ArchiveTeam Warrior

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The ArchiveTeam Warrior is a virtual archiving appliance. You can run it to help with the ArchiveTeam archiving efforts.

Download the appliance and run it with your favorite virtualization tool (VirtualBox, VMware etc.).

Instructions for VirtualBox:

  1. Install and run VirtualBox.
  2. Download the archiveteam-warrior-v1.ova file.
  3. In VirtualBox, click File > Import Appliance and open the file.
  4. Import the appliance and start it.

Start the appliance. It will first get the latest ArchiveTeam code. When it finishes you'll see a menu with one or more projects: choose the project where you'd like to help. Follow the instructions on screen to start archiving.

Testing pre-production code

(Don't do this unless you really need or want to.) If you are developing a warrior script, you can test it by switching your warrior from the production branch to the master branch.

  1. Start the warrior.
  2. Press Alt+F2 and log in with username root and password archiveteam.
  3. cd /home/warrior/warrior-code
  4. sudo -u warrior git checkout master
  5. reboot

By the same route you can return your warrior to the production branch.