | label = National University of Educational Planning and Administration http://www.nufs.nakanishi.ac.jp/ http://www.nugaaluniversity.com/ http://www.nuhs.edu.sg/# | label = National University Health System http://www.nuhs.edu/ | label = National University of Health Sciences http://www.nuhw.ac.jp/e/ | label = Niigata University of Health and Welfare http://www.nui.ie/ http://www.nuigalway.ie/ | label = National University of Ireland, Galway http://www.nuis.ac.jp/ http://www.nuist.edu.cn/newindex/index.htm | label = Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology http://www.nul.ls/ http://www.nulaoag.com/ http://www.num.edu.kh/ http://www.num.edu.mn/ http://www.numazu-ct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Numazu College http://www.numl.edu.pk/ http://www.nunez.edu/ http://www.nuol.edu.la/ http://www.nupals.ac.jp/ | label = Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences http://www.nur.ac.rw/ http://www.nur.edu/ http://www.nus.edu.sg/ http://www.nus.edu.ws/ http://www.nus.edu/ http://www.nusrlranchi.ac.in/ | label = National University of Study and Research in Law http://www.nust.ac.zw/ http://www.nust.edu.pk/ http://www.nust.na/ | label = Polytechnic of Namibia http://www.nutrisources.com/ | label = Beijing Institute of Nutritional Sources http://www.nuu.uz/ http://www.nuv.ac.in/ http://www.nuv.cz/ | label = Národní Ústav pro vzdělávání http://www.nv.edu/ http://www.nvau.ac.jp/ http://www.nvcc.edu/ http://www.nvit.bc.ca/ http://www.nvlu.ac.jp/ | label = Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University http://www.nwacc.edu/ http://www.nwau.edu.cn/ http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/ | label = Northwest Community College http://www.nwcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.nwcc.edu/ | label = Northwestern Connecticut Community College http://www.nwciowa.edu/ http://www.nwcu.edu/ | label = Northwest Christian University http://www.nwec.jp/en/ | label = National Women's Education Center http://www.nwfpuet.edu.pk/ http://www.nwfsc.edu/ http://www.nwhc.ac.uk/ | label = North Warwickshire and Hinckley College http://www.nwhealth.edu/ | label = Northwestern Health Sciences University http://www.nwic.edu/ | label = Northwest Indian College http://www.nwicc.edu/ http://www.nwktc.edu/ http://www.nwmissouri.edu/ http://www.nwnu.edu.cn/ http://www.nwosu.edu/ | label = Northwestern Oklahoma State University http://www.nwpi.ru/ http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/ http://www.nwscc.edu/ http://www.nwsm.pl/ | label = Niepubliczna Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna http://www.nwsni.edu.cn/ | label = North Minzu University http://www.nwtc.edu/ http://www.nwu.ac.za/ | label = North-West University http://www.nwu.edu.cn/ http://www.nwupl.edu.cn/ | label = Northwest University of Politics and Law http://www.nxmc.edu.cn/ http://www.nxtu.cn/ | label = Ningxia Normal University http://www.nxu.edu.cn/ http://www.ny.devry.edu/ | label = DeVry College http://www.ny2000.cn/ | label = Xiamen Nanyang University http://www.nyaa.edu/ | label = New York Academy of Art http://www.nyack.edu/ | label = Nyack College http://www.nyam.org/ | label = New York Academy of Medicine http://www.nycc.edu/ | label = New York Chiropractic College http://www.nycollege.edu/ | label = New York College of Health Professions http://www.nycpm.edu/ | label = New York College of Podiatric Medicine http://www.nyctcm.edu/ | label = New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.nyenrode.com/Pages/Default.aspx | label = Nyenrode Business University http://www.nyenrode.nl/ http://www.nyfa.edu/ | label = New York Film Academy http://www.nyist.edu.cn/ | label = Nanyang Institute of Technology http://www.nyit.edu.bh/ http://www.nyit.edu.jo/ http://www.nyls.edu/ | label = New York Law School http://www.nymc.edu/ | label = New York Medical College http://www.nyme.hu/ http://www.nynu.edu.cn/ | label = Nanyang Normal University http://www.nyon-marens.ch/ | label = École Secondaire de Nyon Marens http://www.nyp.edu.sg/ | label = Nanyang Polytechnic http://www.nysid.edu/ | label = New York School of Interior Design http://www.nyuniversity.net/ http://www.o6u.edu.eg/ http://www.oa.edu.ua/en/ | label = National University Ostroh Academy http://www.oak.edu/ | label = Oakland City University http://www.oakfieldsportscollege.org.uk/ | label = Oak Field School and Sports College http://www.oakhills.edu/ | label = Oak Hills Christian College http://www.oakland.edu/ http://www.oaklandcc.edu/ http://www.oakton.edu/ http://www.oakwood.edu/ http://www.oamk.fi/ http://www.oau.edu.sd/ http://www.oauife.edu.ng/ http://www.oberlin.edu/ http://www.obihiro.ac.jp/ http://www.obirin.ac.jp/ http://www.obonguniversity.net/ http://www.obu.edu/ | label = Ouachita Baptist University http://www.oc.edu/ http://www.ocad.ca/ http://www.ocadu.ca/ | label = Ontario College of Art and Design http://www.occ.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Christian College http://www.occc.edu/ http://www.ocde.us/Pages/Home.aspx | label = Orange County Department of Education http://www.ocean.edu/ http://www.oceanlakeshs.vbschools.com/ | label = Ocean Lakes High School http://www.ocec.ne.jp/hs/ikuno/ | label = Osaka Municipal Ikuno Technical High School http://www.ocec.ne.jp/hs/miyakojima/ | label = Osaka Municipal Miyakojima Technical High School http://www.ocec.ne.jp/hs/nishi/ | label = Osaka Municipal Nishi High School http://www.ocha.ac.jp/ http://www.ocom.edu/ | label = Oregon College of Oriental Medicine http://www.octech.edu/ http://www.odawara-sh.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Odawara Nursing School http://www.odawara.ac.jp/ | label = Odawara Women's Junior College http://www.odawarajohoku-th.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Odawara Johoku Technical High School http://www.odc.edu/ http://www.odeku.edu.ua/en | label = Odessa State Environmental University http://www.odessa.edu/ http://www.odtu.edu.tr/ http://www.odu.edu.tr/ http://www.odu.edu/ http://www.oduduwauniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.oesd.wednet.edu/ | label = Olympic Educational Service District http://www.ofi.hu/en | label = Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development http://www.ogaki-tandai.ac.jp/ | label = Ogaki Women's College http://www.ogasa.odessa.ua/ http://www.ogeecheetech.edu/ http://www.ogi.edu/ http://www.oglethorpe.edu/ | label = Oglethorpe University http://www.ogs.edu/web/ | label = Oxford Graduate School http://www.ogu.edu.tr/ http://www.ohiochristian.edu/ | label = Ohio Christian University http://www.ohiodominican.edu/ | label = Ohio Dominican University http://www.ohiou.edu/ http://www.ohira-sh.open.ed.jp/ | label = Okinawa Prefecture Ohira Special School School http://www.ohkagakuen-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ohlone.edu/ http://www.ohmiya-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Omiya High School http://www.ohmiyachuo-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Omiya Chuo Senior High School http://www.ohsu.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Health Science University http://www.ohsu.edu/ http://www.ohtani-w.ac.jp/ http://www.ohtsuki.ac.jp/ | label = Ohtsuki City College http://www.ohu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.ohu.edu.tr/ http://www.oi.edu.eg/ | label = Obour Institutes http://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/ | label = Hokkaido University http://www.oist.jp/ | label = Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology http://www.oit.ac.jp/ http://www.oit.edu/ http://www.oit.osshe.edu/ http://www.oita-ct.ac.jp/guide/eng_bulletin.html | label = Oita National College of Technology http://www.oita-med.ac.jp/ http://www.oita-nhs.ac.jp/ http://www.oita-pjc.ac.jp/ | label = Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture http://www.oita-u.ac.jp/ http://www.oiu.ac.jp/english/guide.html | label = Osaka International University http://www.oiu.edu.sd/ http://www.oiu.oiu.ac.jp/ http://www.oiuw.oiu.ac.jp/ http://www.ojc.edu/ http://www.ojiyani-h.nein.ed.jp/ | label = Niigata Prefectural Ojiya Nishi High School http://www.oka-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.okako.okayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefectural Okayama Technical High School http://www.okan.edu.tr/ http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/ http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.okazaki-c.ac.jp/ | label = Okazaki Womens Junior College http://www.okazaki-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okazaki Senior High School http://www.okazaki-sd.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Okazaki School for the Deaf http://www.okazaki-u.ac.jp/ | label = Okazaki Womens University http://www.okazakihigashi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okazaki Higashi High School http://www.okbu.edu/ http://www.okcu.edu/ http://www.oki-regensburg.de/ | label = Ostkirchliches Institut Regensburg http://www.okigei.ac.jp/ http://www.okinawa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.okiu.ac.jp/ http://www.okstate.edu/ http://www.okwu.edu/ | label = Oklahoma Wesleyan University http://www.olberon.com/ | label = Olberon (United Kingdom) http://www.olc.edu/ | label = Oglala Lakota College http://www.oldham.ac.uk/ | label = Oldham College http://www.oldscollege.ca/ | label = Olds College http://www.oldwestbury.edu/ | label = SUNY College at Old Westbury http://www.olemiss.edu/ http://www.olhcc.edu/ | label = Our Lady of Holy Cross College http://www.olin.edu/ | label = Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering http://www.olivet.edu/ http://www.olivetcollege.edu/ | label = Olivet College http://www.ollusa.edu/ http://www.olmeca.edu.mx/ http://www.ololcollege.edu/ | label = Our Lady of the Lake College http://www.olympia.edu.my/ http://www.olympic.edu/ | label = Olympic College http://www.omancollege.edu.om/ http://www.omcd.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Municipal College of Design http://www.omgau.ru/ http://www.omgis.ru/ | label = Omsk State Institute of Service http://www.omgtu.ru/ http://www.omgups.ru/ http://www.omorecollege.edu/ | label = O'More College of Design http://www.omphis.es/ | label = Omphis Institute http://www.omsk-osma.ru/ http://www.omsk.edu/ http://www.omsu.ru/page.php?id= | label = Omsk State University http://www.omu.edu.ly/ http://www.omu.edu.tr/ http://www.onaft.edu.ua/en/ | label = Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies http://www.onderzoekschoolkunstgeschiedenis.nl/site/index.php?lngg=en | label = Dutch postgraduate School for Art History http://www.onu.edu.ua/ http://www.onu.edu/ http://www.onwar.nl/ | label = Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam Rotterdam http://www.oojc.ac.jp/ | label = Obihiro Otani Junior College http://www.oouagoiwoye.edu.ng/ http://www.op.ac.nz/ | label = Otago Polytechnic http://www.op.org/ http://www.open.ac.uk/ http://www.open.ha.cn/index.aspx | label = Henan Radio and Television University http://www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz/ http://www.openu.ac.il/ http://www.oprah.com/index.html | label = Oprah's Angel Network http://www.opsu.edu/ | label = Oklahoma Panhandle State University http://www.opu.odessa.ua/ http://www.oradeauniversity.com/ http://www.orangecoastcollege.edu/ http://www.oregoncoastcc.org/ | label = Oregon Coast Community College http://www.oregonstate.edu/ http://www.orientalmedicine.edu/ | label = Institute for Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine http://www.orioaishin.ac.jp/tandai/foreign/english/ | label = Orio Aishin Junior College http://www.orkhon.edu.mn/ http://www.oroku-h.open.ed.jp/ | label = Okinawa Prefectural Koroku High School http://www.orpheusinstituut.be/en | label = Orpheus Institute http://www.orst.edu/ http://www.ort.asso.fr/ | label = ORT France http://www.ort.edu.uy/ http://www.oru.edu/ http://www.orun.ru/ http://www.osaft.odessa.ua/ http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/category_top/english_top.html | label = Osaka Prefectural Education Center http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/engei/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Horticulture High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/fujiidera-t/zennichi/index.html | label = Fujiidera Technical High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/hirakata/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Hirakata High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/ibaraki/ | label = Osaka Ibaraki High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/kitano/english/index-en.html | label = Osaka Prefectural Kitano High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/makino/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Makino high school http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/mou/ | label = Osaka Prefecture Hannan Visual Support School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/neyagawa-y/ | label = Neyagaya School for Special Needs Education http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/neyagawa/zen/index.html | label = Neyagawa High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/sano-t/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Sano Polytechnic High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/seibi/ | label = Seibi High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/shiroyama/index2.htm | label = Osaka Prefectural Shiroyama High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/takaishi/ | label = Takaishi High School http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/toyonaka-y/ | label = Osaka Prefectural Toyonaka Support School http://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-dent.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-gaidai.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-geidai.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-med.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-ohtani.ac.jp/en/ | label = Osaka Ohtani University http://www.osaka-sandai.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-shinai.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Shin-ai College http://www.osaka-shoin.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-ue.ac.jp/ http://www.osaka-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.osakac.ac.jp/ http://www.osakafu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.oshgsu-kuu.com/ | label = Osh State Social University http://www.oshima-k.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Oshima College http://www.oshmed.com/ http://www.oslit.nl/ | label = Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies http://www.osmania.ac.in/ http://www.osmaniye.edu.tr/ http://www.osmu.odessa.ua/ http://www.ost.edu/ | label = Oblate School of Theology http://www.osteopathy-canada.com/ | label = Canadian College of Osteopathy http://www.osu.ac.jp/ http://www.osu.cz/ http://www.osu.edu/ http://www.osu.ru/ http://www.osuokc.edu/home/ | label = Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City http://www.osustech.edu.ng/ http://www.oswaldocruz.br/unidades.asp?id_unidade=4 | label = Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz http://www.ota2-h.ibk.ed.jp/ | label = Ibaraki Prefectural Ota second high school http://www.otago.ac.nz/ http://www.otani.ac.jp/ http://www.otaru-uc.ac.jp/ http://www.otc.edu/ http://www.oteima.ac.pa/ http://www.otemae.ac.jp/ http://www.otemon.ac.jp/ http://www.oth-aw.de/english/ | label = Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg Weiden http://www.otis.edu/ | label = Otis College of Art and Design http://www.otsuma.ac.jp/ http://www.ottawa.edu/ | label = Ottawa University http://www.otterbein.edu/ http://www.ou-link.ru/ | label = International Institute of Management LINK http://www.ou-mba.ac.in/ | label = University College of Commerce & Business Management http://www.ou.ac.lk/ http://www.ou.dk/ http://www.ou.edu.vn/ http://www.ou.edu/ http://www.ou.nl/ http://www.ouat.ac.in/ | label = Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology http://www.ouc.ac.cy/ http://www.ouc.bc.ca/ | label = Okanagan University College http://www.ouc.edu.cn/ http://www.ouchn.edu.cn/ | label = Open University of China http://www.oucwkoti.ac.in/ | label = University College for Women http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ http://www.ouhs.ac.jp/ http://www.ouhs.jp/e/ | label = Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences http://www.ouj.ac.jp/eng/ | label = The Open University of Japan http://www.oum.edu.my/ http://www.oups.ac.jp/ http://www.ous.ac.jp/ http://www.ous.edu.sd/ http://www.ous.edu/ | label = Oregon University System http://www.out.ac.tz/ http://www.ovgu.de/unimagdeburg/en/Otto+von+Guericke+University+Magdeburg.html | label = Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg http://www.ovidunivconstanta-edu.org/ http://www.ovu.edu/ | label = Ohio Valley University http://www.owatc.edu/ | label = Ogden–Weber Applied Technology College http://www.owensboro.kctcs.edu/ http://www.owjc.ac.jp/ | label = Okinawa Womens Junior College http://www.owu.edu/ http://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.oxfordspiresacademy.org/ | label = Oxford Spires Academy http://www.oxnardcollege.edu/ http://www.oxy.edu/ http://www.oyama-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Oyama College http://www.oyg.ac.jp/js/ | label = Osaka Yuhigaoka Gakuen Junior College http://www.oyu.edu.az/ http://www.ozarka.edu/ http://www.ozarks.edu/ http://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/ http://www.p.lodz.pl/ http://www.pa.edu.az/ http://www.pa.edu.tr/ | label = Police Academy http://www.paaet.edu.kw/mysite/Default.aspx?tabid=4269&language=ar-KW | label = Public Authority for Applied Education and Training http://www.pac.by/ http://www.pace.edu/ http://www.pacific.edu/ http://www.pacifica.edu/ | label = Pacifica Graduate Institute http://www.pacificcollege.edu/ | label = Pacific College of Oriental Medicine http://www.pacificoaks.edu/Home | label = Pacific Oaks College http://www.pacificu.edu/ http://www.pacollege.edu/ | label = Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences http://www.pacuc.edu.gh/ http://www.pacuniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.paderborn.de/ http://www.padmavatiwomen-univ.org/ http://www.pafkiet.edu.pk/ http://www.pahs.edu.np/ | label = Patan Academy of Health Sciences http://www.paichai.ac.kr/ http://www.paiercollegeofart.edu/ | label = Paier College of Art Inc http://www.paine.edu/ | label = Paine College http://www.paisley.ac.uk/ http://www.pakaims.edu.pk/ http://www.pakaims.edu/ http://www.pakistanhomoeopathy.com/ http://www.palermo.edu.ar/ http://www.palmbeachstate.edu/ http://www.palmer.edu/ | label = Palmer College of Chiropractic http://www.paloaltou.edu/ | label = Palo Alto University http://www.palomar.edu/ http://www.paloverde.edu/ http://www.palucca.eu/en.html | label = Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden http://www.pam.szczecin.pl/ http://www.pamir.edu.af/ http://www.pamlicocc.edu/ http://www.pamukkale.edu.tr/ http://www.panam.edu/ http://www.pancabudi.ac.id/ http://www.pankey.org/ | label = Pankey Institute http://www.panola.edu/ http://www.panteion.gr/ http://www.paradisevalley.edu/ | label = Paradise Valley Community College http://www.paralegal.edu/ | label = Center for Advanced Legal Studies http://www.paramadina.ac.id/ http://www.paris-belleville.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville http://www.paris-iea.fr/en/ | label = Paris Institute for Advanced Study http://www.paris-lavillette.archi.fr/ | label = École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-La Villette http://www.paris-malaquais.archi.fr/index.php?module=home | label = École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais http://www.paris-valdeseine.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Val de Seine http://www.paris.ensam.fr/ http://www.paris4.sorbonne.fr/ http://www.parisjc.edu/ http://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/en/ | label = Paris School of Economics http://www.parkland.edu/ http://www.parkvaleacademy.org.uk/ | label = Park Vale Academy http://www.partium.ro/en | label = Partium Christian University http://www.paruluniversity.ac.in/ http://www.parwan.edu.af/ http://www.pasadena.edu/ http://www.pascualbravo.edu.co/ | label = Pascual Bravo Institution University http://www.pasim.ac.id/ http://www.passhe.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education http://www.paterson.k12.nj.us/ | label = Paterson Public Schools http://www.path-hta.ca/Home.aspx | label = Programs for Assessment of Technology in Health Research Institute http://www.patnauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Patna University http://www.patrickhenry.edu/ http://www.pau.ac.pg/ http://www.pau.edu.ng/ http://www.pau.edu.tr/ | label = Pamukkale University http://www.pau.edu/ http://www.paulofreire.org/ | label = Instituto Paulo Freire http://www.paulsmiths.edu/ | label = Paul Smith's College http://www.pauluniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.payap.ac.th/ http://www.paz.ac.jp/college/ | label = Gumma Paz College http://www.pb.bialystok.pl/ http://www.pb.edu.bn/ | label = Brunei Polytechnic http://www.pba.edu/ | label = Palm Beach Atlantic University http://www.pbac.edu/ http://www.pccc.edu/ http://www.pcci.edu/ http://www.pccua.edu/ http://www.pcdp.edu.sa/ http://www.pcj.edu/ | label = Pontifical College Josephinum http://www.pcmd.ac.uk/ | label = Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry http://www.pcsedu.org/ | label = Perspectives Charter School http://www.pct.edu/ http://www.pcts.ac.kr/English/renew/ | label = Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary http://www.pcu.ac.kr/ http://www.pcu.edu.ph/ http://www.pcuv.es/home | label = University of Valencia Science Park http://www.pcz.czest.pl/ http://www.pcz.pl/english/ | label = Częstochowa University of Technology http://www.pdc.edu/ http://www.pdkv.ac.in/ http://www.pdn.ac.lk/ http://www.pdpu.ac.in/ http://www.pdpu.edu.ua/en/ | label = South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky http://www.pdu.edu.vn/ | label = Pham Van Dong University http://www.pe-rc.nl/ | label = C.T. de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology and Resource Conservation http://www.peace.edu/ http://www.pec.ac.in/ http://www.pedago.pt/ http://www.pedagogica.edu.co/ http://www.pedagogica.edu.sv/ | label = Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador http://www.peddie.org/ | label = Peddie School http://www.pedevropska.cz/ | label = Vyšší Odborná Škola Pedagogická a Sociální Střední Odborná Škola Pedagogická a Gymnázium Praha 6 http://www.pedu.edu.pk/ http://www.peihua.cn/ | label = Xi'an Peihua University http://www.peizheng.com.cn/ http://www.pelastusopisto.fi/ | label = Emergency Services College http://www.pembroke.edu/ http://www.pennhighlands.edu/ http://www.pensacolastate.edu/ http://www.peointernational.org/ | label = Philanthropic Educational Organization http://www.pepperdine.edu/ http://www.peralta.edu/ http://www.perbanas.ac.id/ http://www.perdanauniversity.edu.my/ http://www.periyaruniversity.ac.in/ | label = Periyar University http://www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph/ http://www.persianacademy.ir/ http://www.persistent.com/ | label = Persistent Systems (India) http://www.peru.edu/ http://www.pes.edu/ http://www.peterborough.ac.uk/ | label = Peterborough Regional College http://www.petra.ac.id/ http://www.peuni.cn/ | label = Puer University http://www.pfa.ru/ | label = Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy http://www.pfeiffer.edu/ | label = Pfeiffer University http://www.pfh-goettingen.de/ http://www.pfisd.net/ | label = Pflugerville Independent School District http://www.pfu.edu.ru/ http://www.pg.gda.pl/ http://www.pgcc.edu/ http://www.pgfa.ru/ | label = Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy http://www.pgh.gov.ph/en/ | label = University of the Philippines Manila http://www.pgia.ac.lk/ http://www.pgimer.nic.in/ http://www.pglu.ru/ http://www.pgsga.ru/in/english/ | label = Samara State Pedagogical University http://www.pgu.ac.ir/ http://www.pgups.ru/ | label = Petersburg State Transport University http://www.ph-burgenland.at/startseite/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland http://www.ph-erfurt.de/ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/ http://www.ph-gmuend.de/ http://www.ph-gr.ch/ http://www.ph-heidelberg.de/ http://www.ph-kaernten.ac.at/en/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Viktor Frankl Hochschule http://www.ph-karlsruhe.de/ http://www.ph-ludwigsburg.de/ http://www.ph-weingarten.de/ http://www.pharmatrain.eu/ | label = PharmaTrain Federation http://www.pharmi.uz/ http://www.phbern.ch/ http://www.phcc.edu/ http://www.phdl.at/en/ | label = Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz http://www.phgr.ch/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden http://www.philacol.edu/ http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ http://www.philau.edu/ http://www.phillips.edu/ http://www.philtheol-augustin.de/ http://www.phlu.ch/ http://www.phmetropol.dk/English | label = Metropolitan University College http://www.phoenixcollege.edu/ http://www.phsalzburg.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg http://www.phsc.edu/ http://www.phsg.ch/ http://www.phsh.ch/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen http://www.phsz.ch/ http://www.phtg.ch/ http://www.phw.info/ http://www.phwien.ac.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Wien http://www.physicianleaders.org/ | label = American College of Physician Executives http://www.physiol.sci.am/ | label = L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA http://www.phystech.edu/ http://www.phzg.ch/ http://www.phzh.ch/ http://www.pi.ac.ae/ http://www.piau.ac.ir/ http://www.picollege.ca/ http://www.pics.edu.pk/ http://www.pidc.edu.my/ http://www.pieas.edu.pk/ http://www.piedmontcc.edu/ http://www.piedmontu.edu/ | label = Piedmont International University http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/ http://www.piercecollege.edu/ http://www.pierpont.edu/ http://www.pijs.ru/ | label = St. Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies http://www.pima.edu/ http://www.pimr.poznan.pl/ | label = Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering http://www.pims.ca/ | label = Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies http://www.pimsat-khi.edu.pk/ http://www.pimsj.com/ | label = Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.pimsmmm.com/ | label = Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.pine.edu.my/ http://www.pine.edu/ | label = Pine Technical and Community College http://www.pinetech.edu/ http://www.pingry.org/ | label = Pingry School http://www.pio.urbe.it/ http://www.pioneerpacific.edu/ | label = Pioneer Pacific College http://www.pirireis.edu.tr/ http://www.pit.edu/ http://www.pittcc.edu/ http://www.pittstate.edu/ http://www.pitzer.edu/ http://www.piu.ac.ke/ http://www.piup.edu.my/ http://www.pja.edu.pl/en/ | label = Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology http://www.pjtsau.ac.in/ | label = Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University http://www.pjwstk.edu.pl/ http://www.pk.edu.pl/ http://www.pkb.edu.my/ http://www.pkksabah.edu.my/ http://www.pkkt.edu.my/ http://www.pknstan.ac.id/ | label = Indonesian State College of Accountancy http://www.pknu.ac.kr/ http://www.pku.edu.cn/ http://www.planwel.edu/ http://www.platt.edu/ http://www.plattcolorado.edu/ | label = Platt College Aurora http://www.plattsburgh.edu/ http://www.plm.edu.ph/ http://www.plu.edu/ http://www.plymouth.ac.uk/ http://www.plymouth.edu/ http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/ | label = Plymouth College of Art http://www.pma.ph/ http://www.pmbs.ac.id/ http://www.pmc.edu.pk/ | label = Punjab Medical College http://www.pmc.edu/ | label = Pine Manor College http://www.pmm.edu.my/ http://www.pmu.ac.at/ | label = Paracelsus Medical University http://www.pmu.edu.sa/ http://www.pnc.edu/ http://www.pnca.edu/ | label = Pacific Northwest College of Art http://www.pnj.ac.id/ http://www.pnl.ac.id/ http://www.pnru.ac.th/# | label = Phranakhon Rajabhat University http://www.pnt.edu.vn/ http://www.pntu.com.ua/ | label = Poltava National Technical University http://www.pntu.edu.ua/ http://www.pnu.ac.ir/ http://www.pnu.edu.sa/en | label = Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University http://www.pnum.ac.ir/ http://www.pnumanila.com.ph/ http://www.pnut.ac.ir/ http://www.pnwu.edu/ | label = Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences http://www.pnzgu.ru/ http://www.po.opole.pl/ http://www.pointloma.edu/ | label = Point Loma Nazarene University http://www.pointpark.edu/ | label = Point Park University http://www.pol.lublin.pl/ http://www.polac.cz/g2/view.php?anglicky/index.html | label = Police Academy of the Czech Republic http://www.polak.edu.lv/ http://www.polamk.fi/ | label = Police University College http://www.polarscientific.com/ | label = Polar Scientific http://www.polban.ac.id/ http://www.poli.edu.co/ | label = Politécnico Grancolombiano http://www.poliba.it/ http://www.police.ac.kr/ http://www.policija.hr/4542.aspx | label = Policijska akademija http://www.policijas.koledza.gov.lv/en | label = State Police College http://www.poligran.edu.co/ http://www.poligto.edu.mx/ http://www.polijb.edu.my/ http://www.poliku.edu.my/ http://www.polimas.edu.my/ http://www.polimelaka.edu.my/ http://www.polimi.it/ http://www.polimuadzam.edu.my/ http://www.polines.ac.id/ http://www.polinpdg.ac.id/ http://www.polipd.edu.my/ http://www.polisas.edu.my/ http://www.politecjic.edu.co/ http://www.politehnika-pula.hr/ | label = Polytechnic Pula http://www.polito.it/ http://www.polito.uz/ http://www.polizei.rlp.de/ | label = Hochschule der Polizei Rheinland Pfalz http://www.polnep.ac.id/ http://www.poloprato.unifi.it/en/home-polo.html?no_cache=1 | label = Polo Universitario Città di Prato http://www.polsl.gliwice.pl/ http://www.polsl.pl/en/Pages/Welcome.aspx | label = Silesian University of Technology http://www.poltek-malang.ac.id/ http://www.poltekkes-smg.ac.id/ | label = Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang http://www.poltekpos.ac.id/ http://www.poltesa.ac.id/ http://www.poly.edu/ http://www.polyibadan.edu.ng/ http://www.polymtl.ca/ http://www.polytech-lille.fr/ http://www.polytech-marseille.fr/ http://www.polytechnic-kabul.org/ http://www.polytechnic.ac.th/polytechnic57/ | label = North Eastern Polytechnic Vocational College http://www.polytechnic.bh/ | label = Bahrain Polytechnic http://www.polytechnic.edu.na/ http://www.polytechnique.fr/ http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ http://www.polyunwana.net/ http://www.pomona.edu/ http://www.pomorsu.ru/ http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/ | label = Pondicherry University http://www.pondiuni.org/ http://www.poole.ac.jp/ http://www.pop-to.rnp.br/ http://www.popakademie.de/ http://www.poquoson.k12.va.us/pages/Poquoson_City_Public_Schools/ | label = Poquoson City Public Schools http://www.por.ulusiada.pt/ | label = Lusíada University of Porto http://www.port.ac.uk/ http://www.portagecollege.ca/ | label = Portage College http://www.portal.ifba.edu.br/ | label = Bahia Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology http://www.portal.pwr.wroc.pl/%7C label = Wrocław University of Technology http://www.portal.ufpa.br/ | label = Federal University of Para http://www.portal.uni-koeln.de/uoc_home.html?&L=1 | label = University of Cologne http://www.portervillecollege.edu/ http://www.post.edu/ | label = Post University http://www.postech.ac.kr/ http://www.postech.edu/ http://www.pote.hu/ http://www.potsdam.edu/ http://www.poynter.org/ | label = Poynter Institute for Media Studies http://www.ppcc.edu/ http://www.pphf.hu/ | label = Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola http://www.ppi-bg.org/index_en.php?lang=_en | label = Plant Protection Institute http://www.ppisr.res.in/ | label = Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research http://www.ppiu.edu.kh/ | label = Phnom Penh International University http://www.ppke.hu/ http://www.ppsuc.edu.cn/ | label = China People's Public Security University http://www.ppsy.ru/ | label = Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy http://www.ppu.edu/ http://www.ppwsz.edu.pl/ | label = Podhale State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Targ http://www.pr.ac.rs/ http://www.pr.erau.edu/ http://www.praguecollege.cz/ http://www.prairie.edu/ | label = Prairie Bible Institute http://www.prairiestate.edu/ http://www.pratt.edu/ http://www.prattcc.edu/ http://www.pravara.com/ | label = Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.praxishochschule.de/en | label = Praxis Hochschule University of Applied Sciences http://www.prcc.edu/ http://www.pref.fks.ed.jp/ | label = Fukushima Prefectural Board of Education http://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/kensei/ken-gaiyo/soshiki-annai/kyoiku-iinkai/kyoiku-jimusho/mino/ | label = Board of Education Mino Education Office http://www.pref.ishikawa.jp/kango/ | label = Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing School http://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/310000/ | label = Kochi Prefectural Education Center http://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/kyoiku/kyoiku/ | label = Nagano Prefectural Board of Education http://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/nogyodai/index.html | label = Nagano Prefectural Agricultural University http://www.prempeh-college.com/ http://www.prep.ch/fr/ | label = Préparation aux Examens Préalables http://www.prepavogt.org/ | label = Institut PrépaVogt http://www.presby.edu/ http://www.presbyuniversity.edu.gh/ http://www.prescott.edu/ http://www.presentation.edu/ | label = Presentation College http://www.presidency.edu.bd/ http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/ | label = Presidency University http://www.preston.ac.uk/ | label = Preston's College http://www.preston.edu/ | label = Preston University http://www.prestonpak.edu.pk/ http://www.prgs.edu/ | label = Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School http://www.princetonk12.org/ | label = Princeton Public Schools http://www.principia.edu/ http://www.principiacollege.edu/ | label = Principia College http://www.privatfh-da.de/ http://www.privrednaakademija.edu.rs/ http://www.pro-kartagener.ch/ | label = Foundation Milena Carvajal - Pro-Kartagener http://www.profitecla.pt/ | label = Escola Profissional Profitecla http://www.proteo.cj.edu.ro/en | label = Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj http://www.providence.edu/ http://www.providencecc.edu/ | label = Providence Christian College http://www.providenceuc.ca/ | label = Providence University College and Theological Seminary http://www.provincedeliege.be/en/hauteecole | label = Haute École de la Province de Liège http://www.provocollege.edu/ | label = Provo College http://www.proyecto-es.com/ | label = Proyecto Espanol http://www.prsu.ac.in/ | label = Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University http://www.prta.hu/en/ | label = Reformed Theological Seminary of Papa http://www.prz.rzeszow.pl/ http://www.ps.edu/ | label = Phoenix Seminary http://www.psa.edu.my/ http://www.psas.edu.my/ http://www.psbcollege.edu.vn/ | label = PSB College Vietnam http://www.psbedu.paris/en | label = Paris School of Business http://www.pscabha.edu.sa/ http://www.psfa.ru/ http://www.psgias.ac.in/ | label = PSG Institute of Advanced Studies http://www.psgtech.edu/ http://www.psiac.ru/en | label = Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture http://www.psis.edu.my/ http://www.psjs.edu/ | label = Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary http://www.psksu.ru/ | label = Pskov State Pedagogical Institute http://www.psma.ru/ http://www.psmza.edu.my/ http://www.psp.edu.my/ http://www.pspbb.fr/en/ | label = Pôle Supérieur d'Enseignement Artistique of Paris Boulogne-Billancourt http://www.pspu.ac.ru/ http://www.psr.edu/ | label = Pacific School of Religion http://www.pstcc.edu/ http://www.pstu.ac.bd/ http://www.pstu.ac.ru/ http://www.psu-online.edu.ph/ http://www.psu.ac.th/ http://www.psu.by/ http://www.psu.edu.eg/en/ | label = Port Said University http://www.psu.edu.ph/ http://www.psu.edu.sa/ http://www.psu.kz/ http://www.psu.ru/ http://www.psut.edu.jo/ http://www.pswbp.pl/ | label = Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej http://www.psy.lv/ http://www.psychosup.net/ | label = École Supérieure de Psychologie http://www.psysocwork.ru/ | label = Saint Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work http://www.ptc.edu.sr/ | label = Polytechnic College Suriname http://www.ptc.edu/ http://www.ptcdb.edu.ps/ http://www.pte.hu/ http://www.ptetjnvu.org/ http://www.ptf.hu/home | label = Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola http://www.pth-augustin.eu/ | label = Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD St. Augustin http://www.pth-bb.de/ http://www.pth-muenster.de/ http://www.pthv.de/ http://www.pti.edu/ http://www.pti.org.br/en | label = Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu http://www.ptit.edu.vn/ http://www.ptjnmcraipur.in/ | label = Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College http://www.ptpl.edu.my/ http://www.pts.edu/ | label = Pittsburgh Theological Seminary http://www.ptsb.edu.my/ http://www.ptsem.edu/ | label = Princeton Theological Seminary http://www.ptss.edu.my/ http://www.ptu.ac.in/ http://www.ptu.ac.kr/ http://www.ptu.ac.th/ http://www.ptuk.edu.ps/ http://www.ptuniv.ac.kr/ http://www.pu-hiroshima.ac.jp/soshiki/kokusai/01-en.html | label = Prefectural University of Hiroshima http://www.pu-kumamoto.ac.jp/ http://www.pu-toyama.ac.jp/ http://www.pu.ac.ke/ http://www.pu.edu.af/ http://www.pu.edu.np/ http://www.pu.edu.pk/ http://www.pu.if.ua/ http://www.pu.kielce.pl/ http://www.pua.edu.eg/ http://www.puaychai2.com/CH/index.php/home | label = Paichai Chinese Primary School http://www.pub.ac.bd/ http://www.pub.ro/ http://www.public-health.uiowa.edu/heartland/ | label = Heartland Center for Occupational Safety and Health http://www.puc-rio.br/ http://www.puc.ac.bd/ http://www.puc.cl/ http://www.puc.edu.kh/ http://www.puc.edu/ http://www.puccamp.br/ http://www.puce.edu.ec/ http://www.puchd.ac.in/ http://www.pucit.edu.pk/ http://www.pucminas.br/ http://www.pucmm.edu.do/ http://www.pucp.edu.pe/ http://www.pucpr.br/ http://www.pucpr.edu/ http://www.pucrs.br/ http://www.pucschools.org/ | label = PUC Schools http://www.pucsp.br/ http://www.puea.ac.ke/ http://www.pueblocc.edu/ http://www.puexam.edu.np/ | label = Purbanchal University http://www.pufs.ac.kr/ http://www.pugc.edu.pk/ http://www.pugetsound.edu/ | label = University of Puget Sound http://www.pul.it/ http://www.pulaskitech.edu/ http://www.puls.edu.pl/ http://www.punjabiuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.puntlandstateuniversity.com/ http://www.puo.edu.my/ http://www.pup.edu.ph/ http://www.pupr.edu/ http://www.purbuniv.edu.np/ http://www.purchase.edu/ | label = Purchase College http://www.purduenc.edu/ http://www.purpan.fr/en | label = Purpan Engineering School http://www.pusan-e.ac.kr/ http://www.pusan.ac.kr/ http://www.pusavarsity.org.in/ http://www.pusc.it/ http://www.pushgu.ru/ | label = Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences http://www.pushkin.institute/en/ | label = Pushkin State Russian language Institute http://www.puskas.hu/100/ | label = Puskás Tivadar Távközlési Technikum http://www.pusku.edu.ua/ http://www.pust.ac.bd/ http://www.pust.net/ http://www.pust.urbe.it/ http://www.put.ac.ir/ http://www.put.edu.pl/ | label = Poznań University of Technology http://www.put.poznan.pl/ http://www.puterabatam.ac.id/ http://www.puts.ac.kr/ http://www.puv.fi/ http://www.pv-ma.bg/ http://www.pvamu.edu/ http://www.pvc.maricopa.edu/ http://www.pvcc.edu/ http://www.pvpwt.org/ | label = Panchajanya Vidya Peetha Welfare Trust http://www.pvu.edu.vn/en/ | label = PetroVietnam University http://www.pw.edu.pl/ http://www.pwc.ac.kr/ http://www.pwit.ac.ir/ http://www.pwr.wroc.pl/ http://www.pwsbia.edu.pl/ | label = Prywatna Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych, Komputerowych i Medycznych http://www.pwsip.edu.pl/english/ | label = Lomza State University of Applied Sciences http://www.pwsos.pl/index.php?jezyk=2 | label = Private University of Environmental Sciences in Radom http://www.pwst.krakow.pl/ http://www.pwste.edu.pl/ | label = Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław http://www.pwsw.pl/history-of-the-east-european-state-higher-school-in-przemysl | label = East European State Higher School in Przemyśl http://www.pwsz-gniezno.edu.pl/ | label = Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno http://www.pwsz-koszalin.pl/general.html | label = State Higher Vocational School in Koszalin http://www.pwsz-ns.edu.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączu http://www.pwsz-sanok.edu.pl/wspolpraca-z-zagranica/english-info/ | label = Jan Grodek State Vocational Academy in Sanok http://www.pwsz.com.pl/ects-information-package/ | label = Angelus Silesius University of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych http://www.pwsz.elblag.pl/university.html | label = State University of Applied Sciences in Elbląg http://www.pwsz.eu/ http://www.pwsz.kalisz.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Kaliszu http://www.pwsz.konin.edu.pl/en | label = State University of Applied Sciences in Konin http://www.pwsz.krosno.pl/ | label = State Higher Vocational School in Krosno http://www.pwsz.legnica.edu.pl/artykul-238-english-0 | label = Witelon State University of Applied Sciences in Legnica http://www.pwsz.nysa.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie http://www.pwsz.pila.pl/ http://www.pwsz.raciborz.edu.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu http://www.pwsz.skierniewice.pl/en-gb/pwsz.aspx | label = State Higher Vocational School in Skierniewice http://www.pwsz.sulechow.pl/rekrutacja | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Sulechowie http://www.pwsz.tarnobrzeg.pl/category/english-version/ | label = State Higher Vocational School Memorial of Prof. Stanislaw Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg http://www.pwszciechanow.edu.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Ciechanowie http://www.pwszplock.pl/en/home-page/ | label = State School of Higher Professional Education in Płock http://www.pwtw.pl/en/ | label = Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie http://www.pwu.com/ http://www.pwu.edu/ http://www.pxc.jx.cn/ | label = Pingxiang University http://www.pz.zgora.pl/ http://www.pzhu.edu.cn/ http://www.qadissuni.edu.iq/ http://www.qaemiau.ac.ir/ | label = Qaemshahr Islamic Azad University http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/ | label = Carnegie Mellon University Qatar http://www.qatar.exed.hec.edu/ | label = HEC Paris http://www.qatar.northwestern.edu/ http://www.qatar.tamu.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University at Qatar http://www.qatar.ucalgary.ca/ | label = University of Calgary in Qatar http://www.qatar.vcu.edu/ | label = VCUQatar http://www.qau.edu.pk/ http://www.qazviniau.ac.ir/ http://www.qc.cuny.edu/Pages/home.aspx | label = Queens College, CUNY http://www.qc.edu.sa/ http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/ http://www.qcc.edu/ http://www.qddx.gov.cn/n435777/index.html | label = Qingdao Party School of CPC http://www.qdpi.uz/ http://www.qdu.edu.cn/ http://www.qfis.edu.qa/ | label = Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies http://www.qfnu.edu.cn/ http://www.qhnu.edu.cn/ http://www.qhrtvu.edu.cn/ http://www.qhu.edu.cn/ http://www.qiup.edu.my/ | label = Quest International University Perak http://www.qjnu.edu.cn/ | label = Qujing Normal University http://www.qlnu.edu.cn/ | label = Qilu Normal University http://www.qmu.ac.uk/ | label = Queen Margaret University http://www.qmul.ac.uk/ | label = Queen Mary University of London http://www.qmw.ac.uk/ http://www.qom-iau.ac.ir/ http://www.qom.ac.ir/ http://www.qou.edu/ http://www.qqhrit.com/ | label = Qiqihar Institute of Engineering http://www.qqhru.edu.cn/index_en.htm | label = Qiqihar University http://www.qsm.ac.il/pr/ | label = Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education http://www.qtc.edu.au/ | label = Queensland Theological College http://www.qtech.edu.cn/ | label = Qingdao Technological University http://www.qttc.edu.cn/ | label = Qiongtai Teachers College http://www.qu.edu.az/ http://www.qu.edu.qa/ http://www.qu.edu.sa/ http://www.qub.ac.uk/ http://www.queens.ac.uk/ | label = The Queen's Foundation http://www.queens.edu/ | label = Queens University of Charlotte http://www.queensu.ca/ http://www.queensuniversity.edu.bd/ http://www.questu.ca/ http://www.quincy.edu/ http://www.quincycollege.edu/ http://www.quinnipiac.edu/ http://www.qums.ac.ir/ http://www.quran-unv.edu.sd/ http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/ http://www.qust.edu.cn/ http://www.qut.ac.ir/ http://www.qut.edu.au/ http://www.qvcc.edu/ http://www.qzct.net/ | label = Quzhou College of Technology http://www.qzhu.edu.cn/ | label = Qinzhou University http://www.qzu.edu.cn/ http://www.qzu.zj.cn/English/ | label = Quzhou University http://www.rabbinicalcollegeohryisroel.com/ | label = Rabbinical College Ohr Yisroel http://www.rabindrabharatiuniversity.net/ http://www.racc.edu/ http://www.racgp.org.au/ | label = Royal Australian College of General Practitioners http://www.racma.edu.au/ | label = Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators http://www.racp.edu.au/ | label = Royal Australasian College of Physicians http://www.radford.edu/ http://www.radforduc.edu.gh/ | label = Radford University College http://www.rae.es/ | label = Real Academia Española http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafcollegecranwell/ | label = Royal Air Force College Cranwell http://www.raffles-university.edu.my/ http://www.raffles.edu.au/ | label = Raffles College of Design and Commerce http://www.raghebisf.ac.ir/ http://www.rah.ru/ http://www.raiganjcollege.ac.in/ | label = Raiganj University http://www.raisoni.net/ | label = Raisoni Group of Institutions http://www.rakmhsu.com/ http://www.rakuno.ac.jp/ http://www.ram.ac.uk/ http://www.ramapo.edu/ http://www.ramauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Rama University http://www.ramk.fi/ http://www.ranchiuniversity.org.in/ http://www.randolph.edu/ http://www.randolphcollege.edu/ | label = Randolph College http://www.rangercollege.edu/ http://www.ranneyschool.org/page | label = Ranney School http://www.ranzcr.edu.au/ | label = Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists http://www.rappahannock.edu/ http://www.raritanval.edu/ http://www.rasl.ru/ | label = Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences http://www.rasmussen.edu/ | label = Rasmussen College http://www.rau.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Agricultural University http://www.rau.am/ http://www.rau.lv/ http://www.rau.ro/ http://www.raubikaner.org/ http://www.rauheshaus.de/ http://www.ravensbourne.ac.uk/ | label = Ravensbourne http://www.rayatbahrauniversity.edu.in/ | label = Rayat Bahra University http://www.rayatshikshan.edu/ | label = Rayat Shikshan Sanstha http://www.razi.ac.ir/ http://www.rbc.edu/ http://www.rc.edu/ | label = Rochester College http://www.rca.ac.uk/ http://www.rca.edu/ | label = Rabbinical College of America http://www.rcakita.ac.jp/#ad-image-3 | label = Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing http://www.rcat.org/ | label = The Royal College Of Anesthesiologists Of Thailand http://www.rcbc.edu/ | label = Rowan College at Burlington County http://www.rcc.ac.uk/ | label = Ripon College Cuddesdon http://www.rcc.edu/ http://www.rcc.mass.edu/ http://www.rccc.edu/ http://www.rccd.edu/ http://www.rcdsantacruz.org/ | label = Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County http://www.rcem.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Emergency Medicine http://www.rcgp.org.uk/ | label = Royal College of General Practitioners http://www.rck.lv/eng/index.php?sad=1&sub=4 | label = Riga Building College http://www.rcm.ac.uk/ http://www.rcm.upr.edu/ http://www.rcn.org.uk/ | label = Royal College of Nursing http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Anaesthetists http://www.rcpch.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health http://www.rcpi.ie/ http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Psychiatrists http://www.rcsed.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh http://www.rcsi-mub.com/ http://www.rcsi.ie/ http://www.rcsmm.eu/ | label = Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid http://www.rct.edu.sa/ http://www.rctc.edu/ http://www.rcu.ac.zw/ http://www.rdchjaipur.com/ | label = Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital http://www.rdg.ac.uk/ http://www.rdgmc.com/ | label = Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College http://www.rdunijbpin.org/ http://www.rea.ru/ http://www.reading.ac.uk/ | label = University of Reading http://www.reaseheath.ac.uk/ | label = Reaseheath College http://www.rectas.org/ | label = Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys http://www.rectorat-uh2c.ac.ma/ http://www.redcliffe.ac.uk/ | label = Redcliffe College http://www.redcross.ac.jp/ http://www.redcrowcollege.com/ | label = Red Crow Community College http://www.redeemer.ca/ http://www.redentor.inf.br/portal/index.jsp | label = Faculdade Redentor http://www.redlands.edu/ | label = University of Redlands http://www.redlandscc.edu/ http://www.reduaeh.mx/ http://www.reduaz.mx/ http://www.reduc.edu.cu/ http://www.redwoods.edu/ http://www.reed.edu/ http://www.reedleycollege.edu/ http://www.regent-college.edu/ http://www.regent.edu/ http://www.regentghana.net/ http://www.regents-tc.ac.uk/ | label = Regents Theological College http://www.regents.ac.uk/ | label = Regent's University London http://www.regionals.miamioh.edu/ | label = Miami University Middletown http://www.regis.edu/ http://www.regiscollege.edu/ | label = Regis College http://www.registrecancers59.fr/ | label = Registre général des cancers de Lille et de sa région http://www.reinhardt.edu/ | label = Reinhardt University http://www.reitaku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.relay.edu/ | label = Relay Graduate School of Education http://www.remingtoncollege.edu/ | label = Remington College http://www.rennes.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne http://www.researchinschools.org/ | label = Institute for Research in Schools http://www.reseminary.edu/ | label = Reformed Episcopal Seminary http://www.resvuz.ru/ | label = Institute of Art Restoration http://www.reumatologija.org.rs/ | label = Institut za Reumatologiju http://www.reuna.cl/ | label = Red Universitaria Nacional http://www.reutlingen-university.de/en/home/ | label = Reutlingen University http://www.reynolds.edu/ http://www.rfh-koeln.de/ http://www.rfhsm.ac.uk/ http://www.rfisd.net/ | label = Randolph Field Independent School District http://www.rgata.ru/ | label = Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy http://www.rgata.yaroslavl.ru/ http://www.rgazu.ru/ | label = Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University http://www.rgiis.ru/ | label = Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property http://www.rgipt.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology http://www.rgsl.edu.lv/ | label = Riga Graduate School of Law http://www.rgtu.net/ http://www.rgu.ac.in/ http://www.rgu.ac.kr/ | label = Reformed Graduate University http://www.rgu.ac.uk/ http://www.rguhs.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences http://www.rgukt.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies http://www.rhbnc.ac.uk/ http://www.rhodes.edu/ http://www.rhodesstate.edu/ http://www.rhu.edu.lb/home | label = Rafik Hariri University http://www.ri.edu.sg/ | label = Raffles Institution http://www.riarauniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.riau.ac.ir/ http://www.ribat.edu.sd/ http://www.ric.edu/ http://www.rice.edu/ http://www.ricen.hokkaido-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Science Education Center http://www.richland.edu/ http://www.richlandcollege.edu/ http://www.richmond.ac.uk/ http://www.richmond.edu/ | label = University of Richmond http://www.richmondcc.edu/ http://www.richmondschool.net/ | label = Richmond School and Sixth Form College http://www.rider.edu/ http://www.ridgewater.edu/ http://www.rietveldacademie.nl/en/ | label = Gerrit Rietveld Academy http://www.rifu.ed.jp/sugaya-e/ | label = Sugayadai Elementary School http://www.rihs.edu.af/ http://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/ http://www.rio.edu/ | label = University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College http://www.rio.maricopa.edu/ http://www.riohondo.edu/ http://www.riosalado.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Rio Salado College http://www.riphah.edu.pk/ http://www.ripon.edu/ http://www.rips.ac.in/ | label = Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences http://www.ris.ac.jp/ http://www.risd.edu/ | label = Rhode Island School of Design http://www.rit.edu/ http://www.riths.ac.in/ http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/ http://www.ritz.edu/ | label = César Ritz Colleges http://www.riuprzn.lact.ru/ | label = Ryazan Institute of Management and Law http://www.riv.edu/ http://www.riverland.edu/ http://www.riverside.edu.ph/ | label = Riverside College http://www.rivervalley.edu/ http://www.rivier.edu/ | label = Rivier University http://www.riviera.fr/ http://www.riyadh.edu.sa/ http://www.rjt.ac.lk/ http://www.rkdf.ac.in/ | label = RKDF University http://www.rkk.no/en | label = Rogaland Training & Education Centre http://www.rkmsevapratishthan.org/vims/aboutvims | label = Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.rku.ac.jp/ http://www.rlc.edu/ http://www.rlmc.edu.pk/ | label = Rashid Latif Medical College http://www.rma.ac.be/ http://www.rmapo.ru/ | label = Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education http://www.rmat.ru/enmain | label = Russian International Academy of Tourism http://www.rmc.ca/ http://www.rmc.edu/ http://www.rmcad.edu/ | label = Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design http://www.rmcc.edu/ http://www.rmckakinada.com/ | label = Rangaraya Medical College http://www.rmit.edu.au/ http://www.rmit.edu.vn/ http://www.rmlau.ac.in/ http://www.rmlnlu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University http://www.rmsel.org/ | label = Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning http://www.rmu.edu/ http://www.rmutk.ac.th/ | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep http://www.rmutl.ac.th/rmutl-en.html | label = Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna http://www.rmutp.ac.th/ http://www.rmwc.edu/ http://www.rncm.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Northern College of Music http://www.rntu.ac.in/ http://www.rnu.edu.ng/ http://www.roac.nl/ http://www.roanestate.edu/ http://www.roanoke.edu/ http://www.roanokechowan.edu/ http://www.robertmorris.edu/ http://www.roberto-venn.com/ | label = Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery http://www.robeson.edu/ http://www.rockefeller.edu/ http://www.rockford.edu/ http://www.rockhurst.edu/ http://www.rockies.edu/ | label = University of the Rockies http://www.rockinghamcc.edu/ http://www.rockvalleycollege.edu/ http://www.rocky.edu/ http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/ http://www.roguecc.edu/ http://www.rollins.edu/ http://www.ronzoni.it/en/index.html | label = Istituto di Ricerche Chimiche e Biochimiche G. Ronzoni http://www.rosalindfranklin.edu/ | label = Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science http://www.rosary.edu/ http://www.rose.edu/ http://www.roseman.edu/ | label = Roseman University of Health Sciences http://www.rossu.edu/ http://www.roswell.enmu.edu/ http://www.rotterdamuas.com/ | label = Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences http://www.rouen.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie http://www.rowan.edu/ http://www.royalcollege.ca/ | label = Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada http://www.royalhospitalschool.org/ | label = Royal Hospital School http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/our-organisation/where-we-are/training-establishments/brnc-dartmouth | label = Britannia Royal Naval College http://www.royalroads.ca/ http://www.royce.ac.uk/ | label = Henry Royce Institute http://www.rp.edu.sg/ | label = Republic Polytechnic http://www.rpcc.edu/ http://www.rpgmc.ac.in/ | label = Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College http://www.rpiva.lv/ http://www.rrc.edu/ | label = Reconstructionist Rabbinical College http://www.rrc.mb.ca/ | label = Red River College http://www.rrcc.edu/ http://www.rrdch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital http://www.rrmch.org/ | label = Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital http://www.rsh-duesseldorf.de/ | label = Robert Schumann University of Music and Media http://www.rshoyskolen.no/english-menu/ | label = Rudolf Steiner University College http://www.rshu.ru/ http://www.rsmu.da.ru/ http://www.rsmu.ru/ http://www.rstc.edu/ | label = Reid State Technical College http://www.rsu.ac.th/ http://www.rsu.edu.ru/ | label = Ryazan State University http://www.rsu.edu.sd/ http://www.rsu.edu/ | label = Rogers State University http://www.rsu.lv/eng/ | label = Riga Stradiņš University http://www.rsu.ru/ http://www.rsuh.ru/ http://www.rsuniversity.com/ http://www.rsute.ru/ http://www.rsw.edu.pl/ | label = Radom College http://www.rtc.edu.au/ | label = Reformed Theological College http://www.rtc.edu/ http://www.rtk.lv/?val=2 | label = Riga Technical College http://www.rtnj.org/ | label = Randolph Township Schools http://www.rto.nato.int/ | label = NATO Science and Technology Organization http://www.rtsk.org/ | label = Reformed Theological Institute http://www.rtu.ac.in/ http://www.rtu.edu.ph/ http://www.rtu.lv/ http://www.ru.ac.bd/ http://www.ru.ac.th/ http://www.ru.ac.za/ http://www.ru.acad.bg/ http://www.ru.is/ http://www.ru.lv/ http://www.rua.edu.kh/ http://www.rub.edu.bt/ http://www.ruc.dk/ http://www.ruc.edu.cn/ http://www.rudn.ru/en/ | label = Peoples' Friendship University of Russia http://www.rudolfsteinercollege.edu/ | label = Rudolf Steiner College http://www.ruet.ac.bd/ http://www.rufa.edu.kh/ http://www.rug.ac.be/ http://www.rug.edu.sa/ http://www.rug.nl/ http://www.ruh.ac.lk/ http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ http://www.rule.edu.kh/ http://www.rumeli.edu.tr/ http://www.rumi.ac.ma/ http://www.rums.ac.ir/ http://www.run.edu.ng/ http://www.runet.edu/ http://www.runtuchem.com/ | label = Zhejiang Runtu (China) http://www.rupp.edu.kh/ http://www.ruppin.ac.il/english.aspx | label = Ruppin Academic Center http://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/ | label = Gandhigram Rural Institute http://www.ruraluniversity-chitrakoot.org/ http://www.rusangu-university.edu.zm/ http://www.rushu.rush.edu/sp/Pages/Home.aspx | label = Rush University http://www.rusoil.net/ http://www.rustcollege.edu/ | label = Rust College http://www.rutgers.edu/ http://www.rutlish.merton.sch.uk/ | label = Rutlish School http://www.rvc.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Veterinary College http://www.rvdentalcollege.org/ | label = D A Pandu Memorial RV Dental College and Hospital http://www.rvinstitutions.com/ | label = Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust http://www.rvu.edu/ | label = Rocky Vista University http://www.rvvdku-vi.ru/ | label = Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after. V. F. Margelov http://www.rwcmd.ac.uk/ | label = Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama http://www.rwth-aachen.de/ http://www.rwu.edu/ http://www.ryerson.ca/ http://www.ryogoku-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Ryogoku High School http://www.ryukoku.ac.jp/ http://www.s-bunkyo.ac.jp/english/index.html | label = Shiga Bunkyo Junior College http://www.s-vfu.ru/en/ | label = North-Eastern Federal University http://www.sa-cu.net/ | label = Shatt Al-Arab University College http://www.saa.edu/ | label = School of Advertising Art http://www.saadcollege.com/ http://www.saarland.de/fhsv.htm | label = Fachhochschule für Verwaltung des Saarlandes http://www.saas.ac.cn/saas/ | label = Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences http://www.sab.ac.lk/ http://www.saba.edu.ge/ http://www.sabanciuniv.edu.tr/ http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ http://www.sabauni.net/ http://www.sabfs.edu.sd/ | label = Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences http://www.sabi.eu.com/ http://www.sac.edu/ http://www.sacn.edu/ | label = Saint Anthony College of Nursing http://www.sacredheart.edu/ http://www.sacrocuore.org/ http://www.sacscoc.org/ | label = Southern Association of Colleges and Schools http://www.sadat.edu.af/ http://www.sadatacademy.edu.eg/ http://www.saddleback.edu/ http://www.sadjad.ac.ir/ http://www.sadra.ac.ir/ http://www.saga-ed.jp/ | label = Saga Prefectural Education Center http://www.saga-med.ac.jp/ http://www.saga-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sagae-h.ed.jp/?page_id=17 | label = Yamagata Prefectural Sagae High School http://www.sagami-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.sagaruniversity.nic.in/ http://www.sagchip.edu/ http://www.sage.edu/ http://www.saginomiya-h.metro.tokyo.jp/site/zen/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Saginomiya High School http://www.sagmu.ru/ | label = Samara Academy of State and Municipal Management http://www.sagrado.edu/ http://www.sagu.edu/ http://www.sai-junshin.ac.jp/ | label = Saitama Junshin Junior College http://www.saic.edu/ http://www.saijo.ac.jp/ | label = Saitama Women's Junior College http://www.saimsonline.com/ | label = Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.sainathuniversity.com/index.asp | label = Sai Nath University http://www.saintjoe.edu/ http://www.saintjohns.cl/ | label = Saint John's School http://www.saintleo.edu/ http://www.saintmarys.edu/ http://www.saintmeinrad.edu/ | label = Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology http://www.saintpaul.edu/ http://www.saintpeters.edu/ | label = Saint Peter's University http://www.saintvincentseminary.edu/ | label = Saint Vincent Seminary http://www.sait.ca/ http://www.saitama-med.ac.jp/ http://www.saitama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.saitm.edu.lk/ http://www.saito.edu.my/ http://www.saiu.ac.ug/ http://www.sakaijoshi.ac.jp/ | label = Sakai Women's Junior College http://www.sakarya.edu.tr/en/ | label = Sakarya University http://www.sakhgu.sakhalin.ru/ http://www.sakhiepi.ru/ | label = Southern Sakhalin Institute of Economics, Law and Computer Science http://www.sakhnin.ac.il/ | label = Sakhnin College http://www.sakurai-h.tym.ed.jp/englishpage/english_page_top.html | label = Toyama Prefectural Sakurai High School http://www.sakushin-u.ac.jp/ http://www.salahfoundation.org/ | label = The Salah Foundation http://www.salam.edu.af/ http://www.salcc.edu.lc/ | label = Sir Arthur Lewis Community College http://www.salem.edu/ | label = Salem College http://www.salem.k12.va.us/ | label = Salem City Schools http://www.salemcc.edu/ http://www.salemuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.salesio-sp.ac.jp/en/ | label = Salesian Polytechnic http://www.salford.ac.uk/ http://www.salfordcc.ac.uk/ | label = Salford City College http://www.salisbury.edu/ http://www.salleurl.edu/ http://www.salpaus.fi/Sivut/default.aspx | label = Salpaus Further Education http://www.salterschool.com/ | label = Salter School http://www.salu.edu.pk/ http://www.salus.edu/ | label = Salus University http://www.salvador.edu.ar/ http://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/william-booth-college | label = William Booth College http://www.salve.edu/ | label = Salve Regina University http://www.sambalpuruniversitypgc.in/ http://www.samchok.ac.kr/ http://www.samdu.uz/ http://www.samford.edu/ http://www.samiit.ru/ http://www.samk.fi/ http://www.sampson.k12.nc.us/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1 | label = Sampson County Schools http://www.sampsoncc.edu/ http://www.samsmu.ru/ http://www.samuelmerritt.edu/ | label = Samuel Merritt University http://www.san.edu.pl/ | label = Społeczna Akademia Nauk http://www.sanaaguniversity.com/ http://www.sanbeda.edu.ph/ http://www.sancarlos.edu.py/ | label = Universidad San Carlos http://www.sandamaso.es/ | label = Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso http://www.sandau.edu.cn/ http://www.sandburg.edu/ http://www.sandhills.edu/ http://www.sandiego.edu/ http://www.sandipfoundation.org/ | label = Sandip Foundation http://www.sanedi.org.za/# | label = South African National Energy Development Institute http://www.sangamon.edu/ http://www.sangha.ac.kr/ http://www.sangitan.ac.jp/ | label = College of Industrial Technology http://www.sangji.ac.kr/ http://www.sangmyung.ac.kr/ http://www.sangu.ge/ http://www.saniku.ac.jp/ | label = Saniku Gakuin College http://www.sanjac.edu/ | label = San Jacinto College http://www.sanjuanbautista.edu/ http://www.sanjuancollege.edu/ http://www.sanjuanoncology.com/ | label = San Juan Oncology Associates http://www.sanko.edu.tr/ http://www.sankt-georgen.de/default/english.html | label = Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology http://www.sanlian.net.cn/ | label = Anhui Sanlian University http://www.sanmartin.edu.co/ http://www.sanno.ac.jp/ http://www.sannohe-h.asn.ed.jp/index.html | label = Aomori Prefectural Mito High School http://www.sanpietroamajella.it/index.php | label = Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella http://www.sans.edu/ http://www.sanskrit.nic.in/ http://www.santannapisa.it/en | label = Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies http://www.santarosa.edu/ http://www.santoshuniversity.com/ | label = Santosh University http://www.sanu.ac.sz/ | label = Southern Africa Nazarene University http://www.sanxiau.edu.cn/ http://www.sanxiau.net/default.html | label = Chongqing Three Gorges University http://www.sanyo.ac.jp/ | label = Sanyo Women's College http://www.saocamilo-es.br/centrouniversitario | label = Centro Universitário São Camilo http://www.saojudas.br/ http://www.saolucas.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Sao Lucas http://www.sapanet.ru/ http://www.sapc.edu/ http://www.sapientia.hu/en/eng_greeting | label = Sapientia College of Theology of Religious Orders http://www.sapmed.ac.jp/ http://www.sapporo-otani.ac.jp/ | label = Sapporo Otani Junior College http://www.sapporo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sarasotauniversity.org/ | label = Sarasota University http://www.sarfti.ru/ | label = Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology http://www.sarjanawiyata.ac.id/ http://www.sarum.ac.uk/ | label = Sarum College http://www.sas-sd.net/ http://www.sas.ac.uk/ http://www.sasebo.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Sasebo College http://www.saskpolytech.ca/ | label = Saskatchewan Polytechnic http://www.sastra.edu/ http://www.sathyabama.ac.in/ | label = Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology http://www.sathyabamauniv.ac.in/ http://www.satsukita.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Sapporo Kita High School http://www.sau.ac.bd/ http://www.sau.ac.th/ http://www.sau.edu.bd/ | label = Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University http://www.sau.edu.pk/ http://www.sau.edu.tr/ http://www.sau.edu/ http://www.sau.int/ | label = South Asian University http://www.sau.sumy.ua/ http://www.sauder.ubc.ca/ http://www.saultcollege.ca/ | label = Sault College http://www.saurashtrauniversity.edu/ http://www.saut.ac.tz/ http://www.sautech.edu/ http://www.savannahstate.edu/ | label = Savannah State University http://www.savannahtech.edu/ http://www.saveetha.com/ | label = Saveetha University http://www.saxion.edu/ | label = Saxion University of Applied Sciences http://www.sbbcollege.edu/ | label = Santa Barbara Business College http://www.sbc.edu/ http://www.sbcc.edu/ http://www.sbccd.org/ | label = San Bernardino Community College District http://www.sbdch.ac.in/ | label = Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital http://www.sbg.ac.at/ http://www.sbmu.ac.ir/ http://www.sbs.edu.cn/ http://www.sbs.edu/ http://www.sbu.ac.ir/ http://www.sbu.ac.uk/ http://www.sbu.edu.tr/ http://www.sbu.edu/ http://www.sbuniv.edu/ http://www.sc-celje.si/eng/Strani/default.aspx | label = School Centre Celje http://www.sc-nm.si/en | label = School Center Novo mesto http://www.sc-s.si/joomla/ | label = Šolski Center Šentjur http://www.sc-sg.si/ | label = Šolski center Slovenj Gradec http://www.sc.edu/ http://www.sc4.edu/ http://www.scad.edu/ | label = Savannah College of Art and Design http://www.scar.utoronto.ca/ http://www.scau.edu.cn/ http://www.scbaghdad.edu.iq/ http://www.scbu.edu/ | label = Smith Chapel Bible University http://www.scc.losrios.edu/ http://www.scc.spokane.edu/ http://www.sccb.ac.uk/ | label = South and City College Birmingham http://www.sccbellinzona.ch/ | label = Scuola Cantonale di Commercio Bellinzona http://www.sccc.edu/ http://www.scccd.edu/index.aspx?page=155 | label = State Center Community College District http://www.scciowa.edu/ http://www.sccky.edu/ | label = St. Catharine College http://www.sccm.cn/english/index.asp | label = Sichuan Conservatory of Music http://www.sccnc.edu/ http://www.sccollege.edu/ http://www.sccsc.edu/ http://www.sccu.edu.cn/ http://www.sce.ac.il/ http://www.sce.ac.in/ http://www.scf.edu/ | label = State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota http://www.scfai.edu.cn/english/ | label = Sichuan Fine Arts Institute http://www.sch.ac.kr/ http://www.schillerlondon.ac.uk/ http://www.schillermadrid.edu/ http://www.schillerparis.com/ http://www.schillerstrasbourg.com/ http://www.schnittke-mgim.ru/ | label = Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke http://www.school.city.kani.gifu.jp/sonan/ | label = Kani City Sunan Junior High School http://www.schoolcraft.edu/ http://www.schreiner.edu/ | label = Schreiner University http://www.science.gov.tm/tm/organisations/cultural_institute/ | label = Turkmen State Institute of Culture http://www.science.org.ge/english.html | label = Georgian National Academy of Sciences http://www.sciences-po.fr/ http://www.sciencespobordeaux.fr/fr/index.html | label = Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux http://www.scit.ac.jp/sitemap.html | label = Shinjuku College of Information Technology http://www.scjc.ac.kr/eng/index.jsp | label = Cheongam College http://www.sckans.edu/ http://www.sckr.si/tsc/english.html | label = Kranj School Centre http://www.sclondon.ac/ http://www.scng.si/en/ | label = School Centre Nova Gorica http://www.scnrsa.com.cn/ | label = Sichuan Provincial Academy of Natural Resource Sciences http://www.scnu.edu.cn/ http://www.sco.edu/ | label = Southern College of Optometry http://www.scott.ac.ke/ http://www.scottlan.edu/ http://www.scottsdalecc.edu/ http://www.scp.fi/ http://www.scpet.net/ | label = Šolski Center za Pošto, Ekonomijo in Telekomunikacije http://www.scphc.ac.th/ | label = Sirindhorn College of Public Health http://www.scptuj.si/ | label = Šolski Center Ptuj http://www.scranton.edu/ http://www.scrippscollege.edu/ | label = Scripps College http://www.scs.edu/ | label = Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary http://www.scs.unr.edu/ http://www.scsk12.org/uf/webadmin/foundation/ | label = Shelby County Schools http://www.scsl.si/ | label = Šolski Center Škofja Loka http://www.scsu.edu/ | label = South Carolina State University http://www.sct.edu/ http://www.sctcc.edu/ http://www.sctech.edu/ http://www.sctechsystem.com/ | label = South Carolina Technical College System http://www.sctu.edu.cn/html/index.html | label = Sichuan Tourism University http://www.scu.ac.ir/homepage.aspx?site=DouranPortal&tabid=1&lang=fa-IR | label = Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz http://www.scu.ac.kr/ http://www.scuhs.edu/ | label = Southern California University of Health Sciences http://www.scups.net/ | label = Southern California University for Professional Studies http://www.scut.edu.cn/ http://www.scv.si/index.php/en/ | label = Šolski Center Velenje http://www.sdada.edu.cn/ http://www.sdams.cn/ | label = Shandong Academy of Medical Science http://www.sdau.edu.cn/ http://www.sdau.edu.in/ http://www.sdcc.edu/ http://www.sdccd.edu/ | label = San Diego Community College District http://www.sdcity.edu/ http://www.sddky.com/ | label = Shandong Geological Sciences Institute http://www.sde.dk/sde/site.aspx?p=23 | label = Syddansk Erhvervsskole http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/ | label = Hillsborough County Public Schools http://www.sdi.ac.ir/ http://www.sdie.edu.cn/ http://www.sdju.edu.cn/ http://www.sdmcahhassan.org/ | label = Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda and Hospital http://www.sdmcds.edu/ | label = Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Dental Sciences & Hospital http://www.sdmesa.edu/ http://www.sdmiramar.edu/ http://www.sdmu.edu.cn/ http://www.sdngy.edu.cn/en/ | label = Shangdong Agriculture and Engineering University http://www.sdnu.edu.cn/ http://www.sdsmt.edu/ http://www.sdstate.edu/ http://www.sdsu.edu/ http://www.sdu.dk/ http://www.sdu.edu.az/ http://www.sdu.edu.cn/ http://www.sdu.edu.kz/ http://www.sdu.edu.tr/ http://www.sdufe.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong University of Finance and Economics http://www.sdust.edu.cn/ http://www.sdut.edu.cn/ http://www.sdutcm.edu.cn/ http://www.sduu.ac.in/ | label = Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research http://www.sdwu.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Shandong Women’s University http://www.sdx.js.cn/ | label = Jiangsu Provincial Party School http://www.sdxiehe.com/home/ | label = Shandong Xiehe University http://www.se.edu/ | label = Southeastern Oklahoma State University http://www.seacoastcareerschools.edu/Locations/Sanford-ME-Campus/80/ | label = Seacoast Career Schools http://www.seark.edu/ http://www.seattleantioch.edu/ http://www.seattlecentral.edu/ | label = Seattle Central College http://www.seattlecolleges.com/ | label = Seattle Colleges http://www.seattleu.edu/ http://www.sebc.edu/ | label = Southeastern Bible College http://www.sebhau.edu.ly/ http://www.sebts.edu/ | label = Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary http://www.sec.ac.bd/ http://www.secon.edu/ http://www.secupv.org/ http://www.sedcol.co.za/ | label = Sedibeng TVET College http://www.seemadentalcollege.org/ | label = Seema Dental College and Hospital http://www.seeu.edu.mk/ http://www.seevic-college.ac.uk/ | label = Seevic College http://www.segi.edu.my/ http://www.sehan.ac.kr/ http://www.sehir.edu.tr/ http://www.seian.ac.jp/ http://www.seibo.ac.jp/ | label = Seibo Jogakuin Junior College http://www.seigakuin-univ.ac.jp/ http://www.seijo.ac.jp/ http://www.seika.ac.jp/ | label = Seika Women's Junior College http://www.seikei.ac.jp/ http://www.seinan-gu.ac.jp/ http://www.seirei-wjc.ac.jp/ | label = Seirei Women's Junior College http://www.seirei.ac.jp/index.php | label = Seirei Christopher University http://www.seisen-u.ac.jp/ http://www.seiwa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.seiwa.ac.jp/ | label = Seiwa Gakuen College http://www.seiyogakuin.ac.jp/ | label = Sendai Seiyo Gakuin College http://www.sejong.ac.kr/ http://www.sek.edu/ http://www.sekko-t.ysn21.jp/ | label = Yamaguchi Prefectural Shimonoseki Industrial School http://www.seku.ac.ke/ http://www.sekuco.org/ http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/ http://www.selk.de/ http://www.selkirk.bc.ca/ http://www.selu.edu/ http://www.selyeuni.sk/ http://www.sem-ums.ac.ir/ http://www.semgu.kz/ http://www.semnan.ac.ir/ http://www.semnaniau.ac.ir/ http://www.semo.edu/ http://www.semyung.ac.kr/ http://www.sena.edu.co/Paginas/Inicio.aspx | label = National Training Service http://www.senac.br/ | label = Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial http://www.senateofseramporecollege.edu.in/ | label = Senate of Serampore College http://www.sendai-c.ed.jp/~sensho/ | label = Sendai Municipal Sendai Commercial High School http://www.sendai-c.ed.jp/~yamada/ | label = Sendai Tateyama Tanaka School http://www.sendai-nct.ac.jp/english/ | label = Sendai National College of Technology http://www.sendaidaigaku.jp/ http://www.senecacollege.ca/ http://www.senshu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sentara.edu/ | label = Sentara College of Health Sciences http://www.seojeong.ac.kr/ | label = Seojeong University http://www.seokyeong.ac.kr/ http://www.seonam.ac.kr/ http://www.seoul-e.ac.kr/ http://www.seoularts.ac.kr/ | label = Seoul Institute of the Arts http://www.seoultech.ac.kr/ http://www.seowon.ac.kr/ http://www.seoyeong.ac.kr/ | label = Seoyeong University http://www.seramporecollege.org/ | label = Serampore College http://www.serc.ac.uk/Pages/default.aspx | label = South Eastern Regional College http://www.serebryakovka.ru/ | label = Volgograd Municipal Institute of Arts http://www.seresc.net/ | label = Southeastern Regional Education Service Center http://www.serfa.fr/ | label = University of Upper Alsace http://www.serida.org/ | label = Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario http://www.ses.ac.ir/ http://www.sesolion.com/ | label = Southwestern Educational Society http://www.setonhill.edu/ | label = Seton Hill University http://www.setsunan.ac.jp/ http://www.setur.fo/ http://www.seu.ac.bd/ http://www.seu.ac.lk/ http://www.seu.edu.cn/ http://www.seu.edu/ | label = Southeastern University http://www.seua.am/ http://www.sevs.sk/ http://www.sewanee.edu/ http://www.sf.edu/ | label = University of Saint Francis http://www.sfa.ba/ http://www.sfai.edu/ | label = San Francisco Art Institute http://www.sfb.ac.rw/ http://www.sfcc.edu/ http://www.sfccmo.edu/ http://www.sfcollege.edu/ | label = Santa Fe College http://www.sfcpa.edu/ http://www.sfts.edu/ | label = San Francisco Theological Seminary http://www.sfu-kras.ru/en | label = Siberian Federal University http://www.sfu.ac.at/english/ | label = Sigmund Freud University Vienna http://www.sfu.ca/ http://www.sfuhs.org/ | label = San Francisco University High School http://www.sg-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sg.inter.edu/ http://www.sgap.ru/ http://www.sgau.ru/ http://www.sgbau.ac.in/ | label = Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University http://www.sggw.pl/en/ | label = Warsaw University of Life Sciences http://www.sggw.waw.pl/ http://www.sgh.waw.pl/ http://www.sghms.ac.uk/ http://www.sgii-smol.ru/ | label = Smolensk State Institute of Fine Arts http://www.sgma.info/ http://www.sgma.kz/ http://www.sgmc.in/ | label = Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation http://www.sgmu.ru/en/ | label = Saratov State Medical University http://www.sgpgi.ac.in/ http://www.sgsc.edu/ | label = South Georgia State College http://www.sgscol.ac.uk/ | label = South Gloucestershire and Stroud College http://www.sgsvagdevi.org/ | label = Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Vagdevi Center http://www.sgu.ac.id/ http://www.sgu.ac.jp/ http://www.sgu.ac.kr/ http://www.sgu.edu.cn/ http://www.sgu.edu.vn/ http://www.sgu.edu/ http://www.sgu.ernet.in/ http://www.sguc.ac.jp/ http://www.sgul.ac.uk/ | label = St George's, University of London http://www.sh-sipopolytechnic.com/ http://www.sha.edu.eg/DefaultEnglish.aspx | label = El Shorouk Academy http://www.shadan.in/ | label = Shadan Hospital and Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.shahed.ac.ir/ http://www.shahroodut.ac.ir/ http://www.shahryariau.ac.ir/ http://www.shakaijigyo.ac.jp/ http://www.shams.edu.eg/ http://www.shannoncollege.com/ http://www.shantibschool.edu.in/ | label = Shanti Business School http://www.sharda.ac.in/Aboutus | label = Sharda University http://www.sharif.ac.ir/ http://www.sharif.ir/web/en | label = Sharif University of Technology http://www.sharjah.ac.ae/ http://www.shasta.edu/ | label = Shasta Bible College and Graduate School http://www.shastacollege.edu/ http://www.shawlandsacademy.glasgow.sch.uk/default.aspx | label = Shawlands Academy http://www.shawnee.edu/ http://www.shawneecc.edu/ http://www.shawu.edu/ | label = Shaw University http://www.shbu.ac.ir/ http://www.shc.edu/ http://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Conservatory of Music http://www.shcollege.ac.in/Home | label = Sacred Heart College http://www.shef.ac.uk/ http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ | label = University of Sheffield http://www.sheltonstate.edu/ http://www.shenango.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Shenango http://www.shengda.edu.cn/en/ | label = ZhengZhou Shengda University Of Economics, Business & Management http://www.shenkar.ac.il/ http://www.shepherd.edu/ | label = Shepherd University http://www.sheridan.edu/ http://www.sheridancollege.ca/ http://www.sheridantechnicalcollege.edu/ | label = Sheridan Technical College http://www.shfu.edu.cn/ http://www.shh.fi/ http://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/ http://www.shift.edu.cn/ http://www.shiga-ec.ed.jp/www/index.html | label = Shiga Prefectural Education Center http://www.shiga-med.ac.jp/ http://www.shiga-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shigaku.go.jp/ | label = Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan http://www.shigakukan.ac.jp/ | label = Shigakukan University http://www.shiki.keio.ac.jp/ | label = Keio Shiki Senior High School http://www.shiko-th.ed.jp/ | label = Kanazawa Municipal Technical High School http://www.shikoku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shilohuniversity.edu/ | label = Shiloh University http://www.shimabara-h.ed.jp/ | label = Nagasaki Prefectural Shimabara High School http://www.shimane-med.ac.jp/ http://www.shimane-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shimanet.ed.jp/ohda/ | label = Ohda High School http://www.shimer.edu/ | label = Shimer College http://www.shimonoseki-cu.ac.jp/ http://www.shinai-u.ac.jp/ | label = Wakayama Shin-Ai Women's Junior College http://www.shinawatra.ac.th/ http://www.shinhan.ac.kr/ http://www.shinkawa-h.sapporo-c.ed.jp/ | label = Hokkaido Sapporo Shinkawa High School http://www.shinshirohigashi-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Xincheng East High School http://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shinsung.ac.kr/ | label = Shinsung University http://www.ship.edu/ http://www.shirayuri.ac.jp/ http://www.shirazu.ac.ir/ http://www.shiseikan.ac.jp/ | label = Shiseikan University http://www.shisu.edu.cn/ http://www.shitennoji.ac.jp/ http://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/ http://www.shk-ac.jp/eng/ | label = Higashi Nippon International University http://www.shlr.ch/ | label = Schweizer Hochschule für Logopädie Rorschach http://www.shm.edu/en/ | label = Sociedad Hispano Mundial http://www.shms.com/ | label = Swiss Hotel Management School http://www.shmtu.edu.cn/ http://www.shmu.ac.ir/ http://www.shmu.edu.cn/ http://www.shnu.edu.cn/Default.aspx?alias=www.shnu.edu.cn/shnuen | label = Shanghai Normal University http://www.shobhituniversity.ac.in/ http://www.shodai.ac.jp/ http://www.shogen.ac.jp/ | label = Shogen Junior College http://www.shohoku.ac.jp/ | label = Shohoku College http://www.shoin.ac.jp/ http://www.shokei-gakuen.ac.jp/ http://www.shomal.ac.ir/ http://www.shonan-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Shonan High School http://www.shonan-it.ac.jp/ http://www.shoreline.edu/ http://www.shorelineschools.org/ | label = Shoreline Public Schools http://www.shorter.edu/ http://www.shortercollege.edu/ | label = Shorter College http://www.shotoku.ac.jp/ http://www.shottonhallacademy.co.uk/ | label = The Academy at Shotton Hall http://www.shou.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Ocean University http://www.shouhua.net.cn/ http://www.showa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shoyaku.ac.jp/ http://www.shp.org/ | label = Seton Hall Preparatory School http://www.shrewsbury.ac.uk/ | label = Shrewsbury College http://www.shridharuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.shridharuniversity.org.in/# | label = Shridhar University http://www.shsmu.edu.cn/ http://www.shspu.edu.cn/ http://www.shsst.edu/ | label = Sacred Heart School of Theology http://www.shtdu.edu.cn/ http://www.shtu.edu.cn/ http://www.shtvu.edu.cn/ http://www.shu-bg.net/ http://www.shu.ac.uk/ http://www.shu.edu.cn/ http://www.shu.edu/ http://www.shuchiin.ac.jp/ http://www.shudo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shufe.edu.cn/ http://www.shujitsu.ac.jp/ http://www.shuko.ac.jp/index2.html | label = Shuko Junior College http://www.shukutoku.ac.jp/ http://www.shumei-u.ac.jp/ http://www.shutcm.edu.cn/ http://www.shzu.edu.cn/ http://www.sia.gr/ | label = Swedish Institute at Athens http://www.siam.edu/ http://www.siba.fi/ http://www.sibit.sano.ru/ | label = Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies http://www.sibiu.ro/ http://www.sibli.ru/ | label = Siberian Law Institute of Russian Federal Drug Control Service http://www.sibniinp.ru/ | label = Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Industry http://www.sibniit.tomsknet.ru/ | label = Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Peat http://www.sibsiu.ru/ | label = Siberian State Industrial University http://www.sibstu.kts.ru/ | label = Siberian State Technological University http://www.sibup.ru/ | label = Siberian Institute of Business Management and Psychology http://www.sic.edu/ http://www.sicau.edu.cn/ http://www.sicnu.edu.cn/ http://www.sict.edu.cn/ | label = Shandong Institute of Commerce & Technology http://www.sieit.ru/ | label = Sochi Institute of Economics and Information Technology http://www.sienaheights.edu/ | label = Siena Heights University http://www.sierracollege.edu/ http://www.sierranevada.edu/ | label = Sierra Nevada College http://www.siewerth-akademie.de/ http://www.sifc.edu/ http://www.sigma-clermont.fr/ | label = Sigma Clermont http://www.sigu7.jussieu.fr/ http://www.siirt.edu.tr/ http://www.siit.edu.cn/english/ | label = Suzhou Vocational Institute of Industrial Technology http://www.sil.edu.pe/ http://www.silla.ac.kr/ http://www.silsbeeisd.org/ | label = Silsbee Independent School District http://www.silverbuffalo.org/ | label = Silver Buffalo Consulting http://www.sim.edu.sg/ http://www.simhapuriuniv.ac.in/ http://www.simmons.edu/ http://www.simons-rock.edu/ http://www.simpson.edu/ http://www.sims.edu.pk/ | label = Services Institute of Medical Sciences http://www.simt.edu.la/ http://www.sinclair.edu/ http://www.singaporetcm.edu.sg/en/ | label = Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.singidunum.edu.rs/ http://www.sinnaruniv.edu.sd/ http://www.sinodal.com.br/ | label = Colégio Sinodal http://www.sinop.edu.tr/ http://www.sintegleska.edu/ | label = Sinte Gleska University http://www.sinus.ac.id/ http://www.sioncollege.org/ | label = Sion College http://www.siotema.it/ | label = SIOTEMA http://www.sipi.edu/ http://www.sirnak.edu.tr/ http://www.sisd.org/ | label = Southeast Island School District http://www.sisekaitse.ee/ http://www.siskiyous.edu/ http://www.sissa.it/ http://www.sist.ac.jp/en.html | label = Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology http://www.sistemas.ufrn.br/portal/PT/ | label = Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte http://www.sister.nu/ | label = Swedish Institute for Studies in Education and Research http://www.sisu.edu.cn/ http://www.sit.ac.jp/ http://www.siu-heidelberg.de/ http://www.siu.ac.jp/ http://www.siu.edu.bd/ http://www.siu.edu.in/ http://www.siu.edu/ http://www.siumed.edu/ | label = Southern Illinois University School of Medicine http://www.siurgtu.ru/ | label = South-Russian State Polytechnic University named after MI Platov http://www.siust.edu.sy/ http://www.siusystem.edu/ | label = Southern Illinois University System http://www.sjasc.edu/ | label = Saint Joseph Seminary College http://www.sjc.edu/ http://www.sjca.edu/ http://www.sjcc.edu/ http://www.sjcl.edu/ | label = San Joaquin College of Law http://www.sjcme.edu/ http://www.sjcny.edu/ | label = St. Joseph's College New York http://www.sjcsf.edu/ http://www.sjd.ac.uk/ | label = Sir John Deane's College http://www.sjdlc.com/ http://www.sjfc.edu/ | label = St. John Fisher College http://www.sjp.ac.lk/ http://www.sjrstate.edu/ http://www.sjs.ac.kr/ http://www.sjsm.org/ http://www.sjsu.edu/ http://www.sjsv.nic.in/ http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/ http://www.sju.ca/ | label = St. Jerome's University http://www.sju.edu/ http://www.sjvc.edu/ http://www.sjvcs.edu/ | label = Saint John Vianney College Seminary http://www.sjzu.edu.cn/ http://www.skagit.edu/ http://www.skans.edu.pk/lhr.php | label = SKANS School of Accountancy http://www.skc.edu/ http://www.skgii.ru/ | label = North-Caucasian State Institute of Arts http://www.skgmi-gtu.ru/ru-ru/ | label = North-Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute http://www.skhu.ac.kr/ http://www.skidmore.edu/ http://www.skio.uga.edu/ | label = Skidaway Institute of Oceanography http://www.skku.ac.kr/ http://www.skku.edu/ http://www.sklarskaskola.cz/ | label = Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská Valašské Meziříčí http://www.skmu.edu.in/ http://www.sknmcgh.org/ | label = Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General hospital http://www.skoltech.ru/en | label = Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology http://www.sksi.ru/en/main/ | label = North Caucasian Social Institute http://www.sku.ac.ir/ http://www.skuastkashmir.ac.in/ http://www.skums.ac.ir/ http://www.skuniv.ac.kr/ http://www.skuniversity.org/ | label = Sri Krishnadevaraya University http://www.skylinecollege.edu/ | label = Skyline College http://www.skylineuniversity.com/ http://www.sl.edu/ | label = Silver Lake College http://www.sl.psu.edu/ http://www.slam.katowice.pl/ http://www.slbsrsv.ac.in/ http://www.slc-sflu.edu.ph/ http://www.slc.edu/ http://www.slcc.edu/ http://www.slcn.ac.jp/ http://www.sliate.net/ http://www.sliit.lk/ http://www.slk.lt/en/college | label = Northern Lithuania College http://www.sllc.ac.lk/ | label = Sri Lanka Law College http://www.slmandic.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic http://www.slu.cz/ http://www.slu.edu.ng/ | label = Sule Lamido University http://www.slu.edu.ph/ http://www.slu.edu/ http://www.slxy.cn/ | label = Shangluo University http://www.smarcos.br/ http://www.smc.edu/ http://www.smcc.edu/ http://www.smccme.edu/ http://www.smcks.edu/ http://www.smcm.edu/ http://www.smcsc.edu/ http://www.smcshimoga.com/ | label = Subbaiah Medical College http://www.smcvt.edu/ http://www.smfa.edu/ | label = School of the Museum of Fine Arts http://www.smit.ac.kr/ | label = Seoul Media Institute of Technology http://www.smith.edu/ http://www.smiu.edu.pk/ | label = Sindh Madressatul Islam University http://www.smk.lt/en/ | label = SMK University of Applied Social Sciences http://www.smk.sum.edu.pl/ | label = Medical University of Silesia http://www.smkfomra.net/ http://www.smmu.edu.cn/ http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/en/ | label = Sabhal Mòr Ostaig http://www.smolny-un.spb.ru/ http://www.sms.edu/ | label = Saint Mary's School http://www.smsb.gov.sd/en/ | label = Sudan Medical Specilization Board http://www.smsu.edu/ http://www.smtu.ru/ http://www.smu.ac.kr/ http://www.smu.ac.uk/ http://www.smu.ac.za/ | label = Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University http://www.smu.ca/ | label = Saint Mary's University http://www.smu.edu.in/ http://www.smu.edu.ph/ http://www.smu.edu.sg/ http://www.smu.edu/ http://www.smuc.edu.et/ | label = St. Mary's University http://www.smumn.edu/ http://www.smvmch.ac.in/ | label = Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital http://www.smwc.edu/ | label = Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College http://www.sn.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Worthington Scranton http://www.sna.gov.it/ | label = Scuola Nazionale dell'Amministrazione http://www.snai.edu/index.aspx | label = Shanghai National Accounting Institute http://www.snc.edu/ | label = St. Norbert College http://www.sndt.edu/ http://www.snead.edu/ http://www.snhu.edu/ http://www.snie.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University http://www.sniim.ru/ | label = Siberian State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Metrology http://www.snjc.ac.kr/public_2013/eng/index.jsp | label = Seoul Women's College of Nursing http://www.snnu.edu.cn/ http://www.sns.it/ http://www.snspa.ro/ http://www.snt.si/ | label = S&T Slovenija http://www.sntcm.edu.cn/ | label = Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine http://www.snu.ac.kr/ http://www.snu.edu.ua/ http://www.snu.edu/ http://www.snue.ac.kr/index_intro.jsp | label = Seoul National University of Education http://www.snut.ac.kr/ http://www.snybuf.edu/ http://www.soai.ac.jp/ http://www.soas.ac.uk/ http://www.soauniversity.ac.in/ http://www.socc.edu/ http://www.sociesc.org.br/ | label = Universidade Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina http://www.soei.ac.jp/univ/ | label = Yokohama Soei University http://www.sofia.edu/ | label = Sofia University http://www.sogang.ac.kr/ http://www.sogsakk.fi/index.php?lang=en | label = Sámi Education Institute http://www.sohag-univ.edu.eg/ http://www.su.edu.om/ http://www.soharuni.edu.om/ | note = former domain of su.edu.om http://www.sojo-u.ac.jp/en/ | label = Sojo University http://www.soka.ac.jp/ http://www.soka.edu/ | label = Soka University of America http://www.soken.ac.jp/ http://www.sokrat.hr/ | label = Sokrat http://www.solacc.edu/ http://www.solano.edu/ http://www.solent.ac.uk/ http://www.solgpi.ru/ | label = Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute http://www.solihull.ac.uk/ | label = Solihull College http://www.solusi.ac.zw/ http://www.somerset.ac.uk/ | label = Somerset College http://www.somerset.kctcs.edu/ http://www.somtech.org/ http://www.songho.ac.kr/ | label = Songho University http://www.songwon.ac.kr/ http://www.sonoda-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sonoma.edu/ http://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/ http://www.soongsil.ac.kr/ http://www.sophia-sw.jp/ | label = Sophia School of Social Welfare http://www.sophia.ac.jp/ http://www.soran.edu.iq/ http://www.sorbon.fr/ http://www.sorbonne-universites.fr/ | label = Sorbonne University http://www.sorbonne.ae/ http://www.sosc.osshe.edu/ http://www.sote.hu/ http://www.sothebysinstitute.com/ | label = Sotheby's Institute of Art http://www.sothebysinstitutelondon.com/ http://www.sou.edu/ http://www.southalabama.edu/ http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ http://www.southampton.liunet.edu/ http://www.southark.edu/ http://www.southasianuniversity.org/ http://www.southcentral.edu/ http://www.southcollegetn.edu/ | label = South College http://www.southcountry.org/ | label = South Country Central School District http://www.southdevon.ac.uk/ | label = South Devon College http://www.southdowns.ac.uk/ | label = South Downs College http://www.southeast.edu/ http://www.southeast.kctcs.edu/ http://www.southeastern.edu/ | label = Southeastern Louisiana University http://www.southeasternbaptist.edu/ | label = Southeastern Baptist College http://www.southeasterntech.edu/ http://www.southeastmissourihospitalcollege.edu/ http://www.southeastmn.edu/ http://www.southeasttech.edu/ http://www.southern.edu.bd/ http://www.southern.edu.my/chinese/home.html | label = Southern University College http://www.southern.edu/ http://www.southernct.edu/ http://www.southerntech.edu/ | label = Southern Technical College http://www.southernwv.edu/ http://www.southessex.ac.uk/ | label = South Essex College http://www.southflorida.edu/ | label = South Florida State College http://www.southgatech.edu/ http://www.southmetrotafe.wa.edu.au/ | label = South Metropolitan Technical and Further Education http://www.southmountaincc.edu/ http://www.southplainscollege.edu/ http://www.southport.ac.uk/ | label = Southport College http://www.southseattle.edu/ | label = South Seattle College http://www.southside.edu/ http://www.southstaffs.ac.uk/ | label = South Staffordshire College http://www.southtexascollege.edu/ | label = South Texas College http://www.southwales.ac.uk/ | label = University of South Wales http://www.southwest.msus.edu/ http://www.southwest.tn.edu/ http://www.southwestbiblecollege.com/ | label = Southwest Bible College and Seminary http://www.southwestern.edu/ http://www.southwesterncc.edu/ http://www.southwestgatech.edu/ http://www.souzamarques.br/ | label = Fundação Técnico Educacional Souza Marques http://www.sowela.edu/ http://www.sowmesaraiau.ac.ir/ http://www.sp.edu.sg/ | label = Singapore Polytechnic http://www.sp.senac.br/ http://www.spa.ac.in/ http://www.spartan.edu/ | label = Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology http://www.spartan.org/ | label = Sparta Area School District http://www.spartanmed.org/ http://www.spbau.ru/ http://www.spbgasu.ru/ http://www.spbgau.spb.ru/ http://www.spbguki.ru/ http://www.spbiem.ru/ | label = Saint-Petersburg Institute of Economy and Management http://www.spbiir.ru/ http://www.spbstu.ru/ http://www.spbtei.ru/ http://www.spbu.ru/ http://www.spbuwc.ru/ http://www.spcc.edu.hk/ | label = St. Paul's Co-educational College http://www.spcc.edu/ http://www.spcdavao.edu.ph/ | label = San Pedro College http://www.spcollege.edu/ http://www.spcpa.ru/ http://www.specshoward.edu/ | label = Specs Howard School of Media Arts http://www.spelman.edu/ | label = Spelman College http://www.spertus.edu/ | label = Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership http://www.sphi.ru/ | label = Sergiyev Posad Humanitarian Institute http://www.spigl.ru/ | label = Saint - Petersburg Institute of Management and Law http://www.spinalcure.org.au/ | label = SpinalCure Australia http://www.spiruharet.ro/ http://www.spmi.edu.ru/ http://www.spmvv.ac.in/ | label = Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam http://www.spnu.ac.ir/ http://www.spokanefalls.edu/ http://www.spscc.ctc.edu/ http://www.spsmma.com/ http://www.spsoa-ub.cz/ | label = Střední Průmyslová škola a Obchodní Akademie Uherský Brod http://www.spsu.edu/ | label = Southern Polytechnic State University http://www.spu.ac.jp/ http://www.spu.ac.ke/ http://www.spu.ac.th/ http://www.spu.ba/ http://www.spu.edu.ph/ http://www.spu.edu/ http://www.spuniv.org/ http://www.spurgeons.ac.uk/ | label = Spurgeons College http://www.spusa.org/ | label = Student Pugwash USA http://www.spuvvn.edu/ http://www.sqnc.edu.cn/ | label = Shangqiu Normal University http://www.squ.edu.om/ http://www.srbiau.ac.ir/ http://www.src.ac.uk/ | label = Southern Regional College http://www.src.edu/ http://www.srh-berlin.de/ http://www.srh-hochschule-berlin.de/de/ | label = SRH University Berlin http://www.srhu.edu.in/ | label = Swami Rama Himalayan University http://www.sriramachandra.edu.in/ | label = Sri Ramachandra University http://www.srisathyasai.org.in/ http://www.srkdc.org/ http://www.srkv.org/ | label = Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya http://www.srmuniv.ac.in/ http://www.srmuniversity.ac.in/ | label = SRM University http://www.srseuropa.eu/eng | label = Studio Ricerche Sociali http://www.srtmun.ac.in/ | label = Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University http://www.srtmun.org/ http://www.srttu.edu/ http://www.sru.edu.kh/ http://www.sru.edu/ http://www.sruc.ac.uk/ | label = Scotland's Rural College http://www.ssaa.ru/ http://www.ssaba.smr.ru/ http://www.ssau.ru/ http://www.ssc.ac.kr/ | label = Suwon Science College http://www.ssc.edu/ http://www.sscc.edu/ http://www.sscok.edu/ http://www.sse.gr/ http://www.ssea.runnet.ru/ http://www.ssees.ac.uk/ http://www.sseriga.edu.lv/ http://www.sserussia.org/ | label = Stockholm School of Economics in Russia http://www.sseu.ru/ http://www.ssg.ac.jp/c | label = Our Lady Academy of Sakura http://www.ssgmce.org/ http://www.ssicproducts.com/ | label = Social Sciences Innovations http://www.ssimsrc.com/ | label = Shamnur Shivashankarappa Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre http://www.ssmcrewa.com/ | label = Shyam Shah Medical College http://www.ssmctumkur.org/ | label = Sri Siddhartha Medical College http://www.ssms.edu.pk/ http://www.ssmu.ru/ http://www.sspc.ac.uk/ | label = Scottish School of Primary Care http://www.ssphplus.ch/sharepoint/startseite_en.html | label = Swiss School of Public Health http://www.sspu.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Second Polytechnic University http://www.ssras.no/ | label = Sikkerhetssenteret Rørvik http://www.sssmcri.ac.in/ | label = Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute http://www.sssu.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=816 | label = Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship of DGTU http://www.sssup.it/ http://www.ssttu.samara.ru/ http://www.sstu-edu.ru/ http://www.sstu.ru/ | label = Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov http://www.sstu.samara.ru/ http://www.sstvc.com/ | label = Shangqiu Institute of Technology http://www.ssu.ac.ir/ http://www.ssu.ac.jp/ http://www.ssu.edu.ng/ http://www.ssu.edu.ph/ http://www.ssu.edu.tr/?hakkimizda | label = Süleyman Şah University http://www.ssu.edu/ | label = Southern States University http://www.ssu.samara.ru/ http://www.ssuet.edu.pk/ http://www.ssus.ac.in/ http://www.ssvv.ac.in/ | label = Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya http://www.ssw.sopot.pl/en/about-university/ | label = Sopot University of Applied Science http://www.st-and.ac.uk/ http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/ | label = University of St Andrews http://www.st-aug.edu/ | label = Saint Augustine's University http://www.st-cyr.terre.defense.gouv.fr/index.php/Les-formations-d-eleves/L-Ecole-Militaire-Interarmes2 | label = École Militaire Interarmes http://www.st-cyr.terre.defense.gouv.fr/index.php/Les-formations-d-eleves/L-Ecole-Speciale-Militaire-de-Saint-Cyr2 | label = École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr http://www.st-etienne.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Saint-Étienne http://www.st-georgen.uni-frankfurt.de/ http://www.st-mary.ac.jp/english/ | label = St. Mary's College http://www.st-patricks.ac.uk/ http://www.stac.edu/ | label = St. Thomas Aquinas College http://www.stael.edu.py/ | label = Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz http://www.staffordcoll.ac.uk/wordpress-sc/ | label = Stafford College http://www.staffs.ac.uk/ http://www.stamford.edu/ http://www.stamforduniversity.edu.bd/ http://www.stan.ac.id/ http://www.stanford.edu/ http://www.stangroundacademy.org/home/ | label = Stanground Academy http://www.stankin.ru/ http://www.stanleymedicalcollege.ac.in/ | label = Stanley Medical College http://www.stanly.edu/ http://www.stanmore.ac.uk/ | label = Stanmore College http://www.stara.wste.edu.pl/en | label = University College of Tourism and Ecology http://www.starkstate.edu/ http://www.staugustine.edu/ | label = St. Augustine College http://www.stavsu.ru/ http://www.stbernard.k12.la.us/ | label = St. Bernard Parish School District http://www.stbernards.edu/ | label = St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry http://www.stc.ac.uk/ | label = South Tyneside College http://www.stcc.edu/ http://www.stcecilia.br/ http://www.stchas.edu/ http://www.stcl.edu/ http://www.stclairc.on.ca/ http://www.stclaircollege.ca/ | label = St. Clair College http://www.stclements.edu.nu/ http://www.stcloud.msus.edu/ http://www.stcloudstate.edu/ http://www.stedwards.edu/ http://www.stefan-university.edu/ | label = Stefan University http://www.steinheim-institut.de/wiki/index.php/English | label = Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut http://www.stellamanncollege.co.uk/ | label = Stella Mann College of Performing Arts http://www.stenden.com/ http://www.stephens.edu/ http://www.sterling.k12.nj.us/ | label = Sterling High School http://www.sterlingcollege.edu/ | label = Sterling College http://www.stetson.edu/ http://www.stevens-tech.edu/ http://www.stevens.edu/ http://www.stevenscollege.edu/ http://www.stevenshenager.edu/ | label = Stevens–Henager College http://www.stevenson.edu/ http://www.stfrancis.edu/ http://www.stfx.ca/ http://www.stgregorys.edu/ | label = St. Gregory's University http://www.sthbasel.ch/ | label = Staatsunabhängige Theologische Hochschule Basel http://www.sthelens.ac.uk/ | label = St Helens College http://www.sths.ed.jp/ | label = Shizuoka Prefectural Science and Technology High School http://www.stiei.edu.cn/ | label = Shanghai Institute of Electronic Information Technology http://www.stillman.edu/ | label = Stillman College http://www.sting.cz/ | label = Sting Academy http://www.stir.ac.uk/ http://www.stjohn.ac.th/ http://www.stjohns.in/medicalcollege/ | label = St.John's Medical College Hospital http://www.stjohnscollegespringfield.edu/college/Home.aspx | label = St. John's College http://www.stjosephtanzania.com/ http://www.stkate.edu/ http://www.stkath.org/ | label = Saint Katherine College http://www.stlawrencecollege.ca/ | label = St. Lawrence College http://www.stlawu.edu/ http://www.stlcc.edu/ | label = St Louis Community College http://www.stlcop.edu/ http://www.stm.edu.my/version2/ | label = Malaysia Theological Seminary http://www.stmarthasnursingcollege.com/ | label = St.Martha's College Of Nursing http://www.stmartin.edu/ http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/ http://www.stmarys.ac.uk/ | label = St Mary's University Twickenham London http://www.stmarys.ca/ http://www.stmatthews.edu/ http://www.stmonicaschool.org/ | label = St. Monica Catholic School http://www.stmu.am/ | label = St. Theresa's Medical University of Yerevan http://www.stmu.ca/ | label = St. Mary's University http://www.stmu.edu.pk/ | label = Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University http://www.stmu.org/ http://www.stockholm-fu.com/ http://www.stockport.ac.uk/ | label = Stockport College http://www.stockton.edu/ http://www.stokesfc.ac.uk/ | label = City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College http://www.stolaf.edu/ http://www.stonechild.edu/ http://www.stonehill.edu/ | label = Stonehill College http://www.stonybrookmedicine.edu/ http://www.stou.ac.th/ http://www.stptrisakti.ac.id/ http://www.stran.ac.uk/ | label = Stranmillis University College http://www.strang.org/ | label = Strang Cancer Prevention Institute http://www.strasbourg.archi.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg http://www.stratford.edu/ http://www.strath.ac.uk/ http://www.strathmore.edu/ http://www.strayer.edu/ http://www.stritch.edu/ | label = Cardinal Stritch University http://www.striveprep.org/ | label = Strive Preparatory Schools http://www.strode-college.ac.uk/ | label = Strode College http://www.strose.edu/ http://www.stthom.edu/ http://www.stthomas.edu/ http://www.stthomasu.ca/ http://www.sttjakarta.ac.id/ | label = Jakarta Theological Seminary http://www.stts.edu/ | label = Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya http://www.sttu.ac.ir/ http://www.stu.ac.kr/ http://www.stu.edu.cn/ http://www.stu.edu/ http://www.stu.lipetsk.ru/ http://www.stu.ru/ http://www.stuba.sk/ http://www.studioassociatogaia.com/ | label = Studio Associato Gaia http://www.stvincent.edu/ http://www.stw.de/ http://www.su.ac.th/ http://www.su.edu.eg/ http://www.su.edu.et/ http://www.su.edu.ly/ http://www.su.edu.ph/ http://www.su.edu.sa/ http://www.su.edu.ye/ http://www.su.edu/ http://www.su.lt/ http://www.suagm.edu/ http://www.suai.ru/ http://www.suanet.ac.tz/ http://www.sub.edu.bd/ | label = State University of Bangladesh http://www.subr.edu/ http://www.suc.edu.om/ http://www.suda.edu.cn/ http://www.sues.edu.cn/ http://www.suez.edu.eg/ http://www.suffolk.ac.uk/ | label = Suffolk New College http://www.suffolk.edu/ http://www.sugino.ac.jp/ http://www.sugiyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.suh-edu.com/ http://www.suit.edu.pk/ http://www.sukhishvili.edu.ge/en/ | label = Sukhishvili Teaching University http://www.sulc.edu/ | label = Southern University Law Center http://www.sulross.edu/ http://www.sulsa.ac.uk/ | label = Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance http://www.suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp/ http://www.sumare.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Sumaré http://www.sumdu.edu.ua/ http://www.sumire.ac.jp/tandai/ | label = Shiga Junior College http://www.summit.k12.nj.us/ | label = Summit Public Schools http://www.summitcc.net/ | label = Summit Christian College http://www.summitunivofla.edu/ http://www.sums.ac.ir/ http://www.sun.ac.jp/ http://www.sun.ac.za/ http://www.sunchon.ac.kr/ http://www.sunderland.ac.uk/ http://www.sungkyul.ac.kr/ http://www.sungshin.ac.kr/ http://www.sunmoon.ac.kr/ http://www.suno.edu/ | label = Southern University at New Orleans http://www.sunriseuniversity.in/ | label = Sunrise University http://www.sunway.edu.my/ http://www.sunyacc.edu/ http://www.sunybroome.edu/ http://www.sunycentral.edu/ http://www.sunycgcc.edu/ http://www.sunycnse.com/Home.aspx | label = State University of New York Polytechnic Institute http://www.sunydutchess.edu/ http://www.sunyjcc.edu/ http://www.sunyjefferson.edu/ http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/ | label = SUNY Korea http://www.sunymaritime.edu/ http://www.sunyocc.edu/ http://www.sunyorange.edu/ http://www.sunyrockland.edu/ http://www.sunysb.edu/ http://www.sunysccc.edu/ http://www.sunysullivan.edu/ http://www.sunyulster.edu/ http://www.sunywcc.edu/ http://www.supa.ac.uk/ | label = Scottish Universities Physics Alliance http://www.supaero.fr/ http://www.supbiotech.fr/ http://www.supco-amiens.fr/ http://www.supco-montpellier.fr/ http://www.supdeco.sn/ | label = Groupe École Supérieure de Commerce de Dakar http://www.supelec.fr/ http://www.supemir.com/ | label = École Supérieure des Multimédia, Informatique & Réseaux http://www.superior.edu.pk/ http://www.supsi.ch/ http://www.suptelecom.net.ma/ http://www.surgu.wsnet.ru/ http://www.surrey.ac.uk/ http://www.surry.edu/ http://www.surugadai.ac.jp/ http://www.sus.edu/ | label = Southern University System http://www.suscc.edu/ http://www.suse.edu.cn/ | label = Sichuan University of Science and Engineering http://www.susla.edu/ http://www.susqu.edu/ http://www.suss.edu.sg/Pages/index.aspx | label = Singapore University of Social Sciences http://www.sussex.ac.uk/ http://www.sussex.edu/ http://www.sussexdowns.ac.uk/ | label = Sussex Downs College http://www.sust.edu/ http://www.sustc.edu.cn/ http://www.sustech.edu/ http://www.susu.ru/ | label = South Ural State University http://www.sut.ac.ir/ http://www.sut.ac.jp/ http://www.sut.ac.th/ http://www.sut.ru/ http://www.sutd.edu.sg/ | label = Singapore University of Technology and Design http://www.sutd.ru/ http://www.sutech.ac.ir/ http://www.suu.edu/ http://www.suva.edu/ | label = Southwest University of Visual Arts http://www.suwon.ac.kr/ http://www.suwoncatholic.ac.kr/ http://www.suye.ac/new/en/Default.aspx | label = Sana'a University http://www.suzugamine.ac.jp/ | label = Suzugamine Women's College http://www.suzuka-ct.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College http://www.suzuka-iu.ac.jp/ http://www.suzuka-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Suzuka Junior College http://www.suzuka-u.ac.jp/ http://www.sva.edu/ | label = School of Visual Arts http://www.svbpuctm.org/ http://www.svcc.edu/ http://www.svdp.edu/ | label = St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary http://www.sve-mo.ba/ http://www.svkm.ac.in/# | label = Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal http://www.svnit.ac.in/ http://www.svots.edu/ | label = Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary http://www.svse.cz/ | label = Private College of Economic Studies Znojmo http://www.svses.cz/international/engl/ | label = Private University College of Economic Studies http://www.svsmedicalcollege.com/ | label = SVS Medical College http://www.svsu.edu/ http://www.svu.edu.eg/ http://www.svuniversity.ac.in/ | label = Sri Venkateswara University http://www.svuonline.org/ http://www.svvsd.org/ | label = St. Vrain Valley School District http://www.sw.edu/ http://www.sw2.ac.th/ | label = Satriwitthaya 2 School http://www.swac.edu/ http://www.swan.ac.uk/ http://www.swansea.ac.uk/ | label = Swansea University http://www.swarthmore.edu/ http://www.swau.edu.cn/ http://www.swau.edu/ | label = Southwestern Adventist University http://www.swc.ac.kr/ | label = Suwon Women’s University http://www.swc.ac.uk/ | label = South West College http://www.swc.tc/ http://www.swcc.edu/ | label = Southwestern Christian College http://www.swccd.edu/ http://www.swcciowa.edu/ http://www.swfc.edu.cn/ http://www.swic.edu/ http://www.swin.edu.au/ http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ | label = Swinburne University of Technology http://www.swinburne.edu.my/ http://www.swissmc.ch/ http://www.swissu.org/ http://www.swjtu.edu.cn/ http://www.swlaw.edu/ | label = Southwestern Law School http://www.swmed.edu/ http://www.swmich.edu/ http://www.swnu.edu.cn/ http://www.swosu.edu/ | label = Southwestern Oklahoma State University http://www.swps.edu.pl/ http://www.swps.pl/english-version | label = University of Social Sciences and Humanities http://www.swpu.edu.cn/ http://www.swri.edu/ http://www.swsim.edu.pl/index.php/en/ | label = Śląska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyczno-Medyczna http://www.swsm.cn/ http://www.swsu.ru/eng/index.php | label = South-West State University http://www.swt.edu/ http://www.swtc.edu/ http://www.swtjc.edu/ | label = Southwest Texas Junior College http://www.swtjc.net/ http://www.swu.ac.jp/ http://www.swu.ac.kr/ http://www.swu.ac.th/ http://www.swu.bg/ http://www.swu.edu.cn/ | label = Southwest University http://www.swu.edu.ph/ http://www.swu.edu/ | label = Southern Wesleyan University http://www.swufe.edu.cn/ http://www.swun.edu.cn/ http://www.swupl.edu.cn/ http://www.swust.edu.cn/ http://www.swuyc.edu.cn/ http://www.sxau.edu.cn/ http://www.sxca.edu.in/ | label = St Xavier’s College http://www.sxdtdx.edu.cn/english/ | label = Shanxi Datong University http://www.sxmu.edu.cn/ | label = Shanxi Medical University http://www.sxri.net/ | label = Shaanxi Railway Institute http://www.sxu.edu.cn/ http://www.sxu.edu/ http://www.sxufe.edu.cn/english/ | label = Shanxi University of Finance and Economics http://www.sycm.com.cn/ | label = Shenyang Conservatory of Music http://www.syict.edu.cn/ http://www.syktsu.ru/edu/if/pi/index.php | label = Komi State Pedagogical Institute http://www.sylu.edu.cn/sylusiteEnglish/ | label = Shenyang Ligong University http://www.symc.edu.cn/web/guest/home | label = Shenyang Medical College http://www.synmikro.com/en/ | label = Loewe Center for Synthetic Microbiology http://www.synu.edu.cn/synuen/p1.html | label = Shenyang Normal University http://www.syphu.edu.cn/ http://www.sypu.edu.cn/ http://www.syr.edu/ http://www.system.okstate.edu/ | label = Oklahoma State University System http://www.sysu.edu.cn/2012/en/index.htm | label = Sun Yat-sen University http://www.sytu.edu.cn/ http://www.syu.ac.kr/ http://www.syu.edu.cn/ http://www.syuct.edu.cn/ | label = Shenyang University of Chemical Technology http://www.szabist.edu.pk/ http://www.szai.com/ | label = Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture http://www.sze.hu/ http://www.szhct.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou Vocational Health College http://www.szie.hu/ http://www.sziit.com.cn/ | label = Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology http://www.szit.edu.cn/website/ | label = Shazhou Professional Institute Of Technology http://www.szjm.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou Institute of Trade & Commerce http://www.sztu.edu.cn/ | label = Shenzhen Technology University http://www.szu.edu.af/ http://www.szu.edu.cn/ http://www.szu.sk/ http://www.t-bird.edu/ http://www.t-bunkyo.jp/ | label = Tohoku Bunkyo University http://www.t-komazawa.ac.jp/ http://www.t-kougei.ac.jp/ http://www.taaas.org/ | label = Tibet Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences http://www.tabaran.ac.ir/ | label = Tabaran Institute of Higher Education http://www.tabari.ac.ir/ http://www.tabor.edu/ http://www.tabriziau.ac.ir/ http://www.tabrizu.ac.ir/ http://www.tachibana-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tachikawa-h.metro.tokyo.jp/ | label = Tokyo Metropolitan Tachikawa High School http://www.tacistm.org/tempus/tgu.htm | label = Turkmen State University http://www.tacomacc.edu/ http://www.taegu-e.ac.kr/ http://www.taegu.ac.kr/ http://www.taejon.ac.kr/ http://www.taeshin.ac.kr/ http://www.taftcollege.edu/ http://www.taftu.edu/ http://www.taibahu.edu.sa/ http://www.tais.ac.jp/ http://www.taisei.ac.jp/jp/iwjc/ | label = Ibaraki Womens Junior College http://www.taiu.edu/ http://www.taizun.net/ http://www.taj.edu.my/ http://www.tajagroun.tj/ http://www.takachiho.ac.jp/ http://www.takada-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Takada Junior College http://www.takamatsu-u.ac.jp/ http://www.takanabe-ah.ed.jp/ | label = Miyazaki Prefecture Takanabe Agricultural High School http://www.takaoka-h.tym.ed.jp/ | label = Toyama Prefectural Takaoka High School http://www.takaoka.ac.jp/ | label = Takaoka University of Law http://www.takara-univ.ac.jp/ http://www.takasaki-u.ac.jp/english/ | label = Takasaki University of Health and Welfare http://www.takayamacollege.ac.jp/ | label = Takayama College of Car Technology http://www.takushoku-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tamabi.ac.jp/ http://www.tamagawa.ac.jp/ http://www.tamagawa.jp/en/ | label = Tamagawa University http://www.tamilnadudentalcollege.com/index.php | label = Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital http://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/ http://www.tamiu.edu/ http://www.tamu.edu/ http://www.tamuc.edu/ http://www.tamucc.edu/ http://www.tamug.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University at Galveston http://www.tamuk.edu/ http://www.tamus.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University System http://www.tamusa.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University – San Antonio http://www.tamut.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University – Texarkana http://www.tanabe-h.wakayama-c.ed.jp/high.htm | label = Wakayama Prefectural Tanabe High School http://www.tane.edu.ua/ http://www.tansianuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.tanta.edu.eg/ http://www.tanuvas.com/ http://www.tanuvas.tn.nic.in/ | label = Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University http://www.taoistcollege.org.sg/ http://www.taom.info/ | label = Togliatti Academy of Management http://www.tapmi.edu.in/ | label = T. A. Pai Management Institute http://www.tarc.edu.my/ http://www.tari.antat.ru/index_engl.html | label = Tatar American Regional Institute http://www.tarleton.edu/ http://www.tart.spb.ru/ http://www.tashgiv.uz/ http://www.tasued.edu.ng/ http://www.tatiuc.edu.my/ | label = TATI University College http://www.tau.ac.il/ http://www.tau.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences http://www.tau.ac.kr/ http://www.tau.edu.tr/ http://www.tauedu.org/ http://www.tayi.uz/ http://www.taylor-edu.ca/ | label = Taylor College and Seminary http://www.taylor.edu/ | label = Taylor University http://www.taylors.edu.my/ http://www.tayloru.edu/ http://www.taynguyenuni.edu.vn/ http://www.tbc.edu/ | label = Trinity Baptist College http://www.tbcc.cc.or.us/ http://www.tbgu.ac.jp/ http://www.tbs-education.fr/en | label = Toulouse Business School http://www.tbzmed.ac.ir/ http://www.tc.columbia.edu/ http://www.tc3.edu/ http://www.tca.edu.sg/ | label = TCA College http://www.tcatcrump.edu/ | label = Tennessee College of Applied Technology http://www.tcatpulaski.edu/ | label = Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Pulaski http://www.tcatshelbyville.edu/ | label = Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Shelbyville http://www.tcc.edu/ http://www.tccd.edu/ http://www.tce.edu/ http://www.tcicollege.edu/ http://www.tcl.edu/ http://www.tcm.ac.uk/ http://www.tcmc.edu/ | label = Commonwealth Medical College http://www.tcnj.edu/ http://www.tcsg.edu/ | label = Technical College System of Georgia http://www.tct.ac.ir/ http://www.tctc.edu/ http://www.tcu.edu/ http://www.tcue.ac.jp/ http://www.tcw.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo College of Welfare http://www.tdc.ac.jp/ http://www.tdcollege.org/ | label = Tilak Dhari Post Graduate College http://www.tdiu.uz/ http://www.tdsi.nus.edu.sg/ | label = Temasek Defence Systems Institute http://www.tdtu.uz/ http://www.teak.fi/ http://www.tec.ac.cr/Paginas/index.html | label = Costa Rica Institute of Technology http://www.tecbc.mx/ http://www.technet.com.br/ http://www.technikum-wien.at/ http://www.technion.ac.il/ http://www.technologiemedicale.com/accueil.html | label = Technologie Médicale (France) http://www.tedu.edu.tr/ http://www.tees.ac.uk/ http://www.teg.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Hygiene Gakuen College http://www.teiath.gr/ http://www.teicm.gr/ | label = Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia http://www.teiep.gr/ http://www.teihal.gr/ http://www.teiher.gr/ http://www.teiion.gr/ | label = Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands http://www.teikal.gr/ http://www.teikav.edu.gr/ http://www.teikoz.gr/ http://www.teikyo-u.ac.jp/ http://www.teilam.gr/ http://www.teilar.gr/ http://www.teimes.gr/ http://www.teipat.gr/ http://www.teipir.gr/ http://www.teisei.ac.jp/ | label = Teisei Gakuen Junior College http://www.teiser.gr/ http://www.teiste.gr/ | label = Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece http://www.teithe.gr/ http://www.teiwest.gr/ http://www.teiwm.gr/index.php?lang=en | label = Western Macedonia University Of Applied Science http://www.tek.tartu.ee/ | label = Tartu Emajoe School http://www.telepsychology.net/Default.aspx | label = Center for Telepsychology http://www.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ http://www.teluguuniversity.ac.in/ http://www.teluq.ca/ | label = TÉLUQ University http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/ http://www.templehealth.org/content/default.htm | label = Temple University Health System http://www.templejc.edu/ http://www.tenri-u.ac.jp/ http://www.teologi.dk/ http://www.teologialugano.ch/ | label = Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano http://www.tepeyac.edu.mx/ http://www.teriuniversity.ac.in/ | label = TERI University http://www.termnet.co.jp/ http://www.ternadental.org/ | label = Terna Dental College and Hospital http://www.terra-scenica.com/ | label = Terra Scenica http://www.terra.edu/ http://www.terra.nl/Home.html | label = Terra http://www.terre-des-sciences.fr/ | label = Terre des Sciences http://www.tesc.edu/ http://www.tesu.edu/ http://www.teu.ac.jp/ http://www.texarkanacollege.edu/ http://www.texascollege.edu/ | label = Texas College http://www.texastech.edu/ | label = Texas Tech University System http://www.tezu.ernet.in/ http://www.tezuka-gu.ac.jp/ http://www.tezukayama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tfbern.ch/u | label = Technische Fachschule Bern http://www.tfc.edu/ | label = Toccoa Falls College http://www.tfh-berlin.de/ http://www.tfh-bochum.de/ http://www.tfh-wildau.de/ http://www.tfi.uz/ http://www.tfu.ac.jp/ http://www.tgmu.ru/ | label = Vladivostok State Medical University http://www.tgpi.ru/ | label = Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute http://www.tgpi.ttn.ru/ http://www.tgsha.ru/ http://www.th-brandenburg.de/ http://www.th-deg.de/ http://www.th-nuernberg.eu/ | label = Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg http://www.th-wildau.de/ | label = Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau http://www.thapar.edu/ | label = Thapar University http://www.thchur.ch/ | label = Theologische Hochschule Chur http://www.theamericancollege.edu/ | label = American College of Financial Services http://www.theatrins-yar.ru/ http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/ | label = Bluecoat http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/ | label = Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board http://www.thecollege.co.uk/ | label = Bournemouth and Poole College http://www.thecoo.edu/ http://www.themanchestercollege.ac.uk/ | label = Manchester College http://www.thenewcollege.org/ http://www.thenicc.edu/ http://www.theonest.edu.lb/ http://www.theoxford.edu/ | label = Oxford Educational Institutions http://www.theoxford.edu/dental/ | label = Oxford Dental College and Hospital http://www.thephilipscollege.com/ | label = Philips College http://www.thh-friedensau.de/ http://www.thi.de/en.html | label = Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt http://www.thierryschool.org/ http://www.thiqaruni.org/ http://www.thiruvalluvaruniversity.ac.in/ | label = Thiruvalluvar University http://www.thk.edu.tr/ http://www.thm.de/ | label = Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen http://www.thomas.edu/ http://www.thomasmore.be/ | label = Thomas More Kempen http://www.thomasmore.edu/ http://www.thomasmorecollege.edu/ | label = Thomas More College of Liberal Arts http://www.thpharms.com/ | label = Beijing Tianheng Pharmaceutical Research Institute http://www.threerivers.edu/ | label = Three Rivers Community College http://www.thsu.edu/ | label = Texas Health and Science University http://www.thums.ac.ir/ http://www.thunderbird.edu/ http://www.thuniv.net/ http://www.tiaa.edu.ge/ http://www.tiau.ac.ir/ http://www.ties.com.mx/ http://www.tiet.ac.in/ http://www.tietgen.dk/ http://www.tiffin.edu/ http://www.tiffinprague.cz/ http://www.tifn.nl/ | label = TiFN http://www.tifr.res.in/ | label = Tata Institute of Fundamental Research http://www.tiho-hannover.de/ http://www.tii.ie/ | label = Transport Infrastructure Ireland http://www.tiim.uz/ http://www.tijmu.edu.cn/ http://www.tilburguniversity.nl/ http://www.tillamookbaycc.edu/ | label = Tillamook Bay Community College http://www.timacad.ru/ http://www.timi.edu/ | label = International Management Institute http://www.timis.ac.jp/ http://www.tinaswish.org/ | label = Honorable Tina Brozman Foundation http://www.tinbergen.nl/ | label = Tinbergen Institute http://www.tip.edu.ph/ | label = Technological Institute of the Philippines http://www.tip.edu.pk/ http://www.tishreen.edu.sy/ http://www.tisit.edu.ua/ | label = Ternopil Institute for Social and Information Technologies http://www.tiss.edu/ http://www.tit.ac.kr/ http://www.tit.edu.cn/ | label = Taiyuan Institute of Technology http://www.titech.ac.jp/ http://www.titnet.hu/ | label = Tudományos Ismeretterjesztő Társulat http://www.tiu.ac.jp/ http://www.tiu.tj/ http://www.tiu.uz/ http://www.tjac.edu.cn/ | label = Tianjin Agricultural University http://www.tjarts.edu.cn/ http://www.tjc.edu/ http://www.tjcm.edu.cn/ | label = Tianjin Conservatory of Music http://www.tjcu.edu.cn/ http://www.tjmu.edu.cn/ http://www.tjmvti.cn/ | label = Tianjin Metallurgical Vocational Technical College http://www.tjnu.edu.cn/ http://www.tjpu.edu.cn/ http://www.tjrtvu.edu.cn/ http://www.tjsl.edu/ | label = Thomas Jefferson School of Law http://www.tjtc.edu.cn/ | label = Tianjin Vocational Institute http://www.tju.edu.cn/ http://www.tju.edu/ http://www.tjufe.edu.cn/ http://www.tjus.edu.cn/ | label = Tianjin University of Sport http://www.tjut.edu.cn/ http://www.tkbf.hu/ http://www.tkdc.org/ | label = Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College and Research Centre http://www.tktk.ee/ http://www.tku.ac.jp/ http://www.tku.edu/ | label = King’s University https://aiht.edu/ | label = American Institute of Healthcare & Technology http://www.tkw.ac.jp/shorei/top.html | label = Gunma Shorei Junior College of Welfare http://www.tlc.edu.cn/ | label = Tongling University http://www.tlc.edu/ | label = Trinity Lutheran College http://www.tltsu.ru/ http://www.tlu.edu/ | label = Texas Lutheran University http://www.tlu.ee/ http://www.tm.edu/ | label = Turtle Mountain Community College http://www.tma.uz/ http://www.tmaec.ru/ | label = Tambov Military Aviation Engineering Institute http://www.tmbu.org/ http://www.tmc.kerala.gov.in/ | label = Government Medical College http://www.tmc.kerala.gov.in/ | label = Government Medical College and Hospital http://www.tmcc.edu/ http://www.tmctkd.ac.in/tmctkd/ | label = Government Medical College Thoothukudi http://www.tmd.ac.jp/ http://www.tmdch.ac.in/ | label = Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital http://www.tmei.ru/ | label = Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics http://www.tmi.ac.ir/homepage.aspx?site=TMI&tabid=1&lang=En-US | label = High Institute for Education and Research in Transfusion Medicine http://www.tmit.ac.jp/ http://www.tmmu.edu.cn/ http://www.tms.edu/ | label = The Master's Seminary http://www.tmu.ac.ir/ http://www.tmu.ac.jp/english/index.html | label = Tokyo Metropolitan University http://www.tmu.edu.cn/s/2/t/250/p/3/c/1080/list.htm | label = Tianjin Medical University http://www.tmv.edu.in/ http://www.tnau.ac.in/ | label = Tamil Nadu Agricultural University http://www.tncc.edu/ http://www.tndalu.ac.in/ | label = Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University http://www.tndalu.org/ http://www.tnmcnair.com/ | label = Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital http://www.tnmeyah.net/ http://www.tnmmu.ac.in/ http://www.tnpesu.org/ | label = Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University http://www.tnstate.edu/ http://www.tntech.edu/ http://www.tntemple.edu/ | label = Tennessee Temple University http://www.tnu.crimea.ua/ http://www.tnuni.sk/ http://www.tnuniv.ac.in/ http://www.tnut.ac.kr/ http://www.tnwesleyan.edu/ | label = Tennessee Wesleyan College http://www.toba-cmt.ac.jp/english/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Toba College http://www.tobuigaku.ac.jp/ | label = Tobu College of Medical Technology http://www.tocc.edu/ http://www.tochigi-edu.ed.jp/utsunomiyashogyo/nc2/index.php?page_id=0 | label = Tochigi Prefectural Utsunomiya Commercial and Business High School http://www.toho-music.ac.jp/ http://www.toho-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tohogakuen.ac.jp/en/ | label = Toho Gakuen http://www.tohoku-gakuin.ac.jp/ http://www.tohoku-pharm.ac.jp/ http://www.tohoku.ac.jp/ http://www.tohomusic.ac.jp/ http://www.tohtech.ac.jp/ http://www.tohto.ac.jp/english/ | label = Tohto College of Health Sciences http://www.tohwa-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toin.ac.jp/ http://www.toita.ac.jp/ | label = Toita Women's College http://www.tojo.ac.jp/ http://www.tokai.ac.jp/ http://www.tokaigakuen-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tokaigakuin-u.ac.jp/ | label = Tokai Gakuin University http://www.tokaijoshi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tokiwa.ac.jp/ http://www.tokiwakai.ac.jp/ | label = Tokiwakai College http://www.tokoha-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tokonishi-h.spec.ed.jp/comm2/htdocs/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Tokorozawa Nishi High School http://www.tokuco.ac.jp/ | label = Tokushima College of Technology http://www.tokushima-ec.ed.jp/ | label = Tokushima Prefectural General Education Center http://www.tokushima-m-hs.ed.jp/ | label = Tokushima Municipal High School http://www.tokushima-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tokuyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tokuyama.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Tokuyama College http://www.tokyo-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College http://www.tokyo-hs.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo High School http://www.tokyo-kasei.ac.jp/ http://www.tokyo-keitan.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Management College http://www.tokyo-med.ac.jp/ http://www.tokyo-ondai.ac.jp/ http://www.tokyo-u-fish.ac.jp/ http://www.tokyorissho.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo Rissho Junior College http://www.toledo.br/ http://www.tolgas.ru/vrsus/university/ | label = Volga Region State University of Service http://www.tomakomai-ct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Tomakomai College http://www.tonbridge-school.co.uk/ | label = Tonbridge School http://www.toneliseakademiet.no/ | label = Tone Lise Academy http://www.tongji.edu.cn/ http://www.tonichi-kokusai-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toorakcollege.vic.edu.au/ | label = Toorak College http://www.torikyo.ed.jp/yonago-h/ | label = Tottori Prefectural Yonago High School http://www.toros.edu.tr/ http://www.tosho-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toshoku.ac.jp/english/ | label = Toyo College of Food Technology http://www.tottori-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toua-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toulcuvdvur.cz/ | label = Toulcův Dvůr http://www.tourism.edu.az/ http://www.touro.edu/ http://www.touro.ru/ http://www.toutan.ac.jp/ | label = Tohoku Women's Junior College http://www.towson.edu/ http://www.toyaku.ac.jp/ http://www.toyama-c.ac.jp/ | label = Toyama College http://www.toyama-mpu.ac.jp/ http://www.toyama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toyo.ac.jp/ http://www.toyoeiwa.ac.jp/ http://www.toyogakuen-u.ac.jp/ http://www.toyohashi-sd.aichi-c.ed.jp/ | label = Aichi Prefectural Toyohashi School for the Deaf http://www.toyooka-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Toyooka High School http://www.toyota-ct.ac.jp/ | label = Toyota National College of Technology http://www.toyota-ti.ac.jp/ http://www.tp.edu.sg/ | label = Temasek Polytechnic http://www.tpmcollege.edu.my/ http://www.tpoly.edu.gh/ http://www.tpu.fi/ http://www.tpu.ru/ http://www.trakya.edu.tr/ http://www.transy.edu/ http://www.transylvaniauniversity.net/ | label = Transylvania University http://www.travisusd.org/ | label = Travis Unified School District http://www.trcc.commnet.edu/ http://www.trcc.edu/ http://www.trenton.edu/ http://www.trentu.ca/ http://www.tri-c.edu/ http://www.tribhuvan-university.edu.np/ http://www.tricity.wsu.edu/ http://www.tricociuniversity.edu/ | label = Tricoci University of Beauty Culture http://www.tricountycc.edu/ http://www.tridenttech.edu/ http://www.trincoll.edu/ http://www.trine.edu/ http://www.trinidadstate.edu/ http://www.trinity-cm.ac.uk/ http://www.trinity.edu.gh/ http://www.trinity.edu/ http://www.trinity.utoronto.ca/ http://www.trinitybiblecollege.edu/ | label = Trinity Bible College http://www.trinitycollege.com/ | label = Trinity College London http://www.trinitycollege.edu/ | label = Trinity College of Florida http://www.trinitydc.edu/ http://www.trinitylaban.ac.uk/ | label = Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance http://www.trinityschoolofmedicine.org/ | label = Trinity School of Medicine http://www.tripurauniv.in/ http://www.trisakti.ac.id/ http://www.triton.edu/ http://www.trnty.edu/ | label = Trinity Christian College http://www.trocaire.edu/ | label = Trocaire College http://www.troy.edu/ | label = Troy University http://www.tru.ca/ http://www.truman.edu/ http://www.truni.sk/ http://www.tsaa.ru/ | label = Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine http://www.tsbc.edu/ | label = Tri-State Bible College http://www.tsc-05.ac.jp/eng/ | label = Tokyo Seiei College http://www.tsca.edu/ | label = Tri-State College of Acupuncture http://www.tscmb.si/ | label = Tehniški Solski Center Maribor http://www.tshmc.org/ http://www.tsi.lv/ http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/ http://www.tsm.edu/ | label = Trinity School for Ministry http://www.tsma.ru/ http://www.tsmu.edu/ http://www.tsnc.edu.cn/ | label = Tianshui Normal University http://www.tsogu.ru/ http://www.tsot.edu/ | label = Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah http://www.tspu.edu.ru/ http://www.tstc.edu/campuses/harlingen | label = Texas State Technical College Harlingen http://www.tstc.edu/campuses/waco | label = Texas State Technical College Waco http://www.tstu.ru/ http://www.tstu.tver.ru/ http://www.tsu-cc.ac.jp/ | label = Tsu City College http://www.tsu.ac.kr/ | label = Taegu Science University http://www.tsu.ac.th/ http://www.tsu.edu.cn/ | label = Taishan University http://www.tsu.edu.ge/ http://www.tsu.edu/ http://www.tsu.ru/ http://www.tsu.tmn.ru/ http://www.tsu.tula.ru/ http://www.tsuab.ru/ http://www.tsuda.ac.jp/ http://www.tsufl.edu/ http://www.tsukuba-tech.ac.jp/en/index.php | label = Tsukuba University of Technology http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/ http://www.tsukuba.ed.jp/~azuma/ | label = Tsukuba Municipal Azuma Elementary School http://www.tsukuba.ed.jp/~takezono-east-e/ | label = Takezono Higashi Elementary School http://www.tsulbp.tj/en/ | label = Tajik State University of Law Business and Politics http://www.tsuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.tsure.ru/ http://www.tsuru-gakuen.ac.jp/ | label = Hiroshima Institute of Technology http://www.tsuru.ac.jp/ http://www.tsuruga-nu.ac.jp/ | label = Tsuruga Nursing University http://www.tsurumi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.tsuruoka-nct.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Tsuruoka College http://www.tsuruoka-th.ed.jp/ | label = Tsuruoka Technical High School http://www.tsus.edu/ | label = Texas State University System http://www.tsutmb.ru/ | label = Tambov State University http://www.tsuyama-ct.ac.jp/English/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College http://www.ttc.edu.sg/english/ | label = Trinity Theological College http://www.ttc.ryazan.ru/ http://www.ttc.wa.edu.au/ | label = Trinity Theological College http://www.ttcs.org.tw/ | label = Tainan Theological College and Seminary http://www.ttic.edu/ | label = Toyota Technological Institute At Chicago http://www.ttk.ee/en | label = Tallinn Health Care College http://www.ttmc.edu.cn/ http://www.tts.fi/ | label = TTS Työtehoseura http://www.ttu.edu.jo/ http://www.ttu.edu.mm/moodle/ | label = Thanlyin Technological University http://www.ttu.edu/ http://www.ttu.ee/ http://www.ttuhsc.edu/ http://www.tu-berlin.de/ http://www.tu-bryansk.ru/ http://www.tu-bs.de/ http://www.tu-chel.ac.ru/ http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/ http://www.tu-clausthal.de/ http://www.tu-cottbus.de/ http://www.tu-dresden.de/ http://www.tu-freiberg.de/ http://www.tu-harburg.de/ http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/ http://www.tu-sofia.bg/ http://www.tu-varna.acad.bg/ http://www.tu.ac.th/ http://www.tu.edu.af/ http://www.tu.edu.iq/ http://www.tu.edu.sa/ http://www.tu.edu.te.ua/ http://www.tu.edu/ | label = Touro University California http://www.tu.kielce.pl/ http://www.tu.koszalin.pl/ http://www.tua.nl/ | label = Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn http://www.tuad.ac.jp/ http://www.tuaf.edu.vn/ http://www.tuas.fi/en/ | label = Turku University of Applied Sciences http://www.tuat.ac.jp/ http://www.tuc.gr/ http://www.tucsonu.edu/ http://www.tudelft.nl/ http://www.tue.nl/ http://www.tuf.edu.pk/ http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ http://www.tufts.edu/ http://www.tugab.bg/ http://www.tugraz.at/ http://www.tuhh.de/ | label = Hamburg University of Technology http://www.tui.edu/ http://www.tuiasi.ro/ http://www.tuins.ac.jp/ http://www.tuis.ac.jp/ http://www.tuit.uz/ http://www.tuj.ac.jp/ http://www.tuke.sk/ http://www.tukenya.ac.ke/ http://www.tukkk.fi/ http://www.tul.cz/en/ | label = Technical University of Liberec http://www.tul.edu/ | label = Transnational University Limburg http://www.tulane.edu/ http://www.tulsacc.edu/ http://www.tulsaschools.org/1_Administration/03_STAFF_MEMBERS/contact_esc_main.asp | label = Tulsa Public Schools http://www.tum.ac.ke/ http://www.tum.de/ http://www.tumaini.ac.tz/ http://www.tumh.ac.jp/ | label = Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care http://www.tumkuruniversity.ac.in/ http://www.tums.ac.ir/ http://www.tunceli.edu.tr/ http://www.tuniv.szczecin.pl/ http://www.tunxis.edu/ http://www.tup.edu.ph/ http://www.tup.km.ua/ http://www.turathun.com/ http://www.turgutozal.edu.tr/tr | label = Turgut Özal University http://www.turkistan.kz/ http://www.tusk.edu/ http://www.tuskegee.edu/ http://www.tusol.org/ http://www.tusom.org/ http://www.tust.edu.cn/index.html | label = Tianjin University of Science and Technology http://www.tusur.ru/ http://www.tusy.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo University of Science Yamaguchi http://www.tut.ac.jp/ http://www.tut.ac.za/ http://www.tut.fi/ http://www.tuts.ac.jp/11/english/ | label = Tokyo Union Theological Seminary http://www.tuwien.ac.at/ http://www.tuyama.okayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Okayama Prefectural Tsuyama High School http://www.tuzvo.sk/ http://www.tvcc.cc/ http://www.tvcc.edu/ http://www.tvm.vu.lt/en | label = International Business School at Vilnius University http://www.tvu.ac.uk/ http://www.tvuni.in/ http://www.twc.edu.hk/ | label = Tung Wah College http://www.twcpe.ac.jp/ http://www.twcu.ac.jp/ http://www.twmu.ac.jp/ http://www.twsu.edu/ http://www.twu.ca/ http://www.twu.edu/ http://www.txchiro.edu/en/ | label = Texas Chiropractic College http://www.txstate.edu/ http://www.tym.ed.jp/sc61/gakkou/enkaku/enkaku.htm | label = Tateyama Elementary School http://www.tyndale.ca/ | label = Tyndale University College & Seminary http://www.tyszkiewicz.edu.pl/ http://www.tyumsmu.ru/eng/ | label = Tyumen State Medical University http://www.tyut.edu.cn/ http://www.tzc.edu.cn/ http://www.tzvtc.com/ | label = Taizhou Vocational and Technical College http://www.u-3mrs.fr/ http://www.u-air.ac.jp/ http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/ http://www.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/fr/index.html | label = Michel de Montaigne University Bordeaux 3 http://www.u-bordeaux.com/ | label = University of Bordeaux http://www.u-bordeaux2.fr/ http://www.u-bunkyo.ac.jp/ http://www.u-cergy.fr/ http://www.u-clermont1.fr/ http://www.u-fukui.ac.jp/eng/ | label = University of Fukui http://www.u-gakugei.ac.jp/ http://www.u-gifu-ms.ac.jp/ | label = Gifu University of Medical Science http://www.u-grenoble3.fr/ http://www.u-hyogo.ac.jp/ | label = University of Hyogo http://www.u-keiai.ac.jp/ http://www.u-paris10.fr/ http://www.u-paris2.fr/ http://www.u-pem.fr/ | label = University of Marne la Vallée http://www.u-picardie.fr/ http://www.u-psud.fr/ http://www.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/ http://www.u-sacred-heart.ac.jp/ http://www.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp/ http://www.u-szeged.hu/ http://www.u-ths.ac.jp/ | label = University of Tokyo Health Sciences http://www.u-tokai.ac.jp/ http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ http://www.u-toyama.ac.jp/en/ | label = University of Toyama http://www.u.yone.ac.jp/outline/english/philosophy.html | label = Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa University of Nutrition Sciences http://www.u1.ac.kr/ http://www.ua-edu.us/ | label = University of America http://www.ua.ac.be/ http://www.ua.aw/ | label = University of Aruba http://www.ua.edu.ph/ http://www.ua.edu/ http://www.ua.es/ http://www.ua.pt/ http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/ http://www.uaa.edu.py/ http://www.uaa.mx/ http://www.uaaan.mx/ http://www.uaar.edu.pk/ http://www.uab.cat/web/universitat-autonoma-de-barcelona-1345467954774.html | label = Autonomous University of Barcelona http://www.uab.edu.bo/ http://www.uab.edu/ http://www.uab.es/ http://www.uab.pt/web/guest/home | label = Universidade Aberta http://www.uab.ro/ http://www.uabc.mx/ http://www.uabcs.mx/ http://www.uabjo.mx/ http://www.uabobo.ci/ http://www.uac.bj/ http://www.uac.edu.co/ http://www.uac.pt/ http://www.uaca.ac.cr/ http://www.uacam.mx/ http://www.uaccb.edu/ http://www.uacch.edu/ http://www.uaccm.edu/ http://www.uacg.bg/ http://www.uach.cl/ http://www.uach.mx/ http://www.uacj.mx/ http://www.uaconcagua.cl/ http://www.uacs.edu.mk/ | label = University American College Skopje http://www.uad.ac.id/ http://www.uad.edu.mx/ http://www.uadb.edu.sn/ | label = Université Alioune Diop de Bambey http://www.uade.edu.ar/ http://www.uadec.mx/ http://www.uader.edu.ar/ http://www.uady.mx/ http://www.uae.ac.ma/ http://www.uae.edu.sv/ http://www.uae.ma/portail/FR/index.php | label = Abdelmalek Essaâdi University http://www.uaed.edu.mx/ http://www.uaeh.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo http://www.uaem.mx/ http://www.uaemex.mx/ http://www.uaeu.ac.ae/ http://www.uaf.edu.pk/ http://www.uaf.edu/ http://www.uaf.mx/ http://www.uafam.edu.do/ http://www.uag.mx/ http://www.uagraria.edu.ec/ http://www.uagrm.edu.bo/ http://www.uagro.mx/ http://www.uah.edu/ http://www.uah.es/ http://www.uahb.sn/ http://www.uahurtado.cl/ http://www.uai-cluj.ro/wp/ | label = Universitatea Avram Iancu http://www.uai.cl/ http://www.uai.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad Abierta Interamericana http://www.uaiasi.ro/index.php?lang=en | label = Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași http://www.uaic.ro/ http://www.uajms.edu.bo/ http://www.uajy.ac.id/ http://www.uakbenin.org/ | label = Université d'Agriculture de Kétou http://www.uakron.edu/ http://www.ual.mx/ http://www.ualberta.ca/ http://www.ualg.pt/ http://www.ualm.es/ http://www.ualr.edu/ http://www.uam.edu.co/ http://www.uam.edu.ng/ http://www.uam.edu.ni/ http://www.uam.es/ http://www.uam.mx/ http://www.uamerica.edu.co/ http://www.uamericana.edu.py/ http://www.uamericas.cl/ http://www.uamont.edu/ http://www.uams.be/ http://www.uams.edu/ http://www.uamsa.net/ http://www.uamsibiu.ro/ | label = Universitatea Alma Mater Sibiu http://www.uan.ao/ http://www.uan.edu.mx/ | label = Autonomous University of Nayarit http://www.uan.mx/ http://www.uanarino.edu.co/ http://www.uancv.edu.pe/ http://www.uandes.cl/ http://www.uandina.edu.pe/ http://www.uane.edu.mx/ http://www.uanl.mx/ http://www.uantof.cl/ http://www.uaoceu.es/?set_language=en | label = Abat Oliba CEU University http://www.uap-bd.edu/ http://www.uap.edu.pe/ http://www.uap.edu.ph/ http://www.uap.edu.pl/ http://www.uap.edu.py/ http://www.uapa.edu.do/ http://www.uapa.ru/ http://www.uapar.edu/ http://www.uapnet.edu.bo/ http://www.uaq.mx/ http://www.uarcis.cl/ | label = University of Art and Social Sciences http://www.uark.edu/ http://www.uartdcluj.ro/ http://www.uarts.edu/ | label = University of the Arts http://www.uaruhr.de/ | label = University Alliance Ruhr http://www.uas.alaska.edu/ http://www.uas.cl/ http://www.uas.mx/ http://www.uasb.edu.bo/ http://www.uasb.edu.ec/ http://www.uasbangalore.edu.in/ | label = University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore http://www.uasd.edu.do/ http://www.uasd.edu/ | label = University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad http://www.uasd.net/ http://www.uaslp.mx/ http://www.uasm.md/ http://www.uasnet.mx/ http://www.uasraichur.edu.in/ | label = University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur http://www.uast.ac.ir/ http://www.uat.edu.al/ http://www.uat.mx/ http://www.uat.ro/ http://www.uatf.edu.bo/ http://www.uatla.pt/ http://www.uatlantica.pt/index.php/en/ | label = Universidade Atlântica http://www.uatm-gasa.com/ | label = Université Africaine de Technologie et de Management http://www.uatx.mx/ http://www.uau.ac.in/index.php | label = Uttarakhand Ayurved University http://www.uauim.ro/en/ | label = Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism http://www.uav.ro/ http://www.uax.es/ http://www.uaz.edu.mx/ | label = Autonomous University of Zacatecas http://www.uazuay.edu.ec/ http://www.ub.ac.id/ http://www.ub.ac.ir/ | label = University of Bojnord http://www.ub.bw/ http://www.ub.edu.ar/ http://www.ub.edu.bi/ http://www.ub.edu.bs/ | label = College of The Bahamas http://www.ub.edu.bz/ http://www.ub.edu.ph/ http://www.ub.edu.pl/ http://www.ub.edu.sa/ | label = University of Bisha http://www.ub.edu/web/ub/en/ | label = University of Barcelona http://www.ub.es/ http://www.ub.ro/ http://www.uba.ar/ http://www.uba.edu.ve/ http://www.ubac.edu.mx/ http://www.ubaguio.edu/ http://www.ubalt.edu/ http://www.ubam.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Bancaria de México http://www.ubaya.ac.id/ http://www.ubbcluj.ro/ http://www.ubc.ca/ http://www.ubd.edu.bn/ http://www.ubdtce.org/ | label = University B.D.T College of Engineering http://www.ube-k.ac.jp/en/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Ube College http://www.ube.ac.kr/home/hmpg/biz/kor/main/HmpgMain.do | label = University of Brain Education http://www.ubfc.fr/ http://www.ubhara.ac.id/ http://www.ubharajaya.ac.id/ http://www.ubi.edu/ http://www.ubi.pt/ http://www.ubiobio.cl/ http://www.ubishops.ca/ http://www.ubm.ac.id/ http://www.ubm.ro/ http://www.ubohiggins.cl/ http://www.ubolivariana.cl/ http://www.ubouake.ci/ http://www.ubp.edu.ar/ http://www.ubrauliocarrillo.com/ | label = Universidad Braulio Carrillo http://www.ubritanica.cl/ http://www.ubt.edu.al/ http://www.ubu.ac.th/ http://www.ubu.es/ http://www.ubuea.cm/ http://www.ubuenglish.ubu.ac.th/ | label = Ubon Ratchathani University http://www.ubv.edu.ve/ http://www.uc-bcf.edu.ph/ http://www.uc.cl/ | label = Pontifical Catholic University of Chile http://www.uc.edu.kh/ http://www.uc.edu.py/ http://www.uc.edu.ve/ http://www.uc.edu/ http://www.uc.pt/ http://www.uc.rnu.tn/ http://www.uc3m.es/ http://www.uca.ac.cr/ http://www.uca.edu.ar/ http://www.uca.edu.ni/ http://www.uca.edu.sv/ http://www.uca.edu/ http://www.uca.es/ http://www.uca.fr/ | label = University of Clermont Auvergne http://www.uca.ma/site/ | label = Cadi Ayyad University http://www.ucaat.com/ http://www.ucaazo.edu.ec/ http://www.ucab.edu.ve/ http://www.ucacue.edu.ec/ http://www.ucad.edu.sv/ http://www.ucad.sn/ http://www.ucaldas.edu.co/ http://www.ucalp.edu.ar/ http://www.ucam.ac.ma/ http://www.ucam.edu/ http://www.ucan.edu/ http://www.ucapanama.org/ http://www.ucar.rnu.tn/ | label = University of Carthage http://www.ucas.ac.cn/ | label = University of Chinese Academy of Sciences http://www.ucas.edu.ps/ http://www.ucasal.net/ http://www.ucat.edu.ve/ http://www.ucateci.edu.do/ http://www.ucatolica.ac.cr/ http://www.ucatolica.edu.co/ http://www.ucatolicamz.edu.co/ http://www.ucauca.edu.co/ http://www.ucavila.es/ http://www.ucb.br/ http://www.ucb.edu.bh/ http://www.ucb.edu.bo/ http://www.ucb.edu.pr/ http://www.ucbc.org/ http://www.ucbcba.edu.bo/ http://www.ucboe.us/ | label = Union City Public Schools http://www.ucbscz.edu.bo/ http://www.ucbtja.edu.bo/ http://www.ucbukavu.ac.cd/ http://www.ucc.edu.co/ http://www.ucc.edu.gh/ http://www.ucc.edu.jm/ | label = University College of The Caribbean http://www.ucc.edu.ni/ http://www.ucc.edu.ph/# | label = Union Christian College http://www.ucc.edu/ http://www.uccaribe.edu/ http://www.uccb.ns.ca/ http://www.ucci.edu.ky/ | label = University College of the Cayman Islands http://www.uccm.md/ http://www.uccor.edu.ar/ http://www.uccr.edu/ http://www.uccs.edu/ http://www.uccuyo.edu.ar/ http://www.uccuyosj.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad Católica de Cuyo http://www.ucd.ac.ma/ http://www.ucd.ie/ http://www.ucdavis.edu/ http://www.ucdc.ro/ | label = Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/PublicHealth/Pages/default.aspx | label = Colorado School of Public Health http://www.ucdenver.edu/anschutz/Pages/landing.aspx | label = University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus http://www.ucdenver.edu/pages/ucdwelcomepage.aspx | label = University of Colorado Denver http://www.ucdh.edu/ | label = Utah College of Dental Hygiene http://www.ucds.org/ | label = University Child Development School http://www.uce.edu.do/ http://www.ucel.edu.ar/ http://www.ucem.edu.mx/ http://www.ucem.edu.ni/ http://www.ucentral.cl/ http://www.ucentral.edu.co/ http://www.ucentral.edu.ec/ http://www.ucentralasia.org/ | label = University of Central Asia http://www.ucervantes.cl/ http://www.uces.edu.ar/ http://www.uceva.edu.co/ http://www.ucf.edu.cu/ http://www.ucf.edu/ http://www.ucfv.bc.ca/ http://www.ucg.ac.me/eng/ | label = University of Montenegro http://www.ucg.br/ http://www.ucg.cg.ac.yu/ http://www.ucg.gr/ http://www.ucg.ie/ http://www.uch.edu.ar/ http://www.uch.edu.pe/ http://www.ucha.edu/ | label = Universal College of Healing Arts http://www.uchastings.edu/ | label = University of California Hastings College of the Law http://www.uchaswv.edu/ http://www.uchceu.es/ http://www.uchicago.edu/ http://www.uchile.cl/ http://www.uci.ac.cr/ http://www.uci.edu.pk/ | label = University College of Islamabad http://www.uci.edu/ http://www.ucine.edu.ar/ http://www.ucinf.cl/ http://www.ucis.vill.edu/ http://www.ucj.edu.sa/ http://www.uck.ac.rw/ http://www.ucl.ac.be/ http://www.ucl.edu.pk/ | label = University College Lahore http://www.ucla.edu.ve/ http://www.ucla.edu/ http://www.uclah.edu.mx/ http://www.uclan.ac.uk/ http://www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/en/ | label = University of Central Lancashire http://www.ucll.be/en/ | label = University Colleges Leuven-Limburg http://www.uclm.es/ http://www.uclouvain.be/en-index.html | label = Université Catholique de Louvain http://www.uclv.edu.cu/ http://www.ucm.ac.mz/ http://www.ucm.cl/ http://www.ucm.es/ http://www.ucm.sk/ http://www.ucmerced.edu/ http://www.ucmo.edu/ http://www.ucms.ac.in/ | label = University College of Medical Sciences http://www.ucn.cl/ http://www.ucna.info/ http://www.ucne.edu.do/ http://www.ucnh.org/ http://www.ucnorth.dk/Default.aspx | label = University College of Northern Denmark http://www.uco.edu.co/ http://www.uco.edu/ http://www.uco.es/ http://www.uco.fr/ http://www.ucol.ac.nz/Pages/default.aspx | label = Universal College of Learning http://www.ucol.mx/ http://www.ucom.edu.py/ http://www.ucongres.edu.ar/ | note = Offline http://www.uconn.edu/ http://www.ucp.br/ http://www.ucp.edu.ar/ http://www.ucp.edu.ph/ | label = Universal College http://www.ucp.edu.pk/ http://www.ucp.pt/ http://www.ucpel.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Católica de Pelotas http://www.ucpel.tche.br/ http://www.ucpori.fi/en/ | label = University Consortium of Pori http://www.ucpr.edu.co/ http://www.ucr.ac.cr/ http://www.ucr.edu/ http://www.ucreative.ac.uk/ | label = University for the Creative Arts http://www.ucristianainternacional.net/ | label = International Christian University http://www.ucs.ac.uk/ http://www.ucs.br/site | label = University of Caxias Do Sul http://www.ucs.mun.ca/ http://www.ucs.tche.br/ http://www.ucsa.edu.py/ http://www.ucsal.br/ http://www.ucsb.edu/ http://www.ucsc.cl/ http://www.ucsc.edu/ http://www.ucsc.it/ | label = Catholic University of the Sacred Heart http://www.ucsd.edu.do/ http://www.ucsd.edu/ http://www.ucse.edu.ar/ http://www.ucsf.edu.ar/ http://www.ucsf.edu/ http://www.ucsg.edu.ec/ http://www.ucsh.cl/ http://www.ucsi.edu.my/ http://www.ucsm.edu.pe/ http://www.ucsur.edu.pe/ http://www.ucsy.edu.mm/ http://www.uct.ac.za/ http://www.uct.cl/ | label = Temuco Catholic University http://www.uct.edu.ec/ http://www.uct.edu.vn/ http://www.uctem.cl/ http://www.ucti.edu.my/ http://www.uctm.edu/ http://www.ucu.ac.ug/ http://www.ucu.edu.ar/ http://www.ucu.edu.uy/ http://www.ucuenca.edu.ec/ http://www.ucumberlands.edu/ | label = University of the Cumberlands http://www.ucv.cl/ http://www.ucv.edu.pe/ http://www.ucv.edu.ph/ http://www.ucv.es/ http://www.ucv.ro/en/ | label = University of Craiova http://www.ucv.ve/ http://www.ucwv.edu/ | label = University of Charleston http://www.ucy.ac.cy/ http://www.ucyt.edu.ni/ http://www.uczelnia.pwsz-oswiecim.edu.pl/ | label = State School of Higher Education in Oświęcim http://www.ud.ac.ae/ http://www.ud.edu.sa/ http://www.ud.edu.vn/ http://www.uda.ac.id/ http://www.uda.ad/ http://www.uda.cl/ http://www.uda.edu.ar/ http://www.udabol.edu.bo/ http://www.udallas.edu/ http://www.udayton.edu/ http://www.udb.edu.sv/udb/index.php | label = Universidad Don Bosco http://www.udb.sn/ http://www.udc.edu.br/v5/#/udc/ | label = União Dinâmica de Faculdades Cataratas http://www.udc.edu/ http://www.udc.es/ http://www.udca.edu.co/ http://www.udch.edu.pe/ http://www.udd.cl/ | label = Universidad del Desarrollo http://www.uddm.edu.ne/ | label = Université de Maradi http://www.ude.edu.uy/ http://www.udea.edu.co/ http://www.udec.cl/ http://www.udec.edu.mx/ http://www.udeci.edu.mx/ http://www.udeh.edu.mx/ http://www.udelas.ac.pa/ http://www.udelmar.cl/ http://www.udelosandes.edu.bo/ http://www.udem.edu.co/ http://www.udem.edu.mx/ http://www.udem.edu.ni/ http://www.udem.edu/ http://www.udemm.edu.ar/ http://www.udenar.edu.co/ http://www.udenscollege.nl/ | label = Udens College http://www.udep.edu.pe/ http://www.udes.edu.co/ http://www.udesa.edu.ar/ http://www.udesanmiguel.edu.mx/ http://www.udesarrollo.cl/ http://www.udesc.br/ http://www.udesmontagnes.org/ http://www.udg.co.cu/ http://www.udg.edu/Not%C3%ADciesiagenda/tabid/36/language/en-US/Default.aspx | label = University of Girona http://www.udg.es/ http://www.udg.mx/ http://www.udh.edu.pe/ http://www.udi.edu/ http://www.udima.es/ | label = Universidad a Distancia de Madrid http://www.udistrital.edu.co/ http://www.udl.edu.pe/ http://www.udl.es/ http://www.udla.mx/ http://www.udlap.mx/ http://www.udm.edu.my/ http://www.udmercy.edu/ http://www.udmmandalay.gov.mm/ | label = University of Dental Medicine at Mandalay http://www.udo.edu.ve/ http://www.udo.mx/ http://www.udom.ac.tz/ http://www.udoym.edu.do/ http://www.udp.cl/ http://www.uds.edu.gh/ http://www.udsm.ac.tz/ http://www.udusok.edu.ng/ http://www.udv.edu.mx/ http://www.ue-varna.bg/ http://www.ue.edu.ph/ http://www.ue.edu.pk/ http://www.ue.katowice.pl/no_cache/en.html | label = University of Economics in Katowice http://www.ue.wroc.pl/ | label = Wroclaw University of Economics http://www.uea.ac.uk/ http://www.uea.edu.br/ | label = University of the State of Amazonas http://www.uea.edu.sn/ http://www.ueab.ac.ke/ http://www.ueap.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Amapá http://www.ueb.eu/versionAnglaiseV2/ | label = European University of Brittany http://www.ueb.isfun.net/ http://www.uec.ac.jp/ http://www.uece.br/ http://www.uecon.org/ | label = Uganda Episcopal Conference http://www.uedawjc.ac.jp/index.php | label = Ueda Womens Junior College http://www.uees.edu.ec/ http://www.uees.edu.sv/ http://www.uef.fi/en | label = University of Eastern Finland http://www.uef.ru/ http://www.uefs.br/ http://www.ueh.edu.ht/ http://www.ueh.edu.vn/ http://www.uek.krakow.pl/ | label = Cracow University of Economics http://www.uel.ac.uk/ http://www.uel.br/ http://www.uelbosque.edu.co/en | label = El Bosque University http://www.uem.br/ http://www.uem.es/ http://www.uem.mz/ http://www.uem.ro/ http://www.uema.br/ http://www.uemasul.edu.br/avaliacao.php | label = Universidade Estadual da Região Tocantina do Maranhão http://www.uemc.es/ | label = Miguel de Cervantes European University http://www.uems.br/ | label = Mato Grosso do Sul State University http://www.uenf.br/ http://www.uenogakuen.ac.jp/ http://www.uep.educ.ph/ http://www.uepa.br/ http://www.uepb.edu.br/ http://www.uepg.br/ http://www.uergs.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul http://www.uerj.br/ http://www.uerm.edu.ph/ http://www.uern.br/ http://www.ues.edu.sv/ http://www.uesb.br/ http://www.uesc.br/ http://www.uesiglo21.edu.ar/ http://www.uespi.br/ http://www.uestc.edu.cn/ http://www.uet.edu.al/index.php/en/ | label = European University of Tirana http://www.uet.edu.pk/ | label = University of Engineering and Technology Lahore http://www.uet.edu/ http://www.uettaxila.edu.pk/ http://www.ueuromed.org/pro/en/universite.php | label = Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes http://www.uevora.pt/ http://www.uew.edu.gh/ http://www.uewm.edu/ | label = University of East-West Medicine http://www.uexternado.edu.co/ http://www.ufabc.edu.br/ http://www.ufac.br/ http://www.ufal.br/ http://www.ufal.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Alagoas http://www.ufam.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Amazonas http://www.ufar.am/ http://www.ufasta.edu.ar/ http://www.ufba.br/ http://www.ufc.br/ http://www.ufca.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Federal do Cariri http://www.ufcg.edu.br/ http://www.ufcspa.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre http://www.ufe.edu.eg/ http://www.ufes.br/ http://www.uff.br/ http://www.ufg.br/ http://www.ufg.edu.sv/ http://www.ufgd.edu.br/ http://www.ufh.ac.za/ http://www.ufhec.edu.do/ http://www.ufidelitas.ac.cr/ http://www.ufinis.cl/ http://www.ufl.edu/ http://www.ufla.br/ http://www.uflo.edu.ar/ http://www.ufm.edu.gt/ http://www.ufm.edu.mx/ http://www.ufma.br/ http://www.ufmg.br/ http://www.ufms.br/ http://www.ufmt.br/ http://www.ufob.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Western Bahia http://www.ufop.br/ http://www.ufopa.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Western Pará http://www.ufp.nc/ http://www.ufp.pt/ http://www.ufpa.br/ http://www.ufpb.br/ http://www.ufpel.tche.br/ http://www.ufpi.br/ http://www.ufpr.br/ http://www.ufps.edu.co/ http://www.ufram.edu.mx/ http://www.ufrgs.br/ http://www.ufrj.br/ http://www.ufrn.br/ http://www.ufro.cl/ http://www.ufrpe.br/ http://www.ufrrj.br/ http://www.ufs.ac.za/ | label = University of the Free State http://www.ufs.br/ http://www.ufsc.br/ http://www.ufscar.br/ http://www.ufsia.ac.be/ http://www.ufsm.br/ http://www.uft-plovdiv.bg/ http://www.uft.edu.ve/ http://www.uftl.edu/ | label = University of Fort Lauderdale http://www.uftm.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro http://www.ufu.br/ http://www.ufuk.edu.tr/ http://www.ufv.br/ http://www.ufv.ca/ | label = University of the Fraser Valley http://www.ufv.es/ http://www.ufvjm.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri http://www.ug.edu.ec/ http://www.ug.edu.gh/ http://www.uga.edu/ http://www.ugaf.rnu.tn/ http://www.ugal.ro/ http://www.uganc.org/ http://www.ugapress.org/ | label = University of Georgia Press http://www.ugatu.ac.ru/ http://www.ugatu.su/en.html | label = Ufa State Aviation Technical University http://www.ugb.ac.in/ | label = University of Gour Banga http://www.ugb.edu.sv/ http://www.ugb.sn/ http://www.ugc.gov.bd/en | label = University Grants Commission of Bangladesh http://www.ugd.edu.mk/ http://www.ugf.br/ http://www.ugf.edu/ http://www.ugm.ac.id/ http://www.ugm.cl/ http://www.ugma.edu.ve/ http://www.ugmlc.de/ | label = Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center http://www.ugptakengon.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Gajah Putih http://www.ugr.es/ http://www.ugrancolombia.edu.co/ http://www.ugrasu.ru/ http://www.ugs.ed.ao/ http://www.ugsha.ru/ http://www.ugto.mx/ http://www.uh.cu/ http://www.uh.edu/ http://www.uh1.ac.ma/ http://www.uh2m.ac.ma/ http://www.uhasselt.be/ http://www.uhb.fr/ http://www.uhd.edu.iq/ http://www.uhd.edu/ http://www.uhearst.ca/english | label = Université de Hearst http://www.uheeyc.edu.cn/ http://www.uheightscenter.org/ | label = University Heights Center http://www.uhi.ac.uk/en | label = University of the Highlands and Islands http://www.uhipocrates.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Hipócrates http://www.uhispam.edu.ni/ http://www.uhispanoamericana.ac.cr/ http://www.uhn.ac.id/ | label = University of HKBP Nommensen http://www.uho.edu.cu/ http://www.uhp-nancy.fr/ http://www.uhr.no/ | label = Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions http://www.uhs.ac.kr/nwww/main.html | label = Hyupsung University http://www.uhs.edu.la/ | label = University of Health Sciences Vientiane http://www.uhs.edu.pk/ | label = University of Health Sciences Lahore http://www.uhsa.ag/ http://www.uhsr.ac.in/ | label = Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences http://www.uhsystem.edu/ | label = University of Houston System http://www.uhu.es/ http://www.uhv.edu/ | label = University of Houston Victoria http://www.uhwo.hawaii.edu/ | label = University of Hawaii–West Oahu http://www.ui.ac.id/ http://www.ui.ac.ir/ http://www.ui.edu.ng/ http://www.ui.phinma.edu.ph/ http://www.uia.ac.cr/ http://www.uia.es/ http://www.uia.mx/ http://www.uia.no/en | label = University of Agder http://www.uiah.fi/ http://www.uib.cat/ | label = University of the Balearic Islands http://www.uib.es/ http://www.uib.kz/ http://www.uib.no/ http://www.uibe.cn/app/eng/ | label = University of International Business and Economics http://www.uibe.edu.cn/ http://www.uic.edu.mx/ http://www.uic.edu/ http://www.uic.es/ http://www.uidaho.edu/ http://www.uifr.ru/ | label = Ural Institute of the Stock Market http://www.uigv.edu.pe/ http://www.uii.ac.id/ http://www.uika-bogor.ac.id/ http://www.uileon.edu.mx/ http://www.uiliria.org/ http://www.uimp.es/ http://www.uin-malang.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim http://www.uindy.edu.gr/ http://www.uindy.edu/ http://www.uinjkt.ac.id/ http://www.uinternacional.pt/ http://www.uio.no/ http://www.uion.edu.gr/ http://www.uiowa.edu/ http://www.uir.ac.id/ http://www.uir.ac.ma/en | label = International University of Rabat http://www.uis.edu.co/ http://www.uis.edu/ http://www.uis.no/ http://www.uisek.cl/ http://www.uisrael.ec/ http://www.uist.edu.mk/ http://www.uisu.ac.id/ http://www.uit.ac.ma/?lang=en | label = Université Ibn-Tofail http://www.uit.no/ http://www.uitec.ac.jp/ http://www.uitm.edu.my/ http://www.uits.edu.bd/ http://www.uiu.ac.bd/ http://www.uiu.edu/ http://www.uiuc.edu/ http://www.uiw.edu/ http://www.uiwtx.edu/ http://www.uiz.ac.ma/ | label = Université Ibn Zohr http://www.uj.ac.za/ http://www.uj.edu.pl/ http://www.uj.edu.sa/Home.aspx?Lng=EN | label = Jeddah University http://www.uj.edu/ http://www.uj.rnu.tn/ http://www.ujaen.es/ http://www.ujak.cz/english/ | label = Jan Amos Komensky University http://www.ujap.edu.ve/ http://www.ujat.mx/ http://www.ujcv.edu.hn/ http://www.ujed.mx/ http://www.ujep.cz/ http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr/ http://www.ujgh.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Dr. José Gregorio Hernández http://www.uji.es/ http://www.ujk.edu.pl/index_en.php | label = Jan Kochanowski University http://www.ujlog.ci/ | label = Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé http://www.ujmd.edu.sv/ http://www.ujmv.edu/ http://www.ujn.edu.cn/ http://www.ujnk.org/ http://www.ujpii.ac.cr/ | label = Universidad Juan Pablo II http://www.ujs.edu.cn/site1/ | label = Jiangsu University http://www.ujsierra.mx/ http://www.ujso.cl/ http://www.uk.ac.ir/ http://www.ukb.ed.ao/ | label = Universidade Katyavala Bwila http://www.ukc.ac.uk/ http://www.ukdw.ac.id/ http://www.ukf.sk/ http://www.ukh.ac/ http://www.uki.ac.id/ http://www.ukim.edu.mk/ http://www.ukings.ca/ | label = University of King's College http://www.ukings.ns.ca/ http://www.ukit-tomohon.org/ http://www.uklo.edu.mk/ http://www.ukm.my/ http://www.ukma.edu.ua/eng/ | label = National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy http://www.ukma.kiev.ua/ http://www.ukrfa.kharkov.ua/ http://www.ukrida.ac.id/ http://www.uksw.edu.pl/ http://www.uksw.edu/ http://www.uktech.ac.in/ http://www.uku.fi/ http://www.ukw.edu.pl/ | label = Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz http://www.uky.edu/ http://www.ukzn.ac.za/ http://www.ul.ac.za/ http://www.ul.edu.lb/ http://www.ul.ie/ http://www.ul.pt/ http://www.ula.edu.mx/ http://www.ula.ve/ http://www.ulaanbaatar.edu.mn/ http://www.ulab.edu.bd/ http://www.ulacit.ac.cr/ http://www.ulacit.ac.pa/ http://www.uladech.edu.pe/ http://www.ulagos.cl/ http://www.ulaicavr.com/ http://www.ulam.edu.ni/ http://www.ulangola.net/ http://www.ulapland.fi/ http://www.ulare.cl/ http://www.ulasalle.ac.cr/ http://www.ulat.ac.pa/ http://www.ulatina.ac.cr/ http://www.ulaval.ca/ http://www.ulaverne.edu/ http://www.ulb.ac.be/ http://www.ulbra.br/ http://www.ulbsibiu.ro/ http://www.ulbu.bi/ http://www.uleam.edu.ec/ http://www.uleones.com/ | label = Universidad Los Leones http://www.ulg.ac.be/ http://www.ulicori.ac.cr/ http://www.ulim.md/ http://www.ulima.edu.pe/ http://www.ulisboa.pt/ | label = University of Lisbon http://www.ulivingstonia.com/ http://www.ulk.ac.rw/ http://www.ull.es/ http://www.ulm.edu/ http://www.ulp.pt/en/ | label = Universidade Lusófona do Porto http://www.ulpgc.es/ http://www.uls-dc.org/ | label = University Legal Services http://www.uls.edu.pl/ | label = University of Lower Silesia http://www.ulsa.edu.mx/ http://www.ulsab.edu.mx/ http://www.ulsac.edu.mx/ http://www.ulsan.ac.kr/ http://www.ulshb.edu.ml/ | label = Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako http://www.ulsop.ac.uk/ http://www.ulspu.ru/ http://www.ulst.ac.uk/ http://www.ulster.ac.uk/ | label = University of Ulster http://www.ulstu.ru/ http://www.ulsu.ru/ http://www.ult.edu.cu/ | label = Universidad de Las Tunas http://www.ult.ens.tn/ http://www.uludag.edu.tr/ http://www.ulusiada.pt/ http://www.ulusofona.pt/ http://www.um.ac.id/ http://www.um.ac.ir/ http://www.um.edu.ar/ http://www.um.edu.my/ http://www.um.edu.uy/ http://www.um.es/ http://www.um.rnu.tn/ http://www.um.si/ http://www.um1ygn.edu.mm/ http://www.um2ygn.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medicine 2 Yangon http://www.um5a.ac.ma/ http://www.um5s.ac.ma/ http://www.uma.ac.in/ http://www.uma.ac.ir/ http://www.uma.co.ao/ http://www.uma.edu.py/ http://www.uma.edu.sv/ http://www.uma.es/ http://www.uma.pt/ http://www.uma.rnu.tn/ http://www.umac.mo/ http://www.umad.edu.mx/ http://www.umag.cl/ http://www.umaine.edu/ http://www.uman.edu.mx/ http://www.umanitoba.ca/ http://www.umanizales.edu.co/ http://www.umar.mx/ http://www.umariana.edu.co/ http://www.umaritima.cl/ http://www.umaryland.edu/ http://www.umass.edu/ http://www.umassd.edu/ http://www.umassmed.edu/ | label = University of Massachusetts Medical School http://www.umassp.edu/ http://www.umayor.cl/ http://www.umaza.edu.ar/ http://www.umb.edu.co/ http://www.umb.edu.pe/ http://www.umb.edu.pl/en/ | label = Medical University of Białystok http://www.umb.no/ http://www.umb.sk/ http://www.umbb.dz/ http://www.umbc.edu/ http://www.umbi.edu/ http://www.umc.br/ http://www.umc.edu.dz/ http://www.umc.edu/ http://www.umca.net/ http://www.umcc.cu/ http://www.umce.cl/ http://www.umces.edu/ | label = University of Maryland Center For Environmental Sciences http://www.umcollege.com/ http://www.umcs.lublin.pl/ http://www.umcs.pl/ | label = Maria Curie-Skłodowska University http://www.umd.edu/ http://www.umds.ac.jp/ http://www.umds.ac.uk/ http://www.ume.cl/ http://www.umed.lodz.pl/ http://www.umes.edu/ http://www.umf.maine.edu/ http://www.umf.ro/ | label = Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy http://www.umfcluj.ro/ http://www.umfcv.ro/ | label = University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova http://www.umfiasi.ro/ http://www.umfk.maine.edu/ http://www.umflint.edu/ http://www.umft.ro/ http://www.umftgm.ro/ http://www.umg.edu.gt/ http://www.umh.ac.be/ http://www.umh.es/ http://www.umhelena.edu/ http://www.umhs-sk.org/ | label = University of Medicine and Health Sciences http://www.umi-mdn.edu/ http://www.umi.ac.id/ http://www.umi.ac.ma/ | label = Universite Moulay Ismail De Meknes http://www.umi.edu.mx/ http://www.umi.edu.pk/ http://www.umich.mx/ http://www.umindanao.edu.ph/ http://www.uminho.pt/ http://www.umit.at/ http://www.umj.ac.id/ http://www.umk.ac.id/ http://www.umk.edu.my/ http://www.umk.pl/en/ | label = Nicolaus Copernicus University http://www.umkc.edu/ http://www.uml.edu/ http://www.umla.edu.mx/ http://www.umlub.pl/en/ | label = Medical University of Lublin http://www.umm.ac.id/ http://www.umm.edu.mx/ http://www.umm.maine.edu/ http://www.ummdy.com/ | label = University of Medicine Mandalay http://www.ummg.edu.mm/ http://www.ummg.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medicine Magway http://www.ummgl.ac.id/ http://www.ummto.dz/ http://www.umn.edu/ http://www.umne.edu.mx/ http://www.umng.edu.co/ http://www.umoar.edu.sv/ http://www.umoderna.pt/ http://www.umoncton.ca/ http://www.umontemorelos.edu.mx/ http://www.umontpellier.fr/en/ | label = University of Montpellier http://www.umontreal.ca/ http://www.ump.edu.my/ http://www.ump.ma/ | label = Mohamed I University http://www.ump.mx/ | label = Universidad Motolinía del Pedregal http://www.umpi.maine.edu/ http://www.umpqua.edu/ http://www.umr.edu/ http://www.ums-edu.com/?lng=english | label = University of Modern Sciences http://www.ums.ac.id/ http://www.ums.edu.my/ http://www.umsa.bo/ | label = Higher University of San Andrés http://www.umsa.edu.ar/ http://www.umsa.edu.mx/ http://www.umsa.poltava.ua/ | label = Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy http://www.umsanet.edu.bo/ http://www.umsha.ac.ir/ http://www.umsmed.edu/ http://www.umss.edu.bo/ http://www.umst-edu.com/ http://www.umst-edu.sd/ | label = University of Medical Sciences and Technology http://www.umsu.ac.id/ http://www.umsu.ac.ir/ http://www.umsystem.edu/ | label = University of Missouri System http://www.umt.edu.my/ http://www.umt.edu.pk/ http://www.umt.edu/ http://www.umtech.edu.my/ http://www.umtmandalay.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medical Technology Mandalay http://www.umtweb.edu/ | label = University of Management and Technology http://www.umty.gov.mm/ | label = University of Medical Technology Yangon http://www.umu.ac.ug/ http://www.umuc.edu/ http://www.umutarapolytech.ac.rw/ http://www.umwestern.edu/ | label = University of Montana Western http://www.umy.ac.id/ http://www.umyu.edu.ng/ http://www.umz.ac.ir/ http://www.un.edu.mx/ http://www.un.mx/ http://www.una.ac.cr/ http://www.una.an/ http://www.una.edu.ni/ http://www.una.edu.ve/ http://www.una.py/ http://www.unaab.edu.ng/ http://www.unab.cl/ http://www.unab.edu.co/ http://www.unab.edu.sv/ http://www.unac.edu.co/ http://www.unac.edu.pe/ http://www.unacar.mx/ http://www.unach.edu.ec/ http://www.unach.mx/ http://www.unachi.ac.pa/ http://www.unachile.cl/ http://www.unad.edu.co/ http://www.unad.edu.do/ http://www.unadeca.ac.cr/ http://www.unadp.ac.pa/ http://www.unaerp.br/ http://www.unah.edu.hn/ http://www.unai.edu/ http://www.unair.ac.id/ http://www.unak.is/ http://www.unal.edu.co/ http://www.unam.ac.cr/ http://www.unam.edu.ar/ http://www.unam.edu.na/ | label = University of Namibia http://www.unam.mx/ http://www.unam.na/ http://www.unama.br/ http://www.unan.edu.ni/ http://www.unand.ac.id/ http://www.unap.cl/ http://www.unap.edu.pe/ http://www.unapec.edu.do/ http://www.unapiquitos.edu.pe/ http://www.unaq.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro http://www.unarte.ro/ http://www.unas.ac.id/ http://www.unas.edu.pe/ http://www.unasa.edu.sv/ http://www.unasam.edu.pe/ http://www.unat.ens.tn/ http://www.unatc.ro/ http://www.unaula.edu.co/ http://www.unav.edu/ | label = University of Navarra http://www.unav.es/ http://www.unavarra.es/ http://www.unb.br/ http://www.unb.ca/ http://www.unbc.ca/ http://www.unbeg.edu.sd/ http://www.unbi.ba/ http://www.unbosque.edu.co/ http://www.unbsj.ca/ http://www.unc.edu.ar/ http://www.unc.edu.pe/ http://www.unc.edu.ph/ http://www.unc.edu/ http://www.unca.edu.ar/ http://www.uncc.edu/ http://www.uncen.ac.id/ http://www.uncfsu.edu/ http://www.uncg.edu/ http://www.uncisal.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas http://www.unco.edu/ http://www.uncoma.edu.ar/ http://www.uncp.edu.pe/ http://www.uncp.edu/ | label = University of North Carolina at Pembroke http://www.uncsa.edu/ | label = University of North Carolina School of the Arts http://www.uncu.edu.ar/ http://www.uncwil.edu/ http://www.und.nodak.edu/ http://www.undac.edu.pe/ http://www.undana.ac.id/ http://www.undh.org/ http://www.undip.ac.id/ http://www.une.edu.au/ http://www.une.edu.mx/ http://www.une.edu.pe/ http://www.une.edu.py/ http://www.une.edu.ve/ http://www.une.edu/ http://www.uneb.br/ http://www.uned.ac.cr/ http://www.uned.es/ http://www.unefa.edu.do/ http://www.unefa.edu.ve/ http://www.unefm.edu.ve/ http://www.unefs.ro/index.php?l=EN | label = National Academy of Physical Education and Sport http://www.uneg.edu.ve/ http://www.unej.ac.id/ http://www.unellez.edu.ve/ http://www.unem.edu/ http://www.unep.edu.ph/ http://www.uneph.edu.ht/ | label = Université Épiscopale d'Haiti http://www.uneph.org/ http://www.uner.edu.ar/ http://www.unerg.edu.ve/ http://www.unermb.edu.ve/ http://www.unes.edu.mx/ http://www.unesa.ac.id/ http://www.unesc.net/portal/ | label = Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense http://www.unesc.rct-sc.br/ http://www.unescnet.br/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de Cacoal http://www.unesco-ihe.org/ http://www.unesp.br/ http://www.unespar.edu.br/ | label = University of the State of Paraná http://www.unesr.edu.ve/ http://www.unesur.edu.ve/ http://www.unet.edu.ve/ http://www.unev-rd.edu.do/ http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/ | label = UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre http://www.unex.es/ http://www.unexpo.edu.ve/ http://www.unf.edu.ar/ http://www.unf.edu/ http://www.unfa.cl/ http://www.unfv.edu.pe/ http://www.ung.ac.id/ http://www.ung.br/ http://www.ung.edu/ http://www.ung.si/ http://www.unge.gq/ http://www.ungs.edu.ar/ http://www.unh.edu/ http://www.unhalu.ac.id/ http://www.unhamzah.ac.id/ http://www.unhas.ac.id/ http://www.unheval.edu.pe/ http://www.uni-agro.grodno.by/ http://www.uni-augsburg.de/ http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/ http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/ http://www.uni-bonn.de/ http://www.uni-bremen.de/ http://www.uni-dortmund.de/ http://www.uni-dubna.ru/ http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/ http://www.uni-duisburg-essen.de/ http://www.uni-erfurt.de/ http://www.uni-erlangen.de/ http://www.uni-flensburg.de/ http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/ http://www.uni-freiburg.de/ http://www.uni-giessen.de/ http://www.uni-goettingen.de/ http://www.uni-greifswald.de/ http://www.uni-halle.de/ http://www.uni-hamburg.de/ http://www.uni-hannover.de/ http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/ http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/ http://www.uni-jena.de/ http://www.uni-kassel.de/ http://www.uni-kiel.de/ http://www.uni-kl.de/ http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/ http://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/ http://www.uni-koeln.de/ http://www.uni-konstanz.de/ http://www.uni-leipzig.de/ http://www.uni-lj.si/ http://www.uni-luebeck.de/ | label = University of Lübeck http://www.uni-lueneburg.de/ http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/ http://www.uni-mainz.de/ http://www.uni-mannheim.de/ http://www.uni-marburg.de/ http://www.uni-med.net/en/ | label = Mediterranean Universities Union http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/ http://www.uni-muenchen.de/ http://www.uni-muenster.de/ http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/ http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/ http://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/ http://www.uni-paderborn.de/ http://www.uni-pannon.hu/ http://www.uni-passau.de/ http://www.uni-plovdiv.bg/ http://www.uni-polsdam.de/ http://www.uni-potsdam.de/ http://www.uni-pr.edu/ http://www.uni-prizren.com/ http://www.uni-regensburg.de/ http://www.uni-rostock.de/ http://www.uni-ruse.bg/en | label = Angel Kanchev University of Ruse http://www.uni-saarland.de/ http://www.uni-salzburg.at/index.php?id=52 | label = University of Salzburg http://www.uni-siegen.de/ http://www.uni-sofia.bg/ http://www.uni-speyer.de/en/university.php | label = German University of Administrative Sciences http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ http://www.uni-svishtov.bg/ http://www.uni-sz.bg/ http://www.uni-trier.de/ http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/ http://www.uni-ulm.de/ http://www.uni-vechta.de/ http://www.uni-vologda.ac.ru/ http://www.uni-vt.bg/ http://www.uni-weimar.de/ http://www.uni-wh.de/ http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/ http://www.uni-wuppertal.de/ http://www.uni.edu.ni/ http://www.uni.edu.pe/ http://www.uni.edu/ http://www.uni.li/ http://www.uni.lodz.pl/ http://www.uni.lu/ http://www.uni.opole.pl/ http://www.uni.pt/ http://www.uni.torun.pl/ http://www.uni.udm.ru/ http://www.uni.wroc.pl/ http://www.unia.ao/ http://www.unia.edu.pe/inicio/ | label = Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía http://www.unia.es/ | label = International University of Andalucía http://www.uniaam.uia.es/ http://www.uniabuja.edu.ng/ | label = University of Abuja http://www.uniacc.cl/ http://www.uniactiva.com/ http://www.uniag.sk/ http://www.uniamazonia.edu.co/ http://www.unian.it/ http://www.uniandes.edu.co/ http://www.uniangelopolis.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Angelópolis http://www.uniara.com.br/ http://www.uniara.uia.es/ http://www.uniararas.br/ | label = Centro Universitário Herminio Ometto de Araras http://www.uniarp.edu.br/home/ | label = University Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe http://www.uniarts.fi/en | label = University of the Arts Helsinki http://www.uniatlantico.edu.co/ http://www.unib.ac.id/ http://www.unib.br/ http://www.uniba.it/ http://www.uniba.sk/ http://www.unibague.edu.co/ | label = Universidad de Ibagué http://www.uniban.br/ http://www.uniband.org/ http://www.unibas.ch/ http://www.unibas.it/ http://www.unibda.net/ http://www.unibe.ac.cr/ http://www.unibe.ch/ http://www.unibe.edu.do/ http://www.uniben.edu/ http://www.unibg.it/ http://www.unibh.br/ | label = Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte http://www.unibl.org/ http://www.unibo.edu.ar/ http://www.unibo.it/ http://www.unibocconi.eu/ http://www.unibocconi.it/wps/wcm/connect/Bocconi/SitoPubblico_IT/Albero+di+navigazione/Home/ | label = Bocconi University http://www.unibosco.br/ http://www.uniboyaca.edu.co/ http://www.unibrasil.com.br/ http://www.unibs.it/ http://www.unibuc.ro/ http://www.unibuja.edu.ng/ http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/ http://www.unibw-muenchen.de/ http://www.unibw.de/ | label = Bundeswehr University Munich http://www.unibz.it/ http://www.unic.ac.cy/ http://www.unica-network.eu/ | label = Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe http://www.unica.cu/ http://www.unica.edu.do/ http://www.unica.edu.mx/ http://www.unica.edu.ni/ http://www.unica.edu.pe/ http://www.unica.edu.ve/ http://www.unica.it/ http://www.unicach.edu.mx/ http://www.unicaen.fr/ http://www.unicah.edu/ http://www.unical.edu.ng/ http://www.unical.it/ http://www.unicam.it/ http://www.unicamp.br/ http://www.unicampus.it/ http://www.unican.es/ http://www.unicap.br/ http://www.unicaribe.edu.do/ http://www.unicartagena.edu.co/ http://www.unicas.it/ http://www.unicastelo.br/ http://www.unicath.hr/eng | label = Catholic University of Croatia http://www.unicatt.it/ http://www.unicauca.edu.co/portaleningles/ | label = University of Cauca http://www.unice.fr/ http://www.unicen.edu.ar/ http://www.unicen.edu.bo/ http://www.unicesar.edu.co/ http://www.unich.it/ http://www.unicid.br/ http://www.unicid.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Cidade de São Paulo http://www.unicit.cl/ http://www.unicit.edu.ni/ http://www.unico.edu.sv/ http://www.unicordoba.edu.co/ http://www.unicorncollege.cz/en/ | label = Unicorn College http://www.unicruz.tche.br/ http://www.unicsul.br/ http://www.unict.it/ http://www.unicusano.it/en/ | label = University Niccolò Cusano http://www.unicv.edu.cv/ | label = University of Cape Verde http://www.unida.edu.py/ http://www.unidavi.rct-sc.br/ http://www.unideb.hu/ http://www.unidu.hr/ http://www.uniedpa.com/ http://www.uniel.edu.al/ http://www.uniese.it/ http://www.unifacs.br/ http://www.unifal-mg.edu.br/portal/ | label = Federal University of Alfenas http://www.unifap.br/ http://www.unife.edu.pe/ http://www.unife.it/ http://www.unifei.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Itajubá http://www.unifenas.br/ http://www.unifeso.edu.br/ http://www.unifesp.br/ | label = Federal University of Sao Paulo http://www.unifg.it/ http://www.unifi.it/ http://www.unifiji.ac.fj/ http://www.unifil.br/ | label = Centro Universitário Filadélfia http://www.unifor.br/ http://www.unifortunato.eu/ | label = Giustino Fortunato University http://www.unifr.ch/ http://www.unifran.br/ http://www.unifran.edu.br/ | label = Universidade de Franca http://www.unifranz.edu.bo/ http://www.unig.br/ http://www.unige.ch/ http://www.unige.it/ http://www.unigeorgia.eu/ | label = International Teaching University of Georgia http://www.unigoa.ac.in/ http://www.unigoro.ac.id/ http://www.unigranrio.br/ http://www.unigre.it/ http://www.unigre.urbe.it/ http://www.uniguajira.edu.co/ http://www.unihorizontes.br/fnh/ | label = Faculdade Novos Horizontes http://www.unii.ac.jp/e/ | label = University of Niigata Prefecture http://www.unijos.edu.ng/ http://www.unijui.tche.br/ http://www.unik-kediri.ac.id/ http://www.unik.no/ | label = University Graduate Center http://www.unika.ac.id/ http://www.unikal.ac.id/ http://www.unikin.cd/ http://www.unikino.mx/ http://www.unikis.ac.cd/ http://www.unikivu.com/ | label = University of Kivu http://www.unikl.edu.my/ http://www.unikom.ac.id/ http://www.unikore.it/ | label = Università degli Studi di Enna Kore http://www.unikuljis.edu.bo/ http://www.unil.ch/ http://www.unila.ac.id/ http://www.unilag.edu.ng/ http://www.unilak.ac.rw/ | label = University of Lay Adventists of Kigali http://www.unile.it/ http://www.unileoben.ac.at/ http://www.unileon.es/ http://www.unilib.neva.ru/ http://www.unilibre.edu.co/ http://www.unilim.fr/ http://www.unilink.it/ http://www.unillanos.edu.co/ http://www.unilorin.edu.ng/ http://www.unilu.ac.cd/ http://www.unilu.ch/ http://www.uniludes.ch/ http://www.unilurio.ac.mz/ http://www.unilus.ac.zm/ http://www.unima.ac.id/ http://www.unima.mw/ http://www.unimaas.nl/ http://www.unimagdalena.edu.co/ http://www.unimaid.edu.ng/ http://www.unimap.edu.my/ http://www.unimar.br/ http://www.unimas.my/ http://www.unimayab.edu.mx/ http://www.unimc.it/ http://www.unime.it/ http://www.unimed.ac.id/ http://www.unimelb.edu.au/ http://www.unimep.br/ http://www.unimercatorum.it/ | label = Mercatorum University http://www.unimes.com.br/ http://www.unimes.fr/en/index.html | label = University of Nîmes http://www.unimet.edu.ve/ http://www.unimetro.edu.co/ http://www.unimetro.edu.hn/ http://www.unimetroangola.com/ http://www.unimex.edu.mx/ http://www.unimi.it/ http://www.unimib.it/ http://www.unimkar.edu.ng/ http://www.unimol.it/ http://www.unimonte.br/ http://www.unimontes.br/ http://www.unimore.it/ | label = University of Modena and Reggio Emilia http://www.unimoron.edu.ar/ http://www.unina.it/ http://www.unina2.it/ http://www.uninav.it/ http://www.unincca.edu.co/ http://www.unincor.br/ | label = Universidade Vale do Rio Verde http://www.unine.ch/ http://www.uninettunouniversity.net/ | label = UniNettuno University http://www.uninorte.edu.co/ http://www.uninorte.edu.py/ http://www.uninova.sk/ http://www.uninove.br/Paginas/Home.aspx | label = Universidade Nove de Julho http://www.uninp.edu.rs/ http://www.uninsubria.eu/ | label = University of Insubria http://www.uninsubria.it/ http://www.unint.eu/it/ | label = Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma http://www.uninus.ac.id/ http://www.unioeste.br/ http://www.union.ac.uk/Home.aspx | label = Union Theological College http://www.union.edu/ http://www.unioncatholic.org/ | label = Union Catholic Regional High School http://www.unionky.edu/ | label = Union College http://www.unior.it/ | label = University of Naples - L'Orientale http://www.unios.hr/ http://www.uniosun.edu.ng/ http://www.uniovi.es/ http://www.unip-objetivo.br/ http://www.unipa.it/ http://www.unipacvaledoaco.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Única http://www.unipampa.edu.br/portal/ | label = Universidade Federal do Pampa http://www.unipamplona.edu.co/ http://www.unipar.br/ | label = Universidade Paranaense http://www.uniparthenope.it/ | label = Parthenope University of Naples http://www.unipavaresia.edu.al/ http://www.unipaz.edu.co/ http://www.unipd.it/ http://www.unipdu.ac.id/ http://www.unipe.br/ http://www.unipegaso.it/website/ | label = Pegaso University http://www.unipg.it/ http://www.unipi.gr/ http://www.unipi.it/ http://www.unipiloto.edu.co/ http://www.unipli.com.br/ http://www.unipmn.it/ | label = University of Eastern Piedmont Amadeo Avogadro http://www.unipo.sk/ http://www.uniport.edu.ng/ http://www.unipr.it/ http://www.unipu.hr/ http://www.unipune.ac.in/ | label = University of Pune http://www.unipune.ernet.in/ http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home.html | label = University of Pavia http://www.unipv.it/ http://www.uniq.edu/ http://www.uniquindio.edu.co/ http://www.unir.br/ http://www.unir.net/ | label = Universidad Internacional De La Rioja http://www.unira-pmk.net/ http://www.uniraj.ac.in/ | label = University of Rajasthan http://www.uniraj.org/ http://www.unirazak.edu.my/ http://www.unirc.it/ http://www.uniremhos.edu.do/ http://www.uniri.hr/ http://www.unirio.br/ http://www.unirioja.es/ http://www.unirn.edu.br/ | label = Centro Universitário do Rio Grande do Norte http://www.uniroma1.it/ http://www.uniroma2.it/ http://www.uniroma3.it/ http://www.uniroma4.it/ | label = Foro Italico University of Rome http://www.unirsm.sm/ http://www.unis.edu.gt/ http://www.unis.no/ | label = University Centre in Svalbard http://www.unis.sn/ http://www.unisa.ac.za/ http://www.unisa.br/ http://www.unisa.edu.au/ http://www.unisa.it/ http://www.unisabana.edu.co/ http://www.unisal.it/ http://www.unisannio.it/ http://www.unisanraffaele.gov.it/ | label = San Raffaele University of Rome http://www.unisantos.br/ | label = Universidade Católica de Santos http://www.unisantos.com.br/ http://www.unisba.ac.id/ http://www.unisbablitar.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Islam Balitar http://www.unisc.br/ http://www.unisel.edu.my/ http://www.unisey.ac.sc/ http://www.unisg.ch/ http://www.unisg.it/ http://www.unishabunia.org/ http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/ http://www.unishk.edu.al/ http://www.unisi.it/ http://www.unisilvaner.info/ http://www.unisimonbolivar.edu.co/ http://www.unisinos.br/ http://www.unisinucartagena.edu.co/ http://www.unisma.ac.id/ http://www.unismuh.ac.id/ http://www.uniso.edu.so/ | label = University of Somalia http://www.unisob.na.it/ http://www.unisol.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Sol http://www.unispital.ch/ http://www.unisr.it/ | label = Vita-Salute San Raffaele University http://www.unisri.ac.id/ http://www.uniss.it/ http://www.unissa.edu.bn/ http://www.unissula.ac.id/ http://www.unist.ac.kr/ http://www.unist.hr/ http://www.unistangerang.ac.id/ http://www.unistrapg.it/ http://www.unistrasi.it/ http://www.unisucre.edu.co/ http://www.unisul.br/ http://www.unisuz.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Unida de Suzano http://www.uniswa.sz/ http://www.unisza.edu.my/ http://www.unit.br/ http://www.unita.edu.ec/ http://www.unitar.edu.my/ http://www.unitau.br/ http://www.unitbv.ro/ http://www.unite.edu.mk/ http://www.unite.it/ http://www.unitec.ac.nz/ | label = Unitec Institute of Technology http://www.unitec.edu.ve/ http://www.unitec.edu/ http://www.unitec.mx/ http://www.unitech.ac.pg/ http://www.unitelmasapienza.it/ | label = Unitelma Sapienza University http://www.uniten.edu.my/ http://www.unitir.edu.al/ http://www.unitn.it/ http://www.unito.it/ http://www.unitomo.ac.id/ http://www.unitru.edu.pe/ http://www.units.it/ http://www.unitus.it/ http://www.uniube.br/ http://www.uniud.it/ http://www.uniuele.ac.cd/ | label = University of Uélé http://www.uniurb.it/ http://www.uniuyo.edu.ng/ http://www.univ-ab.pt/ http://www.univ-ag.fr/ http://www.univ-alger.dz/ http://www.univ-alger3.dz/ http://www.univ-amu.fr/ | label = Aix-Marseille University http://www.univ-angers.fr/ http://www.univ-annaba.dz/ http://www.univ-antananarivo.mg/ http://www.univ-antsiranana.mg/ http://www.univ-artois.fr/ http://www.univ-avignon.fr/ http://www.univ-bangui.net/ http://www.univ-batna.dz/ http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/ http://www.univ-biskra.dz/ http://www.univ-blida.dz/ http://www.univ-boumerdes.dz/ | label = University of Boumerdes http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/ http://www.univ-brest.fr/ http://www.univ-catholille.fr/index-UK.asp | label = Université Catholique de Lille http://www.univ-catholyon.fr/ http://www.univ-chlef.dz/ http://www.univ-cocody.ci/ http://www.univ-constantine2.dz/ | label = Université Constantine 2 http://www.univ-corse.fr/ http://www.univ-douala.com/ http://www.univ-dschang.org/ http://www.univ-emir.dz/ http://www.univ-evry.fr/ http://www.univ-fcomte.fr/ | label = University of Franche-Comté http://www.univ-fianar.mg/ http://www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ | label = Grenoble Alpes University http://www.univ-guelma.dz/ http://www.univ-guyane.fr/ | label = University of French Guiana http://www.univ-ibntofail.ac.ma/ http://www.univ-inpt.fr/ http://www.univ-jijel.dz/ http://www.univ-k.rnu.tn/ http://www.univ-kag.org/ http://www.univ-larochelle.fr/?lang=en | label = University of La Rochelle http://www.univ-lehavre.fr/ http://www.univ-lemans.fr/ http://www.univ-lille1.fr/ http://www.univ-lille2.fr/ http://www.univ-lille3.fr/ http://www.univ-littoral.fr/ http://www.univ-lome.tg/ http://www.univ-lorraine.fr/ http://www.univ-lr.fr/ http://www.univ-lyon1.fr/ http://www.univ-lyon2.fr/ http://www.univ-lyon3.fr/ http://www.univ-mahajanga.mg/ http://www.univ-metz.fr/ http://www.univ-mlv.fr/ http://www.univ-mngb.net/ http://www.univ-montp1.fr/ http://www.univ-montp2.fr/ http://www.univ-montp3.fr/ http://www.univ-mosta.dz/ http://www.univ-msila.dz/ http://www.univ-mulhouse.fr/ http://www.univ-na.edu.ci/ | label = Université Nangui Abrogoua http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/ http://www.univ-nantes.fr/ http://www.univ-nc.nc/ | label = University of New Caledonia http://www.univ-ndere.cm/ http://www.univ-ndjamena.org/ http://www.univ-nkc.mr/ http://www.univ-oeb.dz/ http://www.univ-oran.dz/ http://www.univ-oran1.dz/ | label = University of Oran http://www.univ-oran2.dz/ | label = Université d'Oran 2 http://www.univ-orleans.fr/ http://www.univ-ouaga.bf/ http://www.univ-ouargla.dz/ http://www.univ-oujda.ac.ma/ http://www.univ-ovidius.ro/ http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/sc/site.php?bc=accueil&np=accueil | label = Paris Diderot University http://www.univ-paris-est.fr/en | label = University of Paris-Est http://www.univ-paris1.fr/ http://www.univ-paris12.fr/ http://www.univ-paris13.fr/ http://www.univ-paris3.fr/ http://www.univ-paris5.fr/ http://www.univ-paris8.fr/ http://www.univ-pau.fr/ http://www.univ-perp.fr/ http://www.univ-poitiers.fr/ http://www.univ-reims.eu/ | label = University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne http://www.univ-reims.fr/ http://www.univ-rennes1.fr/ http://www.univ-rennes2.fr/ | label = University of Rennes 2 http://www.univ-reunion.fr/ http://www.univ-rouen.fr/ http://www.univ-saida.dz/ http://www.univ-sante.edu.kh/ http://www.univ-savoie.fr/ http://www.univ-sba.dz/ http://www.univ-setif.dz/ http://www.univ-skikda.dz/ http://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/ http://www.univ-tebessa.dz/ http://www.univ-thies.sn/ http://www.univ-tiaret.dz/ http://www.univ-tlemcen.dz/ http://www.univ-tln.fr/ http://www.univ-tlse1.fr/ http://www.univ-tlse2.fr/ http://www.univ-tlse3.fr/ | label = Paul Sabatier University http://www.univ-toamasina.mg/ http://www.univ-toliara.mg/ http://www.univ-toulouse.fr/ http://www.univ-tours.fr/ http://www.univ-ubs.fr/ http://www.univ-usto.dz/ http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/ http://www.univ-zig.sn/ http://www.univ.edu.dj/ http://www.univ.gda.pl/ http://www.univ.kiev.ua/ http://www.univ.rzeszow.pl/ http://www.univ.szczecin.pl/ http://www.univ.uzhgorod.ua/ http://www.univa.mx/ http://www.univagro-iasi.ro/ http://www.unival.edu.ni/ http://www.univale.br/ http://www.univale.com.br/unisite/ | label = Faculdades Integradas do Vale do Ivaí http://www.univali.br/english/Paginas/default.aspx | label = Universidade do Vale do Itajaí http://www.univali.rct-sc.br/ http://www.univalle.edu.co/ http://www.univalle.edu/ http://www.univap.br/ http://www.univaq.it/ http://www.univas.edu.mx/ http://www.univasf.edu.br/ http://www.univcasa.ma/ | label = University of Hassan II Casablanca http://www.univcb.ro/ http://www.univchapultepec.edu.mx/ http://www.univd.edu.ua/ http://www.unive.it/ http://www.univen.ac.za/ http://www.univer.kharkov.ua/ http://www.univer.omsk.su/ http://www.univermed-cdgm.ro/ http://www.universe-cluster.de/?L=0 | label = Excellence Cluster Universe http://www.universidad-monteavila.edu.ve/ http://www.universidad-policial.edu.ar/ http://www.universidad.edu.uy/ http://www.universidad.uninter.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Internacional http://www.universidadarcis.cl/ http://www.universidadatlantico.org/ http://www.universidadbrauliocarrillo.com/ http://www.universidadcatolica.edu.py/ | label = Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción http://www.universidadcentral.com/ http://www.universidaddeleon.edu.mx/ http://www.universidade-autonoma.pt/ http://www.universidadlaconcordia.edu.mx/ http://www.universidadmotolinia.edu.mx/ http://www.universidadnotarial.edu.ar/ http://www.universidadpedagogica.com/ http://www.universidadsalesiana.edu.mx/ http://www.universidadsanjosecr.com/ http://www.universidaduvm.mx/ | label = Universidad del Valle de México http://www.universitaeuropeadiroma.it/ | label = European University of Rome http://www.universitas-trilogi.ac.id/ http://www.universitateamaritima.ro/ http://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/fr | label = University of Paris-Saclay http://www.universite-say.com/ | label = Islamic University of Niger http://www.universite-yde2.org/ http://www.universitekongo.org/ http://www.universiteparisseine.fr/ | label = University of Paris-Seine http://www.university-bank.com/ | label = University Bank http://www.university.kg/ http://www.university.kherson.ua/ http://www.universitycanadawest.ca/ http://www.universitygi.com/ | label = University Gastroenterology http://www.universitylbk.com/ | label = Latvia Business College http://www.universityliberia.org/ http://www.universityofbohol.com/ http://www.universityofcalicut.info/ | label = University of Calicut http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ | label = University of California System http://www.universityofcebu.edu.ph/ http://www.universityofsomalia.net/ http://www.universityprep.org/ | label = University Prep http://www.universo.br/ http://www.universum-ks.org/ http://www.univet.hu/ http://www.univgb.rnu.tn/ http://www.univi.it/fsu.html | label = Università a Vicenza http://www.univie.ac.at/ http://www.univillarica.mx/ http://www.univlora.edu.al/ http://www.univman.edu.ph/ http://www.univmed.fr/ http://www.univnorthco.edu/ http://www.univo.edu.sv/ http://www.univpancasila.ac.id/ http://www.univpm.it/Entra/ | label = Marche Polytechnic University http://www.univr.it/ http://www.univsul.org/ http://www.uniwersytetradom.pl/ | label = Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom http://www.uniwest.ac.za/ http://www.uniwest.hu/index.php/458/?&L=4 | label = University of Sopron http://www.uniyar.ac.ru/ http://www.uniza.sk/ http://www.unizambeze.ac.mz/ http://www.unizar.es/ http://www.unizd.hr/ http://www.unizg.hr/ http://www.unizh.ch/ http://www.unizik.edu.ng/ http://www.unizulu.ac.za/ | label = University of Zululand http://www.unizwa.edu.om/ http://www.unj.ac.id/ http://www.unja.ac.id/ http://www.unjani.ac.id/ http://www.unjbg.edu.pe/ http://www.unjfsc.edu.pe/ http://www.unju.edu.ar/ http://www.unk.edu/ http://www.unkhair.ac.id/ http://www.unklab.ac.id/ http://www.unkorce.edu.al/ http://www.unkris.ac.id/ http://www.unl.ac.uk/ http://www.unl.edu.ar/ http://www.unl.edu.ec/ http://www.unl.edu/ http://www.unl.pt/ http://www.unla.edu.ar/ http://www.unla.edu.mx/ http://www.unlam.ac.id/ http://www.unlam.edu.ar/ http://www.unlar.edu.ar/ http://www.unlp.edu.ar/ http://www.unlpam.edu.ar/ http://www.unlu.edu.ar/ http://www.unlv.edu/ http://www.unlz.edu.ar/ http://www.unm.ac.id/ http://www.unm.edu/ http://www.unm.si/si/ | label = Univerzitetno Središče Novo mesto http://www.unmas.org/ http://www.unmb.ro/ http://www.unmer-madiun.ac.id/ http://www.unmer.ac.id/ http://www.unmo.ba/ http://www.unmsm.edu.pe/ http://www.unmuhjember.ac.id/ http://www.unmuhmataram.com/ http://www.unmul.ac.id/ http://www.unn.ac.ru/ http://www.unn.ac.uk/ http://www.unn.edu.ng/ http://www.unn.ru/eng/ | label = N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod http://www.unne.edu.ar/ http://www.unnes.ac.id/ http://www.unnet.es/ http://www.unnoba.edu.ar/ http://www.uno-r.edu.ph/ http://www.uno.edu/ http://www.uno.mx/ http://www.unoesc.edu.br/ http://www.unoeste.br/ http://www.unoh.edu/# | label = University of Northwestern Ohio http://www.unom.ac.in/ http://www.unomaha.edu/ http://www.unopar.br/ | label = Universidade Norte do Paraná http://www.unp.ac.id/ http://www.unp.br/ http://www.unp.edu.ar/ http://www.unp.edu.pe/ http://www.unp.edu.ph/ http://www.unpa.edu.ar/ http://www.unpa.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Papaloapan http://www.unpad.ac.id/ http://www.unpak.ac.id/ http://www.unpar.ac.id/ http://www.unpas.ac.id/ http://www.unpatti.ac.id/ http://www.unphu.edu.do/ http://www.unprg.edu.pe/ http://www.unq.edu.ar/ http://www.unr.ac.id/ http://www.unr.edu.ar/ http://www.unr.edu/ http://www.unram.ac.id/ http://www.unrc.edu.ar/ http://www.unri.ac.id/ http://www.uns.ac.id/ http://www.uns.ac.rs/ http://www.uns.edu.ar/ http://www.unsa.ba/ http://www.unsa.edu.ar/ http://www.unsa.edu.pe/ http://www.unsaac.edu.pe/ http://www.unsada.ac.id/ http://www.unsam.edu.ar/ http://www.unsch.edu.pe/ http://www.unse.edu.ar/ http://www.unsil.ac.id/ http://www.unsj.edu.ar/ http://www.unsl.edu.ar/ http://www.unslp.edu.bo/ http://www.unsm.edu.pe/ http://www.unsoed.ac.id/ http://www.unsrat.ac.id/ http://www.unsri.ac.id/ http://www.unssa.edu.sv/ http://www.unssa.rs.ba/ http://www.unsta.edu.ar/ http://www.unsw.edu.au/ http://www.unswagati-crb.ac.id/ http://www.unsxx.edu.bo/ http://www.unsyiah.ac.id/ http://www.unt.ba/v2/ | label = University of Travnik http://www.unt.edu.ar/ http://www.unt.edu/ http://www.untad.ac.id/ http://www.untag-banyuwangi.ac.id/ http://www.untag-jkt.org/ http://www.untag-sby.ac.id/ | label = Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya http://www.untag-smd.ac.id/ http://www.untag.ac.id/ http://www.untagcirebon.info/ http://www.untagsmg.ac.id/ http://www.untan.ac.id/ http://www.untar.ac.id/ http://www.untdallas.edu/ | label = University of North Texas at Dallas http://www.untecs.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur http://www.unthsc.edu/ | label = University of North Texas Health Science Center http://www.untirta.ac.id/ http://www.untl.edu.tl/ | label = National University of East Timor http://www.untref.edu.ar/ http://www.untumbes.edu.pe/ http://www.untz.ba/ http://www.unu.edu.pe/ http://www.unu.edu.sd/ http://www.unu.edu/ http://www.unud.ac.id/ http://www.unum.edu.mx/ http://www.unva.cz/ http://www.unva.edu/ | label = University of Northern Virginia http://www.unvi.edu.ba/ http://www.unw.edu.pk/ http://www.unwe.acad.bg/ http://www.unwe.bg/en | label = University of National and World Economy http://www.unwiku.ac.id/ http://www.uny.ac.id/ http://www.unyp.cz/ http://www.unyt.edu.al/ http://www.unza.zm/ http://www.unze.ba/ http://www.uo.edu.cu/ http://www.uoa.gr/ http://www.uoalmuthana.edu.iq/ http://www.uoanbar.edu.iq/ http://www.uob.edu.bh/ http://www.uob.edu.ly/ http://www.uob.edu.pk/ http://www.uob.ga/ http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/ http://www.uobaghdad.edu.iq/ http://www.uobasrah.edu.iq/ http://www.uoc.cw/ | label = University of Curaçao http://www.uoc.edu/ http://www.uoc.gr/ http://www.uod.ac/ http://www.uod.edu.do/ http://www.uoda.edu.bd/ http://www.uodiyala.edu.iq/ http://www.uoe.edu.pk/ http://www.uoeh-u.ac.jp/ http://www.uoeld.ac.ke/ http://www.uofa.edu/ | label = University of Atlanta http://www.uofallujah.edu.iq/en/ | label = University Of Fallujah http://www.uofd.edu.sd/ http://www.uofg.edu.sd/ http://www.uofk.edu/ http://www.uofnkona.edu/ | label = University of the Nations http://www.uofport.edu/ http://www.uog.ac.pg/ http://www.uog.edu.et/ http://www.uog.edu.gy/ http://www.uog.edu.pk/ http://www.uog.edu/ http://www.uogj.edu.al/ http://www.uoh.edu.pk/ | label = University of Haripur http://www.uoh.edu.sa/ http://www.uohyd.ac.in/ | label = University of Hyderabad http://www.uohyd.ernet.in/ http://www.uoi.gr/ http://www.uoit.ca/ http://www.uojazeera.com/ http://www.uok.ac.in/ http://www.uok.ac.ir/ http://www.uok.edu.pk/ http://www.uok.edu.sy/ http://www.uokerbala.edu.iq/ http://www.uokirkuk.edu.iq/ http://www.uoknor.edu/ http://www.uokufa.edu.iq/ http://www.uol.edu.pk/ http://www.uom.ac.mu/ http://www.uom.edu.mx/ http://www.uom.edu.pk/ http://www.uom.gr/ http://www.uom.mx/ | label = Universidad Obrera de Mexico http://www.uomisan.edu.iq/ http://www.uomosul.edu.iq/ http://www.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/ http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/ http://www.uop.edu.jo/ http://www.uop.edu/ http://www.uop.gr/ http://www.uopeople.edu/ http://www.uophx.edu/ http://www.uor.edu/ http://www.uor.org/ http://www.uoradea.ro/ http://www.uoregon.edu/ http://www.uos.ac.kr/ http://www.uos.edu.pk/ http://www.uosa.uar.net/ http://www.uot.edu.ly/ http://www.uotechnology.edu.iq/ http://www.uottawa.ca/ http://www.uou.ac.in/ http://www.uou.edu.ps/ http://www.uovs.ac.za/ http://www.uow.edu.au/ http://www.uowasit.edu.iq/ http://www.uowdubai.ac.ae/ http://www.uowm.gr/ http://www.uoz.ac.ir/ http://www.up.ac.pa/ http://www.up.ac.th/en/ | label = University of Phayao http://www.up.ac.za/ http://www.up.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Positivo http://www.up.edu.mx/es | label = Panamerican University http://www.up.edu.pe/ http://www.up.edu.ph/ | label = University of the Philippines System http://www.up.edu.ps/ http://www.up.edu/ http://www.up.krakow.pl/main/eng/ | label = Pedagogical University of Kraków http://www.up.lublin.pl/ | label = University of Life Sciences http://www.up.mx/ http://www.up.pt/ http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/ http://www.up.wroc.pl/en/ | label = Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences http://www.up45.ac.id/ http://www.upa.cl/ http://www.upa.ro/ http://www.upacifico.cl/ http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/ http://www.upaep.mx/ http://www.upal.edu/ http://www.upan.edu.sv/ http://www.upana.edu.gt/ http://www.upang.edu.ph/ http://www.upao.edu.pe/ http://www.upatras.gr/ http://www.upb.edu.co/ http://www.upb.edu.ph/ http://www.upb.edu/ http://www.upb.ro/en/ | label = Polytechnic University of Bucharest http://www.upc-rdc.cd/ http://www.upc.edu.pe/ http://www.upc.edu/ http://www.upce.cz/ http://www.upch.edu.pe/ http://www.upci.edu.pe/ http://www.upco.es/ http://www.upcomillas.es/en/ | label = Comillas Pontifical University http://www.upct.es/ http://www.upd.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedagógica de Durango http://www.upd.edu.ph/ http://www.upds.edu.bo/ http://www.upe.br/ http://www.upe.edu.py/ http://www.upeace.nl/index.php | label = University for Peace http://www.upeace.org/ http://www.upei.ca/ http://www.upel.edu.ve/ http://www.upem.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Privada del Estado de Morelos http://www.upemor.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politecnica del Estado de Morelos http://www.upenn.edu/ http://www.upes.edu.sv/ http://www.upesh.edu.pk/ | label = University of Peshawar http://www.upesh.edu/ http://www.upet.ro/ http://www.upeu.edu.pe/ http://www.upf.br/english/ | label = Universidade de Passo Fundo http://www.upf.com/ | label = University Press of Florida http://www.upf.es/ http://www.upf.pf/ http://www.upf.tche.br/ http://www.upg-ploiesti.ro/ http://www.upg.mx/ | label = Universidad Pedro de Gante http://www.uph.edu.pl/en/ | label = University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce http://www.uph.edu/ http://www.uphighschoolcebu.edu.ph/ http://www.uphr.edu.ph/ http://www.upi.edu/ http://www.upiig.ipn.mx/ http://www.upike.edu/ | label = University of Pikeville http://www.upis.br/ http://www.upit.ro/ http://www.upj.pitt.edu/ http://www.upjs.sk/ http://www.upla.edu.pe/ http://www.uplb.edu.ph/ http://www.uplifteducation.org/ | label = Uplift Education http://www.upm.ac.id/website/ | label = Universitas Panca Marga http://www.upm.edu.my/ http://www.upm.edu.ph/ http://www.upm.es/ http://www.upm.ro/ http://www.upmetropolitana.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo http://www.upmf-grenoble.fr/ http://www.upmin.edu.ph/ http://www.upn.mx/ http://www.upnfm.edu.hn/ http://www.upng.ac.pg/ http://www.upnjatim.ac.id/ http://www.upnorte.edu.pe/ http://www.upnyk.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta http://www.upo.es/ http://www.upol.cz/ http://www.upoli.edu.ni/ http://www.uponic.edu.ni/ http://www.uportu.pt/ http://www.upou.org/ http://www.uppervolga.ru/ | label = Upper Volga Institute http://www.uppuebla.edu.mx/joomla1/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Puebla http://www.upr.ac.id/ http://www.upr.clu.edu/ http://www.upr.edu.cu/ http://www.upr.edu/ http://www.upr.si/ http://www.upra.edu/ http://www.upra.org/ http://www.uprag.edu/ http://www.uprb.edu/ http://www.uprc.edu/ http://www.uprh.edu/ | label = University of Puerto Rico at Humacao http://www.uprit.edu.pe/web/ | label = Private University of Trujillo http://www.uprm.edu/ http://www.uprp.edu/ | label = University of Puerto Rico at Ponce http://www.uprrp.edu/ http://www.uprutuado.edu/ http://www.ups-tlse.fr/ http://www.ups.edu.ec/ http://www.ups.edu/ http://www.ups.urbe.it/ http://www.upsa.edu.bo/ http://www.upsa.edu.gh/ | label = University of Professional Studies http://www.upsa.es/ http://www.upsb.edu.pe/ http://www.upsem.edu/ | label = Union Presbyterian Seminary http://www.upsi.edu.my/ http://www.upsjb.edu.pe/ http://www.upstate.edu/ | label = SUNY Upstate Medical University http://www.upstegal.ac.id/ http://www.upt.al/ http://www.upt.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo http://www.upt.edu.pe/ http://www.upt.pitt.edu/ http://www.upt.ro/ | label = Polytechnic University of Timişoara http://www.uptc.edu.co/ http://www.uptu.ac.in/ http://www.upv.edu.ph/ http://www.upv.es/ http://www.uq.edu.au/ http://www.uqac.ca/ http://www.uqam.ca/ http://www.uqar.ca/ | label = Université du Québec à Rimouski http://www.uqar.uquebec.ca/ http://www.uqat.ca/ | label = Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue http://www.uqat.uquebec.ca/ http://www.uqo.ca/ http://www.uqroo.mx/ http://www.uqtr.ca/ | label = Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières http://www.uqtr.uquebec.ca/ http://www.uqu.edu.sa/ http://www.uquebec.ca/ http://www.ur.ac.rw/ | label = University of Rwanda http://www.ur.edu.pl/en | label = Rzeszów University http://www.ur.mx/ http://www.uraccan.edu.ni/ http://www.urawa-h.spec.ed.jp/?page_id=402 | label = Saitama Prefectural Urawa High School http://www.urawaichijo-h.spec.ed.jp/ | label = Saitama Prefectural Urawa first Girls' High School http://www.urbancollege.edu/ http://www.urbaniana.edu/ http://www.urbe.edu/ http://www.urc.ac.ru/ http://www.urc.edu.ph/ http://www.urca.br/ http://www.urcamp.tche.br/ http://www.urdu.uz/ | label = Urgench State University http://www.uregina.ca/ http://www.urep.ru/ | label = Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law http://www.urfji.ru/ | label = Ural Institute of Finance and Law http://www.urgau.ru/ | label = Ural State Agrarian University http://www.uri.br/ http://www.uri.edu/ http://www.urich.edu/ http://www.urjc.es/ http://www.url.edu.gt/ http://www.url.edu/en | label = Ramon Llull University http://www.url.es/ http://www.urmh.edu.mx/ http://www.urmia.ac.ir/ http://www.urosario.edu.co/ http://www.urp.edu.pe/ http://www.urse.edu.mx/ http://www.ursinus.edu/ http://www.ursuline.edu/ | label = Ursuline College http://www.ursulinedallas.org/ | label = Ursuline Academy of Dallas http://www.uru.ac.th/ | label = Uttaradit Rajabhat University http://www.uru.edu/ http://www.urural.edu.gt/ http://www.urv.cat/en_index.html | label = Rovira i Virgili University http://www.urv.es/ http://www.us.edu.pl/ http://www.us.es/ http://www.usa.edu.ph/ http://www.usa.edu.pk/ http://www.usaaa.ru/ http://www.usab-tm.ro/ http://www.usab.ro/ http://www.usac.edu.gt/ http://www.usac.edu.mx/ http://www.usaca.edu.co/ http://www.usach.cl/ http://www.usafa.af.mil/ http://www.usafa.edu/ http://www.usaim.edu/ http://www.usak.edu.tr/ http://www.usal.es/ http://www.usalesiana.edu.bo/ http://www.usam.ac.cr/ http://www.usam.edu.sv/ http://www.usam.md/ http://www.usamvcluj.ro/ http://www.usanandres.cl/ http://www.usanpedro.edu.pe/ http://www.usart.ru/ http://www.usask.ca/ http://www.usat.edu.pe/ http://www.usat.ms/ http://www.usb.ac.ir/ http://www.usb.edu.co/ http://www.usb.edu.mx/ http://www.usb.md/ http://www.usb.ve/ http://www.usbbog.edu.co/ | label = Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota http://www.usbmed.edu.co/ http://www.usc.ac.ir/ http://www.usc.br/ http://www.usc.clu.edu/ http://www.usc.edu.au/ http://www.usc.edu.cn/ http://www.usc.edu.ph/ http://www.usc.edu.tt/ http://www.usc.edu/ http://www.usc.es/ http://www.usca.edu/ http://www.usca.sc.edu/ http://www.uscb.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Beaufort http://www.uscga.edu/ http://www.usciences.edu/ | label = University of the Sciences http://www.uscny.edu/ | label = Utica School of Commerce http://www.uscon.ru/ http://www.uscs.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul http://www.uscsumter.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Sumter http://www.uscupstate.edu/ | label = University of South Carolina Upstate http://www.usd.ac.id/ http://www.usd.edu/ http://www.usd207.org/ | label = Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207 http://www.usek.edu.lb/ http://www.usenghor-francophonie.org/ http://www.usep.edu.ph/ http://www.userena.cl/ http://www.usergioarboleda.edu.co/ http://www.usf.br/ http://www.usf.com.mx/ http://www.usf.edu.br/ | label = Universidade São Francisco http://www.usf.edu/ http://www.usfca.edu/ http://www.usfea.ru/ http://www.usfq.edu.ec/ http://www.usfsp.edu/home/ | label = University of South Florida St. Petersburg http://www.usfx.edu.bo/ http://www.usfx.info/ http://www.usg.edu/ | label = University System of Georgia http://www.ush.sd/ http://www.usherb.ca/ http://www.usherbrooke.ca/ | label = Université de Sherbrooke http://www.usi.ac.id/ http://www.usi.ch/ http://www.usi.edu/ http://www.usim.edu.my/ | label = Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia http://www.usin.edu.sv/ http://www.usindh.edu.pk/ http://www.usiouxfalls.edu/ | label = University of Sioux Falls http://www.usiu.ac.ke/ http://www.usiu.edu/ http://www.usj.edu.lb/ http://www.usj.edu.mo/ http://www.usj.edu/ | label = University of Saint Joseph http://www.usjc.uwaterloo.ca/ http://www.usjpb.edu.ml/ | label = Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako http://www.usjr.edu.ph/ http://www.uskudar.edu.tr/ http://www.usl.edu/ http://www.usla.ru/ http://www.usls.edu/ http://www.usm.ac.id/ http://www.usm.cl/ | label = Federico Santa María Technical University http://www.usm.edu.ec/ http://www.usm.edu.ph/ http://www.usm.edu.ve/web/ | label = Universidad Santa María http://www.usm.edu/ http://www.usm.md/ http://www.usm.my/ http://www.usma.ac.pa/ http://www.usma.edu/ http://www.usma.ru/ | label = Ural State Medical University http://www.usmba.ac.ma/ http://www.usmd.edu/ | label = University System of Maryland http://www.usmf.md/ http://www.usmga.ru/ http://www.usmk12.org/page | label = University School of Milwaukee http://www.usmma.edu/ http://www.usmp.edu.pe/ http://www.usms.ac.ma/ | label = Université Sultan Moulay Slimane http://www.usmtu.edu.ua/ http://www.usna.edu/ http://www.usnh.edu/ | label = University System of New Hampshire http://www.usoms.poznan.pl/ http://www.uson.mx/ http://www.usonsonate.edu.sv/ http://www.usouixfalls.edu/ http://www.usouthal.edu/ http://www.usp.ac.fj/ http://www.usp.ac.jp/ http://www.usp.br/ http://www.usp.edu.pe/ http://www.usp.ph/ http://www.uspceu.com/es/home.php | label = CEU San Pablo University http://www.usps.edu.hn/ http://www.uspsantapaula.com/ http://www.usq.edu.au/ http://www.uss.cl/ http://www.uss.edu.pe/ http://www.uss.rnu.tn/ http://www.usst.edu.cn/ http://www.ust.ac.kr/ http://www.ust.cl/ http://www.ust.edu.ng/ http://www.ust.edu.ph/ http://www.ust.edu.sd/ http://www.ust.edu/ http://www.ust.hk/ http://www.ust.md/ http://www.usta.edu.co/ http://www.ustanne.ednet.ns.ca/ http://www.ustb.edu.cn/ http://www.ustb.edu.pk/ http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/ http://www.ustc.ac.bd/ http://www.ustc.edu.cn/ http://www.usthb.dz/ http://www.ustl.edu.cn/ | label = University of Science and Technology Liaoning http://www.ustm.ac.in/ | label = University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya http://www.ustm.mr/ | label = Université des Sciences, de Technologie et de Médecine http://www.ustmb.ac.ir/ http://www.ustpaul.ca/ http://www.usts.edu.cn/ | label = Suzhou University of Science and Technology http://www.usttb.edu.ml/index.php/ | label = Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako http://www.ustu.ru/ http://www.usu.ac.id/ http://www.usu.br/ http://www.usu.ru/ http://www.usudbury.com/ http://www.usue.ru/ http://www.usuft.kiev.ua/ http://www.usuhs.mil/ http://www.usurcolombia.com/ http://www.usv.ro/ http://www.uswr.ac.ir/ http://www.ut-capitole.fr/ | label = Toulouse 1 Capitole University http://www.ut.ac.id/ http://www.ut.ac.ir/ http://www.ut.edu.co/ http://www.ut.edu.sa/ http://www.ut.edu/ http://www.ut.ee/ http://www.ut.pr/ http://www.uta.cl/ http://www.uta.edu.ec/ http://www.uta.edu/ http://www.uta.fi/ http://www.utad-petel-edu.org/ http://www.utad.pt/ http://www.utadeo.edu.co/ http://www.utah.edu/ http://www.utalca.cl/ http://www.utampa.edu/ http://www.utanga.co.ao/ http://www.utar.edu.my/ http://www.utas.edu.au/ http://www.utb.cz/ http://www.utb.edu.ec/ http://www.utb.edu/ http://www.utbm.fr/ http://www.utc.edu.ec/ http://www.utc.edu/ http://www.utc.fr/ http://www.utcb.ro/ http://www.utcc.ac.th/ http://www.utch.edu.co/ http://www.utcluj.ro/ http://www.utdt.edu/ http://www.ute.edu.do/ http://www.ute.edu.ec/ http://www.utea.edu.pe/ http://www.utec.edu.pe/ | label = Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología http://www.utec.edu.sv/ http://www.utech.edu.jm/ http://www.utehy.edu.vn/ | label = Hung Yen University of Technology and Education http://www.utelvt.edu.ec/ http://www.utem.cl/ http://www.utem.edu.my/ http://www.utenos-kolegija.lt/index.php?-971268994 | label = Utena University of Applied Sciences http://www.utep.edu/ http://www.uteq.edu.ec/ http://www.utesa.edu/ http://www.utesur.edu.do/ http://www.utexas.edu/ http://www.utfpr.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Technology – Paraná http://www.utfsm.cl/ http://www.utg.edu.gm/ http://www.utgjiu.ro/ http://www.uth.gr/ http://www.uth.hn/ http://www.uth.tmc.edu/ http://www.uthm.edu.my/ http://www.uthscsa.edu/ http://www.uti.edu/ | label = Universal Technical Institute http://www.utibet.edu.cn/ http://www.utica.edu/ http://www.utk.edu/ http://www.utkaluniv.org/ http://www.utkaluniversity.ac.in/ | label = Utkal University http://www.utl.pt/ http://www.utla.edu.sv/ http://www.utm.ac.id/ http://www.utm.ac.in/ | label = University of Technology and Management http://www.utm.ac.mu/ http://www.utm.edu.ec/ http://www.utm.edu/ http://www.utm.md/ http://www.utm.mx/ http://www.utm.my/ http://www.utm.rnu.tn/ http://www.utm.ro/ http://www.utmachala.edu.ec/ http://www.utmb.edu/ http://www.utmi.com/ | label = Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute http://www.utn.edu.ar/ http://www.utn.edu.ec/ http://www.utn.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl http://www.utneza.edu.mx/ http://www.uto.edu.bo/ http://www.utoledo.edu/ http://www.utp.ac.id/ http://www.utp.ac.pa/ http://www.utp.bg/en/ | label = University of Telecommunications and Post http://www.utp.edu.co/ http://www.utp.edu.my/ http://www.utp.edu.pe/ http://www.utp.edu.pl/ http://www.utpb.edu/ | label = The University of Texas of the Permian Basin http://www.utpl.edu.ec/ http://www.utpp.edu.kh/ http://www.utrgv.edu/ http://www.uts.edu.au/ http://www.uts.edu.mx/Principal/index.php | label = Universidad Tecnológica del Sur de Sonora http://www.utsa.edu/ http://www.utsam.edu.ec/ http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/ http://www.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/ http://www.utsystem.edu/ http://www.utt.edu.tt/ http://www.utt.fr/ http://www.utt.ro/ http://www.uttc.edu/ | label = United Tribes Technical College http://www.uttyler.edu/ http://www.utu.fi/ http://www.utulsa.edu/ http://www.utunis.rnu.tn/ http://www.utupakkatari.edu.bo/ | label = Universidad Indígena Boliviana Aymara Tupak Katari http://www.utur.ac.cr/ http://www.utwente.nl/ http://www.uu.ac.kr/ http://www.uu.edu/ http://www.uu.nl/ http://www.uuc.edu.et/ http://www.uum.edu.my/ http://www.uut.ac.ir/ http://www.uv.cl/ http://www.uv.edu.ph/ http://www.uv.es/ http://www.uv.mx/ http://www.uva.br/ http://www.uva.es/ http://www.uva.fi/en/ | label = University of Vaasa http://www.uvanet.br/ http://www.uvas.edu.pk/ http://www.uvauga.ru/ http://www.uvb.edu.mx/ http://www.uveritas.ac.cr/ http://www.uvg.edu.gt/ http://www.uvg1.net/ http://www.uvh.nl/ http://www.uvi.edu/ http://www.uvic-ucc.cat/en | label = University of Vic http://www.uvic.ca/ http://www.uvic.es/ http://www.uvigo.es/ http://www.uvipro.cl/ http://www.uvm.cl/ http://www.uvm.edu.ve/ http://www.uvm.sk/ http://www.uvmnet.edu/ http://www.uvs.edu/ http://www.uvsc.edu/ http://www.uvsq.fr/ http://www.uvsyezin.edu.mm/ | label = University of Veterinary Science http://www.uvt.edu.mx/ http://www.uvt.rnu.tn/ http://www.uvt.ro/ http://www.uvu.edu.cn/ http://www.uvu.edu/ | label = Utah Valley University http://www.uvvg.ro/ http://www.uw.edu.pk/ http://www.uw.edu.pl/ http://www.uw.is/ | label = University Centre of the Westfjords http://www.uwa.edu.au/ http://www.uwa.edu/ | label = University of West Alabama http://www.uwasa.fi/ http://www.uwaterloo.ca/ http://www.uwb.edu.pl/index.php | label = University of Białystok http://www.uwc.ac.za/ http://www.uwc.edu/ http://www.uwcad.it/ | label = United World College of the Adriatic http://www.uwcm.ac.uk/ http://www.uwe.ac.uk/ http://www.uwec.edu/ http://www.uwed.uz/ http://www.uwest.edu/site/ | label = University of the West http://www.uwex.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin–Extension http://www.uwf.edu/ http://www.uwgb.edu/ http://www.uwi.edu/ | label = University of the West Indies System http://www.uwi.tt/ http://www.uwic.ac.uk/ http://www.uwichill.edu.bb/ http://www.uwiener.edu.pe/ http://www.uwimona.edu.jm/ http://www.uwindsor.ca/ http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/ http://www.uwl.ac.uk/ | label = University of West London http://www.uwlax.edu/ http://www.uwm.edu.pl/ http://www.uwm.edu/ http://www.uwosh.edu/ http://www.uwp.edu/ http://www.uwplatt.edu/ http://www.uwrf.edu/ http://www.uws.ac.uk/home/ | label = University of the West of Scotland http://www.uws.edu.au/ http://www.uws.edu/ | label = University of Western States http://www.uwsa.edu/ http://www.uwstout.edu/ http://www.uwsuper.edu/ http://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/ | label = University of Wales, Trinity Saint David http://www.uwu.ac.lk/ http://www.uww.edu/ http://www.uwyo.edu/ http://www.uxac.edu.mx/ http://www.uy1.uninet.cm/ http://www.uyrgii.ru/ | label = South-Ural States Institute of Arts the name of P.I. Tchaikovsky http://www.uz.ac.zw/ http://www.uz.rnu.tn/ http://www.uz.zgora.pl/index.php?en | label = University of Zielona Góra http://www.uzh.ch/ http://www.uzimauniversity.ac.ke/ http://www.uznu.net/ | label = Uzhhorod National University http://www.uzswlu.uz/ http://www.uzulu.ac.za/ http://www.uzz.edu.cn/ | label = Zaozhuang University http://www.uzzm.pl/ | label = Uczelnia Zawodowa Zagłębia Miedziowego w Lubinie http://www.vacadsci.org/ | label = Virginia Academy of Science http://www.vachkova941.cz/ | label = Základní Škola Vachkova http://www.vaiu.ru/ | label = Air Force Academy named after Professor NE Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin http://www.valahia.ro/ http://www.valdosta.edu/ http://www.valdosta.peachnet.edu/ http://www.valenciacollege.edu/ http://www.valleycollege.edu/ http://www.valpo.edu/ http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/ http://www.vandercook.edu/ | label = VanderCook College of Music http://www.vaneduc.edu.ar/ http://www.vanguard.edu/ | label = Vanguard University http://www.vanguardcollege.com/ | label = Vanguard College http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/ | label = Vanier College http://www.vanleer.org.il/ | label = Van Leer Jerusalem Institute http://www.vanlodenstein.nl/ | label = Van Lodenstein College http://www.vassar.edu/ http://www.vast.ac.vn/en/ | label = Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology http://www.vatterott.edu/quincy.asp | label = Vatterott College http://www.vbc.edu/ | label = Virginia Baptist College http://www.vbspu.ac.in/ | label = Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University http://www.vbu.co.in/ http://www.vcc.ca/ http://www.vcc.edu/ http://www.vcccd.edu/ | label = Ventura County Community College District http://www.vccs.edu/ http://www.vcom.edu/ | label = Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine http://www.vcsu.edu/ | label = Valley City State University http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/ http://www.vcu.edu/ | label = Virginia Commonwealth University http://www.vdu.edu.ua/ http://www.vdu.lt/ http://www.vecrome.org/ | label = Venerable English College http://www.velammaltrust.com/ | label = Velammal Educational Trust http://www.velegs-nikolatesla.hr/vele/index.php | label = Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću http://www.veleknin.hr/ | label = Polytechnic Marko Marulic http://www.veleri.hr/ | label = Polytechnic of Rijeka http://www.velezcollege.com/ | label = Velez College http://www.velsuniv.ac.in/ | label = Vels University http://www.veltechuniv.edu.in/ | label = Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University http://www.venturacollege.edu/ http://www.vepi.ru/ | label = Institute of Economics and Law http://www.ver.ucc.mx/ http://www.veritas.edu.ng/ http://www.vermontfolklifecenter.org/ | label = Vermont Folklife Center http://www.vermontlaw.edu/ | label = Vermont Law School http://www.vernoncollege.edu/ http://www.versailles.archi.fr/index.php?action=en | label = National School of Architecture of Versailles http://www.vesalius.edu/ http://www.vet-alfort.fr/ http://www.vet-lyon.fr/ http://www.vet-nantes.fr/ http://www.vetagro-sup.fr/en/ | label = VetAgro Sup http://www.veths.no/ http://www.vetmed.vt.edu/ | label = Virginia–Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/ | label = University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna http://www.vetuniver.lviv.ua/ | label = Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies http://www.vevey-eps.ch/ | label = Etablissement Primaire et Secondaire Vevey http://www.vevu.hr/ | label = Polytechnic Lavoslav Ružička Vukovar http://www.vfmac.edu/ http://www.vfrta.ru/ http://www.vfu.bg/ http://www.vfu.cz/ http://www.vgafk.ru/ http://www.vgasa.ru/ http://www.vgcc.edu/ http://www.vgifk.ru/ | label = Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture http://www.vgik.info/ | label = Russian State University of Cinematography named after SA Gerasimov http://www.vgmu.vitebsk.by/ http://www.vgs-bled.si/index.php/en | label = Higher Vocational College for Hospitality and Tourism Bled http://www.vgta.vrn.ru/ http://www.vgtu.lt/ http://www.vgu.edu.vn/ http://www.vguk.hr/ | label = College of Agriculture at Križevci http://www.vhcc.edu/ http://www.vhluniversity.com/vhl-studies.aspx | label = Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences http://www.viaa.nl/english | label = Reformed University of Applied Sciences http://www.vib33.ru/ | label = Vladimir Institute of Business http://www.vic.edu/ http://www.victoria-uni.ch/ http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ | label = Victoria University of Wellington http://www.victoriacollege.edu/ http://www.vid.no/en/ | label = VID Specialized University http://www.vidyasagar.ac.in/ http://www.viesm.vrn.ru/ | label = Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management http://www.viesp.ru/ | label = Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law http://www.vieup.ru/ http://www.vignanuniversity.org/ http://www.vikramuniv.net/ | label = Vikram University http://www.vikramuniversity.org/ http://www.villa.edu/ | label = Villa Maria College http://www.villanova.edu/ http://www.villanueva.edu/ http://www.vimaru.edu.vn/ http://www.vimsar.ac.in/ | label = Veer Surendra Sai Medical College and Hospital http://www.vinayakamissions.com/ http://www.vinci.be/fr-be/Ecam/Pages/L%27institut.aspx | label = ECAM Institut Supérieur Industriel http://www.vinci.be/fr-be/Pages/Accueil.aspx | label = Haute École Léonard de Vinci http://www.virginia.edu/ http://www.virginiawestern.edu/ | label = Virginia Western Community College http://www.vision.edu/web/viuwp/ | label = Vision International University http://www.visioneyeinstitute.com.au/ | label = Vision Eye Institute http://www.vistec.ac.th/Home/ | label = Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology http://www.vistula.edu.pl/eng | label = Vistula University http://www.visva-bharati.ac.in/ http://www.visvabharati.ac.in/ | label = Visva-Bharati University http://www.vit.ac.in/ http://www.viterbo.edu/ | label = Viterbo University http://www.viti.edu.ua/index.php | label = Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization http://www.viu-online.ru/ | label = Vladikavkaz Institute of Management http://www.viu.edu.pa/ http://www.viu.es/ | label = Valencian International University http://www.viu.ru/ | label = Higher Institute of Management http://www.vjc.edu/ http://www.vkgu.kz/ http://www.vkhk.ee/ineng/ | label = Võru County Vocational Training Centre http://www.vkk.lt/en/ | label = Vilnius Cooperative College http://www.vksu-ara.org/ http://www.vlekho.be/ http://www.vlerick.be/ http://www.vlerick.com/en | label = Vlerick Business School http://www.vlgafc.ru/ | label = Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports http://www.vlir.be/content.aspx?lang=EN | label = Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad http://www.vlsu.ru/ http://www.vmi.edu/ http://www.vmou.ac.in/ http://www.vmuf.edu.ph/ http://www.vnam.edu.vn/ | label = Viet Nam National Academy of Music http://www.vnies.edu.vn/ | label = The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences http://www.vniiftri.ru/index.php/en/ | label = All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements http://www.vniiofi.com/ | label = All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements http://www.vniitransmash.ru/ | label = Institute of Transport Engineering http://www.vnit.ac.in/html_vnit/ | label = Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology http://www.vnitnagpur.ac.in/ http://www.vnmkv.ac.in/ | label = Marathwada Agricultural University http://www.vnmu.vn.ua/ http://www.vnu.edu.vn/ http://www.vnua.edu.vn/ | label = Vietnam National University of Agriculture http://www.vnuhcm.edu.vn/ http://www.voenmeh.ru/ http://www.vojenskaskola.cz/en/isms/Pages/default.aspx | label = University of Defence http://www.volgau.com/ | label = Volgograd State Agricultural University http://www.volny.edu/ | label = Pskov Volny Institute http://www.volstate.edu/ http://www.volsu.ru/ http://www.volta-alessandria.it/ | label = Istituto Tecnico Industriale Alessandro Volta http://www.vorstu.ac.ru/ http://www.vos-kh.cz/ | label = Vyšší Odborná Škola Střední Průmyslová Škola http://www.vosis.cz/ | label = Vyšší Odborná Škola Informačních Služeb http://www.vpa.ac.lk/ http://www.vpsmb.net/index.php/Introduction | label = Vocational College of Traffic and Transport http://www.vpsz.hr/ | label = Zagreb School of Business http://www.vpu.lt/ http://www.vrtu-vvkure.com/ | label = Vilnius Higher Command School of Radioelectronics Air Defense http://www.vru.ac.ir/ http://www.vs-nm.si/en/home/ | label = Higher Education Centre Novo Mesto http://www.vsap.cz/ | label = Vysoká Skola Aplikovaného Práva http://www.vsaps.cz/ | label = College of Applied Psychology http://www.vsau.ru/ http://www.vsavm.com/ http://www.vsb.cz/ http://www.vsc.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Vermont State Colleges http://www.vscht.cz/ http://www.vsci.cz/ http://www.vse.cz/ http://www.vsei.ru/ | label = Vjatka Social Economics Institute http://www.vsemvs.sk/en/ | label = School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava http://www.vsfs.cz/ | label = University of Finance and Administration http://www.vsgaki.burnet.ru/ http://www.vsgt-mb.si/ | label = Višja Strokovna Šola za Gostinstvo in Turizem Maribor http://www.vsgtu.eastsib.ru/ http://www.vske.cz/ | label = Karel Englis College http://www.vskv.cz/ | label = College of Karlovy Vary http://www.vslib.cz/ http://www.vsm.sk/ http://www.vsma.info/ http://www.vsmaburdenko.ru/english/about-vsma/ | label = Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko http://www.vsmti.hr/en.html | label = College for Management in Tourism and Informatics in Virovitica http://www.vsmu.sk/ http://www.vso.cz/ | label = University of Business in Prague http://www.vsp.cz/ http://www.vspi.si/index_e.asp | label = College of Industrial Engineering http://www.vspp.cz/ | label = College of Information Management and Business Administration http://www.vspu.ac.ru/ http://www.vspu.kirov.ru/ http://www.vspu.ru/ http://www.vsrr.info/en | label = College of Regional Development http://www.vss.hr/main.php?kategorija=16 | label = College of Occupational Safety and Health http://www.vssladkovicovo.sk/ http://www.vsss.cz/ | label = Vysoká Škola Sociálně Správní http://www.vssut.ac.in/ http://www.vssvalzbety.sk/ http://www.vstecb.cz/en/Institute-1308.html | label = Institute of Technology and Business http://www.vstu.ru/ http://www.vstu.vinnica.ua/ http://www.vstu.vitebsk.by/ http://www.vsu.by/ http://www.vsu.edu/ http://www.vsu.ru/ http://www.vsuet.ru/ | label = Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies http://www.vsvu.sk/ http://www.vt.edu/ http://www.vtc.edu/ http://www.vtc.vsc.edu/ http://www.vtdko.lt/en/ | label = Vilnius College of Technologies and Design http://www.vtu.ac.in/ http://www.vtu.bg/en/index.php | label = Todor Kableshkov University of Transport http://www.vu-wien.ac.at/ http://www.vu.ac.th/ http://www.vu.edu.au/ http://www.vu.edu.pk/ http://www.vu.lt/ http://www.vu.nl/ http://www.vub.ac.be/ http://www.vucaarhus.dk/ | label = VUC Aarhus http://www.vui.fsin.su/ | label = Vladimir Law Institute http://www.vuka.hr/index.php?id=veleuciliste_u_karlovcu | label = Karlovac University of Applied Sciences http://www.vul.edu/ | label = Virginia University of Lynchburg http://www.vumk.eu/ http://www.vumlekarensky.cz/ | label = Výzkumný Ústav Mlékárenský http://www.vup.hr/ | label = Polytecnic in Požega http://www.vus.hr/ | label = Polytechnics of Šibenik http://www.vusb.hr/en/ | label = College of Slavonski Brod http://www.vut.ac.za/ http://www.vutbr.cz/ http://www.vuu.edu/ | label = Virginia Union University http://www.vuw.ac.nz/ http://www.vuz-chursin.ru/ | label = Stavropol Institute of VD Chursina http://www.vuz.sk/ | label = Welding Research Institute - Industrial Institute SR http://www.vuzf.bg/?Template=VUZF&LanguageID=2 | label = University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship http://www.vvc.edu/ http://www.vvg.hr/ | label = Veleučilište Velika Gorica http://www.vvia.org/ | label = Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy http://www.vvsu.ru/ http://www.vvu.edu.gh/ http://www.vwc.edu/ http://www.vzsce.si/en/ | label = College of Nursing in Celje http://www.w.iibm.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Business Management Patna http://www.wabash.edu/ http://www.wac-physicians.org/ | label = West African College of Physicians http://www.waco.tstc.edu/ http://www.wadecollege.edu/ | label = Wade College http://www.wageningenuniversity.nl/ http://www.wageningenur.nl/en.htm | label = Wageningen University & Research http://www.wahmedicalcollege.edu.pk/ http://www.waiariki.ac.nz/ | label = Waiariki Institute of Technology http://www.waikato.ac.nz/ http://www.waikatotainui.ac.nz/ | label = Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development http://www.wakayama-edc.big-u.jp/ | label = Wakayama Prefectural Educational Center http://www.wakayama-med.ac.jp/ http://www.wakayama-nct.ac.jp/english_version/e-index.html | label = National College of Technology, Wakayama College http://www.wakayama-sb.wakayama-c.ed.jp/ | label = Wakayama Prefecture Wakayama School for the Blind http://www.wakayama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.wakefield.ac.uk/ | label = Wakefield College http://www.wakehealth.edu/ http://www.waketech.edu/ http://www.wakf.org/ http://www.wakhok.ac.jp/ http://www.wako.ac.jp/ http://www.waldenu.edu/ http://www.waldorf.edu/ | label = Waldorf College http://www.wales.ac.uk/ http://www.wallace.edu/ http://www.wallacestate.edu/ http://www.wallawalla.edu/ http://www.walnuthillcollege.edu/ | label = The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College http://www.walsh.edu/ | label = Walsh University http://www.walshcollege.edu/ http://www.warnborough.edu/ http://www.warnerpacific.edu/ | label = Warner Pacific College http://www.warren-wilson.edu/ http://www.warren.edu/ http://www.warrencountyschools.org/ | label = Warren County Public Schools http://www.warsawacademy.com/ | label = Warsaw Academy of Computer Science, Management and Administration http://www.wartburg.edu/ http://www.wartburgseminary.edu/ | label = Wartburg Theological Seminary http://www.warwick.ac.uk/ http://www.waseda.ac.jp/ http://www.waseda.jp/WABIOS/ | label = Waseda Bioscience Research Institute in Singapore http://www.waseda.jp/top/en | label = Waseda University http://www.washburn.edu/ | label = Washburn University http://www.washcoll.edu/ http://www.washglass.com/ | label = Washington Glass School http://www.washinstitute.org/ | label = Water Sanitation and Hygiene Institute http://www.washjeff.edu/ http://www.wat.edu.pl/ | label = Military University of Technology in Warsaw http://www.watc.edu/ http://www.waterbury.k12.ct.us/11/Home | label = Bunker Hill Elementary School http://www.waterford.org/ | label = Waterford Institute http://www.watertowncsd.org/ | label = Watertown City School District http://www.watkins.edu/ | label = Watkins College of Art Design and Film http://www.waubonsee.edu/ http://www.wayne.edu/ http://www.wayne.uakron.edu/ http://www.waynecc.edu/ http://www.waynesburg.edu/ | label = Waynesburg University http://www.wayo.ac.jp/ http://www.wb-fernstudium.de/ | label = Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule http://www.wbcoll.edu/ | label = Williams Baptist College http://www.wbhealth.gov.in/burdwan_medical_college.asp | label = Burdwan Medical College & Hospital http://www.wbsubregistration.org/ | label = West Bengal State University http://www.wbu.edu/ http://www.wbuafs.nic.in/ http://www.wbuafscl.ac.in/frmHome.aspx | label = West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences http://www.wbuhs.ac.in/ | label = West Bengal University of Health Sciences http://www.wbut.ac.in/ | label = West Bengal University of Technology http://www.wbut.net/ http://www.wc.edu/ http://www.wcc.vccs.edu/ http://www.wccc.me.edu/ http://www.wcccd.edu/ http://www.wccnet.edu/ http://www.wccs.edu/ http://www.wcjc.edu/ http://www.wcslc.edu/ http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/ http://www.wcsu.edu/ http://www.wctc.edu/ http://www.wcu.edu/ http://www.wcums.edu.cn/ http://www.wcupa.edu/ http://www.wdsdjxy.com/ http://www.wdu.ac.kr/main.do | label = Wonkwang Digital University http://www.wdu.edu.cn/ | label = Wuhan Donghu University http://www.wdu.edu.ng/ http://www.webb.edu/ | label = Webb Institute http://www.weber.edu/ http://www.webster.ac.at/ http://www.webster.ac.th/ http://www.webster.ch/ http://www.webster.edu/ http://www.websteruniv.edu/ http://www.weinobstklosterneuburg.at/ | label = Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wein- und Obstbau http://www.weippelibrary.org/ | label = Weippe Public Library http://www.weizmann.ac.il/ http://www.welingkar.org/Home/home_flash.asp | label = Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research http://www.wellesley.edu/ http://www.wells.edu/ http://www.wellspringuniversity.edu.ng/ http://www.wenk.be/ http://www.wes-sup.fr/ | label = Wesford http://www.wesley.edu/ http://www.wesley.hu/english | label = Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola http://www.wesleyan.edu.ph/ http://www.wesleyan.edu/ http://www.wesleyancollege.edu/ | label = Wesleyan College http://www.west-cheshire.ac.uk/ | label = West Cheshire College http://www.westal.edu/ http://www.westcoastuniversity-edu.com/ http://www.westcoastuniversity.bz/ http://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/ | label = West College Scotland http://www.western.edu.kh/ http://www.western.edu/ http://www.westernsem.edu/ | label = Western Theological Seminary http://www.westerntc.edu/ http://www.westernu.edu/ | label = Western University of Health Sciences http://www.westfield.ma.edu/ | label = Westfield State University http://www.westfield.mass.edu/ http://www.westga.edu/ http://www.westgatech.edu/ http://www.westhill.edu.mx/ http://www.westhillscollege.com/ http://www.westkentucky.kctcs.edu/ http://www.westliberty.edu/ http://www.westminster-mo.edu/ http://www.westminster.ac.uk/ http://www.westminster.edu.my/ http://www.westminster.edu/ http://www.westmont.edu/ http://www.weston.ac.uk/ | label = Weston College http://www.westshore.edu/ http://www.westsuffolkcollege.ac.uk/ | label = West Suffolk College http://www.westtexas.tstc.edu/ http://www.westvalley.edu/ http://www.westwood.edu/ | label = Westwood College http://www.wetcc.edu/ http://www.wfisd.net/ | label = Wichita Falls Independent School District http://www.wfkjxy.com.cn/ | label = Weifang University of Science and Technology http://www.wfletc.org/ | label = Western Forensic Law Enforcement Training Center http://www.wfmc.edu.cn/ | label = Weifang Medical University http://www.wfu.edu.cn/ | label = Weifang University http://www.wfu.edu/ http://www.wgalil.ac.il/ http://www.wgst.ac.kr/wgst/ | label = Westminster Graduate School of Theology http://www.wgu.edu/ http://www.whapu.edu.cn/ http://www.whatcom.ctc.edu/ http://www.whcsc.edu.cn/s/93/main.htm | label = Wuhan Business University http://www.wheaton.edu/ http://www.wheatonma.edu/ http://www.wheelock.edu/ | label = Wheelock College http://www.whiteville.k12.nc.us/ | label = Whiteville City Schools http://www.whittier.edu/ http://www.whitworth.edu/ http://www.whpu.edu.cn/EN/ | label = Wuhan Polytechnic University http://www.whsw.net/ | label = Wuhan Institute of Bioengineering http://www.whtcc.edu.cn/ | label = Wuhan Technical College of Communications http://www.whtu.edu.cn/ http://www.whu-koblenz.de/ http://www.whu.edu.cn/ http://www.whut.edu.cn/ http://www.whyky.com/ | label = Wuhan Applied Science and Technology School http://www.wi.edu/ | label = Wright Institute http://www.wichita.edu/ http://www.widener.edu/ http://www.widyagama.ac.id/ http://www.widyakarya.ac.id/ http://www.widyatama.ac.id/ http://www.wifiwien.at/ | label = Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut http://www.wigstoncollege.org/ | label = Wigston College http://www.wii.gov.in/ | label = Wildlife Institute of India http://www.wijayakusumasby.ac.id/ http://www.wilberforce.edu/ http://www.wileyc.edu/ | label = Wiley College http://www.wilkes.edu/ http://www.wilkescc.edu/ http://www.willamette.edu/ http://www.williamgilbert.co.uk/ http://www.williamjames.edu/ | label = William James College http://www.williams.edu/ http://www.willistonstate.edu/ http://www.wilmington.edu/ http://www.wilson.edu/ | label = Wilson College http://www.wilsoncc.edu/ http://www.wiltech.edu/ http://www.wiltshire.ac.uk/ | label = Wiltshire College http://www.wima.ac.id/ http://www.wimbledon.ac.uk/ http://www.win.tue.nl/ipa/ | label = Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics http://www.winchester.ac.uk/pages/home.aspx | label = University of Winchester http://www.windesheim.nl/ http://www.windesheimflevoland.nl/ | label = Windesheim Flevoland http://www.windesheiminternational.nl/ | label = Windesheim University of Applied Sciences http://www.windsor.edu/ http://www.wingate.edu/ | label = Wingate University http://www.winona.msus.edu/ http://www.winthrop.edu/ http://www.wiregrass.edu/ http://www.wisc.edu/ http://www.wisconsinacademy.org/ | label = Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters http://www.wise.edu.jo/ http://www.wisnuwardhana.ac.id/ http://www.wit.edu.cn/english/ | label = Wuhan Institute of Technology http://www.wit.edu.pl/en/ | label = Warsaw School of Information Technology http://www.wit.edu/ http://www.wit.ie/ http://www.witc.edu/ http://www.witcc.edu/ http://www.wittenberg.edu/ http://www.wittenborg.eu/ http://www.wiu.edu.sy/ http://www.wiu.edu/ http://www.wiut.uz/ http://www.wjc.edu/ http://www.wju.edu/ | label = Wheeling Jesuit University http://www.wjyxyfy.net/ | label = Chinese People's Armed Police Force Medical College Affiliated Hospital http://www.wkau.kz/ http://www.wku.ac.kr/ | label = Wonkwang University http://www.wku.edu.et/ http://www.wku.edu/ http://www.wlac.edu/ http://www.wlc.edu/ http://www.wlodkowic.pl/ http://www.wlsc.wvnet.edu/ http://www.wlu.ca/ http://www.wlu.edu/ http://www.wlv.ac.uk/ http://www.wm.edu/ http://www.wma.edu/ http://www.wmc.edu.pk/ | label = Women Medical College http://www.wmc.edu/ http://www.wmcarey.edu/ | label = William Carey University http://www.wmcc.edu/ http://www.wmi.edu/ | label = World Medicine Institute http://www.wmitchell.edu/ http://www.wmpenn.edu/ http://www.wmsu.edu.ph/ http://www.wmwoods.edu/ http://www.wnc.ac.uk/ | label = Vision West Nottinghamshire College http://www.wnc.edu/ | label = Western Nevada College http://www.wncc.edu/ http://www.wncc.net/ | label = Western Nebraska Community College http://www.wnec.edu/ http://www.wnmu.edu/ http://www.wnyschools.net/district/default.asp | label = West New York School District http://www.wofford.edu/ http://www.wolvcoll.ac.uk/ | label = City of Wolverhampton College http://www.woninstitute.edu/ | label = Won Institute of Graduate Studies http://www.wonkwang.ac.kr/ http://www.woodbury.edu/ http://www.woodburyu.edu/ http://www.woodlawnschool.net/ | label = Woodlawn School http://www.wooster.edu/ http://www.woosuk.ac.kr/ http://www.worc.ac.uk/ http://www.worcester.ac.uk/ | label = University of Worcester http://www.worcester.edu/ | label = Worcester State University http://www.worwic.edu/ http://www.wosc.edu/ http://www.wou.edu.my/ http://www.wou.edu/ | label = Western Oregon University http://www.wp.missouristate.edu/ http://www.wpcc.edu/ http://www.wpi.ac.at/ | label = Wolfgang Pauli Institute http://www.wpi.edu/ http://www.wpsbc.org/ | label = Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children http://www.wpu.edu.sy/ http://www.wpunj.edu/ http://www.writtle.ac.uk/ | label = Writtle College http://www.ws.edu.pl/eng/ | label = Holy Cross University http://www.ws.edu/ http://www.wsa.bielsko.pl/ | label = School of Administration in Bielsko-Biala http://www.wsb-nlu.edu.pl/ http://www.wsb.gorzow.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim http://www.wsb.pl/english/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu http://www.wsb.poznan.pl/ http://www.wsbio.waw.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa i Securities Services w Warszawie http://www.wsc.colorado.edu/ http://www.wsc.mass.edu/ http://www.wsc.zjut.edu.cn/zjuten/index.jsp | label = Zhejiang University of Technology http://www.wscc.edu/ http://www.wsd.wa.gov/ | label = Washington School for the Deaf http://www.wse.edu.pl/pl/english | label = Bialystok School of Economics http://www.wsei.lublin.pl/en/ | label = University of Economics and Innovation http://www.wsf.wroc.pl/ | label = Academy of Physiotherapy in Wrocław http://www.wsfiz.edu.pl/ http://www.wsh-leszno.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna http://www.wsh.edu.pl/ http://www.wshig.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Hotelarstwa i Gastronomii http://www.wship.edu.pl/ http://www.wsinf.edu.pl/ http://www.wsisiz.edu.pl/ http://www.wsiz.rzeszow.pl/ http://www.wskiz.edu/ | label = College of Communications and Management in Poznan http://www.wsm.gdynia.pl/ http://www.wsm.opole.pl/pl/ | label = Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole http://www.wsm.szczecin.pl/ http://www.wsms.edu.pl/ http://www.wsns.lublin.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z Siedzibą w Lublinie http://www.wsosp.pl/index.php/en/ | label = Polish Air Force Academy http://www.wsp.bydgoszcz.pl/ http://www.wsp.czest.pl/ http://www.wsp.krakow.pl/ http://www.wsp.slupsk.pl/ http://www.wsp.zgora.pl/ http://www.wspim.edu.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Marketingu w Chrzanowie http://www.wspiz.edu.pl/ http://www.wspol.edu.pl/e/ | label = Police Academy in Szczytno http://www.wsps.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Planowania Strategicznego http://www.wsps.waw.pl/ http://www.wsptwpwaw.edu.pl/ http://www.wssu.edu/ | label = Winston-Salem State University http://www.wsu.ac.kr/ http://www.wsu.ac.za/ http://www.wsu.edu.et/ http://www.wsu.edu/ http://www.wsub.waw.pl/ http://www.wsz-pou.edu.pl/ http://www.wsz.pl/ http://www.wszib.krakow.pl/ http://www.wszim.edu.pl/ http://www.wszkipz.pl/index2.php | label = Academy of Cosmetics and Health Care in Warsaw http://www.wszop.edu.pl/ | label = University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice http://www.wszs.tuchola.pl/nowa/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Środowiskiem w Tucholi http://www.wtamu.edu/ http://www.wtbu.edu.cn/Engcjgs | label = Wuhan Technology and Business University http://www.wtc.edu/ http://www.wts.edu/ http://www.wtu.edu.cn/en/ | label = Wuhan Textile University http://www.wtusm.edu.cn/ http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/ http://www.wu.ac.at/en/ | label = Vienna University of Economics and Business http://www.wu.ac.th/ http://www.wu.edu.az/ http://www.wu.edu.et/ http://www.wua.ac.zw/ http://www.wuacc.edu/ http://www.wub.edu/ http://www.wuhee.edu.cn/ http://www.wum.edu.pl/english/ | label = Medical University of Warsaw http://www.wuni.edu.et/ http://www.wust.edu.cn/default.html | label = Wuhan University of Science and Technology http://www.wustoportal.edu.ng/ http://www.wuyiu.edu.cn/index.html | label = Wuyi University http://www.wvc.edu/ http://www.wvncc.edu/ http://www.wvsom.edu/ | label = West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine http://www.wvstateu.edu/ | label = West Virginia State University http://www.wvup.edu/ | label = West Virginia University at Parkersburg http://www.wvup.wvnet.edu/ http://www.wvutech.edu/ | label = West Virginia University Institute of Technology http://www.wwc.edu/ http://www.wwcc.wy.edu/ http://www.wwsse.pl/ | label = Wielkopolska Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Ekonomiczna http://www.wwszip.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości http://www.wwu.de/ http://www.wwu.edu/ http://www.wxic.edu.cn/ | label = Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce http://www.wxit.edu.cn/ | label = Wuxi Institute of Technology http://www.wxuli.edu.cn/ http://www.wyb.ac.lk/ http://www.wyu.edu.cn/ http://www.wzmu.net/ http://www.wzu.edu.cn/ http://www.wzvcst.edu.cn/ | label = Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology http://www.wzvtc.cn/ | label = Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College http://www.xacom.edu.cn/ | label = Xi'an Conservatory of Music http://www.xafa.edu.cn/ http://www.xahu.edu.cn/ http://www.xaiu.edu.cn/ | label = Xi’an International University http://www.xamk.fi/en/frontpage/ | label = South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences http://www.xasyu.cn/english/sy-English.htm | label = Xi'an Siyuan University http://www.xatu.cn/ | label = Xi'an Technological University http://www.xauat.edu.cn/ http://www.xaufe.edu.cn/English/survey.html | label = Xi'an University of Finance and Economics http://www.xaut.edu.cn/ http://www.xaverian.ac.uk/ | label = Xaverian College http://www.xbmu.edu.cn/frontIndex.action?siteId=1 | label = Northwest University for Nationalities http://www.xcelloninstitute.com/ | label = Xcellon School of Business http://www.xcu.edu.cn/ | label = Xuchang University http://www.xhcom.edu.cn/ http://www.xhtu.com.cn/ | label = Xi'an High Tech University http://www.xhu.edu.cn/ http://www.xidian.edu.cn/ http://www.xihangzh.com/ | label = Xi'an Aeronautical University http://www.xijing.edu.cn/en/ | label = Xijing University http://www.xiju.edu.cn/ http://www.xisu.edu.cn/ http://www.xjau.edu.cn/ http://www.xjie.edu.cn/ | label = Xinjiang Institute of Engineering http://www.xjmu.edu.cn/ | label = Xinjiang Medical University http://www.xjnu.edu.cn/ http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/ http://www.xjtu.edu.cn/ http://www.xju.edu.cn/ http://www.xjufe.edu.cn/ http://www.xlri.ac.in/ | label = Xavier School of Management http://www.xmu.edu.cn/ http://www.xmu.edu.my/ | label = Xiamen University Malaysia http://www.xtnu.edu.cn/ http://www.xtu.edu.cn/ http://www.xu.edu.ph/ http://www.xub.edu.in/ | label = Xavier University http://www.xula.edu/ http://www.xxmu.edu.cn/english/ | label = Xinxiang Medical University http://www.xxu.edu.cn/ | label = Xinxiang University http://www.xyac.edu.cn/english/ | label = Xinyang College of Agriculture and Forestry http://www.xyc.edu.cn/ | label = Xinyu University http://www.xysfxy.cn/ | label = Xianyang Normal University http://www.xytc.edu.cn/ | label = Xinyang Normal University http://www.xza.cn/ http://www.xzit.edu.cn/ | label = Xuzhou Institute of Technology http://www.xzmy.edu.cn/ http://www.xznu.edu.cn/ http://www.y-gakugei.ac.jp/info/ | label = Yamaguchi Gakugei University http://www.yabatech.edu.ng/ http://www.yacambu.edu.ve/ http://www.yachay.gob.ec/yachay-area-academica/ | label = Universidad Yachay Tech http://www.yachts.ac.jp/ | label = Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences http://www.yai.ac.id/ http://www.yale-nus.edu.sg/ http://www.yalova.edu.tr/ http://www.yama.sut.ac.jp/ http://www.yamabuki-hs.metro.tokyo.jp/site/tei/ | label = Shinjuku Yamabuki High School http://www.yamagata-c.ed.jp/ | label = Yamagata Prefectural Education Institute http://www.yamagata-u.ac.jp/ http://www.yamaguchi-jc.ac.jp/ | label = Yamaguchi Junior College http://www.yamaguchi-pu.ac.jp/ http://www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.yamamura-tandai.ac.jp/ | label = Yamamura Gakuen College http://www.yamanashi-med.ac.jp/ http://www.yamanashi.ac.jp/ http://www.yamano.ac.jp/introduction/intro_e.html | label = Yamano College of Aesthetics http://www.yamato-u.ac.jp/index_e.html | label = Yamato University http://www.yamawaki-gakuen.ac.jp/ | label = Yamawaki Gakuen Junior College http://www.yangtzeu.edu.cn/ http://www.yaragrovuz.ru/ | label = Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy http://www.yarsi.ac.id/ http://www.yasar.edu.tr/ http://www.yasuda-u.ac.jp/ http://www.yau.edu.cn/ http://www.yazduni.ac.ir/ http://www.ybu.edu.cn/ http://www.ybu.edu.tr/ http://www.ybust.edu.cn/ http://www.yc.edu/ http://www.yccc.edu/ http://www.ychuo-h.ed.jp/ | label = Yonezawa Chuo Senior High School http://www.ycit.cn/ | label = Yancheng Institute of Technology http://www.ycmou.com/ http://www.ycp.edu/ http://www.ycs.wednet.edu/ | label = Yelm Community Schools http://www.yctc.edu.cn/ | label = Yancheng Teachers University http://www.yctei.cn/ | label = Yancheng Vocational Institute of Industry Technology http://www.yds.edu.vn/ http://www.yeditepe.edu.tr/ http://www.yellowstonechristian.edu/ | label = Yellowstone Christian College http://www.yeniyuzyil.edu.tr/ http://www.yeovil.ac.uk/ | label = Yeovil College http://www.yeshiva.edu/ | label = Yeshiva of Greater Washington http://www.yesprep.org/ | label = YES Prep Public Schools http://www.yeungnam.ac.kr/ http://www.yewon.ac.kr/ http://www.yg.kobe-wu.ac.jp/jc/index.html | label = Kobe Women's Junior College http://www.yg.kobe-wu.ac.jp/wu/ | label = Kobe Women's University http://www.ygu.ac.jp/ http://www.yibinu.cn/web/index.aspx | label = Yibin University http://www.yic.ac.jp/rh/english/ | label = Vocational School YIC Rehabilitation College http://www.yic.edu.sa/ http://www.yildiz.edu.tr/ http://www.yit.ac.kr/ | label = Yeoju University http://www.yizhuan.com/ http://www.yju-edu.org/index.php | label = Yemeni Jordanian University http://www.yku.edu.cn/ | label = Yingkou Institute of Technology http://www.yma.ac.ru/ http://www.ynau.edu.cn/ http://www.ynftc.cn/ | label = Yunnan Forestry Vocational and Technical College http://www.ynjcy.com/index.asp | label = Yunnan Building Materials Research & Design Institute http://www.ynmec.com/ | label = Yunnan Vocational College of Mechanical and Electrical Technology http://www.ynni.edu.cn/ | label = Yunnan Nationalities University http://www.ynnu.edu.cn/ http://www.ynou.cn/ | label = Yunnan Open University http://www.yntcs.ac.kr/ | label = Youngnam Theological University and Seminary http://www.ynu.ac.jp/ http://www.ynu.edu.cn/ http://www.ynutcm.edu.cn/ | label = Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine http://www.yoec.edu/ | label = Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary http://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/ | label = Yogi Vemana University http://www.yokkaichi-u.ac.jp/ http://www.yokohama-art.ac.jp/i18n/en/ | label = Yokohama College of Art and Design http://www.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/ http://www.yokohamahiranuma-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/index.html | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Yokohama Hiranuma High School http://www.yonago-k.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Yonago College http://www.yone.ac.jp/ | label = Yonezawa Women's Junior College http://www.yonezawa-th.ed.jp/ | label = Yonezawa Technical High School http://www.yonezawakojokan-h.ed.jp/ | label = Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa Kojokan High School http://www.yongin.ac.kr/ http://www.yonok.ac.th/ http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/ http://www.york.ac.uk/ http://www.yorksj.ac.uk/ | label = York St John University http://www.yorktech.edu/ http://www.yorku.ca/ http://www.yosu.ac.kr/ http://www.youngsan.ac.kr/ http://www.ypat-salekhard.ru/ | label = Yamal Polar Agro-Economic College http://www.ypi.edu.cn/ | label = Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute http://www.ypu.edu.sy/ http://www.yrcti.edu.cn/ | label = Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute http://www.ysmu.am/ http://www.ysparmaruniversity.org/ http://www.yspu.yar.ru/ http://www.ystu.ru/ | label = Yaroslavl State Technical University http://www.ystu.yar.ru/ http://www.ysu.ac.kr/ http://www.ysu.am/ http://www.ysu.edu.cn/ http://www.ysu.edu/ http://www.ysu.ru/ http://www.ysvi.kai.ed.jp/ | label = Yamanashi Prefectural School for the Visually Impaired http://www.ysxts.com/ | label = Beijing Nonferrous Metals and Rare Earth Applications Institute http://www.ytcdenver.org/ | label = Yeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudic Seminary http://www.ytet.edu.cn/ http://www.yti.edu.sa/ http://www.yti.edu/ http://www.ytnc.edu.cn/ http://www.ytqcvc.cn/ | label = Yantai Automobile Engineering Professional College http://www.ytu.edu.cn/ http://www.yu.ac.ir/ http://www.yu.ac.kr/en/main/index.php | label = Yeungnam University http://www.yu.edu.jo/ http://www.yu.edu/ http://www.yuai.ac.jp/ | label = Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy http://www.yuc.edu.sa/ http://www.yuge.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Yuge College http://www.yuhan.ac.kr/en/enterInfo/ei1001.jsp | label = Yuhan University http://www.yukioka-u.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Yukioka Medical University http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/ http://www.yuksekihtisasuniversitesi.edu.tr/ http://www.yuma.org/ | label = Yuma Elementary School District http://www.yums.ac.ir/ http://www.yuniv.net/ http://www.yvc.ac.il/ http://www.yvcc.edu/ http://www.yyu.edu.tr/ http://www.yznu.cn/ http://www.yzpc.edu.cn/ | label = Yangzhou Vocational University http://www.yzu.edu.cn/ http://www.zabspu.ru/ | label = Zabaikalsky State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University http://www.zafu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang A & F University http://www.zam.go.jp/index2.html | label = Center for National University Finance and Management http://www.zamanuniversity.edu.kh/ http://www.zamorano.edu/ http://www.zanestate.edu/ http://www.zaou.ac.zm/ http://www.zawiya.edu.pk/ http://www.zbmu.ac.ir/ | label = Zabol University http://www.zbmu.ac.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=1 | label = Zabol University of Medical Sciences http://www.zbvc.cn/ | label = Zibo Vocational Institute http://www.zcu.cz/ http://www.zdkh.cz/index.php/en/ | label = ZD Krásná Hora Nad Vltavou (Czechia) http://www.zdmu.ac.ir/ http://www.zdsoft.com.cn/ http://www.zefat.ac.il/?CategoryID=637 | label = Zefat Academic College http://www.zegu.ac.zw/ http://www.zemko.lt/go.php/lit/English | label = Zemaitija College http://www.zetechcollege.com/ http://www.zfc.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Financial College http://www.zfh.ch/en/start.html | label = Zürcher Fachhochschule http://www.zgfxy.cn/ http://www.zgysyjy.org.cn/show/zgysyjy/html/woYuanJianJie_English.html | label = Chinese National Academy of Arts http://www.zhaw.ch/ http://www.zhdk.ch/ http://www.zhezu.kz/ http://www.zhgu.kz/ http://www.zhnut.edu.cn/ http://www.zhwin.ch/ http://www.zist.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Sci-Tech University http://www.zjams.com.cn/english/gk.htm | label = Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences http://www.zjbti.net.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Business Technology Institute http://www.zjdfc.com/Index.asp | label = Zhejiang DongFang Vocational and Technical College http://www.zjdx.gov.cn/node/276.jspx | label = Zhejiang Party School http://www.zjei.net/english/ | label = Zhejiang International Studies University http://www.zjemc.org.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Environmental Monitoring Center http://www.zjfc.edu.cn/ http://www.zjff.net/ | label = Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology http://www.zjgsu.edu.cn/ http://www.zjgsu.edu.cn:82/english/ | label = Zhejiang Gongshang University http://www.zjiet.edu.cn/ | label = ZheJiang Economic and Trade Polytechnic http://www.zjipc.com/ | label = Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College http://www.zjjcxy.cn/zjpc/index.html | label = Zhejiang Police College http://www.zjnu.edu.cn/ http://www.zjou.edu.cn/ http://www.zjsru.edu.cn/mt/ywjj/ | label = Zhejiang Shuren University http://www.zjtongji.edu.cn/ | label = Zhejiang Tongji Vocational College of Science and Technology http://www.zjtvu.edu.cn/index_pc.htm | label = Zhejiang Radio and Television University http://www.zju.edu.cn/ http://www.zjut.edu.cn/ http://www.zjweu.edu.cn/353/list.htm | label = Zhejiang University of Water Resource and Electric Power http://www.zjxu.edu.cn/English/y1.aspx | label = Jiaxing University http://www.zjyc.edu.cn/ | label = Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University http://www.zmvs.cz/ | label = Westmoravian College Třebíč http://www.zntu.edu.ua/ http://www.znu.ac.ir/ http://www.znu.edu.ua/ http://www.znuel.net/ http://www.znufe.edu.cn/ http://www.zokei.ac.jp/ http://www.zou.ac.zw/ http://www.zphib1920.org/ | label = Zeta Phi Beta Sorority http://www.zpsb.pl/en/ | label = West Pomeranian Business School http://www.zpsb.szczecin.pl/ http://www.zpu.edu.jo/ http://www.zrss.si/?j=EN | label = National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia http://www.zsangel.cz/ | label = Základní Škola a Mateřská Škola Angel http://www.zsem.hr/ http://www.zsh.ac.tz/ | label = Zanzibar School of Health http://www.zskf.hu/en | label = King Sigismund Business School http://www.zslastuvkova.cz/ | label = Základní škola Brno http://www.zstu.edu.cn/ http://www.zsu.edu.cn/ http://www.ztu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhao Tong University http://www.zu.ac.ae/ http://www.zu.edu.eg/ http://www.zu.edu.ly/ http://www.zums.ac.ir/ http://www.zushi-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/ | label = Kanagawa Prefectural Zushi High School http://www.zusnitra.sk/ | label = Základná umelecká škola Jozefa Rosinského http://www.zut.edu.pl/ http://www.zuyd.nl/ http://www.zvu.hr/?lang=en | label = University of Applied Health Sciences http://www.zybooks.com/ | label = zyBooks http://www.zzgc.edu.cn/ | note = Offline http://www.zzjzosijek.hr/index.php?page=main | label = Institute of Public Health Osijek-Baranja County http://www.zztc.com.cn/ | label = Zhengzhou Normal University http://www.zzu.edu.cn/ | label = Zhengzhou University http://www.zzut.edu.cn/ http://www01.anan-nct.ac.jp/en/ | label = Anan National College of Technology http://www1.biu.ac.il/indexE.php | label = Bar-Ilan University http://www1.bridgend.ac.uk/ | label = Bridgend College http://www1.cordobauniversity.org/?kw=religious+university | label = Cordoba University http://www1.gntech.ac.kr/web/eng | label = Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology http://www1.hlau.cn/english/ | label = Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University http://www1.hytc.edu.cn/en/ | label = Huaiyin Normal University http://www1.iwate-ed.jp/english/index.html | label = General Education Center of Iwate http://www1.kyoto-be.ne.jp/nishimaizuru-hs/ | label = Kyoto Prefectural Nishimaizuru High School http://www1.kyoto-be.ne.jp/suzaku-hs/ | label = Kyoto Prefectural Suzaku High School http://www1.lehigh.edu/ | label = Lehigh University http://www1.marin.edu/ | label = College of Marin http://www1.napa.vn/ | label = National Academy of Public Administration http://www1.niu.ac.jp/english/ | label = Nagasaki International University http://www1.snut.edu.cn/english/ | label = Shaanxi University of Technology http://www1.southern.edu/ | label = Southern Adventist University http://www1.sunybroome.edu/ | label = SUNY Broome Community College http://www1.uki.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Kristen Indonesia http://www1.villanova.edu/main.html | label = Villanova University http://www10.ujaen.es/ | label = University of Jaén http://www2.acadiau.ca/ | label = Acadia University http://www2.bigpi.biysk.ru/wwwsite/news.php | label = Altai State Academy of Education http://www2.ceit.at/ | label = Central European Institute of Technology http://www2.cortland.edu/home/ | label = State University of New York College at Cortland http://www2.espm.br/ | label = Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing http://www2.fab.mil.br/afa/ | label = Academia da Força Aérea http://www2.fvsu.edu/ | label = Fort Valley State University http://www2.gre.ac.uk/ | label = University of Greenwich http://www2.hokkyodai.ac.jp/english/ | label = Hokkaido University of Education http://www2.howard.edu/ | label = Howard University http://www2.hpu.edu.cn/en/ | label = Henan Polytechnic University http://www2.hull.ac.uk/ | label = University of Hull http://www2.hws.edu/ | label = Hobart and William Smith Colleges http://www2.ifal.edu.br/ | label = Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Alagoas http://www2.ifam.edu.br/ | label = Instituto Federal do Amazonas http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/ic1-h/ | label = Ichinoseki Daiichi Senior High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/inh-h/ | label = Ichinohe High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/mo1-h/ | label = Morioka First High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/moa-h/ | label = Iwate Prefectural Morioka Agricultural High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/msa-h/ | label = Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa Agricultural High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/shz-h/ | label = Iwate Prefectural Shizukuishi High School http://www2.iwate-ed.jp/tan-h/ | label = Iwate Prefectural Taneichi High School http://www2.kmutt.ac.th/en_index.aspx | label = King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi http://www2.kobe-c.ed.jp/nsw-es/ | label = Kobe Municipal Nishiwaki Elementary School http://www2.kobe-c.ed.jp/rki-hs/?page_id=246 | label = Kobe Rokko Island High School http://www2.kutztown.edu/ | label = Kutztown University http://www2.mines-douai.fr/en | label = École des Mines de Douai http://www2.mmu.ac.uk/ | label = Manchester Metropolitan University http://www2.palomar.edu/ | label = Palomar College http://www2.pref.iwate.jp/~hp2581/ | label = Iwate Agricultural Junior College http://www2.scpo.si/index.php | label = Šolski Center Postojna http://www2.tvz.hr/en/ | label = Tehničko Veleučilište u Zagrebu http://www2.ucc.edu.ar/home/?m=1 | label = Catholic University of Cordoba http://www2.ufuk.edu.tr/ | label = Ufuk University http://www2.ulaval.ca/en/home.html | label = Université Laval http://www2.unesur.edu.ve/ | label = Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago Jesús María Semprún http://www2.unicentro.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste http://www2.unine.ch/ | label = University of Neuchâtel http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/ | label = University of Warwick http://www20.csueastbay.edu/ | label = California State University, East Bay http://www2015.tyut.edu.cn/ | label = Taiyuan University of Technology http://www3.chubu.ac.jp/main/english/ | label = Chubu University http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/ | label = Imperial College London http://www3.nishitech.ac.jp/ | label = Nishinippon Institute of Technology http://www3.schoolweb.ne.jp/swas/index.php?id=2330001 | label = Aichi Prefectural Kasugai Higashi High School http://www3.sdstate.edu/ | label = South Dakota State University http://www3.sura.org/~suraorg/ | label = Southeastern Universities Research Association http://www3.uni-bonn.de/the-university | label = University of Bonn http://www3.unip.br/default.asp | label = Universidade Paulista http://www3.unitus.it/ | label = Tuscia University http://www4.fh-swf.de/de/home/internationales/index.php | label = South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences http://www4.pucsp.br/paginainicial/ | label = Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo http://www4.tu.ac.th/index.php/th/ | label = Thammasat University http://www4.uwm.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee http://www5.ncwu.edu.cn/guojiao/english/ | label = North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power http://www5.unioeste.br/portal/education | label = State University of West Paraná http://www5.usp.br/en/ | label = University of Sao Paulo http://wwwe.bzmc.edu.cn/Survey.htm | label = Binzhou Medical University http://wwwen.uni.lu/ | label = University of Luxembourg http://wwwold.haue.edu.cn/en_index.htm | label = Henan University of Engineering http://wwwp.oakland.edu/ | label = Oakland University http://wwww.hyit.edu.cn/ | label = Huaiyin Institute of Technology http://wwww.unifra.br/site | label = Centro Universitário Franciscano http://wycliffecollege.ca/ | label = Wycliffe College http://wyoshpo.state.wy.us/NationalRegister/Site.aspx?ID=163 | label = Shoshone Episcopal Mission http://xn----7sbak0acafxlcd8athibacq3n.xn--p1ai/pervaya.html | label = Humanitarian Institute http://xn--80ahnanie9ayb2dp.xn--p1ai/ | label = Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture http://xn--80ajk9a.xn--80acgfbsl1azdqr.xn--p1ai/ | label = Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art http://xn--b1aads0ai.xn--p1ai/ | label = Perm Military Institute http://xn--c1an2ao.xn--p1ai/ | label = Karachaevo-Cherkessk State University http://xn--h1aamx9c.xn--p1ai/ | label = Institute of Information Technologies, Economy and Management http://xn--h1aoh9b.xn--p1ai/ | label = Tver Institute of Ecology and Law http://yabechu.yame.ed.jp/ | label = Yabe Junior High School http://yenepoya.edu.in/ | label = Yenepoya University http://yeshivaofnitra.org/ | label = Yeshiva of Nitra Rabbinical College http://yk.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State York http://ymht.org/index.cfm | label = Rabbi Jacob Joseph School http://ymk-salehard.ru/ | label = Yamal Versatile College http://yorkcountyschools.org/ | label = York County School Division http://ysmu.net/ | label = Yerevan State Medical University http://yu.edu.kz/ | label = Yessenov University http://yu1.yu.edu/ http://yuksekihtisasuniversitesi.edu.tr/ | label = Yüksek İhtisas Üniversitesi http://zalingei.edu.sd/ | label = University of Zalingei http://zanzibarmusic.org/en/ | label = Dhow Countries Music Academy http://zaums.ac.ir/ | label = Zahedan University of Medical Sciences http://zhaosheng.imau.edu.cn/ | label = Inner Mongolia Agricultural University http://zhaosheng.zzuli.edu.cn/ | label = Zhengzhou University of Light Industry http://zhgu.edu.kz/ | label = Zhetysu State University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov http://zibat.dk/ | label = Zealand Institute of Business and Technology http://zsamszencziho.edupage.org/ | label = Szenczi Molnár Albert Alapiskola http://zsb.scfai.edu.cn/ http://zsb.zjtcm.net/ | label = Zhejiang Chinese Medical University http://zua.edu.cn/main.html | label = Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics https://aab-edu.net/ | label = AAB College https://aabc.dk/ | label = Aarhus Business College https://aau.edu.sd/ https://abc.edu/ | label = Appalachian Bible College https://acaom.edu/ | label = American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine https://access.edu.ph/ | label = Access Computer College https://acihl.org/ | label = Arab Center for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Education https://adw-goe.de/ | label = Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities https://ag.tennessee.edu/ | label = University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture https://aho.no/en | label = Oslo School of Architecture and Design https://ajrca.edu/ | label = Academy for Jewish Religion California https://aktu.ac.in/ | label = Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University https://alamo.edu/pac/ | label = Palo Alto College https://alazhar-iicpsr.org/ | label = International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research https://ambrose.edu/ | label = Ambrose University https://angstronmaterials.com/ | label = Angstron Materials (United States) https://aof.org/ | label = American Osteopathic Foundation https://arkon.tj/ | label = Education Group Akron https://arlingtoncareerinstitute.edu/ https://asd.sch.qa/ | label = American School of Doha https://assetinc.org/ | label = Asset Stem Education https://asumh.edu/ | label = Arkansas State University Mountain Home https://atenisi.edu.to/ | label = Atenisi Institute https://atmiya.net/ | label = Atmiya University https://atpflightschool.com/ | label = Airline Training Program Flight School https://aueg.org/ | label = Alliance Université-Entreprise de Grenoble https://auis.edu// | label = American University of Integrative Sciences https://bacoll.ac.uk/ | label = Bishop Auckland College https://bafe.edu.kg/?lang=en | label = Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics https://baqai.edu.pk/ https://beauxartsnantes.fr/ | label = École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Métropole https://beckinstitute.org/ | label = Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy https://belui.mvd.ru/ | label = Belgorod Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry https://bethanygu.edu/ | label = Bethany Global University https://bethbc.edu/ | label = Bethlehem Bible College https://bhssc.org/ | label = Black Hills Special Services Cooperative https://binm.org/ | label = Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine https://bismarckstate.edu/ | label = Bismarck State College https://blackburn.edu/ | label = Blackburn College https://btu.edu.ge/ https://bui.mvd.ru/ | label = Barnaul Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry https://caep.org/ | label = Communicating for Agriculture Education Programs https://cairn.edu/ | label = Cairn University https://calarts.edu/ | label = California Institute of the Arts https://carlalbert.edu/ | label = Carl Albert State College https://carlsbad.nmsu.edu/ | label = New Mexico State University Carlsbad https://carrickinstitute.com/ | label = Carrick Institute https://cbm.iobm.edu.pk/ https://ccml.cstj.qc.ca/ https://ccmt.cstj.qc.ca/ https://cfu.ac.ir/en | label = Farhangian University https://chichester.ac.uk/ | label = Chichester College https://cims.edu/ | label = California Institute Of Medical Science https://clintoncollege.edu/ | label = Clinton College https://cmn.edu/ | label = College of the Muscogee Nation https://cms1.ks.ac.kr/eng/Main.do | label = Kyungsung University https://coker.edu/ | label = Coker College https://college.ch/ | label = Robert Kennedy College https://community.mitchell.edu/ | label = Mitchell College https://concordia.ab.ca/ | label = Concordia University of Edmonton https://copenhagenbusinesscollege.com/ | label = Niels Brock https://cs.unu.edu/ | label = United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society https://cst.edu/ https://csumb.edu/ | label = California State University, Monterey Bay https://cyso.org/ | label = Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras https://db.ice.or.jp/nc/ | label = Chiba Prefectural Education Center https://dsnlu.ac.in/ | label = Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University https://dundeeandangus.ac.uk/ | label = Dundee and Angus College https://dutchartinstitute.eu/ | label = Dutch Art Institute https://dvui.mvd.ru/ | label = Far Eastern Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia https://ead.faesa.br/ | label = Faesa Centro Universitario https://ecc.iavalley.edu/ | label = Ellsworth Community College https://ecole-design.com/ | label = École Supérieure de Design et des Arts Visuels https://ecollege.edu/ | label = Ecclesia College https://ehsem.bg/ | label = European College of Economics and Management https://eisca.org/ | label = Elementary Institute of Science https://eisti.fr/en | label = École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information https://ema.edu.ee/en/ | label = Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre https://en.colegioarula.com/ | label = Colegio Árula https://en.gznc.edu.cn/index.htm | label = Guizhou Education University https://en.muthesius-kunsthochschule.de/ | label = Muthesius University in Kiel https://en.tvu.edu.vn/ | label = Tra Vinh University https://en.vsem.cz/ | label = University of Economics and Management https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doha_Institute_for_Graduate_Studies | label = Doha Institute for Graduate Studies https://energiakademiet.dk/en/ | label = Samsø Energy Academy https://eng.daegu.ac.kr/ | label = Daegu University https://eng.inha.ac.kr/ | label = Inha University https://eng.kkot.ac.kr/ | label = Kkottongnae University https://eng.mephi.ru/ | label = Moscow Engineering Physics Institute https://english.acts.ac.kr/ | label = Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission https://english.cbg-meb.nl/ | label = Medicines Evaluation Board https://english.jnu.edu.cn/ | label = Jinan University https://english.koje.ac.kr/CmsHome/MainDefault.aspx | label = Koje College https://english.mirea.ru/ | label = Moscow Technological University https://enscbp.bordeaux-inp.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, de Biologie et de Physique https://eohsi.rutgers.edu/ | label = Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute https://eucnvs.dk/ | label = EUC Nordvestsjaelland https://ext.vt.edu/ | label = Virginia Cooperative Extension https://extension.umd.edu/ | label = University of Maryland Extension https://faceres.com.br/ | label = Faculdade Ceres https://fkcc.edu/ | label = Florida Keys Community College https://floridapoly.edu/ https://floridapolytechnic.org/ | label = Florida Polytechnic University https://forsvaret.no/hogskolene/en/nduc | label = Norwegian Defence University College https://fstec.ru/en/ | label = Federal Service for Technical and Export Control https://future.edu/ | label = Future Generations Graduate School https://gcelabschool.com/ | label = GCE Lab School https://geneva.euruni.edu/ | label = EU Business School https://ggc.edu/ https://glamarchives.gov.uk/ | label = Glamorgan Archives https://greatvalley.psu.edu/ | label = Penn State Great Valley https://gustavus.edu/ | label = Gustavus Adolphus College https://habib.edu.pk/ | label = Habib University https://hallmarkuniversity.edu/ | label = Hallmark University https://hdzva.edu.ua/ | label = Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy https://hec.ac.ma/ | label = École des Hautes Études Commerciales https://hendrix.edu/ | label = Hendrix College https://hfpv.hessen.de/irj/VFH_Internet?cid=5b3c58692438240a8473aed9581a3488 | label = Hessische Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung https://higheredutah.org/ | label = Utah System of Higher Education https://hjertesenter.no/ | label = Trondheim Hjertesenter https://home.tusculum.edu/ https://homepage.sch.ac.kr/sch/index.jsp?epTicket=LOG | label = Soonchunhyang University https://hrs.dk/copenhagen-hospitality-college/ | label = Copenhagen Hospitality College https://hsc.mercer.edu/ | label = Mercer University Health Sciences Center https://i3l.ac.id/ | label = Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences https://icc.edu/ | label = Illinois Central College https://iecc.edu/ https://ifpa.edu.br/ https://igdore.org/ | label = Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education https://iiitn.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur https://iiserb.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal https://ikiam.edu.ec/ | label = Universidad Regional Amazónica IKIAM https://iling.spb.ru/index.html | label = Institute of Linguistic Studies https://ilrtindia.org/ | label = Institute of Livelihood Research and Training https://ima.org.uk/ | label = Institute of Mathematics and its Applications https://incdmtm.ro/ | label = Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Mecatronică si Tehnica Masurării https://inha.uz/en/ | label = Inha University in Tashkent https://insigneo.org/ | label = Insigneo https://ist.ac.at/ | label = Institute of Science and Technology Austria https://itu.edu/ | label = International Technological University https://iugrad.edu.dm/ | label = International University for Graduate Studies https://ivcampus.sdsu.edu/ | label = San Diego State University, Imperial Valley Campus https://iyrs.edu/ | label = International Yacht Restoration School https://jesuiten.at/innsbruck/ | label = Jesuiten https://johnwesley.edu/ | label = Laurel University https://jpcatholic.edu/ | label = John Paul the Great Catholic University https://kadk.dk/en/ | label = The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation https://karlshochschule.de/en/ | label = Karlshochschule International University https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/ | label = National Quantum Information Centre in Gdansk https://kgma.info/ | label = Kazan State Medical Academy https://kic.ac.ae/ | label = Al Khawarizmi International College https://kindering.org/ | label = Kindering https://king.edu/ https://kingston-college.ac.uk/ | label = Kingston College https://klif.univer.mvd.ru/ | label = Kaliningrad Law Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation https://knteu.kiev.ua/?en | label = Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics https://kosygin-rgu.ru/ | label = Russian State University named after AN Kosygin https://kristiania.no/kristiania-university-college | label = Campus Kristiania https://ksalpenquai.lu.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Alpenquai Luzern https://ksmu.kharkov.ua/ | label = Kharkiv National Medical University https://ktu.edu.in/ | label = A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University https://kui.mvd.ru/ | label = Kazan Law Institute https://kums.edu.af/en | label = Kabul Medical University https://kunstakademiet.dk/en/ | label = Schools of Visual Arts, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts https://kyoiku-u.jp/index.html | label = Japan Graduate School of Education University https://lakeland.edu/ | label = Lakeland College https://lamarcc.edu/ | label = Lamar Community College https://landesfinanzschule-edenkoben.fin-rlp.de/home/index.html | label = Hochschule für Finanzen Rheinland Pfalz https://languagesystems.edu/ | label = Language Systems International College of English https://laurentian.ca/ | label = Laurentian University https://laverne.edu/ | label = University of La Verne https://law.tamu.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University School of Law https://lcu.edu/ | label = Lubbock Christian University https://learn.maine.edu/rockland/ | label = University College at Rockland https://leicestercollege.ac.uk/ | label = Leicester College https://leu.lt/en/home_leu.html | label = Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences https://lfcc.edu/ | label = Lord Fairfax Community College https://lfs.org.uk/ | label = London Film School https://limu.edu.ly/end-of-the-year-party/ | label = Libyan International Medical University https://machias.edu/ | label = University of Maine at Machias https://manhattan.edu/ | label = Manhattan College https://manipal.edu/mu/about-us/world-wide-manipal/melaka-manipal-medical-college.html | label = Melaka Manipal Medical College https://mansfield.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University at Mansfield https://mcc.iavalley.edu/ | label = Marshalltown Community College https://mensenrechten.nl/nl | label = College voor de Rechten van de Mens https://miem.hse.ru// | label = Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics https://mipt.ru/en/ | label = Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology https://mitchell.k12.sd.us/ | label = Mitchell School District https://mlc-wels.edu/ | label = Martin Luther College https://molochnoe.ru/en/ | label = Vologda State Milk Academy named after NV Vereshchagina https://monroecollege.edu/ https://moodle.gymnyon.vd.ch/ | label = Gymnase de Nyon https://mou.ir/ https://mountsaintvincent.edu/ https://msu.edu/ | label = Michigan State University https://mvsu.edu/ https://myana.org/ | label = American Neurological Association https://mylaspotech.edu.ng/ | label = Lagos State Polytechnic https://nds.edu/ | label = Notre Dame Seminary https://new.trinity.edu/ | label = Trinity University https://nfts.co.uk/ | label = National Film and Television School https://nhsc.edu/ | label = Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College https://nileuniversity.ac.ug/ | label = Nile University https://nlu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University https://nmetau.edu.ua/en | label = National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine https://northgatech.edu/ | label = North Georgia Technical College https://northseattle.edu/ | label = North Seattle College https://northweststate.edu/ | label = Northwest State Community College https://norwalk.edu/ | label = Norwalk Community College https://npua.am/ | label = National Polytechnic University of Armenia https://nu.edu.az/index.php?lang=az | label = Nakhchivan University https://osumarion.osu.edu/ | label = The Ohio State University at Marion https://pasadena.edu/ | label = Pasadena City College https://pbm.cfu.ac.ir/en | label = Shahid Beheshti Teacher Training College https://pentvars.edu.gh/homepage | label = Pentecost University College https://petrsu.ru/ https://phzh.ch/en/ | label = Zurich University of Teacher Education https://platt.edu/ | label = Platt College https://pnsa.edu.kh/wp/ | label = Prek Leap National College of Agriculture https://point.edu/ | label = Point University https://polito.uz/index.php?lang=en | label = Turin Polytechnic University https://portal.nu.edu.sa/en/web/guest | label = Najran University https://potomac.edu/ | label = University of the Potomac https://ppke.hu/en | label = Pázmány Péter Catholic University https://projectartscentre.ie/ | label = Project Arts Centre https://pums.ump.edu.pl/ | label = Poznan University of Medical Sciences https://pwpl.org/ | label = Port Washington Public Library https://qatar.sfs.georgetown.edu/ | label = Georgetown University https://reva.edu.in/ | label = REVA University https://rgup.ru/ | label = Russian State University of Justice https://rmuohp.edu/ | label = Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions https://rui.mvd.ru/ | label = Rostov Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation https://sb-sciencemanagement.com/ | label = SB Science Management https://schiller.edu/london-campus | label = Schiller International University https://scripps.edu/ https://sechenov.ru/eng/ | label = Sechenov University https://secure.lipscomb.edu/ | label = Lipscomb University https://sfcm.edu/ | label = San Francisco Conservatory of Music https://sfseminary.edu/ | label = Sioux Falls Seminary https://shanghai.nyu.edu/ | label = New York University Shanghai https://simons-rock.edu/ | label = Bard College at Simon's Rock https://sittingbull.edu/ | label = Sitting Bull College https://skinscienceinstitute.com/ | label = Skin Science Institute https://skk.lv/ | label = International Cosmetology College https://smart.mit.edu/ | label = Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology https://smccd.edu/ https://soavoshk.cz/ | label = Obchodní Akademie https://softwarica.edu.np/ | label = Softwarica College https://somaiya.edu/ https://spalding.edu/ | label = Spalding University https://sph.uth.edu/campuses/austin/ | label = The University of Texas Health Science Center https://spokane.wsu.edu/ | label = Washington State University Spokane https://spscc.edu/ | label = South Puget Sound Community College https://ssmu.kz/en | label = Semey State Medical University https://stenden.com/en/ | label = Stenden University of Applied Sciences https://stenden.com/en/home/ | label = Stenden University https://stlchristian.edu/ | label = St. Louis Christian College https://stu.edu.gh/ | label = Sunyani Technical University https://stu.edu.iq/ | label = Southern Technical University https://studienzentrum-rotenburg.hessen.de/irj/Studienzentrum_Internet?uid=8106e869-0668-a01a-3b21-7197ccf4e69f | label = Hessische Hochschule für Finanzen und Rechtspflege https://sub.ac.kr/ | label = Seoul University of Buddhism https://sullivan.edu/ https://sunypoly.edu/ | label = SUNY Polytechnic Institute https://svako.lt/en/admission-for-foreign-students | label = Šiauliai State College https://svc.edu/ | label = Southern Vermont College https://sydney.edu.au/ https://tce.ac.jp/ | label = Tokyo College of Environment https://thomasaquinas.edu/ | label = Thomas Aquinas College https://tiei.ru/english-version/ | label = Tula University https://tipk.mvd.ru/ | label = Tyumen Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry https://tjaglcspublic.army.mil/ | label = The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School https://tma.uz/en | label = Tashkent Medical Academy https://toiwhakaari.ac.nz/ | label = Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School https://tribecapac.org/ | label = BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center https://tricities.wsu.edu/ | label = Washington State University Tri-Cities https://trinitybiblecollege.edu/ https://troy.edu/ https://tusur.ru/en | label = Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio-Electronics https://txwes.edu/ | label = Texas Wesleyan University https://u.university/en/ | label = Universal University https://uaysen.cl/ | label = Universidad de Aysén https://ucc.dk/ | label = University College Capital https://udsm.ac.tz/ | label = University of Dar es Salaam https://uenp.edu.br/ | label = Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná https://ufhealth.org/ | label = University of Florida Health https://ufm.edu.vn/ | label = University of Finance - Marketing https://ugst.edu/ | label = Urshan Graduate School of Theology https://uinsgd.ac.id/ | label = Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung https://ujiapps.uji.es/ | label = Jaume I University https://ums.ae/ | label = University of Modern Sciences https://umsida.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo https://uni-eszterhazy.hu/en | label = Eszterházy Károly College https://uni-plovdiv.bg/ | label = Plovdiv University https://university.apeejay.edu/ | label = Apeejay Stya University https://university.helsinki.fi/en | label = University of Helsinki https://uns.ac.id/en/ | label = Sebelas Maret University https://uoregon.edu/ | label = University of Oregon https://upach-eca.edu.mx/ | label = Universidad del Pacífico de Chiapas https://upaep.mx/?lang=en | label = Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla https://uqu.edu.sa/english | label = Umm al-Qura University https://ural.mvd.ru/ | label = Ural Law Institute Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs https://usjr.edu.ph/ | label = University of San Jose–Recoletos https://usml.edu/ | label = University of Saint Mary of the Lake https://ussa.edu/ | label = United States Sports Academy https://utsnyc.edu/ | label = Union Theological Seminary https://uvu.edu/ https://uwaterloo.ca/ | label = University of Waterloo https://vamia.fi/en/ | label = Vamia https://vcq.quantum.at/ | label = Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology https://vi.mvd.ru/ | label = Voronezh Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs https://vinci.ma/ | label = École Supérieure Vinci https://vsers.cz/ | label = Vysoká škola Evropských a Regionálních Studií https://wagner.edu/ https://wayne.edu/ | label = Wayne State University https://wccc.edu/ | label = Westmoreland County Community College https://web.mit.edu/ https://web.saumag.edu/ | label = Southern Arkansas University https://welch.edu/ | label = Welch College https://woodbury.edu/ | label = Woodbury University https://wsa.edu.pl/en/ | label = Higher School of Agribusiness https://wsu.edu/ | label = Washington State University https://www.42.fr/ https://www.42.us.org/ https://www.a-b-z.ch/ | label = Allgemeine Berufsschule Zürich https://www.aa.edu/ | label = Albuquerque Academy https://www.aabu.edu.jo/ https://www.aacc.edu/ https://www.aada.edu/ https://www.aambfs.org/ https://www.aamu.edu/ https://www.aasa.ac.jp/ https://www.aasa.org/ | label = American Association of School Administrators https://www.aast.edu/ https://www.aau.edu.jo/ https://www.aau.edu.sd/ https://www.aauekpoma.edu.ng/ https://www.aauni.edu/ https://www.aaup.edu/ https://www.abccampus.ca/ | label = Alberta Bible College https://www.abcott.edu/ https://www.aber.ac.uk/ https://www.abertay.ac.uk/ https://www.abo.fi/ https://www.abtech.edu/ https://www.abu.edu/ | label = Arlington Baptist College https://www.ac-paris.fr/ | label = Académie de Paris https://www.academia-engiadina.ch/ | label = Academia Engiadina https://www.academyart.edu/ | label = Academy of Art University https://www.acck.edu/ics | label = Associated Colleges of Central Kansas https://www.ace.edu/ | label = American College of Education https://www.acer.org/ | label = Australian Council for Educational Research https://www.acmg.net/ | label = American College of Medical Genetics https://www.acpe.edu.au/ | label = Australian College of Physical Education https://www.acsenda.com/ | label = Acsenda School of Management https://www.actcm.edu/ | label = American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine https://www.actuaries.org.uk/ | label = Institute and Faculty of Actuaries https://www.acvs.org/ | label = American College of Veterinary Surgeons https://www.adams.edu/ | label = Adams State University https://www.adamsmith.org/ | label = Adam Smith Institute https://www.adelaide.edu.au/ https://www.adelphi.edu/ https://www.adler.ca/ | label = Adler https://www.agsbs.ch/ | label = Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel https://www.agu.ac.jp/ https://www.ahschools.us/ | label = Anoka-Hennepin School District https://www.aichi-fam-u.ac.jp/ https://www.aims.ac.za/ | label = African Institute for Mathematical Sciences https://www.aimseducation.edu/ https://www.aisegypt.com/ | label = American International School in Egypt https://www.ait-budapest.com/ | label = Aquincum Institute of Technology https://www.aitchison.edu.pk/ | label = Aitchison College https://www.aju.ac.zw/ | label = Arrupe Jesuit University https://www.akashi.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Akashi College https://www.aksu.edu.ng/ | label = Akwa Ibom State University https://www.alanus.edu/de/home/ | label = Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences https://www.albany.edu/ https://www.alcorn.edu/ | label = Alcorn State University https://www.alliant.edu/ https://www.altstu.ru/ https://www.am.szczecin.pl/en/ | label = Maritime University of Szczecin https://www.amapr.org/ | label = American Military Academy https://www.americaninstitute.edu/ https://www.amfa.edu.au/ | label = Australian Maritime and Fisheries Academy https://www.amgd.ro/ | label = Gheorghe Dima Music Academy https://www.amu.apus.edu/ | label = American Military University https://www.andover.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Phillips Academy https://www.andrews.edu/ https://www.anzsog.edu.au/ | label = Australia and New Zealand School of Government https://www.ap.be/ | label = Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen https://www.apollon-hochschule.de/die-hochschule/die-hochschule/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Appollon https://www.archaeologists.net/ | label = Chartered Institute for Archaeologists https://www.archmereacademy.com/ | label = Archmere Academy https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/inmet | label = Instituto Nacional de Medicina Tropical https://www.argosy.edu/ | label = Argosy University https://www.ariake-nct.ac.jp/english/about-anct/introduction | label = National Institute of Technology, Ariake College https://www.armywarcollege.edu/ | label = United States Army War College https://www.aros.ac.za/Web | label = Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies https://www.arosmu.com/ | label = Odessa National Medical University https://www.arteveldehogeschool.be/en/ | label = Artevelde University College Ghent https://www.artez.nl/ | label = ArtEZ Institute of the Arts https://www.arti.edu.az/az/# | label = Azərbaycan Respublikasının Təhsil Institutu https://www.artic.edu/ https://www.artinstitutes.edu/ | label = Illinois Institute of Art https://www.artinstitutes.edu/ | label = The Art Institutes https://www.artinstitutes.edu/miami/ | label = Miami International University of Art & Design https://www.asbury.edu/ | label = Asbury University https://www.ash-berlin.eu/en/ | label = Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin https://www.ashford.edu/ | label = Ashford University https://www.ashworthcollege.edu/index.php | label = Ashworth College https://www.asmilan.org/ | label = American School of Milan https://www.aspen.edu/ | label = Aspen University https://www.assumption.edu/ https://www.aston.ac.uk/ https://www.atilim.edu.tr/ https://www.auburn.edu/ https://www.aup.edu/ | label = American University of Paris https://www.aupp.edu.kh/ | label = American University of Phnom Penh https://www.avm.edu.br/novo_site2/iavm.asp | label = AVM Faculdade Integrada https://www.avu.cz/eng | label = Academy of Fine Arts Prague https://www.azsummitlaw.edu/ | label = Arizona Summit Law School https://www.badw.de/de/ | label = Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities https://www.bahiana.edu.br/ | label = Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública https://www.balshaws.lancs.sch.uk/ | label = Balshaw’s Church of England High School https://www.balsillieschool.ca/ | label = Balsillie School of International Affairs https://www.bancroftsmt.com/index.cfm | label = Bancroft School of Massage Therapy https://www.bankstreet.edu/ | label = Bank Street College of Education https://www.baptistcollege.edu/ | label = Baptist College of Florida https://www.barnesjewishcollege.edu/ | label = Barnes-Jewish College https://www.barton.edu/ | label = Barton College https://www.batchelor.edu.au/ | label = Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education https://www.bathcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Bath College https://www.bathspa.ac.uk/ | label = Bath Spa University https://www.bauinternational.com/ | label = BAU International University https://www.bbsp.co.uk/ | label = Bristol and Bath Science Park https://www.bcm.edu/ https://www.belstu.by/ | label = Belarusian State Technological University https://www.bennett.edu.in/ | label = Bennett University https://www.benuff.com/ | label = Benemerita Escuela Normal Urbana Federal Fronteriza https://www.berkeley.edu/ https://www.berklee.edu/ https://www.bethanylb.edu/ | label = Bethany College https://www.bewdley.worcs.sch.uk/ | label = The Bewdley School https://www.bfcc.edu/ https://www.bishopburton.ac.uk/ | label = Bishop Burton College https://www.bitmesra.ac.in/ | label = Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra https://www.blc.edu/ | label = Bethany Lutheran College https://www.blueberryacademy.co.uk/ | label = Blueberry Academy https://www.bluefieldstate.edu/ | label = Bluefield State College https://www.bme.gatech.edu/ | label = The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering https://www.bml.edu.in/ | label = BML Munjal University https://www.boothuc.ca/ | label = Booth University College https://www.bordeaux-inp.fr/en | label = Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux https://www.bowdoin.edu/ https://www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/ | label = Bowel Cancer UK https://www.bradfordcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Bradford College, England https://www.brandeis.edu/ https://www.brandman.edu/ https://www.brescia.edu/ | label = Brescia University https://www.brevard.edu/ | label = Brevard College https://www.briarcliff.edu/ | label = Briar Cliff University https://www.brightwood.edu/ | label = Brightwood College https://www.brock.ac.uk/ | label = Brockenhurst College https://www.brooklaw.edu/ | label = Brooklyn Law School https://www.brown.edu/ https://www.brownmackie.edu/ | label = Brown Mackie College https://www.bruford.ac.uk/ | label = Rose Bruford College https://www.bsmcon.edu/ | label = Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing https://www.bsmu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Bukovinian State Medical University https://www.bu.ac.th/ https://www.bucksiu.org/ | label = Bucks County Intermediate Unit https://www.bujhansi.org/index.aspx | label = Bundelkhand University https://www.burlington.edu/ | label = Burlington College https://www.bvp-sbp.org/ | label = Belgian Society for Pneumology https://www.bw.edu/ https://www.bwc.ac.kr/english_home/ | label = Busan Women's College https://www.bzte.ac.ir/en | label = Buein Zahra Technical University https://www.cairnmillar.edu.au/ | label = Cairnmillar Institute https://www.caltech.edu/ https://www.calvin.ac.kr:40006/ | label = Calvin University https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.cambridgecollege.edu/ | label = Cambridge College https://www.cambridgehealth.edu/ https://www.campus02.at/EN/home.aspx | label = CAMPUS 02 University for Applied Sciences https://www.canningcollege.wa.edu.au/ | label = Canning College https://www.capella.edu/ https://www.capitalcc.edu/ | label = Capital Community College https://www.carilionclinic.org/hospitals/carilion-new-river-valley-medical-center | label = Carilion New River Valley Medical Center https://www.casadevelazquez.org/en/ | label = Casa de Velàzquez https://www.cbs.dk/ https://www.cca.edu/ | label = California College of the Arts https://www.ccad.edu/ | label = Columbus College of Art and Design https://www.cceionline.com/ | label = ChildCare Education Institute https://www.ccms.edu/ | label = Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science https://www.ccn.ac.uk/ | label = City College Norwich https://www.ccsj.edu/ | label = Calumet College of Saint Joseph https://www.cdu.edu/ | label = Catholic Distance University https://www.cee.org/ | label = Center for Excellence in Education https://www.cegeplimoilou.ca/ | label = Cégep Limoilou https://www.centrale-marseille.fr/ https://www.centralvirginia.edu/ | label = Central Virginia Community College https://www.cerrocoso.edu/ | label = Cerro Coso Community College https://www.cespu.pt/en/ | label = Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/ | label = Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics https://www.cgi.ac.th/home | label = Chulabhorn Graduate Institute https://www.cgst.edu/hk/eng/ | label = China Graduate School of Theology https://www.cgu.edu/ https://www.charusat.ac.in/ https://www.chc.edu/ | label = Chestnut Hill College https://www.chesterfield.ac.uk/ | label = Chesterfield College https://www.chiep.ru/rus/ | label = Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after M.V.Ladoshin https://www.chimie-paristech.fr/ | label = Chimie ParisTech https://www.christies.edu/new-york.aspx | label = Christie's Education https://www.cims.edu/ https://www.cines.fr/ | label = Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur https://www.ciol.org.uk/ | label = Chartered Institute of Linguists https://www.cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk/ | label = City of Glasgow College https://www.clarkssummitu.edu/ | label = Summit University https://www.clermont-universite.fr/ | label = Clermont Université https://www.clinimmsoc.org/ | label = Clinical Immunology Society https://www.cmu.edu/ https://www.cna-qatar.com/Pages/default.aspx | label = College of the North Atlantic Qatar https://www.cockcroft.ac.uk/ | label = Cockcroft Institute https://www.coconino.edu/ https://www.colchsfc.ac.uk/ | label = The Sixth Form College Colchester https://www.college.bm/ | label = Bermuda College https://www.collegemv.qc.ca/ | label = Cégep Marie-Victorin https://www.collegesoflaw.edu/ | label = Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law https://www.colorado.edu/ https://www.columbia.edu/ https://www.columbiabc.edu/ | label = Columbia Bible College https://www.columbiacollege.edu/ | label = Columbia College Hollywood https://www.columbiasc.edu/ https://www.colval.qc.ca/ | label = Collège de Valleyfield https://www.concordiacollege.edu/ | label = Concordia College https://www.consortium.org/ | label = Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area https://www.corban.edu/ | label = Corban University https://www.cornerstone.edu/ | label = Cornerstone University https://www.cornwall.ac.uk/ | label = Cornwall College https://www.costaatt.edu.tt/ | label = College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago https://www.cottey.edu/ | label = Cottey College https://www.cphbusiness.dk/en/ | label = Copenhagen Business Academy https://www.craven-college.ac.uk/ | label = Craven College https://www.crc.edu/ | label = Crowleys Ridge College https://www.crh.org.au/ | label = Centre for Remote Health https://www.cristoreynetwork.org/ | label = Cristo Rey Network https://www.crown.edu/ https://www.cscollege.gov.sg/ | label = Civil Service College https://www.csdvt.org/district/ | label = Colchester School District https://www.csn.edu/ | label = College of Southern Nevada https://www.csnyc.org/ | label = New York City Foundation for Computer Science Education https://www.cst.ac.kr/ | label = Chosun College of Science & Technology https://www.cstj.qc.ca/ https://www.csuci.edu/ https://www.csun.edu/ https://www.ctu.org.in/ | label = Calorx Teachers' University https://www.cuaa.edu/ | label = Concordia University Ann Arbor https://www.cuchicago.edu/ | label = Concordia University Chicago https://www.cueb.edu.cn/ https://www.cuso.ch/ | label = Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale https://www.cuw.edu/ | label = Concordia University Wisconsin https://www.cvbc.ca/ | label = College of Veterinarians of British Columbia https://www.cvut.cz/ https://www.cwa.ac.uk/ | label = College of West Anglia https://www.cwi.edu/ https://www.cwsl.edu/ | label = California Western School of Law https://www.da-vienna.ac.at/en/ | label = Diplomatic Academy of Vienna https://www.daltonstate.edu/ | label = Dalton State College https://www.dartmouth.edu/ https://www.darwin.cam.ac.uk/ | label = Darwin College https://www.dav.edu.vn/en/ | label = Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam https://www.davidhumeinstitute.com/ | label = The David Hume Institute https://www.daymarcollege.edu/ https://www.dearne-coll.ac.uk/ | label = Dearne Valley College https://www.dekra-hochschule.de/hochschule/ | label = Dekra Hochschule für Medien https://www.delbarton.org/ | label = Delbarton School https://www.denverschoolofnursing.edu/ | label = Denver School of Nursing https://www.dermcoll.edu.au/ | label = Australasian College of Dermatologists https://www.design-akademie-berlin.de/en | label = Design Akademie Berlin https://www.designacademy.nl/ | label = Design Academy Eindhoven https://www.designskolenkolding.dk/en | label = Design School Kolding https://www.devry.edu/ https://www.dewv.edu/ | label = Davis & Elkins College https://www.dfh-ufa.org/startseite/ | label = Université franco-allemande https://www.digipen.edu/ https://www.divinity.edu.au/ | label = University of Divinity https://www.dkit.ie/ | label = Dundalk Institute of Technology https://www.dmu.edu/ | label = Des Moines University https://www.dndi.org/ | label = Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative https://www.doepfer-regensburg.de/ | label = Döpfer Schulen Regensburg https://www.downstate.edu/ https://www.dpsk12.org/ | label = Denver Public Schools https://www.driestar-educatief.nl/home | label = Driestar Christian University https://www.dspt.edu/ | label = Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology https://www.dtcc.edu/ https://www.dts.edu/ | label = Dallas Theological Seminary https://www.dtu.dk/ https://www.duchy.ac.uk/ | label = Duchy College https://www.duke-nus.edu.sg/ | label = Duke NUS Graduate Medical School https://www.dukemedicine.org/ | label = Duke University Health System https://www.dwci.edu/ | label = Divine Word College https://www.eal.dk/ | label = Lillebaelt Academy University of Applied Sciences https://www.eastridingcollege.ac.uk/ | label = East Riding College https://www.easv.dk/ | label = Business Academy SouthWest https://www.ebs.edu/en/ | label = EBS University of Business and Law https://www.ecak12.com/ | label = Escuela Campo Alegre https://www.eckerd.edu/ | label = Eckerd College https://www.ecpi.edu/ https://www.ecuad.ca/ | label = Emily Carr University of Art and Design https://www.eduhk.hk/main/ | label = Education University of Hong Kong https://www.eesp.ch/ | label = Haute École de Travail Social et de la Santé https://www.eh-berlin.de/startseite.html | label = Evangelische Hochschule Berlin https://www.eh-darmstadt.de/ https://www.eh-freiburg.de/university-of-applied-sciences | label = Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg https://www.eheb.ma/ | label = Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Biotechnologie et de Santé https://www.eiuc.org/ | label = European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation https://www.embci.com/ | label = École Marocaine de Banque et de Commerce International https://www.embuni.ac.ke/ | label = University of Embu https://www.emeraldeducationsystems.com/ | label = Emerald Education Systems https://www.enam.cm/ | label = École Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature https://www.eni-abt.ml/ | label = Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs – Abderhamane Baba Touré https://www.ensa.dz/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique https://www.ensenada.tecnm.mx/ | label = Ensenada Institute of Technology https://www.enset-media.ac.ma/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique de Mohammedia https://www.ensp.unl.pt/ | label = Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública https://www.ensta-paristech.fr/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées https://www.enstetouan.ma/ | label = École Normale Supérieure de Tétouan https://www.esa.edu.lb/french/home | label = École Supérieure des Affaires https://www.esc-rennes.fr/index.php/en | label = Rennes School of Business https://www.escpeurope.eu/ | label = ESCP Europe https://www.esi.dz/ | label = École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique https://www.eskisehir.edu.tr/en | label = Eskisehir Technical University https://www.esmt.org/ | label = European School of Management and Technology https://www.eso.ac.uk/ | label = European School of Osteopathy https://www.essa-tlemcen.dz/ | label = École Supérieure en Sciences Appliquées de Tlemcen https://www.estrellamountain.edu/ | label = Estrella Mountain Community College https://www.esv.de/ | label = Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein https://www.etbu.edu/ | label = East Texas Baptist University https://www.etudierenhainaut.be/charleroi/ | label = Université du Travail Paul Pastur https://www.eureka.edu/ | label = Eureka College https://www.europe.umuc.edu/ | label = University of Maryland University College Europe https://www.europeia.pt/en | label = Universidade Europeia https://www.evangel.edu/ | label = Evangel University https://www.evhn.de/en_fh.html?set_lang=en | label = Lutheran University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg https://www.ewsd.org/ | label = Essex Westford School District https://www.eyeboston.com/ | label = Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston https://www.fadergs.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade de Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul https://www.fanshawec.ca/ | label = Fanshawe College https://www.fau.de/ | label = University of Erlangen-Nuremberg https://www.faulkner.edu/ | label = Faulkner University https://www.fazekas.hu/ | label = Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium https://www.fcim.edu/ | label = Florida College of Integrative Medicine https://www.fcsl.edu/ | label = Florida Coastal School of Law https://www.fgc.edu/ | label = Florida Gateway College https://www.fgs.org.tw/ | label = Fo Guang Shan https://www.fh-campuswien.ac.at/en | label = University of Applied Sciences Wien https://www.fh-hamm.de/de/hochschule/ | label = SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft https://www.fh-ooe.at/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria https://www.fhdw-hannover.de/en | label = University of Applied Sciences https://www.fhg-tirol.ac.at/page.cfm?vpath=fachhochschule/aktuell | label = University of Applied Sciences Tyrol https://www.fhoev.nrw.de/en.html | label = University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Management https://www.fhpolbb.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Polizei des Landes Brandenburg https://www.fhsv.sachsen.de/ | label = Fachhochschule der Sächsischen Verwaltung Meißen https://www.fhu.edu/ | label = Freed–Hardeman University https://www.fhws.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt https://www.findlay.edu/ https://www.fio.usf.edu/ | label = Florida Institute of Oceanography https://www.fiu.edu/ https://www.flacso.edu.mx/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales https://www.flacso.org.do/ | label = Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales https://www.floridacollegesystem.com/ | label = Florida College System https://www.foothill.edu/ https://www.fordham.edu/ https://www.formulate.app/ | label = Formulate (Sweden) https://www.forskerfabrikken.no/ | label = Forskerfabrikken https://www.fortis.edu/ https://www.franciscan.edu/ | label = Franciscan University of Steubenville https://www.frankfurt-university.de/en/ | label = Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences https://www.fredonia.edu/ https://www.fscj.edu/ https://www.fsw.edu/ | label = Florida SouthWestern State College https://www.fucsalud.edu.co/ | label = Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud https://www.futureacademyegypt.com/ | label = Future Academy https://www.g2w.eu/ | label = G2W https://www.garrett.edu/ | label = Garrett–Evangelical Theological Seminary https://www.gbs.edu/ | label = God's Bible School and College https://www.gcir.org/ | label = Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees https://www.gesundheitshochschule.de/en/ | label = SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit Gera https://www.ggbts.edu/ | label = Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary https://www.giansagar.org/dental/ | label = Gian Sagar Dental College and Hospital https://www.gla.ac.uk/ https://www.glenoaks.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Glen Oaks Community College https://www.gllm.ac.uk/ | label = Grwp Llandrillo Menai https://www.gmbasel.ch/ | label = Gymnasium am Münsterplatz https://www.gmcsurat.edu.in/doku.php | label = Government Medical College https://www.gmercyu.edu/ | label = Gwynedd Mercy University https://www.goasa.org/ | label = Arizona School for the Arts https://www.goddard.edu/ | label = Goddard College https://www.gprc.ab.ca/ | label = Grande Prairie Regional College https://www.graceland.edu/ https://www.graceuniversity.edu/ | label = Grace University https://www.grantham.edu/ | label = Grantham University https://www.greensboro.edu/ | label = Greensboro College https://www.griffith.ie/ | label = Griffith College Cork https://www.groupanalysis.org/ | label = Institute of Group Analysis https://www.groupe-espi.fr/ | label = École Supérieure des Professions Immobilières https://www.gsanetwork.org/ | label = Gay-Straight Alliance Network https://www.gtiit.edu.cn/en/index.aspx | label = Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology https://www.gulfenglishschool.sch.qa/ | label = Gulf English School https://www.guz.ru/en/ | label = State University of Land Use Planning https://www.gymkirchenfeld.ch/ | label = Gymnasien Kirchenfeld https://www.gyzamb.cz/ | label = Gymnázium Žamberk https://www.h-ab.de/eng/home/ | label = Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences https://www.h-brs.de/en | label = Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences https://www.h-da.de/ https://www.hagoromo.ac.jp/ | label = Hagoromo International University https://www.hagueacademy.nl/ | label = Hague Academy of International Law https://www.hamptonu.edu/ https://www.hanken.fi/ | label = Hanken School of Economics https://www.harcum.edu/ https://www.harleyschool.org/ | label = The Harley School https://www.harvard.edu/ https://www.haui.edu.vn/en | label = Hanoi University of Industry https://www.haut.edu.cn/International.htm | label = Henan University of Technology https://www.havering-college.ac.uk/ | label = Havering College of Further and Higher Education https://www.haw-landshut.de/en | label = University of Applied Sciences Landshut https://www.haywoodacademy.coop/ | label = Haywood Academy https://www.hdpk.de/de/startseite/ | label = SRH Hochschule der Populären Künste https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ | label = Higher Education Academy https://www.heaj.be/fr | label = Haute École Albert Jacquard https://www.hefr.ch/FR/Pages/default.aspx | label = HES-SO Fribourg https://www.heh.be/ | label = Haute École en Hainaut https://www.heia-fr.ch/ | label = School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg https://www.heilongjiang-international-university.com/ | label = Heilongjiang International University https://www.helb-prigogine.be/ | label = Haute École Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine https://www.helmo.be/ | label = Haute École Libre Mosane https://www.henhudschools.org/ | label = Hendrick Hudson School District https://www.hepfr.ch/ | label = Haute École Pédagogique Fribourg https://www.herzing.edu/ | label = Herzing University https://www.hesge.ch/geneve/ | label = HES-SO Genève https://www.hevs.ch/en/ | label = HES-SO Valais-Wallis https://www.hfm-weimar.de/de/start.html | label = University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar https://www.hfmdk-frankfurt.info/en/ | label = Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts https://www.hfmt-koeln.de/ | label = Cologne University of Music https://www.hfph.de/ | label = Munich School of Philosophy https://www.hft-leipzig.de/en.html | label = Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig https://www.hfwu.de/en/ | label = Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Science https://www.hgwr.de/ | label = Hochschule für Gesundheitsorientierte Wissenschaften Rhein-Neckar https://www.highbury.ac.uk/ | label = Highbury College https://www.hlg.edu/ | label = Hannibal–LaGrange University https://www.hnlu.ac.in/ | label = Hidayatullah National Law University https://www.hnu.edu/ | label = Holy Names University https://www.hochschule-biberach.de/web/english | label = University of Applied Sciences Biberach https://www.hochschule-heidelberg.de/en/ | label = SRH Hochschule Heidelberg https://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/en | label = Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences https://www.hodges.edu/ | label = Hodges University https://www.hofstra.edu/ https://www.hospitalitaliano.org.ar/#!/edu/home/principal/inicio | label = Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano https://www.houghton.edu/ | label = Houghton College https://www.howcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Heart of Worcestershire College https://www.hs-aalen.de/ | label = Hochschule Aalen https://www.hs-ansbach.de/en/index.html | label = Ansbach University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-hannover.de/ https://www.hs-heilbronn.de/33474/home1_en | label = Heilbronn University https://www.hs-koblenz.de/en/home/ | label = Koblenz University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-lu.de/en.html | label = University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein https://www.hs-mainz.de/startpage/index.html | label = University of Applied Sciences Mainz https://www.hs-merseburg.de/en/university/ | label = Merseburg University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-nb.de/ | label = Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-nordhausen.de/en/ | label = Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-owl.de/en/ | label = Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-pforzheim.de/ | label = Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences https://www.hs-weingarten.de/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten https://www.hs-worms.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Worms https://www.hsu-hh.de/hsu/index.php | label = Helmut Schmidt University https://www.hsutx.edu/ | label = Hardin–Simmons University https://www.htinj.edu/ https://www.hua.gr/ https://www.hussianart.edu/ | label = Hussian College https://www.hvl.no/ | label = Western Norway University of Applied Sciences https://www.hymerscollege.co.uk/ | label = Hymers College https://www.iau.edu.sa/en | label = Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University https://www.ibat.ie/ | label = IBAT College https://www.ibcindianapolis.edu/ | label = International Business College https://www.ibmc.edu/ https://www.idec.or.kr/ | label = IC Design Education Center https://www.ieee.org./index.html | label = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers https://www.ifgoiano.edu.br/home/ | label = Instituto Federal Goiano https://www.igdtuw.ac.in/ | label = Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women https://www.iiad.edu.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Art & Design https://www.iihmr.edu.in/ | label = IIHMR University https://www.iiit.ac.in/ | label = International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad https://www.iiita.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Information Technology https://www.iijnm.org/ | label = Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media https://www.iimcal.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Calcutta https://www.iimk.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode https://www.iiss.org/ | label = International Institute for Strategic Studies https://www.iist.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology https://www.iist.or.jp/en/ | label = Institute for International Studies and Training https://www.iitbhilai.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai https://www.iitgoa.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Goa https://www.iitism.ac.in/ | label = Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad https://www.ikuei-g.ac.jp/ | label = Ikuei Junior College https://www.ils.res.in/ | label = Institute of Life Sciences https://www.ima.or.jp/ | label = Iwate Museum of Art https://www.imed.edu.br/ | label = Faculdade Meridional https://www.imep.be/en/ | label = Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/ | label = IMT Atlantique https://www.independence.edu/ | label = Independence University https://www.indiana.edu/ https://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpgid=ine_main&xpid=INE | label = National Statistical Institute of Portugal https://www.infotepsai.edu.co/ | label = Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnica Profesional https://www.inn.no/ | label = Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences https://www.insticc.org/Portal/ | label = Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication https://www.institutomora.edu.mx/Inicio.html | label = Instituto Mora https://www.institutoptique.fr/index_uk.jsp | label = Institut d’Optique Graduate School https://www.intellitec.edu/ https://www.ipleiria.pt/ https://www.ipvz.cz/ | label = Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education https://www.irisa.fr/en | label = Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires https://www.irma.ac.in/ | label = Institute of Rural Management Anand https://www.isar.org.tr/en | label = Istanbul Foundation for Research and Education https://www.isdakar.org/ | label = International School of Dakar https://www.ishikawa-nct.ac.jp/eng/ | label = Ishikawa National College of Technology https://www.ismans.fr/ | label = Institut Supérieur des Matériaux du Mans https://www.ist.de/ | label = IST-Studieninstitut https://www.ite.edu.br/ | label = Instituição Toledo de Ensino https://www.ite.edu.sg/ | label = Institute of Technical Education https://www.itt-tech.edu/ | label = ITT Technical Institute https://www.itu.edu/ https://www.iu.edu/ https://www.iufw.edu/ | label = Indiana University Fort Wayne https://www.iujaipur.edu.in/ | label = Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Jaipur https://www.iur.nl/ https://www.ivdp.pt/ | label = Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto https://www.iw.edu/ | label = Iowa Wesleyan College https://www.iweps.be/ | label = Institute Walloon Of L'évaluation, De La Prospective Et De La Statistique https://www.iwu.edu/ | label = Illinois Wesleyan University https://www.izum.si/en/ | label = Institute of Information Science https://www.jade-hs.de/en/ | label = Jade University of Applied Sciences https://www.jamd.ac.il/en | label = The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance https://www.jangan.ac.kr/janganENG/index.do | label = Jangan University https://www.jcga.ac.jp/2009/wwwe/ | label = Japan Coast Guard Academy https://www.jcu.edu.sg/ | label = James Cook University Singapore https://www.jku.at/ https://www.jnmc.edu/ | label = Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College https://www.johnpaulii.edu/ | label = Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family https://www.johnsonu.edu/Florida/Home.aspx | label = Johnson University Florida https://www.jwcpe.ac.jp/en/ | label = Japan Women's College of Physical Education https://www.jxut.edu.cn/ | label = Jiangxi University of Technology https://www.ka.edu.pl/ | label = Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University https://www.kamhsw.org/modules/doc/index.php?doc=intro | label = Korea Academy of Mental Health Social Work https://www.kamk.fi/en | label = Kajaani University of Applied Sciences https://www.kangan.edu.au/ | label = Kangan Institute https://www.kantiolten.ch/cms/index.php?id=5 | label = Kantonsschule Olten https://www.kapiolani.hawaii.edu/ | label = Kapiolani Community College https://www.karts.ac.kr/index_karts.jsp | label = Korea National University of Arts https://www.kbocc.edu/ | label = Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College https://www.kccd.edu/ | label = Kern Community College District https://www.kcpublicschools.org/ | label = Kansas City Public Schools https://www.kcs.org.uk/ | label = King's College School https://www.kcu.ac/eng/index.asp | label = Korea Soongsil Cyber ​​University https://www.kcu.edu/ | label = Kentucky Christian University https://www.keller.edu/ https://www.ken.ch/ | label = Kantonsschule Enge https://www.kendall.edu/ | label = Kendall College https://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/ | label = Brussels School of International Studies https://www.kentlaw.iit.edu/ | label = Chicago Kent College of Law https://www.keuka.edu/ | label = Keuka College https://www.kh-mz.de/en/home/ | label = Catholic University of Applied Sciences https://www.kic.ac.jp/en/ | label = Kobe Institute Of Computing https://www.killeenisd.org/frontPageV3/ | label = Killeen Independent School District https://www.kims.re.kr/eng/ | label = Korea Institute of Materials Science https://www.kingscollegecharlotte.edu/ | label = King's College https://www.kingsinns.ie/ | label = King's Inns https://www.kingswoodoxford.org/page | label = Kingswood Oxford https://www.kirkleescollege.ac.uk/ | label = Kirklees College https://www.klamathcc.edu/ https://www.kleayurworld.edu.in/ | label = KLE Ayur World https://www.kletech.ac.in/ | label = KLE Technological University https://www.kln.ac.lk/ https://www.knir.it/ | label = Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome https://www.knoxseminary.edu/ | label = Knox Theological Seminary https://www.kochi-ct.ac.jp/en | label = Kochi National College of Technology https://www.komazawa-u.ac.jp/ https://www.koncon.nl/en/ | label = Royal Conservatory of The Hague https://www.kottakkalayurvedacollege.ac.in/ | label = Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier Ayurveda College https://www.ksbg.ch/sprachen/englisch/ | label = Kantonsschule am Burggraben https://www.kset.or.kr:5003/ | label = Korean Society of Educational Technology https://www.kuyper.edu/ | label = Kuyper College https://www.kw1c.nl/ | label = Koning Willem I College https://www.kzo.ch/index.php?id=1971 | label = Kantonsschule Zürcher Oberland https://www.labyrinthmusic.gr/en/ | label = Labyrinth Musical Workshop https://www.lakeforest.edu/ | label = Lake Forest College https://www.lakeviewcol.edu/ | label = Lakeview College of Nursing https://www.lambton.on.ca/ | label = Lambton College https://www.lambtoncollege.ca/ https://www.landmark.edu/ | label = Landmark College https://www.lanecollege.edu/ | label = Lane College https://www.laroche.edu/ | label = La Roche College https://www.laurea.fi/en | label = Laurea University of Applied Sciences https://www.lcb.ac.uk/ | label = Leeds College of Building https://www.lctcs.edu/ | label = Louisiana Community and Technical College System https://www.lec.edu/ | label = Lake Erie College https://www.lehigh.edu/ https://www.lesoco.ac.uk/ | label = Lewisham Southwark College https://www.leuphana.de/en/home.html | label = Leuphana University https://www.lextheo.edu/ | label = Lexington Theological Seminary https://www.lgt.lt/index.php?lang=en | label = Lithuanian Geological Survey https://www.life.edu/ | label = Life University https://www.lincolnchristian.edu/ | label = Lincoln Christian University https://www.lipscomb.edu/ https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/ https://www.lockhaven.edu/ https://www.london.edu/ | label = London Business School https://www.loucoll.ac.uk/ | label = Loughborough College https://www.lr.edu/ | label = Lenoir–Rhyne University https://www.lrgs.org.uk/ | label = Lancaster Royal Grammar School https://www.lstonline.ac.uk/home-page#sthash.DadcXHXs.dpbs | label = London School of Theology https://www.lta.org.uk/ | label = Lawn Tennis Association https://www.luther.edu/ https://www.lutherrice.edu/ | label = Luther Rice College and Seminary https://www.mac.edu/ | label = Macmurray College https://www.machias.edu/ https://www.manchestercc.edu/ | label = Manchester Community College https://www.manhattaninstitute.edu/ https://www.manipal.edu.np/mcoms.html | label = Manipal College of Medical Sciences https://www.manukau.ac.nz/ | label = Manukau Institute of Technology https://www.maplestreetschool.com/ | label = Maple Street School https://www.marjon.ac.uk/ | label = Plymouth Marjon University https://www.martin.edu/ | label = Martin University https://www.martinus.edu/ | label = St. Martinus University https://www.marwadieducation.edu.in/ | label = Marwadi Education Foundation https://www.marygrove.edu/ | label = Marygrove College https://www.maryvillecollege.edu/ | label = Maryville College https://www.math-berlin.de/ | label = Berlin Mathematical School https://www.maufl.edu/ | label = Millennia Atlantic University https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/ | label = National University of Ireland, Maynooth https://www.mboraad.nl/english | label = Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs https://www.mcast.edu.mt/ | label = Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology https://www.mccs.me.edu/ | label = Maine Community College System https://www.mcgill.ca/ https://www.mcinj.edu/ https://www.mckendree.edu/ | label = McKendree University https://www.mcm.edu/ https://www.mcmasterdivinity.ca/ | label = McMaster Divinity College https://www.mcphs.edu/ | label = Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences https://www.mcphs.edu/academics/school-of-acupuncture | label = New England School of Acupuncture https://www.mcu.ac.kr/ https://www.mcw.edu/ https://www.mediacouncil.or.ke/en/mck/ | label = Media Council of Kenya https://www.mediadesignschool.com/ | label = Media Design School https://www.medicalinstitutepb.edu/ https://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/ https://www.mercantec.dk/welcome-to-mercantec | label = Mercantec https://www.mercycollege.edu/ | label = ​Mercy College of Ohio https://www.merici.ca/divers/english.html | label = Collège Mérici https://www.mev.hr/?lang=en | label = Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec https://www.mgccc.edu/ https://www.mgi.ac.za/ | label = Midrand Graduate Institute https://www.mgirti.ac.mu/ | label = Mahatma Gandhi Institute https://www.mhc.ab.ca/ | label = Medicine Hat College https://www.mica.ac.in/ | label = Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad https://www.mica.edu/ | label = Maryland Institute College of Art https://www.micollege.edu.mv/ | label = MI College https://www.midwestern.edu/ | label = Midwestern University https://www.midwestinstitute.edu/ https://www.midwifery.edu/ | label = Midwives College of Utah https://www.mihe.ac.uk/ | label = Markfield Institute of Higher Education https://www.miit.edu.mm/ | label = Myanmar Institute of Information Technology https://www.milaninstitute.edu/ https://www.miles.edu/ | label = Miles College https://www.milescc.edu/ | label = Miles Community College https://www.millercollege.edu/ | label = Miller College https://www.mills.edu/ | label = Mills College https://www.minatogawa.ac.jp/ | label = Minatogawa College https://www.mines-ales.fr/ https://www.mininuniver.ru/eng/ | label = Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University https://www.minneapolisbusinesscollege.edu/ | label = Minneapolis Business College https://www.minshar.org.il/ | label = Minshar School of Art https://www.missouriwestern.edu/ | label = Missouri Western State University https://www.mit.edu/ https://www.mmibordeaux.com/ https://www.mmri.edu/ https://www.mnprivatecolleges.org/ | label = Minnesota's Private Colleges https://www.mobap.edu/ | label = Missouri Baptist University https://www.modul.ac.at/ | label = MODUL University Vienna https://www.molloy.edu/ https://www.monroecollege.edu/ | label = Monroe College https://www.montgomerycollege.edu/ https://www.moody.edu/ | label = Moody Bible Institute https://www.moore.edu.au/ | label = Moore College https://www.morinomiya-u.ac.jp/ | label = Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences https://www.morningside.edu/ | label = Morningside College https://www.morrisontech.edu/ | label = Morrison Tech https://www.mountainviewcollege.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Mountain View College https://www.mountangelabbey.org/ | label = Mount Angel Abbey https://www.mountunion.edu/ | label = University of Mount Union https://www.mountview.org.uk/ | label = Mountview Theatre School https://www.mruni.eu/ https://www.msm.nl/ | label = Maastricht School of Management https://www.msmu.edu/ | label = Mount St. Mary's College https://www.msu.ac.kr/en | label = Mokpo Science University https://www.msu.tj/ | label = Moscow State University https://www.mtalbertprimary.school.nz/ | label = Mt Albert Primary School https://www.mtholyoke.edu/ https://www.mticollege.edu/ | label = MTI College https://www.mtmary.edu/ | label = Mount Mary University https://www.mtmercy.edu/ | label = Mount Mercy University https://www.mtso.edu/ | label = Methodist Theological School in Ohio https://www.mua.edu/ | label = Medical University of the Americas https://www.munzur.edu.tr/ | label = Munzur University https://www.musikkons.dk/index.php?id=13 | label = Royal Academy of Music https://www.nalsar.ac.in/ | label = Nalsar University of Law https://www.namal.edu.pk/ | label = Namal College https://www.namgyalmonastery.org/ | label = Namgyal Tantric College https://www.nara-k.ac.jp/ | label = National Institute of Technology, Nara College https://www.narabunka.ac.jp/ | label = Narabunka Women's College https://www.naropa.edu/ | label = Naropa University https://www.nashotah.edu/ | label = Nashotah House Theological Seminary https://www.nassauboces.org/ | label = Board of Cooperative Educational Services https://www.naz.edu/ https://www.ncclondon.ac.uk/ | label = New City College https://www.nchlondon.ac.uk/ | label = New College of the Humanities https://www.ncu.edu/ | label = Northcentral University https://www.ndi-nm.org/ | label = National Dance Institute of New Mexico https://www.necb.edu/ | label = New England College of Business https://www.nerist.ac.in/ | label = North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology https://www.newbattleabbeycollege.ac.uk/ | label = Newbattle Abbey College https://www.newbold.ac.uk/ | label = Newbold College of Higher Education https://www.newbury.edu/ | label = Newbury College https://www.nhia.edu/ | label = New Hampshire Institute of Art https://www.nhl.nl/english | label = NHL University of Applied Sciences https://www.nibm.lk/ https://www.nichols.edu/ | label = Nichols College https://www.nies.go.jp/ | label = National Institute for Environmental Studies https://www.niitan.jp/ | label = Niijima Gakuen Junior College https://www.niituniversity.in/ | label = NIIT University https://www.nila.edu/ | label = Northwest Institute of Literary Arts https://www.nima.edu/ https://www.nims.re.kr/eng/ | label = National Institute for Mathematical Sciences https://www.niot.res.in/ | label = National Institute of Ocean Technology https://www.nishitan.ac.jp/ | label = Nishi-Nippon Junior College https://www.nive.hu/ | label = Nemzeti Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Hivatal https://www.nmc.edu/ | label = Northwestern Michigan College https://www.nmdc.edu.mm/en/ | label = National Management Degree College https://www.nmh.gov.tw/en/index.htm | label = National Museum of History https://www.nmit.ac.nz/ | label = Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology https://www.nocccd.edu/ | label = North Orange County Community College District https://www.norquest.ca/ | label = NorQuest College https://www.northcarolina.edu/ | label = University of North Carolina System https://www.northcentral.edu/ | label = North Central University https://www.northcentralcollege.edu/ | label = North Central College https://www.northeastmaritime.com/ | label = Northeast Maritime Institute https://www.northernlakescollege.ca/ | label = Northern Lakes College https://www.northernvermont.edu/ | label = Northern Vermont University https://www.northpark.edu/ | label = North Park University https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/ | label = Northumbria University https://www.northwell.edu/ https://www.northwestu.edu/ | label = Northwest University https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ https://www.novia.fi/novia-uas/ | label = Novia University of Applied Sciences https://www.nptcgroup.ac.uk/en/ | label = Neath Port Talbot College https://www.nscs.edu/ | label = Nebraska State College System https://www.nshe.nevada.edu/ https://www.ntnu.no/ https://www.nulc.ac.uk/ | label = Newcastle-under-Lyme College https://www.nusa.org.uk/ | label = Nottingham University Samworth Academy https://www.nusystem.org/ | label = National University System https://www.nwu.edu.ng/ | label = Maitama Sule University Kano https://www.nyf.hu/nyf-en/ | label = University of Nyíregyháza https://www.nyforetagarcentrum.com/in-english/ | label = NyföretagarCentrum https://www.nyiad.edu/ | label = New York Institute of Art and Design https://www.nyit.edu/ https://www.nyu.edu/ https://www.oaklands.ac.uk/ | label = Oaklands College https://www.ocac.edu/ | label = Oregon College of Art and Craft https://www.odisee.be/en | label = University College Odisee https://www.oftc.edu/ | label = Oconee Fall Line Technical College https://www.ohio.edu/ https://www.okhighered.org/ | label = Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education https://www.olagrimsby.com/ | label = Ola Grimsby Institute https://www.oncode.nl/ | label = Oncode Institute https://www.orau.org/ | label = Oak Ridge Associated Universities https://www.osaka-aoyama.ac.jp/ | label = Osaka Aoyama University https://www.osan.ac.kr/?menuno=127 | label = Osan University https://www.ossettacademy.co.uk/ | label = Ossett Academy https://www.osteopathie-canada.ca/ | label = Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/en/index.html | label = Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences https://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/ | label = Oklahoma State University at Tulsa https://www.osuit.edu/ | label = Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology https://www.oswego.edu/ https://www.oth-regensburg.de/en.html | label = Regensburg University of Applied Sciences https://www.oulu.fi/ https://www.owens.edu/ https://www.owjc.jp/ | label = Osaka Women's Junior College https://www.paideia.org/ | label = National Paideia Center https://www.pakistanarmy.gov.pk/AWPReview/TextContent.aspx?pId=276 | label = Army Medical College https://www.park.edu/ https://www.parmenides-foundation.org/ | label = Parmenides Foundation https://www.pbk.org/web | label = Phi Beta Kappa Society https://www.pcc.edu/ https://www.pcitraining.edu/ https://www.pcom.edu/ https://www.pdx.edu/ | label = Portland State University https://www.peirce.edu/ | label = Peirce College https://www.pencol.edu/ | label = Peninsula College https://www.performanceinstitute.org/ | label = The Performance Institute https://www.pfh-university.com/ | label = PFH Private University of Applied Sciences https://www.pfw.edu/ | label = Purdue University Fort Wayne https://www.pgu.edu/index.php | label = Phillips Graduate Institute https://www.ph-noe.ac.at/ | label = Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich https://www.phc.edu/ | label = Patrick Henry College https://www.philander.edu/ | label = Philander Smith College https://www.phoenix.edu/ https://www.physioschule.ch/ | label = THIM van der Laan University College Physiotherapy https://www.piedmont.edu/ | label = Piedmont College https://www.pitt.edu/ https://www.pmi.edu/ https://www.pnw.edu/ https://www.polizei.sachsen.de/eng/index.htm | label = Saxon Police Force https://www.polk.edu/ | label = Polk State College https://www.polytechnique.edu/ https://www.pomfret.org/ | label = Pomfret School https://www.portsmouth-college.ac.uk/ | label = Portsmouth College https://www.ppo-opleidingen.nl/ | label = Postmaster Psychologie Opleidingen https://www.pqc.edu/ | label = Paul Quinn College https://www.presidio.edu/ | label = Pinchot University https://www.princeton.edu/ https://www.provadis-hochschule.de/top-menu/englisch/ | label = Provadis School of International Management and Technology https://www.psau.edu.sa/en/ | label = Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University https://www.psl.eu/en/university | label = PSL Research University https://www.psu.edu/ https://www.pthu.nl/en/ | label = Protestant Theological University https://www.puc-campinas.edu.br/ | label = Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas https://www.pum.edu.pl/english/ | label = Pomeranian Medical University https://www.purdue.edu/ https://www.pwsz.edu.pl/ | label = Jan Amos Komeński State School of Higher Vocational Education https://www.pwsz.wloclawek.pl/ | label = Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa we Włocławku https://www.qiau.ac.ir/en/ | label = Qazvin Islamic Azad University https://www.queenelizabeths-ac.org.uk/ | label = Queen Elizabeth’s Academy https://www.ranzcog.edu.au/ | label = Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists https://www.ranzcp.org/ | label = Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists https://www.rcgc.edu/Pages/Home.aspx | label = Rowan College at Gloucester County https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/ | label = Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists https://www.rcophth.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Ophthalmologists https://www.rcpath.org/ | label = Royal College of Pathologists https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Physicians https://www.rcpsg.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow https://www.rcr.ac.uk/ | label = Royal College of Radiologists https://www.rcs.ac.uk/ | label = The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama https://www.rcslt.org/ | label = Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists https://www.rcvs.org.uk/home/ | label = Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons https://www.regionh.dk/CAMES-english | label = Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation https://www.reidman.co.il/ | label = Reidman College https://www.rgc.aberdeen.sch.uk/ | label = Robert Gordon's College https://www.rgnul.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law https://www.rgpv.ac.in/ | label = Rajiv Gandhi Technical University https://www.richland2.org/Pages/default.aspx | label = Richland School District Two https://www.ridley.edu.au/ | label = Ridley College https://www.ringling.edu/ | label = Ringling College of Art and Design https://www.rmit.eu/ | label = RMIT Europe https://www.roberts.edu/ | label = Roberts Wesleyan College https://www.rochester.edu/ https://www.rockymountaincollege.ca/ | label = Rocky Mountain College https://www.roosevelt.edu/ https://www.rose-hulman.edu/ https://www.rosedale.edu/ | label = Rosedale Bible College https://www.ross.org/ | label = Ross School https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/home.aspx | label = Royal Holloway University of London https://www.royalsoced.org.uk/ | label = Royal Society of Edinburgh https://www.rpi.edu/ https://www.rsccd.edu/Pages/default.aspx | label = Rancho Santiago Community College District https://www.rsm.nl/ https://www.ru.nl/ https://www.runshaw.ac.uk/ | label = Runshaw College https://www.ruskin.ac.uk/ | label = Ruskin College https://www.rutc.ac.uk/ | label = Richmond upon Thames College https://www.rybners.dk/ | label = Rybners https://www.rzgmu.ru/en/ | label = Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov https://www.sa.edu/ | label = St. Andrews University https://www.saint-luc.be/ | label = École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc de Liège https://www.saintboniface.ca/ | label = St. Boniface General Hospital https://www.sakuranoseibo.jp/ | label = Sakura no Seibo Junior College https://www.salemstate.edu/ | label = Salem State University https://www.salk.edu/ https://www.sandwell.ac.uk/ | label = Sandwell College https://www.sangha.ac.kr:8000/2006/eng.html | label = Joong-Ang Sangha University https://www.santamarcelina.org.br/educacao/unidade_colegio.asp?id=37 | label = Santa Marcelina Colégio https://www.sapsp.edu.pl/ | label = Szkoła Aspirantów Państwowej Straży Pożarnej https://www.sarahlawrence.edu/ | label = Sarah Lawrence College https://www.sats.edu.za/ | label = South African Theological Seminary https://www.savannahlawschool.org/ | label = Savannah Law School https://www.saybrook.edu/ | label = Saybrook University https://www.schauspielschule.at/ | label = Open Acting Academy https://www.schiller.edu/ | label = Schiller International University https://www.schumachercollege.org.uk/ | label = Schumacher College https://www.science.org.au/ | label = Australian Academy of Science https://www.sciencespo-lyon.fr/accueil | label = Sciences Po Lyon https://www.scripps.edu/ https://www.seamester.com/ | label = Seamester https://www.seattlecolleges.edu/ https://www.secta.us/ | label = Southeast Career Technical Academy https://www.sedck12.org/ | label = Southwest Educational Development Center https://www.seminolestate.edu/ | label = Seminole State College of Florida https://www.senzoku.ac.jp/ https://www.sewc.ac.kr/mbshome/mbs/sewc/jsp/intro/intro.html | label = Soongeui Women's College https://www.sfc.edu/ | label = St. Francis College https://www.sfi.edu/#undefined | label = Seattle Film Institute https://www.sfsu.edu/ https://www.sgu.ru/ https://www.shastacoe.org/ | label = Shasta County Office of Education https://www.sherman.edu/ | label = Sherman College of Chiropractic https://www.shms.edu/ | label = Sacred Heart Major Seminary https://www.showagakuin.ac.jp/en/ | label = Showagakuin Junior College https://www.shsu.edu/ https://www.siena.edu/ | label = Siena College https://www.sienaschool.com/ | label = Siena School for Liberal Arts https://www.simula.no/simula-school-research-and-education | label = Simula School https://www.singaporetech.edu.sg/ | label = Singapore Institute of Technology https://www.sisli.edu.tr/ | label = İstanbul Sisli Meslek Yüksekokulu https://www.sit.ac.nz/ | label = Southern Institute of Technology https://www.siue.edu/ https://www.slocumcenter.com/ | label = Slocum Center for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine https://www.smbbmu.edu.pk/ | label = Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University https://www.smbc.com.au/ | label = Sydney Missionary and Bible College https://www.smtexas.org/ | label = St. Mark's School of Texas https://www.snow.edu/ | label = Snow College https://www.socalsem.edu/ | label = Southern California Seminary https://www.socccd.edu/ | label = South Orange County Community College District https://www.somaiya.edu/kjsmc | label = K J Somaiya Medical College https://www.southampton-city.ac.uk/ | label = Southampton City College https://www.southbaylo.edu/ca/home/index.htm | label = South Baylo University https://www.southingtonschools.org/ | label = Southington Public School https://www.southuniversity.edu/ | label = South University https://www.southuniversity.edu/savannah | label = South University Savannah https://www.southwestcenter.org/ | label = Southwest Center for Educational Excellence https://www.sparsholt.ac.uk/ | label = Sparsholt College https://www.spiritus.ch/ | label = Kollegium Spiritus Sanctus Brig https://www.sportacadem.ru/ | label = Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism https://www.srgcds.ac.in/ | label = Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences and Hospital https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/portal | label = Departementssekretariat Schul- und Sportdepartement https://www.stanbridge.edu/ | label = Stanbridge College https://www.stanford.edu/ https://www.statetechmo.edu/ | label = State Technical College of Missouri https://www.steinbeis.de/ https://www.sterling.edu/ | label = Sterling College https://www.stgeorges-windsor.org/ | label = College of St George https://www.stiead.ac.id/ | label = Ahmad Dahlan School of Economics https://www.stjohns.edu/ https://www.stmarys-belfast.ac.uk/ | label = St Mary's University College https://www.stmarytx.edu/ | label = St. Mary's University, Texas https://www.stonybrook.edu/ https://www.summitpacific.ca/ | label = Summit Pacific College https://www.suncheon.ac.kr/ | label = Suncheon Jeil College https://www.sunitafe.edu.au/ | label = Sunraysia Institute of TAFE https://www.suny.edu/ | label = State University of New York https://www.sunypoly.edu/ https://www.sunysuffolk.edu/ https://www.suomenpankki.fi/en/ | label = Bank of Finland https://www.supagro.fr/ | label = Montpellier SupAgro https://www.supmaritime.fr/en/ | label = National Maritime College of France https://www.surgeons.org/ | label = Royal Australasian College of Surgeons https://www.sussexrecoverycollege.org.uk/ | label = Sussex Recovery College https://www.svgcc.vc/ | label = St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College https://www.svial.ch/ | label = Geschäftsstelle SVIAL https://www.swc.edu/ | label = Southwestern College https://www.swindon.ac.uk/ | label = Swindon College https://www.synergy.ru/ https://www.synergydubai.ae/ https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/ | label = University of Washington Tacoma https://www.tacomahousing.net/ | label = Tacoma Housing Authority https://www.tamuct.edu/ | label = Texas A&M University – Central Texas https://www.tcc.fl.edu/ https://www.tcd.ie/ https://www.tcu.ac.jp/english/ | label = Tokyo City University https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Ternopil State Medical University https://www.technopolis.be/ | label = Technopolis https://www.temple.edu/ https://www.tgm.ac.at/ | label = Tgm https://www.th-bingen.de/home/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Bingen https://www.th-rosenheim.de/en/ | label = University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim https://www.the-klu.org/ | label = Kühne Logistics University https://www.theasbestosinstitute.com/ | label = Asbestos Institute https://www.thechicagoschool.edu/ | label = Chicago School of Professional Psychology https://www.theparalegalinstitute.edu/ https://www.thf-paderborn.de/ | label = Theologische Fakultät Paderborn https://www.thiel.edu/ | label = Thiel College https://www.tias.edu/ | label = TIAS School for Business and Society https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/ | label = Tilburg University https://www.tiu.edu/ | label = Trinity International University https://www.tkc.edu/ | label = The King's College https://www.tmc.edu/ https://www.torrens.edu.au/ https://www.tougaloo.edu/ | label = Tougaloo College https://www.trenholmstate.edu/ https://www.trevecca.edu/ | label = Trevecca Nazarene University https://www.tri-college.org/ | label = Tri College University https://www.trident.edu/ https://www.tse-fr.eu/ | label = Toulouse School of Economics https://www.tsu.ge/en/ | label = Tbilisi State University https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/index.html | label = Braunschweig University of Technology https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/ https://www.tu-dortmund.de/uni/International/index.html | label = TU Dortmund University https://www.tudublin.ie/ | label = Technological University Dublin https://www.tuni.fi/en | label = Tampere University https://www.tus.ac.jp/en/ | label = Tokyo University of Science https://www.tyuiu.ru/?lang=en | label = Tyumen Industrial University https://www.u-tad.com/en/ | label = Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital https://www.u1118.inserm.fr/en/ | label = Mécanismes Centraux et Périphériques de la Neurodégénérescence https://www.uabjb.edu.bo/ https://www.uacm.edu.mx/ https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/ | label = University of Antwerp https://www.uapb.edu/ | label = University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff https://www.uasys.edu/ https://www.uat.edu/ https://www.ubt-uni.net/sq/ballina/ | label = University for Business and Technology https://www.ucalgary.ca/ https://www.ucc.ie/ https://www.ucem.ac.uk/ | label = University College of Estate Management https://www.ucema.edu.ar/ | label = Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ https://www.ucn.ca/defaulted.aspx | label = University College of the North https://www.ucn.edu.co/ https://www.ucollege.edu/ | label = Union College https://www.ucsyd.dk/ | label = University College South Denmark https://www.udc.gal/ | label = University of A Coruña https://www.udel.edu/ https://www.udk-berlin.de/en/home/ | label = Berlin University of the Arts https://www.ufjf.br/ https://www.ufpe.br/ https://www.ufra.edu.br/ https://www.ug.edu.ge/ | label = University of Georgia https://www.ugent.be/en | label = Ghent University https://www.uhk.cz/en-GB/UHK | label = University of Hradec Králové https://www.ui1.es/ https://www.uibk.ac.at/ https://www.uillinois.edu/ | label = University of Illinois System https://www.uillinois.edu/campuses/peoria | label = University of Illinois at Peoria https://www.uillinois.edu/campuses/rockford | label = University of Illinois at Rockford https://www.uisek.edu.ec/es | label = Universidad Internacional SEK https://www.uleth.ca/ https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_8699436/fr/portail-uliege | label = University of Liège https://www.ultimatemedical.edu/ https://www.um.edu.mt/ https://www.um6p.ma/ | label = Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique https://www.uma.edu/ https://www.umary.edu/ | label = University of Mary https://www.umb.edu/ https://www.umdearborn.edu/ https://www.umed.pl/ https://www.umed.wroc.pl/ https://www.umfk.edu/ https://www.umhb.edu/ | label = University of Mary Hardin–Baylor https://www.umich.edu/ https://www.umo.edu/ | label = University of Mount Olive https://www.umpi.edu/ https://www.umprum.cz/web/en/ | label = Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague https://www.umsl.edu/ https://www.umw.edu/ https://www.una.edu/ | label = University of North Alabama https://www.unadmexico.mx/ | label = Universidad Abierta y a Distancia https://www.unaj.edu.ar/home-english/ | label = National University Arturo Jauretche https://www.unamur.be/en | label = University of Namur https://www.unca.edu/ https://www.uncw.edu/ https://www.und.edu/ https://www.uni-bamberg.de/ https://www.uni-due.de/en/ | label = University of Duisburg-Essen https://www.uni-graz.at/en/ | label = University of Graz https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/ https://www.uni-neumann.hu/en_GB/home | label = John von Neumann University https://www.uni-seeburg.at/ | label = Seeburg Castle University https://www.unifesspa.edu.br/ | label = Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará https://www.unilasalle.fr/ | label = UNiLaSalle https://www.unin.hr/en/ | label = University North https://www.uninovafapi.edu.br/ | label = Centro Universitário UNINOVAFAPI https://www.unisalento.it/web/guest/home_page | label = University of Salento https://www.univ-lille.fr/home/ | label = University of Lille https://www.univ-smb.fr/ | label = University of Savoy https://www.unochapeco.edu.br/# | label = Universidade Comunitária Regional de Chapecó https://www.unols.org/ | label = University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System https://www.uns.edu.pe/ https://www.unsut.ac.id/ | label = Universitas Sutomo https://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/unsw-adfa | label = Australian Defence Force Academy https://www.untsystem.edu/ | label = University of North Texas System https://www.unwsp.edu/ | label = University of Northwestern https://www.uoguelph.ca/ https://www.uoh.cl/ | label = University of O'Higgins https://www.uohb.edu.sa/portal/en/ | label = University of Hafr Al-Batin https://www.uoj.ac.ae/en/ | label = University of Jazeera https://www.up.ac.mz/ https://www.upf.edu/ https://www.upmc.com/ https://www.urbana.edu/ | label = Urbana University https://www.us.edu/page | label = University School https://www.usa.edu/ | label = University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences https://www.usainteanne.ca/ | label = Université Sainte-Anne https://www.usao.edu/ | label = University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma https://www.uscareerinstitute.edu/ https://www.usd475.org/ | label = Geary County Schools USD 475 https://www.usefpakistan.org/ | label = United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan https://www.usm.maine.edu/ https://www.usn.no/?lang=en_GB | label = University College of Southeast Norway https://www.usn.org/page | label = University School of Nashville https://www.usnwc.edu/ | label = Naval War College https://www.ust.ac.uk/ | label = Union School of Theology https://www.usu.edu/ https://www.usuniversity.edu/ | label = United States University https://www.usw.edu/ | label = University of the Southwest https://www.utdallas.edu/ https://www.uth.edu/ https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/ https://www.utoronto.ca/ https://www.uva.nl/ https://www.uvawise.edu/ | label = University of Virginia's College at Wise https://www.uvm.edu/ https://www.uvn.cz/index.php?lang=en | label = Military University Hospital Prague https://www.uwb.edu/ | label = University of Washington Bothell https://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/ | label = United World College of South East Asia https://www.uwo.ca/ https://www.uwsp.edu/ https://www.va.lv/ https://www.valleyforge.edu/ | label = University of Valley Forge https://www.vanderbilt.edu/ https://www.vaughn.edu/ | label = Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology https://www.vc.edu/ | label = Virginia College https://www.verloskunde-academie.nl/ | label = Academie Verloskunde Amsterdam Groningen https://www.vinu.edu/home | label = Vincennes University https://www.viu.ca/ | label = Vancouver Island University https://www.vives.be/ | label = Katholieke Hogeschool Vives https://www.vlsci.org.au/ | label = Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative https://www.vnmu.edu.ua/en | label = Vinnitsa National Medical University named after M.I.Pirogov https://www.voorhees.edu/ | label = Voorhees College https://www.vsite.hr/?q=en | label = Visoka Škola za Informacijske Tehnologije Zagreb https://www.vsmu.by/en/ | label = Vitebsk State Medical University https://www.vts.edu/ | label = Virginia Theological Seminary https://www.walsallacademy.com/ | label = Walsall Academy https://www.walsallcollege.ac.uk/ | label = Walsall College https://www.warwickshire.ac.uk/ | label = Warwickshire College https://www.washington.edu/ https://www.wau.edu/ | label = Washington Adventist University https://www.wdt.edu/ https://www.weltec.ac.nz/ | label = Wellington Institute of Technology https://www.wesleyseminary.edu/ | label = Wesley Theological Seminary https://www.westcoastuniversity.edu/ https://www.westdean.org.uk/ | label = West Dean College of Arts and Conservation https://www.westerdals.no/en/ | label = Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology https://www.westernseminary.edu/ | label = Western Seminary https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ | label = Western Sydney University https://www.westernwyoming.edu/ | label = Western Wyoming Community College https://www.westfordk12.us/wa | label = Westford Academy https://www.westherts.ac.uk/ | label = West Herts College https://www.westminster.net/ | label = Westminster Schools https://www.westminstercollege.edu/ | label = Westminster College https://www.wflboces.org/ | label = Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES https://www.whitecliffe.ac.nz/ | label = Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design https://www.whitman.edu/ https://www.whu.edu/ | label = WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management https://www.williamson.edu/ | label = Williamson College of the Trades https://www.williamwoods.edu/ | label = William Woods University https://www.wilmu.edu/ https://www.winona.edu/ | label = Winona State University https://www.wisconsin.edu/ | label = University of Wisconsin System https://www.wits.ac.za/ https://www.wmich.edu/ https://www.wmu.edu/en/ | label = World Mission University https://www.wne.edu/ | label = Western New England University https://www.womenscollege.du.edu/ | label = Colorado Women's College https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/ | label = Woodbrooke https://www.wright.edu/ https://www.wsb.pl/ | label = Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu https://www.wsc.edu/site/ | label = Wayne State College https://www.wscal.edu/ | label = Westminster Seminary California https://www.wspia.pl/home-en-gb | label = Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiki i Administracji im. Mieszka I w Poznaniu https://www.wustl.edu/ https://www.wvsu.edu.ph/ https://www.wvu.edu/ https://www.wvwc.edu/ https://www.wwcc.edu/ https://www.xavier.edu/ https://www.xjqg.edu.cn/xjqg/xjqg1/index.php | label = Xinjiang Industry Technical College https://www.y-nm.ac.jp/ | label = Yokkaichi Nursing and Medical Care University https://www.yale.edu/ https://www.yazd.ac.ir/en/ | label = Yazd University https://www.yccd.edu/ https://www.yhc.edu/ https://www.yjc.ac.kr/ | label = Yeungjin College https://www.yongmoon.ac.kr/ | label = Yongmoon Graduate School of Counseling Psychology https://www.york.cuny.edu/ | label = York College, City University of New York https://www.york.edu/ | label = York College https://www.yorkcollege.ac.uk/ | label = York College https://www.yosemite.edu/ https://www.youngsan.ac.kr:446/main.asp | label = Youngsan University of Son Studies https://www.ysps-ac.org/ | label = Yangon School of Political Science https://www.yu.edu.sa/ https://www.zamanu.edu.kh/ | label = Zaman University https://www.zaytuna.edu/ | label = Zaytuna College https://www.zeppelin-university.com/ | label = Zeppelin University https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-fur-bildung-und-kultur/ksz/ksz-english0 | label = Kantonsschule Zug https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-fur-bildung-und-kultur/phzg/university-of-teacher-education-zug | label = University of Teacher Education Zug https://www.zu.edu.pk/ https://www1.bournemouth.ac.uk/ | label = Bournemouth University https://www1.mar.mil.br/en/ | label = Brazilian Naval School https://www2.faccat.br/portal/ | label = Faculdades Integradas de Taquara https://www2.maricopa.edu/ | label = Maricopa County Community College District https://www2.naz.edu/ | label = Nazareth College https://www6.bordeaux-aquitaine.inra.fr/st_pee_eng/UR-NuMeA | label = Nutrition Metabolism Aquaculture https://wwww.wne.edu/ https://xn--h1alg0d.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/ | label = V.V. Lukianov Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs https://yc.yccd.edu/ https://yeni.firat.edu.tr/ | label = Fırat University https://yosan.edu/ | label = Yo San University https://ysmu.ru/index.php/ru/welcome/about-academy | label = Yaroslavl State Medical Academy https://zkgmu.kz/en | label = West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University https://zkm.de/en | label = Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe https://ztu.edu.ua/en/ | label = Zhytomyr State Technological University https://medycart.com/ | label = Medy State Technological University https://www.truemedsstore.com/ | label = Meds State Technological University