VZ Networks

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VZ Networks is a family of German social network websites by poolworks (de). The different networks were targeted at different audiences: schülerVZ (de) for pupils, studiVZ (de) for students and meinVZ (de) for general/mature audience. They were seen as a real competitor to Facebook and reached it's peak around 2008-2010. The company registered for bankruptcy in 2017[1], but as of now studiVZ and meinVZ are still online, yet the future or status is uncertain.


VZ Networks logo
the directory for students
the directory for students
URL http://www.studivz.net/
Status Endangered
Archiving status Not saved yet
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

Is the first social network in the family, launched November 2005. It was available in other countries under different names: "France (studiQG), Italy (studiLN), Spain (estudiLN) and Poland (studentIX)" but those were shutdown in 2008/2009. 6.2 Million registered users as of November 2009.


VZ Networks logo
the directory for pupils
the directory for pupils
URL http://www.schuelervz.net/
Status Offline
Archiving status Lost
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

Similar to studiVZ. It was the go-to social network for children at the time: over 5 million accounts (70% of all pupils).[2] It was under criticism over privacy for a long time and was finally shut down on 30th of April 2013.

Liebe Schüler und Schülerinnen,

Wir machen's kurz: Es ist vorbei. schülerVZ wurde am 30. April 2013 geschlossen. Für immer. Deine Mitgliedschaft endete dementsprechend zum 30. April 2013.

Wichtig ist: Mit der Schließung wurden alle deine Inhalte und Daten vollständig und unwiederbringlich gelöscht. Dies gilt für Bilder, Nachrichten, Links, Pinnwandeinträge und alle anderen Daten, die du bei uns gespeichert hast. Uns bleibt nichts Weiteres mehr, als euch zu danken, für sechs Jahre voller pinker Luftballons, Sofas, Krawall-Affen, Plaudereien, witzigen Gruppen, Aktionen und Konfetti. Es war die schönste Zeit für uns und wir hoffen, dass es das auch für euch war. Wir haben uns gefreut, euch eine Weile zu begleiten. Und statt dem üblichen " Lebewohl", sagen wir: Man sieht sich.

Euer schülerVZ-Team

studiVZ und meinVZ sind natürlich weiterhin für euch verfügbar und werden von der poolworks (Germany) Ltd. betrieben.

Allegedly there was a private crawl by an IT student in 2010 that reached 1.6 millions profiles.[3]


VZ Networks logo
my directory
my directory
URL http://www.meinvz.net/
Status Endangered
Archiving status Not saved yet
Archiving type Unknown
IRC channel #archiveteam-bs (on hackint)

meinVZ was founded in 2013 as the last of three networks for non-students. The Spanish, Italian, French and Polish branches were shut down in 2009[4] Later that year it was reported to have reached 3.17 million registered users, most of them migrated from studiVZ.[5]


The death notice on schülerVZ website links to bilderVZ/"Fotobuch" (Photo book). It appears to be a project within the main meinVZ as of now (at best), the website is unreachable.
